private static void GSMTestMethod() { GSM phone1 = new GSM( "iPhone 4", "Apple", 1000, "Pesho", new Battery("zzzz", 10, 2, BatteriesEnum.LiIon), new Display(12, 222), new List <Call>()); GSM phone2 = new GSM( "iPhone 3", "Apple", 500, "Gosho", new Battery("yyyy", 12, 1, BatteriesEnum.NiCd), new Display(14, 224), new List <Call>()); GSM[] allPhones = { phone1, phone2 }; foreach (var gsm in allPhones) { Console.WriteLine(gsm); } Console.WriteLine(GSM.IPhone4S); }
private static void GSMTestMethod() { GSM phone1 = new GSM( "iPhone 4", "Apple", 1000, "Pesho", new Battery("zzzz", 10, 2, BatteriesEnum.LiIon), new Display(12, 222), new List<Call>()); GSM phone2 = new GSM( "iPhone 3", "Apple", 500, "Gosho", new Battery("yyyy", 12, 1, BatteriesEnum.NiCd), new Display(14, 224), new List<Call>()); GSM[] allPhones = { phone1, phone2 }; foreach (var gsm in allPhones) { Console.WriteLine(gsm); } Console.WriteLine(GSM.IPhone4S); }
public static void GSMCallHistoryTestMethod() { List <Call> newRange = new List <Call>(); // P12 GSM phone3 = new GSM( "iPhone 4", "Apple", 1200, "Doncho", new Battery("xxxx", 12, 3, BatteriesEnum.LiIon), new Display(12, 222), new List <Call>()); var date1 = new DateTime(2014, 03, 10, 04, 55, 0); var date2 = new DateTime(2014, 03, 10, 13, 55, 0); var date3 = new DateTime(2014, 03, 10, 18, 55, 0); Call newcall1 = new Call(date1, "1234567890", 100); Call newcall2 = new Call(date2, "1234567890", 100); Call newcall3 = new Call(date3, "1234567890", 100); phone3.CallHistory.Add(newcall1); phone3.CallHistory.Add(newcall2); phone3.CallHistory.Add(newcall3); // P12 phone3.AddCall(); phone3.RemoveCall(phone3.CallHistory); phone3.PrintHistory(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the price per minute:"); double multi = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); double totalSum = phone3.Calculate(multi); Console.WriteLine("Total sum for conversations:"); Console.WriteLine(totalSum); int indexForRemoving = 0; double longestConversation = double.MinValue; for (int i = 0; i < phone3.CallHistory.Count; i++) { if (phone3.CallHistory[i].Duration > longestConversation) { indexForRemoving = i; } } Console.WriteLine("Enter record {0} for removing (longest call in the list)", indexForRemoving); phone3.RemoveCall(phone3.CallHistory); double totalSumRecalc = phone3.Calculate(multi); Console.WriteLine("Total sum for conversations after removing the longest call:"); Console.WriteLine(totalSumRecalc); phone3.PrintHistory(); phone3.ClearAll(); }
public static void GSMCallHistoryTestMethod() { List<Call> newRange = new List<Call>(); // P12 GSM phone3 = new GSM( "iPhone 4", "Apple", 1200, "Doncho", new Battery("xxxx", 12, 3, BatteriesEnum.LiIon), new Display(12, 222), new List<Call>()); var date1 = new DateTime(2014, 03, 10, 04, 55, 0); var date2 = new DateTime(2014, 03, 10, 13, 55, 0); var date3 = new DateTime(2014, 03, 10, 18, 55, 0); Call newcall1 = new Call(date1, "1234567890", 100); Call newcall2 = new Call(date2, "1234567890", 100); Call newcall3 = new Call(date3, "1234567890", 100); phone3.CallHistory.Add(newcall1); phone3.CallHistory.Add(newcall2); phone3.CallHistory.Add(newcall3); // P12 phone3.AddCall(); phone3.RemoveCall(phone3.CallHistory); phone3.PrintHistory(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the price per minute:"); double multi = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); double totalSum = phone3.Calculate(multi); Console.WriteLine("Total sum for conversations:"); Console.WriteLine(totalSum); int indexForRemoving = 0; double longestConversation = double.MinValue; for (int i = 0; i < phone3.CallHistory.Count; i++) { if (phone3.CallHistory[i].Duration > longestConversation) { indexForRemoving = i; } } Console.WriteLine("Enter record {0} for removing (longest call in the list)", indexForRemoving); phone3.RemoveCall(phone3.CallHistory); double totalSumRecalc = phone3.Calculate(multi); Console.WriteLine("Total sum for conversations after removing the longest call:"); Console.WriteLine(totalSumRecalc); phone3.PrintHistory(); phone3.ClearAll(); }