public static UIAlert ShowAlert(UIAlertOptions options, bool modal) { var alert = new UIAlert(options); ShowDialog(alert, modal); alert.CenterAround(UIScreen.Current); return alert; }
private void Controller_OnLotUnbuildable() { UIAlertOptions AlertOptions = new UIAlertOptions(); AlertOptions.Title = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("246", "1"); //This isn't exported as a string. WTF Maxis?? AlertOptions.Message = "This property cannot be purchased!\r\n"; AlertOptions.Buttons = UIAlertButtons.OK; m_LotUnbuildableAlert = UIScreen.ShowAlert(AlertOptions, true); }
public override void Update(UpdateState state) { CoreGameScreen CurrentUIScr = (CoreGameScreen)GameFacade.Screens.CurrentUIScreen; if (Visible) { //if we're not visible, do not update CityRenderer state... m_LastMouseState = m_MouseState; m_MouseState = Mouse.GetState(); m_MouseMove = (m_MouseState.MiddleButton == ButtonState.Pressed); if (m_HandleMouse) { if (m_Zoomed) { m_SelTile = GetHoverSquare(); if (m_CanSend) { Network.UIPacketSenders.SendLotCostRequest(Network.NetworkFacade.Client, (short)m_SelTile[0], (short)m_SelTile[1]); m_CanSend = false; } } if (m_MouseState.MiddleButton == ButtonState.Pressed && m_LastMouseState.MiddleButton == ButtonState.Released) { m_MouseStart = new Vector2(m_MouseState.X, m_MouseState.Y); //if middle mouse button activated, record where we started pressing it (to use for panning) } else if (m_MouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released && m_LastMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) //if clicked... { if (!m_Zoomed) { m_Zoomed = true; double ResScale = 768.0 / m_ScrHeight; double isoScale = (Math.Sqrt(0.5 * 0.5 * 2) / 5.10) * ResScale; double hb = m_ScrWidth * isoScale; double vb = m_ScrHeight * isoScale; m_TargVOffX = (float)(-hb + m_MouseState.X * isoScale * 2); m_TargVOffY = (float)(vb - m_MouseState.Y * isoScale * 2); //zoom into approximate location of mouse cursor if not zoomed already } else { if (m_SelTile[0] != -1 && m_SelTile[1] != -1) { UIAlertOptions AlertOptions = new UIAlertOptions(); AlertOptions.Title = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("246", "1"); AlertOptions.Message = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("215", "23", new string[] { m_LotCost.ToString(), CurrentUIScr.ucp.MoneyText.Caption }); AlertOptions.Buttons = UIAlertButtons.YesNo; m_BuyPropertyAlert = UIScreen.ShowAlert(AlertOptions, true); m_BuyPropertyAlert.ButtonMap[UIAlertButtons.Yes].OnButtonClick += new ButtonClickDelegate(BuyPropertyAlert_OnButtonClick); } } CurrentUIScr.ucp.UpdateZoomButton(); } } else { m_SelTile = new int[] { -1, -1 }; } //m_SecondsBehind += time.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; //m_SecondsBehind -= 1 / 60; FixedTimeUpdate(); //SetTimeOfDay(m_DayNightCycle % 1); //calculates sun/moon light colour and position //m_DayNightCycle += 0.001; //adjust the cycle speed here. When ingame, set m_DayNightCycle to to the percentage of time passed through the day. (0 to 1) m_ViewOffX = (m_TargVOffX) * m_ZoomProgress; m_ViewOffY = (m_TargVOffY) * m_ZoomProgress; } }
private void Controller_OnLotPurchaseFailed(Network.Events.TransactionEvent e) { UIAlertOptions AlertOptions = new UIAlertOptions(); AlertOptions.Title = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("246", "1"); if (Events.EventSink.EventQueue[0].ECode == Events.EventCodes.TRANSACTION_PLAYER_OUT_OF_MONEY) { //For now this says "Error! Transaction refused by server", because I couldn't find the right string. AlertOptions.Message = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("224", "16"); //Doing this instead of EventQueue.Clear() ensures we won't accidentally remove any //events that may have been added to the end. Events.EventSink.EventQueue.Remove(Events.EventSink.EventQueue[0]); } else { AlertOptions.Message = "General Error"; //Doing this instead of EventQueue.Clear() ensures we won't accidentally remove any //events that may have been added to the end. Events.EventSink.EventQueue.Remove(Events.EventSink.EventQueue[0]); } AlertOptions.Buttons = UIAlertButtons.OK; m_LotUnbuildableAlert = UIScreen.ShowAlert(AlertOptions, true); }
/// <summary> /// User clicked the "Retire avatar" button. /// </summary> private void DeleteAvatarButton_OnButtonClick(UIElement button) { UIAlertOptions AlertOptions = new UIAlertOptions(); //These should be imported as strings for localization. AlertOptions.Title = "Are you sure?"; AlertOptions.Message = "Do you want to retire this Sim?"; AlertOptions.Buttons = UIAlertButtons.OKCancel; RetireCharAlert = UIScreen.ShowAlert(AlertOptions, true); RetireCharAlert.ButtonMap[UIAlertButtons.OK].OnButtonClick += new ButtonClickDelegate(PersonSlot_OnButtonClick); }