private void AddElement(ElementStructure es) { int a = -1, b = 0, c = 0; AddElement(es, ref a, null, ref b, ref c); }
private void AddElement(ElementStructure es, ref int offset, byte[] data, ref int groupOffset, ref int CurrentGroup) { Panel panel1 = new Panel(); panel1.AutoSize = true; panel1.Width = fpanel1.Width - 10; panel1.Height = 1; panel1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom; int ypos = 0; uint flagValue = 0; // value if flags is set bool hasFlags = (es.options == null && es.flags != null); TextBox tb = new TextBox(); boxes.Add(tb); if ( != 0) { CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); cb.Text = "Use this value?"; panel1.Controls.Add(cb); cb.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, ypos); ypos += 24; cb.Tag = new cbTag(, tb); if (CurrentGroup != { cb.Checked = true; } else { tb.Enabled = false; } cb.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(CheckBox_CheckedChanged); } if (es.optional || es.repeat > 0 && repeatcount > 0) { CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); cb.Text = "Use this value?"; panel1.Controls.Add(cb); cb.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, ypos); ypos += 24; cb.Tag = new repeatCbTag(tb, elements.Count); if (data == null) { tb.Enabled = false; } else { cb.Checked = true; } cb.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(RepeatCheckBox_CheckedChanged); } if ((CurrentGroup == 0 && != 0) || (CurrentGroup != 0 && != 0 && CurrentGroup != { CurrentGroup =; groupOffset = offset; } else if (CurrentGroup != 0 && == 0) { CurrentGroup = 0; } else if (CurrentGroup != 0 && CurrentGroup == { offset = groupOffset; } valueTypes.Add(es.type); if (data != null) { switch (es.type) { case ElementValueType.UInt: { var v = TypeConverter.h2i(data[offset], data[offset + 1], data[offset + 2], data[offset + 3]); flagValue = (uint)v; tb.Text = hasFlags || es.hexview ? "0x" + v.ToString("X8") : v.ToString(); offset += 4; } break; case ElementValueType.Int: { var v = TypeConverter.h2si(data[offset], data[offset + 1], data[offset + 2], data[offset + 3]); flagValue = (uint)v; tb.Text = hasFlags || es.hexview ? "0x" + v.ToString("X8") : v.ToString(); offset += 4; } break; case ElementValueType.FormID: tb.Text = TypeConverter.h2i(data[offset], data[offset + 1], data[offset + 2], data[offset + 3]).ToString("X8"); offset += 4; break; case ElementValueType.Float: tb.Text = TypeConverter.h2f(data[offset], data[offset + 1], data[offset + 2], data[offset + 3]).ToString(); offset += 4; break; case ElementValueType.UShort: { var v = TypeConverter.h2s(data[offset], data[offset + 1]); flagValue = (uint)v; tb.Text = hasFlags || es.hexview ? "0x" + v.ToString("X4") : v.ToString(); offset += 2; } break; case ElementValueType.Short: { var v = TypeConverter.h2ss(data[offset], data[offset + 1]); flagValue = (uint)v; tb.Text = hasFlags || es.hexview ? "0x" + v.ToString("X4") : v.ToString(); offset += 2; } break; case ElementValueType.Byte: { var v = data[offset]; flagValue = (uint)v; tb.Text = hasFlags || es.hexview ? "0x" + v.ToString("X2") : v.ToString(); offset++; } break; case ElementValueType.SByte: { var v = (sbyte)data[offset]; flagValue = (uint)v; tb.Text = hasFlags || es.hexview ? "0x" + v.ToString("X2") : v.ToString(); offset++; } break; case ElementValueType.String: { string s = ""; while (data[offset] != 0) { s += (char)data[offset++]; } offset++; tb.Text = s; tb.Width += 200; } break; case ElementValueType.BString: { int len = TypeConverter.h2s(data[offset], data[offset + 1]); string s = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, offset + 2, len); offset = offset + (2 + len); tb.Text = s; tb.Width += 200; } break; case ElementValueType.fstring: tb.Text = sr.GetStrData(); tb.Width += 200; break; case ElementValueType.LString: { uint id = TypeConverter.h2i(data[offset], data[offset + 1], data[offset + 2], data[offset + 3]); tb.Text = id.ToString("X8"); tb.Tag = new lTag(tb, data, offset); offset += data.Length; } break; default: throw new ApplicationException(); } } else { if (es.type == ElementValueType.String || es.type == ElementValueType.BString || es.type == ElementValueType.fstring || es.type == ElementValueType.LString) { tb.Width += 200; } if (removedStrings.ContainsKey(boxes.Count - 1)) { tb.Text = removedStrings[boxes.Count - 1]; } } Label l = new Label(); l.AutoSize = true; string tmp = es.type.ToString(); l.Text = tmp + ": " + + (es.desc != null ? (" (" + es.desc + ")") : ""); panel1.Controls.Add(tb); tb.