public static string FieldNameOrDefault(SQLColumn column, int fieldIndex) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(column.ColumnName)) { return("anonymousColumn" + (fieldIndex + 1).ToString()); } return(EscapeObjectName(column.ColumnName)); }
public static string RenderCSharpProperty(SQLColumn s, string name) { if (CSharpRenderer.SqlDataTypeToCSharp.ContainsKey(s.DataType)) { return(String.Format(propertyBoilerplate, CSharpRenderer.SqlDataTypeToCSharp[s.DataType], name)); } else { return(String.Format(propertyBoilerplate, "object", name)); } }
private static string QuestionMarkOrNot(SQLColumn s) { if (!s.AllowNulls) { return(""); } if (!SqlDataTypeToCSharp.TryGetValue(s.DataType, out var dataType) || dataType == "string") { return(""); } return("?"); }
public static string RenderCSharpProperty(SQLColumn s, string name) { if (SqlDataTypeToCSharp.ContainsKey(s.DataType)) { return(string.Format(propertyBoilerplate, SqlDataTypeToCSharp[s.DataType], name, QuestionMarkOrNot(s))); } else { return(string.Format(propertyBoilerplate, "object", name)); } }
public static string DisambiguateAndRenderCSharpProperty(SQLColumn s, Dictionary<string, int> columnNamesAndCounts) { string name = CSharpRenderer.FieldNameToCSharpPropertyName(s.ColumnName); if (columnNamesAndCounts.ContainsKey(name)) { columnNamesAndCounts[name] += 1; name = String.Format("{0}_{1}", name, columnNamesAndCounts[name]); } else { columnNamesAndCounts.Add(name, 1); } return RenderCSharpProperty(s, name); }
public static string DisambiguateAndRenderCSharpProperty(SQLColumn s, Dictionary <string, int> columnNamesAndCounts) { string name = CSharpRenderer.FieldNameToCSharpPropertyName(s.ColumnName); if (columnNamesAndCounts.ContainsKey(name)) { columnNamesAndCounts[name] += 1; name = String.Format("{0}_{1}", name, columnNamesAndCounts[name]); } else { columnNamesAndCounts.Add(name, 1); } return(RenderCSharpProperty(s, name)); }
public static string DataTypeParameterIfAny(SQLColumn fieldInfo) { if (fieldInfo.DataType == "nvarchar" || fieldInfo.DataType == "varchar" || fieldInfo.DataType == "nchar" || fieldInfo.DataType == "char" || fieldInfo.DataType == "binary" || fieldInfo.DataType == "varbinary") { if (fieldInfo.ColumnSize == Int32.MaxValue) { return("(MAX)"); } return("(" + fieldInfo.ColumnSize.ToString() + ")"); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "numeric" || fieldInfo.DataType == "decimal") { return("(" + fieldInfo.NumericPrecision.ToString() + "," + fieldInfo.NumericScale.ToString() + ")"); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "real") { return("(24)"); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "float") { //from MSDN: SQL Server treats n as one of two possible values. If 1<=n<=24, n is treated as 24. If 25<=n<=53, n is treated as 53. return("(53)"); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "datetimeoffset" || fieldInfo.DataType == "time") { //see: if (fieldInfo.NumericScale <= 2) { return("(2)"); } if (fieldInfo.NumericScale <= 4) { return("(4)"); } return(""); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "datetime2") { if (fieldInfo.NumericScale < 7) { return($"({fieldInfo.NumericScale.ToString()})"); } return(""); } return(""); }
public static string DataTypeName(SQLColumn fieldInfo) { if (fieldInfo.DataType == "real") { return "float"; //this could be a float or a real. There is no simple way to tell via Will try to keep it consistent with float. } else if (fieldInfo.DataType.EndsWith(".sys.hierarchyid")) { return "hierarchyid"; } else if (fieldInfo.DataType.EndsWith(".sys.geography")) { return "geography"; } else if (fieldInfo.DataType.EndsWith(".sys.geometry")) { return "geometry"; } return fieldInfo.DataType; }
private static CultureInfo englishUSCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); //default culture for formatting. public static string DataTypeName(SQLColumn fieldInfo) { if (fieldInfo.DataType == "real") { return("float"); //this could be a float or a real. There is no simple way to tell via Will try to keep it consistent with float. } else if (fieldInfo.DataType.EndsWith(".sys.hierarchyid")) { return("hierarchyid"); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType.EndsWith(".sys.geography")) { return("geography"); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType.EndsWith(".sys.geometry")) { return("geometry"); } return(fieldInfo.DataType); }
