void Save_SDF_FontAsset(string filePath) { filePath = filePath.Substring(0, filePath.Length - 6); // Trim file extension from filePath. string dataPath = Application.dataPath; if (filePath.IndexOf(dataPath) == -1) { Debug.LogError("You're saving the font asset in a directory outside of this project folder. This is not supported. Please select a directory under \"" + dataPath + "\""); return; } string relativeAssetPath = filePath.Substring(dataPath.Length - 6); string tex_DirName = Path.GetDirectoryName(relativeAssetPath); string tex_FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(relativeAssetPath); string tex_Path_NoExt = tex_DirName + "/" + tex_FileName; // Check if TextMeshPro font asset already exists. If not, create a new one. Otherwise update the existing one. TextMeshProFont font_asset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(tex_Path_NoExt + ".asset", typeof(TextMeshProFont)) as TextMeshProFont; if (font_asset == null) { //Debug.Log("Creating TextMeshPro font asset!"); font_asset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <TextMeshProFont>(); // Create new TextMeshPro Font Asset. AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(font_asset, tex_Path_NoExt + ".asset"); if (m_destination_Atlas != null) { m_font_Atlas = m_destination_Atlas; } // If using the C# SDF creation mode, we need the scaledown factor. int scaleDownFactor = font_renderMode >= RenderModes.DistanceField16 ? 1 : font_scaledownFactor; // Add FaceInfo to Font Asset FaceInfo face = GetFaceInfo(m_font_faceInfo, scaleDownFactor); font_asset.AddFaceInfo(face); // Add GlyphInfo[] to Font Asset GlyphInfo[] glyphs = GetGlyphInfo(m_font_glyphInfo, scaleDownFactor); font_asset.AddGlyphInfo(glyphs); // Get and Add Kerning Pairs to Font Asset if (includeKerningPairs) { string fontFilePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(font_TTF); KerningTable kerningTable = GetKerningTable(fontFilePath, (int)face.PointSize); font_asset.AddKerningInfo(kerningTable); } // Add Line Breaking Rules //LineBreakingTable lineBreakingTable = new LineBreakingTable(); // // Add Font Atlas as Sub-Asset font_asset.atlas = m_font_Atlas; m_font_Atlas.name = tex_FileName + " Atlas"; m_font_Atlas.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(m_font_Atlas, font_asset); // Create new Material and Add it as Sub-Asset Shader default_Shader = Shader.Find("TMPro/Distance Field"); Material tmp_material = new Material(default_Shader); //tmp_material.shaderKeywords = new string[] { "BEVEL_OFF", "GLOW_OFF", "UNDERLAY_OFF" }; tmp_material.name = tex_FileName + " Material"; tmp_material.SetTexture(ShaderUtilities.ID_MainTex, m_font_Atlas); tmp_material.SetFloat(ShaderUtilities.ID_TextureWidth, m_font_Atlas.width); tmp_material.SetFloat(ShaderUtilities.ID_TextureHeight, m_font_Atlas.height); tmp_material.SetFloat(ShaderUtilities.ID_WeightNormal, font_asset.NormalStyle); tmp_material.SetFloat(ShaderUtilities.ID_WeightBold, font_asset.BoldStyle); int spread = font_renderMode >= RenderModes.DistanceField16 ? font_padding + 1 : font_spread; tmp_material.SetFloat(ShaderUtilities.ID_GradientScale, spread); // Spread = Padding for Brute Force SDF. font_asset.material = tmp_material; tmp_material.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(tmp_material, font_asset); } else { // Find all Materials referencing this font atlas. Material[] material_references = TMPro_EditorUtility.FindMaterialReferences(font_asset.material); // Destroy Assets that will be replaced. DestroyImmediate(font_asset.atlas, true); int scaleDownFactor = font_renderMode >= RenderModes.DistanceField16 ? 1 : font_scaledownFactor; // Add FaceInfo to Font Asset FaceInfo face = GetFaceInfo(m_font_faceInfo, scaleDownFactor); font_asset.AddFaceInfo(face); // Add GlyphInfo[] to Font Asset GlyphInfo[] glyphs = GetGlyphInfo(m_font_glyphInfo, scaleDownFactor); font_asset.AddGlyphInfo(glyphs); // Get and Add Kerning Pairs to Font Asset if (includeKerningPairs) { string fontFilePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(font_TTF); KerningTable kerningTable = GetKerningTable(fontFilePath, (int)face.PointSize); font_asset.AddKerningInfo(kerningTable); } // Add Font Atlas as Sub-Asset font_asset.atlas = m_font_Atlas; m_font_Atlas.name = tex_FileName + " Atlas"; m_font_Atlas.