public void CompileHoganTemplate()
            const string template = @"<div class=""entry"">

  <h2>By {{firstName}} {{lastName}}</h2>
            var embeddedResourceLoader = new EmbeddedResourceLoader();
            var hoganCompiler = new HoganCompiler(embeddedResourceLoader);

            const string expectedCompiledTemplate = @"{code: function (c,p,i) { var t=this;t.b(i=i||"""");t.b(""<div class=\""entry\"">"");t.b(""\n"" + i);t.b(""  <h1>"");t.b(t.v(t.f(""title"",c,p,0)));t.b(""</h1>"");t.b(""\n"");t.b(""\n"" + i);if(t.s(t.f(""author"",c,p,1),c,p,0,55,99,""{{ }}"")){,p,function(c,p,t){t.b(""  <h2>By "");t.b(t.v(t.f(""firstName"",c,p,0)));t.b("" "");t.b(t.v(t.f(""lastName"",c,p,0)));t.b(""</h2>"");t.b(""\n"" + i);});c.pop();}t.b(""</div>"");return t.fl(); },partials: {}, subs: {  }}";

            var compiledTemplate = hoganCompiler.Compile(template);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCompiledTemplate, compiledTemplate);
        public void RenderHoganTemplate()
            const string template = @"<div class=""entry"">

  <h2>By {{firstName}} {{lastName}}</h2>
            const string templateName = "Authors.mustache";
            var embeddedResourceLoader = new EmbeddedResourceLoader();
            var hoganCompiler = new HoganCompiler(embeddedResourceLoader);
            var compiledTemplate = hoganCompiler.Compile(template);
            hoganCompiler.AddTemplate(templateName, compiledTemplate);
            var model = new
                title = "The Title",
                author = new []
                        firstName = "FirstName",
                        lastName = "LastName"
                        firstName = "2ndFirstName",
                        lastName = "2ndLastName"

            const string expectedTemplateOuput = @"<div class=""entry"">
  <h1>The Title</h1>

  <h2>By FirstName LastName</h2>
  <h2>By 2ndFirstName 2ndLastName</h2>

            var templateOutput = hoganCompiler.Render(templateName, model);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedTemplateOuput, templateOutput);
        public void CompileIcedCoffeeTemplate()
            const string script = @"# Assignment:
number   = 42
opposite = true

# Conditions:
number = -42 if opposite

# Functions:
square = (x) -> x * x

# Arrays:
list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# Objects:
math =
  root:   Math.sqrt
  square: square
  cube:   (x) -> x * square x

# Splats:
race = (winner, runners...) ->
  print winner, runners

# Existence:
alert ""I knew it!"" if elvis?

# Array comprehensions:
cubes = (math.cube num for num in list)";
            var embeddedResourceLoader = new EmbeddedResourceLoader();
            var icedCoffeeCompiler = new IcedCoffeeCompiler(embeddedResourceLoader);

            var expectedCompiledScript = @"(function() {
  var cubes, list, math, num, number, opposite, race, square,
    __slice = [].slice;

  number = 42;

  opposite = true;

  if (opposite) {
    number = -42;

  square = function(x) {
    return x * x;

  list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

  math = {
    root: Math.sqrt,
    square: square,
    cube: function(x) {
      return x * square(x);

  race = function() {
    var runners, winner;
    winner = arguments[0], runners = 2 <= arguments.length ?, 1) : [];
    return print(winner, runners);

  if (typeof elvis !== ""undefined"" && elvis !== null) {
    alert(""I knew it!"");

  cubes = (function() {
    var _i, _len, _results;
    _results = [];
    for (_i = 0, _len = list.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
      num = list[_i];
    return _results;

".Replace("\r", "");

            var compiledTemplate = icedCoffeeCompiler.Compile(script);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCompiledScript, compiledTemplate);
        public void CompileLiveScriptTemplate()
            const string script = @"
take = (n, [x, ...xs]:list) -->
  | n <= 0     => []
  | empty list => []
  | otherwise  => [x] ++ take n - 1, xs

take 2, [1 2 3 4 5] #=> [1, 2]

take-three = take 3
take-three [3 to 8] #=> [3, 4, 5]

# Function composition, 'reverse' from
last-three = reverse >> take-three >> reverse
last-three [1 to 8] #=> [6, 7, 8]
            var embeddedResourceLoader = new EmbeddedResourceLoader();
            var liveScriptCompiler = new LiveScriptCompiler(embeddedResourceLoader);

            var expectedCompiledScript = @"(function(){
  var take, takeThree, lastThree, slice$ = [].slice;
  take = curry$(function(n, list){
    var x, xs;
    x = list[0], xs = slice$.call(list, 1);
    switch (false) {
    case !(n <= 0):
      return [];
    case !empty(list):
      return [];
      return [x].concat(take(n - 1, xs));
  take(2, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  takeThree = take(3);
  takeThree([3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]);
  lastThree = function(){
    return reverse(takeThree(reverse.apply(this, arguments)));
  lastThree([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]);
  function curry$(f, bound){
    var context,
    _curry = function(args) {
      return f.length > 1 ? function(){
        var params = args ? args.concat() : [];
        context = bound ? context || this : this;
        return params.push.apply(params, arguments) <
            f.length && arguments.length ?
, params) : f.apply(context, params);
      } : f;
    return _curry();
".Replace("\r", "");

            var compiledTemplate = liveScriptCompiler.Compile(script);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCompiledScript, compiledTemplate);