public static ChessMove GetBestMove(ChessBoard board, int depth, Progress progress) { Evaluator e = new Evaluator(); EvaluatedMove root = new EvaluatedMove(null, board); e.Minimax(root, depth, progress); EvaluatedMove[] bestMoves = root.Next.Where(m => (m != null) && (m.BestNextMoveValue == root.BestNextMoveValue)).ToArray(); IOrderedEnumerable<EvaluatedMove> orderedMoves = bestMoves.OrderBy(m => m.MateDepth); //.ThenBy(m => board[m.Move.Source]); if (board.IsBlacksTurn) orderedMoves = orderedMoves.ThenBy(m=>m.AccumulatedMoveValues); else orderedMoves = orderedMoves.ThenByDescending(m => m.AccumulatedMoveValues); EvaluatedMove[] bestOrderedMoves = orderedMoves.ToArray(); if (random == null) random = new Random(); int moveIndex = -1; for (int i = 1; i < bestOrderedMoves.Length; i++ ) { if ((bestOrderedMoves[i].AccumulatedMoveValues != bestOrderedMoves[i - 1].AccumulatedMoveValues) /*|| (board[bestOrderedMoves[i].Move.Source] != board[bestOrderedMoves[i - 1].Move.Source])*/ || (bestOrderedMoves[i].MateDepth != bestOrderedMoves[i-1].MateDepth)) { moveIndex = random.Next(i); break; } } if (moveIndex < 0) moveIndex = random.Next(bestOrderedMoves.Length); return bestOrderedMoves[moveIndex].Move; }
private async void btnCompare_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Directory.Exists(txtFolder1.Text)) throw new ApplicationException("Directory does not exist"); if (!Directory.Exists(txtFolder2.Text)) throw new ApplicationException("Directory does not exist"); if (CurrentWorkspace != null) { traverse.ExcludeFolders.AddRange(CurrentWorkspace.Exclusions); traverse.ExcludePatterns.AddRange(CurrentWorkspace.ExclusionPatterns); } var progressIndicator = new Progress<string>(ReportScanProgress); await traverse.Compare(txtFolder1.Text, txtFolder2.Text, progressIndicator); differences = traverse.Differences; //view = new BindingListView<FileDiff>(differences); //dataGridView1.DataSource = view; lblStatus.Text = string.Format("Scanned {0} directories, {1} differences", traverse.TotalDirectories, traverse.Differences.Count()); DrawTree(DiffType.Lenght | DiffType.LastWritten | DiffType.ExistInSourceOnly | DiffType.ExistInDestinationOnly); }
private async void MeasureButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string message = null; try { var symbol = this.Resources["PolylineSymbol"] as LineSymbol; var progress = new Progress<GeometryEditStatus>(OnStatusUpdated); var geometry = await MyMapView.Editor.RequestShapeAsync(DrawShape.Polyline, symbol, progress); var layer = MyMapView.Map.Layers["ResultLayer"] as GraphicsLayer; if (layer == null) return; layer.Graphics.Clear(); _measurements.Clear(); TotalLength.Text = TotalArea.Text = string.Empty; } catch (TaskCanceledException) { } catch (Exception ex) { message = ex.Message; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message)) await new MessageDialog(message).ShowAsync(); }
public DbOperationThread(etDbOperation eOpType, TestApplet formParent, string sPath) { m_eOperationType = eOpType; m_formParent = formParent; m_sPath = sPath; m_Progress = m_formParent.UpdateProgressBar; }
public async Task TakeSnapshot(IProgress<Tuple<BackupStage, int>> Progress) { Contract.Requires(Progress != null); Progress.Report(Tuple.Create(BackupStage.AppData, 0)); var currentSettings = Settings.CurrentSettings; var currentProfile = Profile.CurrentProfilePath(); var snapshotDir = GetSnapshotPath(currentSettings); var appDataProgress = new Progress<int>(p => Progress.Report(Tuple.Create(BackupStage.AppData, p))); try { using (var isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()) { await isoStore.CopyDirectoryAsync(currentProfile, snapshotDir, appDataProgress); await SaveMultimedia(isoStore, snapshotDir, Progress); SaveCompletedTimeStamp(snapshotDir, isoStore); } } catch (IsolatedStorageException) { //Log throw; } }
