public static void HandleMainMenuInput(System.ConsoleKey inputKey) { switch (inputKey) { case System.ConsoleKey.D1: InputOutput.ShowCreateNewShelf(); break; case System.ConsoleKey.D2: Shelf.ListShelfs(); break; case System.ConsoleKey.D3: Shelf.PlaceItem(); break; case System.ConsoleKey.D4: Shelf.RecoverItem(); break; case System.ConsoleKey.D5: Environment.Exit(1); break; } }
public int getUserSelection() { // by default select the first menue item int selection = 0; int len = options.Length; // look refreshes the interface while (true) { Console.Clear(); printOptions(selection); System.ConsoleKey key = catchKeyPress(); //dummy data if (key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { break; } else if (key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow) { selection--; if (selection < 0) { selection = len - 1; } } else if (key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow) { selection = (selection + 1) % len; } } return(selection); }
public void KeyPressed( System.ConsoleKey key) { Sample.Current.KeyPressed( _processId, _machineName, _actorId, key ); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"[ConsoleRunner] ERR: KeyPressed"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"\t_processId:\t{_processId}"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"\tEnvironment.MachineName:\t{Environment.MachineName}"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"\t_actorId.ToString():\t{_actorId.ToString()}"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"\t_actorId.Kind.ToString():\t{_actorId.Kind.ToString()}"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"\tkey.ToString():\t{key.ToString()}"); _telemetryClient.TrackEvent( nameof(KeyPressed), new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string>() { { "ProcessId", _processId.ToString() }, { "MachineName", Environment.MachineName }, { "ActorId", _actorId.ToString() }, { "ActorIdType", _actorId.Kind.ToString() }, { "Key", key.ToString() } }); }
public void KeyPressed( System.ConsoleKey key) { Sample.Current.KeyPressed( key ); }
static int Menu(string[] mn, int x) { int c = 1; System.ConsoleKey T = new System.ConsoleKey(); do { Console.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) { if (i == 0) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine(mn[i]); Console.WriteLine(); } else { if (i == c) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine(">" + mn[i]); } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray; Console.WriteLine(" " + mn[i]); } } } T = Console.ReadKey().Key; switch (T) { case ConsoleKey.UpArrow: c--; if (c >= x || c == 0) { c = x - 1; } break; case ConsoleKey.DownArrow: c++; if (c >= x || c == 0) { c = 1; } break; case ConsoleKey.Escape: break; default: break; } } while (T != ConsoleKey.Enter); return(c); }
public void KeyPressed( System.ConsoleKey key) { if (this.IsEnabled()) { KeyPressed( key.ToString()); } }
//by now a StishBoard.Instance should already have been created. StishBoard.Instance allows us to get a reference to the existing StishBoard.Instance. //define methods for the player's move public override void MakeMove() { Console.Clear(); StishBoard.Instance.Render(); Cursor.Instance.Render(this); bool EndTurn = false; do { string output = "Nothing"; System.ConsoleKey put = Console.ReadKey(true).Key; if (put == ConsoleKey.W) { output = "W"; } else if (put == ConsoleKey.A) { output = "A"; } else if (put == ConsoleKey.S) { output = "S"; } else if (put == ConsoleKey.D) { output = "D"; } else if (put == ConsoleKey.Spacebar) { output = " "; } else if (put == ConsoleKey.Q) { output = "Q"; } else if (put == ConsoleKey.E) { output = "E"; } else if (put == ConsoleKey.Enter) { output = "_"; } EndTurn = Cursor.Instance.Move(this, output); if (EndTurn == true) { Cursor.Instance.CursorMode =; CursorX = Cursor.Instance.FindX; CursorY = Cursor.Instance.FindY; Cursor.Instance.SpaceEnds = false; } } while (EndTurn == false); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Feld feld = new Feld(40, 20); Snake snek = new Snake(); Food food = new Food(); Console.CursorVisible = false; bool isAlive = true; while (isAlive) { Task.Delay(100).Wait(); if (Console.KeyAvailable) { ConsoleKeyInfo userInput = Console.ReadKey(true); if (userInput.Key == DIR_LEFT && currentDirection != DIR_RIGHT) { currentDirection = DIR_LEFT; } if (userInput.Key == DIR_RIGHT && currentDirection != DIR_LEFT) { currentDirection = DIR_RIGHT; } if (userInput.Key == DIR_UP && currentDirection != DIR_DOWN) // replace with WASD? { currentDirection = DIR_UP; } if (userInput.Key == DIR_DOWN && currentDirection != DIR_UP) { currentDirection = DIR_DOWN; } } if (snek.Head().x == Console.WindowWidth - 1 && snek.Head().y == Console.WindowHeight - 1) { isAlive = false; Console.SetCursorPosition(50, 50); Console.Write("GAME OVER!"); } food.Spawn(); snek.Move(Direction(currentDirection)); snek.Draw(); food.Draw(); if (snek.Head().x == food.Position(0).x&& snek.Head().y == food.Position(0).y) { snek.Eat(food.Position(0)); food.Despawn(); Thread.Sleep(150); } } Console.ReadLine(); }
public bool AddPlayer(int damage, char bulletSkin, int hp, char skin, ConsoleColor color, System.ConsoleKey foreward, System.ConsoleKey backward, System.ConsoleKey left, System.ConsoleKey right, System.ConsoleKey shout) { if ((bulletSkin != ' ') && (hp > 0) && (skin != ' ')) { TankOnMap newTank = new TankOnMap(); int guid = this.GUID; newTank.Tank = new Tank(guid, damage, bulletSkin, hp, skin, color); // find an empty place on the map // // bool founded = false;// indecates if the position was found for (int i = 0; i < map.xLenth; i++) { // to stop if the position already founded if (founded) { break; } for (int j = 0; j < map.yLenth; j++) { if (map.IsEmpty(i, j)) { newTank.Position.X = i; newTank.Position.Y = j; founded = true; break; } } } // add event handlers newTank.Tank.OnShot += OnShotHandler; newTank.Tank.Moved += OnMoveHandler; newTank.Tank.HPChanged += OnHPCHangedHandler; // add to the collection tanksCollection.Add(guid, newTank); playerController = new PlayerController(foreward, backward, right, left, shout); playerController.Tank = newTank.Tank; playerController.KeyPressed += OnKeyPressed; return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public void KeyPressed( bool autogenerated, string machineName, System.ConsoleKey key) { if (this.IsEnabled()) { KeyPressed( autogenerated, Environment.MachineName, key.ToString()); } }
public void KeyPressed( int processId, string machineName, Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Actors.ActorId actorId, System.ConsoleKey key) { if (this.IsEnabled()) { KeyPressed( processId, Environment.MachineName, actorId.ToString(), key.ToString()); } }
public static IDisposable BreakWhenKey(this ObservableConsoleKey source, System.ConsoleKey exitKey) { var subscription = source .Subscribe(key => { if (key.Key != exitKey) { return; } source.Stop(); }); return(subscription); }
public static void Speed(System.ConsoleKey key) { while (true) { Console.Clear(); Console.Write("<"); for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { if (i == speed) { Console.Write(speed); } else { Console.Write("="); } } Console.Write(">"); Console.WriteLine("\n\nFor save - Enter, for back - ESC"); key = Console.ReadKey().Key; if (key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow) { if (speed > 1) { speed--; } } else if (key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow) { if (speed < 9) { speed++; } } else if (key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { Console.WriteLine("Saved speed: {0}", speed); Thread.Sleep(1000); break; } else if (key == ConsoleKey.Escape) { break; } } ; }
