public static List<RData> getObject(RProjectDetails details, List<String> objectNames, Boolean encodeDataFramePrimitiveAsVector, RClient client, String uri) { StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(); //create the input String data.Append(Constants.FORMAT_JSON); data.Append("&project=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(; if (!(objectNames == null)) { if (objectNames.Count > 0) { data.Append("&name="); foreach (var s in objectNames) { data.Append(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(s) + ","); } data.Remove(data.Length - 1, 1); } } data.Append("&encodeDataFramePrimitiveAsVector=" + encodeDataFramePrimitiveAsVector.ToString()); //call the server JSONResponse jresponse = HTTPUtilities.callRESTGet(uri, data.ToString(), ref client); List<RData> returnValue = new List<RData>(); returnValue = JSONUtilities.parseRObjects(jresponse.JSONMarkup); return returnValue; }
private void ReadPrefs() { //read existing prefs from config file _Version = _prefs.Version; _AutoUpdate = _prefs.AutoUpdate; _XMLTVSourceURI = _prefs.XMLTVSourceURI; _Country = _prefs.Country; _LastUpdate = _prefs.LastUpdate; _ChannelList = _prefs.ChannelListNames; _Countries = _prefs.Countries; //assign prefs to UI lblVersion.Text = _Version; lblLastUpdate.Text = _LastUpdate; cmbAutoUpdate.Items.Add(_AutoUpdate.ToString()); cmbCountry.DataSource = _Countries; cmbCountry.DisplayMember = "CountryName"; cmbCountry.ValueMember = "SourceURI"; cmbCountry.SelectedIndex = 0; cmbSource.DataSource = _Countries; cmbSource.DisplayMember = "SourceURI"; cmbSource.ValueMember = "SourceURI"; cmbSource.SelectedIndex = 0; lstChannelList.DataSource = _ChannelList; }
public static void SendGCM(String planeId, Boolean state) { String currentDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); SqlParameter planeIdParam = new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@PlaneId", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = planeId }; String floorId = Convert.ToString(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, "SELECT [FKFloor] FROM [dbo].[Charge] WHERE [FKPlaneId]=@PlaneId", new SqlParameter[] { planeIdParam })); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(floorId)) { SqlParameter floorIdParam = new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@FloorId", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = floorId }; SqlParameter stateParam = new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@FloorState", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Bit, Value = state }; SqlParameter dateTimeParam = new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@StateChangedDate", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = currentDateTime }; SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, "UPDATE [dbo].[Floor] SET [FloorState]=@FloorState, [StateChangedDate] = @StateChangedDate WHERE [FloorId] = @FloorId", new SqlParameter[] { stateParam, dateTimeParam, floorIdParam }); DataSet accountResult = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(CommandType.Text, "SELECT [FKAccount] FROM [dbo].[Register] WHERE [FKFloor]=@FloorId", new SqlParameter[] { floorIdParam }); int accountRows = accountResult.Tables[0].Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < accountRows; i++) { String account = accountResult.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[0].ToString(); SqlParameter accountParam = new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@Account", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = account }; DataSet phoneIdResult = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(CommandType.Text, "SELECT [PhoneRegistId] FROM [dbo].[MemberMultiValue] WHERE [FKAccount]=@Account", new SqlParameter[] { accountParam }); int idRows = phoneIdResult.Tables[0].Rows.Count; for (int j = 0; j < idRows; j++) { Debug.WriteLine(phoneIdResult.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[0].ToString()); AndroidGcmNotificationer gcmSender = new AndroidGcmNotificationer(); gcmSender.SendNotification(account, phoneIdResult.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[0].ToString(), state.ToString()); } } } }
