protected void btnSEARCH_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TQF.Course course = new TQF.Course().getCourse(txtCOURSECODE.Text); txtCOURSTHENAME.Text = course.CourseThName; txtCOURSENENAME.Text = course.CourseEnName; txtCREDIT.Text = course.Credit; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { code = Request.QueryString["token"]; facId = Request.QueryString["facId"]; lblElectiveCourseTitle.Text = new CourseElective().getCourseElective(code).CourseElectiveThName + " (" + new CourseElective().getCourseElective(code).CourseElectiveEnName + ")"; // Head Table string[] ar = { "รหัสวิชา", "ชื่อวิชา", "หน่วยกิต", "วิชาของคณะ" }; tblElective.Attributes.Add("class", "table table-bordered table-striped table-hover"); tblElective.Attributes.Add("id", "dt_basic"); TableHeaderRow tRowHead = new TableHeaderRow(); tRowHead.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; for (int cellCtr = 1; cellCtr <= ar.Length; cellCtr++) { // Create a new cell and add it to the row. TableHeaderCell cellHead = new TableHeaderCell(); cellHead.Text = ar[cellCtr - 1]; tRowHead.Cells.Add(cellHead); } tblElective.Rows.Add(tRowHead); string sql = "Select * From COURSEELECTIVEMEMBER Where COURSEELECTIVECODE='" + code + "' And FACULTYCODE='" + facId + "'"; List <CourseElectiveMember> courseElectiveMember = new List <CourseElectiveMember>(); courseElectiveMember = new CourseElectiveMember().getCourseElectiveMemberManual(sql); foreach (CourseElectiveMember data in courseElectiveMember) { TableRow tRowBody = new TableRow(); tRowBody.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; TableCell cellCourseCode = new TableCell(); cellCourseCode.Text = data.CourseCode; //data.CourseElectiveCode; cellCourseCode.CssClass = "text-center"; cellCourseCode.Width = 100; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseCode); TQF.Course course = new TQF.Course().getCourse(data.CourseCode); TableCell cellCourseEnName = new TableCell(); cellCourseEnName.Text = course.CourseThName + "<br>" + course.CourseEnName; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseEnName); TableCell cellCredit = new TableCell(); cellCredit.Text = course.Credit; cellCredit.Width = 80; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCredit); TableCell cellFacultyCode = new TableCell(); cellFacultyCode.Text = new Faculty().getFaculty(data.FacultyOwner).Faculty_Thai; cellFacultyCode.Width = 200; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellFacultyCode); tblElective.Rows.Add(tRowBody); } } }
protected void btnSAVE_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TQF.Course data = new TQF.Course(); data.LevelCode = ddlDegree.SelectedValue; data.FacultyCode = ddlCURR_FACULTY.SelectedValue; data.CourseCode = txtCOURSE_CODE.Text; data.CourseEnShortName = txtSHORT_COURSENAME.Text; data.CourseThName = txtCOURSE_THAINAME.Text; data.CourseEnName = txtCOURSE_ENGNAME.Text; data.CourseFlagCode = ddlCOURSE_Flag.SelectedValue; data.CourseTypeCode = ddlCOURSE_TYPE.SelectedValue; data.SuFlage = ddlSU_Flag.SelectedValue; data.Credit = txtCOURSE_CREDIT.Text; data.TheoryHour = txtTHEORY.Text; data.PracticeHour = txtPRACTICE.Text; data.SelfStudyHour = txtSELF_STUDY.Text; data.ServiceStatus = ddl_SERVICESTATUS.SelectedValue; data.CourseThDesc = txtCOURSE_DESC_TH.Text; data.CourseEnDesc = txtCOURSE_DESC_EN.Text; data.MinCredits = MIN_CREDITS.Text; data.DateApprove = txtdate.Text; if (rBtnOpen.Checked == true) { data.CourseStatus = "Y"; } if (rBtnClose.Checked == true) { data.CourseStatus = "N"; } data.Comments = COURSE_COMMENT.Text; string sql = "Select * From COURSE Where COURSECODE='" + data.CourseCode + "'"; List <TQF.Course> chkDup = new TQF.Course().getCourseManual(sql); if (chkDup.Count > 0) { //lblError.Visible = true; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "ShowBox", "alert('รหัสวิชาซ้ำ!');", true); } else { string insertCourse = new TQF.Course().insertCourse(data); if (insertCourse == "Success") { Response.Redirect("listCOURSE.aspx"); } else { Session["response"] = "ข้อมูลผิดพลาด ไม่สามารถทำงานได้ในขณะนี้"; Response.Redirect("../err_response.aspx"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { if (Request.QueryString["CurrCode"] != "" && Request.QueryString["YearVersion"] != "") { code = Request.QueryString["token"]; CurrCode = Request.QueryString["CurrCode"]; YearVersion = Request.QueryString["YearVersion"]; } else { code = Request.QueryString["token"]; CurrCode = ""; YearVersion = ""; } TQF.Course course = new TQF.Course().getCourse(code); lblCourseName.Text = course.CourseThName + " (" + course.CourseEnName + ")"; lblLevelCode.Text = new Levels().getLevels(course.LevelCode).LevelName; lblCourseCode.Text = course.CourseCode; lblCourseEnShortName.Text = course.CourseEnShortName; lblCourseFlagCode.Text = new CourseFlag().getCourseFlag(course.CourseFlagCode).CourseFlagName; lblCourseTypeCode.Text = new TQF.CourseType().getCourseType(course.CourseTypeCode).CourseTypeThaiName; lblSuFlage.Text = new SuFlage().getSuFlage(course.SuFlage).SuFlageName; lblCourseThDesc.Text = course.CourseThDesc; lblCourseEnDesc.Text = course.CourseEnDesc; lblServiceStatus.Text = new ServiceStatus().getServiceStatus(course.ServiceStatus).ServiceStatusName; lblMinCredits.Text = course.MinCredits; lblDateApprove.Text = course.DateApprove; string sqlPreRequisite = "Select * From PREREQUISITE Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And COURSECODE='" + course.CourseCode + "'"; List <PreRequisite> preRequisite = new PreRequisite().getPreRequisiteManual(sqlPreRequisite); if (preRequisite.Count > 0) { foreach (PreRequisite data in preRequisite) { lblPrequisite.Text += data.PreRequisiteCourseCode + " " + new TQF.Course().getCourse(data.PreRequisiteCourseCode).CourseThName + " (" + new TQF.Course().getCourse(data.PreRequisiteCourseCode).CourseEnName + ")<br>"; } } else { lblPrequisite.Text = "ไม่มี"; } lblComments.Text = course.Comments; } }
protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string deleteCourse = new TQF.Course().deleteCourse(code); if (deleteCourse == "Success") { Response.Redirect("listCOURSE.aspx"); } else { Session["response"] = "ข้อมูลผิดพลาด ไม่สามารถทำงานได้ในขณะนี้"; Response.Redirect("../err_response.aspx"); } }
protected void btnSAVE_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TQF.Course data = new TQF.Course(); data.LevelCode = ddlDegree.SelectedValue; data.FacultyCode = ddlCURR_FACULTY.SelectedValue; data.CourseCode = code; data.CourseEnShortName = txtSHORT_COURSENAME.Text; data.CourseThName = txtCOURSE_THAINAME.Text; data.CourseEnName = txtCOURSE_ENGNAME.Text; data.CourseFlagCode = ddlCOURSE_Flag.SelectedValue; data.CourseTypeCode = ddlCOURSE_TYPE.SelectedValue; data.SuFlage = ddlSU_Flag.SelectedValue; data.Credit = txtCOURSE_CREDIT.Text; data.TheoryHour = txtTHEORY.Text; data.PracticeHour = txtPRACTICE.Text; data.SelfStudyHour = txtSELF_STUDY.Text; data.ServiceStatus = ddl_SERVICESTATUS.SelectedValue; data.CourseThDesc = txtCOURSE_DESC_TH.Text; data.CourseEnDesc = txtCOURSE_DESC_EN.Text; data.MinCredits = MIN_CREDITS.Text; data.DateApprove = txtdate.Text; if (rBtnOpen.Checked == true) { data.CourseStatus = "Y"; } if (rBtnClose.Checked == true) { data.CourseStatus = "N"; } data.Comments = COURSE_COMMENT.Text; string updateCourse = new TQF.Course().updateCourse(data); if (updateCourse == "Success") { Response.Redirect("listCOURSE.aspx"); } else { Session["response"] = "ข้อมูลผิดพลาด ไม่สามารถทำงานได้ในขณะนี้"; Response.Redirect("../err_response.aspx"); } }
//private TableRow tRowSave; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CurrCode = Request.QueryString["CurrCode"]; DomainTypeCode = Request.QueryString["DomainTypeCode"]; CourseCode = Request.QueryString["CourseCode"]; YearVersion = Request.QueryString["YearVersion"]; TQF.Course course = new TQF.Course().getCourse(CourseCode); lblCourseCode.Text = course.CourseCode; lblCourseThName.Text = course.CourseThName; lblCourseEnName.Text = course.CourseEnName; CourseElective courseElective = new CourseElective().getCourseElective(CourseCode); lblCourseCode.Text += courseElective.CourseElectiveCode; lblCourseThName.Text += courseElective.CourseElectiveThName; lblCourseEnName.Text += courseElective.CourseElectiveEnName; tableBody(tblDomain, CurrCode, DomainTypeCode); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CurrCode = Request.QueryString["CurrCode"]; YearVersion = Request.QueryString["YearVersion"]; CurrFormatCode = Request.QueryString["CurrFormatCode"]; CurrTypeCode = Request.QueryString["CurrTypeCode"]; MajorCode = Request.QueryString["MajorCode"]; Year = Request.QueryString["Year"]; Semester = Request.QueryString["Semester"]; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { lblHead.Text = new CurrType().getCurrType(CurrTypeCode).CurrTypeName + ": " + new CurrFormat().getCurrFormat(CurrFormatCode).CurrFormatName + " (แขนงวิชา " + new TQF.Major().getMajor(MajorCode).MajorThName + ")"; ddlEDUCATIONYEAR.Items.FindByValue(Year).Selected = true; ddlEDUCATIONSEMESTER.Items.FindByValue(Semester).Selected = true; } // Head Table string[] ar = { "เลือก", "รหัสวิชา", "ชื่อวิชา", "หน่วยกิต" }; tblCourse.Attributes.Add("class", "table table-bordered table-striped table-hover"); tblCourse.Attributes.Add("id", "dt_basic"); TableHeaderRow tRowHead = new TableHeaderRow(); tRowHead.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; for (int cellCtr = 1; cellCtr <= ar.Length; cellCtr++) { // Create a new cell and add it to the row. TableHeaderCell cellHead = new TableHeaderCell(); cellHead.Text = ar[cellCtr - 1]; tRowHead.Cells.Add(cellHead); switch (cellCtr) { case 1: cellHead.Width = 50; break; case 2: cellHead.Width = 80; break; case 3: break; case 4: cellHead.Width = 80; break; case 5: cellHead.Width = 80; break; } } tblCourse.Rows.Add(tRowHead); //string sql = "Select * From TQF2SEC3PLANDETAIL Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' Order By COURSECODE"; //List<TQF2Sec3PlanDetail> tqf2Sec3PlanDetail = new TQF2Sec3PlanDetail().getTQF2Sec3PlanDetailManual(sql); //List<TQF2Sec3PlanDetail> tqf2Sec3PlanDetail = new TQF2Sec3PlanDetail().getDistinctCourseCodeTQF2Sec3PlanDetail(CurrCode, YearVersion); string sql1 = "Select Distinct COURSECODE From TQF2SEC3PLANDETAIL Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And MAJORCODE='" + MajorCode + "' Order By COURSECODE"; List <TQF2Sec3PlanDetail> tqf2Sec3PlanDetail = new TQF2Sec3PlanDetail().getDistinctCourseCodeTQF2Sec3PlanDetailManual(sql1); int i = 0; foreach (TQF2Sec3PlanDetail data in tqf2Sec3PlanDetail) { i++; TableRow tRowBody = new TableRow(); tRowBody.