private void onTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!Game.IsLoading) { if (!initial) { foreach (Vehicle v in World.GetAllVehicles()) { if (v.Model == VehicleHash.Bus) { v.Delete(); } Wait(10); } Game.Player.CanControlCharacter = true; if (Game.Player.Character.IsInVehicle()) { Game.Player.Character.CurrentVehicle.IsVisible = true; } try { client = new SimpleTCP.SimpleTcpClient(); client.StringEncoder = Encoding.UTF8; //client.DataReceived += luancherdata; client.Connect("", 10757); UI.Notify("Connection: " + client.TcpClient.Connected); string launcher = client.WriteLineAndGetReply("script running", new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1)).MessageString; if (launcher.Contains("Launcher running")) { Sounds.initialLoad(true); if (Sounds.Intro.getPlayState()) { Sounds.Intro.Play(); } ResponceList(client.WriteLineAndGetReply("send saved display xy", new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30)).MessageString); connection_success = true; if (servTime) { ResponceList(client.WriteLineAndGetReply("send display time", new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30)).MessageString); servTime = false; } } else { } //rooterror = "connectionstart begining"; //if (!connectstart) //{ // Wait(10); // rooterror = "new simpleTCP"; // client = new SimpleTCP.SimpleTcpClient(); // Wait(10); // rooterror = "Encode"; // client.StringEncoder = Encoding.UTF8; // Wait(10); // rooterror = "datareceived"; // client.DataReceived += luancherdata; // Wait(10); // rooterror = "connect to launcher"; // client.Connect("", 10757); // Wait(10); // rooterror = "WriteLine"; // connectstart = true; // client.WriteLineAndGetReply("script running", new TimeSpan(0, 0, 20)); // rooterror = "connectionstart true"; // Wait(10); //} //rooterror = "new TTTF"; } catch (Exception f) { try { UI.Notify(f.Message); UI.Notify("load sounds"); Sounds.initialLoad(false); UI.Notify("check if not playing"); if (Sounds.Intro.getPlayStateStopped()) { UI.Notify("play"); Sounds.Intro.Play(); UI.Notify("No connection to laucher"); } } catch (Exception g) { int count = 0; Sounds.unLoad(); while (count < 100) { UI.Notify(g.Message); UI.Notify(g.StackTrace); UI.Notify(g.TargetSite.Name); UI.Notify(g.ToString()); Wait(10); } } } TTTF = new TTTFmenu(); initial = true; } try { TTTF.OnTick(); if (Game.Player.Character.IsInVehicle()) { if (Game.Player.Character.CurrentVehicle.FriendlyName == new Model("dmc12")) { Game.Player.Character.CurrentVehicle.CanBeVisiblyDamaged = !TTTF.invincible; Game.Player.Character.CurrentVehicle.IsInvincible = TTTF.invincible; Game.Player.Character.CurrentVehicle.EngineCanDegrade = !TTTF.invincible; } } //UI.ShowSubtitle("Is in flying vehicle: " + Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_FLYING_VEHICLE, Game.Player.Character)); } catch { } Libeads.tick(); helpFromDoc.tick(); Traveler.tick(); DeloreanManagement.tick(); R = Game.IsKeyPressed(Keys.R); C = Game.IsKeyPressed(Keys.C); if (R && C) { if (!rcenable) { TTTF.quickRC(); rcenable = true; } } else { rcenable = false; } //if (Properties.Settings.Default.presday1 == 2 && Properties.Settings.Default.presday2 == 9 && Properties.Settings.Default.presmonth1 == 0 && Properties.Settings.Default.presmonth2 == 4 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy1 == 1 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy2 == 9 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy3 == 9 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy4 == 2) //{ // riot(); //} //else if (Properties.Settings.Default.presday1 == 3 && Properties.Settings.Default.presday2 == 0 && Properties.Settings.Default.presmonth1 == 0 && Properties.Settings.Default.presmonth2 == 4 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy1 == 1 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy2 == 9 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy3 == 9 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy4 == 2) //{ // riot(); //} //else if (Properties.Settings.Default.presday1 == 0 && Properties.Settings.Default.presday2 == 1 && Properties.Settings.Default.presmonth1 == 0 && Properties.Settings.Default.presmonth2 == 5 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy1 == 1 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy2 == 9 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy3 == 9 