public ResponseDocNOGet GetNextDocNO(RequestDocNOGet request) { using (cnn = GetConnection()) { ResponseDocNOGet res = new ResponseDocNOGet(); DateTime docDate = DateTime.Parse(request.DocDate); PeriodBLL periodBLL = new PeriodBLL(cnn); var user = this.UserInfoGet(request.Token, null); AccountSetBLL accountSetBLL = new AccountSetBLL(cnn); var activePeriod = accountSetBLL.GetActivePeriod(user.AccountId, null); if ((activePeriod.Year == docDate.Year && activePeriod.Month > docDate.Month) || activePeriod.Year > docDate.Year) { res.IsSuccess = false; res.Message = "该期别,不可新增凭证"; return(res); } var period = cnn.QueryFirstOrDefault <TKS_FAS_MonthPeriodInfo>("select * from TKS_FAS_MonthPeriodInfo where Year=@Year and AccountId=@AccountId and Month=@Month", new { Year = docDate.Year, Month = docDate.Month, AccountId = user.AccountId }, null); string no = string.Empty; if (period == null) { no = "1"; } else { string sql = @"select (case when max(pzzno) is null then 0 else max(pzzno) end) from TKS_FAS_Doc where accountid=@AccountId and periodId=@PeriodId"; var max = cnn.ExecuteScalar(sql, new { AccountId = user.AccountId, PeriodId = period.Id }, null); no = (int.Parse(max.ToString()) + 1).ToString(); } res.NO = no; res.IsSuccess = true; return(res); } }
public ResponseFixedAssetsGet FixedAssetsGet(RequestFixedAssetsGet request) { ResponseFixedAssetsGet response = new ResponseFixedAssetsGet(); using (cnn = GetConnection()) { var ts = cnn.BeginTransaction(); try { var user = UserInfoGet(request.Token, ts); AccountSetBLL account = new AccountSetBLL(cnn); var period = account.GetActivePeriod(user.AccountId, ts); var data = cnn.QuerySingle <TKS_FAS_FixedAssets>("select * from TKS_FAS_FixedAssets where id=@Id", new { Id = request.Id }, ts); ts.Commit(); response.IsSuccess = true; response.Message = "加载完毕"; response.Data = data; response.NowPeriod = period.Id; return(response); } catch (Exception ex) { ts.Rollback(); return(this.DealException(response, ex) as ResponseFixedAssetsGet); } } }
public ResponseFixedAssetsChangeListSearch FixedAssetsChangeListSearch(RequestFixedAssetsChangeListSearch request) { ResponseFixedAssetsChangeListSearch response = new ResponseFixedAssetsChangeListSearch(); using (cnn = GetConnection()) { var ts = cnn.BeginTransaction(); try { var user = this.UserInfoGet(request.Token, ts); AccountSetBLL account = new AccountSetBLL(cnn); var period = account.GetActivePeriod(user.AccountId, ts); var condition = new { AccountId = user.AccountId, Name = "%" + request.Name + "%" }; string sql = this.GetPageSql(@" A.*, convert(varchar(20),B.Year)+'年'+ convert(varchar(20),B.Month)+'期' as period ,C.tplId,ISCHUZHI=(SELECT 'Y' from TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChange where ChangeType=8 and A.ParentId=ParentId)", @" TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChange A left join tks_fas_monthPeriodInfo B on left join tks_fas_changeType2TPL C on A.changeType=C.changeType where A.accountId=@AccountId and A.assetsname like @Name ", " createDate desc ", request.PageSize, request.PageIndex); List <TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChangeExt> data = cnn.Query <TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChangeExt>(sql, condition, ts).ToList(); string countSql = @"select count(1) from TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChange where accountId=@AccountId and assetsname like @Name"; int total = int.Parse(cnn.ExecuteScalar(countSql, condition, ts).ToString()); ts.Commit(); response.IsSuccess = true; response.Message = "加载完毕"; response.PageIndex = request.PageIndex; response.Data = data; response.Total = total; return(response); } catch (Exception ex) { ts.Rollback(); return(this.DealException(response, ex) as ResponseFixedAssetsChangeListSearch); } } }
/// <summary> /// 只能查询当前期间下的信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ResponseFixedAssetsListSearch FixedAssetsListSearch(RequestFixedAssetsListSearch request) { ResponseFixedAssetsListSearch response = new ResponseFixedAssetsListSearch(); using (cnn = GetConnection()) { var ts = cnn.BeginTransaction(); try { AccountSetBLL account = new AccountSetBLL(cnn); var user = this.UserInfoGet(request.Token, ts); var period = account.GetActivePeriod(user.AccountId, ts); var PeriodDate = request.PeriodDate.Split('-'); var condition = new { AccountId = user.AccountId, PeriodId = request.PeriodId, PeriodDate = PeriodDate[0] + PeriodDate[1].PadLeft(2, '0'), Year = PeriodDate[0], Month = PeriodDate[1], Name = "%" + request.Name + "%" }; string sql = this.GetPageSql("a.*,a.InitialAssetValue-a.AccumulativeDpre as ZCJZ,log.Amount", @" TKS_FAS_FixedAssets a left join(select distinct FixedId,Amount from TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsLog where Amount>0 and accountId=@AccountId and PeriodId=@PeriodId) log on where a.accountId=@AccountId and like @Name and convert(nvarchar(6),a.StartUseDate,112)<=@PeriodDate", " a.DocNo", request.PageSize, request.PageIndex); List <TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsExt> data = cnn.Query <TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsExt>(sql, condition, ts).ToList(); string countSql = @"select count(1) from TKS_FAS_FixedAssets where accountId=@AccountId and name like @Name and convert(nvarchar(6),StartUseDate,112)<=@PeriodDate"; int total = int.Parse(cnn.ExecuteScalar(countSql, condition, ts).ToString()); ts.Commit(); response.IsSuccess = true; response.Message = "加载完毕"; response.PageIndex = request.PageIndex; response.Data = data; response.Total = total; return(response); } catch (Exception ex) { ts.Rollback(); return(this.DealException(response, ex) as ResponseFixedAssetsListSearch); } } }
