        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the TTFS data from specified <see cref="MemoryStream"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Stream">Instance of <see cref="MemoryStream"/> containing the TTFS data.</param>
        /// <returns>Parsed data of TTFS data as <see cref="TTFSDataClass"/>.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="TTFSParserException">Occurs when a general parsing exception thrown wrapping the original exception data.</exception>
        public static TTFSDataClass FromStream(MemoryStream Stream)
                TTFSDataClass Class = Expressions.CreateTTFSData();

                using (Stream Bytes = new MemoryStream(Stream.ToArray()))
                    while (TPIClass.ConditionsOK(Bytes))
                        uint Header = Expressions.GetUNumber(Expressions.GetBytes(Bytes, 0, 4));

                        if (Header == (uint)ChunkType.Package) //Doc: GKCP<Weird 4 Bytes (Length of TPI)><Content>
                            //Processing the GKCP. Reading first 4 bytes to find out length.
                            //Every PCKG starts with length, but the length string is terminated with "€" everytime. And it's HEX value is 20AC.
                            //So we're ignoring it as it still works without it and it messes up the stuff.

                            var ABytes = Expressions.GetBytes(Bytes, 0, 4);
                            ABytes[3] = (byte)0x00;
                            uint Next = Expressions.GetUNumber(ABytes);

                            //The thing we just read must be a whole TPI now.
                            byte[] Data = Expressions.GetBytes(Bytes, 0, (int)Next);
                                Class.Packages.Add(TPIClass.FromBytes(Data)); //Parsing the TPI and adding output to enumeration.
                            catch (Exception Ex)
                                //Uh-oh! TPI parser failed.
                                throw new FormatException("Failed to parse TTFS Package Data.", Ex);
                        else //We don't expect to receive something else from this. Throwing an exception...
                            throw new FormatException("Received an invalid header from file.");

                //Return when everything is good to go.
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex is TPIParserException)
                    throw ex;
                    throw new TTFSParserException("Failed to parse TTFS Data.", ex); //Wrapping the exception to our TTFSParserException class.
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the TPI from specified <see cref="MemoryStream"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Stream">Instance of <see cref="MemoryStream"/> containing the TPI file data.</param>
        /// <returns>Parsed data of TPI as <see cref="TPIPackageClass"/>.</returns>
        public static TPIPackageClass FromStream(MemoryStream Stream)
            using (Stream Bytes = new MemoryStream(Stream.ToArray()))
                    TPIPackageClass Pack = Expressions.CreateTPIPackage();
                    while (ConditionsOK(Bytes))
                        uint Header = Expressions.GetUNumber(Expressions.GetBytes(Bytes, 0, 4));
                        if (Header == (uint)ChunkType.Head)
                            //Processing the HEAD. Reading first 4 bytes to find out length.
                            int Next = Expressions.GetNumber(Expressions.GetBytes(Bytes, 0, 4));

                            //Buaa getting all bytes now.
                            byte[] Data = Expressions.GetBytes(Bytes, 0, Next);
                            Pack.PackageID = Expressions.GetCRCID(Data.SubArray(0, 4));

                            //Next 4 bytes are indicating total files used by this TPI. But it is read-only because it uses the ones
                            //actually parsed by the parser.

                            //Now, we should have DATA. Ending this if else.
                        else if (Header == (uint)ChunkType.Data)
                            //Processing the DATA.
                            int Next = Expressions.GetNumber(Expressions.GetBytes(Bytes, 0, 4));

                            //Fun part ;)
                            int NameLen = Expressions.GetUNumber16(Expressions.GetBytes(Bytes, 0, 2));
                            Pack.PackageName = Expressions.GetText(Bytes, 0, NameLen);
                            int VerLen = Expressions.GetUNumber16(Expressions.GetBytes(Bytes, 0, 2));
                            Pack.PackageVer = Expressions.GetText(Bytes, 0, VerLen);
                            int OwnerLen = Expressions.GetUNumber16(Expressions.GetBytes(Bytes, 0, 2));
                            Pack.PackageOwner = Expressions.GetText(Bytes, 0, OwnerLen);

                            Pack.Type = (PackageType)Expressions.GetNumber(Expressions.GetBytes(Bytes, 0, 4));

                            //Now, we should have FILEs. Ending this if else and letting while continue it's work.
                        else if (Header == (uint)ChunkType.File)
                            TTFileClass File = Expressions.CreateTTFile();
                            int         Next = Expressions.GetNumber(Expressions.GetBytes(Bytes, 0, 4));
                            File.CRC      = Expressions.GetCRCID(Expressions.GetBytes(Bytes, 0, 4));
                            File.FileSize = Expressions.GetUNumber(Expressions.GetBytes(Bytes, 0, 4));

                            int namelen = Expressions.GetUNumber16(Expressions.GetBytes(Bytes, 0, 2));
                            File.FileName = Expressions.GetText(Bytes, 0, namelen);

                            //No NULs after file name, so let while loop read next header if Stream not ended.
                            //Let's add file to collection...

                    //Return when everything is good to go.
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new TPIParserException("Failed to parse TPI.", ex); //Wrapping the exception to our TPIParserException class.