protected override IntVec3 GetWanderRoot(Pawn pawn)
            if (pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                Watcher watcher = pawn.Map.GetComponent <Watcher>();

                for (int i = 0; i < watcher.swimmingCellsList.Count; i++)
                    IntVec3 position = watcher.swimmingCellsList[i];
                    if (!position.IsForbidden(pawn) && pawn.CanReach(position, PathEndMode.Touch, Danger.None, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn))
                if (JobGiver_GoSwimming.swimmingSpots.Count > 0)
                    return(JobGiver_GoSwimming.swimmingSpots.RandomElement <IntVec3>());
        public static void Postfix(Plant __instance, ref Graphic __result)
            string id = __instance.def.defName;

            if (!__instance.def.HasModExtension <ThingWeatherReaction>())

            ThingWeatherReaction mod = __instance.def.GetModExtension <ThingWeatherReaction>();
            Map map = __instance.Map;

            string path = "";

            //get flowering or drought graphic if it's over 70
            if (__instance.AmbientTemperature > 21)
                Watcher  watcher = map.GetComponent <Watcher>();
                cellData cell;
                if (watcher.cellWeatherAffects[__instance.Position] != null)
                    cell = watcher.cellWeatherAffects[__instance.Position];
                    Vector2 location = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(__instance.MapHeld.Tile);
                    Season  season   = GenDate.Season((long)Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, location);

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mod.floweringGraphicPath) && ((cell.howWetPlants > 60 && map.weatherManager.RainRate <= .001f) || season == Season.Spring))
                        id  += "flowering";
                        path = mod.floweringGraphicPath;

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mod.droughtGraphicPath) && cell.howWetPlants < 20)
                        id  += "drought";
                        path = mod.droughtGraphicPath;
                    if (__instance.def.plant.leaflessGraphic != null && cell.howWetPlants < 20)
                        id  += "drought";
                        path = __instance.def.plant.leaflessGraphic.path;
            if (path != "")
                if (!map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder.ContainsKey(id))
                    //only load the image once.
                    map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder.Add(id, GraphicDatabase.Get(__instance.def.graphicData.graphicClass, path, __instance.def.graphic.Shader, __instance.def.graphicData.drawSize, __instance.def.graphicData.color, __instance.def.graphicData.colorTwo));
                if (map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder.ContainsKey(id))
                    __result = map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder[id];

            if (Settings.showCold)
                //get snow graphic
                if (map.snowGrid.GetDepth(__instance.Position) >= 0.5f)
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mod.snowGraphicPath))
                        id  += "snow";
                        path = mod.snowGraphicPath;
                else if (map.GetComponent <FrostGrid>().GetDepth(__instance.Position) >= 0.6f)
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mod.frostGraphicPath))
                        id  += "frost";
                        path = mod.frostGraphicPath;

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                //if it's leafless
                if (__instance.def.plant.leaflessGraphic == __result)
                    id   += "leafless";
                    path  = path.Replace("Frosted", "Frosted/Leafless");
                    path  = path.Replace("Snow", "Snow/Leafless");
                    path += "_Leafless";
                else if (__instance.def.blockWind)
                    //make it so snow doesn't fall under the tree until it's leafless.
                    //	map.snowGrid.AddDepth(__instance.Position, -.05f);

            if (!map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder.ContainsKey(id))
                //only load the image once.
                map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder.Add(id, GraphicDatabase.Get(__instance.def.graphicData.graphicClass, path, __instance.def.graphic.Shader, __instance.def.graphicData.drawSize, __instance.def.graphicData.color, __instance.def.graphicData.colorTwo));
            if (map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder.ContainsKey(id))
                __result = map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder[id];
        static void Postfix()
            //			Log.Warning("Window: " + window);
            IntVec3 c = UI.MouseCell();

            if (!c.InBounds(Find.VisibleMap))
            Rect    rect;
            Vector2 BotLeft = new Vector2(15f, 65f);
            float   num     = 38f;
            Zone    zone    = c.GetZone(Find.VisibleMap);

            if (zone != null)
                num += 19f;
            float depth = Find.VisibleMap.snowGrid.GetDepth(c);

            if (depth > 0.03f)
                num += 19f;
            List <Thing> thingList = c.GetThingList(Find.VisibleMap);

            for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++)
                Thing thing = thingList[i];
                if (thing.def.category != ThingCategory.Mote)
                    num += 19f;
            RoofDef roof = c.GetRoof(Find.VisibleMap);

            if (roof != null)
                num += 19f;
            if (Settings.showTempReadout)
                rect = new Rect(BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                string label3 = "C: x-" + c.x.ToString() + " y-" + c.y.ToString() + " z-" + c.z.ToString();
                Widgets.Label(rect, label3);
                num += 19f;