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(m_font_Atlas, font_asset); // Update the Texture reference on the Material for (int i = 0; i < material_references.Length; i++) { material_references[i].SetTexture(ShaderUtilities.ID_MainTex, font_asset.atlas); material_references[i].SetFloat(ShaderUtilities.ID_TextureWidth, m_font_Atlas.width); material_references[i].SetFloat(ShaderUtilities.ID_TextureHeight, m_font_Atlas.height); material_references[i].SetFloat(ShaderUtilities.ID_WeightNormal, font_asset.NormalStyle); material_references[i].SetFloat(ShaderUtilities.ID_WeightBold, font_asset.BoldStyle); int spread = font_renderMode >= RenderModes.DistanceField16 ? font_padding + 1 : font_spread; material_references[i].SetFloat(ShaderUtilities.ID_GradientScale, spread); // Spread = Padding for Brute Force SDF. } } // Saving File for Debug //var pngData = destination_Atlas.EncodeToPNG(); //File.WriteAllBytes("Assets/Textures/Debug Distance Field.png", pngData); //font_asset.fontCreationSettings = SaveFontCreationSettings(); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(font_asset)); // Re-import font asset to get the new updated version. font_asset.ReadFontDefinition(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); // NEED TO GENERATE AN EVENT TO FORCE A REDRAW OF ANY TEXTMESHPRO INSTANCES THAT MIGHT BE USING THIS FONT ASSET TMPro_EventManager.ON_FONT_PROPERTY_CHANGED(true, font_asset); }
void Save_Normal_FontAsset(string filePath) { filePath = filePath.Substring(0, filePath.Length - 6); // Trim file extension from filePath. string dataPath = Application.dataPath; if (filePath.IndexOf(dataPath) == -1) { Debug.LogError("You're saving the font asset in a directory outside of this project folder. This is not supported. Please select a directory under \"" + dataPath + "\""); return; } string relativeAssetPath = filePath.Substring(dataPath.Length - 6); string tex_DirName = Path.GetDirectoryName(relativeAssetPath); string tex_FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(relativeAssetPath); string tex_Path_NoExt = tex_DirName + "/" + tex_FileName; // Check if TextMeshPro font asset already exists. If not, create a new one. Otherwise update the existing one. TextMeshProFont font_asset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(tex_Path_NoExt + ".asset", typeof(TextMeshProFont)) as TextMeshProFont; if (font_asset == null) { //Debug.Log("Creating TextMeshPro font asset!"); font_asset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <TextMeshProFont>(); // Create new TextMeshPro Font Asset. AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(font_asset, tex_Path_NoExt + ".asset"); // Add FaceInfo to Font Asset FaceInfo face = GetFaceInfo(m_font_faceInfo, 1); font_asset.AddFaceInfo(face); // Add GlyphInfo[] to Font Asset GlyphInfo[] glyphs = GetGlyphInfo(m_font_glyphInfo, 1); font_asset.AddGlyphInfo(glyphs); // Get and Add Kerning Pairs to Font Asset if (includeKerningPairs) { string fontFilePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(font_TTF); KerningTable kerningTable = GetKerningTable(fontFilePath, (int)face.PointSize); font_asset.AddKerningInfo(kerningTable); } // Add Font Atlas as Sub-Asset font_asset.atlas = m_font_Atlas; m_font_Atlas.name = tex_FileName + " Atlas"; m_font_Atlas.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(m_font_Atlas, font_asset); // Create new Material and Add it as Sub-Asset Shader default_Shader = Shader.Find("TMPro/Bitmap"); Material tmp_material = new Material(default_Shader); tmp_material.name = tex_FileName + " Material"; tmp_material.SetTexture(ShaderUtilities.ID_MainTex, m_font_Atlas); font_asset.material = tmp_material; tmp_material.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(tmp_material, font_asset); } else { // Find all Materials referencing this font atlas. Material[] material_references = TMPro_EditorUtility.FindMaterialReferences(font_asset.material); // Destroy Assets that will be replaced. DestroyImmediate(font_asset.atlas, true); // Add FaceInfo to Font Asset FaceInfo face = GetFaceInfo(m_font_faceInfo, 1); font_asset.AddFaceInfo(face); // Add GlyphInfo[] to Font Asset GlyphInfo[] glyphs = GetGlyphInfo(m_font_glyphInfo, 1); font_asset.AddGlyphInfo(glyphs); // Get and Add Kerning Pairs to Font Asset if (includeKerningPairs) { string fontFilePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(font_TTF); KerningTable kerningTable = GetKerningTable(fontFilePath, (int)face.PointSize); font_asset.AddKerningInfo(kerningTable); } // Add Font Atlas as Sub-Asset font_asset.atlas = m_font_Atlas; m_font_Atlas.name = tex_FileName + " Atlas"; m_font_Atlas.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(m_font_Atlas, font_asset); // Update the Texture reference on the Material for (int i = 0; i < material_references.Length; i++) { material_references[i].SetTexture(ShaderUtilities.ID_MainTex, font_asset.atlas); } } AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(font_asset)); // Re-import font asset to get the new updated version. //EditorUtility.SetDirty(font_asset); font_asset.ReadFontDefinition(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); // NEED TO GENERATE AN EVENT TO FORCE A REDRAW OF ANY TEXTMESHPRO INSTANCES THAT MIGHT BE USING THIS FONT ASSET TMPro_EventManager.ON_FONT_PROPERTY_CHANGED(true, font_asset); }