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; //Cell [0] TableCell cellCheck = new TableCell(); CheckBox chk = new CheckBox(); chk.ID = data.CourseCode + i.ToString(); cellCheck.Controls.Add(chk); cellCheck.CssClass = "text-center"; cellCheck.Width = 50; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCheck); //Cell [1] TableCell cellCourseCode = new TableCell(); cellCourseCode.Text = data.CourseCode; cellCourseCode.CssClass = "text-center"; cellCourseCode.Width = 80; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseCode); //Cell [2] TQF.Course course = new TQF.Course().getCourse(data.CourseCode); CourseElective courseElective = new CourseElective().getCourseElective(data.CourseCode); TableCell cellCourseEnName = new TableCell(); //cellCourseEnName.Text = course.CourseThName + "<br>" + course.CourseEnName; cellCourseEnName.Text = course.CourseThName + courseElective.CourseElectiveThName + "<BR>"; cellCourseEnName.Text += course.CourseEnName + courseElective.CourseElectiveEnName; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseEnName); //Cell [3] TableCell cellCredit = new TableCell(); cellCredit.Text = course.Credit + courseElective.Credit + " (" + course.TheoryHour + "-" + course.PracticeHour + "-" + course.SelfStudyHour + ")"; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCredit); //Cell [4] //เลือกค่า Id ของตาราง Elective course ไปเก็บ ไม่แสดงผลออกทางหน้าจอ TableCell cellId = new TableCell(); cellId.Visible = false; cellId.Text = "null"; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellId); tblCourse.Rows.Add(tRowBody); } TQF.Curriculum curriculum = new TQF.Curriculum().getCurriculum(CurrCode, YearVersion); //แสดงวิชาเลือก -> วิชา xxx List <CourseElective> electiveCourse = new List <CourseElective>(); string sql2 = "Select * From COURSEELECTIVE Order By COURSEELECTIVECODE"; electiveCourse = new CourseElective().getCourseElectiveManual(sql2); int k = 0; foreach (CourseElective data in electiveCourse) { k++; string sql3 = "Select * From TQF2SEC3PLANDETAIL Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And COURSECODE='" + data.CourseElectiveCode + "'"; List <TQF2Sec3PlanDetail> chkDupTqf2Sec3PlanDetail = new TQF2Sec3PlanDetail().getTQF2Sec3PlanDetailManual(sql3); TableRow tRowBody = new TableRow(); tRowBody.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; if (chkDupTqf2Sec3PlanDetail.Count > 0) { continue; } else { //Cell [0] TableCell cellCheck = new TableCell(); CheckBox chk = new CheckBox(); chk.ID = data.CourseElectiveCode + k.ToString(); cellCheck.Controls.Add(chk); cellCheck.CssClass = "text-center"; cellCheck.Width = 50; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCheck); //Cell [1] TableCell cellCourseCode = new TableCell(); cellCourseCode.Text = data.CourseElectiveCode; cellCourseCode.CssClass = "text-center"; cellCourseCode.Width = 80; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseCode); //Cell [2] TableCell cellCourseEnName = new TableCell(); cellCourseEnName.Text = data.CourseElectiveThName + "<BR>"; cellCourseEnName.Text += data.CourseElectiveEnName; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseEnName); //Cell [3] TableCell cellCredit = new TableCell(); cellCredit.Text = data.Credit + " (" + "-" + "-" + ")"; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCredit); //Cell [4] //เลือกค่า Id ของตาราง Elective course ไปเก็บ ไม่แสดงผลออกทางหน้าจอ TableCell cellId = new TableCell(); cellId.Visible = false; cellId.Text = data.Id; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellId); tblCourse.Rows.Add(tRowBody); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { T2S3No = Request.QueryString["T2S3No"]; CurrCode = Request.QueryString["CurrCode"]; YearVersion = Request.QueryString["YearVersion"]; CurrFormatCode = Request.QueryString["CurrFormatCode"]; CurrTypeCode = Request.QueryString["CurrTypeCode"]; MajorCode = Request.QueryString["MajorCode"]; CourseGroupCode = Request.QueryString["CourseGroupCode"]; CategoryCode = Request.QueryString["CategoryCode"]; CourseTypeCode = Request.QueryString["CourseTypeCode"]; TQF.Curriculum currTitle = new TQF.Curriculum().getCurriculum(CurrCode, YearVersion); lblHeader1.Text = currTitle.CurrCode + " หลักสูตร" + currTitle.CurrThName; lblHeader2.Text = currTitle.CurrEnName; string currStatus; if (currTitle.CurrStatus == "1") { currStatus = "หลักสูตรใหม่"; lblHeader3.Text = "(" + currStatus + " พ.ศ. " + currTitle.YearVersion + ")"; } if (currTitle.CurrStatus == "2") { currStatus = "หลักปรับปรุง"; lblHeader3.Text = "(" + currStatus + " พ.ศ. " + currTitle.YearVersion + ")"; } lblBody1.Text = new CurrFormat().getCurrFormat(CurrFormatCode).CurrFormatName + " (" + new TQF.Major().getMajor(MajorCode).MajorThName + ")"; lblBody2.Text = new Category().getCategory(CategoryCode).CategoryThName; lblBody3.Text = new CourseGroup().getCourseGroup(CourseGroupCode).CourseGroupThName; lblBody4.Text = new CourseSubjectType().getCourseSubjectType(CourseTypeCode).CourseTypeThaiName; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { List <FacultyData> faculty = new Faculty().getAllFaculty(); ddlCURR_FACULTY.Items.Clear(); ddlCURR_FACULTY.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-- เลือกรายวิชาคณะ --", "00")); foreach (FacultyData row in faculty) { ddlCURR_FACULTY.Items.Insert(ddlCURR_FACULTY.Items.Count, new ListItem(row.Faculty_Thai, row.Faculty_Code)); } } // Head Table string[] ar = { "เลือก", "รหัสวิชา", "ชื่อวิชา", "หน่วย" }; tblCourse.Attributes.Add("class", "table table-striped table-bordered table-hover"); tblCourse.Attributes.Add("id", "dt_basic"); TableHeaderRow tRowHead = new TableHeaderRow(); tRowHead.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; for (int cellCtr = 1; cellCtr <= ar.Length; cellCtr++) { TableHeaderCell cellHead = new TableHeaderCell(); if (cellCtr == 1) { cellHead.Width = 80; } if (cellCtr == 2 || cellCtr == 4) { cellHead.Width = 150; } cellHead.Text = ar[cellCtr - 1]; tRowHead.Cells.Add(cellHead); } tblCourse.Rows.Add(tRowHead); string sql = ""; if (currTitle.FacultyCode == ddlCURR_FACULTY.SelectedValue) { sql = "Select * From COURSE Where FACULTYCODE='" + ddlCURR_FACULTY.SelectedValue + "' And COURSESTATUS='Y'"; } else { sql = "Select * From COURSE Where FACULTYCODE='" + ddlCURR_FACULTY.SelectedValue + "' And SERVICESTATUS='A' And COURSESTATUS='Y'"; } List <TQF.Course> course = new TQF.Course().getCourseManual(sql); int i = 0; foreach (TQF.Course data in course) { i++; TableRow tRowBody = new TableRow(); tRowBody.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; //Cell [0] TableCell cellCheck = new TableCell(); CheckBox chk = new CheckBox(); chk.ID = i + data.CourseCode; cellCheck.Controls.Add(chk); cellCheck.CssClass = "text-center"; cellCheck.Width = 50; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCheck); //Cell [1] TableCell cellCourseCode = new TableCell(); string urlShow = "showCOURSE.aspx?token=" + data.CourseCode; HyperLink hypShow = new HyperLink(); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#showModal"); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); hypShow.Text = data.CourseCode; hypShow.NavigateUrl = urlShow; hypShow.ToolTip = "Course details"; cellCourseCode.Controls.Add(hypShow); cellCourseCode.CssClass = "text-center"; cellCourseCode.Width = 80; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseCode); //Cell [2] TableCell cellCourseThName = new TableCell(); cellCourseThName.Text = data.CourseThName + "<BR>" + data.CourseEnName; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseThName); //Cell [3] TableCell cellNumCredit = new TableCell(); cellNumCredit.Text = data.Credit + "(" + data.TheoryHour + "-" + data.PracticeHour + "-" + data.SelfStudyHour + ")"; cellNumCredit.Width = 100; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellNumCredit); //Cell [4] //ไม่แสดงผลออกทางหน้าจอ แต่ นำค่าไปใช้เก็บลงฐานข้อมูล TableCell cellCourseCodeHide = new TableCell(); cellCourseCodeHide.Text = data.CourseCode; cellCourseCodeHide.Visible = false; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseCodeHide); tblCourse.Rows.Add(tRowBody); } //แสดงวิชาเลือก -> วิชา xxx List <CourseElective> electiveCourse = new List <CourseElective>(); string sql2 = "Select * From COURSEELECTIVE Where FACULTYCODE='" + ddlCURR_FACULTY.SelectedValue + "'"; electiveCourse = new CourseElective().getCourseElectiveManual(sql2); int j = 0; foreach (CourseElective data in electiveCourse) { j++; TableRow tRowBody = new TableRow(); tRowBody.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; //Cell [0] TableCell cellCheck = new TableCell(); CheckBox chk = new CheckBox(); chk.ID = j + data.CourseElectiveCode; cellCheck.Controls.Add(chk); cellCheck.CssClass = "text-center"; cellCheck.Width = 50; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCheck); //Cell [1] TableCell cellCourseCode = new TableCell(); string urlShow = "showCOURSE.aspx?token=" + data.CourseElectiveCode; HyperLink hypShow = new HyperLink(); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#showModal"); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); hypShow.Text = data.CourseElectiveCode; hypShow.NavigateUrl = urlShow; hypShow.ToolTip = "Course details"; cellCourseCode.Controls.Add(hypShow); cellCourseCode.CssClass = "text-center"; cellCourseCode.Width = 80; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseCode); //Cell [2] TableCell cellCourseThName = new TableCell(); cellCourseThName.Text = data.CourseElectiveThName + "<BR>" + data.CourseElectiveEnName; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseThName); //Cell [3] TableCell cellNumCredit = new TableCell(); cellNumCredit.Text = data.Credit + " (x-x-x)"; cellNumCredit.Width = 100; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellNumCredit); //Cell [4] //ไม่แสดงผลออกทางหน้าจอ แต่ นำค่าไปใช้เก็บลงฐานข้อมูล TableCell cellCourseCodeHide = new TableCell(); cellCourseCodeHide.Text = data.Id; cellCourseCodeHide.Visible = false; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseCodeHide); tblCourse.Rows.Add(tRowBody); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["login_data"] == null) { Response.Redirect("../index.aspx"); } else { //ตรวจสอบสิทธิ์ login_data = (UserLoginData)Session["login_data"]; if (autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.curriculum) || autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.officer_faculty) || autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.officer_department)) { // ======== Process =========== bool editable = false; code = Request.QueryString["token"]; TQF.Course course = new TQF.Course().getCourse(code); //หลักสูตร if (autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.curriculum)) { editable = true; } // วิชาการคณะ else if (autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.officer_faculty)) { List <string> faculty_authorized = autro_obj.getFaculty_Authorized(login_data, group_var.officer_faculty); foreach (string fac in faculty_authorized) { if (fac == course.FacultyCode) { editable = true; break; } } } // วิชาการภาค else if (autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.officer_department)) { List <string> department_authorized = autro_obj.getDepartment_Authorized(login_data, group_var.officer_department); foreach (string dep in department_authorized) { if (dep.Substring(0, 2) == course.FacultyCode) { editable = true; break; } } } if (editable == true) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { rBtnOpen.Checked = true; List <TQF.Levels> levels = new TQF.Levels().getLevels(); foreach (TQF.Levels row in levels) { ddlDegree.Items.Insert(ddlDegree.Items.Count, new ListItem(row.LevelName, row.LevelCode)); } ddlDegree.Items.FindByValue(course.LevelCode).Selected = true; List <CourseFlag> courseFlag = new CourseFlag().getCourseFlag(); foreach (CourseFlag row in courseFlag) { ddlCOURSE_Flag.Items.Insert(ddlCOURSE_Flag.Items.Count, new ListItem(row.CourseFlagName, row.CourseFlagCode)); } ddlCOURSE_Flag.Items.FindByValue(course.CourseFlagCode).Selected = true; List <TQF.CourseType> courseType = new TQF.CourseType().getCourseType(); foreach (TQF.CourseType row in courseType) { ddlCOURSE_TYPE.Items.Insert(ddlCOURSE_TYPE.Items.Count, new ListItem(row.CourseTypeThaiName, row.CourseTypeCode)); } ddlCOURSE_TYPE.Items.FindByValue(course.CourseTypeCode).Selected = true; List <SuFlage> suFlage = new SuFlage().getSuFlage(); foreach (SuFlage row in suFlage) { ddlSU_Flag.Items.Insert(ddlSU_Flag.Items.Count, new ListItem(row.SuFlageName, row.SuFlagCode)); } ddlSU_Flag.Items.FindByValue(course.SuFlage).Selected = true; List <ServiceStatus> serviceStatus = new ServiceStatus().getServiceStatus(); foreach (ServiceStatus row in serviceStatus) { ddl_SERVICESTATUS.Items.Insert(ddl_SERVICESTATUS.Items.Count, new ListItem(row.ServiceStatusName, row.ServiceStatusValue)); } ddl_SERVICESTATUS.Items.FindByValue(course.ServiceStatus).Selected = true; //หลักสูตร if (autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.curriculum)) { List <FacultyData> faculty = new Faculty().getFaculty(); foreach (FacultyData row in faculty) { ddlCURR_FACULTY.Items.Insert(ddlCURR_FACULTY.Items.Count, new ListItem(row.Faculty_Thai, row.Faculty_Code)); } } // วิชาการคณะ else if (autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.officer_faculty)) { List <string> faculty_authorized = autro_obj.getFaculty_Authorized(login_data, group_var.officer_faculty); List <FacultyData> facultyData = new List <FacultyData>(); // คณะ facultyData = new Faculty().getFaculty(faculty_authorized); foreach (FacultyData data in facultyData) { ddlCURR_FACULTY.Items.Insert(ddlCURR_FACULTY.