public static void autosaveProjects(Boolean save, RClient client, String uri) { StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(); //create the input String data.Append(Constants.FORMAT_JSON); data.Append("&enable=" + save.ToString().ToLower()); //call the server JSONResponse jresponse = HTTPUtilities.callRESTPost(uri, data.ToString(), ref client); }
static StackObject *ToString_1(ILIntepreter __intp, StackObject *__esp, IList <object> __mStack, CLRMethod __method, bool isNewObj) { ILRuntime.Runtime.Enviorment.AppDomain __domain = __intp.AppDomain; StackObject *ptr_of_this_method; StackObject *__ret = ILIntepreter.Minus(__esp, 1); ptr_of_this_method = ILIntepreter.Minus(__esp, 1); System.Boolean instance_of_this_method = GetInstance(__domain, ptr_of_this_method, __mStack); var result_of_this_method = instance_of_this_method.ToString(); return(ILIntepreter.PushObject(__ret, __mStack, result_of_this_method)); }
// Accounts - NEW public string GetUserAccounts(int page = 1, int limit = 25, Boolean all_accounts = false) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("?page=" + page); if (limit > 1000) limit = 1000; sb.Append("&limit=" + limit); sb.Append("&all_accounts=" + all_accounts.ToString()); return JsonRequest(URL_BASE + "accounts" + sb.ToString(), GET); }
public void save(string PC, string Android, Boolean clean, Boolean syncPlaylists, string iTunesLib) { System.IO.StreamWriter cfg = new System.IO.StreamWriter(cfg_filename); string[] lines = new string[5]; lines[0] = "PC=" + PC; lines[1] = "Android=" + Android; lines[2] = "Clean_Sync=" + clean.ToString(); lines[3] = "Sync_Playlists=" + syncPlaylists.ToString(); lines[4] = "iTunesXML=" + iTunesLib; foreach (string element in lines) cfg.WriteLine(element); cfg.Close(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { //值类型 int i = 0; bool a = true; System.Int32 k = 0; System.Boolean b = false; System.Int32 j = new int(); Console.WriteLine(i.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(b.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(j.ToString()); //引用类型 /* * System.Object * System.String * System.Dynamic */ object o = new object(); object o2 = new object(); Console.WriteLine(o.GetType()); Console.WriteLine(o.ToString()); string s = "tianxin"; string s2 = " temaxin "; s += s2; Console.WriteLine(s); Console.WriteLine(s == s2); char c = s [4]; Console.WriteLine(c); Console.WriteLine(s2.Contains("xin")); Console.WriteLine(s.Length); Console.WriteLine(s2.IndexOf("xi")); Console.ReadLine(); //指针类型 //type* identifier; //不安全类型 // char* cptr; // int* iptr; //动态(Dynamic)类型 ,存储任何类型的值在动态数据类型变量中。这些变量的类型检查是在运行时发生 //dynamic <variable_name> = value; dynamic d = 20; }
static StackObject *ToString_2(ILIntepreter __intp, StackObject *__esp, IList <object> __mStack, CLRMethod __method, bool isNewObj) { ILRuntime.Runtime.Enviorment.AppDomain __domain = __intp.AppDomain; StackObject *ptr_of_this_method; StackObject *__ret = ILIntepreter.Minus(__esp, 2); ptr_of_this_method = ILIntepreter.Minus(__esp, 1); System.IFormatProvider provider = (System.IFormatProvider) typeof(System.IFormatProvider).CheckCLRTypes(StackObject.ToObject(ptr_of_this_method, __domain, __mStack)); __intp.Free(ptr_of_this_method); ptr_of_this_method = ILIntepreter.Minus(__esp, 2); System.Boolean instance_of_this_method = GetInstance(__domain, ptr_of_this_method, __mStack); var result_of_this_method = instance_of_this_method.ToString(provider); return(ILIntepreter.PushObject(__ret, __mStack, result_of_this_method)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="section">hot | top | user - defaults to hot</param> /// <param name="sort">viral | top | time | rising (only available with user section) - defaults to viral</param> /// <param name="Viral">true | false - Show or hide viral images from the 'user' section. Defaults to true</param> /// <param name="Page">integer - the data paging number</param> /// <param name="OAuth">OAuth Token - For user authentication</param> /// <returns></returns> public JsonObject GetGallery(String section,String sort, Boolean Viral, Int32 Page, String OAuth =null ) { HttpClient client = GetHttpClient(OAuth); string URI = BaseURL; URI += "gallery/" + section + "/" + sort + "/" + Page + ".json"; if (section == "user") { URI += "showViral=" + Viral.ToString(); } var jsonStr = client.GetStringAsync(URI).Result; JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); JsonObject.TryParse(jsonStr, out json); return json; // throw new Exception("Method not implemented yet"); }
