//Id des blocs en mémoires public GrilleHoraire(Graphics grfx, Loader loader, DateTime date) { gfx = grfx; this.loader = loader; //DateTime renvoyer par la fonction getweekrange() laDate = date; //DateTime et une addition de timespan DateTime lundi = laDate; DateTime mardi = laDate.Add(new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0)); DateTime mercredi = laDate.Add(new TimeSpan(48, 0, 0)); DateTime jeudi = laDate.Add(new TimeSpan(72, 0, 0)); DateTime vendredi = laDate.Add(new TimeSpan(96, 0, 0)); DateTime samedi = laDate.Add(new TimeSpan(120, 0, 0)); DateTime dimanche = laDate.Subtract(new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0)); //Création des jours - ajouter les blocs existants jours[0] = new GrilleJour("Dimanche", dimanche, 1, 40, 20, grfx, loader, this); jours[1] = new GrilleJour("Lundi", lundi, 2, 140, 20, grfx, loader, this); jours[2] = new GrilleJour("Mardi", mardi, 3, 240, 20, grfx, loader, this); jours[3] = new GrilleJour("Mercredi", mercredi, 4, 340, 20, grfx, loader, this); jours[4] = new GrilleJour("Jeudi", jeudi, 5, 440, 20, grfx, loader, this); jours[5] = new GrilleJour("Vendredi", vendredi, 6, 540, 20, grfx, loader, this); jours[6] = new GrilleJour("Samedi", samedi, 7, 640, 20, grfx, loader, this); }
public void GenerateNextEntrance(DateTime currentTime) { TimeSpan timeBetweenTwoEnter = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(Math.Round(RandomEngine.GetExpo(12))); // Const if (World.Instance != null) { if (World.Instance.MnuChkFastEntrance.IsChecked) { while (timeBetweenTwoEnter.TotalMinutes > 30) { timeBetweenTwoEnter = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(Math.Round(RandomEngine.GetExpo(12))); } } } DateTime entraneTime = currentTime.Add(timeBetweenTwoEnter); if (entraneTime > EndTime) { //NO More Entrance! } else { EventList.Add(new FutureEvent(Events.Arrival, currentTime.Add(timeBetweenTwoEnter))); } }
internal override async Task StartPing() { _lastActivity = DateTime.Now.Add(_pingTimeout); _pingInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Math.Max(500, _pingTimeout.TotalMilliseconds / 2)); while (_connection.IsConnected) { await Task.Delay(_pingInterval).ConfigureAwait(false); try { var now = DateTime.Now; if (_lastActivity.Add(_pingTimeout) < now) { _connection.Close(WebSocketCloseReasons.GoingAway); } else if (_lastActivity.Add(_pingInterval) < now) { _connection.WriteInternal(_pingBuffer, 0, true, false, WebSocketFrameOption.Ping, WebSocketExtensionFlags.None); } } catch(Exception ex) { DebugLog.Fail("BandwidthSavingPing.StartPing", ex); _connection.Close(WebSocketCloseReasons.ProtocolError); } } }
private static bool IntersectDates(DateTime one, DateTime two, TimeSpan tone, TimeSpan ttwo) { if (one == two || one.Add(tone) == two.Add(ttwo)) { return false; } else if (one < two) { if (one.Add(tone) > two) { return false; } if (one.Add(tone) > two.Add(ttwo)) { return false; } } else { if (two.Add(ttwo) > one) { return false; } if (one.Add(tone) < two.Add(ttwo)) { return false; } } return true; }
private void Image_Tap(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e) { if (cyclePivot.Items.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please define at least one cycle before continuing", "No cycles have been defined", MessageBoxButton.OK); return; } dateTimeRunning = DateTime.Now; dateTimeEnd = dateTimeRunning.Add((TimeSpan)timeSpanPicker.Value); int i = currentCycle; //for (int i = 0; i < App.ViewModel.CycleCounter - 1; i++) //{ DateTime dtEnd = dateTimeEndCycles[i]; DateTime dtRunning = dateTimeRunningCycles[i]; PivotItem pItem = (PivotItem)cyclePivot.Items[i]; TimeSpanPicker picker = (TimeSpanPicker)pItem.Content; dateTimeEndCycles[i] = dateTimeRunning.Add((TimeSpan)picker.Value); dateTimeRunningCycles[i] = DateTime.Now; //} //Time is zero, so exit if (timeSpanPicker.Value == TimeSpan.FromTicks(0)) return; PlayPause.Source = (ImageSource)new ImageSourceConverter().ConvertFromString("Images/appbar.transport.pause.rest.png"); if (!dispatcherTimer.IsEnabled) { dispatcherTimer.Start(); } else { dispatcherTimer.Stop(); PlayPause.Source = (ImageSource)new ImageSourceConverter().ConvertFromString("Images/appbar.transport.play.rest.png"); } }
