private void button11_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!ValidateCombobox(comboBox5)) { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Semester Name"); } else { using (var Contex = new tafesystemEntities()) { var result = (from c in Contex.coursesemesters where c.semestername.Equals(comboBox5.Text) select new { c.semesterId, c.semestername }); if (result != null) { dataGridView8.DataSource = result.ToList(); dataGridView8.Refresh(); } } } }
//admin can add the cluster infromation in the system private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!ValidateForEmptiness(textBox2.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Enter Cluster Name"); } if (!ValidateForEmptiness(textBox3.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Enter Teacher ID"); } else { int clId = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text); model.clusterId = clId; model.clustername = textBox2.Text; int tId = Convert.ToInt32(textBox3.Text); model.teacherId = tId; using (tafesystemEntities tf = new tafesystemEntities()) { tf.clusters.Add(model); tf.SaveChanges(); } ClearFields(); MessageBox.Show("Data submitted successsfully"); PopulateGridView(); } }
private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!ValidateCombobox(comboBox4)) { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Location Name"); } else { using (tafesystemEntities tf = new tafesystemEntities()) { var loadteacher = (from t in tf.teachers join tc in tf.teachercourses on t.teacherId equals tc.teacherId where tc.locationname.Equals(comboBox4.Text) join c in on tc.courseId equals c.courseId select new { t.teacherId, c.courseId, c.coursename, t.firstname, t.lastname,,, t.address, tc.locationname, tc.semestername }); dataGridView7.DataSource = loadteacher.ToList(); } } }
//this will search the paid fee of the students private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!ValidateForEmptiness(textBox1.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Enter the Amount of fee"); } using (tafesystemEntities tf = new tafesystemEntities()) { var loadfee = (from f in tf.fees join s in tf.students on f.studentId equals s.studentId where (f.paidfee.Equals(textBox1.Text)) join en in tf.enrollments on s.studentId equals en.studentId where en.studentId == s.studentId //orderby od.OrderID select new { f.feeId, f.paidfee, s.studentId, s.firstname, s.lastname, s.address,,, en.coursename, en.courseId, en.locationname, en.semestername }); dataGridView1.DataSource = loadfee.ToList(); } }
//this will display all the part time teachers private void checkBox3_CheckedChanged_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var Contex = new tafesystemEntities()) { var result = (from tc in Contex.teachercourses join t in Contex.teachers on tc.teacherId equals t.teacherId where tc.mode == "Part-Time" select new { t.teacherId, t.firstname, t.lastname, tc.status, tc.semestername, tc.locationname, tc.clustername, }).ToList(); if (result != null) { dataGridView4.DataSource = result.ToList(); dataGridView4.Refresh(); } } }
//this will save the enetered data into the system private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int eId = Convert.ToInt32(textBox8.Text); model1.enrollmentId = eId; model1.coursename = comboBox10.Text.Trim(); model1.semestername = comboBox9.Text.Trim(); model1.locationname = comboBox2.Text.Trim(); model1.mode = comboBox3.Text.Trim(); model1.status = comboBox6.Text.Trim(); model1.fee = comboBox4.Text.Trim(); model1.result = comboBox5.Text.Trim(); int studId = Convert.ToInt32(textBox9.Text); model1.studentId = studId; int courId = Convert.ToInt32(textBox10.Text); model1.courseId = courId; int locId = Convert.ToInt32(textBox11.Text); model1.locationId = locId; using (tafesystemEntities tf = new tafesystemEntities()) { tf.enrollments.Add(model1); tf.SaveChanges(); } ClearFields2(); MessageBox.Show("Data submitted successsfully"); PopulateGridView2(); }
//this will update the enrollemnt enrties private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (tafesystemEntities tf = new tafesystemEntities()) { int eId = Convert.ToInt32(textBox8.Text); var update2 = tf.enrollments.First(a => a.enrollmentId == eId); update2.coursename = comboBox10.Text; update2.semestername = comboBox9.Text; update2.locationname = comboBox2.Text; update2.mode = comboBox3.Text; update2.status = comboBox6.Text; update2.fee = comboBox4.Text; update2.result = comboBox5.Text; int studId = Convert.ToInt32(textBox9.Text); update2.studentId = studId; int courId = Convert.ToInt32(textBox10.Text); update2.courseId = courId; int locId = Convert.ToInt32(textBox11.Text); update2.locationId = locId; tf.SaveChanges(); } MessageBox.Show("Record Updated sucessfully"); PopulateGridView2(); ClearFields2(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!ValidateForEmptiness(textBox2.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Unit Code is Required"); } else if (!ValidateForEmptiness(textBox3.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Unit Title is Required"); } else if (!ValidateCombobox(comboBox1)) { MessageBox.Show("Essential is Required"); } else { int uId = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text); model.unitId = uId; model.unitCode = textBox2.Text; model.unitTitle = textBox3.Text; model.essential = comboBox1.Text.Trim(); using (tafesystemEntities tf = new tafesystemEntities()) { tf.units.Add(model); tf.SaveChanges(); } ClearFields(); MessageBox.Show("Data submitted successsfully"); PopulateGridView(); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!ValidateCombobox(comboBox1)) { MessageBox.Show("Enter Amount of Paid fee"); } else if (!ValidateForEmptiness(textBox2.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Student ID is Required"); } else { int fId = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text); model3.feeId = fId; model3.paidfee = comboBox1.Text; int stuId = Convert.ToInt32(textBox2.Text); model3.studentId = stuId; using (tafesystemEntities tf = new tafesystemEntities()) { tf.fees.Add(model3); tf.SaveChanges(); } MessageBox.Show("Payment made successsfully"); PopulateGridView(); } }