                Map      map     = Find.VisibleMap;
                Watcher  watcher = map.GetComponent <Watcher>();
                cellData cell    = watcher.cellWeatherAffects[c];
                rect = new Rect(BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                string label2 = "Temperature: " + cell.temperature;
                Widgets.Label(rect, label2);
                num += 19f;

                rect = new Rect(BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                string label4 = "Cell Info: Base Terrain " + cell.baseTerrain.defName + " | Wet " + cell.isWet.ToString() + " | Melt " + cell.isMelt.ToString() + " | Flooded " + cell.isFlooded.ToString() + " | Frozen " + cell.isFrozen.ToString() + " | Thawed " + cell.isThawed.ToString() + " | How Wet (Plants) " + cell.howWetPlants.ToString() + " | Getting Wet? " + cell.gettingWet.ToString();
                Widgets.Label(rect, label4);
                num += 19f;

            depth = Find.VisibleMap.GetComponent <FrostGrid>().GetDepth(c);
            if (depth > 0.01f)
                rect = new Rect(BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                FrostCategory frostCategory = FrostUtility.GetFrostCategory(depth);
                string        label2        = FrostUtility.GetDescription(frostCategory);
                Widgets.Label(rect, label2);
                //	Widgets.Label(rect, label2 + " " + depth.ToString());
                num += 19f;
        static void Postfix()
            IntVec3 c   = UI.MouseCell();
            Map     map = Find.CurrentMap;

            if (!c.InBounds(map))
            Rect    rect;
            Vector2 BotLeft = new Vector2(15f, 65f);
            float   num     = 38f;
            Zone    zone    = c.GetZone(map);

            if (zone != null)
                num += 19f;
            float depth = map.snowGrid.GetDepth(c);

            if (depth > 0.03f)
                num += 19f;
            List <Thing> thingList = c.GetThingList(map);

            for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++)
                Thing thing = thingList[i];
                if (thing.def.category != ThingCategory.Mote)
                    num += 19f;
            RoofDef roof = c.GetRoof(map);

            if (roof != null)
                num += 19f;
            if (Settings.showDevReadout)
                rect = new Rect(BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                string label3 = "C: x-" + c.x.ToString() + " y-" + c.y.ToString() + " z-" + c.z.ToString();
                Widgets.Label(rect, label3);
                num += 19f;

                Watcher  watcher = map.GetComponent <Watcher>();
                cellData cell    = watcher.cellWeatherAffects[c];
                rect = new Rect(BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                string label2 = "Temperature: " + cell.temperature;
                Widgets.Label(rect, label2);
                num += 19f;

                rect = new Rect(BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                string label4 = "Cell Info: Base Terrain " + cell.baseTerrain.defName + " Current Terrain " + cell.currentTerrain.defName + " | Wet " + cell.isWet.ToString() + " | Melt " + cell.isMelt.ToString() + " | Flooded " + cell.isFlooded.ToString() + " | Frozen " + cell.isFrozen.ToString() + " | Thawed " + cell.isThawed.ToString() + " | Getting Wet? " + cell.gettingWet.ToString();
                Widgets.Label(rect, label4);
                num += 19f;

                rect = new Rect(BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                string label6 = "TKKN_Wet " + cell.currentTerrain.HasTag("TKKN_Wet") + "TKKN_Swim " + cell.currentTerrain.HasTag("TKKN_Swim");
                Widgets.Label(rect, label6);
                num += 19f;

                rect = new Rect(BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                string label5 = "Cell Info: howWet " + cell.howWet.ToString() + " | How Wet (Plants) " + cell.howWetPlants.ToString() + " | How Packed " + cell.howPacked.ToString();
                if ( != null)
                    if ( != null)
                        label5 += " | T Wet " +;
                    if ( != null)
                        label5 += " | T Dry " +;
                    if ( != null)
                        label5 += " | T Freeze " +;
                if (cell.originalTerrain != null)
                    label5 += " | Orig Terrain " + cell.originalTerrain.defName;
                Widgets.Label(rect, label5);
                num += 19f;

            depth = map.GetComponent <FrostGrid>().GetDepth(c);
            if (depth > 0.01f)
                rect = new Rect(BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                FrostCategory frostCategory = FrostUtility.GetFrostCategory(depth);
                string        label2        = FrostUtility.GetDescription(frostCategory);
                Widgets.Label(rect, label2);
                //	Widgets.Label(rect, label2 + " " + depth.ToString());
                num += 19f;