public void CustomDataImport(DataTable dt, string token, string itemId) { using (cnn = GetConnection()) { var ts = cnn.BeginTransaction(); try { var user = this.UserInfoGet(token, ts); AccountSetBLL account = new AccountSetBLL(cnn); var period = account.GetActivePeriod(user.AccountId, ts); BalanceBLL balanceBLL = new BalanceBLL(cnn); PeriodBLL periodBLL = new PeriodBLL(cnn); string sql = string.Empty; sql = @"delete from TKS_FAS_CaculateHelperDetail where AccountId=@AccountId and ParentId=@ParentId"; cnn.Execute(sql, new { AccountId = user.AccountId, ParentId = itemId }, ts); if (dt.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "Name").Rows.Count < dt.Rows.Count) { throw new NormalException("名称不能重复"); } for (var i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { var rowItem = dt.Rows[i]; TKS_FAS_CaculateHelperDetail fix = new TKS_FAS_CaculateHelperDetail(); fix.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); fix.AccountId = user.AccountId; fix.ParentId = itemId;//当前期间为录入期间 fix.IsValid = 1; fix.Code = (i + 1).ToString().PadLeft(3, '0'); fix.Name = rowItem["Name"].ToString(); fix.Memo = rowItem["Memo"].ToString(); fix.Custom1 = "#nodata#"; fix.Custom2 = "#nodata#"; fix.Custom3 = "#nodata#"; fix.Custom4 = "#nodata#"; fix.Custom5 = "#nodata#"; fix.Custom6 = "#nodata#"; fix.Custom7 = "#nodata#"; fix.Custom8 = "#nodata#"; cnn.Insert <TKS_FAS_CaculateHelperDetail>(fix, ts); } ts.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { ts.Rollback(); throw ex; } } }
/// <summary> /// 处置资产 /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ResponseFixedAssetsDeal FixedAssetsDeal(RequestFixedAssetsDeal request) { ResponseFixedAssetsDeal response = new ResponseFixedAssetsDeal(); using (cnn = GetConnection()) { var ts = cnn.BeginTransaction(); try { var user = UserInfoGet(request.Token, ts); AccountSetBLL bll = new AccountSetBLL(cnn); var period = bll.GetActivePeriod(user.AccountId, ts); string sql = "select * from TKS_FAS_FixedAssets where isGenPz=1 and id=@Id"; var data = cnn.Query <TKS_FAS_FixedAssets>(sql, new { Id = request.Data.Id }, ts).FirstOrDefault(); if (data == null) { throw new NormalException("未生成凭证,无法报废"); } TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChange change = new TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChange(); change.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); change.ParentId = data.Id; change.DocNo = data.DocNo; change.PeriodId = period.Id; change.AccountId = data.AccountId; change.AssetsName = data.Name; change.PreContent = (data.InitialAssetValue - data.AccumulativeDpre).ToString(); change.CurContent = (data.InitialAssetValue - data.AccumulativeDpre).ToString(); change.ChangeType = 8; change.CreateUser = data.CreateUser; change.CreateDate = data.CreateDate; cnn.Insert <TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChange>(change, ts); sql = "update TKS_FAS_FixedAssets set status=1 where Id=@Id"; cnn.Execute(sql, new { Id = data.Id }, ts); ts.Commit(); response.IsSuccess = true; response.Message = "处置成功"; return(response); } catch (Exception ex) { ts.Rollback(); return(this.DealException(response, ex) as ResponseFixedAssetsDeal); } } }
/// <summary> /// 根据保存的来源类型处理 /// 例如:如果是从模板生成触发,期末检查模板要关联生成的凭证 /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <param name="ts"></param> /// <param name="user"></param> private void DealByPZType(RequestDocAdd request, IDbTransaction ts, MM_UserInfo user) { if (request.Type == PZType.QM.ToString())//期末 { AccountSetBLL account = new AccountSetBLL(cnn); var period = account.GetActivePeriod(user.AccountId, ts); TKS_FAS_TPL2PZ newData = new TKS_FAS_TPL2PZ(); newData.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); newData.TPLId = request.TPLId; newData.PZId = request.Head.Id; newData.AccountId = user.AccountId; newData.CreateUser = user.User.UserName; newData.