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Faculty_Thai, data.Faculty_Code)); } } // วิชาการภาค else if (autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.officer_department)) { List <DepartmentData> departmentData = new List <DepartmentData>(); List <string> department_authorized = autro_obj.getDepartment_Authorized(login_data, group_var.officer_department); // คณะ departmentData = new Department().getDepartment(department_authorized); foreach (DepartmentData data in departmentData) { FacultyData faculty_data = new Faculty().getFaculty(data.Department_Code.Substring(0, 2)); ddlCURR_FACULTY.Items.Insert(ddlCURR_FACULTY.Items.Count, new ListItem(faculty_data.Faculty_Thai, faculty_data.Faculty_Code)); } } ddlCURR_FACULTY.Items.FindByValue(course.FacultyCode).Selected = true; txtCOURSE_CODE.Text = course.CourseCode; txtSHORT_COURSENAME.Text = course.CourseEnShortName; txtCOURSE_THAINAME.Text = course.CourseThName; txtCOURSE_ENGNAME.Text = course.CourseEnName; txtCOURSE_CREDIT.Text = course.Credit; txtTHEORY.Text = course.TheoryHour; txtPRACTICE.Text = course.PracticeHour; txtSELF_STUDY.Text = course.SelfStudyHour; txtCOURSE_DESC_TH.Text = course.CourseThDesc; txtCOURSE_DESC_EN.Text = course.CourseEnDesc; MIN_CREDITS.Text = course.MinCredits; txtdate.Text = course.DateApprove; if (course.CourseStatus == "Y") { rBtnOpen.Checked = true; } if (course.CourseStatus == "N") { rBtnClose.Checked = true; } COURSE_COMMENT.Text = course.Comments; } } else { HttpContext.Current.Session["response"] = "ตรวจสอบไม่พบสิทธิ์การเข้าใช้งาน"; HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("err_response.aspx"); } //============================= } else { HttpContext.Current.Session["response"] = "ตรวจสอบไม่พบสิทธิ์การเข้าใช้งาน"; HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("err_response.aspx"); } } }
protected void htmlGenerateTab4(string MajorCode, string CurrFormatCode, string TotalCredits, string YearVersion, string CurrTypeCode) { //string sqlCreditCount = "Select COUNT(COURSECODE) As CREDITCOUNT From TQF2SEC3SEMESTERPLAN Where CURRCODE='707012555' And YEARVERSION='2555' And CURRFORMATCODE='008' And CURRTYPECODE='004' And MAJORCODE='0701' And COURSECODE='070115800'"; string html = ""; html += "<div class=\"row\" style=\"margin: 0 10px\">"; html += " <div class=\"col col-10\">"; html += " <h3 class=\"txt-title-blue\">"; html += " <i class=\"fa fa-file-text-o\"></i> "; Label lblPlanTitle = new Label(); lblPlanTitle.Font.Bold = true; lblPlanTitle.Text = new CurrType().getCurrType(CurrTypeCode).CurrTypeName + " (แขนงวิชา " + new TQF.Major().getMajor(MajorCode).MajorThName + ")"; html += lblPlanTitle.Text; html += " </h3>"; html += " </div>"; html += "</div>"; string sqlYear = "Select Distinct EDUCATIONYEAR From TQF2SEC3SEMESTERPLAN Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And CURRFORMATCODE='" + CurrFormatCode + "' And CURRTYPECODE='" + CurrTypeCode + "' And MAJORCODE='" + MajorCode + "' Order By EDUCATIONYEAR"; List <TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan> tqf2Sec3SemesterPlan_Year = new TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan().getYear(sqlYear); foreach (TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan rowYear in tqf2Sec3SemesterPlan_Year) { string sqlSemester = "Select Distinct EDUCATIONSEMESTER From TQF2SEC3SEMESTERPLAN Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And CURRFORMATCODE='" + CurrFormatCode + "' And CURRTYPECODE='" + CurrTypeCode + "' And MAJORCODE='" + MajorCode + "' And EDUCATIONYEAR='" + rowYear.EducationYear + "' Order By EDUCATIONYEAR"; List <TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan> tqf2Sec3SemesterPlan_Semester = new TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan().getSemester(sqlSemester); foreach (TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan rowSemester in tqf2Sec3SemesterPlan_Semester) { html += "<div class=\"row\" style=\"margin: 0 10px\">"; html += " <div class=\"col col-10\">"; html += " <p class=\"text-center\">"; Label label0 = new Label(); label0.Text = "ปีที่ " + rowYear.EducationYear + " ภาคการศึกษาที่ " + rowSemester.EducationSemester; html += "<span id=\"Label11\" class=\"label bg-color-teal\" style=\"font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px\">" + label0.Text + "</span>"; html += " </p>"; html += " </div>"; html += "</div>"; html += "<div class=\"row\" style=\"margin: 0 10px; padding-bottom: 20px\">"; html += " <div class=\"col col-10\">"; Table tblGroupCategory = new Table(); // Head Table string[] ar = { "รหัสวิชา", "ชื่อวิชา", "หน่วยกิต" }; tblGroupCategory.Attributes.Add("class", "table table-striped tb-curr-plan"); TableHeaderRow tRowHead = new TableHeaderRow(); tRowHead.CssClass = "danger"; tRowHead.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; for (int cellCtr = 1; cellCtr <= ar.Length; cellCtr++) { TableHeaderCell cellHead = new TableHeaderCell(); cellHead.Text = ar[cellCtr - 1]; if (cellCtr == 1 || cellCtr == 3) { cellHead.Width = 100; } tRowHead.Cells.Add(cellHead); } tblGroupCategory.Rows.Add(tRowHead); //Body Table string sqlCourse = "Select * From TQF2SEC3SEMESTERPLAN Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And CURRFORMATCODE='" + CurrFormatCode + "' And CURRTYPECODE='" + CurrTypeCode + "' And MAJORCODE='" + MajorCode + "' And EDUCATIONYEAR='" + rowYear.EducationYear + "' And EDUCATIONSEMESTER='" + rowSemester.EducationSemester + "' Order By COURSECODE"; List <TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan> tqf2Sec3SemesterPlan_Course = new TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan().getTQF2Sec3SemesterPlanManual(sqlCourse); foreach (TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan row in tqf2Sec3SemesterPlan_Course) { TQF.Course course = new TQF.Course().getCourse(row.CourseCode); CourseElective courseElective = new CourseElective().getCourseElectiveId(row.CourseCode); TableRow tRowBody = new TableRow(); tRowBody.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; TableCell cellCourseCode = new TableCell(); string urlShow = "showCOURSE.aspx?token=" + row.CourseCode; HyperLink hypShow = new HyperLink(); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#course_desModal"); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); hypShow.Text = course.CourseCode + courseElective.CourseElectiveCode; hypShow.NavigateUrl = urlShow; hypShow.ToolTip = "Course details"; cellCourseCode.Controls.Add(hypShow); cellCourseCode.CssClass = "text-center"; cellCourseCode.Width = 80; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseCode); TableCell cellNCourseThName = new TableCell(); cellNCourseThName.Text = course.CourseThName + courseElective.CourseElectiveThName + "<BR>"; cellNCourseThName.Text += course.CourseEnName + courseElective.CourseElectiveEnName; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellNCourseThName); TableCell cellNumCredit = new TableCell(); //หาจำนวนวิชาวิทยานิพนธ์ทั้งหมด string creditCount = ""; int creDit = 0; //ค่าที่เช็คเงื่อนไขว่าเป็นวิชาวิทยานิพนธ์ มาจากตาราง COURSETYPE //7 วิทยานิพนธ์ (ป.เอก) Dissertation //4 วิทยานิพนธ์ Thesis //5 สารนิพนธ์ Master Project if (course.CourseTypeCode == "4" || course.CourseTypeCode == "5" || course.CourseTypeCode == "7") { string sqlCreditCount = "Select COUNT(COURSECODE) As CREDITCOUNT From TQF2SEC3SEMESTERPLAN Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And CURRFORMATCODE='" + CurrFormatCode + "' And CURRTYPECODE='" + CurrTypeCode + "' And MAJORCODE='" + MajorCode + "' And COURSECODE='" + row.CourseCode + "'"; //คำนวนหน่วยกิตโดยการหารด้วยจำนวนเทอมที่เรียน creditCount = new TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan().getCountCreditTQF2Sec3SemesterPlanManual(sqlCreditCount).CreditCount; try { creDit = int.Parse(course.Credit) / int.Parse(creditCount); } catch { creDit = 0; } //แสดงผลลงในตาราง cellNumCredit.Text = creDit.ToString() + courseElective.Credit + " (" + course.TheoryHour + "-" + course.PracticeHour + "-" + course.SelfStudyHour + ")"; cellNumCredit.Width = 100; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellNumCredit); } else { //แสดงผลลงในตาราง cellNumCredit.Text = course.Credit + courseElective.Credit + " (" + course.TheoryHour + "-" + course.PracticeHour + "-" + course.SelfStudyHour + ")"; cellNumCredit.Width = 100; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellNumCredit); } tblGroupCategory.Rows.Add(tRowBody); } StringWriter htmlString = new StringWriter(); tblGroupCategory.RenderControl(new HtmlTextWriter(htmlString)); string htmlTableBody = htmlString.ToString(); html += htmlTableBody; html += " </div>"; html += "</div>"; } } Label lblHTML4 = new Label(); lblHTML4.Text = html; placeHTML4.Controls.Add(lblHTML4); }