protected override async Task FillGuide(DateTime date) { Queue<TimeSpan> newsQueue=new Queue<TimeSpan>(5); TimeSpan previousTime=new TimeSpan(-1); foreach (Match match in broadcastRx.Matches( await client.DownloadStringTaskAsync(string.Concat("http://echo.msk.ru/schedule/", date.ToString(@"yyyy\-MM\-dd"), ".html")))) { GroupCollection groups=match.Groups; string title=htmlRx.Replace(groups["title"].Success ? groups["title"].Value:groups["notice"].Value, string.Empty); Match newsMatch=newsRx.Match(title); if (newsMatch.Success) { newsQueue.Clear(); title=newsMatch.Groups["caption"].Value; foreach (Capture cap in newsMatch.Groups["time"].Captures) newsQueue.Enqueue(TimeSpan.Parse(cap.Value.Substring(0, 5))); // Substring lai atstātu tikai laiku. } var sb=new StringBuilder(); if (groups["title"].Success && groups["notice"].Value.Length != 0) sb.Append(groups["notice"].Value); AddPeople("guests", "Гость ", "Гости ", sb, groups); AddPeople("presenters", "Ведущий ", "Ведущие ", sb, groups); TimeSpan time=TimeSpan.Parse(groups["time"].Value); while (newsQueue.Count != 0 && time >= newsQueue.Peek()) { TimeSpan newsTime=newsQueue.Dequeue(); if (time != newsTime) AddBroadcast(date.Add(newsTime), "Новости", null, null); } if (time == previousTime) continue; AddBroadcast(date.Add(time), quoteRx.Replace(title.Replace(""", "\""), "«$1»"), sb.Length != 0 ? sb.ToString():null, groups["url"].Success ? groups["url"].Value:null); previousTime=time; } }
public bool IsRoomAvailable(Guid eventId, Room room, DateTime start, DateTime end) { if (room.EndTime < room.StartTime) { if (room.EndTime < room.StartTime) { if ((new TimeSpan(start.Hour, start.Minute, 0)).Ticks < (new TimeSpan(room.StartTime.Hours, room.StartTime.Minutes, room.StartTime.Seconds)).Ticks) start = start.AddDays(1); if ((new TimeSpan(end.Hour, end.Minute, 0)).Ticks < (new TimeSpan(room.StartTime.Hours, room.StartTime.Minutes, room.StartTime.Seconds)).Ticks) end = end.AddDays(1); } } var isEventRoomBooked = BookedRooms.Where(x => !x.EventRoom.Event.IsDeleted && x.EventRoom.EventID != eventId && x.EventRoom.RoomID == room.ID).Any(x => IsDateBetweenAnotherTwo(start, end, x.StartTimeEx) || IsDateBetweenAnotherTwo(x.StartTimeEx, x.EndTimeEx, start) || IsDateBetweenAnotherTwo(x.StartTimeEx, x.EndTimeEx, end.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 0, -1, 0))) || IsDateBetweenAnotherTwo(start, end, x.EndTimeEx.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 0, -1, 0)))); var isEventCateringBooked = BookedCaterings.Where(x => !x.EventCatering.Event.IsDeleted && x.EventCatering.EventID != eventId && x.EventCatering.RoomID == room.ID).Any(x => IsDateBetweenAnotherTwo(start, end, x.StartTimeEx) || IsDateBetweenAnotherTwo(x.StartTimeEx, x.EndTimeEx, start) || IsDateBetweenAnotherTwo(x.StartTimeEx, x.EndTimeEx, end.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 0, -1, 0))) || IsDateBetweenAnotherTwo(start, end, x.EndTimeEx.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 0, -1, 0)))); var isRoomBooked = isEventRoomBooked || isEventCateringBooked; return !isRoomBooked; }
public static DateTime ConvertFromSubsonicTimestamp(double timestamp, bool asLocalTime = true) { DateTime origin = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); TimeSpan ts = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timestamp / 1000); //subsonic seems to measure in ms rather than seconds if (asLocalTime) return origin.Add(ts).ToLocalTime(); return origin.Add(ts); }
protected override async Task FillGuide(DateTime date) { // Nolasīto bloku saturs. Viens [bloka] raidījums var būt vairākas reizes dienā, bet tam atbilst viena bloka lappuse. var episodes=new Dictionary<int, Episode>(12); bool previousIsPast=true; // Vai iepriekšējais bloks ir pagātnē. Lieto pašreizējā bloka noteikšanai (jo tas nekā neizceļās). string episodeCaption=null; // Pašreizējā bloka nosaukums. var sb=new StringBuilder(200); foreach (var xEpisode in await GetFragments("http://radiomayak.ru/schedule/index/date/"+date.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"))) { string className=xEpisode.Attribute("class").Value; if (className == "b-schedule__list-sub-list") { // Dienas programmā pašreizējais bloks ir izvērsts, paņem no tā visus raidījumus. foreach (var fragment in xEpisode.Elements("div")) { var data=fragment.Element("div").Elements("div"); AddBroadcast(date.Add(TimeSpan.Parse(data.ElementAt(0).Value.Substring(0, 5))), // hh:mm GetCaption(data, episodeCaption), GetDescription(data, sb)); } } else { var data=xEpisode.Element("div").Elements("div"); var link=data.ElementAt(1).Element("h5").Element("a"); if (previousIsPast && !className.EndsWith("past-show")) { // Tā kā pirmais bloka raidījums sākas kopā ar bloku, iegaumē tikai tā nosaukumu. episodeCaption=link.Value; } else { if (episodeCaption == null) { // Raidījumiem pirms pašreizējā paņem tikai bloka laiku un nosaukumu. AddBroadcast(date.Add(TimeSpan.Parse(data.ElementAt(0).Value)), // hh:mm link.Value, null); } else { episodeCaption=link.Value; string episodeTime=data.ElementAt(0).Value; // hh:mm int id=int.Parse(idRx.Match(link.Attribute("href").Value).Groups[1].Value); Episode episode; if (!episodes.TryGetValue(id, out episode)) { // Nākošajiem raidījumiem bloka saturu izgūst no atsevišķas lappuses. episode=new Episode(await GetFragments("http://radiomayak.ru"+link.Attribute("href").Value)); episodes.Add(id, episode); } bool inBlock=false; // Vai pašreizējie bloka raidījumi atbilst atlasāmajam laikam. for (int n=episode.StartIdx; n < episode.FragmentsCount; n++) { var fragment=episode.Fragments.ElementAt(n); data=fragment.Element("div").Elements("div"); if (data.Count() == 2) { // Starp blokiem ir atdalītāji, kurus veido mazāk div elementu. if (inBlock) { episode.StartIdx=n+1; break; } continue; } string fragmentTime=data.ElementAt(0).Value.Substring(0, 5); // hh:mm (Substring nogriež atdalītāju un beigu laiku) if (episodeTime == fragmentTime) inBlock=true; if (inBlock) AddBroadcast(date.Add(TimeSpan.Parse(fragmentTime)), GetCaption(data, episodeCaption), GetDescription(data, sb)); } } } previousIsPast=className.EndsWith("past-show"); } } }