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; newData.PeriodId = period.Id; cnn.Insert <TKS_FAS_TPL2PZ>(newData, ts); } else if (request.Type == PZType.FP.ToString()) { InvoiceBLL bll = new FAS.InvoiceBLL(cnn); bll.LZ(request.Key, request.Head.Id, user, ts); } else if (request.Type == PZType.CHANGE.ToString()) { PZZBLL pzz = new PZZBLL(cnn); var pzzData = pzz.PZZGetById(request.Head.PZZ, ts); FixedAssetsBLL fixedAssetsBLL = new FixedAssetsBLL(cnn); fixedAssetsBLL.ChangeSetPZ(request.Head.Id, pzzData.PZZ + request.Head.PZZNO, request.Key, ts); fixedAssetsBLL.SetIsGenPZ(request.Key, user, ts); } else if (request.Type == PZType.GD.ToString()) { AccountSetBLL account = new AccountSetBLL(cnn); var period = account.GetActivePeriod(user.AccountId, ts); TKS_FAS_TPL2PZ newData = new TKS_FAS_TPL2PZ(); newData.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); newData.TPLId = request.TPLId; newData.PZId = request.Head.Id; newData.AccountId = user.AccountId; newData.CreateUser = user.User.UserName; newData.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; newData.PeriodId = period.Id; cnn.Insert <TKS_FAS_TPL2PZ>(newData, ts); //更新固定资产 FixedAssetsBLL fixedAssetsBLL = new FixedAssetsBLL(cnn); fixedAssetsBLL.Depreciation(user.AccountId, ts, period); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取快速凭证模板 /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ResponseKSPZTPLsGet KSPZTPLsGet(RequestKSPZTPLsGet request) { var res = new ResponseKSPZTPLsGet(); using (cnn = this.GetConnection()) { var ts = cnn.BeginTransaction(); try { var user = UserInfoGet(request.Token, ts); AccountSetBLL accountBll = new AccountSetBLL(cnn); var period = accountBll.GetActivePeriod(user.AccountId, ts); //获取期末检查模板 是否已经生成凭证 //update by Hero.Zhang 按照原始模板查询 string sql = @"select A.*,0 as IsGenPZ from TKS_FAS_DocTPL A where A.tplTarget=1 and A.isCustom=0 and a.AccountId='-' "; var data = cnn.Query <TKS_FAS_DocTPLExt>(sql, new { AccountId = user.AccountId, //账套 PeriodId = period.Id //当前 期间 }, ts).ToList(); res.IsSuccess = true; res.Data = data; res.Message = ""; return(res); } catch (Exception ex) { ts.Rollback(); return(this.DealException(res, ex) as ResponseKSPZTPLsGet); } } }
/// <summary> /// 新增固定资产,都是在当前的期间下操作 /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ResponseFixedAssetsAdd FixedAssetsAdd(RequestFixedAssetsAdd request) { ResponseFixedAssetsAdd response = new ResponseFixedAssetsAdd(); using (cnn = GetConnection()) { var ts = cnn.BeginTransaction(); try { var user = this.UserInfoGet(request.Token, ts); AccountSetBLL account = new AccountSetBLL(cnn); var period = account.GetActivePeriod(user.AccountId, ts); request.Data.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); request.Data.AccountId = user.AccountId; request.Data.StartPeriod = period.Id;//当前期间为录入期间 request.Data.CreateUser = user.User.UserName; request.Data.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; cnn.Insert <TKS_FAS_FixedAssets>(request.Data, ts); if (request.Data.AddType != "期初") { AddChange(request.Data, ts); } ts.Commit(); response.Id = request.Data.Id; response.IsSuccess = true; response.Message = "新增成功"; return(response); } catch (Exception ex) { ts.Rollback(); return(this.DealException(response, ex) as ResponseFixedAssetsAdd); } } }
private string Add(RequestTPLAdd request, System.Data.IDbTransaction ts, MM_UserInfo user) { AccountSetBLL ac = new AccountSetBLL(cnn); var period = ac.GetActivePeriod(user.AccountId, ts); decimal total = 0; var flag = 0; //凭证上辅助核算项直接写死对应列 foreach (var item in request.Detail) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SubjectCode)) { continue; } item.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); #region 辅助核算赋值 string[] cals = item.CalValue1.Split(new char[] { '#' }); for (int i = 0; i < cals.Length; i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cals[i])) { continue; } string[] ss = cals[i].Split(new char[] { ',' }); if (i == 0) { item.CalItem1 = ss[0]; item.CalValue1 = ss[1]; } else if (i == 1) { item.CalItem2 = ss[0]; item.CalValue2 = ss[1]; } else if (i == 2) { item.CalItem3 = ss[0]; item.CalValue3 = ss[1]; } else if (i == 3) { item.CalItem4 = ss[0]; item.CalValue4 = ss[1]; } else if (i == 4) { item.CalItem5 = ss[0]; item.CalValue5 = ss[1]; } } #endregion total += item.Money_Debit; item.Year = period.Year; item.ParentId = request.Head.Id; item.AccountId = user.AccountId; cnn.Insert <TKS_FAS_DocDetailTPL>(item, ts); flag++; } if (flag == 0) { throw new NormalException("亲,您还没有填写明细"); } request.Head.AccountId = user.AccountId; request.Head.AMT_DBT = total; request.Head.IsCarry = 0; request.Head.TPLTarget = 0; //用户选择 request.Head.IsCustom = 1; //自定义 request.Head.CreateUser = user.User.TrueName; request.Head.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; cnn.Insert <TKS_FAS_DocTPL>(request.Head, ts); return(request.Head.Id); }
