public void connect(int connectTimeout) { if(_isConnected) { throw new JSchException("session is already connected"); } io=new IO(); if(random==null) { try { random = (Random)System.Activator.CreateInstance(System.Type.GetType(getConfig("random"))); } catch(Exception e) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine("connect: random "+e); } } Packet.setRandom(random); try { int i, j; //int pad=0; if(proxy==null) { proxy=jsch.getProxy(host); if(proxy!=null) { lock(proxy) { proxy.close(); } } } if(proxy==null) { Stream In; Stream Out; if(socket_factory==null) { socket=Util.createSocket(host, port, connectTimeout); In=new NetworkStream(socket); Out=new NetworkStream(socket); } else { socket=socket_factory.createSocket(host, port); In=socket_factory.getInputStream(socket); Out=socket_factory.getOutputStream(socket); } //if(timeout>0){ socket.setSoTimeout(timeout); } socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.NoDelay, true); io.setInputStream(In); io.setOutputStream(Out); } else { lock (proxy) { proxy.connect(socket_factory, host, port, connectTimeout); io.setInputStream(proxy.getInputStream()); io.setOutputStream(proxy.getOutputStream()); socket=proxy.getSocket(); } } if (connectTimeout > 0 && socket != null) { socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveTimeout, connectTimeout); socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.SendTimeout, connectTimeout); } _isConnected=true; while(true) { i=0; j=0; while(i<buf.buffer.Length) { j=io.getByte(); if(j<0)break; buf.buffer[i]=(byte)j; i++; if(j==10)break; } if(j<0) { throw new JSchException("connection is closed by foreign host"); } if(buf.buffer[i-1]==10) { // 0x0a i--; if(buf.buffer[i-1]==13) { // 0x0d i--; } } if(i>4 && (i!=buf.buffer.Length) && (buf.buffer[0]!='S'||buf.buffer[1]!='S'|| buf.buffer[2]!='H'||buf.buffer[3]!='-')) { //System.err.println(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buf.buffer, 0, i); continue; } if(i==buf.buffer.Length || i<7 || // SSH-1.99 or SSH-2.0 (buf.buffer[4]=='1' && buf.buffer[6]!='9') // SSH-1.5 ) { throw new JSchException("invalid server's version String"); } break; } V_S = new byte[i]; System.Array.Copy(buf.buffer, 0, V_S, 0, i); //System.Console.WriteLine("V_S: ("+i+") ["+Encoding.UTF8.GetString(V_S)+"]"); //io.put(V_C, 0, V_C.Length); io.put("\n".getBytes(), 0, 1); { // Some Cisco devices will miss to read '\n' if it is sent separately. byte[] foo=new byte[V_C.Length+1]; System.Array.Copy(V_C, 0, foo, 0, V_C.Length); foo[foo.Length-1]=(byte)'\n'; io.put(foo, 0, foo.Length); } buf=read(buf); //System.Console.WriteLine("read: 20 ? "+buf.buffer[5]); if(buf.buffer[5]!=SSH_MSG_KEXINIT) { throw new JSchException("invalid protocol: "+buf.buffer[5]); } KeyExchange kex=receive_kexinit(buf); while(true) { buf=read(buf); if(kex.getState()==buf.buffer[5]) { bool; if(!result) { //System.Console.WriteLine("verify: "+result); in_kex=false; throw new JSchException("verify: "+result); } } else { in_kex=false; throw new JSchException("invalid protocol(kex): "+buf.buffer[5]); } if(kex.getState()==KeyExchange.STATE_END) { break; } } try{ checkHost(host, kex); } catch(JSchException ee) { in_kex=false; throw ee; } send_newkeys(); // receive SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS(21) buf=read(buf); //System.Console.WriteLine("read: 21 ? "+buf.buffer[5]); if(buf.buffer[5]==SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS) { receive_newkeys(buf, kex); } else { in_kex=false; throw new JSchException("invalid protocol(newkyes): "+buf.buffer[5]); } bool auth=false; bool auth_cancel=false; UserAuthNone usn=new UserAuthNone(userinfo); auth=usn.start(this); String methods=null; if(!auth) { methods=usn.getMethods(); if(methods!