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy4 == 2) //{ // riot(); //} //else if (Properties.Settings.Default.presday1 == 0 && Properties.Settings.Default.presday2 == 2 && Properties.Settings.Default.presmonth1 == 0 && Properties.Settings.Default.presmonth2 == 5 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy1 == 1 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy2 == 9 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy3 == 9 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy4 == 2) //{ // riot(); //} //else if (Properties.Settings.Default.presday1 == 0 && Properties.Settings.Default.presday2 == 3 && Properties.Settings.Default.presmonth1 == 0 && Properties.Settings.Default.presmonth2 == 5 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy1 == 1 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy2 == 9 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy3 == 9 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy4 == 2) //{ // riot(); //} //else if (Properties.Settings.Default.presday1 == 0 && Properties.Settings.Default.presday2 == 4 && Properties.Settings.Default.presmonth1 == 0 && Properties.Settings.Default.presmonth2 == 5 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy1 == 1 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy2 == 9 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy3 == 9 && Properties.Settings.Default.presy4 == 2) //{ // riot(); //} } } catch (Exception d) { try { UIText debug2 = new UIText("object: " + d.TargetSite + " location: " + d.StackTrace + " Error: " + d.Message, new System.Drawing.Point(100, 50), (float)0.6); debug2.Draw(); UIText debug = new UIText("location: " + d.StackTrace, new System.Drawing.Point(100, 200), (float)0.6); debug.Draw(); UIText debug3 = new UIText("Error: " + d.Message, new System.Drawing.Point(100, 350), (float)0.6); debug3.Draw(); } catch { } Sounds.unLoad(); while (true) { UI.Notify(d.Message); UI.Notify(d.StackTrace); UI.Notify(d.TargetSite.Name); UI.Notify(d.ToString()); Wait(10); } } }
public static void unLoad() { inputerror?.remove(); inputenter?.remove(); inputoff?.remove(); inputon?.remove(); inputonempty?.remove(); cirerror?.remove(); cirerrorbttf3?.remove(); inputenterbttf3?.remove(); inputoffbttf3?.remove(); inputonbttf2error?.remove(); inputonbttf3?.remove(); Mrfrusionfill?.remove(); hoverboost?.remove(); hoverup?.remove(); pr0load?.remove(); cold?.remove(); empty?.remove(); engineoff?.remove(); engineon?.remove(); Lightningbttf2?.remove(); Lightningcuttscene?.remove(); sparks?.remove(); sparksbttf3?.remove(); sparksfeul?.remove(); Vent?.remove(); trainenter?.remove(); trainstart?.remove(); Intro?.remove(); DeloreonEnter?.remove(); Experimentstart?.remove(); Experimentstartintro?.remove(); Experimentstartwithremote?.remove(); Experimentstartwithreentry?.remove(); Experimentsuccess?.remove(); Libeads?.remove(); Chasescene?.remove(); reenterybttf2 = null; reenterybttf3 = null; RCcontrolstop = null; num0 = null; num1 = null; num2 = null; num3 = null; num4 = null; num5 = null; num6 = null; num7 = null; num8 = null; num9 = null; inputerror = null; inputenter = null; inputoff = null; inputon = null; inputonempty = null; cirerror = null; cirerrorbttf3 = null; inputenterbttf3 = null; inputoffbttf3 = null; inputonbttf2error = null; inputonbttf3 = null; Beep = null; inputonfeul = null; Mrfrusionfill = null; hoveron = null; hoveroff = null; hoverboost = null; hoverup = null; plate = null; pr0load = null; trend = null; cold = null; empty = null; engineoff = null; engineon = null; Lightningbttf2 = null; Lightningcuttscene = null; Timetravelreentery = null; Timetravelreentery2 = null; Timetravelreentery2f = null; Timetravelreentery3 = null; Timetravelreenterycutscene = null; Timetravelreenterycutscene3 = null; reenterybttf1 = null; reenterybttf1incar = null; reenterybttf2 = null; reenterybttf3 = null; sparks = null; sparksbttf3 = null; sparksfeul = null; RCcontrolstart = null; RCcontrol = null; RCcontrolhandbreak = null; Vent = null; Plut = null; trainenter = null; trainstart = null; greatscott = null; doorcold = null; dooropen = null; doorclose = null; Intro = null; DeloreonEnter = null; Experimentstart = null; Experimentstartintro = null; Experimentstartwithremote = null; Experimentstartwithreentry = null; Experimentsuccess = null; Libeads = null; Chasescene = null; }