public void AreEqualsValidatesDatesWithinThreshold() { var date1 = new DateTime(2016, 3, 1, 12, 34, 56); var date2 = date1.Add(1.Seconds()); LoggerAssert.AreEqual(date1, date2, 2.Seconds(), "Dates should be equal +/- 2 seconds"); var date3 = date1.Add(5.Seconds()); TestUtils.ExpectException<AssertFailedException>(() => LoggerAssert.AreEqual(date1, date3, 2.Seconds(), "This assert should fail!"), "5 seconds are too big a difference..."); }
static void Main(string[] args) { long javams = 1339714653449L; DateTime UTCBaseTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); DateTime dt = UTCBaseTime.Add(new TimeSpan(javams * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond)).ToLocalTime(); System.Console.Out.WriteLine(dt.Ticks); System.Console.Out.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.Ticks); System.Console.Out.WriteLine(DateTime.Parse("2012.06.14 02:57:23")); System.Console.Out.WriteLine(new DateTime(dt.Ticks)); System.Console.Out.WriteLine(new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Ticks)); double Latitude = ConvertCoordinates("N4753.0418"); double Longitude = ConvertCoordinates("E00820.8429"); double Altitude = double.Parse("1015.4", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); System.Console.Out.WriteLine(new DateTime(634755390850000000).AddDays(-1)); System.Console.Out.WriteLine(new DateTime(UTCBaseTime.Add(new TimeSpan(1339942290000L * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond)).Ticks)); // Type serviceType = typeof(LiveInputService.LiveInputServiceImpl); // ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(serviceType,new Uri[]{new Uri("gps")}); //host.Open(); // AnrlService.AnrlServiceImpl service = new AnrlService.AnrlServiceImpl(); // service.start(); Thread.Sleep(Int32.MaxValue); /*int PORT = 1337; TcpListener server; server = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, PORT); server.Start(); server.BeginAcceptTcpClient(ClientConnected, server); Thread.Sleep(Int32.MaxValue); /* AnrlDB.AnrlDataContext db = new AnrlDB.AnrlDataContext(); db.DatabaseExists(); db.CreateDatabase();*/ /* string path = @"C:\Users\Helios6x\Downloads\flags_style1_medium"; DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(path); AnrlDB.AnrlDataContext db = new AnrlDB.AnrlDataContext(); foreach (FileInfo fi in dir.GetFiles().Where(p=>p.Extension==".png")) { Image i = Image.FromFile(fi.FullName); t_Picture pic = new t_Picture(); pic.Name = fi.Name.Replace(fi.Extension,"").Trim(); pic.isFlag = true; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); i.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); pic.Data = ms.ToArray(); db.t_Pictures.InsertOnSubmit(pic); } db.SubmitChanges();*/ }
private myCoord getCorner() { const float eps = 0.00006f; //epsilon value, dictates precision for the variance myCoord sample = new myCoord(); //sample data we get after each time span Queue <float> xQueue = new Queue <float>(10); //queues for the x, y, z values Queue <float> yQueue = new Queue <float>(10); //we get data every 0.2 seconds, and stop when we detect that the Queue <float> zQueue = new Queue <float>(10); //hand has stayed still for 2 seconds, hence analyse the last 10 values System.DateTime t1 = System.DateTime.Now; //current time System.TimeSpan span = new System.TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 200); //time span of 0.2 seconds between each sampling of the position System.DateTime t3 = new System.DateTime(); //time at which we have to get the new sample //fill the queues with the initial 10 samples while (xQueue.Count < 10) { t3 = t1.Add(span); //when we get the next round of data xQueue.Enqueue(xCoord); yQueue.Enqueue(yCoord); zQueue.Enqueue(zCoord); //get current round of data //wait until next round while (t1 < t3) { t1 = System.DateTime.Now; } } //compute the initial variances of position data float xVar = Variance(xQueue); float yVar = Variance(yQueue); float zVar = Variance(zQueue); //while the variances are to high, meaning the hand isn't still, keep tracking the hand while ((xVar > eps | yVar > eps | zVar > eps) || (xQueue.Average() == 0 && yQueue.Average() == 0 && zQueue.Average() == 0)) { t3 = t1.Add(span); //when we get next round of data xQueue.Dequeue(); yQueue.Dequeue(); zQueue.Dequeue(); //discard old data xQueue.Enqueue(xCoord); yQueue.Enqueue(yCoord); zQueue.Enqueue(zCoord); //get current round xVar = Variance(xQueue); yVar = Variance(yQueue); zVar = Variance(zQueue); //compute new variance //wait until next round while (t1 < t3) { t1 = System.DateTime.Now; } } //when the hand hasn't moved return it's position, averaging over the last 10 positions sample.X = xQueue.Average(); sample.Y = yQueue.Average(); sample.Z = zQueue.Average(); Console.Beep(); //give an audio confirmation to the user return(sample); }
