public static void PreBuildTower(UnitTower tower) { PlatformTD platform = null; LayerMask mask = 1 << LayerManager.LayerPlatform(); Collider[] cols = Physics.OverlapSphere(tower.thisT.position, _gridSize, mask); if (cols.Length > 0) { platform = cols[0].gameObject.GetComponent <PlatformTD>(); } if (platform != null) { Vector3 buildPos = GetTilePos(platform.thisT, tower.thisT.position); tower.thisT.position = buildPos; tower.thisT.rotation = platform.thisT.rotation; platform.BuildTower(buildPos, tower); } else { Debug.Log("no platform found for pre-placed tower"); } tower.InitTower(instance.towerCount += 1); }
void Awake(){ instance = (PlatformTD)target; GetTower(); //EditorUtility.SetDirty(instance); }
void Awake() { instance = (PlatformTD)target; GetTower(); //EditorUtility.SetDirty(instance); }
public void RemoveIDFromList(int ID) { for (int i = 0; i < serializedObject.targetObjects.Length; i++) { PlatformTD platformInstance = (PlatformTD)serializedObject.targetObjects[i]; platformInstance.unavailableTowerIDList.Remove(ID); } }
public void EnableAllTowerOnAll() { for (int i = 0; i < serializedObject.targetObjects.Length; i++) { PlatformTD platformInstance = (PlatformTD)serializedObject.targetObjects[i]; platformInstance.unavailableTowerIDList = new List <int>(); } }
public List<Vector3> altPath=new List<Vector3>(); //for checking if there's any block public void Init(PlatformTD platform){ parentPlatform=platform; startN=PathFinder.GetNearestNode(connectStart.position, platform.GetNodeGraph()); endN=PathFinder.GetNearestNode(connectEnd.position, platform.GetNodeGraph()); path.Add((connectStart.position+connectEnd.position)/2); SearchNewPath(platform.GetNodeGraph()); }
public void AddIDToList(int ID) { for (int i = 0; i < serializedObject.targetObjects.Length; i++) { PlatformTD platformInstance = (PlatformTD)serializedObject.targetObjects[i]; if (!platformInstance.unavailableTowerIDList.Contains(ID)) { platformInstance.unavailableTowerIDList.Add(ID); } } }
public List <Vector3> altPath = new List <Vector3>(); //for checking if there's any block public void Init(PlatformTD platform) { parentPlatform = platform; startN = PathFinder.GetNearestNode(connectStart.position, platform.GetNodeGraph()); endN = PathFinder.GetNearestNode(connectEnd.position, platform.GetNodeGraph()); path.Add((connectStart.position + connectEnd.position) / 2); SearchNewPath(platform.GetNodeGraph()); }
public void DisableAllTowerOnAll() { List <int> allIDList = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < towerDB.towerList.Count; i++) { allIDList.Add(towerDB.towerList[i].prefabID); } for (int i = 0; i < serializedObject.targetObjects.Length; i++) { PlatformTD platformInstance = (PlatformTD)serializedObject.targetObjects[i]; platformInstance.unavailableTowerIDList = new List <int>(allIDList); } }
public void InitTower(int ID, PlatformTD currentPlatform) { Init(); instanceID = ID; platform = currentPlatform; value = stats[currentActiveStat].cost; int rscCount = ResourceManager.GetResourceCount(); for (int i = 0; i < stats.Count; i++) { UnitStat stat = stats[i]; stat.slow.effectID = instanceID; = instanceID; stat.buff.effectID = instanceID; if (stat.rscGain.Count != rscCount) { while (stat.rscGain.Count < rscCount) { stat.rscGain.Add(0); } while (stat.rscGain.Count > rscCount) { stat.rscGain.RemoveAt(stat.rscGain.Count - 1); } } } if (type == _TowerType.Turret) { StartCoroutine(ScanForTargetRoutine()); StartCoroutine(TurretRoutine()); } if (type == _TowerType.AOE) { StartCoroutine(AOETowerRoutine()); } if (type == _TowerType.Support) { StartCoroutine(SupportRoutine()); } if (type == _TowerType.Electric) { // TODO: Coroutine for electric towers here } }
