static void Main(string[] args) { SaveDirectory = args[0]; ScheduleURL = args[1]; CompressSeries = args[2] == "compressseries"; ConsoleExt.Start(); HTMLRender.Initialize(); var downloaded = File.ReadAllLines("downloaded.txt"); Mega = new Mega(); foreach (var line in downloaded) { MatchList.Add(int.Parse(line)); DemoList.Add(int.Parse(line), null); } ConsoleExt.Log("Starting."); if (CompressSeries) { var account = File.ReadAllLines("megaaccount.txt"); ConsoleExt.Log("Logging into Mega."); Mega2.Init(new MegaUser(account[0], account[1]), (a => { ConsoleExt.Log("Logged into Mega."); Mega2 = a; Mega.sid2 = a.User.Sid; }), (a => { ConsoleExt.Log( "Failed to log into Mega. Error code: {0}", a); Mega2 = null; })); } if (!File.Exists("matchiddownload.txt")) { ConsoleExt.Log("Starting spider on {0}.", ScheduleURL); CheckLoop(); } else { ConsoleExt.Log("Found matchiddownload.txt, forcing regular downloads."); var data = File.ReadAllLines("matchiddownload.txt"); var first = true; var series = ""; foreach (string t in data) { if (first) { series = t; first = false; } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t)) { first = true; } else { if (!MatchIDList.ContainsKey(series)) { MatchIDList.Add(series, new List <string>()); } MatchIDList[series].Add(t); } } foreach (var pair in MatchIDList) { for (int i = 0; i < pair.Value.Count; i++) { var game = pair.Value[i]; DownloadDemoId(game, pair.Key, ((i + 1) == pair.Value.Count)); } } } ConsoleExt.Log("Done."); Console.Read(); }
static Demo DownloadDemoWeb(int matchnum) { ConsoleExt.Log("Starting download of {0}", matchnum); using (var wc = new WebClient { Proxy = null }) { try { var response = wc.DownloadString("" + matchnum); if (response.Contains("This game was not played.")) { if (ScheduleURL.Contains("mainevent")) { var dem = new Demo { Description = DescriptionRegex.Match(response).Groups[1].Captures[0].Value }; if (dem.Description.Contains("3/3") || dem.Description.Contains("4/5") || dem.Description.Contains("5/5")) { //File.AppendAllText("uploadlist.txt", dem.Series + "\r\n"); if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(SaveDirectory, "TI3 - " + dem.Series + ".zip"))) { File.AppendAllText("downloaded.txt", matchnum + "\r\n"); ConsoleExt.Log("{0} was not played, compressing series.", matchnum); Compress(dem.Series); } return(new Demo()); } ConsoleExt.Log("{0} is not uploaded yet.", matchnum); return(null); } ConsoleExt.Log("{0} is not uploaded yet.", matchnum); return(null); } var demo = new Demo { Description = DescriptionRegex.Match(response).Groups[1].Captures[0].Value, TeamA = TeamARegex.Match(response).Groups[1].Captures[0].Value, TeamB = TeamBRegex.Match(response).Groups[1].Captures[0].Value, MatchID = MatchIDRegex.Match(response).Groups[1].Captures[0].Value, MatchNumber = matchnum }; if (demo.Series.StartsWith("Series")) { demo.NumberOfGames = 4; } else if (demo.Series.StartsWith("UB")) { demo.NumberOfGames = 3; } else if (demo.Series.StartsWith("LB")) { demo.NumberOfGames = demo.Game.Contains("/3") ? 