public static bool CheckAvail(this TableAvailability ta, DateTime date, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime) { var TAStartTime = date.Add(DateTime.ParseExact(ta.StartTime.Trim(), "h:mm tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).TimeOfDay); var TAEndTime = date.Add(DateTime.ParseExact(ta.EndTime.Trim(), "h:mm tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).TimeOfDay); if ((TAStartTime <= startTime && TAEndTime >= endTime) || (TAStartTime >= startTime && TAEndTime <= endTime) || (TAStartTime < startTime && TAEndTime > startTime) || (TAStartTime < endTime && TAEndTime > endTime)) return true; else return false; }
public EPGEntry(ushort service, string name, string description, DateTime start, TimeSpan duration) { // Main Text = string.Format("{0} (0x{0:x})", service); // Load all SubItems.Add(start.ToString()); SubItems.Add(start.Add(duration).TimeOfDay.ToString()); SubItems.Add(name); SubItems.Add(description); // Create for compare CompareData = new object[] { service, start, start.Add(duration), name }; }
public void SetSuccessTest() { TimeSpan utcOffset = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(System.DateTime.Now); System.DateTime timeStamp1 = new System.DateTime(2014, 6, 17, 23, 42, 33); System.DateTime timeStamp2 = new System.DateTime(2014, 6, 17, 23, 44, 35); System.DateTime timeStamp3 = new System.DateTime(2014, 6, 17, 23, 59, 01); using (mocks.Ordered) { Expect.Once.On(mockDateTime).GetProperty("UtcNow").Will(Return.Value(timeStamp1)); Expect.Once.On(mockDateTime).GetProperty("UtcNow").Will(Return.Value(timeStamp2)); Expect.Once.On(mockDateTime).GetProperty("UtcNow").Will(Return.Value(timeStamp3)); Expect.Once.On(mockStreamWriter).Method("WriteLine").With(timeStamp1.Add(utcOffset).ToString(dateTimeFormat) + " | " + new TestAvailableMemoryMetric(0).Name + " | " + 301156000); Expect.Once.On(mockStreamWriter).Method("Flush"); Expect.Once.On(mockStreamWriter).Method("WriteLine").With(timeStamp2.Add(utcOffset).ToString(dateTimeFormat) + " | " + new TestFreeWorkerThreadsMetric(0).Name + " | " + 12); Expect.Once.On(mockStreamWriter).Method("Flush"); Expect.Once.On(mockStreamWriter).Method("WriteLine").With(timeStamp3.Add(utcOffset).ToString(dateTimeFormat) + " | " + new TestAvailableMemoryMetric(0).Name + " | " + 301155987); Expect.Once.On(mockStreamWriter).Method("Flush").Will(Signal.EventWaitHandle(workerThreadLoopCompleteSignal)); } testFileMetricLogger.Set(new TestAvailableMemoryMetric(301156000)); testFileMetricLogger.Set(new TestFreeWorkerThreadsMetric(12)); testFileMetricLogger.Set(new TestAvailableMemoryMetric(301155987)); testFileMetricLogger.Start(); workerThreadLoopCompleteSignal.WaitOne(); mocks.VerifyAllExpectationsHaveBeenMet(); Assert.IsNull(exceptionStorer.StoredException); }
public void AddSuccessTest() { TimeSpan utcOffset = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(System.DateTime.Now); System.DateTime timeStamp1 = new System.DateTime(2014, 6, 14, 12, 45, 31); System.DateTime timeStamp2 = new System.DateTime(2014, 6, 14, 12, 45, 43); System.DateTime timeStamp3 = new System.DateTime(2014, 6, 15, 23, 58, 47); using (mocks.Ordered) { Expect.Once.On(mockDateTime).GetProperty("UtcNow").Will(Return.Value(timeStamp1)); Expect.Once.On(mockDateTime).GetProperty("UtcNow").Will(Return.Value(timeStamp2)); Expect.Once.On(mockDateTime).GetProperty("UtcNow").Will(Return.Value(timeStamp3)); Expect.Once.On(mockStreamWriter).Method("WriteLine").With(timeStamp1.Add(utcOffset).ToString(dateTimeFormat) + " | " + new TestMessageBytesReceivedMetric(0).Name + " | " + 12345); Expect.Once.On(mockStreamWriter).Method("Flush"); Expect.Once.On(mockStreamWriter).Method("WriteLine").With(timeStamp2.Add(utcOffset).ToString(dateTimeFormat) + " | " + new TestDiskBytesReadMetric(0).Name + " | " + 160307); Expect.Once.On(mockStreamWriter).Method("Flush"); Expect.Once.On(mockStreamWriter).Method("WriteLine").With(timeStamp3.Add(utcOffset).ToString(dateTimeFormat) + " | " + new TestMessageBytesReceivedMetric(0).Name + " | " + 12347); Expect.Once.On(mockStreamWriter).Method("Flush").Will(Signal.EventWaitHandle(workerThreadLoopCompleteSignal)); } testFileMetricLogger.Add(new TestMessageBytesReceivedMetric(12345)); testFileMetricLogger.Add(new TestDiskBytesReadMetric(160307)); testFileMetricLogger.Add(new TestMessageBytesReceivedMetric(12347)); testFileMetricLogger.Start(); workerThreadLoopCompleteSignal.WaitOne(); mocks.VerifyAllExpectationsHaveBeenMet(); Assert.IsNull(exceptionStorer.StoredException); }