public void KeyPressed( System.ConsoleKey key) { Sample.Current.KeyPressed( key ); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"[ConsoleRunner] ERR: KeyPressed"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"\tkey.ToString():\t{key.ToString()}"); _telemetryClient.TrackEvent( nameof(KeyPressed), new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Key", key.ToString() } }); }
public void TestOutStack() { Stack <String> s = new Stack <String>(); while (true) { Console.WriteLine("1: Insert onto stack"); Console.WriteLine("2: Pop and print the top value on the stack"); Console.WriteLine("3: Print stack"); Console.WriteLine("4: Exit"); Console.Write(">>> "); System.ConsoleKey key = Console.ReadKey(false).Key; switch (key) { case (ConsoleKey.D1): Console.Write("\nData: "); s.push(Console.ReadLine()); break; case (ConsoleKey.D2): try { Console.WriteLine($"\n {s.pop()}"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("\nInvalid operation, the stack is empty"); } break; case ConsoleKey.D3: s.print(); break; case ConsoleKey.D4: return; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); break; } Console.Write('\n'); } }
public void KeyPressed( System.ConsoleKey key) { DefaultEventSource.Current.KeyPressed( _processId, _machineName, _actorId, key ); _telemetryClient.TrackEvent( nameof(KeyPressed), new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string>() { { "ProcessId", _processId.ToString() }, { "MachineName", Environment.MachineName }, { "Actor", _actorId.ToString() }, { "Key", key.ToString() } }); }
static Position Direction(System.ConsoleKey dir) { Position MOV_DOWN = new Position(0, 1); Position MOV_RIGHT = new Position(1, 0); Position MOV_UP = new Position(0, -1); Position MOV_LEFT = new Position(-1, 0); //switch (dir) //{ // case ConsoleKey.W: // return MOV_UP; // case ConsoleKey.D: // return MOV_RIGHT; // case ConsoleKey.S: // return MOV_DOWN; // case ConsoleKey.A: // return MOV_LEFT; // default: // return MOV_RIGHT; //} if (dir.Equals(DIR_UP)) { return(MOV_UP); } else if (dir.Equals(DIR_RIGHT)) { return(MOV_RIGHT); } else if (dir.Equals(DIR_DOWN)) { return(MOV_DOWN); } else if (dir.Equals(DIR_LEFT)) { return(MOV_LEFT); } else { return(MOV_RIGHT); } }
public char playGame() { Console.SetCursorPosition(board.CursorX, board.CursorY); while (enough != System.ConsoleKey.Q && !isWinner && turnNumber < 9) { //Console.WriteLine(board.CursorX); //Console.WriteLine(board.CursorY); ConsoleKeyInfo markerInput = Console.ReadKey(true); enough = markerInput.Key; //Console.WriteLine(enough); if (enough == System.ConsoleKey.Q) { break; } else if (enough == ConsoleKey.UpArrow || enough == ConsoleKey.DownArrow || enough == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow || enough == ConsoleKey.RightArrow) { board.move(enough); } else { bool increment = board.mark(turn); if (turn == 'X' && increment) { turn = 'O'; turnNumber++; } else if (increment) { turn = 'X'; turnNumber++; } } findWinner(); } return(Winner); }
private static void Run() { //--------------------------------------- // Run Class variables string State = ""; System.ConsoleKey KeyInput = ConsoleKey.Enter; //--------------------------------------- // Run Main Menu Music var audioPlayer = new BasicAudio.AudioPlayer(); audioPlayer.Filename = @"Z:\0 - REPOSITORIES\RedElixir\Music\WAV\WildWestVikings.wav"; //NEED FUNCTION FOR DYNAMICLY GETTING FILES audioPlayer.Play(); //--------------------------------------- // Display the initial title screen Screens.WriteTitle(); while (KeyInput != System.ConsoleKey.Q) { switch (State) { case "NewGame": Screens.WriteNewGame(); KeyInput = Console.ReadKey(true).Key; break; case "LoadGame": State = ""; break; default: Screens.WriteTitle(); KeyInput = Console.ReadKey(true).Key; State = KeyInput == ConsoleKey.S ? "NewGame" : KeyInput == ConsoleKey.L ? "LoadGame" : ""; break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Renders this control to the console /// </summary> public void Execute() { this._firstLine = System.Console.CursorTop; System.Console.CursorVisible = false; // CREATE THE TABLE CreateTable(); // RENDER THE ITEMS PlaceItems(); // TRAP THE KEY STROKES while (true) { // CAPTURE THE KEY THAT WAS PRESSED AND FIND OUT WHAT IT WAS System.ConsoleKey key = System.Console.ReadKey().Key; switch (key) { case ConsoleKey.UpArrow: SelectedIndex--; break; case ConsoleKey.DownArrow: SelectedIndex++; break; case ConsoleKey.RightArrow: SelectedIndex++; break; case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow: SelectedIndex--; break; case ConsoleKey.Enter: CleanUp(); return; } // KEEP THE INDEX WITHIN THE RANGE NEEDED if ((SelectedIndex + 1) > this.Items.Count) { SelectedIndex = 0; } if (SelectedIndex < 0) { SelectedIndex = this.Items.Count - 1; } PlaceItems(); } }
public void KeyPressed( System.ConsoleKey key) { FGDiagnosticsAutoLoggerSamplesConsoleApplication1EventSource.Current.KeyPressed( _autogenerated, _machineName, key ); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"[ConsoleRunner] ERR: KeyPressed"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"\t_autogenerated:\t{_autogenerated}"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"\tEnvironment.MachineName:\t{Environment.MachineName}"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"\tkey.ToString():\t{key.ToString()}"); _telemetryClient.TrackEvent( nameof(KeyPressed), new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Autogenerated", _autogenerated.ToString() }, { "MachineName", Environment.MachineName }, { "Key", key.ToString() } }); }
public static void Play(string[,] Field) { System.ConsoleKey key = System.ConsoleKey.UpArrow; while (!stop) { Console.Clear(); UpdateField(Field); PrintField(Field, score, Settings.speed); Thread.Sleep(Settings.delay / 2); if (Console.KeyAvailable == true) { key = Console.ReadKey().Key; FindPath(key); Thread.Sleep(Settings.delay / 2); } else { FindPath(key); Thread.Sleep(Settings.delay / 2); } } ; }
public static void Size(System.ConsoleKey key, List <string> sizes) { int position = 0; while (true) { Console.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (i == position) { Console.Write("[{0}]", sizes[i]); } else { Console.Write(" {0} ", sizes[i]); } } Console.WriteLine("\n\nFor save - Enter, for back - ESC"); key = Console.ReadKey().Key; if (key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow) { if (position > 0) { position--; } } else if (key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow) { if (position < 3) { position++; } } else if (key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { if (position == 0) { y = 8; x = 10; } else if (position == 1) { y = 12; x = 16; } else if (position == 2) { y = 18; x = 20; } else if (position == 3) { y = 22; x = 38; } Console.WriteLine("Saved size: {0}", sizes[position]); Console.WriteLine("Debug! {0}x{1}", y, x); Thread.Sleep(1000); break; } else if (key == ConsoleKey.Escape) { break; } } ; }