//add a recrod private void button10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int tcId = Convert.ToInt32(textBox8.Text); model5.teachercourseId = tcId; model5.coursename = comboBox11.Text; model5.clustername = comboBox2.Text; model5.semestername = comboBox12.Text; model5.locationname = comboBox8.Text; model5.mode = comboBox3.Text; model5.status = comboBox4.Text; int tId = Convert.ToInt32(textBox9.Text); model5.teacherId = tId; int cId = Convert.ToInt32(textBox10.Text); model5.courseId = cId; using (tafesystemEntities tf = new tafesystemEntities()) { tf.teachercourses.Add(model5); tf.SaveChanges(); } MessageBox.Show("Data submitted successsfully"); PopulateGridView2(); ClearFields2(); }
private void button18_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!ValidateCombobox(comboBox7)) { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Location Name"); } else { using (tafesystemEntities tf = new tafesystemEntities()) { int locId = Convert.ToInt32(comboBox7.Text); var loadsemesterlocation = (from cs in tf.Incoursesemesters // join tc in tf.teachercourses on t.teacherId equals tc.teacherId join cl in tf.Inlocationcourses on cs.courseId equals cl.courseId where cl.locationId == locId select new { cs.semesterId, cl.locationId });;;; dataGridView8.DataSource = loadsemesterlocation.ToList(); } } }
//it will show all the current cluster the teacher is teaching in a course public void CurrentClusterDetails() { using (var Contex = new tafesystemEntities()) { var result = (from tc in Contex.teachercourses join t in Contex.teachers on tc.teacherId equals t.teacherId where tc.teacherId == teacherId join c in on tc.courseId equals c.courseId where tc.courseId == c.courseId select new { c.courseId, t.teacherId, t.firstname, t.lastname, tc.coursename, tc.clustername, tc.status, tc.locationname, tc.semestername, }).ToList(); if (result != null) { dataGridView1.DataSource = result.ToList(); dataGridView1.Refresh(); } } }
//this will show the timetable of a course a student is doing private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var Contex = new tafesystemEntities()) { var result = (from ct in Contex.enrollments join en in Contex.coursetimetables on ct.locationId equals en.locationId where ct.studentId == studentId select new { en.days, en.time,, en.teachername, ct.courseId, ct.coursename, ct.locationId, ct.locationname, //ct.status }).Take(5); if (result != null) { dataGridView2.DataSource = result.ToList(); dataGridView2.Refresh(); } } }
//this will show all the course information for a teacher private void dataGridView1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index != -1) { int SelectedCourseId = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells["courseId"].Value); using (tafesystemEntities db = new tafesystemEntities()) { var result = (from c in db.courseclusterunits join clust in db.clusters on c.clusterId equals clust.clusterId join unit in db.units on c.unitId equals unit.unitId where c.courseId == SelectedCourseId select new { c.clusterId, clust.clustername, unit.unitCode, unit.unitTitle }).ToList(); if (result != null) { dataGridView1.Visible = true; dataGridView1.DataSource = result; dataGridView1.Refresh(); } } } }
public void CurrentCourseDetails() { using (var Contex = new tafesystemEntities()) { var result = (from E in Contex.enrollments join s in Contex.students on E.studentId equals s.studentId where E.studentId == studentId join c in on E.courseId equals c.courseId where E.courseId == c.courseId select new { c.courseId, s.studentId, s.firstname, s.lastname, E.coursename, E.locationname, E.semestername, E.result }).Take(2); if (result != null) { dataGridView1.DataSource = result.ToList(); dataGridView1.Refresh(); } } }
//user can add a semester private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!ValidateCombobox(comboBox1)) { MessageBox.Show("Semester Name is Required"); } else { int csId = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text); model.semesterId = csId; model.semestername = comboBox1.Text; using (tafesystemEntities tf = new tafesystemEntities()) { tf.coursesemesters.Add(model); tf.SaveChanges(); } ClearFields(); MessageBox.Show("Data submitted successsfully"); PopulateGridView(); } }