void endTrial() { StopTrialTimer(); onTrial = false; if (!onTraining) { Trajectory traj = new Trajectory(); traj.participantID = participantID; traj.sessionNumber = sessionNumber; traj.trialID = trialID; traj.blockID = blockID; traj.trajectoryPositions = trajectoryPositions; traj.trajectoryTimeStamps = trajectoryTimeStamps; traj.yawData = yawData; traj.export(); Trial trial = new Trial(); trial.participantID = participantID; trial.sessionNumber = sessionNumber; trial.trialID = trialID; trial.blockID = blockID; trial.FOVCondition = (ExperimentSettings.FovRestriction?"RY":"RN"); trial.startTime = trialStartTime; trial.endTime = trialStartTime.Add(new System.TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, (int)elapsed)); trial.completionTime = elapsed; trial.platformLocation = platform.transform.position; trial.insertionPoint = trialInsertionPoint; trial.export(); } }
// Function to check whether unlimited energy is active public void checkUnlimitedEnergy() { if (System.DateTime.Now.CompareTo(unlimitedEnergyStart.Add(unlimitedEnergySpan)) > 0) { isUnlimitedEnergy = false; } }
private async Task DelayAction() { stamp = DateTime.Now; isRefreshed = true; if (isWaiting) { return; } isWaiting = true; try { while (isRefreshed) { isRefreshed = false; var toWait = (stamp.Add(sizeChangeDelay) - DateTime.Now); if (toWait.Ticks > 0) { await Task.Delay(toWait); } } } finally { isWaiting = false; } OnSizeUpdated(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Posun v ČZ Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now); Console.WriteLine("Posun v časové zóně"); string TZ; TZ = Console.ReadLine(); int TZR = int.Parse(TZ); DateTime date = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0).AddSeconds(1557458354); TimeSpan time = new TimeSpan(0, TZR, 0, 0); DateTime final = date.Add(time); Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0:d/M/yyyy HH:mm:ss}", final)); Console.ReadKey(); //API podle zadání string mesto = Console.ReadLine(); string json; new Item = Items; json = new WebClient().DownloadString("http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?q={mesto}&APPID=fedcf81469d34db86a7e24886bb9ae83"); Items = JsonConvert.DeserialObject <Item>(json); }
public static DateTime GetBuildDate() { System.Version version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; System.DateTime startDate = new System.DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); System.TimeSpan span = new System.TimeSpan(version.Build, 0, 0, version.Revision * 2); return(startDate.Add(span)); }
/// <summary> /// 計算本周結束日期(禮拜日的日期) /// </summary> /// <param name="someDate">該周中任意一天</param> /// <returns>返回禮拜日日期,後面的具體時、分、秒和傳入值相等</returns> public static DateTime CalculateLastDateOfWeek(DateTime someDate) { int i = someDate.DayOfWeek - DayOfWeek.Sunday; if (i != 0) i = 7 - i;// 因為枚舉原因,Sunday排在最前,相減間隔要被7減。 TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(i, 0, 0, 0); return someDate.Add(ts); }
private DateTime GetDateTime(DateTime airDate, string airTime) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(airTime)) return airDate; return airDate.Add(Convert.ToDateTime(airTime).TimeOfDay); }
public List<EventWrapper> GetList(DateTime utcStartDate, DateTime utcEndDate) { var list = new List<EventWrapper>(); if (_baseEvent.UtcStartDate == DateTime.MinValue) return list; var difference = _baseEvent.UtcEndDate - _baseEvent.UtcStartDate; var localStartDate = _baseEvent.UtcStartDate.Kind == DateTimeKind.Local ? _baseEvent.UtcStartDate : _baseEvent.UtcStartDate.Add(_timeZone.BaseUtcOffset); var recurenceDates = _baseEvent.RecurrenceRule.GetDates(localStartDate, utcStartDate.Add(_timeZone.BaseUtcOffset), utcEndDate.Add(_timeZone.BaseUtcOffset)); if(recurenceDates.Count==0) recurenceDates.Add(localStartDate); foreach (var d in recurenceDates) { var utcD = d.AddMinutes((-1) * (int)_timeZone.BaseUtcOffset.TotalMinutes); var endDate = _baseEvent.UtcEndDate; if (!_baseEvent.UtcEndDate.Equals(DateTime.MinValue)) endDate = utcD + difference; list.Add(new EventWrapper(_baseEvent, this.UserId, _timeZone, utcD, endDate)); } return list; }
private static DateTime NestCalStartTime(DateTime startTime, DateTime baseTime, List<RestTime> restTimeList) { if (startTime == baseTime) { return startTime; } if (restTimeList != null && restTimeList.Count > 0) { List<RestTime> restTimes = restTimeList.Where(rt => rt.StartTime < baseTime && rt.EndTime > startTime).ToList(); if (restTimes != null && restTimes.Count > 0) { DateTime newStartTime = new DateTime(startTime.Ticks); foreach (RestTime rt in restTimes) { newStartTime = newStartTime.Add(-(rt.EndTime > baseTime ? baseTime : rt.EndTime).Subtract((rt.StartTime > startTime ? rt.StartTime : startTime))); } startTime = NestCalStartTime(newStartTime, startTime, restTimeList); } } return startTime; }
