//constructs the JoinMessage for the client by reading its device settings
        private JoinMessage GetJoinMessage()
            JoinMessage message = new JoinMessage();

            message.prefabId   = short.Parse(Encryptor.Decrypt(PlayerPrefs.GetString(PrefsKeys.activeTank)));
            message.playerName = PlayerPrefs.GetString(PrefsKeys.playerName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Override for the callback received on the server when a client requests creating its player prefab.
        /// Nearly the same as in the UNET source OnServerAddPlayerInternal method, but reading out the message passed in,
        /// effectively handling user player prefab selection, assignment to a team and spawning it at the team area.
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnServerAddPlayer(NetworkConnection conn, short playerControllerId, NetworkReader extraMessageReader)
            //read the user message
            JoinMessage message = null;

            if (extraMessageReader != null)
                message = extraMessageReader.ReadMessage <JoinMessage>();
                //Debug.Log("The extra string value is: " + message.prefabId + " " + message.playerName);

            //read prefab index to spawn out of the JoinMessage the client sent along with its request
            //then try to get prefab of the registered spawnable prefabs in the NetworkManager inspector (Spawn Info section)
            GameObject playerObj = null;

            if (spawnPrefabs.Count > message.prefabId)
                playerObj = spawnPrefabs[message.prefabId];

            //debug some errors with incorrect configuration
            if (playerObj == null)
                if (LogFilter.logError)
                    Debug.LogError("The Player is empty on the NetworkManager. Please check Registered Prefabs + StringMessage object.");

            if (playerObj.GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>() == null)
                if (LogFilter.logError)
                    Debug.LogError("The Player does not have a NetworkIdentity. Please add a NetworkIdentity to the player prefab.");

            if (playerControllerId < conn.playerControllers.Count && conn.playerControllers[playerControllerId].IsValid && conn.playerControllers[playerControllerId].gameObject != null)
                if (LogFilter.logError)
                    Debug.LogError("There is already a player at that playerControllerId for this connection.");

            //get the team value for this player
            int teamIndex = GameManager.GetInstance().GetTeamFill();
            //get spawn position for this team and instantiate the player there
            Vector3 startPos = GameManager.GetInstance().GetSpawnPosition(teamIndex);

            playerObj = (GameObject)Instantiate(playerObj, startPos, Quaternion.identity);

            //assign name (also in JoinMessage) and team to Player component
            BasePlayer p = playerObj.GetComponent <BasePlayer>();

            p.myName    = message.playerName;
            p.teamIndex = teamIndex;

            //update the game UI to correctly display the increased team size
            GameManager.GetInstance().names[p.teamIndex] = message.playerName;
            //GameManager.GetInstance().ui.OnTeamSizeChanged(SyncListInt.Operation.OP_DIRTY, p.teamIndex);
            GameManager.GetInstance().ui.OnTeamNameChanged(SyncListString.Operation.OP_DIRTY, p.teamIndex);
            //finally map the player gameobject to the connection requesting it
            NetworkServer.AddPlayerForConnection(conn, playerObj, playerControllerId);

            //TODO:temporary add default control