/// <summary> /// 模板加载 /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ResponseTPLMGet TPLGet(RequestTPLMGet request) { ResponseTPLMGet response = new ResponseTPLMGet(); using (cnn = GetConnection()) { var ts = cnn.BeginTransaction(); try { var user = UserInfoGet(request.Token, ts); var head = cnn.QuerySingle <TKS_FAS_DocTPL>("select * from TKS_FAS_DocTPL where id=@Id", new { Id = request.Data.Id }, ts); AccountSetBLL account = new AccountSetBLL(cnn); var period = account.GetActivePeriod(user.AccountId, ts); //模板体明细 var detail = cnn.Query <TKS_FAS_DocDetailTPL>( @"select * from tks_fas_docDetailTPL where parentId=@ParentId", new { ParentId = head.Id }, ts).ToList(); //如果是固定资产,则需要捞取当前账套的所有固定资产的每月折旧额,生成计提折旧凭证 //需要对detail进行再包装 if (head.TPLTarget == 3) { #region 固定资产,计提折旧 FixedAssetsBLL fbll = new FixedAssetsBLL(cnn); //获取固定资产 List <TKS_FAS_FixedAssets> fixedAssets = fbll.FixedAssetsGetByAcccount(user.AccountId, period, ts); //凭证明细 List <TKS_FAS_DocDetailTPL> newDetail = new List <TKS_FAS_DocDetailTPL>(); head.AMT_DBT = 0; foreach (var item in fixedAssets) { if (item.DepreciationMethod == "2") { continue; } if (item.IsStartPeriodDepreciation == 0 && item.StartPeriod == period.Id) { continue; } if (item.DpreMonth < item.PreUseMonth) { //固定资产累计折旧科目,产生到凭证 //用固定资产表单上的科目覆盖模板的科目 for (var i = 0; i < detail.Count; i++) { //update by Hero.Zhang 每次循环前必须将借贷金额初始化 detail[i].Money_Credit = 0; detail[i].Money_Debit = 0; if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 1) { detail[i].SubjectCode = item.ADSubjectCode; //detail[i].SubjectDescription = item.ADSubjectCode + " " + item.ADSubjectName; detail[i].SubjectDescription = item.ADSubjectName; } else if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0) { detail[i].SubjectCode = item.DCostSubjectCode; detail[i].SubjectDescription = item.DCostSubjectName; } } //填充金额 var d = FillDetail(item.DprePerMonth, detail); newDetail.AddRange(d); head.AMT_DBT += item.DprePerMonth; //if (item.ADSubjectCode == "1502001") //{ // test.Add(item); //} } } //分组合并 var lst = newDetail.GroupBy(x => new { x.Id, x.ParentId, x.LineNo, x.AccountId, x.Year, x.SubjectCode, x.SubjectDescription, x.Summary, x.Credit_Debit, x.PartnerCode, x.Unit, x.CurrencyCode, x.CalItem1, x.CalValue1, x.CalItem2, x.CalValue2, x.CalItem3, x.CalValue3, x.CalItem4, x.CalValue4, x.CalItem5, x.CalValue5, x.Rate, x.Quantity, x.Price, x.IsCurrency, x.IsQuantity, x.IsCalHelper, x.Balance, x.YB, x.IPercent, x.SourceType }).Select(x => new TKS_FAS_DocDetailTPL { Id = x.First().Id, ParentId = x.First().ParentId, LineNo = x.First().LineNo, AccountId = x.First().AccountId, Year = x.First().Year, SubjectCode = x.First().SubjectCode, SubjectDescription = x.First().SubjectDescription, Summary = x.First().Summary, Credit_Debit = x.First().Credit_Debit, PartnerCode = x.First().PartnerCode, Unit = x.First().Unit, CurrencyCode = x.First().CurrencyCode, CalItem1 = x.First().CalItem1, CalValue1 = x.First().CalValue1, CalItem2 = x.First().CalItem2, CalValue2 = x.First().CalValue2, CalItem3 = x.First().CalItem3, CalValue3 = x.First().CalValue3, CalItem4 = x.First().CalItem4, CalValue4 = x.First().CalValue4, CalItem5 = x.First().CalItem5, CalValue5 = x.First().CalValue5, Rate = x.First().Rate, Quantity = x.First().Quantity, Price = x.First().Price, IsCurrency = x.First().IsCurrency, IsQuantity = x.First().IsQuantity, IsCalHelper = x.First().IsCalHelper, Balance = x.First().Balance, YB = x.First().YB, IPercent = x.First().IPercent, SourceType = x.First().SourceType, Money_Credit = x.Sum(s => s.Money_Credit), Money_Debit = x.Sum(s => s.Money_Debit) }).ToList(); //detail = newDetail; detail = lst; #endregion } else if (head.TPLTarget == 7) { #region 固定资产变动单类型 var changeTypeToTpl = cnn.QuerySingleOrDefault <TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChange>( "select * from TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChange where Id=@Id ", new { Id = request.Key }, ts); if (changeTypeToTpl != null) { //固定资产变动类型新增的情况 string fixsql = @"select B.* from TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChange A left join TKS_FAS_FixedAssets B on where"; TKS_FAS_FixedAssets fixedAssets = cnn.QuerySingleOrDefault <TKS_FAS_FixedAssets>(fixsql, new { ID = request.Key }, ts); if (fixedAssets == null) { throw new Exception("固定资产不存在"); } FillDetail(request.Money, detail); if (changeTypeToTpl.ChangeType == 1) { #region 新增 for (var i = 0; i < detail.Count; i++) { if (detail[i].SubjectCode == "1501") { detail[i].SubjectCode = fixedAssets.GDCode; detail[i].SubjectDescription = fixedAssets.GDName; } else if (detail[i].SubjectCode == "217100101") { if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0) { detail[i].Money_Debit = fixedAssets.InputVAT; } else { detail[i].Money_Credit = fixedAssets.InputVAT; } } else if (detail[i].SubjectCode == "1002") { if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0) { detail[i].Money_Debit = request.Money + fixedAssets.InputVAT; } else { detail[i].Money_Credit = request.Money + fixedAssets.InputVAT; } } } request.Money += fixedAssets.InputVAT; #endregion } else if (changeTypeToTpl.ChangeType == 8) { #region 报废 for (var i = 0; i < detail.Count; i++) { if (detail[i].SubjectCode == "1501") { if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0) { detail[i].Money_Debit = fixedAssets.InitialAssetValue; } else { detail[i].Money_Credit = fixedAssets.InitialAssetValue; } } else