public static string DataTypeParameterIfAny(SQLColumn fieldInfo) { if (fieldInfo.DataType == "nvarchar" || fieldInfo.DataType == "varchar" || fieldInfo.DataType == "nchar" || fieldInfo.DataType == "char" || fieldInfo.DataType == "binary" || fieldInfo.DataType == "varbinary") { if (fieldInfo.ColumnSize == Int32.MaxValue) { return "(MAX)"; } return "(" + fieldInfo.ColumnSize.ToString() + ")"; } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "numeric" || fieldInfo.DataType == "decimal") { return "(" + fieldInfo.NumericPrecision.ToString() + "," + fieldInfo.NumericScale.ToString() + ")"; } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "real") { return "(24)"; } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "float") { //from MSDN: SQL Server treats n as one of two possible values. If 1<=n<=24, n is treated as 24. If 25<=n<=53, n is treated as 53. return "(53)"; } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "datetimeoffset" || fieldInfo.DataType == "time") { //see: if (fieldInfo.NumericScale <= 2) { return "(2)"; } if (fieldInfo.NumericScale <= 4) { return "(4)"; } return ""; } return ""; }
//todo: may need some refactoring :-) public static string valueAsTSQLLiteral(object data, SQLColumn fieldInfo, bool forTSQLScript = true) { if (data == null || data is DBNull) { return "NULL"; } if (data is string) { if ((data as string).Contains('\0')) { return formatVarbinary(data); } } if (fieldInfo.DataType == "char") { return formatChar(data, forTSQLScript); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "varchar" || fieldInfo.DataType == "text") { return formatVarchar(data, forTSQLScript); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "nchar") { return formatNchar(data, forTSQLScript); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "nvarchar" || fieldInfo.DataType == "ntext" || fieldInfo.DataType == "xml") { return formatNvarchar(data, forTSQLScript); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "bigint" || fieldInfo.DataType == "numeric" || fieldInfo.DataType == "smallint" || fieldInfo.DataType == "decimal" || fieldInfo.DataType == "smallmoney" || fieldInfo.DataType == "int" || fieldInfo.DataType == "tinyint" || fieldInfo.DataType == "float" || fieldInfo.DataType == "real" || fieldInfo.DataType == "money") { return getDataAsAppropriateNumericFormat(data); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "binary" || fieldInfo.DataType == "rowversion" || fieldInfo.DataType == "timestamp") { return formatBinary(data, fieldInfo.ColumnSize); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "date") { return formatDate(data, forTSQLScript); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "datetimeoffset") { return formatDatetimeoffset(data, forTSQLScript); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "datetime2") { return formatDatetime2(data, forTSQLScript); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "time") { return formatTime(data, forTSQLScript); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "datetime") { return formatDateTime(data, forTSQLScript); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "smalldatetime") { return formatSmallDateTime(data, forTSQLScript); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "bit") { return formatBit(data); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "varbinary" || fieldInfo.DataType == "image") { return formatVarbinary(data); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "uniqueidentifier") { return formatGuid(data, forTSQLScript); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "sql_variant") { return getDataAsSql_variantFormat(data, forTSQLScript); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType.EndsWith("hierarchyid")) { return formatHierarchyId(data); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType.EndsWith("geography")) { return formatGeography(data, forTSQLScript); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType.EndsWith("geometry")) { return formatGeometry(data, forTSQLScript); } //shouldn't get here. In-place for future data type compatibility. if (data is string) { return String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", (forTSQLScript ? "N'" : ""), ((string)data).Replace("'", "''"), (forTSQLScript ? "'" : "")); } return String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", (forTSQLScript ? "N'" : ""), data.ToString(), (forTSQLScript ? "'" : "")); }
public static string FieldNameOrDefault(SQLColumn column, int fieldIndex) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(column.ColumnName)) { return "anonymousColumn" + (fieldIndex + 1).ToString(); } return EscapeObjectName(column.ColumnName); }