public Vector3 _GetTilePos(PlatformTD platform, Vector3 hitPos) { Vector3 v = hitPos - platform.thisT.position; //get the vector from platform origin to hit point //transform the vector to the platform local space, so we know the (x, y) v = Quaternion.Euler(0, -platform.thisT.rotation.eulerAngles.y, 0) * v; //check the size of the platform for odd/even columen and then set the offset in corresponding axis float osX = platform.size.x % 2 == 0 ? gridSize / 2 : 0; float osZ = platform.size.y % 2 == 0 ? gridSize / 2 : 0; //calculate the x and z position (this is the relative position in platform local space to the platform origin) float x = Mathf.Round((osX + v.x) / gridSize) * gridSize - osX; float z = Mathf.Round((osZ + v.z) / gridSize) * gridSize - osZ; //transform the calculated position to world space return(platform.thisT.position + platform.thisT.TransformDirection(new Vector3(x, 0, z))); }
private bool UnavailableListSharesValue(int ID) { if (!serializedObject.isEditingMultipleObjects) { return(true); } PlatformTD platformInstance = (PlatformTD)serializedObject.targetObjects[0]; bool flag = platformInstance.unavailableTowerIDList.Contains(ID); for (int i = 1; i < serializedObject.targetObjects.Length; i++) { platformInstance = (PlatformTD)serializedObject.targetObjects[i]; if (flag != platformInstance.unavailableTowerIDList.Contains(ID)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
void Awake(){ instance = (PlatformTD)target; GetTower(); }
public static NodeTD[] GenerateNode(PlatformTD platform, float heightOffset) { if (instance == null) { Init(); } Transform platformT = platform.thisT; float gridSize = BuildManager.GetGridSize(); float scaleX = platform.thisT.localScale.x; float scaleZ = platform.thisT.localScale.z; int countX = (int)(scaleX / gridSize); int countZ = (int)(scaleZ / gridSize); float x = -scaleX / 2 / scaleX; float z = -scaleZ / 2 / scaleZ; Vector3 point = platformT.TransformPoint(new Vector3(x, 0, z)); thisT.position = point; thisT.rotation = platformT.rotation; thisT.position = thisT.TransformPoint(new Vector3(gridSize / 2, heightOffset, gridSize / 2)); NodeTD[] nodeGraph = new NodeTD[countZ * countX]; int counter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < countZ; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < countX; j++) { Vector3 pos = thisT.position; pos.y = pos.y + 5000; LayerMask mask = 1 << TDTK.GetLayerTower(); RaycastHit hit1; if (Physics.Raycast(pos, Vector3.down, out hit1, Mathf.Infinity, ~mask)) { nodeGraph[counter] = new NodeTD(new Vector3(pos.x, hit1.point.y + heightOffset, pos.z), counter); } else { nodeGraph[counter] = new NodeTD(pos, counter); nodeGraph[counter].walkable = false; } counter += 1; thisT.position = thisT.TransformPoint(new Vector3(gridSize, 0, 0)); } thisT.position = thisT.TransformPoint(new Vector3(-(countX) * gridSize, 0, gridSize)); } thisT.position =; thisT.rotation = Quaternion.identity; counter = 0; foreach (NodeTD cNode in nodeGraph) { if (cNode.walkable) { //check if there's anything within the point LayerMask mask = 1 << TDTK.GetLayerPlatform(); mask |= 1 << TDTK.GetLayerTower(); if (TDTK.GetLayerTerrain() >= 0) { mask |= 1 << TDTK.GetLayerTerrain(); } Collider[] cols = Physics.OverlapSphere(cNode.pos, gridSize * 0.45f, ~mask); if (cols.Length > 0) { cNode.walkable = false; counter += 1; } } } float neighbourDistance = 0; float neighbourRange; if (instance.connectDiagonalNeighbour) { neighbourRange = gridSize * 1.5f; } else { neighbourRange = gridSize * 1.1f; } counter = 0; //assign the neighouring node for each node in the grid foreach (NodeTD currentNode in nodeGraph) { //only if that node is walkable if (currentNode.walkable) { //create an empty array List <NodeTD> neighbourNodeList = new List <NodeTD>(); List <float> neighbourCostList = new List <float>(); NodeTD[] neighbour = new NodeTD[8]; int id = currentNode.ID; if (id > countX - 1 && id < countX * countZ - countX) { //print("middle rows"); if (id != countX) { neighbour[0] = nodeGraph[id - countX - 1]; } neighbour[1] = nodeGraph[id - countX]; neighbour[2] = nodeGraph[id - countX + 1]; neighbour[3] = nodeGraph[id - 1]; neighbour[4] = nodeGraph[id + 1]; neighbour[5] = nodeGraph[id + countX - 1]; neighbour[6] = nodeGraph[id + countX]; if (id != countX * countZ - countX - 1) { neighbour[7] = nodeGraph[id + countX + 1]; } } else if (id <= countX - 1) { //print("first row"); if (id != 0) { neighbour[0] = nodeGraph[id - 1]; } if (nodeGraph.Length > id + 1) { neighbour[1] = nodeGraph[id + 1]; } if (countZ > 0) { if (nodeGraph.Length > id + countX - 1) { neighbour[2] = nodeGraph[id + countX - 1]; } if (nodeGraph.Length > id + countX) { neighbour[3] = nodeGraph[id + countX]; } if (nodeGraph.Length > id + countX + 1) { neighbour[4] = nodeGraph[id + countX + 1]; } } } else if (id >= countX * countZ - countX) { //print("last row"); neighbour[0] = nodeGraph[id - 1]; if (id != countX * countZ - 1) { neighbour[1] = nodeGraph[id + 1]; } if (id != countX * (countZ - 1)) { neighbour[2] = nodeGraph[id - countX - 1]; } neighbour[3] = nodeGraph[id - countX]; neighbour[4] = nodeGraph[id - countX + 1]; } //scan through all the node in the grid foreach (NodeTD node in neighbour) { //if this the node is not currentNode if (node != null && node.walkable) { //if this node is within neighbour node range neighbourDistance = GetHorizontalDistance(currentNode.pos, node.pos); if (neighbourDistance < neighbourRange) { //if nothing's in the way between these two LayerMask mask = 1 << TDTK.GetLayerPlatform(); mask |= 1 << TDTK.GetLayerTower(); if (!Physics.Linecast(currentNode.pos, node.pos, ~mask)) { //if the slop is not too steep //if(Mathf.Abs(GetSlope(currentNode.pos, node.pos))<=maxSlope){ //add to list //if(!node.walkable) Debug.Log("error"); neighbourNodeList.Add(node); neighbourCostList.Add(neighbourDistance); //}//else print("too steep"); } //else print("something's in the way"); } //else print("out of range "+neighbourDistance); } //else print("unwalkable"); } //set the list as the node neighbours array currentNode.SetNeighbour(neighbourNodeList, neighbourCostList); //if(neighbourNodeList.Count==0) //Debug.Log("no heighbour. node number "+counter+" "+neighbourNodeList.Count); } counter += 1; } return(nodeGraph); }
public void SetPlatform(PlatformTD platform, NodeTD node) { occupiedPlatform = platform; occupiedNode = node; }
public static Vector3 GetTilePos(PlatformTD platform, Vector3 hitPos) { return(instance._GetTilePos(platform, hitPos)); }
void Awake() { instance = (PlatformTD)target; GetTower(); }
public void SetPlatform(PlatformTD platform, NodeTD node) { occupiedPlatform=platform; occupiedNode=node; }
void Awake() { instance = (PlatformTD)target; LoadDB(); }