public void Start() { Console.Clear(); parenting = new Stack <BaseTreeViewItem>(); MyViewModel myViewModel = new MyViewModel(new ConsoleBrowse()); if (myViewModel.Click_Browse.CanExecute(null)) { myViewModel.Click_Browse.Execute(null); } if (myViewModel.Click_Button.CanExecute(null)) { myViewModel.Click_Button.Execute(null); } Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(myViewModel.HierarchicalAreas[0].Name); currentElement = myViewModel.HierarchicalAreas[0]; above = new List <List <string> >(); parents = new List <string>(); below = new List <List <string> >(); while (true) { System.ConsoleKey c = Console.ReadKey().Key; switch (c) { case ConsoleKey.DownArrow: if (parenting.Count > 0) { above.RemoveAt(above.Count - 1); above.Add(new List <string>()); below.RemoveAt(above.Count - 1); below.Add(new List <string>()); if (currentChildValue < parenting.Peek().Children.Count - 1) { currentChildValue++; currentElement = parenting.Peek().Children[currentChildValue]; } for (int i = 0; i < currentChildValue; i++) { above[above.Count - 1].Add(parenting.Peek().Children[i].Name); } for (int i = currentChildValue + 1; i < parenting.Peek().Children.Count; i++) { below[below.Count - 1].Add(parenting.Peek().Children[i].Name); } } break; case ConsoleKey.UpArrow: if (parenting.Count > 0) { above.RemoveAt(above.Count - 1); above.Add(new List <string>()); below.RemoveAt(above.Count - 1); below.Add(new List <string>()); if (currentChildValue > 0) { currentChildValue--; currentElement = parenting.Peek().Children[currentChildValue]; } for (int i = 0; i < currentChildValue; i++) { above[above.Count - 1].Add(parenting.Peek().Children[i].Name); } for (int i = currentChildValue + 1; i < parenting.Peek().Children.Count; i++) { below[below.Count - 1].Add(parenting.Peek().Children[i].Name); } } break; case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow: if (parenting.Count > 0) { currentChildValue = 0; above.RemoveAt(above.Count - 1); below.RemoveAt(below.Count - 1); parents.RemoveAt(parents.Count - 1); currentElement = parenting.Pop(); currentElement.IsExpanded = false; } break; case ConsoleKey.RightArrow: if (currentElement.Children.Count > 0) { parents.Add(currentElement.Name); above.Add(new List <string>()); below.Add(new List <string>()); int pom = currentChildValue; parenting.Push(currentElement); currentElement.IsExpanded = true; if (currentElement.Children.Count == 0) { currentChildValue = pom; above.RemoveAt(above.Count - 1); below.RemoveAt(below.Count - 1); parents.RemoveAt(parents.Count - 1); currentElement = parenting.Pop(); currentElement.IsExpanded = false; } else { if (currentElement.Children.Count > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < currentElement.Children.Count; i++) { below[below.Count - 1].Add(currentElement.Children[i].Name); } } currentElement = currentElement.Children[0]; } } break; } Display(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { #region <Object Coords> List <int> HW = new List <int> { 095101, 076100, 081098, 081097, 091091, 077087, 079082, 095068, 095067, 082057, 093047, 084043, 073039, 075039, 096101, 077100, 088097, 080093, 092091, 078087, 080082, 091064, 083065, 083057, 094047, 085043, 074039, 097101, 078100, 089097, 081093, 093091, 079087, 081082, 092064, 084065, 085057, 095047, 086043, 075054, 093100, 089063, 075045, 094071, 073061, 094100, 091058, 080046, 095045, 095071, 102047, 090039, 096045, 103047, 091039, 101101, 082100, 093094, 085093, 094089, 085082, 096064, 076059, 089053, 098039, 101050, 090043, 079039, 082039, 098101, 079100, 090097, 082093, 094091, 080087, 082082, 093064, 085065, 086057, 097050, 087043, 076039, 078039, 099101, 080100, 091097, 083093, 095091, 081087, 083082, 094064, 086065, 090059, 099050, 088043, 077039, 100101, 081100, 091096, 084093, 085090, 093089, 084082, 095064, 075059, 091059, 100050, 089043, 102101, 083100, 094094, 086093, 076085, 095089, 086082, 097064, 077059, 090053, 091043, 080039, 103101, 084100, 095094, 095080, 079063, 078059, 091053, 097047, 096039, 097039, 092043, 081039, 104101, 085100, 096094, 088093, 078085, 083084, 096080, 080063, 079059, 086045, 095039, 075041, 093043, 075080, 087100, 080085, 085084, 088045, 078041, 