3 : 1; } else if (demo.Series.StartsWith("Grand")) { demo.NumberOfGames = 5; } var demoresponse = wc.DownloadString("" + demo.MatchID); var demourl = DemoURLRegex.Match(demoresponse).Groups[1].Captures[0].Value; var demoname = DemoNameRegex.Match(demoresponse).Groups[1].Captures[0].Value.Split('_')[0] + ".dem.bz2"; if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(SaveDirectory, "TI3 - " + demo.Series, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(demoname)))) { File.AppendAllText("downloaded.txt", matchnum + "\r\n"); File.AppendAllText(Path.Combine(SaveDirectory, "TI3 - " + demo.Series, "details.txt"), string.Format( "{0} - {1} - {2} - {3} vs {4} | {5}\r\n{6}\r\n\r\n", demo.MatchNumber, demo.MatchID, demo.Description, demo.TeamA, demo.TeamB, "dota2://matchid=" + demo.MatchID, "playdemo \"" + @"replays\" + "TI3 - " + demo.Series + @"\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(demoname) + "\"")); AddHTML(demo); HTMLRender.Render(); return(demo); } ConsoleExt.Log("Downloading {0}.", demourl); var progressbar = new ProgressBar() { Message = "Downloading " + demourl }; wc.DownloadProgressChanged += (sender, args) => { progressbar.Progress = args.ProgressPercentage; var padded = demo.Description.PadRight(Console.WindowWidth); var size = string.Format("{0:#,0}/{1:#,0}KB, {2}%", args.BytesReceived / 1000, args.TotalBytesToReceive / 1000, args.ProgressPercentage); progressbar.Message = padded.Insert(padded.Length - size.Length, size); }; wc.DownloadFileCompleted += (sender, args) => { Downloads--; if (args.Cancelled || args.Error != null) { progressbar.Destroy = true; if (args.Error.Message.Contains("404")) { progressbar.Message = string.Format("{0}'s demo file is pending upload.", matchnum); } else { progressbar.Message = string.Format( "Downloading of {0} failed. Reason: {1}", matchnum, args.Cancelled ? "Cancelled" : args.Error.ToString()); } DemoList.Remove(matchnum); return; } try { Decompress(Path.Combine(SaveDirectory, "TI3 - " + demo.Series, demoname), progressbar); File.AppendAllText("downloaded.txt", matchnum + "\r\n"); var path = Path.Combine(SaveDirectory, "TI3 - " + demo.Series, "details.txt"); File.AppendAllText(path, string.Format( "{0} - {1} - {2} - {3} vs {4} | {5}\r\n{6}\r\n\r\n", demo.MatchNumber, demo.MatchID, demo.Description, demo.TeamA, demo.TeamB, "dota2://matchid=" + demo.MatchID, "playdemo \"" + @"replays\" + "TI3 - " + demo.Series + @"\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(demoname) + "\"")); AddHTML(demo); HTMLRender.Render(); ConsoleExt.Log("DEBUG: {0} has {1} files ,{2} .dem files, {3} number of games.", demo.Description, Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(SaveDirectory, "TI3 - " + demo.Series)).Count(), Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(SaveDirectory, "TI3 - " + demo.Series)).Count(s => Path.GetExtension(s) == ".dem"), demo.NumberOfGames); if (Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(SaveDirectory, "TI3 - " + demo.Series)).Count(s => Path.GetExtension(s) == ".dem") >= demo.NumberOfGames && !File.Exists(Path.Combine(SaveDirectory, "TI3 - " + demo.Series + ".zip"))) { ConsoleExt.Log( "Starting compression and upload of {0}.", matchnum); Compress(demo.Series); } else { progressbar.Destroy = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { progressbar.Destroy = true; ConsoleExt.Log("Exception occured finalizing file: {0}", ex.Message); } }; Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(SaveDirectory, "TI3 - " + demo.Series)); Downloads++; wc.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(demourl), Path.Combine(SaveDirectory, "TI3 - " + demo.Series, demoname)); ConsoleExt.AddProgressBar(progressbar); demo.Path = Path.Combine(SaveDirectory, "TI3 - " + demo.Series, demoname); return(demo); } catch (Exception ex) { ConsoleExt.Log("Download of {0} failed. Exception: {1}", matchnum, ex); return(null); } } }