protected void tableBody(Table tblName, string CurrFormatCode, string CurrTypeCode, string MajorCode, string EducationYear, string EducationSemester) { string sql = "Select * From TQF2SEC3SEMESTERPLAN Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And CURRFORMATCODE='" + CurrFormatCode + "' And CURRTYPECODE='" + CurrTypeCode + "' And MAJORCODE='" + MajorCode + "' And EDUCATIONYEAR='" + EducationYear + "' And EDUCATIONSEMESTER='" + EducationSemester + "' Order By COURSECODE"; List <TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan> tqf2Sec3SemesterPlan = new TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan().getTQF2Sec3SemesterPlanManual(sql); foreach (TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan row in tqf2Sec3SemesterPlan) { TQF.Course course = new TQF.Course().getCourse(row.CourseCode); CourseElective courseElective = new CourseElective().getCourseElectiveId(row.CourseCode); TableRow tRowBody = new TableRow(); tRowBody.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; TableCell cellCourseCode = new TableCell(); //string urlShow = "showCOURSE.aspx?token=" + row.CourseCode; string urlShow = "showCOURSE.aspx?token=" + row.CourseCode + "&CurrCode=" + CurrCode + "&YearVersion=" + YearVersion; HyperLink hypShow = new HyperLink(); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#showModal"); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); //แสดงรหัสวิชาระหว่างตาราง COURSE กับ COURSEELECTIVE hypShow.Text = course.CourseCode + courseElective.CourseElectiveCode; hypShow.NavigateUrl = urlShow; hypShow.ToolTip = "Course details"; cellCourseCode.Controls.Add(hypShow); cellCourseCode.CssClass = "text-center"; cellCourseCode.Width = 80; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseCode); TableCell cellNCourseThName = new TableCell(); cellNCourseThName.Text = course.CourseThName + courseElective.CourseElectiveThName + "<BR>"; cellNCourseThName.Text += course.CourseEnName + courseElective.CourseElectiveEnName; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellNCourseThName); //TableCell cellNumCredit = new TableCell(); //cellNumCredit.Text = course.Credit + courseElective.Credit + " (" + course.TheoryHour + "-" + course.PracticeHour + "-" + course.SelfStudyHour + ")"; //cellNumCredit.Width = 100; //tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellNumCredit); TableCell cellNumCredit = new TableCell(); //หาจำนวนวิชาวิทยานิพนธ์ทั้งหมด string creditCount = ""; int creDit = 0; //ค่าที่เช็คเงื่อนไขว่าเป็นวิชาวิทยานิพนธ์ มาจากตาราง COURSETYPE //7 วิทยานิพนธ์ (ป.เอก) Dissertation //4 วิทยานิพนธ์ Thesis //5 สารนิพนธ์ Master Project if (course.CourseTypeCode == "4" || course.CourseTypeCode == "5" || course.CourseTypeCode == "7") { string sqlCreditCount = "Select COUNT(COURSECODE) As CREDITCOUNT From TQF2SEC3SEMESTERPLAN Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And CURRFORMATCODE='" + CurrFormatCode + "' And CURRTYPECODE='" + CurrTypeCode + "' And MAJORCODE='" + MajorCode + "' And COURSECODE='" + row.CourseCode + "'"; //คำนวนหน่วยกิตโดยการหารด้วยจำนวนเทอมที่เรียน creditCount = new TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan().getCountCreditTQF2Sec3SemesterPlanManual(sqlCreditCount).CreditCount; try { creDit = int.Parse(course.Credit) / int.Parse(creditCount); } catch { creDit = 0; } //แสดงผลลงในตาราง cellNumCredit.Text = creDit.ToString() + courseElective.Credit + " (" + course.TheoryHour + "-" + course.PracticeHour + "-" + course.SelfStudyHour + ")"; cellNumCredit.Width = 100; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellNumCredit); } else { //แสดงผลลงในตาราง cellNumCredit.Text = course.Credit + courseElective.Credit + " (" + course.TheoryHour + "-" + course.PracticeHour + "-" + course.SelfStudyHour + ")"; cellNumCredit.Width = 100; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellNumCredit); } //&CourseCode=" + course.CourseCode + courseElective.CourseElectiveCode --> รหัสวิชา หรือ รหัสวิชาเลือก(xxx) TableCell cellDel = new TableCell(); string urlDel = "delete_CURR8_2.aspx?CurrCode=" + CurrCode + "&YearVersion=" + YearVersion + "&CurrFormatCode=" + CurrFormatCode + "&CurrTypeCode=" + CurrTypeCode + "&MajorCode=" + MajorCode + "&Year=" + row.EducationYear + "&Semester=" + row.EducationSemester + "&CourseCode=" + course.CourseCode + courseElective.Id + ""; HyperLink hypDel = new HyperLink(); hypDel.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#deleteCourse"); hypDel.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); hypDel.Text = "<h4><i class='fa fa-trash-o'></i></h4>"; hypDel.NavigateUrl = urlDel; hypDel.ToolTip = "Delete"; cellDel.Controls.Add(hypDel); cellDel.CssClass = "text-center"; cellDel.Width = 60; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellDel); tblName.Rows.Add(tRowBody); } }
protected void btnSEARCH_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Head Table string[] ar = { "รหัสวิชา", "ชื่อวิชา", "หน่วยกิต", "คณะ", "สถานะเปิด/ปิด", "แก้ไข", "ลบ" }; tblCourse.Attributes.Add("class", "table table-bordered table-striped table-hover"); tblCourse.Attributes.Add("id", "dt_basic"); TableHeaderRow tRowHead = new TableHeaderRow(); tRowHead.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; for (int cellCtr = 1; cellCtr <= ar.Length; cellCtr++) { // Create a new cell and add it to the row. TableHeaderCell cellHead = new TableHeaderCell(); cellHead.Text = ar[cellCtr - 1]; tRowHead.Cells.Add(cellHead); switch (cellCtr) { case 1: cellHead.Width = 80; break; case 2: break; case 3: cellHead.Width = 80; break; case 4: break; case 5: cellHead.Width = 80; break; case 6: cellHead.Width = 50; break; case 7: cellHead.Width = 50; break; } } tblCourse.Rows.Add(tRowHead); List <TQF.Course> course = new List <TQF.Course>(); if (ddlCURR_FACULTY.SelectedValue == "00") { course = new TQF.Course().getCourse(); } else { string sql = "Select * From COURSE Where FACULTYCODE='" + ddlCURR_FACULTY.SelectedValue + "'"; course = new TQF.Course().getCourseManual(sql); } foreach (TQF.Course data in course) { TableRow tRowBody = new TableRow(); tRowBody.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; TableCell cellCourseCode = new TableCell(); string urlShow = "showCOURSE.aspx?token=" + data.CourseCode; HyperLink hypShow = new HyperLink(); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#showModal"); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); hypShow.Text = data.CourseCode; hypShow.NavigateUrl = urlShow; hypShow.ToolTip = "Course details"; cellCourseCode.Controls.Add(hypShow); cellCourseCode.CssClass = "text-center"; cellCourseCode.Width = 80; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseCode); TableCell cellCourseEnName = new TableCell(); cellCourseEnName.Text = data.CourseThName + "<br>" + data.CourseEnName; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseEnName); TableCell cellCredit = new TableCell(); cellCredit.Text = data.Credit + "(" + data.TheoryHour + "-" + data.PracticeHour + "-" + data.SelfStudyHour + ")"; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCredit); TableCell cellFacultyCode = new TableCell(); cellFacultyCode.Text = new Faculty().getFaculty(data.FacultyCode).Faculty_Thai; cellFacultyCode.Width = 200; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellFacultyCode); TableCell cellCourseStatus = new TableCell(); if (data.CourseStatus == "Y") { cellCourseStatus.Text = "<h4 class='txt-color-green'><i class='fa fa-check'></i></h4>"; // +data.CourseStatus; } if (data.CourseStatus == "N") { cellCourseStatus.Text = "<h4 class='txt-color-red'><i class='fa fa-times'></i></h4>"; // +data.CourseStatus; } cellCourseStatus.Width = 50; cellCourseStatus.CssClass = "text-center"; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseStatus); TableCell cellEdit = new TableCell(); // งานหลักสูตร if (autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.officer_faculty)) { string urlEdit = "editCOURSE.aspx?token=" + data.CourseCode; HyperLink hypEdit = new HyperLink(); //hypEdit.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#editModal"); //hypEdit.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); hypEdit.Text = "<h4><i class='fa fa-edit'></i></h4>"; hypEdit.NavigateUrl = urlEdit; hypEdit.ToolTip = "Edit"; cellEdit.Controls.Add(hypEdit); } // วิชาการคณะ //else if (autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.officer_faculty)) //{ // bool editable = false; // List<string> faculty_authorized = autro_obj.getFaculty_Authorized(login_data, group_var.officer_faculty); // foreach (string fac in faculty_authorized) // { // if (fac == data.FacultyCode) // { // editable = true; // break; // } // } // if (editable == true) // { // string urlEdit = "editCOURSE.aspx?token=" + data.CourseCode; // HyperLink hypEdit = new HyperLink(); // //hypEdit.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#editModal"); // //hypEdit.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); // hypEdit.Text = "<h4><i class='fa fa-edit'></i></h4>"; // hypEdit.NavigateUrl = urlEdit; // hypEdit.ToolTip = "Edit"; // cellEdit.Controls.Add(hypEdit); // } // else // { // string urlEdit = "#"; // HyperLink hypEdit = new HyperLink(); // hypEdit.Text = "<h4><i class='fa fa-lock'></i></h4>"; // hypEdit.NavigateUrl = urlEdit; // hypEdit.ToolTip = "ไม่สามารถแก้ไขได้"; // cellEdit.Controls.Add(hypEdit); // } //} // วิชาการภาค else if (autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.officer_department)) { bool editable = false; List <string> department_authorized = autro_obj.getDepartment_Authorized(login_data, group_var.officer_department); foreach (string dep in department_authorized) { if (dep.Substring(0, 2) == data.FacultyCode) { editable = true; break; } } if (editable == true) { string urlEdit = "editCOURSE.aspx?token=" + data.CourseCode; HyperLink hypEdit = new HyperLink(); //hypEdit.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#editModal"); //hypEdit.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); hypEdit.Text = "<h4><i class='fa fa-edit'></i></h4>"; hypEdit.NavigateUrl = urlEdit; hypEdit.ToolTip = "Edit"; cellEdit.Controls.Add(hypEdit); } else { string urlEdit = "#"; HyperLink hypEdit = new HyperLink(); hypEdit.Text = "<h4><i class='fa fa-lock'></i></h4>"; hypEdit.NavigateUrl = urlEdit; hypEdit.ToolTip = "ไม่สามารถแก้ไขได้"; cellEdit.Controls.Add(hypEdit); } } // ทุกกลุ่มผู้ใช้ else { string urlEdit = "#"; HyperLink hypEdit = new HyperLink(); hypEdit.Text = "<h4><i class='fa fa-lock'></i></h4>"; hypEdit.NavigateUrl = urlEdit; hypEdit.ToolTip = "ไม่สามารถแก้ไขได้"; cellEdit.Controls.Add(hypEdit); } cellEdit.CssClass = "text-center"; cellEdit.Width = 50; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellEdit); TableCell cellDel = new TableCell(); //เช็คว่ารายวิชามีการนำไปใช้แล้วหรือยัง ถ้ามีแล้วจะไม่สามารถลบข้อมูลได้ bool chkExistCourse = new TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan().existCourse(data.CourseCode); // งานหลักสูตร if (autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.officer_faculty) && chkExistCourse == false) { string urlDel = "deleteCOURSE.aspx?token=" + data.CourseCode; HyperLink hypDel = new HyperLink(); hypDel.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#deleteModal"); hypDel.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); hypDel.Text = "<h4><i class='fa fa-trash-o'></i></h4>"; hypDel.NavigateUrl = urlDel; hypDel.ToolTip = "Delete"; cellDel.Controls.Add(hypDel); } // วิชาการคณะ //else if (autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.officer_faculty)) //{ // bool editable = false; // List<string> faculty_authorized = autro_obj.getFaculty_Authorized(login_data, group_var.officer_faculty); // foreach (string fac in faculty_authorized) // { // if (fac == data.FacultyCode) // { // editable = true; // break; // } // } // if (editable == true && chkExistCourse == false) // { // string urlDel = "deleteCOURSE.aspx?token=" + data.CourseCode; // HyperLink hypDel = new HyperLink(); // hypDel.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#deleteModal"); // hypDel.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); // hypDel.Text = "<h4><i class='fa fa-trash-o'></i></h4>"; // hypDel.NavigateUrl = urlDel; // hypDel.ToolTip = "Delete"; // cellDel.Controls.Add(hypDel); // } // else // { // string urlDel = "#"; // HyperLink hypDel = new HyperLink(); // hypDel.Text = "<h4><i class='fa fa-lock'></i></h4>"; // hypDel.NavigateUrl = urlDel; // hypDel.ToolTip = "ไม่สามารถลบได้"; // cellDel.Controls.Add(hypDel); // } //} // วิชาการภาค else if (autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.officer_department)) { bool editable = false; List <string> department_authorized = autro_obj.getDepartment_Authorized(login_data, group_var.officer_department); foreach (string dep in department_authorized) { if (dep.Substring(0, 2) == data.FacultyCode) { editable = true; break; } } if (editable == true && chkExistCourse == false) { string urlDel = "deleteCOURSE.aspx?token=" + data.CourseCode; HyperLink hypDel = new HyperLink(); hypDel.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#deleteModal"); hypDel.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); hypDel.Text = "<h4><i class='fa fa-trash-o'></i></h4>"; hypDel.NavigateUrl = urlDel; hypDel.ToolTip = "Delete"; cellDel.Controls.Add(hypDel); } else { string urlDel = "#"; HyperLink hypDel = new HyperLink(); hypDel.Text = "<h4><i class='fa fa-lock'></i></h4>"; hypDel.NavigateUrl = urlDel; hypDel.ToolTip = "ไม่สามารถลบได้"; cellDel.Controls.Add(hypDel); } } // ทุกกลุ่มผู้ใช้ else { string urlDel = "#"; HyperLink hypDel = new HyperLink(); hypDel.Text = "<h4><i class='fa fa-lock'></i></h4>"; hypDel.NavigateUrl = urlDel; hypDel.ToolTip = "ไม่สามารถลบได้"; cellDel.Controls.Add(hypDel); } cellDel.CssClass = "text-center"; cellDel.Width = 50; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellDel); tblCourse.Rows.Add(tRowBody); } }