095043, 092039, 093039, 094039, 089039, 084039, 105101, 086100, 097094, 089093, 079085, 084084, 097080, 081063, 080059, 087045, 077041, 094043, 083039, 093077, 088100, 093075, 091073, 089071, 086084, 085062, 090045, 079041, 096043, 085039, 104047, 095077, 090100, 093073, 091071, 090069, 079054, 081041, 099047, 087039, 094077, 089100, 096071, 097071, 094075, 092073, 090071, 089069, 077065, 086062, 091045, 080041, 086039, 096077, 091100, 094073, 092071, 071061, 090058, 080054, 093045, 082041, 088039, 092100, 071054, 095073, 093071, 072061, 104050, 079046, 094045, 101047, 103096, 104096, 103050, 104050, 100045 }; List <int> VW = new List <int> { 105100, 105099, 105098, 105097, 102096, 102095, 102094, 102093, 102092, 102091, 102090, 102089, 102088, 102087, 102086, 102085, 102084, 102083, 102082, 102081, 102080, 102079, 102078, 102077, 102076, 102075, 102074, 102073, 102072, 102071, 102070, 102069, 102068, 102067, 102066, 102065, 102064, 102063, 102062, 102061, 102060, 102059, 102058, 102057, 102056, 102055, 102054, 102053, 102052, 102051, 102050, 101046, 099046, 099045, 099044, 099043, 099042, 099041, 099040, 099039, 098096, 098095, 098094, 098093, 098092, 098091, 098090, 098089, 098088, 098087, 098086, 098085, 098084, 098083, 098082, 098081, 098080, 098079, 098078, 098077, 098076, 098075, 098074, 098073, 098072, 098071, 098070, 098069, 098068, 098067, 098066, 098065, 098064, 098063, 098062, 098061, 098060, 098059, 098058, 098057, 098056, 098055, 098054, 098053, 098052, 098051, 098050, 097046, 097045, 097044, 096059, 096058, 096057, 096056, 096055, 096054, 096053, 096052, 096051, 096050, 096049, 096048, 096047, 096067, 096090, 096089, 096088, 096087, 096086, 096085, 096084, 096083, 096082, 095100, 095099, 095098, 095097, 095076, 094063, 094062, 094061, 094060, 094059, 094058, 094057, 094056, 094055, 094054, 094053, 094052, 094051, 094050, 094067, 094087, 094086, 094085, 094084, 094083, 094082, 094081, 094080, 092096, 092095, 092094, 092090, 092089, 092088, 092087, 092086, 092085, 092084, 092083, 092082, 092081, 092080, 092079, 092078, 092077, 092076, 092075, 092070, 092069, 092068, 092067, 092066, 092058, 092052, 092051, 092050, 092049, 092048, 092047, 092046, 090096, 090092, 090091, 090087, 090086, 090085, 090084, 090083, 090082, 090081, 090080, 090079, 090078, 090077, 090076, 090075, 090074, 090073, 090068, 090067, 090066, 090065, 090064, 090063, 089047, 089046, 089045, 089058, 088088, 088087, 088086, 088085, 088084, 088083, 088082, 088081, 088080, 088079, 088078, 088077, 088076, 088075, 088074, 088073, 088072, 088071, 088069, 088068, 088067, 088066, 088065, 087061, 087060, 087059, 087058, 087057, 087056, 087055, 087054, 087053, 087052, 087051, 087050, 087096, 087095, 087094, 086092, 086091, 085055, 085054, 085053, 085052, 085051, 085050, 085049, 085048, 085047, 085046, 085045, 082065, 084092, 084091, 084090, 084089, 084088, 084061, 084060, 084059, 084058, 084057, 083056, 083055, 074054, 083054, 083053, 083052, 083051, 083050, 083049, 083048, 083047, 083046, 083045, 083044, 083043, 082097, 082086, 082085, 082064, 082063, 082062, 082061, 082060, 082059, 081053, 081052, 081051, 082084, 096091, 081050, 081049, 081048, 081047, 081046, 080097, 079092, 079091, 079090, 078082, 078081, 095075, 090093, 078080, 078079, 078078, 078077, 078076, 078075, 078074, 078073, 078072, 078071, 078070, 078069, 078068, 078067, 078066, 078065, 078064, 078063, 078053, 078052, 078051, 078050, 078049, 078048, 078047, 078046, 076045, 076044, 076043, 076042, 076041, 076058, 076057, 076056, 076055, 076054, 076084, 076083, 076082, 076081, 076080, 076079, 076078, 076077, 076076, 076075, 076074, 076073, 076072, 076071, 076070, 076069, 076068, 076067, 076066, 076065, 076099, 076098, 076097, 076096, 076095, 076094, 076093, 