public EventNotificationStatus ProcessEvent(TeamFoundationRequestContext requestContext,
                                                    NotificationType notificationType,
                                                    object notificationEventArgs,
                                                    out int statusCode,
                                                    out string statusMessage,
                                                    out ExceptionPropertyCollection properties)
            statusCode    = 0;
            properties    = null;
            statusMessage = String.Empty;

            // TODO: Make impact on performance minimal by optimize logic for understanding if we are interested
            // in this event or not. Also put longer running task in Jobs. For now - do basic checks.

            if (notificationType != NotificationType.Notification)
            var notification = notificationEventArgs as WorkItemChangedEvent;

            if (notification == null)

            // Should not thow exception - if so, the code will be disabled by TFS.
                // Init adapter - will only be done once per deployment of plugin
                if (!HandlerSettings.initFromFile())
                    // Fatal error when trying to init - return
                    // TODO: How allow retry without server restart or re-deploy of plugin?

                // Handle case where event is fired because of Save we initiated.
                if (ignoreSaveEvent(notification))

                int workItemId = notification.CoreFields.IntegerFields[0].NewValue;
                        "WorkItem with id {0} named '{1}' was saved.",
                        "" + workItemId,

                // TODO: In examples I have seen you get actual WI by process below, i.e. opening a new connection to TFS.
                // I would expect as we already are in the context of a TFS you somehow could use this. Note: There is a
                // WorkItem class in the namespace Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Server - no documentation found.

                Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItem workItem = getStore().GetWorkItem(workItemId);

                // If a new item is based on an existing (copied) we need to reset the connection to any existing TR.
                // Note exception if item is created by the functional user. This to allow test case where TR is set
                // by test case code.
                String user = HandlerSettings.GetSignumForChangeNotification(workItem, notification);
                if (notification.ChangeType == ChangeTypes.New)
                    if (!user.Equals(HandlerSettings.TFSProviderUser, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        // Note: Will not save - done in event handling or at end.

                ProductMapper.EventType eventType =
                    ProductMapper.getInstance().GetEventType(workItem, notification, user);

                if (eventType == ProductMapper.EventType.CreateUpdate)
                    // Handle the event as the release is for a maintenance product
                    RESTCallHandler.getHandler().handleEvent(workItem, user, notification);
                else if (eventType == ProductMapper.EventType.Disconnect)
                    // Handle the event as the release is for a maintenance product
                    RESTCallHandler.getHandler().handleDisconnectEvent(workItem, user, notification);
                            "WorkItem with id {0} save event was ignored by integration.",
                            "" + workItemId),

                // If updated but not saved, we need to explicitly call save. Very unusual case but will happen
                // e.g. if item is copied with a product value that before was in maintenance but now not. Then
                // code to disconnect bug is called, but event not handled or Bug saved, hence save here.
                if (workItem.IsDirty)
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Error when reading mapping file - assume fatal
                    "Error when handling the change of workitem." +
                    "\nError: " + ex.Message +
                    "\nStack: " + ex.StackTrace,
        // Update the TR State field for the bug based either on incoming ecr, or if this is null
        // get the current TR State from the bug. If missing link for a maintenance product or if
        // having a link for a non-maintenance product, also show this.
        static public void updateBug(Status status, String user,
                                     Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItem workItem)
            // Check if we are connected when we should be
            bool   isProdInMaint = ProductMapper.getInstance().IsProductInMaintenance(workItem);
            String currentLink   = HandlerSettings.GetIDFromLink(workItem);
            bool   hasLink       = currentLink.Length > 0;

            if (isProdInMaint && (!hasLink && status.TRAbout == null))
                // Error - should have link and nothing in the status.TRAbout so have not created.
                workItem.Fields[TFSMapper.ERICSSON_DEFECT_STATE_FIELD].Value = trStateToString[TRStateInfo.ErrorMissingTR];
            else if (!isProdInMaint)
                // OK - clear any status fields and return
                // OK - prod is in maint and has link - normal case

                // Check if state is updated
                String newTrState = null;
                if (status.TRState != null)
                    String currentTrState = getTRState(workItem);
                    String updatedTrState = status.TRState;
                    if (!updatedTrState.Equals(currentTrState))
                        newTrState = updatedTrState;
                        workItem.Fields[TFSMapper.ERICSSON_DEFECT_STATE_FIELD].Value = newTrState;

                if (status.TRAbout != null)
                    // We will store the relative path of the "Edit TR" link in the bug, reason being that the Link
                    // that we need to define for the UI to allow click to navigate require a non blank UriRoot value,
                    // see

                    String updatedLink = HandlerSettings.GetIDFromUri(status.TRAbout.ToString());
                    if (updatedLink.Length > 0)
                        if (!currentLink.Equals(updatedLink))
                            workItem.Fields[TFSMapper.ERICSSON_DEFECT_LINK_FIELD].Value = updatedLink;

            // Put the error and expected state string into system history field
            String message = status.GetMessage();

            // Append any defined guiding message
            TRSyncState newSyncState   = getSyncState(status, workItem);
            String      guidingMessage = "";

            switch (newSyncState)
            case TRSyncState.SyncStateNone:
                guidingMessage = HandlerSettings.SyncNoSyncMessage;

            case TRSyncState.SyncStateOK:
                guidingMessage = HandlerSettings.SyncSuccessMessage;

            case TRSyncState.SyncStateWarning:
                guidingMessage = HandlerSettings.SyncWarningMessage;

            case TRSyncState.SyncStateError:
                guidingMessage = HandlerSettings.SyncErrorMessage;

            if (message.Length > 0 || guidingMessage.Length > 0)
                workItem.History = message + ((guidingMessage.Length > 0) ? " " + guidingMessage : "");

            // Put the sync state in the Sync State field
            String currentSyncStateStr = workItem.Fields[TFSMapper.ERICSSON_DEFECT_SYNCSTATE].Value.ToString();
            String newSyncStateStr     = trSyncStateToString[newSyncState];

            bool incomingChange = user.Equals(HandlerSettings.TFSProviderUser, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            newSyncStateStr = String.Format(newSyncStateStr, incomingChange ? "(in)" : "(out)");

            if (!currentSyncStateStr.Equals(trSyncStateToString))
                workItem.Fields[TFSMapper.ERICSSON_DEFECT_SYNCSTATE].Value = newSyncStateStr;