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, ypos); if (es.multiline) { tb.Multiline = true; ypos += tb.Height * 5; tb.Height *= 6; } panel1.Controls.Add(l); l.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(tb.Right + 10, ypos + 3); string[] options = null; if (es.type == ElementValueType.FormID) { ypos += 28; Button b = new Button(); b.Text = "FormID lookup"; b.Click += new EventHandler(LookupFormID_Click); panel1.Controls.Add(b); b.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, ypos); TextBox tb2 = new TextBox(); tb2.Width += 200; tb2.ReadOnly = true; panel1.Controls.Add(tb2); tb2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(b.Right + 10, ypos); b.Tag = new bTag(tb, tb2); if (es.FormIDType != null) { if (cachedFormIDs.ContainsKey(es.FormIDType)) { options = cachedFormIDs[es.FormIDType]; } else { options = formIDScan(es.FormIDType); cachedFormIDs[es.FormIDType] = options; } } } else if (es.type == ElementValueType.LString) { ypos += 24; lTag ltag = tb.Tag as lTag; ltag.cb = new CheckBox(); ltag.cb.Width = ltag.cb.Height; ltag.cb.Checked = ( != 4); panel1.Controls.Add(ltag.cb); ltag.cb.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, ypos); ltag.str = new TextBox(); ltag.str.Width += (200 - ltag.cb.Width + 8); panel1.Controls.Add(ltag.str); ltag.str.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(ltag.cb.Location.X + ltag.cb.Width + 8, ypos); string s = null; if (strIDLookup != null) { s = strIDLookup(uint.Parse(, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber, null)); } if (s == null) { int i = ltag.offset; while (!char.IsControl((char)data[i])) { s += (char)data[i++]; } } ltag.str.Text = s; ypos += 24; } else if (es.options != null) { options = es.options; } if (options != null) { ypos += 28; ComboBox cmb = new ComboBox(); cmb.Tag = tb; cmb.Width += 200; for (int j = 0; j < options.Length; j += 2) { cmb.Items.Add(new comboBoxItem(options[j], options[j + 1])); } cmb.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(cb_KeyPress); cmb.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); cmb.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(cb_SelectedIndexChanged); panel1.Controls.Add(cmb); cmb.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, ypos); } if (hasFlags) // add flags combo box to the side { FlagComboBox ccb = new FlagComboBox(); ccb.Tag = tb; ccb.SetItems(es.flags); ccb.SetState(flagValue); ccb.TextChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { uint value = ccb.GetState(); TextBox text = ccb.Tag as TextBox; text.Text = "0x" + value.ToString("X"); }; ccb.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(l.Location.X + l.Width + 10, tb.Top); ccb.Width = Math.Max(ccb.Width, this.Width - 50 - (ccb.Location.X)); ccb.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right; panel1.Controls.Add(ccb); } fpanel1.Controls.Add(panel1); elements.Add(panel1); }
private void AddElement(ElementStructure es, ref int offset, byte[] data, ref int groupOffset, ref int CurrentGroup) { Panel panel1 = new Panel(); panel1.AutoSize = true; panel1.Width = fpanel1.Width-10; panel1.Height = 1; panel1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom; int ypos = 0; uint flagValue = 0; // value if flags is set bool hasFlags = (es.options == null && es.flags != null); TextBox tb = new TextBox(); boxes.Add(tb); if ( != 0) { CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); cb.Text = "Use this value?"; panel1.Controls.Add(cb); cb.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, ypos); ypos += 24; cb.Tag = new cbTag(, tb); if (CurrentGroup != cb.Checked = true; else tb.Enabled = false; cb.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(CheckBox_CheckedChanged); } if (es.optional || es.repeat > 0 && repeatcount > 0) { CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); cb.Text = "Use this value?"; panel1.Controls.Add(cb); cb.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, ypos); ypos += 24; cb.Tag = new repeatCbTag(tb, elements.Count); if (data == null) { tb.Enabled = false; } else { cb.Checked = true; } cb.