076092, 076091, 076090, 076089, 076088, 076087, 074078, 074077, 074076, 074075, 074074, 074073, 074072, 074071, 074070, 074069, 074068, 074067, 074066, 074065, 074064, 074063, 074062, 074061, 074060, 074059, 074053, 074052, 074051, 074050, 074049, 074048, 074047, 074046, 074045, 074044, 074043, 074042, 072053, 072052, 072051, 072050, 072049, 072048, 072047, 072046, 072045, 072044, 072043, 072042, 072041, 072040, 072039, 070060, 070059, 070058, 070057, 070056, 070055, 070054, 087093, 079093, 077086, 077085, 074079, 070061, 072054, 074041, 092045, 086090, 105096, 105049, 105048, 105047, 101047, 097043, }; List <int> Torch = new List <int> { 077042, 075064, 079066, 083092, 086061, 091046, 097072, 096099, 091095 }; List <int> Exit = new List <int> { 100046 }; #endregion int trys = 1; Title.title(); START :; MySettings settings = MySettings.Load(); int player = settings.MyNumber; int x = 50; int heatpack = 3; Move.move(player, x, 0, heatpack, HW, VW, Torch, Exit); NEXTMOVE :; System.ConsoleKey key = System.ConsoleKey.B; key = Console.ReadKey(true).Key; while (x != 0) { #region <Invalid Key pushed> if (key != System.ConsoleKey.DownArrow && key != System.ConsoleKey.UpArrow && key != System.ConsoleKey.LeftArrow && key != System.ConsoleKey.RightArrow && key != System.ConsoleKey.Q && Convert.ToChar(key) != Convert.ToChar("q") && key != System.ConsoleKey.B && key != System.ConsoleKey.H && Convert.ToChar(key) != Convert.ToChar("h")) { goto NEXTMOVE; } #endregion #region <Heat Pack> if ((key == System.ConsoleKey.H || Convert.ToChar(key) == Convert.ToChar("h")) && heatpack != 0) { Console.Clear(); heatpack--; x = 50; Move.move(player, x, 1, heatpack, HW, VW, Torch, Exit); goto NEXTMOVE; } if ((key == System.ConsoleKey.H || Convert.ToChar(key) == Convert.ToChar("h")) && heatpack == 0) { goto NEXTMOVE; } #endregion #region <Move Down> if (key == System.ConsoleKey.DownArrow) { Console.Clear(); x--; player = player - 1; var HWexists = HW.Contains(player); var VWexists = VW.Contains(player); var Torchexists = Torch.Contains(player); var Exitexists = Exit.Contains(player); if (HWexists == true || VWexists == true) { player = player + 1; settings.Save(); x += 1; Move.move(player, x, 0, heatpack, HW, VW, Torch, Exit); goto NEXTMOVE; } if (Torchexists == true) { x = 50; settings.Save(); Move.move(player, x, 0, heatpack, HW, VW, Torch, Exit); goto NEXTMOVE; } if (Exitexists == true) { settings.Save(); Move.move(player, x, 0, heatpack, HW, VW, Torch, Exit); goto WON; } else { settings.Save(); } Move.move(player, x, 0, heatpack, HW, VW, Torch, Exit); goto NEXTMOVE; } #endregion #region <Move Left> if (key == System.ConsoleKey.LeftArrow) { Console.Clear(); x--; player = player - 1000; var HWexists = HW.Contains(player); var VWexists = VW.Contains(player); var Torchexists = Torch.Contains(player); if (HWexists == true || VWexists == true) { player = player + 1000; settings.Save(); x += 1; Move.move(player, x, 0, heatpack, HW, VW, Torch, Exit); goto NEXTMOVE; } if (Torchexists == true) { x = 50; settings.Save(); Move.move(player, x, 0, heatpack, HW, VW, Torch, Exit); goto NEXTMOVE; } else { settings.Save(); } Move.move(player, x, 0, heatpack, HW, VW, Torch, Exit); goto NEXTMOVE; } #endregion #region <Move Up> if (key == System.ConsoleKey.UpArrow) { Console.Clear(); x--; player = player + 1; var HWexists = HW.Contains(player); var VWexists = VW.Contains(player); var Torchexists = Torch.Contains(player); if (HWexists == true || VWexists == true) { player = player - 1; settings.Save(); x += 1; Move.move(player, x, 0, heatpack, HW, VW, Torch, Exit); goto NEXTMOVE; } if (Torchexists == true) { x = 50; settings.Save(); Move.move(player, x, 0, heatpack, HW, VW, Torch, Exit); goto NEXTMOVE; } else { settings.Save(); } Move.move(player, x, 