private async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { cancelSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); IProgress<int> progress = new Progress<int>((processValue) => { this.progressBar1.Value = processValue; }); this.textBox1.AppendText("Starting work, please wait..."); this.button1.Enabled = false; this.button2.Enabled = true; WasteTimeObject ad = new WasteTimeObject(); ad.ShowProcess += UpdateProgress; try { Task<string> task = Task.Run(() => ad.GetSlowString(1, 10, progress, cancelSource.Token)); DoingSomethings(); this.textBox1.AppendText("\r\nDoingSomethings is over...."); string result = await task; this.textBox1.AppendText(result); this.button2.Enabled = false; } catch (OperationCanceledException) { textBox1.AppendText("\r\nYou canceled the operation...."); } }
/// <summary> /// Train the network using specialized strategies. /// </summary> /// <returns>Whether the training was successful.</returns> public bool Train(IControler controler, Progress progress) { TrainingConfig config = controler.TrainingConfiguration; int patternCount = controler.PatternCount; int epochs = config.AutoTrainingEpochs.Value; int success = (int)(patternCount * config.AutoTrainingPercentSuccessful.Value); int howmany = controler.CountSuccessfulPatterns(); if(howmany >= success) return true; int timeout = epochs; while(timeout-- >= 0) { if(progress != null) progress((int)(100 * (epochs - (double)timeout) / epochs)); for(int i=0;i<patternCount;i++) { controler.SelectShuffledPattern(i); controler.NeuralNetwork.TrainCurrentPattern(true, false); } howmany = controler.CountSuccessfulPatterns(); if(howmany >= success) return true; } // CLEAN UP: //controler.CalculateCurrentNetwork(); return false; }
public MainWindow() { AppInfo.Instance.Value.IsClosing = false; Crypto.LoadKey(); progress = new Progress(this); InitializeComponent(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Properties.Settings.Default.username)) AppInfo.Instance.Value.Username = Crypto.Decrypt(Properties.Settings.Default.username); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Properties.Settings.Default.password)) AppInfo.Instance.Value.Password = Crypto.Decrypt(Properties.Settings.Default.password); login = new Login(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AppInfo.Instance.Value.Username)) { login.ShowDialog(); } git = new Github(AppInfo.Instance.Value.Username, AppInfo.Instance.Value.Password); Initialize(); }
public static async Task Download(this IBlobStorage blob, string key, Action<BlobProgress> progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) return; progress(new BlobProgress(null, BlobProgressState.Running, default(ProgressInBytes))); try { var sizeInBytes = 0; var progressReporter = new Progress<ProgressInBytes>(p => progress(new BlobProgress(null, BlobProgressState.Running, p))); using (var stream = await blob.Get(key, progressReporter, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)) { try { sizeInBytes = (int)stream.Length; } catch (NotSupportedException) { } } var uri = await blob.GetUri(key).ConfigureAwait(false); progress(new BlobProgress(uri, BlobProgressState.Succeeded, new ProgressInBytes(sizeInBytes, sizeInBytes))); } catch { progress(new BlobProgress(null, BlobProgressState.Failed, default(ProgressInBytes))); } }
private async void StartSpam(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var progress = new Progress<string>(s => TextBoxSpam.AppendText(s)); await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => LongWork(progress)); TextBoxSpam.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + "Complete"); }