protected void htmlGenerateTab3(string MajorCode, string CurrFormatCode, string TotalCredits, string YearVersion, string CurrTypeCode) { string html = ""; html += "<div class=\"row\" style=\"margin: 0 10px\">"; html += " <div class=\"col col-10\">"; html += " <h3 class=\"txt-title-blue\">"; html += " <i class=\"fa fa-file-text-o\"></i> "; Label lblPlanTitle = new Label(); lblPlanTitle.Font.Bold = true; lblPlanTitle.Text = new CurrType().getCurrType(CurrTypeCode).CurrTypeName + " (แขนงวิชา " + new TQF.Major().getMajor(MajorCode).MajorThName + ")"; html += lblPlanTitle.Text; html += " </h3>"; html += " </div>"; html += "</div>"; string sql = "Select * From TQF2SEC3STRUCTURECATEGORY Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And CURRFORMATCODE='" + CurrFormatCode + "' And CURRTYPECODE='" + CurrTypeCode + "' And MAJORCODE='" + MajorCode + "'"; List <TQF2Sec3StructureCategory> tqf2s3StructureCategory = new TQF2Sec3StructureCategory().getTQF2Sec3StructureCategoryManual(sql); foreach (TQF2Sec3StructureCategory data in tqf2s3StructureCategory) { html += "<div class=\"row\" style=\"margin: 0 10px\">"; html += " <div class=\"col col-10\">"; html += " <p class=\"text-center\">"; Label label0 = new Label(); label0.Text = new Category().getCategory(data.CategoryCode).CategoryThName; html += "<span id=\"Label11\" class=\"label bg-color-teal\" style=\"font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px\">" + label0.Text + "</span>"; html += " </p>"; html += " </div>"; html += "</div>"; string sql2 = "Select * From TQF2SEC3STRUCTUREGROUP Where CURRCODE='" + data.CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + data.YearVersion + "' And CURRFORMATCODE='" + data.CurrFormatCode + "' And CURRTYPECODE='" + data.CurrTypeCode + "' And MAJORCODE='" + data.MajorCode + "' And CATEGORYCODE='" + data.CategoryCode + "'"; List <TQF2Sec3StructureGroup> tqf2s3StructureCategory2 = new TQF2Sec3StructureGroup().getTQF2Sec3StructureGroupManual(sql2); foreach (TQF2Sec3StructureGroup rowGroup in tqf2s3StructureCategory2) { html += "<div class=\"row\" style=\"margin: 0 10px\">"; html += " <div class=\"col col-10\">"; html += " <p>"; Label label2 = new Label(); label2.Font.Bold = true; label2.Text = new CourseGroup().getCourseGroup(rowGroup.CourseGroupCode).CourseGroupThName; html += "<span id=\"Label9\" style=\"font-weight: bold;\">" + label2.Text + "</span>"; html += " </p>"; html += " </div>"; html += "</div>"; string sql3 = "Select * From TQF2SEC3STRUCTURETYPE Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And CURRFORMATCODE='" + rowGroup.CurrFormatCode + "' And CURRTYPECODE='" + rowGroup.CurrTypeCode + "' And MAJORCODE='" + rowGroup.MajorCode + "' And CATEGORYCODE='" + rowGroup.CategoryCode + "' And COURSEGROUPCODE='" + rowGroup.CourseGroupCode + "'"; List <Tqf2Sec3StructureType> tqf2Sec3StructureType = new Tqf2Sec3StructureType().getTqf2Sec3StructureTypeManual(sql3); foreach (Tqf2Sec3StructureType rowType in tqf2Sec3StructureType) { html += "<div class=\"row\" style=\"margin: 0 10px\">"; html += " <div class=\"col col-10\">"; html += " <p>"; Label label3 = new Label(); label3.Font.Bold = true; label3.Text = new CourseSubjectType().getCourseSubjectType(rowType.CourseTypeCode).CourseTypeThaiName; html += label3.Text; html += " </p>"; html += " </div>"; html += "</div>"; html += "<div class=\"row\" style=\"margin: 0 10px; padding-bottom: 20px\">"; html += " <div class=\"col col-10\">"; Table tblGroupCategory = new Table(); // Head Table string[] ar = { "รหัสวิชา", "ชื่อวิชา", "หน่วยกิต" }; tblGroupCategory.Attributes.Add("class", "table table-striped tb-curr-plan"); TableHeaderRow tRowHead = new TableHeaderRow(); tRowHead.CssClass = "success"; tRowHead.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; for (int cellCtr = 1; cellCtr <= ar.Length; cellCtr++) { TableHeaderCell cellHead = new TableHeaderCell(); cellHead.Text = ar[cellCtr - 1]; if (cellCtr == 1 || cellCtr == 3) { cellHead.Width = 100; } tRowHead.Cells.Add(cellHead); } tblGroupCategory.Rows.Add(tRowHead); //Body Table string sqlPlan = "Select * From TQF2SEC3PLANDETAIL Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And CURRFORMATCODE='" + CurrFormatCode + "' And CURRTYPECODE='" + CurrTypeCode + "' And MAJORCODE='" + MajorCode + "' And COURSEGROUPCODE='" + rowType.CourseGroupCode + "' And CATEGORYCODE='" + rowType.CategoryCode + "' And COURSETYPECODE='" + rowType.CourseTypeCode + "' Order By COURSECODE"; List <TQF2Sec3PlanDetail> tqf2Sec3PlanDetail = new TQF2Sec3PlanDetail().getTQF2Sec3PlanDetailManual(sqlPlan); foreach (TQF2Sec3PlanDetail row in tqf2Sec3PlanDetail) { TQF.Course course = new TQF.Course().getCourse(row.CourseCode); CourseElective courseElective = new CourseElective().getCourseElectiveId(row.CourseCode); TableRow tRowBody = new TableRow(); tRowBody.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; TableCell cellCourseCode = new TableCell(); //string urlShow = "showCOURSE.aspx?token=" + row.CourseCode; string urlShow = "showCOURSE.aspx?token=" + row.CourseCode + "&CurrCode=" + CurrCode + "&YearVersion=" + YearVersion; HyperLink hypShow = new HyperLink(); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#course_desModal"); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); hypShow.Text = course.CourseCode + courseElective.CourseElectiveCode; //row.CourseCode; hypShow.NavigateUrl = urlShow; hypShow.ToolTip = "Course details"; cellCourseCode.Controls.Add(hypShow); cellCourseCode.CssClass = "text-center"; cellCourseCode.Width = 80; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseCode); TableCell cellNCourseThName = new TableCell(); cellNCourseThName.Text = course.CourseThName + courseElective.CourseElectiveThName + "<BR>"; cellNCourseThName.Text += course.CourseEnName + courseElective.CourseElectiveEnName; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellNCourseThName); TableCell cellNumCredit = new TableCell(); cellNumCredit.Text = course.Credit + courseElective.Credit + " (" + course.TheoryHour + "-" + course.PracticeHour + "-" + course.SelfStudyHour + ")"; cellNumCredit.Width = 100; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellNumCredit); tblGroupCategory.Rows.Add(tRowBody); } StringWriter htmlString = new StringWriter(); tblGroupCategory.RenderControl(new HtmlTextWriter(htmlString)); string htmlTableBody = htmlString.ToString(); html += htmlTableBody; html += "</div>"; html += "</div>"; } } } Label lblHTML3 = new Label(); lblHTML3.Text = html; placeHTML3.Controls.Add(lblHTML3); }
protected void htmlGenerateTab5(string MajorCode, string CurrFormatCode, string TotalCredits, string YearVersion, string CurrTypeCode) { string html = ""; html += "<div class=\"box-group-data\">"; html += "<table class=\"table-course\">"; //Body Table List <TQF2Sec3PlanDetail> tqf2Sec3PlanDetail = new TQF2Sec3PlanDetail().getDistinctCourseCodeTQF2Sec3PlanDetail(CurrCode, YearVersion); foreach (TQF2Sec3PlanDetail row in tqf2Sec3PlanDetail) { TQF.Course course = new TQF.Course().getCourse(row.CourseCode); html += "<tr>"; html += "<td><strong>" + course.CourseCode + "</strong></td>"; html += "<td><strong>"; html += course.CourseThName + "<BR>"; html += course.CourseEnName; html += "</strong></td>"; html += "<td><strong>"; html += course.Credit + " (" + course.TheoryHour + "-" + course.PracticeHour + "-" + course.SelfStudyHour + ")"; html += "</strong></td>"; html += "</tr>"; html += "<tr>"; html += "<td> </td>"; html += "<td colspan=\"2\">"; html += "<table class=\"table-description\">"; html += "<tr>"; html += "<td>วิชาบังคับก่อน: </td>"; html += "<td>"; string sqlPreRequisite = "Select * From PREREQUISITE Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And COURSECODE='" + course.CourseCode + "'"; List <PreRequisite> preRequisite = new PreRequisite().getPreRequisiteManual(sqlPreRequisite); foreach (PreRequisite data in preRequisite) { html += data.PreRequisiteCourseCode + " " + new TQF.Course().getCourse(data.PreRequisiteCourseCode).CourseThName + "<br>"; } html += "</td>"; html += "</tr>"; html += "</table>"; html += "</td>"; html += "</tr>"; html += "<tr>"; html += "<td> </td>"; html += "<td colspan=\"2\">"; html += "<table class=\"table-description\">"; html += "<tr>"; html += "<td>PreRequisite: "; html += "<td>"; foreach (PreRequisite data in preRequisite) { html += data.PreRequisiteCourseCode + " " + new TQF.Course().getCourse(data.PreRequisiteCourseCode).CourseEnName + "<br>"; } html += "</td>"; html += "</tr>"; html += "</table>"; html += "</td>"; html += "</tr>"; html += "<tr>"; html += "<td> </td>"; html += "<td colspan=\"2\" class=\"course-description\">" + course.CourseThDesc + "</td>"; html += "</tr>"; html += "<tr>"; html += "<td> </td>"; html += "<td colspan=\"2\" class=\"course-description\">" + course.CourseEnDesc + "</td>"; html += "</tr>"; html += "<tr>"; html += "<td> </td>"; html += "<td> </td>"; html += "<td> </td>"; html += "</tr>"; } html += "</table>"; html += "</div>"; Label lblHTML5 = new Label(); lblHTML5.Text = html; placeHTML5.Controls.Add(lblHTML5); }
