public void Dispose() { if (Image != null) { Image.Dispose(); Image = null; } if (Thumbnail != null) { Thumbnail.Dispose(); Thumbnail = null; } }
private static void Process(Stream str, Options commonOptions) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(commonOptions.Username)) { Request(str, RequestCode.Login, (rw) => { rw.Write(commonOptions.Username, true); rw.Write(commonOptions.Password ?? string.Empty, true); }, (rw) => { }); } Type oType = commonOptions.GetType(); if (oType == typeof(AddOptions)) { var options = (AddOptions)commonOptions; Console.Write("Loading image... "); using (var post = new BooruPost()) using (var image = BooruImage.FromFile(options.ImagePath)) { Console.WriteLine("OK"); if (options.Tags != null) { foreach (var tag in options.Tags.Split(new char[1] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { post.Tags.Add(new BooruTag(tag)); } } if (options.Source != null) { post.Source = options.Source; } if (options.Description != null) { post.Description = options.Description; } post.Rating = (byte)options.Rating; if (options.Private.HasValue) { post.Private = options.Private.Value; } Console.Write("Adding post... "); ulong id = AddPost(str, post, post.Tags, image); Console.WriteLine(id); } } else if (oType == typeof(AddUrlOptions)) { var options = (AddUrlOptions)commonOptions; var apiPosts = BooruAPI.SearchPostsPerURL(options.URL); if (apiPosts.Count < 1) { throw new Exception("No post to import detected"); } else if (apiPosts.Count > 1) { Console.WriteLine("Multiple posts found, importing only the first one"); for (int i = 1; i < apiPosts.Count; i++) { apiPosts[i].Dispose(); } } var apiPost = apiPosts[0]; if (options.CustomImagePath == null) { Console.Write("Downloading image... "); apiPost.DownloadImage(); } else { Console.Write("Loading image... "); apiPost.Image = BooruImage.FromFile(options.CustomImagePath); } Console.WriteLine("OK"); if (!options.AllTags) { string[] allTags = null; Request(str, RequestCode.Get_AllTags, (rw) => { }, (rw) => { uint count = rw.ReadUInt(); allTags = new string[count]; for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { allTags[a] = rw.ReadString(); } }); for (int a = apiPost.Tags.Count - 1; !(a < 0); a--) { if (!allTags.Contains(apiPost.Tags[a].Tag)) { apiPost.Tags.RemoveAt(a); } } } if (options.Tags != null) { options.Tags = options.Tags.ToLower(); if (options.TagsNoDelta) { string[] parts = options.Tags.Split(new char[1] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); apiPost.Tags.Clear(); foreach (string part in parts) { apiPost.Tags.Add(new BooruTag(part)); } } else { TagDelta(ref apiPost.Tags, options.Tags); } } //apiPost.Description = "Imported from " + apiPost.APIName; if (options.Description != null) { apiPost.Description = options.Description; } else { apiPost.Description = string.Empty; //needed? } apiPost.Rating = (byte)options.Rating; if (options.Private.HasValue) { apiPost.Private = options.Private.Value; } Console.Write("Importing post... "); ulong id = AddPost(str, apiPost, apiPost.Tags, apiPost.Image); Console.WriteLine(id); } else if (oType == typeof(DelOptions)) { var options = (DelOptions)commonOptions; Request(str, RequestCode.Delete_Post, (rw) => rw.Write(options.ID), (rw) => { }); } else if (oType == typeof(GetOptions)) { var options = (GetOptions)commonOptions; using (var post = GetPost(str, options.ID)) { Console.WriteLine("User " + post.User); Console.WriteLine("Private " + (post.Private ? "yes" : "no")); Console.WriteLine("Source " + post.Source ?? string.Empty); Console.WriteLine("Description " + post.Description ?? string.Empty); Console.WriteLine("Rating " + post.Rating); Console.WriteLine("Size {0}x{1}", post.Width, post.Height); Console.WriteLine("Date {0}", post.CreationDate); Console.WriteLine("ViewCount " + post.ViewCount); Console.WriteLine("EditCount " + post.EditCount); Console.WriteLine("Score " + post.Score); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(BooruTagListToString(post.Tags, !options.NoColor)); } } else if (oType == typeof(EditOptions)) { var options = (EditOptions)commonOptions; using (var post = GetPost(str, options.ID)) { post.EditCount += 1; if (options.Description != null) { post.Description = options.Description; } if (options.Private.HasValue) { post.Private = options.Private.Value; } if (!(options.Rating < 0) && options.Rating < byte.MaxValue) { post.Rating = (byte)options.Rating; } if (options.Source != null) { post.Source = options.Source; } if (options.Tags != null) { options.Tags = options.Tags.ToLower(); if (options.TagsNoDelta) { string[] parts = options.Tags.Split(new char[1] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); post.Tags.Clear(); foreach (string part in parts) { post.Tags.Add(new BooruTag(part)); } } else { TagDelta(ref post.Tags, options.Tags); } } Request(str, RequestCode.Edit_Post, (rw) => { post.ToWriter(rw); post.Tags.ToWriter(rw); }, (rw) => { }); } } else if (oType == typeof(EditImgOptions)) { EditImgOptions options = (EditImgOptions)commonOptions; string path = Helper.GetTempFile(); BooruImage img = null; try { Request(str, RequestCode.Get_Image, (rw) => rw.Write(options.ID), (rw) => { img = BooruImage.FromReader(rw); }); img.Save(ref path, true); } finally { img.Dispose(); } var psi = new ProcessStartInfo(options.Editor, path); Process tool = new Process() { StartInfo = psi }; tool.Start(); Console.Write("Waiting for image editor to exit..."); tool.WaitForExit(); using (BooruImage eImg = BooruImage.FromFile(path)) Request(str, RequestCode.Edit_Image, (rw) => { rw.Write(options.ID); eImg.ToWriter(rw); }, (rw) => { }); } else if (oType == typeof(GetImgOptions)) { GetImgOptions options = (GetImgOptions)commonOptions; BooruImage img = null; try { Request(str, RequestCode.Get_Image, (rw) => rw.Write(options.ID), (rw) => { img = BooruImage.FromReader(rw); }); string path = options.Path; img.Save(ref path, true); } finally { img.Dispose(); } } else if (oType == typeof(SetImgOptions)) { SetImgOptions options = (SetImgOptions)commonOptions; using (BooruImage img = BooruImage.FromFile(options.Path)) Request(str, RequestCode.Edit_Image, (rw) => { rw.Write(options.ID); img.ToWriter(rw); }, (rw) => { }); } else if (oType == typeof(SetImgUrlOptions)) { SetImgUrlOptions options = (SetImgUrlOptions)commonOptions; Console.Write("Downloading image... "); using (BooruImage img = BooruImage.FromURL(options.URL)) { Console.WriteLine("OK"); Request(str, RequestCode.Edit_Image, (rw) => { rw.Write(options.ID); img.ToWriter(rw); }, (rw) => { }); } } else if (oType == typeof(GCOptions)) { Request(str, RequestCode.Start_GC, (rw) => { }, (rw) => { }); } else { throw new Exception("Unknown options type"); } //Logout str.WriteByte(0xFF); str.WriteByte(0xFF); }