public static void renderAsCSV(FlexResultSet resultSet, SqlRunParameters srp) { int writtenResultSets = 0; for (int i = 0; i < resultSet.results.Count; i++) { FlexResult result = resultSet.results[i]; if (result.schema != null && != null) { writtenResultSets += 1; if (writtenResultSets > 1) { srp.openNewOutputStream(); } int columnCount = result.visibleColumnCount; //do header for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < columnCount; colIndex += 1) { srp.WriteToStream(columnName(result, colIndex)); if (colIndex + 1 < columnCount) { srp.WriteToStream(","); } else { srp.WriteToStream("\r\n"); } } //do data rows for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex <; rowIndex += 1) { for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < columnCount; colIndex += 1) { //todo: fix each of these items to work with the actual scripting stuff (requires finishing major refactoring work). object fieldData =[rowIndex][colIndex]; SQLColumn fieldInfo = result.schema[colIndex]; if (fieldData == null || fieldData is DBNull) { //do nothing } else if (numberLikeDataTypesForCSV.Contains(fieldInfo.DataType)) { //todo: may be bug in German culture where they use , as the decimal separator. srp.WriteToStream(FieldScripting.valueAsTSQLLiteral(fieldData, fieldInfo, false)); } else if (dateLikeDataTypesForCSV.Contains(fieldInfo.DataType)) { srp.WriteToStream(escapeForCSV(String.Format("{0}.{1}", ((DateTime)fieldData).ToString("s"), ((DateTime)fieldData).ToString("fff") ))); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "binary" || fieldInfo.DataType == "rowversion" || fieldInfo.DataType == "timestamp") { byte[] d = (byte[])[rowIndex][colIndex]; srp.WriteToStream(escapeForCSV(FieldScripting.formatBinary(d, d.Length))); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "varbinary" || fieldInfo.DataType == "image") { srp.WriteToStream(escapeForCSV(FieldScripting.formatVarbinary(fieldData))); } else { srp.WriteToStream(escapeForCSV(FieldScripting.valueAsTSQLLiteral(fieldData, fieldInfo, false))); } if (colIndex + 1 < columnCount) { srp.WriteToStream(","); } else { srp.WriteToStream("\r\n"); }; } } srp.worksheetIsValid = true; } } }
//todo: may need some refactoring :-) public static string valueAsTSQLLiteral(object data, SQLColumn fieldInfo, bool forTSQLScript = true) { if (data == null || data is DBNull) { return("NULL"); } if (data is string) { if ((data as string).Contains('\0')) { return(formatVarbinary(data)); } } if (fieldInfo.DataType == "char") { return(formatChar(data, forTSQLScript)); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "varchar" || fieldInfo.DataType == "text") { return(formatVarchar(data, forTSQLScript)); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "nchar") { return(formatNchar(data, forTSQLScript)); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "nvarchar" || fieldInfo.DataType == "ntext" || fieldInfo.DataType == "xml") { return(formatNvarchar(data, forTSQLScript)); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "bigint" || fieldInfo.DataType == "numeric" || fieldInfo.DataType == "smallint" || fieldInfo.DataType == "decimal" || fieldInfo.DataType == "smallmoney" || fieldInfo.DataType == "int" || fieldInfo.DataType == "tinyint" || fieldInfo.DataType == "float" || fieldInfo.DataType == "real" || fieldInfo.DataType == "money") { return(getDataAsAppropriateNumericFormat(data)); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "binary" || fieldInfo.DataType == "rowversion" || fieldInfo.DataType == "timestamp") { return(formatBinary(data, fieldInfo.ColumnSize)); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "date") { return(formatDate(data, forTSQLScript)); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "datetimeoffset") { return(formatDatetimeoffset(data, forTSQLScript)); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "datetime2") { return(formatDatetime2(data, forTSQLScript)); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "time") { return(formatTime(data, forTSQLScript)); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "datetime") { return(formatDateTime(data, forTSQLScript)); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "smalldatetime") { return(formatSmallDateTime(data, forTSQLScript)); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "bit") { return(formatBit(data)); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "varbinary" || fieldInfo.DataType == "image") { return(formatVarbinary(data)); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "uniqueidentifier") { return(formatGuid(data, forTSQLScript)); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "sql_variant") { return(getDataAsSql_variantFormat(data, forTSQLScript)); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType.EndsWith("hierarchyid")) { return(formatHierarchyId(data)); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType.EndsWith("geography")) { return(formatGeography(data, forTSQLScript)); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType.EndsWith("geometry")) { return(formatGeometry(data, forTSQLScript)); } //shouldn't get here. In-place for future data type compatibility. if (data is string) { return(String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", (forTSQLScript ? "N'" : ""), ((string)data).Replace("'", "''"), (forTSQLScript ? "'" : ""))); } return(String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", (forTSQLScript ? "N'" : ""), data.ToString(), (forTSQLScript ? "'" : ""))); }