if (detail[i].SubjectCode == "1502") { if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0) { detail[i].Money_Debit = fixedAssets.AccumulativeDpre + fixedAssets.DprePerMonth;//累计折旧+每月折旧额 } else { detail[i].Money_Credit = fixedAssets.AccumulativeDpre + fixedAssets.DprePerMonth; } } else if (detail[i].SubjectCode == "1701") { if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0) { detail[i].Money_Debit = fixedAssets.InitialAssetValue - fixedAssets.AccumulativeDpre - fixedAssets.DprePerMonth;//减去累计折旧和每月折旧额 } else { detail[i].Money_Credit = fixedAssets.InitialAssetValue - fixedAssets.AccumulativeDpre - fixedAssets.DprePerMonth; } } } request.Money = fixedAssets.InitialAssetValue; #endregion } } else { FillDetail(request.Money, detail); } #endregion } else if (head.TPLTarget == 2) { #region 发票上传 //var fp = cnn.Query<TKS_FAS_Invoice>( // "select * from TKS_FAS_Invoice where id=@Id", new { Id =request.Data.Id}, ts); //if (fp == null) //{ // throw new NormalException("未找到对应发票"); //} FillDetail(request.Money, detail); decimal total = 0; for (var i = 0; i < detail.Count; i++) { if (detail[i].SourceType == 0) { //发生额比例,不做处理 } else if (detail[i].SourceType == 1) { //含税金额 if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0) { detail[i].Money_Debit = request.Money; } else { detail[i].Money_Credit = request.Money; } } else if (detail[i].SourceType == 2) { //税金 if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0) { detail[i].Money_Debit = request.Tax; } else { detail[i].Money_Credit = request.Tax; } } else if (detail[i].SourceType == 3) { //未税金额 if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0) { detail[i].Money_Debit = request.Money - request.Tax; } else { detail[i].Money_Credit = request.Money - request.Tax; } } total += detail[i].Money_Debit; } request.Money = total; #endregion } else { FillDetail(request.Money, detail); } if (request.Money > 0) { head.AMT_DBT = request.Money; } ts.Commit(); response.IsSuccess = true; response.Message = "加载完毕"; response.Head = head; response.Detail = detail; #region add by Hero.Zhang 判断科目行是否有子科目 for (int i = 0; i < detail.Count(); i++) { var item = detail[i]; List <TKS_FAS_AccountSubject> sub = cnn.Query <TKS_FAS_AccountSubject>(@"select * from TKS_FAS_AccountSubject where AccountId=@AccountId and RootCode=@RootCode", new { AccountId = user.AccountId, RootCode = item.SubjectCode }, ts).ToList(); if (sub.Count > 1) { response.CheckParent = "1"; response.Message += "</br>第" + (i + 1).ToString() + "行有子科目,请重新选择"; } } #endregion return(response); } catch (Exception ex) { ts.Rollback(); return(this.DealException(response, ex) as ResponseTPLMGet); } } }
private string Add(RequestDocAdd request, System.Data.IDbTransaction ts, MM_UserInfo user) { AccountSetBLL ac = new AccountSetBLL(cnn); #region modify by andy 期间根据凭证日期计算 //var period = ac.GetActivePeriod(user.AccountId, ts); var pzDate = request.Head.PZDate; PeriodBLL balanceBLL = new PeriodBLL(cnn); var period = balanceBLL.GetPeriod(user.AccountId, pzDate?.Year ?? 0, pzDate?.Month ?? 0, ts); #endregion var d = cnn.Query(@"select * from TKS_FAS_Doc where accountId=@AccountId and periodId=@PeriodId and pzz=@PZZ and pzzno=@PZZNO", new { AccountId = user.AccountId, PeriodId = period.Id, PZZ = request.Head.PZZ, PZZNO = request.Head.PZZNO }, ts); if (d.Count() > 0) { throw new NormalException("当前账套,会计期间下,凭证字号已经存在"); } if (request.Head.PZDate.HasValue) { if (period.StartDate > request.Head.PZDate || period.EndDate < request.Head.PZDate) { //可以录入当前期间之后期间的凭证 update by Hero.Zhang 20180507 //throw new NormalException("凭证日期必须在当前会计期间"); } } else { throw new NormalException("凭证日期必须选择"); } var accountSet = ac.GetAccountSetByAccountId(user.AccountId, ts); if (accountSet.IsNeedReviewed == 1) { request.Head.CheckStatus = 1; } else { request.Head.CheckStatus = 3; } decimal debit = 0; decimal credit = 0; decimal total = 0; var flag = 0; string strMessage = ""; List <TKS_FAS_AccountSubject> sub = cnn.Query <TKS_FAS_AccountSubject>(@"select * from TKS_FAS_AccountSubject where AccountId=@AccountId", new { AccountId = user.AccountId }, ts).ToList(); //凭证上辅助核算项直接写死对应列 foreach (var item in request.Detail) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SubjectCode)) { continue; } item.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); #region 辅助核算赋值 string[] cals = item.CalValue1.Split(new char[] { '#' }); for (int i = 0; i < cals.Length; i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cals[i])) { continue; } string[] ss = cals[i].Split(new char[] { ',' }); if (i == 0) { item.CalItem1 = ss[0]; item.CalValue1 = ss[1]; } else if (i == 1) { item.CalItem2 = ss[0]; item.CalValue2 = ss[1]; } else if (i == 2) { item.CalItem3 = ss[0]; item.CalValue3 = ss[1]; } else if (i == 3) { item.CalItem4 = ss[0]; item.CalValue4 = ss[1]; } else if (i == 4) { item.CalItem5 = ss[0]; item.CalValue5 = ss[1]; } } #endregion total += item.Money_Debit; //录入在借方,则凭证借贷方向是借,否则是贷 if (item.Money_Debit != 0) { item.Credit_Debit = 0; } else { item.Credit_Debit = 1; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.CurrencyCode)) { item.CurrencyCode = "RMB";//默认RMB } item.SubjectDescription = item.SubjectDescription.Trim(); item.PeriodId = period.Id; item.Year = period.Year; item.Source = request.Head.Source; item.ParentId = request.Head.Id; item.AccountId = user.AccountId; //add by Hero.Zhang 添加期初,期末值 2018-12-18 // #region add by Hero.Zhang 添加期初,期末值 2018-12-18 // item.FirstMoney = 0; // item.EndBAL = 0; // var det = cnn.Query<TKS_FAS_DocDetail>(@" // select top 1 det.