public static NodeTD[] GenerateNode(PlatformTD platform, float heightOffset){ if(instance==null) Init(); Transform platformT=platform.thisT; float gridSize=BuildManager.GetGridSize(); float scaleX=platform.thisT.localScale.x; float scaleZ=platform.thisT.localScale.z; int countX=(int)(scaleX/gridSize); int countZ=(int)(scaleZ/gridSize); float x=-scaleX/2/scaleX; float z=-scaleZ/2/scaleZ; Vector3 point=platformT.TransformPoint(new Vector3(x, 0, z)); thisT.position=point; thisT.rotation=platformT.rotation; thisT.position=thisT.TransformPoint(new Vector3(gridSize/2, heightOffset, gridSize/2)); NodeTD[] nodeGraph=new NodeTD[countZ*countX]; int counter=0; for(int i=0; i<countZ; i++){ for(int j=0; j<countX; j++){ Vector3 pos=thisT.position; pos.y=pos.y+5000; LayerMask mask=1<<LayerManager.LayerTower(); RaycastHit hit1; if(Physics.Raycast(pos, Vector3.down, out hit1, Mathf.Infinity, ~mask)) { nodeGraph[counter]=new NodeTD(new Vector3(pos.x, hit1.point.y+heightOffset, pos.z), counter); } else{ nodeGraph[counter]=new NodeTD(pos, counter); nodeGraph[counter].walkable=false; } counter+=1; thisT.position=thisT.TransformPoint(new Vector3(gridSize, 0, 0)); } thisT.position=thisT.TransformPoint(new Vector3(-(countX)*gridSize, 0, gridSize)); }; thisT.rotation=Quaternion.identity; counter=0; foreach(NodeTD cNode in nodeGraph){ if(cNode.walkable){ //check if there's anything within the point LayerMask mask=1<<LayerManager.LayerPlatform(); mask|=1<<LayerManager.LayerTower(); if(LayerManager.LayerTerrain()>=0) mask|=1<<LayerManager.LayerTerrain(); Collider[] cols=Physics.OverlapSphere(cNode.pos, gridSize*0.45f, ~mask); if(cols.Length>0){ cNode.walkable=false; counter+=1; } } } float neighbourDistance=0; float neighbourRange; if(instance.connectDiagonalNeighbour) neighbourRange=gridSize*1.5f; else neighbourRange=gridSize*1.1f; counter=0; //assign the neighouring node for each node in the grid foreach(NodeTD currentNode in nodeGraph){ //only if that node is walkable if(currentNode.walkable){ //create an empty array List<NodeTD> neighbourNodeList=new List<NodeTD>(); List<float> neighbourCostList=new List<float>(); NodeTD[] neighbour=new NodeTD[8]; int id=currentNode.ID; if(id>countX-1 && id<countX*countZ-countX){ //print("middle rows"); if(id!=countX) neighbour[0]=nodeGraph[id-countX-1]; neighbour[1]=nodeGraph[id-countX]; neighbour[2]=nodeGraph[id-countX+1]; neighbour[3]=nodeGraph[id-1]; neighbour[4]=nodeGraph[id+1]; neighbour[5]=nodeGraph[id+countX-1]; neighbour[6]=nodeGraph[id+countX]; if(id!=countX*countZ-countX-1)neighbour[7]=nodeGraph[id+countX+1]; } else if(id<=countX-1){ //print("first row"); if(id!=0) neighbour[0]=nodeGraph[id-1]; if(nodeGraph.Length>id+1) neighbour[1]=nodeGraph[id+1]; if(countZ>0){ if(nodeGraph.Length>id+countX-1) neighbour[2]=nodeGraph[id+countX-1]; if(nodeGraph.Length>id+countX) neighbour[3]=nodeGraph[id+countX]; if(nodeGraph.Length>id+countX+1) neighbour[4]=nodeGraph[id+countX+1]; } } else if(id>=countX*countZ-countX){ //print("last row"); neighbour[0]=nodeGraph[id-1]; if(id!=countX*countZ-1) neighbour[1]=nodeGraph[id+1]; if(id!=countX*(countZ-1))neighbour[2]=nodeGraph[id-countX-1]; neighbour[3]=nodeGraph[id-countX]; neighbour[4]=nodeGraph[id-countX+1]; } //scan through all the node in the grid foreach(NodeTD node in neighbour){ //if this the node is not currentNode if(node!=null && node.walkable){ //if this node is within neighbour node range neighbourDistance=GetHorizontalDistance(currentNode.pos, node.pos); if(neighbourDistance<neighbourRange){ //if nothing's in the way between these two LayerMask mask=1<<LayerManager.LayerPlatform(); mask|=1<<LayerManager.LayerTower(); if(!Physics.Linecast(currentNode.pos, node.pos, ~mask)){ //if the slop is not too steep //if(Mathf.Abs(GetSlope(currentNode.pos, node.pos))<=maxSlope){ //add to list //if(!node.walkable) Debug.Log("error"); neighbourNodeList.Add(node); neighbourCostList.Add(neighbourDistance); //}//else print("too steep"); }//else print("something's in the way"); }//else print("out of range "+neighbourDistance); }//else print("unwalkable"); } //set the list as the node neighbours array currentNode.SetNeighbour(neighbourNodeList, neighbourCostList); //if(neighbourNodeList.Count==0) //Debug.Log("no heighbour. node number "+counter+" "+neighbourNodeList.Count); } counter+=1; } return nodeGraph; }