public static void renderAsXMLSpreadsheet(FlexResultSet resultSet, SqlRunParameters srp) { //todo: refactor this and FlexResultSet to to share code and have test coverage. srp.WriteToStream(Utils.GetResourceByName("TSqlFlex.Core.Resources.XMLSpreadsheetTemplateHeader.txt")); for (int i = 0; i < resultSet.results.Count; i++) { FlexResult result = resultSet.results[i]; if (result.schema != null && != null) { int columnCount = result.visibleColumnCount; srp.WriteToStream(String.Format("<Worksheet ss:Name=\"Sheet{0}\">", i + 1)); srp.WriteToStream(String.Format("<Table ss:ExpandedColumnCount=\"{0}\" ss:ExpandedRowCount=\"{1}\" x:FullColumns=\"1\" x:FullRows=\"1\" ss:DefaultRowHeight=\"15\">", columnCount, + 1 /* include header row */) ); //do header srp.WriteToStream("<Row>"); for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < columnCount; colIndex += 1) { srp.WriteToStream(String.Format("<Cell ss:StyleID=\"s62\"><Data ss:Type=\"String\">{0}</Data></Cell>", columnName(result, colIndex))); } srp.WriteToStream("</Row>\r\n"); //do data rows for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex <; rowIndex += 1) { srp.WriteToStream("<Row>"); for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < columnCount; colIndex += 1) { //todo: fix each of these items to work with the actual scripting stuff (requires finishing major refactoring work). object fieldData =[rowIndex][colIndex]; SQLColumn fieldInfo = result.schema[colIndex]; if (fieldData == null || fieldData is DBNull) { srp.WriteToStream("<Cell/>"); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "bigint" || fieldInfo.DataType == "numeric" || fieldInfo.DataType == "smallint" || fieldInfo.DataType == "decimal" || fieldInfo.DataType == "smallmoney" || fieldInfo.DataType == "int" || fieldInfo.DataType == "tinyint" || fieldInfo.DataType == "float" || fieldInfo.DataType == "real" || fieldInfo.DataType == "money" || fieldInfo.DataType == "bit") { srp.WriteToStream(String.Format("<Cell><Data ss:Type=\"Number\">{0}</Data></Cell>\r\n", escapeForXML(FieldScripting.valueAsTSQLLiteral(fieldData, fieldInfo, false)))); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "date" || fieldInfo.DataType == "datetime2" || fieldInfo.DataType == "datetime" || fieldInfo.DataType == "smalldatetime") { srp.WriteToStream(String.Format("<Cell ss:StyleID=\"s63\"><Data ss:Type=\"DateTime\">{0}.{1}</Data></Cell>\r\n", escapeForXML(((DateTime)fieldData).ToString("s")), escapeForXML(((DateTime)fieldData).ToString("fff")) )); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "binary" || fieldInfo.DataType == "rowversion" || fieldInfo.DataType == "timestamp") { byte[] d = (byte[])[rowIndex][colIndex]; srp.WriteToStream(String.Format("<Cell ss:StyleID=\"s64\"><Data ss:Type=\"String\">{0}</Data></Cell>\r\n", escapeForXML(FieldScripting.formatBinary(d, d.Length)))); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "varbinary" || fieldInfo.DataType == "image") { srp.WriteToStream(String.Format("<Cell ss:StyleID=\"s64\"><Data ss:Type=\"String\">{0}</Data></Cell>\r\n", escapeForXML(FieldScripting.formatVarbinary(fieldData)))); } else if (fieldInfo.DataType == "time") { srp.WriteToStream(String.Format("<Cell ss:StyleID=\"s65\"><Data ss:Type=\"DateTime\">1899-12-31T{0}:{1}:{2}.{3}</Data></Cell>\r\n", ((TimeSpan)fieldData).Hours.ToString("00"), ((TimeSpan)fieldData).Minutes.ToString("00"), ((TimeSpan)fieldData).Seconds.ToString("00"), ((TimeSpan)fieldData).Milliseconds.ToString("000") )); } else { srp.WriteToStream(String.Format("<Cell ss:StyleID=\"s64\"><Data ss:Type=\"String\">{0}</Data></Cell>\r\n", escapeForXML(FieldScripting.valueAsTSQLLiteral(fieldData, fieldInfo, false)))); } } srp.WriteToStream("</Row>\r\n"); } srp.WriteToStream("</Table></Worksheet>\r\n"); srp.worksheetIsValid = true; } } srp.WriteToStream("</Workbook>\r\n"); }
public static string RenderCSharpProperty(SQLColumn s, string name) { if (CSharpRenderer.SqlDataTypeToCSharp.ContainsKey(s.DataType)) { return String.Format(propertyBoilerplate, CSharpRenderer.SqlDataTypeToCSharp[s.DataType], name); } else { return String.Format(propertyBoilerplate, "object", name); } }