* from TKS_FAS_DocDetail det // left join TKS_FAS_Doc doc on det.ParentId=doc.Id // where det.AccountId=@AccountId // and det.PeriodId=@PeriodId // and det.SubjectCode=@SubjectCode // order by doc.CreateDate desc", // new { AccountId = user.AccountId, PeriodId = period.Id, SubjectCode = item.SubjectCode}, ts).ToList(); // if (det.Count>0) // { // //此科目在该期间上一次的期末值为这一次的期初值 // item.FirstMoney = det[0].EndBAL; // if (item.Credit_Debit==det[0].Credit_Debit) // { // item.EndBAL = item.FirstMoney + item.Money_Debit + item.Money_Credit; // } // else // { // item.EndBAL = Math.Abs(item.FirstMoney - (item.Money_Debit + item.Money_Credit)); // } // } // else // { // //第一次存入,从期初余额中取值 // var bal = cnn.Query<TKS_FAS_GLBalance>(@" // select top 1 det.* from TKS_FAS_GLBalance det // where det.AccountId=@AccountId // and det.PeriodId='' // and det.SubjectCode=@SubjectCode // ", //new { AccountId = user.AccountId, SubjectCode = item.SubjectCode }, ts).ToList(); // if (bal.Count>0) // { // item.FirstMoney = bal[0].BWBStartBAL; // if (item.Credit_Debit == bal[0].SCredit_Debit) // { // item.EndBAL = item.FirstMoney + item.Money_Debit + item.Money_Credit; // } // else // { // item.EndBAL = Math.Abs(item.FirstMoney - (item.Money_Debit + item.Money_Credit)); // } // } // } // #endregion var info = sub.Where(p => p.Code == item.SubjectCode).ToList(); if (info.Count() == 0) { throw new NormalException(item.SubjectCode + "科目不存在"); } if (info[0].IsCalHelperValid == 1 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.CalValue1)) { throw new NormalException(item.SubjectCode + "科目中有辅助核算,请选择辅助核算"); } List <TKS_FAS_AccountSubject> checkSub = sub.FindAll(p => p.ParentId == info[0].Id).ToList(); if (checkSub.Count() > 0) { strMessage += "</br>第" + (flag + 1).ToString() + "行有子科目,请重新选择"; } cnn.Insert <TKS_FAS_DocDetail>(item, ts); flag++; } if (flag == 0) { throw new NormalException("亲,您还没有填写明细"); } if (flag == 1) { throw new NormalException("亲,明细不能只存在一条"); } if (strMessage != "") { throw new NormalException(strMessage); } request.Head.PeriodId = period.Id; request.Head.Year = period.Year; request.Head.AccountId = user.AccountId; request.Head.AMT_DBT = total; request.Head.CreateUser = user.User.TrueName; request.Head.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; //add by Hero.Zhang 存入来源 20180903 request.Head.Source = request.Type; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Type)) { request.Head.Source = "LR"; } cnn.Insert <TKS_FAS_Doc>(request.Head, ts); return(request.Head.Id); }
public ResponseDocListSearch DocListSearch(RequestDocListSearch request) { ResponseDocListSearch response = new ResponseDocListSearch(); using (cnn = GetConnection()) { var ts = cnn.BeginTransaction(); try { var user = this.UserInfoGet(request.Token, ts); string where = string.Empty; object predicate; object accountList; if (request.Type == "normal") { #region 一般查询 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.PZZ)) { where = " and A.pzz=@PZZ"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.PZZ_S)) { where += " and pzzNo>=" + int.Parse(request.PZZ_S); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.PZZ_E)) { where += " and pzzNo<=" + int.Parse(request.PZZ_E); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Period) && request.Period != "##") { where += " and A.periodId='" + request.Period + "'"; } predicate = new { AccountId = user.AccountId, PZZ = request.PZZ }; #endregion } else { #region 更多查询 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.More.PZZ)) { where = " and A.pzz=@PZZ"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.More.PZZ_S)) { where += " and pzzNo>=" + int.Parse(request.More.PZZ_S); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.More.PZZ_E)) { where += " and pzzNo<=" + int.Parse(request.More.PZZ_E); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.More.Period_S)) { var periodS = cnn.QueryFirstOrDefault <TKS_FAS_MonthPeriodInfo>( @"select * from TKS_FAS_MonthPeriodInfo where id=@Id", new { Id = request.More.Period_S }, ts); where += " and A.pzdate>='" + DateTime.Parse(periodS.StartDate.ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.More.Period_E)) { var periodE = cnn.QueryFirstOrDefault <TKS_FAS_MonthPeriodInfo>( @"select * from TKS_FAS_MonthPeriodInfo where id=@Id", new { Id = request.More.Period_E }, ts); where += " and A.pzdate<='" + DateTime.Parse(periodE.EndDate.ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.AccountList)) { where += " and A.accountId in" + request.AccountList; } predicate = new { AccountId = user.AccountId, PZZ = request.More.PZZ }; #endregion } string sql = this.GetPageSql("A.*,B.pzz as PZZName," + "AttachmentCount=(select count(att.Id) from TKS_FAS_Attachment att where att.DocId=A.Id ) ", @" TKS_FAS_Doc A left join TKS_FAS_CertificateWord B on A.pzz=B.ID where A.accountId=@AccountId " + where, " A.PZDate,A.PeriodId,B.PZZ,A.PZZNO", request.PageSize, request.PageIndex); List <TKS_FAS_DocExt> data = cnn.Query <TKS_FAS_DocExt>(sql, predicate, ts).ToList(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.AccountList)) { accountList = new { AccountList = request.AccountList, PZZ = request.More.PZZ }; //打印工具专用 sql = this.GetPageSql(" row_number() OVER ( ORDER BY A.PZZNO ASC ) AS RowNum,A.*,B.pzz as PZZName," + "AttachmentCount=(select count(att.Id) from TKS_FAS_Attachment att where att.DocId=A.Id ) ", @" TKS_FAS_Doc A left join TKS_FAS_CertificateWord B on A.pzz=B.ID where 1=1 " + where, " A.pzDate desc,A.pzzNo ", request.PageSize, request.PageIndex); data = cnn.Query <TKS_FAS_DocExt>(sql, accountList, ts).ToList(); } string countSql = @"select count(1) from TKS_FAS_Doc A where A.accountId=@AccountId " + where; int total = int.Parse(cnn.ExecuteScalar(countSql, predicate, ts).ToString()); List <string> docIds = data.Select(p => p.Id).ToList(); string ids = "('" + string.Join("','", docIds) + "')"; sql = @"select * from TKS_FAS_DocDetail where parentId in " + ids; var detail = cnn.Query <TKS_FAS_DocDetail>(sql, null, ts).ToList(); var result = (from item in data select new DocList { Head = item, Detail = detail.Where(p => p.ParentId == item.Id).OrderBy(p => p.Seq).ToList() }).ToList(); AccountSetBLL account = new AccountSetBLL(cnn); var currentAccount = account.GetAccountSetByAccountId(user.AccountId, ts); ts.Commit(); response.IsSuccess = true; response.Message = "加载完毕"; response.PageIndex = request.PageIndex; response.Data = result; response.Total = total; response.AccountName = currentAccount.QY_Name; return(response); } catch (Exception ex) { ts.Rollback(); return(this.DealException(response, ex) as ResponseDocListSearch); } } }
public ResponsePZZTotalGet PZZTotalGet(RequestPZZTotalGet request) { ResponsePZZTotalGet response = new ResponsePZZTotalGet(); using (cnn = GetConnection()) { var ts = cnn.BeginTransaction(); try { var user = this.UserInfoGet(request.Token, ts); string sql = "select * from TKS_FAS_CertificateWord where accountId=@AccountId order by isdefault desc"; List <TKS_FAS_CertificateWord> data = cnn.Query <TKS_FAS_CertificateWord>(sql, new { AccountId = user.AccountId }, ts).ToList(); AccountSetBLL account = new AccountSetBLL(cnn); PeriodBLL periodBLL = new PeriodBLL(cnn); var activePeriod = account.GetActivePeriod(user.AccountId, ts); sql = @"select top 1 * from TKS_FAS_Doc where accountid=@AccountId and PZDate>=@StartDate order by CreateDate desc "; var doc = cnn.QueryFirstOrDefault <TKS_FAS_Doc>(sql, new { AccountId = user.AccountId, StartDate = activePeriod.StartDate, }, ts); var period = new TKS_FAS_MonthPeriodInfo(); if (request.Type == "GD") { //add by Hero.Zhang 计提折旧日期默认为当前活动期间 period = activePeriod; response.DefaultDate = DateTime.Parse(period.EndDate.ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } else { if (doc != null) { response.DefaultDate = (doc.PZDate ?? DateTime.Now).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); period = periodBLL.GetPeriod(doc.PeriodId, ts); } else { period = activePeriod; if (period.Month == DateTime.Now.Month && period.Year == DateTime.Now.Year) { //当天日期属于本期 response.DefaultDate = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } else { response.DefaultDate = DateTime.Parse(period.EndDate.ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } } } sql = @"select (case when max(pzzno) is null then 0 else max(pzzno) end) from TKS_FAS_Doc where accountid=@AccountId and periodId=@PeriodId"; var max = cnn.ExecuteScalar(sql, new { AccountId = user.AccountId, PeriodId = period.Id }, ts); response.No = (int.Parse(max.ToString()) + 1).ToString(); var currentAccount = account.GetAccountSetByAccountId(user.AccountId, ts); ts.Commit(); response.AccountName = currentAccount.QY_Name; response.IsSuccess = true; response.Message = "加载完毕"; response.Data = data; return(response); } catch (Exception ex) { ts.Rollback(); return(this.DealException(response, ex) as ResponsePZZTotalGet); } } }
