private static async Task <List <SvgLayer> > ParseSvgLayers(string filePath) { if (Path.GetExtension(filePath) == ".zip") { Console.WriteLine($"Terrain data loading from ZIP"); var zip = ZipFile.Open(filePath, ZipArchiveMode.Read); var zipRef = new SharedDisposable <ZipArchive>(zip); //This ref will later do the disposing List <SvgLayer> ret = new List <SvgLayer>(); foreach (var zipArchiveEntry in zip.Entries) { var layer = new SvgLayer(); = zipArchiveEntry.FullName; layer.content = new MapLayerDataZipFile(zipArchiveEntry, zipRef.Acquire()); layer.width = (int)zipArchiveEntry.LastWriteTime.Add(zipArchiveEntry.LastWriteTime.Offset).AddYears(-30).ToUnixTimeSeconds(); ret.Add(layer); } return(ret); } if (Path.GetExtension(filePath) == ".svgz") { Console.WriteLine($"Terrain data is SVGZ, converting to zip..."); //process raw first await Task.Run(() => ProcessRawSVGZ(filePath)); filePath = Path.ChangeExtension(filePath, "zip"); return(await Task.Run(() => ParseSvgLayers(filePath))); //Force seperate thread, as this is slow } if (Path.GetExtension(filePath) == ".svg") { Console.WriteLine($"Terrain data is SVG, converting to zip..."); //process raw first await Task.Run(() => ProcessRawSVG(filePath)); filePath = Path.ChangeExtension(filePath, "zip"); return(await Task.Run(() => ParseSvgLayers(filePath))); //Force seperate thread, as this is slow } return(null); }
public MapLayerDataZipFile(ZipArchiveEntry zipArchiveEntry, SharedDisposable <ZipArchive> .Reference reference) { this.zipArchiveEntry = zipArchiveEntry; this.reference = reference; }
public Reference(SharedDisposable <T> owner) { mOwner = owner; }