        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the table with the basic information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The created table.</returns>
        public PdfPTable CreateBasicInfoTable()
            PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(12);

            float[]   widths = new float[] { 2.3f, 2.0f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1.3f, 2.2f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f };
            Rectangle rect   = new Rectangle(17, 1);

            table.SetWidthPercentage(widths, rect);

            BasicInformation playerAInfo = this.report.BasicInformations.First();
            BasicInformation playerBInfo = this.report.BasicInformations.Last();

            //// Hdeaer row.
            PdfPCell cell1 = GetCell("Player", 1, 1, 1);

            cell1.MinimumHeight = 30.0f;
            table.AddCell(GetCell("Ranking", 1, 1, 2));
            table.AddCell(GetCell("Result\n(" + Convert.ToString(playerAInfo.WinningSets) + ":" + Convert.ToString(playerBInfo.WinningSets) + ")", 5, 1, 2));
            table.AddCell(GetCell("Total\nPoints", 1, 1, 2));
            table.AddCell(GetCell("Comp.\nPerf.", 1, 1, 2));
            table.AddCell(GetCell("Win.\nProb.", 1, 1, 2));
            table.AddCell(GetCell("Service\nFrequency", 1, 1, 2));
            table.AddCell(GetCell("Service\nWin.Prob.", 1, 1, 3));

            List <int> resultsA = playerAInfo.Results;
            //// Inner middle row.
            PdfPCell cell2 = GetCell(playerAInfo.Name, 4);

            cell2.MinimumHeight = 20.0f;
            table.AddCell(GetCell("Nan", 5));

            //// results cells
            foreach (int res in resultsA)
                table.AddCell(GetCell(Convert.ToString(res), 5));

            for (int i = resultsA.Count; i < 5; i++)
                table.AddCell(GetCell(string.Empty, 5));

            table.AddCell(GetCell(Convert.ToString(playerAInfo.TotalPoints), 5));
            table.AddCell(GetCell(Convert.ToString(Math.Round(playerAInfo.CompetitionPerformance, 1)), 5));
            table.AddCell(GetCell(Convert.ToString(Math.Round(playerAInfo.WinningProbability * 100, 1)), 5));
            table.AddCell(GetCell(Convert.ToString(playerAInfo.ServingFrequency), 5));
            table.AddCell(GetCell(Convert.ToString(Math.Round(playerAInfo.ServingWinningProbability * 100, 1)), 6));

            List <int> resultsB = playerBInfo.Results;
            //// Inner middle row.
            PdfPCell cell3 = GetCell(playerBInfo.Name, 7);

            cell3.MinimumHeight = 20.0f;
            table.AddCell(GetCell("Nan", 8));

            //// results cells
            foreach (int res in resultsB)
                table.AddCell(GetCell(Convert.ToString(res), 8));

            for (int i = resultsB.Count; i < 5; i++)
                table.AddCell(GetCell(string.Empty, 8));

            table.AddCell(GetCell(Convert.ToString(playerBInfo.TotalPoints), 8));
            table.AddCell(GetCell(Convert.ToString(Math.Round(playerBInfo.CompetitionPerformance, 1)), 8));
            table.AddCell(GetCell(Convert.ToString(Math.Round(playerBInfo.WinningProbability * 100, 1)), 8));
            table.AddCell(GetCell(Convert.ToString(playerAInfo.ServingFrequency), 8));
            table.AddCell(GetCell(Convert.ToString(Math.Round(playerBInfo.ServingWinningProbability * 100, 1)), 9));

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the basic information of the match.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The list of <see cref="BasicInformation"/>.</returns>
        private List <BasicInformation> CreateBasicInformations()
            BasicInformation        playerAInfo = new BasicInformation();
            BasicInformation        playerBInfo = new BasicInformation();
            List <BasicInformation> infos       = new List <BasicInformation>();


            //// add the name
            playerAInfo.Name = this.Match.FirstPlayer.Name;
            playerBInfo.Name = this.Match.SecondPlayer.Name;

            int playerAServing = 0;
            int playerBServing = 0;

            int playerAWinningService = 0;
            int playerBWinningService = 0;

            foreach (Rally rally in this.match.Rallies)
                if (rally.IsEndOfSet)
                    //// add the final score of each set to the results