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(RepeatCheckBox_CheckedChanged); } if ((CurrentGroup == 0 && != 0) || (CurrentGroup != 0 && != 0 && CurrentGroup != { CurrentGroup =; groupOffset = offset; } else if (CurrentGroup != 0 && == 0) { CurrentGroup = 0; } else if (CurrentGroup != 0 && CurrentGroup == { offset = groupOffset; } valueTypes.Add(es.type); if (data != null) { switch (es.type) { case ElementValueType.UInt: { var v = TypeConverter.h2i(data[offset], data[offset + 1], data[offset + 2], data[offset + 3]); flagValue = (uint)v; tb.Text = hasFlags || es.hexview ? "0x" + v.ToString("X8") : v.ToString(); offset += 4; } break; case ElementValueType.Int: { var v = TypeConverter.h2si(data[offset], data[offset + 1], data[offset + 2], data[offset + 3]); flagValue = (uint)v; tb.Text = hasFlags || es.hexview ? "0x" + v.ToString("X8") : v.ToString(); offset += 4; } break; case ElementValueType.FormID: tb.Text = TypeConverter.h2i(data[offset], data[offset + 1], data[offset + 2], data[offset + 3]).ToString("X8"); offset += 4; break; case ElementValueType.Float: tb.Text = TypeConverter.h2f(data[offset], data[offset + 1], data[offset + 2], data[offset + 3]).ToString(); offset += 4; break; case ElementValueType.UShort: { var v = TypeConverter.h2s(data[offset], data[offset + 1]); flagValue = (uint)v; tb.Text = hasFlags || es.hexview ? "0x" + v.ToString("X4") : v.ToString(); offset += 2; } break; case ElementValueType.Short: { var v = TypeConverter.h2ss(data[offset], data[offset + 1]); flagValue = (uint)v; tb.Text = hasFlags || es.hexview ? "0x" + v.ToString("X4") : v.ToString(); offset += 2; } break; case ElementValueType.Byte: { var v = data[offset]; flagValue = (uint)v; tb.Text = hasFlags || es.hexview ? "0x" + v.ToString("X2") : v.ToString(); offset++; } break; case ElementValueType.SByte: { var v = (sbyte)data[offset]; flagValue = (uint)v; tb.Text = hasFlags || es.hexview ? "0x" + v.ToString("X2") : v.ToString(); offset++; } break; case ElementValueType.String: { string s = ""; while (data[offset] != 0) s += (char)data[offset++]; offset++; tb.Text = s; tb.Width += 200; } break; case ElementValueType.BString: { int len = TypeConverter.h2s(data[offset], data[offset + 1]); string s = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, offset + 2, len); offset = offset + (2 + len); tb.Text = s; tb.Width += 200; } break; case ElementValueType.fstring: tb.Text = sr.GetStrData(); tb.Width += 200; break; case ElementValueType.LString: { uint id = TypeConverter.h2i(data[offset], data[offset + 1], data[offset + 2], data[offset + 3]); tb.Text = id.ToString("X8"); tb.Tag = new lTag(tb, data, offset); offset += data.Length; } break; default: throw new ApplicationException(); } } else { if (es.type == ElementValueType.String || es.type == ElementValueType.BString || es.type == ElementValueType.fstring || es.type == ElementValueType.LString) tb.Width += 200; if (removedStrings.ContainsKey(boxes.Count - 1)) tb.Text = removedStrings[boxes.Count - 1]; } Label l = new Label(); l.AutoSize = true; string tmp = es.type.ToString(); l.Text = tmp + ": " + + (es.desc != null ? (" (" + es.desc + ")") : ""); panel1.Controls.Add(tb); tb.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, ypos); if (es.multiline) { tb.Multiline = true; ypos += tb.Height * 5; tb.Height *= 6; } panel1.Controls.Add(l); l.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(tb.Right + 10, ypos + 3); string[] options = null; if (es.type == ElementValueType.FormID) { ypos += 28; Button b = new Button(); b.Text = "FormID lookup"; b.Click += new EventHandler(LookupFormID_Click); panel1.Controls.Add(b); b.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, ypos); TextBox tb2 = new TextBox(); tb2.Width += 200; tb2.ReadOnly = true; panel1.Controls.Add(tb2); tb2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(b.Right + 10, ypos); b.Tag = new bTag(tb, tb2); if (es.FormIDType != null) { if (cachedFormIDs.ContainsKey(es.FormIDType)) { options = cachedFormIDs[es.FormIDType]; } else { options = formIDScan(es.FormIDType); cachedFormIDs[es.FormIDType] = options; } } } else if (es.type == ElementValueType.LString) { ypos += 24; lTag ltag = tb.Tag as lTag; ltag.cb = new CheckBox(); ltag.cb.Width = ltag.cb.Height; ltag.cb.Checked = ( != 4); panel1.Controls.Add(ltag.cb); ltag.cb.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, ypos); ltag.str = new TextBox(); ltag.str.Width += (200 - ltag.cb.Width + 8); panel1.Controls.Add(ltag.str); ltag.str.