0, heatpack, HW, VW, Torch, Exit); goto NEXTMOVE; } #endregion #region <Move Right> if (key == System.ConsoleKey.RightArrow) { Console.Clear(); x--; player = player + 1000; var HWexists = HW.Contains(player); var VWexists = VW.Contains(player); var Torchexists = Torch.Contains(player); if (HWexists == true || VWexists == true) { player = player - 1000; settings.Save(); x += 1; Move.move(player, x, 0, heatpack, HW, VW, Torch, Exit); goto NEXTMOVE; } if (Torchexists == true) { x = 50; settings.Save(); Move.move(player, x, 0, heatpack, HW, VW, Torch, Exit); goto NEXTMOVE; } else { settings.Save(); } Move.move(player, x, 0, heatpack, HW, VW, Torch, Exit); goto NEXTMOVE; } #endregion #region <Quit Premature> if (key == System.ConsoleKey.Q || Convert.ToChar(key) == Convert.ToChar("q")) { Console.WriteLine("Quitting, Thanks for playing!"); Console.WriteLine(""); goto END; } #endregion } #region <Froze> Console.WriteLine("You Froze! Press r to retry or q to quit "); int v = 1; while (2 != v) { INVAILDKEY :; System.ConsoleKey key2 = System.ConsoleKey.B; key2 = Console.ReadKey(true).Key; if (Convert.ToChar(key2) != Convert.ToChar("q") && Convert.ToChar(key2) != Convert.ToChar("r") && key2 != System.ConsoleKey.R && key2 != System.ConsoleKey.Q && key2 != System.ConsoleKey.B) { goto INVAILDKEY; } if (key2 == System.ConsoleKey.R || Convert.ToChar(key2) == Convert.ToChar("r")) { Console.Clear(); player = 100100; trys++; goto START; } if (key2 == System.ConsoleKey.Q || Convert.ToChar(key2) == Convert.ToChar("q")) { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Quitting, Thanks for playing!"); Console.WriteLine(""); goto END; } } #endregion #region <Won> WON :; Console.WriteLine("You've made it! Well Done!"); Console.WriteLine("You found the exit in {0} attempts, with {1} steps left!", trys, x); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("press r to retry or q to quit"); int w = 1; while (2 != w) { INVAILDKEY2 :; System.ConsoleKey key3 = System.ConsoleKey.B; key3 = Console.ReadKey(true).Key; if (Convert.ToChar(key3) != Convert.ToChar("q") && Convert.ToChar(key3) != Convert.ToChar("r") && key3 != System.ConsoleKey.R && key3 != System.ConsoleKey.Q && key3 != System.ConsoleKey.B) { goto INVAILDKEY2; } if (key3 == System.ConsoleKey.R || Convert.ToChar(key3) == Convert.ToChar("r")) { Console.Clear(); player = 100100; trys = 0; goto START; } if (key3 == System.ConsoleKey.Q || Convert.ToChar(key3) == Convert.ToChar("q")) { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Quitting, Thanks for playing!"); Console.WriteLine(""); goto END; } } #endregion END :; Thread.Sleep(2300); }
public static void Show(IDictionary <string, Action> menuEntries, List <string> menuList, System.ConsoleKey key, Action handler, ref bool exit) { string coursor = " "; int position = 0; string input = ""; while (!exit) { Console.Clear(); foreach (string item in menuEntries.Keys) { if (menuList.IndexOf(item) == position) { coursor = ">"; } else { coursor = " "; } Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", coursor, item); } if (menuList[0] == "Scale of field") { Console.WriteLine("\nESC for back"); } key = Console.ReadKey().Key; if (key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow) { if (position > 0) { position--; } } else if (key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow) { if (position < menuList.Count - 1) { position++; } } else if (key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { Console.Clear(); input = menuEntries.ElementAt(position).Key; menuEntries.TryGetValue(input, out handler); handler(); } else if (key == ConsoleKey.Escape) { break; } } ; }
public ConsoleKeyInfo(char keyChar, System.ConsoleKey key, bool shift, bool alt, bool control) { throw null; }