//this will validate the courseId and semster name and then given the infromation about a course and semester private void button17_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!ValidateCombobox(comboBox14)) { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Course ID"); } else if (!ValidateCombobox(comboBox13)) { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Semester Name"); } else { using (tafesystemEntities tf = new tafesystemEntities()) { int courId = Convert.ToInt32(comboBox14.Text); var loadoffer = (from ccu in tf.courseclusterunits join c in tf.Inlocationcourses on ccu.courseId equals c.courseId where c.courseId == courId join cs in tf.Incoursesemesters on c.courseId equals cs.courseId join css in tf.coursesemesters on cs.semesterId equals css.semesterId where css.semestername.Equals(comboBox13.Text) join clu in tf.clusters on ccu.clusterId equals clu.clusterId join cl in tf.courselocations on c.locationId equals cl.locationId join u in tf.units on ccu.unitId equals u.unitId join t in tf.teachers on clu.teacherId equals t.teacherId orderby cs.semesterId orderby cl.locationname select new { cs.semesterId, ccu.clusterId, ccu.unitId, c.courseId, clu.clustername, u.unitCode, u.unitTitle, u.essential, t.teacherId, t.firstname, t.middlename, t.lastname, cl.locationId, cl.locationname, css.semestername }); dataGridView9.DataSource = loadoffer.ToList(); } } }
//this will fill the textbox with the selected row in datagrid private void dataGridView1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index != -1) { model.locationId = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells["locationId"].Value); using (tafesystemEntities tf = new tafesystemEntities()) { model = tf.courselocations.Where(x => x.locationId == model.locationId).FirstOrDefault(); textBox1.Text = Convert.ToInt32(model.locationId).ToString(); textBox2.Text = model.locationname; } } }
public void PopulateGridView() { using (var Context = new tafesystemEntities()) { var Record = from cs in Context.coursesemesters select new { cs.semesterId, cs.semestername, }; dataGridView1.DataSource = Record.ToList(); } }
//user can see all the loc info private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var Context = new tafesystemEntities()) { var Record = from cl in Context.courselocations select new { cl.locationId, cl.locationname, }; dataGridView1.DataSource = Record.ToList(); } }
public void PopulateGridView() { using (var Context = new tafesystemEntities()) { var Record = from f in Context.fees select new { f.feeId, f.paidfee, f.studentId }; dataGridView1.DataSource = Record.ToList(); } }
private void dataGridView1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index != -1) { model3.feeId = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells["feeId"].Value); using (tafesystemEntities tf = new tafesystemEntities()) { model3 = tf.fees.Where(x => x.feeId == model3.feeId).FirstOrDefault(); textBox1.Text = Convert.ToInt32(model3.feeId).ToString(); comboBox1.Text = model3.paidfee; textBox2.Text = Convert.ToInt32(model3.studentId).ToString(); } } }
private void dataGridView1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index != -1) { model.unitId = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells["unitId"].Value); using (tafesystemEntities tf = new tafesystemEntities()) { model = tf.units.Where(x => x.unitId == model.unitId).FirstOrDefault(); textBox1.Text = Convert.ToInt32(model.unitId).ToString(); textBox2.Text = model.unitCode; textBox3.Text = model.unitTitle; comboBox1.Text = model.essential; } } }
//this will fill the datagrid public void PopulateGridView() { using (var Context = new tafesystemEntities()) { var Record = from cl in Context.clusters select new { cl.clusterId, cl.clustername, cl.teacherId }; dataGridView1.DataSource = Record.ToList(); } }
//fill the fields private void dataGridView3_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (dataGridView3.CurrentRow.Index != -1) { model2.userId = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView3.CurrentRow.Cells["userId"].Value); using (tafesystemEntities tf = new tafesystemEntities()) { model2 = tf.tusers.Where(x => x.userId == model2.userId).FirstOrDefault(); textBox14.Text = Convert.ToInt32(model2.userId).ToString(); textBox13.Text = model2.username; textBox12.Text = model2.password; comboBox5.Text = model2.userType; textBox11.Text = Convert.ToInt32(model2.userId).ToString(); } } }
public void PopulateGridView() { using (var Context = new tafesystemEntities()) { var Record = from u in Context.units select new { u.unitId, u.unitCode, u.unitTitle, u.essential }; dataGridView1.DataSource = Record.ToList(); } }
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var Context = new tafesystemEntities()) { var Record = from u in Context.units select new { u.unitId, u.unitCode, u.unitTitle, u.essential, }; dataGridView1.DataSource = Record.ToList(); } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (tafesystemEntities tf = new tafesystemEntities()) { int uId = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text); var update = tf.units.First(a => a.unitId == uId); update.unitCode = textBox2.Text; update.unitTitle = textBox3.Text; update.essential = comboBox1.Text; tf.SaveChanges(); } MessageBox.Show("Record Updated sucessfully"); PopulateGridView(); ClearFields(); }
public void PopulateGridView() { using (var Context = new tafesystemEntities()) { var Record = from c in select new { c.courseId, c.coursename, c.mode, c.fee }; dataGridView1.DataSource = Record.ToList(); } }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var Context = new tafesystemEntities()) { var Record = from c in select new { c.courseId, c.coursename, c.mode, c.fee, }; dataGridView1.DataSource = Record.ToList(); } }