private void btn_encode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (oform != null && File.Exists(oform.FileName)) { //has a filestream been opened? hScrollBar1.Enabled = false; checkBox1.Enabled = false; btn_encode.Enabled = false; // create instance of video reader VideoFileReader reader = new VideoFileReader(); VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter(); reader.Open(oform.FileName); if (checkBox1.Checked) { //Is the user requesting a AVI? writer.Open(apath + "output.wmv", 320, 200, reader.FrameRate, VideoCodec.WMV2); } // print some of its attributes logbox.Text += "Width: " + reader.Width + "px" + Environment.NewLine; logbox.Text += ("Height: " + reader.Height + "px" + Environment.NewLine); logbox.Text += ("Fps: " + reader.FrameRate + "fps"+ Environment.NewLine); logbox.Text += ("Codec: " + reader.CodecName + Environment.NewLine); logbox.Text += ("Frames: " + reader.FrameCount + Environment.NewLine); //start encoding classes TMVVideo tvid = new TMVVideo(); TMVEncoder tmv = new TMVEncoder(); //tmvframe.Threshold = hScrollBar1.Value; Bitmap videoFrame = new Bitmap(320,200); logbox.Text += "Conversion started @ " + DateTime.Now.ToString(); string logtxt = logbox.Text; logbox.Text += "Current Frame: 0"; TMVFont renderfont = new TMVFont(apath + "font.bin"); TMVFrame tframe; for (int i = 0; i < reader.FrameCount; i++) { videoFrame = resize_image(reader.ReadVideoFrame()); tframe = tmv.encode(videoFrame); tvid.addFrame(tframe); obox.Image = tframe.renderFrame(renderfont); pbar.Value = (int)((i * 100) / (reader.FrameCount-1)); logbox.Text = logtxt + Environment.NewLine + "Current Frame: " + i + "/" + (reader.FrameCount-1); if (checkBox1.Checked) { //Is the user requesting a AVI? writer.WriteVideoFrame((Bitmap)obox.Image); } if (closing) { return; } fbox.Image = videoFrame; Application.DoEvents(); } logbox.Text += Environment.NewLine + "All frames converted, attempting to interleave audio."; if (File.Exists(apath + "temp.wav")) { //remove any previous streams File.Delete(apath + "temp.wav"); } AviManager aviManager = new AviManager(oform.FileName, true); try { //try to read the stream AudioStream waveStream = aviManager.GetWaveStream(); logbox.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Audio stream found:"; logbox.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Sample Rate: " + waveStream.CountSamplesPerSecond.ToString(); logbox.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Bits:" + waveStream.CountBitsPerSample.ToString(); logbox.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Number of Channels: " + waveStream.CountChannels.ToString(); File.Delete(apath + "temp.wav"); waveStream.ExportStream(apath+"temp.wav"); waveStream.Close(); aviManager.Close(); byte[] audio_data = readWav(apath + "temp.wav"); if (reader.FrameRate > 99) { //sometimes frame rate is stored fixed point CRUDE tvid.setFPS((decimal)(reader.FrameRate / 10.0)); tvid.loadAudio(audio_data);; } else { tvid.setFPS(reader.FrameRate); tvid.loadAudio(audio_data);; } } catch { //error somewhere here, continue silent. logbox.Text += Environment.NewLine+"Error, source video does not have WAV audio, video will be silent."; if (reader.FrameRate > 99) { //sometimes frame rate is stored fixed point CRUDE tvid.setFPS((decimal)(reader.FrameRate / 10.0)); tvid.loadAudio(new Byte[reader.FrameCount]);; } else { tvid.setFPS(reader.FrameRate); tvid.loadAudio(new Byte[reader.FrameCount]);; } } logbox.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Conversion finished @ " + DateTime.Now.ToString(); writer.Close(); reader.Close(); hScrollBar1.Enabled = true; checkBox1.Enabled = true; btn_encode.Enabled = true; } else { logbox.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Error: Select a file (Using File -> Open) before attempting to encode."; } }