=null) { methods=methods.ToLower(); } else { // methods: publickey,password,keyboard-interactive methods="publickey,password,keyboard-interactive"; } } //loop: while(true) { //System.Console.WriteLine("methods: "+methods); while (!auth && methods != null && methods.Length > 0) { //System.Console.WriteLine(" methods: "+methods); UserAuth us=null; if (methods.StartsWith("publickey")) { //System.Console.WriteLine(" jsch.identities.size()="+jsch.identities.size()); lock(jsch.identities) { if(jsch.identities.Count>0) { us=new UserAuthPublicKey(userinfo); } } } else if (methods.StartsWith("keyboard-interactive")) { if(userinfo is UIKeyboardInteractive) { us=new UserAuthKeyboardInteractive(userinfo); } } else if (methods.StartsWith("password")) { us=new UserAuthPassword(userinfo); } if(us!=null) { try { auth=us.start(this); auth_cancel=false; } catch(JSchAuthCancelException) { //System.Console.WriteLine(ee); auth_cancel=true; } catch(JSchPartialAuthException ee) { methods=ee.getMethods(); //System.Console.WriteLine("PartialAuth: "+methods); auth_cancel=false; continue;//loop; } catch(Exception ee) { System.Console.WriteLine("ee: "+ee); // SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT: 2 Too many authentication failures } } if(!auth) { int comma=methods.IndexOf(","); if(comma==-1) break; methods=methods.Substring(comma+1); } } break; } if (connectTimeout > 0 || timeout > 0) { socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveTimeout, timeout); socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.SendTimeout, timeout); } if(auth) { isAuthed=true; connectThread = new System.Threading.Thread(; connectThread.Name = "Connect thread " + host + " session"; connectThread.Start(); return; } if(auth_cancel) throw new JSchException("Auth cancel"); throw new JSchException("Auth fail"); } catch(Exception e) { in_kex=false; if(_isConnected) { try { packet.reset(); buf.WriteByte((byte)SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT); buf.WriteInt(3); buf.WriteString(e.ToString()); buf.WriteString("en"); write(packet); disconnect(); } catch(Exception) { } } _isConnected=false; //e.printStackTrace(); //if(e is Exception) throw (Exception)e; if(e is JSchException) throw (JSchException)e; throw new JSchException("Session.connect: "+e); } }
public void connect(int connectTimeout) { if(random==null) { try { Type t=Type.GetType(getConfig("random")); random=(Random)(Activator.CreateInstance(t)); } catch(Exception e){ Console.Error.WriteLine("connect: random "+e); } } Packet.setRandom(random); try { int i, j; //int pad=0; if(proxy==null) { proxy=jsch.getProxy(host); if(proxy!=null) { lock(proxy) { proxy.close(); } } } IPEndPoint ipe=null; if(proxy==null) { Stream ins; Stream outs; if(socket_factory==null) { if(connectTimeout==0) { ipe = new IPEndPoint(Dns.GetHostByName(host).AddressList[0], port); socket=new Socket(ipe.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); } // String message=""; // Thread tmp=new Thread(new Runnable(){ // public void run(){ // try{ // sockp[0]=new Socket(host, port); // if(done[0]){ // if(sockp[0]!=null){ // sockp[0].close(); // sockp[0]=null; // } // } // else thread.interrupt(); // } // catch(Exception e){ // ee[0]=e; // thread.interrupt(); // if(sockp[0]!=null){ // try{ // sockp[0].close(); // sockp[0]=null; // }catch(Exception eee){} // } // } // } // }); // tmp.start(); // try{ // Thread.sleep(connectTimeout); // message="timeout: "; // } // catch(java.lang.InterruptedException eee){ // tmp.interrupt(); // tmp=null; // System.gc(); // } // done[0]=true; // if(sockp[0]!=null){ // socket=sockp[0]; // } // else{ // message+="socket is not established"; // if(ee[0]!