                    //// add the points of each set to the total points.
                    playerAInfo.TotalPoints += rally.FinalRallyScore.First;
                    playerBInfo.TotalPoints += rally.FinalRallyScore.Second;

                    //// increase the number of winning sets
                    playerAInfo.WinningSets += rally.FinalRallyScore.First > rally.FinalRallyScore.Second ? 1 : 0;
                    playerBInfo.WinningSets += rally.FinalRallyScore.First < rally.FinalRallyScore.Second ? 1 : 0;

                playerAServing += rally.Server == MatchPlayer.First ? 1 : 0;
                playerBServing += rally.Server == MatchPlayer.Second ? 1 : 0;

                playerAWinningService += rally.Server == MatchPlayer.First && rally.Winner == MatchPlayer.First ? 1 : 0;
                playerBWinningService += rally.Server == MatchPlayer.Second && rally.Winner == MatchPlayer.Second ? 1 : 0;

            //// if the last rally is not the end of a set, add all missing information.
            if (!this.match.Rallies.Last().IsEndOfSet)
                int finalScoreFirst  = this.match.Rallies.Last().FinalRallyScore.First;
                int finalScoreSecond = this.match.Rallies.Last().FinalRallyScore.Second;


                playerAInfo.TotalPoints += this.match.Rallies.Last().FinalRallyScore.First;
                playerBInfo.TotalPoints += this.match.Rallies.Last().FinalRallyScore.Second;

            //// compute the winning probability
            int totalPoints = playerAInfo.TotalPoints + playerBInfo.TotalPoints;

            playerAInfo.WinningProbability = (double)playerAInfo.TotalPoints / totalPoints;
            playerBInfo.WinningProbability = (double)playerBInfo.TotalPoints / totalPoints;

            //// compute the winning probability when the player is the serving player
            playerAInfo.ServingWinningProbability = playerAServing == 0 ? 0 : (double)playerAWinningService / (double)playerAServing;
            playerBInfo.ServingWinningProbability = playerBServing == 0 ? 0 : (double)playerBWinningService / (double)playerBServing;

            //// compute the competition performance
            //// =WENN(D2>E2;WENN(D2=11;D2-E2-11;-11+1/(D2-11));WENN(E2=11;D2-E2-11;-11-1/(E2-11)))
            //// valueA += WENN(pointsA>PointsB;
            ////     WENN(PointsA=11;
            ////        PointsA-PointsB-11;
            ////        -11+1/(PointsA-11));
            ////     WENN(PointsB=11;
            ////        PointsA-PointsB-11;
            ////        -11-1/(PointsB-11)))
            //// =WENN(D2>E2;WENN(D2=11;E2-D2-11;-11-1/(D2-11));WENN(E2=11;E2-D2-11;-11+1/(E2-11)))
            ////  valueB += WENN(PointsA>PointsB;
            ////    WENN(PointsA=11;
            ////        PointsB-PointsA-11;
            ////        -11-1/(PointsA-11));
            ////    WENN(PointsB=11;
            ////        PointsB-PointsA-11;
            ////        -11+1/(PointsB-11)))
            double valueA = 0;
            double valueB = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < playerAInfo.Results.Count(); i++)
                var pointsA = playerAInfo.Results[i];
                var pointsB = playerBInfo.Results[i];

                if (pointsA > pointsB)
                    valueA += Math.Pow(pointsA == 11 ? pointsA - pointsB - 11 : -11 + (1 / (pointsA - 11)), 2);
                    valueB += Math.Pow(pointsA == 11 ? pointsB - pointsA - 11 : -11 - (1 / (pointsA - 11)), 2);
                    valueA += Math.Pow(pointsB == 11 ? pointsA - pointsB - 11 : -11 - (1 / (pointsB - 11)), 2);
                    valueB += Math.Pow(pointsB == 11 ? pointsB - pointsA - 11 : -11 + (1 / (pointsB - 11)), 2);

            playerAInfo.CompetitionPerformance = 22 - Math.Sqrt(valueA / playerAInfo.Results.Count());
            playerBInfo.CompetitionPerformance = 22 - Math.Sqrt(valueB / playerBInfo.Results.Count());