public async Task<TempPackage> FetchAsync(Package pkg, Progress progress) { var user = pkg.Location.Host; var project = pkg.Location.Segments.Skip(1).SingleOrDefault()?.Trim('/'); var props = pkg.Location.ParseQueryString(); var url = $"{user}/{project}/releases/latest"; using (var httpClient = NetUtils.HttpClient()) { var content = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(url); var json = fastJSON.JSON.Parse(content) as IDictionary<string, object>; var assets = json["assets"] as IList<object>; var asset = NarrowAssets(assets, props); var pkgUrlString = asset["browser_download_url"] as string; Uri pkgUri; if (!Uri.TryCreate(pkgUrlString, UriKind.Absolute, out pkgUri)) { throw new UriFormatException($"Could not parse output from Github API, failed to parse URI: '{pkgUrlString}'"); } var result = new TempPackage { Package = pkg, WorkDirectory = new TempDirectory("winston"), FileName = pkgUri.LastSegment() }; using (var download = File.Open(result.FullPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { await httpClient.DownloadFileAsync(pkgUri, download, progress); } progress?.CompletedDownload(); return result; } }
/// <summary> /// Add the folder into the media library. /// </summary> public void AddFolder(string path) { // make sure the folder isnt already in the list bool exists = false; this.Foreach (delegate (TreeModel model, TreePath tree_path, TreeIter iter) { Folder node = (Folder) model.GetValue (iter, 0); if (node.Path == path) exists = true; return exists; }); // add the folder if it isnt already in the list if (exists) library.MainPage.ThrowError ("The folder is already in the library:\n" + path); else { Folder folder = new Folder (path); this.AppendValues (root_iter, folder); library.MainPage.DataManager.AddFolder (folder); // load the files within the directory Progress progress = new Progress (library.MediaBox); progress.Start (Utils.FileCount (path)); progress.Push ("Waiting in queue: " + Utils.GetFolderName (path)); // queue process delegate_queue.Enqueue (delegate { addDirRecurse (path, progress, folder); progress.End (); }); } }
public void InstallUpdateUninstall() { var service = GetPackageService(); var progress = new Progress<ProgressMessage>(WriteProgressMessage); ListModules(service); service.Install(@"source\", progress); ListModules(service); service.Install(@"source\", progress); ListModules(service); service.Install(@"source\", progress); ListModules(service); service.Update("TestModule2", @"source\", progress); ListModules(service); service.Update("TestModule1", @"source\", progress); ListModules(service); service.Update("TestModule2", @"source\", progress); ListModules(service); service.Uninstall("TestModule1", progress); ListModules(service); service.Uninstall("TestModule2", progress); ListModules(service); service.Uninstall("TestModule1", progress); ListModules(service); }
private async void ImportImages() { var dialog = new CommonOpenFileDialog(); dialog.Filters.Add(new CommonFileDialogFilter("Images", "png,gif,jpg,jpeg,bmp")); dialog.Title = "Select Images"; dialog.EnsureFileExists = true; dialog.EnsurePathExists = true; dialog.EnsureReadOnly = false; dialog.EnsureValidNames = true; dialog.Multiselect = true; dialog.ShowPlacesList = true; if (dialog.ShowDialog() != CommonFileDialogResult.Ok) return; var images = dialog.FileNames .Where(p => System.IO.File.Exists(p)) .Select(p => PromptImage(new BitmapImage(new Uri(p)), p)) .Where(m => m != null) .ToList(); var reporter = new Progress<ProgressDialogState>(); var stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); var progress = ProgressDialog.Open(reporter, stopwatch); stopwatch.Start(); await _importer.AddImagesAsync(images, reporter); stopwatch.Stop(); progress.Close(); RefreshSheet(); }
private void bSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var text = tSearch.Text.Trim(); if(text.Length > 0) { flpProduct.Controls.Clear(); Progress<ProductItem> itemProgress = new Progress<ProductItem>( pi => { flpProduct.Invoke( (MethodInvoker)delegate { flpProduct.Controls.Add(pi); }); }); //await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => LoadingThread.LoadProduct(@"Select * from inventory where title like '%" + text + "%'", itemProgress)); new Loading("Searching product", () => LoadingThread.LoadProduct(@"Select * from inventory where title like '%" + text + "%'", itemProgress)); flpMessage.Visible = false; flpProduct.Visible = true; } else { flpMessage.Visible = true; flpProduct.Visible = false; } }