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(ltag.cb.Location.X + ltag.cb.Width + 8, ypos); string s = null; if (strIDLookup != null) { s = strIDLookup(uint.Parse(, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber, null)); } if (s == null) { int i = ltag.offset; while (!char.IsControl((char)data[i])) s += (char)data[i++]; } ltag.str.Text = s; ypos += 24; } else if (es.options != null) { options = es.options; } if (options != null) { ypos += 28; ComboBox cmb = new ComboBox(); cmb.Tag = tb; cmb.Width += 200; for (int j = 0; j < options.Length; j += 2) { cmb.Items.Add(new comboBoxItem(options[j], options[j + 1])); } cmb.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(cb_KeyPress); cmb.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); cmb.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(cb_SelectedIndexChanged); panel1.Controls.Add(cmb); cmb.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, ypos); } if (hasFlags) // add flags combo box to the side { FlagComboBox ccb = new FlagComboBox(); ccb.Tag = tb; ccb.SetItems(es.flags); ccb.SetState(flagValue); ccb.TextChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { uint value = ccb.GetState(); TextBox text = ccb.Tag as TextBox; text.Text = "0x" + value.ToString("X"); }; ccb.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(l.Location.X + l.Width + 10, tb.Top); ccb.Width = Math.Max(ccb.Width, this.Width - 50 - (ccb.Location.X)); ccb.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right; panel1.Controls.Add(ccb); } fpanel1.Controls.Add(panel1); elements.Add(panel1); }
private static void MatchRecordAddConditionals(Dictionary<int, Conditional> conditions, SubRecord sr, ElementStructure[] ess) { int offset = 0; byte[] data = sr.GetReadonlyData(); for (int j = 0; j < ess.Length; j++) { if (ess[j].CondID != 0) { switch (ess[j].type) { case ElementValueType.Int: case ElementValueType.FormID: conditions[ess[j].CondID] = new Conditional(ElementValueType.Int, TypeConverter.h2si(data[offset], data[offset + 1], data[offset + 2], data[offset + 3])); offset += 4; break; case ElementValueType.UInt: conditions[ess[j].CondID] = new Conditional(ElementValueType.UInt, (uint)TypeConverter.h2i(data[offset], data[offset + 1], data[offset + 2], data[offset + 3])); offset += 4; break; case ElementValueType.Float: conditions[ess[j].CondID] = new Conditional(ElementValueType.Float, TypeConverter.h2f(data[offset], data[offset + 1], data[offset + 2], data[offset + 3])); offset += 4; break; case ElementValueType.Short: conditions[ess[j].CondID] = new Conditional(ElementValueType.Short, (int)TypeConverter.h2ss(data[offset], data[offset + 1])); offset += 2; break; case ElementValueType.UShort: conditions[ess[j].CondID] = new Conditional(ElementValueType.UShort, TypeConverter.h2s(data[offset], data[offset + 1])); offset += 2; break; case ElementValueType.SByte: conditions[ess[j].CondID] = new Conditional(ElementValueType.SByte, (sbyte)data[offset]); offset++; break; case ElementValueType.Byte: conditions[ess[j].CondID] = new Conditional(ElementValueType.Byte, (int)data[offset]); offset++; break; case ElementValueType.String: { string s = ""; while (data[offset] != 0) s += (char)data[offset++]; offset++; conditions[ess[j].CondID] = new Conditional(ElementValueType.String, s); } break; case ElementValueType.fstring: conditions[ess[j].CondID] = new Conditional(ElementValueType.String, sr.GetStrData()); break; case ElementValueType.BString: { int len = TypeConverter.h2s(data[offset], data[offset + 1]); string s = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, offset + 2, len); offset = offset + (2 + len); conditions[ess[j].CondID] = new Conditional(ElementValueType.String, s); } break; case ElementValueType.LString: conditions[ess[j].CondID] = new Conditional(ElementValueType.Int, TypeConverter.h2si(data[offset], data[offset + 1], data[offset + 2], data[offset + 3])); offset += 4; break; default: throw new ApplicationException(); } } else { switch (ess[j].type) { case ElementValueType.Int: case ElementValueType.UInt: case ElementValueType.FormID: case ElementValueType.Float: offset += 4; break; case ElementValueType.UShort: case ElementValueType.Short: offset += 2; break; case ElementValueType.SByte: case ElementValueType.Byte: offset++; break; case ElementValueType.String: while (data[offset] != 0) offset++; offset++; break; case ElementValueType.fstring: break; case ElementValueType.LString: break; case ElementValueType.BString: int len = TypeConverter.h2s(data[offset], data[offset + 1]); offset += 2 + len; break; default: throw new ApplicationException(); } } } }