public BuildInfo _CheckBuildPoint(Vector3 pointer, int towerID) { BuildInfo buildInfo = new BuildInfo(); if (disableBuildWhenInPlay && SpawnManager.GetActiveUnitCount() > 0) { buildInfo.status = _TileStatus.NotInBuildPhase; return(buildInfo); } Camera mainCam = Camera.main; if (mainCam != null) { Ray ray = mainCam.ScreenPointToRay(pointer); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, maskPlatform)) { for (int i = 0; i < buildPlatforms.Count; i++) { if (hit.transform == buildPlatforms[i].thisT) { PlatformTD platform = buildPlatforms[i]; //calculating the build center point base on the input position Vector3 pos = GetTilePos(platform, hit.point); buildInfo.position = pos; buildInfo.platform = platform; //checking if tower can be built on the platform, for dragNdrop mode if (towerID >= 0 && !platform.availableTowerIDList.Contains(towerID)) { buildInfo.status = _TileStatus.Unavailable; } if (buildInfo.status == _TileStatus.Available) { //check if the position is blocked, by any other obstabcle other than the baseplane itself Collider[] cols = Physics.OverlapSphere(pos, gridSize / 2 * 0.9f, ~maskAll); if (cols.Length > 0) { buildInfo.status = _TileStatus.NoPlatform; } else { buildInfo.status = _TileStatus.Available; } if (buildInfo.status == _TileStatus.Available) { //check if the platform is walkable, if so, check if building on the point wont block all possible path if (platform.IsWalkable()) { if (platform.CheckForBlock(pos)) { buildInfo.status = _TileStatus.Blocked; } } //map platform availableTowerIDList (which is the towers' prefabID) to the list elements' ID in towerList buildInfo.availableTowerIDList = new List <int>(); for (int m = 0; m < platform.availableTowerIDList.Count; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < towerList.Count; n++) { if (platform.availableTowerIDList[m] == towerList[n].prefabID) { buildInfo.availableTowerIDList.Add(n); break; } } } } } break; } } } else { buildInfo.status = _TileStatus.NoPlatform; } } else { buildInfo.status = _TileStatus.NoPlatform; } //reverse block status for mine if (buildInfo.status == _TileStatus.Blocked) { //for drag n drop mode if (towerID >= 0 && GetTowerPrefab(towerID).type == _TowerType.Mine) { buildInfo.status = _TileStatus.Available; } if (towerID < 0) { bool gotMineInList = false; for (int i = 0; i < buildInfo.availableTowerIDList.Count; i++) { if (towerList[buildInfo.availableTowerIDList[i]].type == _TowerType.Mine) { gotMineInList = true; } else { buildInfo.availableTowerIDList.RemoveAt(i); i -= 1; } } if (gotMineInList) { buildInfo.status = _TileStatus.Available; } } } if (!UseDragNDrop()) //for PointNClick { if (buildInfo.status != _TileStatus.Available) { IndicatorControl.ClearBuildTileIndicator(); } else { IndicatorControl.SetBuildTileIndicator(buildInfo); } } return(buildInfo); }