public async void ReadMyXML(string year, string month) { Albums = new Albums(); Progress<int> progress = new Progress<int>((p) => { ProgressPercent = p; }); BasicFileDownloader bidl = new BasicFileDownloader(ToAbsoluteUri("xmlalbums.aspx?ay=" + year + "&am=" + month)); IRandomAccessStream s = await bidl.DownloadAsync(progress); XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); settings.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Fragment; settings.IgnoreWhitespace = true; settings.IgnoreComments = true; settings.Async = true; XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(s.AsStream(), settings); reader.ReadStartElement("Model"); reader.ReadStartElement("Albums"); Count = 0; while (reader.IsStartElement()) { string albumid = reader[0]; string album = reader[2]; string str = reader[1]; str = str.Replace("_s.jpg", ""); uint count = 0; if (uint.TryParse(reader[3], out count)) { Album m = new Album(albumid, album, str, count); Albums.Add(m); Count += m.Count; } await reader.ReadAsync(); } }
public async Task WorkWithImageFileByteArrayTestAsync() { var progressEncrypt = new Progress<StreamCryptorTaskAsyncProgress>(); var progressDecrypt = new Progress<StreamCryptorTaskAsyncProgress>(); progressEncrypt.ProgressChanged += (s, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Encrypting: " + e.ProgressPercentage + "%\n"); }; progressDecrypt.ProgressChanged += (s, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Decrypting: " + e.ProgressPercentage + "%\n"); }; var rawFile = Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, "Testfiles", "MyAwesomeChipmunkKiller.jpg"); var outputDirectory = Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, "Testfiles", "decrypted"); const string privateKey = "31d9040b00a170532929b37db0afcb989e4175f96e5f9667ee8cbf5706679a71"; const string publicKey = "6d0deec730700f9f60687a4e6e8755157ca22ea2f3815b9bf14b1fe9ae6a0b4d"; var keyPair = new KeyPair(Utilities.HexToBinary(publicKey), Utilities.HexToBinary(privateKey)); Console.Write("Encrypting testfile . . .\n"); var encryptedFile = await Cryptor.EncryptFileWithStreamAsync(keyPair.PrivateKey, keyPair.PublicKey, Utilities.HexToBinary(publicKey), rawFile, progressEncrypt, outputDirectory, ".test", true); Console.Write("Decrypting testfile . . .\n"); var decryptedFileObject = await Cryptor.DecryptFileWithStreamAsync(keyPair.PrivateKey, Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, outputDirectory, encryptedFile), progressDecrypt); Console.Write("Get checksum of testfiles . . .\n"); Assert.AreEqual(Utils.GetChecksum(rawFile), Utils.GetChecksum(decryptedFileObject.FileData)); //clear garbage File.Delete(Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, outputDirectory, encryptedFile)); }
private async void DoBackgroundWork(Task action, Progress<double> progress) { if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressChanged += progress_ProgressChanged; this.progressBar.IsIndeterminate = false; } else { this.progressBar.IsIndeterminate = true; } try { action.Start(); await action; } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.WriteToErrorLog(ex.ToString()); Dialogs.Error("Error during asynchronous operation (see error log)."); } finally { if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressChanged -= progress_ProgressChanged; } } this.CanClose = true; this.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a list of paths for all checked plugins, then starts a task to load plugin data. /// Handles all work that should be done after task loading. /// </summary> /// <param name="items">ListView items to check against for plugins to load.