protected void tableBody(Table tblName) { List <TQF2Sec3PlanDetail> tqf2Sec3PlanDetail = new TQF2Sec3PlanDetail().getDistinctCourseCodeTQF2Sec3PlanDetail(CurrCode, YearVersion); foreach (TQF2Sec3PlanDetail row in tqf2Sec3PlanDetail) { TQF.Course course = new TQF.Course().getCourse(row.CourseCode); CourseElective courseElective = new CourseElective().getCourseElectiveId(row.CourseCode); TQF2Sec3PlanDetail rowCourseCode = new TQF2Sec3PlanDetail().getTQF2Sec3PlanDetailCourseCode(row.CourseCode); string sql = "Select * From TQF2SEC3PLANDETAIL Where CURRCODE='999999999' And COURSECODE='" + row.CourseCode + "'"; List <TQF2Sec3PlanDetail> tqf2Sec3PlanDetail2 = new TQF2Sec3PlanDetail().getTQF2Sec3PlanDetailManual(sql); //ถ้าเป็นรายวิชาในหลักสูตรบริการให้ข้าม if (tqf2Sec3PlanDetail2.Count > 0 && rowCourseCode.CurrCode != "999999999") { continue; } //ถ้าเป็นรายวิชาเลือก (วิชา xxx) ให้ข้าม else if (row.CourseCode == courseElective.Id) { continue; } else { TableRow tRowBody = new TableRow(); tRowBody.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; //Cell [0] TableCell cellCourseCode = new TableCell(); //string urlShow = "showCOURSE.aspx?token=" + course.CourseCode; string urlShow = "showCOURSE.aspx?token=" + course.CourseCode + "&CurrCode=" + CurrCode + "&YearVersion=" + YearVersion; HyperLink hypShow = new HyperLink(); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#showModal"); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); hypShow.Text = course.CourseCode + " " + course.CourseThName + "<BR>" + course.CourseEnName; hypShow.Text = course.CourseThName + courseElective.CourseElectiveThName + "<BR>"; hypShow.Text += course.CourseEnName + courseElective.CourseElectiveEnName; hypShow.NavigateUrl = urlShow; hypShow.ToolTip = "Course details"; cellCourseCode.Controls.Add(hypShow); //cellCourseCode.CssClass = "text-center"; cellCourseCode.Width = 200; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseCode); TableCell cellDomain1 = new TableCell(); string urlDomain1 = "edit_Curri_Mapping.aspx?CurrCode=" + rowCourseCode.CurrCode + "&CourseCode=" + row.CourseCode + "&DomainTypeCode=1&YearVersion=" + rowCourseCode.YearVersion + ""; HyperLink hypDomain1 = new HyperLink(); hypDomain1.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#editDomain_Modal"); hypDomain1.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); List <TQF2Sec4CurriculumMapping> chk1 = new TQF2Sec4CurriculumMapping().getTQF2Sec4CurriculumMapping(rowCourseCode.CurrCode, row.CourseCode, "1", rowCourseCode.YearVersion); if (chk1.Count == 0) { hypDomain1.Text = "<div class=\"btn btn-primary padding-5\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i> Edit</div> "; } else { hypDomain1.Text = "<div class=\"btn btn-success padding-5\"><i class=\"fa fa-check-square-o\"></i> Edited</div> "; } hypDomain1.NavigateUrl = urlDomain1; hypDomain1.ToolTip = "Click to edit"; cellDomain1.Controls.Add(hypDomain1); cellDomain1.CssClass = "text-center"; cellDomain1.Width = 100; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellDomain1); //Cell [1] TableCell cellDomain2 = new TableCell(); string urlDomain2 = "edit_Curri_Mapping.aspx?CurrCode=" + rowCourseCode.CurrCode + "&CourseCode=" + row.CourseCode + "&DomainTypeCode=2&YearVersion=" + rowCourseCode.YearVersion + ""; HyperLink hypDomain2 = new HyperLink(); hypDomain2.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#editDomain_Modal"); hypDomain2.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); List <TQF2Sec4CurriculumMapping> chk2 = new TQF2Sec4CurriculumMapping().getTQF2Sec4CurriculumMapping(rowCourseCode.CurrCode, row.CourseCode, "2", rowCourseCode.YearVersion); if (chk2.Count == 0) { hypDomain2.Text = "<div class=\"btn btn-primary padding-5\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i> Edit</div> "; } else { hypDomain2.Text = "<div class=\"btn btn-success padding-5\"><i class=\"fa fa-check-square-o\"></i> Edited</div> "; } hypDomain2.NavigateUrl = urlDomain2; hypDomain2.ToolTip = "Click to edit"; cellDomain2.Controls.Add(hypDomain2); cellDomain2.CssClass = "text-center"; cellDomain2.Width = 100; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellDomain2); //Cell [2] TableCell cellDomain3 = new TableCell(); string urlDomain3 = "edit_Curri_Mapping.aspx?CurrCode=" + rowCourseCode.CurrCode + "&CourseCode=" + row.CourseCode + "&DomainTypeCode=3&YearVersion=" + rowCourseCode.YearVersion + ""; HyperLink hypDomain3 = new HyperLink(); hypDomain3.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#editDomain_Modal"); hypDomain3.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); List <TQF2Sec4CurriculumMapping> chk3 = new TQF2Sec4CurriculumMapping().getTQF2Sec4CurriculumMapping(rowCourseCode.CurrCode, row.CourseCode, "3", rowCourseCode.YearVersion); if (chk3.Count == 0) { hypDomain3.Text = "<div class=\"btn btn-primary padding-5\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i> Edit</div> "; } else { hypDomain3.Text = "<div class=\"btn btn-success padding-5\"><i class=\"fa fa-check-square-o\"></i> Edited</div> "; } hypDomain3.NavigateUrl = urlDomain3; hypDomain3.ToolTip = "Click to edit"; cellDomain3.Controls.Add(hypDomain3); cellDomain3.CssClass = "text-center"; cellDomain3.Width = 100; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellDomain3); //Cell [3] TableCell cellDomain4 = new TableCell(); string urlDomain4 = "edit_Curri_Mapping.aspx?CurrCode=" + rowCourseCode.CurrCode + "&CourseCode=" + rowCourseCode.CourseCode + "&DomainTypeCode=4&YearVersion=" + rowCourseCode.YearVersion + ""; HyperLink hypDomain4 = new HyperLink(); hypDomain4.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#editDomain_Modal"); hypDomain4.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); List <TQF2Sec4CurriculumMapping> chk4 = new TQF2Sec4CurriculumMapping().getTQF2Sec4CurriculumMapping(rowCourseCode.CurrCode, row.CourseCode, "4", rowCourseCode.YearVersion); if (chk4.Count == 0) { hypDomain4.Text = "<div class=\"btn btn-primary padding-5\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i> Edit</div> "; } else { hypDomain4.Text = "<div class=\"btn btn-success padding-5\"><i class=\"fa fa-check-square-o\"></i> Edited</div> "; } hypDomain4.NavigateUrl = urlDomain4; hypDomain4.ToolTip = "Click to edit"; cellDomain4.Controls.Add(hypDomain4); cellDomain4.CssClass = "text-center"; cellDomain4.Width = 100; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellDomain4); //Cell [4] TableCell cellDomain5 = new TableCell(); string urlDomain5 = "edit_Curri_Mapping.aspx?CurrCode=" + rowCourseCode.CurrCode + "&CourseCode=" + row.CourseCode + "&DomainTypeCode=5&YearVersion=" + rowCourseCode.YearVersion + ""; HyperLink hypDomain5 = new HyperLink(); hypDomain5.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#editDomain_Modal"); hypDomain5.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); List <TQF2Sec4CurriculumMapping> chk5 = new TQF2Sec4CurriculumMapping().getTQF2Sec4CurriculumMapping(rowCourseCode.CurrCode, row.CourseCode, "5", rowCourseCode.YearVersion); if (chk5.Count == 0) { hypDomain5.Text = "<div class=\"btn btn-primary padding-5\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i> Edit</div> "; } else { hypDomain5.Text = "<div class=\"btn btn-success padding-5\"><i class=\"fa fa-check-square-o\"></i> Edited</div> "; } hypDomain5.NavigateUrl = urlDomain5; hypDomain5.ToolTip = "Click to edit"; cellDomain5.Controls.Add(hypDomain5); cellDomain5.CssClass = "text-center"; cellDomain5.Width = 100; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellDomain5); //Cell [5] TableCell cellDomain6 = new TableCell(); string urlDomain6 = "edit_Curri_Mapping.aspx?CurrCode=" + rowCourseCode.CurrCode + "&CourseCode=" + row.CourseCode + "&DomainTypeCode=6&YearVersion=" + rowCourseCode.YearVersion + ""; HyperLink hypDomain6 = new HyperLink(); hypDomain6.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#editDomain_Modal"); hypDomain6.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); List <TQF2Sec4CurriculumMapping> chk6 = new TQF2Sec4CurriculumMapping().getTQF2Sec4CurriculumMapping(rowCourseCode.CurrCode, row.CourseCode, "6", rowCourseCode.YearVersion); if (chk6.Count == 0) { hypDomain6.Text = "<div class=\"btn btn-primary padding-5\"><i class=\"fa fa-edit\"></i> Edit</div> "; } else { hypDomain6.Text = "<div class=\"btn btn-success padding-5\"><i class=\"fa fa-check-square-o\"></i> Edited</div> "; } hypDomain6.NavigateUrl = urlDomain6; hypDomain6.ToolTip = "Click to edit"; cellDomain6.Controls.Add(hypDomain6); cellDomain6.CssClass = "text-center"; cellDomain6.Width = 100; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellDomain6); tblName.Rows.Add(tRowBody); } } }
protected void htmlGenerateTab3(string MajorCode, string CurrFormatCode, string TotalCredits, string YearVersion, string CurrTypeCode) { string html = ""; html += "<table class=\"table-curr\">"; html += "<tr>"; Label lblPlanTitle = new Label(); lblPlanTitle.Text = new CurrType().getCurrType(CurrTypeCode).CurrTypeName + " แขนงวิชา" + new TQF.Major().getMajor(MajorCode).MajorThName; html += "<th>หลักสูตร " + lblPlanTitle.Text + "</th>"; html += "<th></th>"; html += "<th></th>"; html += "</tr>"; Label label7 = new Label(); label7.Text = new StructurePlan().getTotalCreditsStructurePlan(CurrCode, YearVersion, CurrFormatCode, CurrTypeCode, MajorCode).TotalCredits; html += "</table>"; html += "<div class=\"box-group-data\">"; html += "<table class=\"table-curr\">"; //<!-- 1. หมวดวิชาศึกษาทั่วไป --> string sqlTQF2Sec3StructureCategory = "Select * From TQF2SEC3STRUCTURECATEGORY Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And CURRFORMATCODE='" + CurrFormatCode + "' And CURRTYPECODE='" + CurrTypeCode + "' And MAJORCODE='" + MajorCode + "'"; List <TQF2Sec3StructureCategory> TQF2Sec3StructureCategory = new TQF2Sec3StructureCategory().getTQF2Sec3StructureCategoryManual(sqlTQF2Sec3StructureCategory); int i = 0; foreach (TQF2Sec3StructureCategory data in TQF2Sec3StructureCategory) { i++; Label label1 = new Label(); Label label2 = new Label(); label1.Text = new Category().getCategory(data.CategoryCode).CategoryThName; label2.Text = data.CategoryCredits; html += "<tr>"; html += "<th><span class=\"report-indent-1em\">" + i + ") " + label1.Text + "</span></th>"; html += "<th>" + label2.Text + "</th>"; html += "<th>หน่วยกิต</th>"; html += "</tr>"; //กลุ่มวิชาสังคมศาสตร์ string sqlTQF2Sec3StructureGroup = "Select * From TQF2SEC3STRUCTUREGROUP Where CURRCODE='" + data.CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + data.YearVersion + "' And CURRFORMATCODE='" + data.CurrFormatCode + "' And CURRTYPECODE='" + data.CurrTypeCode + "' And MAJORCODE='" + data.MajorCode + "' And CATEGORYCODE='" + data.CategoryCode + "'"; List <TQF2Sec3StructureGroup> TQF2Sec3StructureGroup = new TQF2Sec3StructureGroup().getTQF2Sec3StructureGroupManual(sqlTQF2Sec3StructureGroup); foreach (TQF2Sec3StructureGroup row in TQF2Sec3StructureGroup) { Label label3 = new Label(); Label label4 = new Label(); label3.Text = new CourseGroup().getCourseGroup(row.CourseGroupCode).CourseGroupThName; label4.Text = row.GroupCredits; html += "<tr>"; html += "<th><span class=\"report-indent-2em\">" + label3.Text + "</span></th>"; html += "<th>" + label4.Text + "</th>"; html += "<th>หน่วยกิต</th>"; html += "</tr>"; //วิชาเลือก string sqlTqf2Sec3StructureType = "Select * From TQF2SEC3STRUCTURETYPE Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And CURRFORMATCODE='" + CurrFormatCode + "' And CURRTYPECODE='" + CurrTypeCode + "' And MAJORCODE='" + MajorCode + "' And CATEGORYCODE='" + row.CategoryCode + "' And COURSEGROUPCODE='" + row.CourseGroupCode + "'"; List <Tqf2Sec3StructureType> Tqf2Sec3StructureType = new Tqf2Sec3StructureType().getTqf2Sec3StructureTypeManual(sqlTqf2Sec3StructureType); foreach (Tqf2Sec3StructureType row2 in Tqf2Sec3StructureType) { Label label5 = new Label(); Label label6 = new Label(); label5.Text = new CourseSubjectType().getCourseSubjectType(row2.CourseTypeCode).CourseTypeThaiName; label6.Text = row2.TypeCredits; html += "<tr>"; html += "<th><span class=\"report-indent-3em\">" + label5.Text + "</span></th>"; html += "<th>" + label6.Text + "</th>"; html += "<th>หน่วยกิต</th>"; html += "</tr>"; html += "<tr><td colspan=3>"; html += "<table width=100%>"; Table tblGroupCategory = new Table(); tblGroupCategory.Attributes.Add("class", "table-course"); //Body Table string sqlPlan = "Select * From TQF2SEC3PLANDETAIL Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And CURRFORMATCODE='" + CurrFormatCode + "' And CURRTYPECODE='" + CurrTypeCode + "' And MAJORCODE='" + MajorCode + "' And COURSEGROUPCODE='" + row2.CourseGroupCode + "' And CATEGORYCODE='" + row2.CategoryCode + "' And COURSETYPECODE='" + row2.CourseTypeCode + "' Order By COURSECODE"; List <TQF2Sec3PlanDetail> tqf2Sec3PlanDetail = new TQF2Sec3PlanDetail().getTQF2Sec3PlanDetailManual(sqlPlan); foreach (TQF2Sec3PlanDetail row3 in tqf2Sec3PlanDetail) { TQF.Course course = new TQF.Course().getCourse(row3.CourseCode); CourseElective courseElective = new CourseElective().getCourseElective(row3.CourseCode); html += "<tr>"; html += "<td class=\"text-align-left\" width=10%>" + row3.CourseCode + "</td>"; html += "<td class=\"text-align-left\" width=80%>" + course.CourseThName + courseElective.CourseElectiveThName + "<br>" + course.CourseEnName + courseElective.CourseElectiveEnName + "</td>"; html += "<td width=10%>" + course.Credit + courseElective.Credit + " (" + course.TheoryHour + "-" + course.PracticeHour + "-" + course.SelfStudyHour + ")" + "</td>"; html += "</tr>"; } html += "</table>"; html += "</td></tr>"; } } } html += "</table>"; html += "</div>"; Label lblHTML3 = new Label(); lblHTML3.Text = html; placeHTML3.Controls.Add(lblHTML3); }