private async Task DelayAction() { stamp = DateTime.Now; isRefreshed = true; if (isWaiting) { return; } isWaiting = true; try { while (isRefreshed) { isRefreshed = false; var toWait = (stamp.Add(eventDelay) - DateTime.Now); if (toWait.Ticks > 0) { await Task.Delay(toWait); } } } finally { isWaiting = false; } AppHelpers.DispatchAction(FireEvent, false, 0); }
private bool SetNewAffiliate(string referrerId, string referrerUrl, MerchantTribeApplication app) { Contacts.Affiliate aff = Affiliates.FindByReferralId(referrerId); if (aff == null) { return(false); } if (!aff.Enabled) { return(false); } if (aff.Id != SessionManager.CurrentAffiliateID(app.CurrentStore)) { System.DateTime expires = System.DateTime.UtcNow; if (aff.ReferralDays > 0) { TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(aff.ReferralDays, 0, 0, 0); expires = expires.Add(ts); } else { expires = System.DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(50); } SessionManager.SetCurrentAffiliateId(aff.Id, expires, app.CurrentStore); } return(LogReferral(aff.Id, referrerUrl)); }
public TimeSpan GetTimeUntilNextOccurrence(DateTime specificTime) { var twoDays = TimeSpan.FromDays(2); DateTime futureDate = specificTime.Add(twoDays); DateTime timeoutDate = GetNextOccurrence(futureDate); return timeoutDate - specificTime; }
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) { Dictionary<string, object> timeHashValue = serializer.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, object>>(reader); if (timeHashValue == null) { return DateTime.MinValue; } if (timeHashValue.ContainsKey("time") && timeHashValue.ContainsKey("year") && timeHashValue.ContainsKey("month") && timeHashValue.ContainsKey("date") && timeHashValue.ContainsKey("hours") && timeHashValue.ContainsKey("minutes") && timeHashValue.ContainsKey("seconds")) { long time = Convert.ToInt64(timeHashValue["time"]); int year = Convert.ToInt32(timeHashValue["year"]); int month = Convert.ToInt32(timeHashValue["month"]); int day = Convert.ToInt32(timeHashValue["date"]); int hours = Convert.ToInt32(timeHashValue["hours"]); int minutes = Convert.ToInt32(timeHashValue["minutes"]); int seconds = Convert.ToInt32(timeHashValue["seconds"]); TimeSpan span = new TimeSpan(time); DateTime times; try { times = new DateTime(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds); } catch { times = DateTime.MinValue; } return times.Add(span); } else { return DateTime.MinValue; } }
public void AddEvent(DateTime date, string title, string location) { Event newEvent = new Event(date, title, location); title.Add(title.ToLower(), newEvent); date.Add(newEvent); Messages.EventAdded(); }
static void Main() { System.DateTime today = System.DateTime.Now; System.TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.Parse("36.00:00:00"); System.DateTime answer = today.Add(duration); System.Console.WriteLine("{0} {0:dddd}", answer, answer); }
public static DateTime GetRealArrivalTime(DateTime ArriveTime) { DateTimeOffset DtOffset = new DateTimeOffset(ArriveTime, TimeSpan.Zero); TimeSpan UtcOffset = TimeZoneInfo.Local.GetUtcOffset(DtOffset); return ArriveTime.Add(UtcOffset); }
public void SchoolDayLessonsTest() { TimeSpan lessonDuration = Duration.Minutes( 50 ); TimeSpan shortBreakDuration = Duration.Minutes( 5 ); TimeSpan largeBreakDuration = Duration.Minutes( 15 ); DateTime now = ClockProxy.Clock.Now; DateTime todaySchoolStart = new DateTime( now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 8, 0, 0 ); TimeBlock lesson1 = new TimeBlock( todaySchoolStart, lessonDuration ); TimeBlock break1 = new TimeBlock( lesson1.End, shortBreakDuration ); TimeBlock lesson2 = new TimeBlock( break1.End, lessonDuration ); TimeBlock break2 = new TimeBlock( lesson2.End, largeBreakDuration ); TimeBlock lesson3 = new TimeBlock( break2.End, lessonDuration ); TimeBlock break3 = new TimeBlock( lesson3.End, shortBreakDuration ); TimeBlock lesson4 = new TimeBlock( break3.End, lessonDuration ); Assert.AreEqual( lesson4.End, todaySchoolStart.Add( lessonDuration ). Add( shortBreakDuration ). Add( lessonDuration ). Add( largeBreakDuration ). Add( lessonDuration ). Add( shortBreakDuration ). Add( lessonDuration ) ); }
protected override async Task FillGuide(DateTime date) { foreach (Match match in broadcastRx.Matches(await client.DownloadStringTaskAsync(url+date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd\\/")))) AddBroadcast(date.Add(TimeSpan.Parse(match.Groups["time"].Value)), Quotes.Format(match.Groups["caption"].Value), Quotes.Format(match.Groups["description"].Value.TrimEnd().Replace("''", "\"")), match.Groups["url"].Success ? match.Groups["url"].Value:null); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the local time that corresponds to a specified date and time value. /// </summary> /// /// <returns> /// A <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> object whose value is the local time that corresponds to <paramref name="time"/>. /// </returns> /// <param name="time">A Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time. </param><filterpriority>2</filterpriority> public virtual DateTime ToLocalTime(DateTime time) { if (time.Kind == DateTimeKind.Local) return time; return time.Add(offset); }