</param> public static async void StartPluginLoading(IEnumerable items) { // Build paths using the local data directory and the known plugin names. var paths = (from ListViewItem item in items where item.Checked select Path.Combine(Settings.DataPath, item.Text)).ToArray(); // Used to update the listview each time a plugin loads var progress = new Progress<string>(update => { PluginListWindow.Instance.UpdateList(); }); // Inform the user we're starting to load Messenger.AddMessage("Starting plugin loading..."); // Start loading var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => OpenPlugins(paths, progress)); // Continuation events after main plugin loading await task.ContinueWith(t => { Messenger.AddMessage("Finished loading plugins."); }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion); // Todo: Fire off ESP# function to background load/refresh reference data }
public async void DecryptionCancellationTestAsync() { var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var progressEncrypt = new Progress<StreamCryptorTaskAsyncProgress>(); var progressDecrypt = new Progress<StreamCryptorTaskAsyncProgress>(); progressEncrypt.ProgressChanged += (s, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Encrypting: " + e.ProgressPercentage + "%\n"); }; progressDecrypt.ProgressChanged += (s, e) => { if (e.ProgressPercentage > 10) { cancellationTokenSource.Cancel(); } Console.WriteLine("Decrypting: " + e.ProgressPercentage + "%\n"); }; var RAW_FILE = Path.Combine("Testfiles", "MyAwesomeChipmunkKiller.jpg"); var OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = Path.Combine("Testfiles", "decrypted"); const string PRIVATE_KEY = "31d9040b00a170532929b37db0afcb989e4175f96e5f9667ee8cbf5706679a71"; const string PUBLIC_KEY = "6d0deec730700f9f60687a4e6e8755157ca22ea2f3815b9bf14b1fe9ae6a0b4d"; var keyPair = new KeyPair(Utilities.HexToBinary(PUBLIC_KEY), Utilities.HexToBinary(PRIVATE_KEY)); Console.Write("Encrypting testfile . . .\n"); var encryptedFile = await Cryptor.EncryptFileWithStreamAsync(keyPair.PrivateKey, keyPair.PublicKey, Utilities.HexToBinary(PUBLIC_KEY), RAW_FILE, progressEncrypt, OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, ".test", true, cancellationTokenSource.Token); Console.Write("Decrypting testfile . . .\n"); var decryptedFile = await Cryptor.DecryptFileWithStreamAsync(keyPair.PrivateKey, Path.Combine(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, encryptedFile), OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, progressDecrypt, cancellationToken: cancellationTokenSource.Token); }
public void DecryptionCancellationTestAsync() { var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var progressEncrypt = new Progress<StreamCryptorTaskAsyncProgress>(); var progressDecrypt = new Progress<StreamCryptorTaskAsyncProgress>(); progressEncrypt.ProgressChanged += (s, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Encrypting: " + e.ProgressPercentage + "%\n"); }; progressDecrypt.ProgressChanged += (s, e) => { if (e.ProgressPercentage > 10) { cancellationTokenSource.Cancel(); } Console.WriteLine("Decrypting: " + e.ProgressPercentage + "%\n"); }; var rawFile = Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, "Testfiles", "MyAwesomeChipmunkKiller.jpg"); var outputDirectory = Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, "Testfiles", "decrypted"); const string privateKey = "31d9040b00a170532929b37db0afcb989e4175f96e5f9667ee8cbf5706679a71"; const string publicKey = "6d0deec730700f9f60687a4e6e8755157ca22ea2f3815b9bf14b1fe9ae6a0b4d"; var keyPair = new KeyPair(Utilities.HexToBinary(publicKey), Utilities.HexToBinary(privateKey)); Console.Write("Encrypting testfile . . .\n"); var encryptedFile = Cryptor.EncryptFileWithStream(keyPair.PrivateKey, keyPair.PublicKey, Utilities.HexToBinary(publicKey), rawFile, outputDirectory, ".test", true); Console.Write("Decrypting testfile . . .\n"); Assert.ThrowsAsync<TaskCanceledException>(async () => await Cryptor.DecryptFileWithStreamAsync(keyPair.PrivateKey, Path.Combine(outputDirectory, encryptedFile), outputDirectory, progressDecrypt, cancellationToken: cancellationTokenSource.Token)); }