protected void htmlGenerateTab4(string MajorCode, string CurrFormatCode, string TotalCredits, string YearVersion, string CurrTypeCode) { string html = ""; html += "<div class=\"box-group-data\">"; html += "<p class=\"text-center\">"; html += "<span class=\"report-bold\">"; Label lblPlanTitle = new Label(); lblPlanTitle.Text = new CurrType().getCurrType(CurrTypeCode).CurrTypeName; html += lblPlanTitle.Text; html += "</span>"; html += "<br />"; html += "<span class=\"report-bold\">"; Label lblPlanTitle2 = new Label(); lblPlanTitle2.Text = " แขนงวิชา" + new TQF.Major().getMajor(MajorCode).MajorThName; html += lblPlanTitle2.Text; html += "</span>"; html += "</p>"; string sqlYear = "Select Distinct EDUCATIONYEAR From TQF2SEC3SEMESTERPLAN Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And CURRFORMATCODE='" + CurrFormatCode + "' And CURRTYPECODE='" + CurrTypeCode + "' And MAJORCODE='" + MajorCode + "' Order By EDUCATIONYEAR"; List <TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan> tqf2Sec3SemesterPlan_Year = new TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan().getYear(sqlYear); foreach (TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan rowYear in tqf2Sec3SemesterPlan_Year) { string sqlSemester = "Select Distinct EDUCATIONSEMESTER From TQF2SEC3SEMESTERPLAN Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And CURRFORMATCODE='" + CurrFormatCode + "' And CURRTYPECODE='" + CurrTypeCode + "' And MAJORCODE='" + MajorCode + "' And EDUCATIONYEAR='" + rowYear.EducationYear + "' Order By EDUCATIONYEAR"; List <TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan> tqf2Sec3SemesterPlan_Semester = new TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan().getSemester(sqlSemester); foreach (TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan rowSemester in tqf2Sec3SemesterPlan_Semester) { html += "<p class=\"text-center\">"; Label label0 = new Label(); label0.Text = "ปีที่ " + rowYear.EducationYear + " ภาคการศึกษาที่ " + rowSemester.EducationSemester; html += "<span class=\"report-bold\">" + label0.Text + "</span>"; html += "</p>"; html += "<table class=\"table-course\">"; //Body Table string sqlCourse = "Select * From TQF2SEC3SEMESTERPLAN Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And CURRFORMATCODE='" + CurrFormatCode + "' And CURRTYPECODE='" + CurrTypeCode + "' And MAJORCODE='" + MajorCode + "' And EDUCATIONYEAR='" + rowYear.EducationYear + "' And EDUCATIONSEMESTER='" + rowSemester.EducationSemester + "' Order By COURSECODE"; List <TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan> tqf2Sec3SemesterPlan_Course = new TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan().getTQF2Sec3SemesterPlanManual(sqlCourse); foreach (TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan row in tqf2Sec3SemesterPlan_Course) { TQF.Course course = new TQF.Course().getCourse(row.CourseCode); CourseElective courseElective = new CourseElective().getCourseElectiveId(row.CourseCode); html += "<tr>"; html += "<td>" + course.CourseCode + courseElective.CourseElectiveCode + "</td>"; html += "<td>"; html += course.CourseThName + courseElective.CourseElectiveThName + "<BR>"; html += course.CourseEnName + courseElective.CourseElectiveEnName; html += "</td>"; //หาจำนวนวิชาวิทยานิพนธ์ทั้งหมด string creditCount = ""; int creDit = 0; //ค่าที่เช็คเงื่อนไขว่าเป็นวิชาวิทยานิพนธ์ มาจากตาราง COURSETYPE //7 วิทยานิพนธ์ (ป.เอก) Dissertation //4 วิทยานิพนธ์ Thesis //5 สารนิพนธ์ Master Project if (course.CourseTypeCode == "4" || course.CourseTypeCode == "5" || course.CourseTypeCode == "7") { string sqlCreditCount = "Select COUNT(COURSECODE) As CREDITCOUNT From TQF2SEC3SEMESTERPLAN Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And CURRFORMATCODE='" + CurrFormatCode + "' And CURRTYPECODE='" + CurrTypeCode + "' And MAJORCODE='" + MajorCode + "' And COURSECODE='" + row.CourseCode + "'"; //คำนวนหน่วยกิตโดยการหารด้วยจำนวนเทอมที่เรียน creditCount = new TQF2Sec3SemesterPlan().getCountCreditTQF2Sec3SemesterPlanManual(sqlCreditCount).CreditCount; try { creDit = int.Parse(course.Credit) / int.Parse(creditCount); } catch { creDit = 0; } //แสดงผลลงในตาราง html += "<td>"; html += creDit.ToString() + courseElective.Credit + " (" + course.TheoryHour + "-" + course.PracticeHour + "-" + course.SelfStudyHour + ")"; html += "</td>"; } else { //แสดงผลลงในตาราง html += "<td>"; html += course.Credit + courseElective.Credit + " (" + course.TheoryHour + "-" + course.PracticeHour + "-" + course.SelfStudyHour + ")"; html += "</td>"; } html += "</tr>"; } html += "</table>"; } } html += "</div>"; Label lblHTML4 = new Label(); lblHTML4.Text = html; placeHTML4.Controls.Add(lblHTML4); }
protected void btnSAVE_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (TableRow row in tblCourse.Rows) { var cell = row.Cells[0]; foreach (Control control in cell.Controls) { var checkBox = control as CheckBox; if (checkBox != null) { if (checkBox.Checked == true) { CourseElectiveMember courseElectiveMember = new CourseElectiveMember(); courseElectiveMember.CourseElectiveMemberCode = new TQF.TQFUtility().getMaxID("COURSEELECTIVEMEMBERCODE", "COURSEELECTIVEMEMBER"); courseElectiveMember.CourseCode = row.Cells[5].Text; courseElectiveMember.CourseElectiveCode = code; courseElectiveMember.FacultyCode = facCreated; courseElectiveMember.FacultyOwner = ddlCURR_FACULTY.Items.FindByText(row.Cells[4].Text).Value; string courseElectiveMemberSave = new CourseElectiveMember().insertCourseElectiveMember(courseElectiveMember); if (courseElectiveMemberSave == "Success") { TableRow tRowBody = new TableRow(); tRowBody.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; TableCell cellCourseCode = new TableCell(); string urlShow = "showCOURSE.aspx?token=" + courseElectiveMember.CourseCode; HyperLink hypShow = new HyperLink(); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#showModal"); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); hypShow.Text = courseElectiveMember.CourseCode; hypShow.NavigateUrl = urlShow; hypShow.ToolTip = "Course details"; cellCourseCode.Controls.Add(hypShow); cellCourseCode.CssClass = "text-center"; cellCourseCode.Width = 80; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseCode); TQF.Course course = new TQF.Course().getCourse(code); TableCell cellCourseEnName = new TableCell(); cellCourseEnName.Text = course.CourseThName + "<br>" + course.CourseEnName; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseEnName); TableCell cellCredit = new TableCell(); cellCredit.Text = course.Credit + "(" + course.TheoryHour + "-" + course.PracticeHour + "-" + course.SelfStudyHour + ")"; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCredit); TableCell cellFacultyCode = new TableCell(); cellFacultyCode.Text = row.Cells[4].Text; cellFacultyCode.Width = 200; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellFacultyCode); TableCell cellDel = new TableCell(); string urlDel = "deleteCOURSE.aspx?token=" + courseElectiveMember.CourseCode; HyperLink hypDel = new HyperLink(); hypDel.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#deleteModal"); hypDel.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); hypDel.Text = "<h4><i class='fa fa-trash-o'></i></h4>"; hypDel.NavigateUrl = urlDel; hypDel.ToolTip = "Delete"; cellDel.Controls.Add(hypDel); cellDel.CssClass = "text-center"; cellDel.Width = 50; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellDel); dummyRow.Add(tRowBody); //tblCourse.Rows.Add(tRowBody); } else { continue; } } else { continue; } } } } //Session["tblElectiveCourse"] = (List<TableRow>)dummyRow; //Response.Redirect("listCOURSEXXX.aspx"); Response.Redirect("editElective_COURSE.aspx?token=" + code + "&facultyId=" + facId + "&FacultyCreated=" + facCreated); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["login_data"] == null) { Response.Redirect("../index.aspx"); } else { //ตรวจสอบสิทธิ์ login_data = (UserLoginData)Session["login_data"]; if (autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.curriculum) || autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.officer_faculty) || autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.officer_department)) { // ======== Process =========== bool editable = false; code = Request.QueryString["token"]; TQF.Course course = new TQF.Course().getCourse(code); //หลักสูตร if (autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.curriculum)) { editable = true; } // วิชาการคณะ else if (autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.officer_faculty)) { List <string> faculty_authorized = autro_obj.getFaculty_Authorized(login_data, group_var.officer_faculty); foreach (string fac in faculty_authorized) { if (fac == course.FacultyCode) { editable = true; break; } } } // วิชาการภาค else if (autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.officer_department)) { List <string> department_authorized = autro_obj.getDepartment_Authorized(login_data, group_var.officer_department); foreach (string dep in department_authorized) { if (dep.Substring(0, 2) == course.FacultyCode) { editable = true; break; } } } if (editable == true) { lblTextConfirm.Text = course.CourseCode + ": " + course.CourseThName; } else { HttpContext.Current.Session["response"] = "ตรวจสอบไม่พบสิทธิ์การเข้าใช้งาน"; HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("err_response.aspx"); } //============================= } else { HttpContext.Current.Session["response"] = "ตรวจสอบไม่พบสิทธิ์การเข้าใช้งาน"; HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("err_response.aspx"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { code = Session["CourseElectiveCode"].ToString(); facId = Session["FacultyCode"].ToString(); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { lbl1.Text = "รหัสวิชา (" + code + ")"; lbl2.Text = new Faculty().getFaculty(facId).Faculty_Thai; // Head Table string[] ar = { "รหัสวิชา", "ชื่อวิชา", "หน่วยกิต", "คณะ", "ลบ" }; tblElective.Attributes.Add("class", "table table-bordered table-striped table-hover"); tblElective.Attributes.Add("id", "dt_basic"); TableHeaderRow tRowHead = new TableHeaderRow(); tRowHead.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; for (int cellCtr = 1; cellCtr <= ar.Length; cellCtr++) { // Create a new cell and add it to the row. TableHeaderCell cellHead = new TableHeaderCell(); cellHead.Text = ar[cellCtr - 1]; tRowHead.Cells.Add(cellHead); } tblElective.Rows.Add(tRowHead); List <CourseElectiveMember> courseElectiveMember = new List <CourseElectiveMember>(); string sql = "Select * From COURSEELECTIVEMEMBER Where COURSECODE='" + code + "' And FACULTYCODE='" + facId + "'"; courseElectiveMember = new CourseElectiveMember().getCourseElectiveMemberManual(sql); foreach (CourseElectiveMember data in courseElectiveMember) { TableRow tRowBody = new TableRow(); tRowBody.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; TableCell cellCourseCode = new TableCell(); string urlShow = "showCOURSE.aspx?token=" + data.CourseCode; HyperLink hypShow = new HyperLink(); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#showModal"); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); hypShow.Text = data.CourseCode; hypShow.NavigateUrl = urlShow; hypShow.ToolTip = "Course details"; cellCourseCode.Controls.Add(hypShow); cellCourseCode.CssClass = "text-center"; cellCourseCode.Width = 80; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseCode); TQF.Course course = new TQF.Course().getCourse(data.CourseCode); TableCell cellCourseEnName = new TableCell(); cellCourseEnName.Text = course.CourseThName + "<br>" + course.CourseEnName; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseEnName); TableCell cellCredit = new TableCell(); cellCredit.Text = course.Credit + "(" + course.TheoryHour + "-" + course.PracticeHour + "-" + course.SelfStudyHour + ")"; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCredit); TableCell cellFacultyCode = new TableCell(); cellFacultyCode.Text = new Faculty().getFaculty(data.FacultyCode).Faculty_Thai; cellFacultyCode.Width = 200; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellFacultyCode); TableCell cellDel = new TableCell(); string urlDel = "deleteCOURSE.aspx?token=" + data.CourseCode; HyperLink hypDel = new HyperLink(); hypDel.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#deleteModal"); hypDel.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); hypDel.Text = "<h4><i class='fa fa-trash-o'></i></h4>"; hypDel.NavigateUrl = urlDel; hypDel.ToolTip = "Delete"; cellDel.Controls.Add(hypDel); cellDel.CssClass = "text-center"; cellDel.Width = 50; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellDel); tblElective.Rows.Add(tRowBody); } } }
