public static void StartGame(CommandArgs args) { TSPlayer tSPlayer = args.Player; HubEvent hubEvent = HubEvent.GetEventPlayerIn(tSPlayer.Name); if (hubEvent == null) { tSPlayer.SendErrorMessage("You are not in an event!"); return; } tSPlayer.SendSuccessMessage("You successfully started a vote to start the event!"); VotingSystem votingSystem = new VotingSystem("Should the game start?", 60000, hubEvent, new OptionInfo("Yes", hubEvent.StartEventCountdown), new OptionInfo("No")); votingSystem.Start(); }
public static void OnGameUpdate(EventArgs _) { // Teleport spectating players to their targets. foreach (TSPlayer tSPlayer in Util.spectatingPlayersToTargets.Keys) { TSPlayer target = Util.spectatingPlayersToTargets[tSPlayer]; Vector2 position = target.TPlayer.position; tSPlayer.TeleportNoDust(position); } // Check if an event has already started. HubEvent startedEvent = HubEvent.GetOngoingEvent(); if (startedEvent != null) { startedEvent.GameUpdate(); return; } // Check if there is already an ongoing vote. if (VotingSystem.ongoingVotes.Count > 0) { return; } // Start the event countdown vote if there are enough players. foreach (HubEvent hubEvent in HubConfig.config.HubEvents) { if (hubEvent.tSPlayers.Count >= hubEvent.minPlayersForStart) { VotingSystem votingSystem = new VotingSystem("Should the game start?", 60000, hubEvent, new OptionInfo("Yes", hubEvent.StartEventCountdown), new OptionInfo("No", hubEvent.DeclineStart)); votingSystem.Start(); } } }
public static void CreateVote(CommandArgs args) { TSPlayer tSPlayer = args.Player; if (args.Parameters.Count < 4) { tSPlayer.SendErrorMessage("Invalid syntax! Proper syntax: /createvote <Question> <Vote Length in MS> <Option 1> <Option 2> <Optional/More Options...>"); return; } string question = args.Parameters[0]; if (!int.TryParse(args.Parameters[1], out int voteLengthMS)) { tSPlayer.SendErrorMessage("The vote length must be a number!"); return; } IEnumerable <string> options = args.Parameters.Skip(2); List <OptionInfo> optionInfos = new List <OptionInfo>(); foreach (string option in options) { optionInfos.Add(new OptionInfo(option)); } VotingSystem votingSystem = new VotingSystem(question, voteLengthMS, null, optionInfos.ToArray()); tSPlayer.SendSuccessMessage("The vote was successfully created!"); votingSystem.Start(); }