=null){ // message=ee[0].toString(); // } // throw new JSchException(message); // } // } socket.Connect(ipe); NetworkStream ns = new NetworkStream( socket ); ins=ns; outs=ns; } else { socket=socket_factory.createSocket(host, port); ins=socket_factory.getInputStream(socket); outs=socket_factory.getOutputStream(socket); } if(timeout>0) { socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveTimeout, timeout); } socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.NoDelay, 1); io.setInputStream(ins); io.setOutputStream(outs); } else { lock(proxy) { proxy.connect(this, host, port); io.setInputStream(proxy.getInputStream()); io.setOutputStream(proxy.getOutputStream()); } } isConnected=true; i=0; while(i<buf.buffer.Length) { j=io.getByte(); buf.buffer[i]=(byte)j; i++; if(j==10)break; } if(buf.buffer[i-1]==10) { // 0x0a i--; if(buf.buffer[i-1]==13) { // 0x0d i--; } } if(i==buf.buffer.Length || i<7 || // SSH-1.99 or SSH-2.0 (buf.buffer[4]=='1' && buf.buffer[6]!='9') // SSH-1.5 ) { throw new JSchException("invalid server's version string"); } V_S=new byte[i]; Array.Copy(buf.buffer, 0, V_S, 0, i); //Console.WritLine("V_S: ("+i+") ["+new String(V_S)+"]"); //io.put(V_C, 0, V_C.length); io.put("\n".getBytes(), 0, 1); { // Some Cisco devices will miss to read '\n' if it is sent separately. byte[] foo=new byte[V_C.Length+1]; Array.Copy(V_C, 0, foo, 0, V_C.Length); foo[foo.Length-1]=(byte)'\n'; io.put(foo, 0, foo.Length); } buf=read(buf); //Console.WritLine("read: 20 ? "+buf.buffer[5]); if(buf.buffer[5]!=SSH_MSG_KEXINIT) { throw new JSchException("invalid protocol: "+buf.buffer[5]); } KeyExchange kex=receive_kexinit(buf); bool result; while(true) { buf=read(buf); if(kex.getState()==buf.buffer[5]) {; if(!result) { //Console.WritLine("verify: "+result); throw new JSchException("verify: "+result); } } else { throw new JSchException("invalid protocol(kex): "+buf.buffer[5]); } if(kex.getState()==KeyExchange.STATE_END) { break; } } checkHost(host, kex); send_newkeys(); // receive SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS(21) buf=read(buf); //Console.WritLine("read: 21 ? "+buf.buffer[5]); if(buf.buffer[5]==SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS) { receive_newkeys(buf, kex); } else { throw new JSchException("invalid protocol(newkyes): "+buf.buffer[5]); } bool auth=false; bool auth_cancel=false; UserAuthNone usn=new UserAuthNone(userinfo); auth=usn.start(this); String methods=usn.getMethods(); // methods: publickey,password,keyboard-interactive if(methods==null) { methods="publickey,password,keyboard-interactive"; } //loop: while(true) { //Console.WritLine("methods: "+methods); while(!auth && methods!=null && methods.Length>0) { //Console.WritLine(" methods: "+methods); UserAuth us=null; if(methods.StartsWith("publickey")) { //Console.WritLine(" jsch.identities.size()="+jsch.identities.size()); lock(jsch.identities) { if(jsch.identities.Count>0) { us=new UserAuthPublicKey(userinfo); } } } else if(methods.StartsWith("keyboard-interactive")) { if(userinfo is UIKeyboardInteractive) { us=new UserAuthKeyboardInteractive(userinfo); } } else if(methods.StartsWith("password")) { us=new UserAuthPassword(userinfo); } if(us!=null) { try { auth=us.start(this); auth_cancel=false; } catch(JSchAuthCancelException ee) { Console.WriteLine(ee); auth_cancel=true; } catch(JSchPartialAuthException ee) { methods=ee.getMethods(); //Console.WritLine("PartialAuth: "+methods); auth_cancel=false; continue /*loop*/; } catch(Exception ee) { throw ee; } } if(!auth) { int comma=methods.IndexOf(","); if(comma==-1) break; methods=methods.Substring(comma+1); } } break; } if(auth) { connectThread=new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(run)); connectThread.Start(); return; } if(auth_cancel) throw new JSchException("Auth cancel"); throw new JSchException("Auth fail"); } catch(Exception e) { if(isConnected) { try { packet.reset(); buf.putByte((byte)SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT); buf.putInt(3); buf.putString(Util.getBytes(e.ToString())); buf.putString(Util.getBytes( "en" )); write(packet); disconnect(); } catch { } } isConnected=false; //e.printStackTrace(); //if(e is JSchException) throw (JSchException)e; //throw new JSchException("Session.connect: "+e); throw e; } }