public _TileStatus _CheckBuildPoint(Vector3 pointer, int footprint = -1, int ID = -1) { _TileStatus status = _TileStatus.Available; BuildInfo newBuildInfo = new BuildInfo(); //disable indicator first (for dragNdrop mode), it will be re-enable if the build-point is valid indicatorBuildPoint.SetActive(false); //layerMask for platform only LayerMask maskPlatform = 1 << LayerManager.LayerPlatform(); //layerMask for detect all collider within buildPoint LayerMask maskAll = 1 << LayerManager.LayerPlatform(); int terrainLayer = LayerManager.LayerTerrain(); if (terrainLayer >= 0) { maskAll |= 1 << terrainLayer; } //int creepLayer=LayerManager.layerCreep(); //if(creepLayer>=0) maskAll|=1<<creepLayer; Camera mainCam = Camera.main; if (mainCam != null) { Ray ray = mainCam.ScreenPointToRay(pointer); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, maskPlatform)) { for (int i = 0; i < buildPlatforms.Count; i++) { if (hit.transform == buildPlatforms[i].thisT) { PlatformTD platform = buildPlatforms[i]; //checking if tower can be built on the platform, for dragNdrop mode if (ID >= 0 && !platform.availableTowerIDList.Contains(ID)) { return(_TileStatus.Unavailable); } //calculating the build center point base on the input position Vector3 pos = GetTilePos(platform.thisT, hit.point); //check if the position is blocked, by any other obstabcle other than the baseplane itself Collider[] cols = Physics.OverlapSphere(pos, _gridSize / 2 * 0.9f + footprint * _gridSize, ~maskAll); if (cols.Length > 0) { //Debug.Log("something's in the way "+cols[0]); return(_TileStatus.Unavailable); } else { //confirm that we can build here newBuildInfo.position = pos; newBuildInfo.platform = platform; } //newBuildInfo.availableTowerIDList=platform.availableTowerIDList; //map platform availableTowerIDList (which is the towers' prefabID) to the list elements' ID in towerList newBuildInfo.availableTowerIDList = new List <int>(); for (int m = 0; m < platform.availableTowerIDList.Count; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < towerList.Count; n++) { if (platform.availableTowerIDList[m] == towerList[n].prefabID) { newBuildInfo.availableTowerIDList.Add(n); break; } } } //List<int> tempList=new List<int>(); //for(int n=0; n<towerList.Count; n++) tempList.Add(towerList[n].prefabID); //newBuildInfo.availableTowerIDList=tempList; buildInfo = newBuildInfo; break; } } } else { return(_TileStatus.NoPlatform); } } else { return(_TileStatus.NoPlatform); } if (buildInfo != null && cursorIndicatorMode != _CursorIndicatorMode.None) { if (status == _TileStatus.Available) { indicatorBuildPointRen.material.SetColor("_TintColor", new Color(0, 1, 0, 1)); } else { indicatorBuildPointRen.material.SetColor("_TintColor", new Color(1, 0, 0, 1)); } indicatorBuildPoint.SetActive(true); indicatorBuildPoint.transform.position = buildInfo.position; if (buildInfo.platform != null) { indicatorBuildPoint.transform.rotation = buildInfo.platform.thisT.rotation; } HideCursorIndicator(); } return(status); }
public void InitTower(int ID, PlatformTD currentPlatform) { Init(); instanceID = ID; platform = currentPlatform; value = stats[currentActiveStat].cost; int rscCount = ResourceManager.GetResourceCount(); for (int i = 0; i < stats.Count; i++) { UnitStat stat = stats[i]; stat.slow.effectID = instanceID; = instanceID; stat.buff.effectID = instanceID; if (stat.rscGain.Count != rscCount) { while (stat.rscGain.Count < rscCount) stat.rscGain.Add(0); while (stat.rscGain.Count > rscCount) stat.rscGain.RemoveAt(stat.rscGain.Count - 1); } } if (type == _TowerType.Turret) { StartCoroutine(ScanForTargetRoutine()); StartCoroutine(TurretRoutine()); } if (type == _TowerType.AOE) { StartCoroutine(AOETowerRoutine()); } if (type == _TowerType.Support) { StartCoroutine(SupportRoutine()); } if (type == _TowerType.Electric) { // TODO: Coroutine for electric towers here } }