public DateTime UtcTicksToDateTime(long seconds) { var ts = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds); var epoc = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); epoc = epoc.Add(ts); return epoc; }
public static void recordEvent(TimelineEvent evt, DateTime startTime) { var _ctx = DbCtx.Get(); var pers = _ctx.Person.FirstOrDefault(p0 => p0.Id == evt.userId); var disc = _ctx.Discussion.FirstOrDefault(d0 => d0.Id == evt.discussionId); if (disc == null) { return; } var topic = _ctx.Topic.FirstOrDefault(t0 => t0.Id == evt.topicId); var s = new StatsEvent(); s.DiscussionId = evt.discussionId; s.DiscussionName = disc.Subject; s.TopicId = evt.topicId; if (topic != null) s.TopicName = topic.Name; else s.TopicName = ""; s.UserId = evt.userId; s.UserName = pers.Name; s.Event = (int) evt.e; s.Time = startTime.Add(evt.Span); s.DeviceType = (int) evt.devType; _ctx.AddToStatsEvent(s); }
internal override async Task StartPing() { _lastPong = DateTime.Now.Add(_pingTimeout); _pingInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Math.Max(500, _pingTimeout.TotalMilliseconds / 2)); while (_connection.IsConnected) { await Task.Delay(_pingInterval).ConfigureAwait(false); try { var now = DateTime.Now; if (_lastPong.Add(_pingTimeout) < now) { _connection.Close(WebSocketCloseReasons.GoingAway); } else { ((UInt64)now.Ticks).ToBytes(_pingBuffer.Array, _pingBuffer.Offset); _connection.WriteInternal(_pingBuffer, 8, true, false, WebSocketFrameOption.Ping, WebSocketExtensionFlags.None); } } catch(Exception ex) { DebugLog.Fail("LatencyControlPing.StartPing", ex); _connection.Close(WebSocketCloseReasons.ProtocolError); } } }
public static DateTime ConvertJavaMiliSecondToDateTime(long javaMS) { DateTime utcBaseTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); DateTime dt = utcBaseTime.Add(new TimeSpan(javaMS* TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond)).ToLocalTime(); return dt; }
public static System.DateTime ConvertLongToDateTime(long timeStamp) { System.DateTime dtStart = System.TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1)); long lTime = long.Parse(timeStamp + "0000000"); System.TimeSpan toNow = new System.TimeSpan(lTime); return(dtStart.Add(toNow)); }
/// <summary> /// 时间戳转换成时间 /// </summary> /// <param name="t">时间戳</param> /// <returns></returns> public static System.DateTime TransToDateTime(uint t) { System.DateTime dt = System.TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1)); long lTime = long.Parse(t.ToString() + "0000000"); System.TimeSpan toNow = new System.TimeSpan(lTime); return(dt.Add(toNow)); }
public static System.DateTime Date() { System.Version version = Version(); System.DateTime startDate = new System.DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); System.TimeSpan span = new System.TimeSpan(version.Build, 0, 0, version.Revision * 2); System.DateTime buildDate = startDate.Add(span); return(buildDate); }
public static string TimestampToDateTimeString(long timestamp, string format) { System.DateTime startTime = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1)); // 当地时区 TimeSpan toNow = new TimeSpan(timestamp * 10000); var dt = startTime.Add(toNow); return(dt.ToString(format)); }
public DateTime ToDateTime(String time) { System.DateTime startTime = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1)); long lTime = long.Parse(time + "0000000"); TimeSpan toNow = new TimeSpan(lTime); return(startTime.Add(toNow)); }
private System.DateTime GetTime(string timeStamp) { System.DateTime dtStart = System.TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1)); long lTime = long.Parse(timeStamp + "0000000"); System.TimeSpan toNow = new System.TimeSpan(lTime); return(dtStart.Add(toNow)); }
public static void MainDT9() { System.DateTime today = System.DateTime.Now; System.Console.WriteLine("Today = " + System.DateTime.Now); System.TimeSpan duration = new System.TimeSpan(40, 0, 0, 0); System.DateTime answer = today.Add(duration); System.Console.WriteLine("{0:dddd}", answer); }
/// <summary>Converts a string-encoded date into a Date object. </summary> public static System.DateTime StringToDate(string s) { long ticks = StringToTime(s) * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; System.DateTime date = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1); date = date.AddTicks(ticks); date = date.Add(TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(date)); return(date); }
IEnumerator StartTime() { System.TimeSpan oneMinute = System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1); while (true) { timeObject = timeObject.Add(oneMinute); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(secondLength)); } }