private static void WriteProgress(Progress callback, string message, params string[] args) { if (callback == null) return; callback(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, message, args)); }
private async void getInfo() { StorageFile myDB; try { string address = @""; StorageFile tempFile2 = await Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFileAsync("info", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); BackgroundDownloader manager2 = new BackgroundDownloader(); var operation = manager2.CreateDownload(new Uri(address), tempFile2); IProgress<DownloadOperation> progressH = new Progress<DownloadOperation>((p) => { }); await operation.StartAsync().AsTask(progressH); myDB = await Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFileAsync("info"); // Read the data var alldata = await Windows.Storage.FileIO.ReadLinesAsync(myDB); string[] datalines = new string[alldata.Count]; Int32 ko = 0; foreach (var line in alldata) { datalines[ko] = line.ToString(); ko++; infoBlockMain.Text += line.ToString() + "\r\n"; } await myDB.DeleteAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog("Ошибка загрузки информации. Проверьте ваше соединение или попробуйте позже.", "Ошибка загрузки"); } }
public override async void receive_file(String devicename, String add, int not) { try { _httpurl = new Uri(add); _httpprogress = new Progress<HttpProgress>(ProgressHandler); HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(new HttpMethod("GET"), _httpurl); HttpBaseProtocolFilter filter = new HttpBaseProtocolFilter(); filter.CacheControl.ReadBehavior = HttpCacheReadBehavior.MostRecent; filter.CacheControl.WriteBehavior = HttpCacheWriteBehavior.NoCache; _httpclient = new HttpClient(filter); _cancel_token_source = new CancellationTokenSource(); _cancel_token = _cancel_token_source.Token; scan_network_speed(); _stopwatch.Start(); _httpresponse = await _httpclient.SendRequestAsync(request).AsTask(_cancel_token, _httpprogress); StorageFolder folder = KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary; StorageFile file = await folder.CreateFileAsync(this.filepath, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); IRandomAccessStream filestream = await file.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite); IOutputStream filewriter = filestream.GetOutputStreamAt(0); _datawriter = new DataWriter(filewriter); _timer.Cancel(); _transferspeed /= 1024; _message = format_message(_stopwatch.Elapsed, "Transferspeed", _transferspeed.ToString(), " kB/s"); this.callback.on_transfer_speed_change(_message, this.results); this.main_view.text_to_logs(_message.Replace("\t", " ")); _stopwatch.Stop(); _buffer = await _httpresponse.Content.ReadAsBufferAsync(); _datawriter.WriteBuffer(_buffer); await _datawriter.StoreAsync(); _datawriter.Dispose(); filewriter.Dispose(); filestream.Dispose(); _httpresponse.Content.Dispose(); _httpresponse.Dispose(); _httpclient.Dispose(); _message = format_message(_stopwatch.Elapsed, "File Transfer", "OK", this.filepath); this.callback.on_file_received(_message, this.results); this.main_view.text_to_logs(_message.Replace("\t", " ")); } catch (Exception e) { append_error_tolog(e, _stopwatch.Elapsed, ""); } }
public async Task Upload() { if (State == CANCELED) return; State = UPLOADING; CTS = new CancellationTokenSource(); await Task.Delay(5000); Progress = new Progress<HttpProgress>(HandleProgress); var base64Image = await GetBase64(file); var response = await Images.UploadImage(base64Image, CTS.Token, Progress, Title, Description); if (response.IsError) { if (response.Error is TaskCanceledException) { State = CANCELED; Message = "Upload was canceled"; } else { State = ERROR; Message = string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.Message) ? response?.Error?.Message : response.Message; } } else { State = SUCCESSFUL; Response = new GalleryItem(response.Content); Message = "Tap here to edit"; } }