protected void tableBody(Table tblName, string CurrFormatCode, string CurrTypeCode, string MajorCode, string CourseGroupCode, string CategoryCode, string CourseTypeCode) { string sql = "Select * From TQF2SEC3PLANDETAIL Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And CURRFORMATCODE='" + CurrFormatCode + "' And CURRTYPECODE='" + CurrTypeCode + "' And MAJORCODE='" + MajorCode + "' And COURSEGROUPCODE='" + CourseGroupCode + "' And CATEGORYCODE='" + CategoryCode + "' And COURSETYPECODE='" + CourseTypeCode + "' Order By COURSECODE"; List <TQF2Sec3PlanDetail> tqf2Sec3PlanDetail = new TQF2Sec3PlanDetail().getTQF2Sec3PlanDetailManual(sql); foreach (TQF2Sec3PlanDetail row in tqf2Sec3PlanDetail) { TQF.Course course = new TQF.Course().getCourse(row.CourseCode); CourseElective courseElective = new CourseElective().getCourseElectiveId(row.CourseCode); TableRow tRowBody = new TableRow(); tRowBody.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; TableCell cellCourseCode = new TableCell(); string urlShow = "showCOURSE.aspx?token=" + row.CourseCode + "&CurrCode=" + row.CurrCode + "&YearVersion=" + row.YearVersion; HyperLink hypShow = new HyperLink(); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#showModal"); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); hypShow.Text = course.CourseCode + courseElective.CourseElectiveCode; hypShow.NavigateUrl = urlShow; hypShow.ToolTip = "Course details"; cellCourseCode.Controls.Add(hypShow); cellCourseCode.CssClass = "text-center"; cellCourseCode.Width = 80; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseCode); TableCell cellNCourseThName = new TableCell(); cellNCourseThName.Text = course.CourseThName + courseElective.CourseElectiveThName + "<BR>"; cellNCourseThName.Text += course.CourseEnName + courseElective.CourseElectiveEnName; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellNCourseThName); TableCell cellNumCredit = new TableCell(); cellNumCredit.Text = course.Credit + courseElective.Credit + " (" + course.TheoryHour + "-" + course.PracticeHour + "-" + course.SelfStudyHour + ")"; cellNumCredit.Width = 100; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellNumCredit); TableCell cellPreReq = new TableCell(); string urlAddCourse = "addCOURSE_to_PREREQ.aspx?CurrCode=" + row.CurrCode + "&YearVersion=" + row.YearVersion + "&CurrFormatCode=" + row.CurrFormatCode + "&CurrTypeCode=" + row.CurrTypeCode + "&MajorCode=" + row.MajorCode + "&CategoryCode=" + row.CategoryCode + "&CourseGroupCode=" + row.CourseGroupCode + "&CourseTypeCode=" + row.CourseTypeCode + "&CourseCode=" + row.CourseCode; HyperLink hypPreReq = new HyperLink(); //hypPreReq.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#deleteCURR4"); //hypPreReq.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); hypPreReq.Text = "<h4><i class=\"fa fa-clipboard\"></i></h4>"; hypPreReq.NavigateUrl = urlAddCourse; hypPreReq.ToolTip = "กำหนด Prerequisite"; cellPreReq.Controls.Add(hypPreReq); cellPreReq.CssClass = "text-center"; cellPreReq.Width = 60; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellPreReq); TableCell cellDel = new TableCell(); string urlDel = "delete_CURR6.aspx?T2S3No=" + row.T2S3No + "&CurrCode=" + row.CurrCode + "&YearVersion=" + row.YearVersion + "&CurrFormatCode=" + row.CurrFormatCode + "&CurrTypeCode=" + row.CurrTypeCode + "&MajorCode=" + row.MajorCode + "&CategoryCode=" + row.CategoryCode + "&CourseGroupCode=" + row.CourseGroupCode + "&CourseTypeCode=" + row.CourseTypeCode + "&CourseCode=" + row.CourseCode; HyperLink hypDel = new HyperLink(); hypDel.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#deleteCURR6"); hypDel.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); hypDel.Text = "<h4><i class='fa fa-trash-o'></i></h4>"; hypDel.NavigateUrl = urlDel; hypDel.ToolTip = "Delete"; cellDel.Controls.Add(hypDel); cellDel.CssClass = "text-center"; cellDel.Width = 60; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellDel); tblName.Rows.Add(tRowBody); } }
//private string FacultyId; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CurrCode = Request.QueryString["CurrCode"]; YearVersion = Request.QueryString["YearVersion"]; CurrFormatCode = Request.QueryString["CurrFormatCode"]; CurrTypeCode = Request.QueryString["CurrTypeCode"]; MajorCode = Request.QueryString["MajorCode"]; CourseGroupCode = Request.QueryString["CourseGroupCode"]; CategoryCode = Request.QueryString["CategoryCode"]; CourseTypeCode = Request.QueryString["CourseTypeCode"]; CourseCode = Request.QueryString["CourseCode"]; TQF.Curriculum currTitle = new TQF.Curriculum().getCurriculum(CurrCode, YearVersion); lblHeader1.Text = currTitle.CurrCode + " หลักสูตร" + currTitle.CurrThName; lblHeader2.Text = currTitle.CurrEnName; string currStatus; if (currTitle.CurrStatus == "1") { currStatus = "หลักสูตรใหม่"; lblHeader3.Text = "(" + currStatus + " พ.ศ. " + currTitle.YearVersion + ")"; } if (currTitle.CurrStatus == "2") { currStatus = "หลักปรับปรุง"; lblHeader3.Text = "(" + currStatus + " พ.ศ. " + currTitle.YearVersion + ")"; } lblCurrFormatTitle.Text = new CurrFormat().getCurrFormat(CurrFormatCode).CurrFormatName + " (" + new TQF.Major().getMajor(MajorCode).MajorThName + ")"; TQF.Course course = new TQF.Course().getCourse(CourseCode); lblCourseTitle.Text = course.CourseCode + " " + course.CourseThName + "<br> (" + course.CourseEnName + ")"; // Head Table string[] ar = { "ลำดับเงื่อนไข", "รหัสวิชา", "ชื่อวิชา", "หน่วยกิต", "เรียนก่อน/ร่วม", "ลบ" }; tblCourse.Attributes.Add("class", "table table-striped table-bordered table-hover"); tblCourse.Attributes.Add("id", "dt_basic"); TableHeaderRow tRowHead = new TableHeaderRow(); tRowHead.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; for (int cellCtr = 1; cellCtr <= ar.Length; cellCtr++) { TableHeaderCell cellHead = new TableHeaderCell(); if (cellCtr == 1) { cellHead.Width = 50; } if (cellCtr == 2 || cellCtr == 4) { cellHead.Width = 80; } if (cellCtr == 5) { cellHead.Width = 120; } if (cellCtr == 6) { cellHead.Width = 60; } cellHead.Text = ar[cellCtr - 1]; tRowHead.Cells.Add(cellHead); } tblCourse.Rows.Add(tRowHead); string sqlPreRequisite = "Select * From PREREQUISITE Where CURRCODE='" + CurrCode + "' And YEARVERSION='" + YearVersion + "' And CURRFORMATCODE='" + CurrFormatCode + "' And CURRTYPECODE='" + CurrTypeCode + "' And MAJORCODE='" + MajorCode + "' And COURSEGROUPCODE='" + CourseGroupCode + "' And CATEGORYCODE='" + CategoryCode + "' And COURSETYPECODE='" + CourseTypeCode + "' And COURSECODE='" + CourseCode + "' Order by PREREQUISITERULE"; List <PreRequisite> preRequisite = new PreRequisite().getPreRequisiteManual(sqlPreRequisite); foreach (PreRequisite data in preRequisite) { TQF.Course courseData = new TQF.Course().getCourse(data.PreRequisiteCourseCode); TableRow tRowBody = new TableRow(); tRowBody.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; //Cell [0] TableCell cellPreRequisiteRule = new TableCell(); cellPreRequisiteRule.Text = data.PreRequisiteRule; cellPreRequisiteRule.CssClass = "text-center"; cellPreRequisiteRule.Width = 50; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellPreRequisiteRule); //Cell [1] TableCell cellCourseCode = new TableCell(); //string urlShow = "showCOURSE.aspx?token=" + data.PreRequisiteCourseCode; string urlShow = "showCOURSE.aspx?token=" + data.PreRequisiteCourseCode + "&CurrCode=" + data.CurrCode + "&YearVersion=" + data.YearVersion; HyperLink hypShow = new HyperLink(); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#showModal"); hypShow.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); hypShow.Text = data.PreRequisiteCourseCode; hypShow.NavigateUrl = urlShow; hypShow.ToolTip = "Course details"; cellCourseCode.Controls.Add(hypShow); cellCourseCode.CssClass = "text-center"; cellCourseCode.Width = 80; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseCode); //Cell [2] TableCell cellCourseThName = new TableCell(); cellCourseThName.Text = courseData.CourseThName + "<BR>" + courseData.CourseEnName; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCourseThName); //Cell [3] TableCell cellNumCredit = new TableCell(); cellNumCredit.Text = courseData.Credit + "(" + courseData.TheoryHour + "-" + courseData.PracticeHour + "-" + courseData.SelfStudyHour + ")"; cellNumCredit.Width = 80; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellNumCredit); //Cell [4] TableCell cellPreRequisiteFormat = new TableCell(); if (data.PreRequisiteFormat == "B") { cellPreRequisiteFormat.Text = "บังคับเรียนก่อน"; } if (data.PreRequisiteFormat == "C") { cellPreRequisiteFormat.Text = "บังคับเรียนร่วมกัน"; } if (data.PreRequisiteFormat == "D") { cellPreRequisiteFormat.Text = "บังคับเรียนก่อน/บังคับเรียนร่วมกัน"; } //cellPreRequisiteFormat.Text = data.PreRequisiteFormat; cellPreRequisiteFormat.Width = 120; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellPreRequisiteFormat); //Cell [5] TableCell cellDel = new TableCell(); string urlDel = "deletePREREQ.aspx?CurrCode=" + data.CurrCode + "&YearVersion=" + data.YearVersion + "&CurrFormatCode=" + data.CurrFormatCode + "&CurrTypeCode=" + data.CurrTypeCode + "&MajorCode=" + data.MajorCode + "&CategoryCode=" + data.CategoryCode + "&CourseGroupCode=" + data.CourseGroupCode + "&CourseTypeCode=" + data.CourseTypeCode + "&CourseCode=" + data.CourseCode + "&PreRequisiteCourseCode=" + data.PreRequisiteCourseCode + "&PreRequisiteRule=" + data.PreRequisiteRule; HyperLink hypDel = new HyperLink(); hypDel.Attributes.Add("data-target", "#deletePREREQ"); hypDel.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "modal"); hypDel.Text = "<h4><i class='fa fa-trash-o'></i></h4>"; hypDel.NavigateUrl = urlDel; hypDel.ToolTip = "Delete"; cellDel.Controls.Add(hypDel); cellDel.CssClass = "text-center"; cellDel.Width = 60; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellDel); tblCourse.Rows.Add(tRowBody); } }