/// <summary>Copy a piece of video and wave sound int a new file</summary> /// <param name="newFileName">File name</param> /// <param name="startAtSecond">Start copying at second x</param> /// <param name="stopAtSecond">Stop copying at second y</param> /// <returns>AviManager for the new video</returns> public AviManager CopyTo(String newFileName, float startAtSecond, float stopAtSecond) { AviManager newFile = new AviManager(newFileName, false); try { //copy video stream VideoStream videoStream = GetVideoStream(); int startFrameIndex = (int)(videoStream.FrameRate * startAtSecond); int stopFrameIndex = (int)(videoStream.FrameRate * stopAtSecond); videoStream.GetFrameOpen(); Bitmap bmp = videoStream.GetBitmap(startFrameIndex); VideoStream newStream = newFile.AddVideoStream(false, videoStream.FrameRate, bmp); for (int n = startFrameIndex + 1; n <= stopFrameIndex; n++) { bmp = videoStream.GetBitmap(n); newStream.AddFrame(bmp); } videoStream.GetFrameClose(); //copy audio stream AudioStream waveStream = GetWaveStream(); Avi.AVISTREAMINFO streamInfo = new Avi.AVISTREAMINFO(); Avi.PCMWAVEFORMAT streamFormat = new Avi.PCMWAVEFORMAT(); int streamLength = 0; IntPtr ptrRawData = waveStream.GetStreamData( ref streamInfo, ref streamFormat, ref streamLength); int startByteIndex = (int)( startAtSecond * (float)(waveStream.CountSamplesPerSecond * streamFormat.nChannels * waveStream.CountBitsPerSample) / 8); int stopByteIndex = (int)( stopAtSecond * (float)(waveStream.CountSamplesPerSecond * streamFormat.nChannels * waveStream.CountBitsPerSample) / 8); IntPtr ptrWavePart = new IntPtr(ptrRawData.ToInt32() + startByteIndex); byte[] rawData = new byte[stopByteIndex - startByteIndex]; Marshal.Copy(ptrWavePart, rawData, 0, rawData.Length); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptrRawData); streamInfo.dwLength = rawData.Length; streamInfo.dwStart = 0; IntPtr unmanagedRawData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(rawData.Length); Marshal.Copy(rawData, 0, unmanagedRawData, rawData.Length); newFile.AddAudioStream(unmanagedRawData, streamInfo, streamFormat, rawData.Length); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(unmanagedRawData); } catch (Exception ex) { newFile.Close(); throw ex; } return newFile; }
/// <summary>Add a wave audio stream from another file to this file</summary> /// <param name="waveFileName">Name of the wave file to add</param> /// <param name="startAtFrameIndex">Index of the video frame at which the sound is going to start</param> public void AddAudioStream(String waveFileName, int startAtFrameIndex) { AviManager audioManager = new AviManager(waveFileName, true); AudioStream newStream = audioManager.GetWaveStream(); AddAudioStream(newStream, startAtFrameIndex); audioManager.Close(); }
/// <summary>Copy all frames into a new file</summary> /// <param name="fileName">Name of the new file</param> /// <param name="recompress">true: Compress the new stream</param> /// <returns>AviManager for the new file</returns> /// <remarks>Use this method if you want to append frames to an existing, compressed stream</remarks> public AviManager DecompressToNewFile(String fileName, bool recompress, out VideoStream newStream2) { AviManager newFile = new AviManager(fileName, false); this.GetFrameOpen(); Bitmap frame = GetBitmap(0); VideoStream newStream = newFile.AddVideoStream(recompress, frameRate, frame); frame.Dispose(); for(int n=1; n<countFrames; n++){ frame = GetBitmap(n); newStream.AddFrame(frame); frame.Dispose(); } this.GetFrameClose(); newStream2 = newStream; return newFile; }