private void timer2_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { //DisplayA.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString(); System.DateTime today = System.DateTime.Now; System.TimeSpan duration = new System.TimeSpan(0, -7, 0, 0); System.DateTime answer = today.Add(duration); DisplayA.Text = answer.ToString(); //System.Console.WriteLine("{0:dddd}", answer); }
/// <summary> /// 时间戳转为C#格式时间 /// </summary> /// <param name=”timeStamp”></param> /// <returns></returns> private DateTime ConvertStringToDateTime(string timeStamp) { System.DateTime startTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1), TimeZoneInfo.Local); long lTime = long.Parse(timeStamp + "0000"); TimeSpan toNow = new TimeSpan(lTime); return(startTime.Add(toNow)); }
public bool Claim(System.Action a) { if (!Check()) { return(false); } a(); Next = Next.Add(Wait); return(true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // <Snippet1> // Calculate what day of the week is 36 days from this instant. System.DateTime today = System.DateTime.Now; System.TimeSpan duration = new System.TimeSpan(36, 0, 0, 0); System.DateTime answer = today.Add(duration); System.Console.WriteLine("{0:dddd}", answer); // </Snippet1> }
void Start() { StartCoroutine("StartTime"); timeObject = new System.DateTime(1, 1, 1, startHour, 0, 0); System.TimeSpan oneDay = System.TimeSpan.FromDays(1); endTime = timeObject.Add(oneDay); audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); audioSource.loop = true; audioSource.Play(); }
public void FillFreightInfo(FreightReservationOrder freight, DataRow row) { if (row != null) { System.TimeSpan?freightDepartureTime = row.ReadNullableUnspecifiedTime("stime"); FreightPoint freightPoint = new FreightPoint(); FreightPoint arg_5C_0 = freightPoint; System.DateTime dateTime = row.ReadUnspecifiedDateTime("sdate"); dateTime = dateTime.Date; arg_5C_0.date = dateTime.Add(freightDepartureTime ?? System.TimeSpan.FromTicks(0L)); freightPoint.port = new Airport { id = row.ReadInt("sport$inc"), alias = row.ReadNullableTrimmedString("sport$alias"), name = row.ReadNullableTrimmedString("sport$name"), town = new Town { id = row.ReadInt("stown$inc"), name = row.ReadNullableString("stown$name") } }; freight.departure = freightPoint; System.TimeSpan?freightArrivalTime = row.ReadNullableUnspecifiedTime("dtime"); FreightPoint freightPoint2 = new FreightPoint(); FreightPoint arg_147_0 = freightPoint2; dateTime = freight.departure.date; dateTime = dateTime.Date; dateTime = dateTime.AddDays((double)row.ReadInt("daysinway")); arg_147_0.date = dateTime.Add(freightArrivalTime ?? System.TimeSpan.FromTicks(0L)); freightPoint2.port = new Airport { id = row.ReadInt("dport$inc"), alias = row.ReadNullableTrimmedString("dport$alias"), name = row.ReadNullableTrimmedString("dport$name"), town = new Town { id = row.ReadInt("dtown$inc"), name = row.ReadNullableString("dtown$name") } }; freight.arrival = freightPoint2; } }
public virtual void reset() { startTime = System.DateTime.Now; endTime = startTime.Add(originTimeSpan); expire = false; endSig = false; pause = false; pauseTime = System.DateTime.Now; diffTimeSpan = originTimeSpan; this.onUpdated(); }
private void SetCookie(HttpResponse res, string name, string value, int day) { HttpCookie cke = new HttpCookie(name, value); //cke.Expires(new DateTime() + 30); System.DateTime today = System.DateTime.Now; System.TimeSpan duration = new System.TimeSpan(day, 0, 0, 0); System.DateTime expiry = today.Add(duration); cke.Expires = expiry; res.SetCookie(cke); }
private string GetDateTime(long time) //převod z unix času + časové pásmo pro ČR { int TZ = 2; DateTime date = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0).AddSeconds(time); TimeSpan timee = new TimeSpan(0, TZ, 0, 0); DateTime final = date.Add(timee); return(final.ToString()); }
public void iprintna() { System.DateTime today = System.DateTime.Now; System.TimeSpan duration = new System.TimeSpan(0, 0, Convert.ToInt32(itmTime), 0); System.DateTime result = today.Add(duration); PlayerPrefs.SetString("endTimeshield", result.ToString()); refreshTime(); }
public virtual int Check(System.DateTime t) { if ((System.DateTime.Compare(t, TimeLast.Add(Span)) > 0)) { int diff = (int)Mathf.Round(Current_soft + Rate) - Current; Set(Current_soft + Rate); TimeLast = t; return(diff); } return(0); }
public static DateTime PauseForMilliSeconds(int MilliSecondsToPauseFor) { System.DateTime ThisMoment = System.DateTime.Now; System.TimeSpan duration = new System.TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, MilliSecondsToPauseFor); System.DateTime AfterWards = ThisMoment.Add(duration); while (AfterWards >= ThisMoment) { System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); ThisMoment = System.DateTime.Now; } return(System.DateTime.Now); }