/// <summary> /// 折旧数据回滚 /// </summary> /// <param name="accountId"></param> /// <param name="ts"></param> public void RollbackFixedAssets(string accountId, string PeriodId, IDbTransaction ts) { AccountSetBLL account = new AccountSetBLL(cnn); var period = cnn.QueryFirstOrDefault <TKS_FAS_MonthPeriodInfo>( @"select * from TKS_FAS_MonthPeriodInfo where Id=@Id", new { Id = PeriodId }, ts); //var period = account.GetActivePeriod(accountId, ts); var lstPeriod = cnn.Query <TKS_FAS_MonthPeriodInfo>(@"select * from TKS_FAS_MonthPeriodInfo where AccountId=@AccountId and StartDate<=@StartDate", new { AccountId = accountId, StartDate = period.StartDate }, ts).ToList(); string sql_where = "("; foreach (var item in lstPeriod) { if (sql_where == "(") { sql_where += "'" + item.Id + "'"; } else { sql_where += ",'" + item.Id + "'"; } } sql_where += ")"; string sql = string.Format(@"select * from tks_fas_fixedAssets where accountId=@AccountId and StartPeriod in {0}", sql_where); var data = cnn.Query <TKS_FAS_FixedAssets>(sql, new { AccountId = accountId }, ts).ToList(); foreach (var item in data) { if (item.DepreciationMethod == "2") { continue; } if (item.IsStartPeriodDepreciation == 0 && item.StartPeriod == period.Id) { continue; } if (item.DpreMonth <= item.PreUseMonth) { //item.DpreMonth += 1; //item.RemainderUseMonth = item.PreUseMonth - item.DpreMonth; //item.AccumulativeDpre_Y += item.DprePerMonth; //item.AccumulativeDpre += item.DprePerMonth; //item.PreviousAccumulativeDpre += item.AccumulativeDpre - item.AccumulativeDpre_Y; item.DpreMonth--; item.PreviousAccumulativeDpre -= item.AccumulativeDpre - item.AccumulativeDpre_Y; item.RemainderUseMonth = item.PreUseMonth - item.DpreMonth; item.AccumulativeDpre_Y -= item.DprePerMonth; item.AccumulativeDpre -= item.DprePerMonth; sql = @"update TKS_FAS_FixedAssets set DpreMonth=@DpreMonth, RemainderUseMonth=@RemainderUseMonth, AccumulativeDpre_Y=@AccumulativeDpre_Y, AccumulativeDpre=@AccumulativeDpre, PreviousAccumulativeDpre=@PreviousAccumulativeDpre where id=@Id"; cnn.Execute(sql, item, ts); #region 更新log sql = @"update TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsLog set Amount=0 where AccountId=@AccountId and FixedId=@FixedId and PeriodId=@PeriodId"; cnn.Execute(sql, new { AccountId = accountId, FixedId = item.Id, PeriodId = period.Id }, ts); #endregion } } }
public ResponseFixedAssetsUpdate FixedAssetsUpdate(RequestFixedAssetsUpdate request) { ResponseFixedAssetsUpdate response = new ResponseFixedAssetsUpdate(); using (cnn = GetConnection()) { var ts = cnn.BeginTransaction(); try { var user = this.UserInfoGet(request.Token, ts); //更新固定资产前,先检查是否存在变更记录,若存在,先更新变更记录 var check = "select * from TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChange where ParentId=@id"; var dataUpdate = cnn.Query(check, new { id = request.Data.Id }, ts); if (dataUpdate.Count() > 0) { //add by Hero.Zhang如果购入类型是期初,则删除变更记录 if (request.Data.AddType == "期初") { cnn.Execute(@"delete from TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChange where ParentId=@id", new { id = request.Data.Id }, ts); } else { //获取更新前固定资产 var data = cnn.QueryFirst <TKS_FAS_FixedAssets>("select * from TKS_FAS_FixedAssets where id=@Id", new { Id = request.Data.Id }, ts); if (data != null) { string updateSql = @"update TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChange set DocNo = @DocNo, AssetsName = @AssetsName, PreContent = @PreContent, CurContent = @CurContent where ParentId=@Id"; cnn.Execute(updateSql, new { DocNo = data.DocNo, AssetsName = data.Name, PreContent = request.Data.InitialAssetValue, CurContent = request.Data.InitialAssetValue, Id = request.Data.Id }, ts); } } } else { //add by Hero.Zhang //如果不存在变更记录,判断是否是期初购入类型,不是期初则新增变更记录 if (request.Data.AddType != "期初") { AccountSetBLL account = new AccountSetBLL(cnn); var period = account.GetActivePeriod(user.AccountId, ts); request.Data.AccountId = user.AccountId; request.Data.StartPeriod = period.Id;//当前期间为录入期间 request.Data.CreateUser = user.User.UserName; request.Data.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; AddChange(request.Data, ts); } } string sql = @"UPDATE TKS_FAS_FixedAssets SET DocNo = @DocNo ,Name = @Name ,AddType = @AddType ,AssetsClass = @AssetsClass ,SpecificationType = @SpecificationType ,StartUseDate = @StartUseDate ,UseDeptId = @UseDeptId ,UseDeptName = @UseDeptName ,Supplier = @Supplier ,DepreciationMethod = @DepreciationMethod ,IsStartPeriodDepreciation = @IsStartPeriodDepreciation ,ADSubjectCode = @ADSubjectCode ,ADSubjectName = @ADSubjectName ,DCostSubjectCode = @DCostSubjectCode ,DCostSubjectName = @DCostSubjectName ,AssetImpairmentSubjectCode = @AssetImpairmentSubjectCode ,AssetImpairmentSubjectName = @AssetImpairmentSubjectName ,InitialAssetValue = @InitialAssetValue ,ScrapValueRate = @ScrapValueRate ,ScrapValue = @ScrapValue ,PreUseMonth = @PreUseMonth ,DpreMonth = @DpreMonth ,RemainderUseMonth = @RemainderUseMonth ,AccumulativeDpre = @AccumulativeDpre ,AccumulativeDpre_Y = @AccumulativeDpre_Y ,PreviousAccumulativeDpre = @PreviousAccumulativeDpre ,DprePerMonth = @DprePerMonth ,GDCode=@GDCode ,GDName=@GDName ,InputVAT=@InputVAT ,Memo = @Memo WHERE Id=@Id"; cnn.Execute(sql, request.Data, ts); ts.Commit(); response.IsSuccess = true; response.Message = "更新成功"; return(response); } catch (Exception ex) { ts.Rollback(); return(this.DealException(response, ex) as ResponseFixedAssetsUpdate); } } }