        /// <summary>
        /// Phương thức kiểm tra xem dã đầy đủ câu trả lời chưa, nếu chưa trả về lỗi, còn không bỏ trống
        /// </summary>
        public string IsFullAnswers()
            if (!Config.IsCheckFullTestPaper)

            if (!ListeningTestPaper.IsPaperFullSelection())
                return("You have not yet answered all the questions of the Listening test");

            if (!ReadingTestPaper.IsPaperFullSelection())
                return("You have not yet answered all the questions of the Reading test");

            if (!WritingTestPaper.IsPaperFullSelection())
                return("You have not written the Writing Part 2 section");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(WritingTestPaper.WritingPartTwos.UserParagraph))
                return("You have not yet answered all the questions of the Writing test");

            // Đã đầy đủ thì trả về rỗng