private async void BeforePrint() { try { Progress<PrintProgressValue> progress = new Progress<PrintProgressValue>(); progress.ProgressChanged += (sender, args) => { this.progress.Maximum = args.MaxValue; this.progress.Value = args.CurrentValue; this.lbl_Info.Content = string.Format("当前正发送第 {0} 个数据,共 {1} 个数据" , args.CurrentValue, args.MaxValue); }; await TaskEx.Delay(2);//等待2秒,显示UI await TaskEx.Run(() => { //标识打印状态 printState = PrintState.开始打印; BeginPrint(progress); }); btn_QuitOrChanel.Content = "关 闭"; lbl_Info.Content = isCancel ? "打印已取消" : "打印已完成"; if (isCancel) this.Close();//如果是点击的取消则退出界面,如果是打印正常完成则停留在此界面 } catch (Exception ex) { ModernDialog.ShowMessage(ex.Message, "消息", MessageBoxButton.OK); } }
public static ProgressDialog Open(Progress<ProgressDialogState> reporter, Stopwatch stopwatch = null) { var box = new ProgressDialog(); var vm = new ProgressDialogViewModel(box, reporter, stopwatch); box.DataContext = vm; return box; }
private static async Task DownloadToCacheFileAsync(Uri uri, string fileName, IProgress<int> progress) { try { using (var client = new HttpClient()) { var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, uri); var response = await client.SendAsync(request); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); long length = response.Content.Headers.ContentLength ?? 0; using (var responseStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync()) using (var fileStream = await CreateTempFileStreamAsync(fileName)) { IProgress<long> absoluteProgress = null; if (progress != null) { absoluteProgress = new Progress<long>(bytesCopied => { if (length > 0) progress.Report((int) (100*bytesCopied/length)); else progress.Report(-1); }); } await responseStream.CopyToAsync(fileStream, absoluteProgress); } } } catch { await DeleteTempFileAsync(fileName); throw; } }
private async void NewSearch() { shouldStop = true; await currentTask; string folder = Model.Folder; Func<string, bool> predicate = s => Path.GetFileName(s).Contains(Model.Keyword); var progress = new Progress<string>(); progress.ProgressChanged += (sender, e) => Model.Result.Add(e); Model.Result.Clear(); shouldStop = false; Model.State = "Searching…"; currentTask = Task.Run(() => { Dfs(folder, predicate, progress); }); await currentTask; Model.State = "Done."; }
public SyncingPrintersPage() : base("Close") { TextWidget syncingText = new TextWidget("Syncing Profiles...".Localize(),textColor: ActiveTheme.Instance.PrimaryTextColor); syncingDetails = new TextWidget("Retrieving sync information...".Localize(), textColor: ActiveTheme.Instance.PrimaryTextColor, pointSize:10); syncingDetails.AutoExpandBoundsToText = true; contentRow.AddChild(syncingText); contentRow.AddChild(syncingDetails); Progress<SyncReportType> progress = new Progress<SyncReportType>(ReportProgress); ApplicationController.SyncPrinterProfiles("SyncingPrintersPage.ctor()", progress).ContinueWith((task) => { if (!ProfileManager.Instance.ActiveProfiles.Any()) { // Switch to setup wizard if no profiles exist WizardWindow.ChangeToSetupPrinterForm(); } else if (ProfileManager.Instance.ActiveProfiles.Count() == 1) { //Set as active printer ActiveSliceSettings.SwitchToProfile(ProfileManager.Instance.ActiveProfiles.First().ID); // only close the window if we are not switching to the setup printer form UiThread.RunOnIdle(WizardWindow.Close); } else // multiple printers - close the window { UiThread.RunOnIdle(WizardWindow.Close); } }); footerRow.AddChild(new HorizontalSpacer()); footerRow.AddChild(cancelButton); }
protected Task <string> BuildTask(string filePath) { var progress = new FileCopyProgress(ReportProgress); return(FileCopier.CopyFileAsync(filePath, PathService.Destination, progress, CancellationTokenSource.Token)); }