public void Init(HttpApplication application) { EventLog.WriteEntry(sSource, "HTTP Module registration", EventLogEntryType.Information); EventLog.WriteEntry(sSource, "Loading configuration from file:" + AssemblyDirectory + "\\EUMInjection.dll"); EventLog.WriteEntry(sSource, "HTTP Post Request", EventLogEntryType.Information); Configuration appConfig = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(AssemblyDirectory+ "\\EUMInjection.dll"); reference = Convert.ToBoolean(appConfig.AppSettings.Settings["Reference"].Value); uri = Convert.ToString(appConfig.AppSettings.Settings["AdrumURI"].Value); EventLog.WriteEntry(sSource, "Reference:" + reference.ToString()); EventLog.WriteEntry(sSource, "URI:" + uri); application.PostRequestHandlerExecute += (new EventHandler(Application_PostRequest)); }
protected PayfirmaTransactionResponse ProcessTransaction(String type, PayfirmaCredentials credentials, Double amount, String transactionId, Boolean isTest) { PayfirmaTransactionResponse payfirmaResponse = new PayfirmaTransactionResponse(); var webClient = new WebClient(); NameValueCollection requestData = new NameValueCollection(); requestData.Add("key", credentials.APIKey); requestData.Add("merchant_id", credentials.MerchantID); requestData.Add("amount", amount.ToString()); requestData.Add("test_mode", isTest.ToString().ToLower()); requestData.Add("do_not_store", "true"); if (type.ToLower() != "refund" && type.ToLower() != "capture") { payfirmaResponse.Error = "Payfirma Invalid Transaction Type : " + type; return payfirmaResponse; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(transactionId)) { payfirmaResponse.Error = "Payfirma Invalid Transaction ID"; return payfirmaResponse; } String url = this.GetPayfirmaURL() + "/" + type.ToLower() + "/" + transactionId; try { var webResponseByte = webClient.UploadValues(url, "POST", requestData); var webResponse = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(webResponseByte); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(webResponse)) { payfirmaResponse = this.HandleTransacitonResponse(webResponse); } else { payfirmaResponse.Error = "Payfirma unknown error"; } } catch (Exception e) { payfirmaResponse.Error = "Payfirma Error: " + e.Message; } return payfirmaResponse; }
public RestRequest CreateMetadataRequest(String path, String root, String hash, Boolean list, Boolean include_deleted) { var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET); request.Resource = "{version}/metadata/{root}{path}"; request.AddParameter("version", _version, ParameterType.UrlSegment); request.AddParameter("path", path, ParameterType.UrlSegment); request.AddParameter("root", root, ParameterType.UrlSegment); if (list) { request.AddParameter("hash", hash); request.AddParameter("list", list.ToString().ToLower()); request.AddParameter("include_deleted", include_deleted.ToString().ToLower()); } return request; }
protected PayfirmaTransactionResponse ProcessTransaction(String type, PayfirmaCredentials credentials, PayfirmaCreditCard cc, PayfirmaMetaData metaData, Double amount, Boolean isTest) { PayfirmaTransactionResponse payfirmaResponse = new PayfirmaTransactionResponse(); var webClient = new WebClient(); NameValueCollection requestData = new NameValueCollection(); this.GenerateMetaData(metaData, requestData); requestData.Add("key", credentials.APIKey); requestData.Add("merchant_id", credentials.MerchantID); requestData.Add("amount", amount.ToString()); requestData.Add("card_number", cc.Number); requestData.Add("card_expiry_month", cc.ExpMonth.ToString()); requestData.Add("card_expiry_year", cc.ExpYear.ToString()); requestData.Add("cvv2", cc.CVV2); requestData.Add("test_mode", isTest.ToString().ToLower()); requestData.Add("do_not_store", "true"); if (type.ToLower() != "sale" && type.ToLower() != "authorize") { // Default to sale transaction type. type = "sale"; } String url = this.GetPayfirmaURL() + "/" + type.ToLower(); ; try { var webResponseByte = webClient.UploadValues(url, "POST", requestData); var webResponse = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(webResponseByte); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(webResponse)) { payfirmaResponse = this.HandleTransacitonResponse(webResponse); } else { payfirmaResponse.Error = "Payfirma unknown error"; } } catch (Exception e) { payfirmaResponse.Error = "Payfirma Error: " + e.Message; } return payfirmaResponse; }
public Boolean GetBool(XmlNode parentNode, String id, Boolean default_val) { XmlNode nd = FindChildElement(parentNode, id); Boolean result; if (nd == null) { AddParameter(parentNode, id, default_val.ToString()); return default_val; } try { result = Boolean.Parse(nd.InnerText); } catch (Exception) { LogParamErr(parentNode, id, "True or False"); result = default_val; } return result; }
public static List<RRepositoryScript> listScripts(String filename, String directory, Boolean archived, Boolean sharedUsers, Boolean published, Boolean external, String categoryFilter, RClient client, String uri) { StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(); //create the input String data.Append(Constants.FORMAT_JSON); data.Append("&filename=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(filename)); data.Append("&directory=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(directory)); data.Append("&archived=" + archived.ToString()); data.Append("&shared=" + sharedUsers.ToString()); data.Append("&published=" + published.ToString()); data.Append("&external=" + external.ToString()); data.Append("&categoryFilter=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(categoryFilter)); JSONResponse jresponse = HTTPUtilities.callRESTGet(uri, data.ToString(), ref client); List<RRepositoryScript> returnValue = new List<RRepositoryScript>(); if (!(jresponse.JSONMarkup["repository"] == null)) { JObject jrepo = jresponse.JSONMarkup["repository"].Value<JObject>(); if (!(jrepo["scripts"] == null)) { JArray jvalues = jrepo["scripts"].Value<JArray>(); foreach (var j in jvalues) { if (j.Type != JTokenType.Null) { returnValue.Add(new RRepositoryScript(new JSONResponse(j.Value<JObject>(), true, "", 0), client)); } } } } return returnValue; }
private void SetValue(string key, Boolean value) { SetValue(key, value.ToString()); }
public void Setting(String key, Boolean value) { if (dFlags.ContainsKey(key)) dFlags[key] = value; if (dConfig.ContainsKey(key)) dConfig[key] = value.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the value of the specified nullable Boolean to its equivalent SqlString representation. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">A nullable Boolean value.</param> /// <returns>The SqlString equivalent of the nullable Boolean value.</returns> public static SqlString ToSqlString(Boolean? value) { return value.HasValue ? value.ToString() : SqlString.Null; }
/// <summary> /// Converts the value of the specified Boolean to its equivalent SqlString representation. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">A Boolean value.</param> /// <returns>The SqlString equivalent of the Boolean.</returns> public static SqlString ToSqlString(Boolean value) { return value.ToString(); }
public Boolean TestToString(Boolean testSubject) { strLoc = "099d8"; String b1 = ""; String b2 = ""; Boolean pass = false; Boolean excthrown = false; Object exc1 = null; Object exc2 = null; try { b1 = testSubject.ToString(); pass = true; excthrown = false; } catch (Exception exc) { exc1 = exc; pass = false; excthrown = true; } try { b2 = Convert.ToString(testSubject); pass = pass & true; } catch (Exception exc) { exc2 = exc; pass = false; excthrown = excthrown & true; } if(excthrown) if(exc1.GetType() == exc2.GetType()) return true; else return false; else if(pass && b1.Equals(b2)) return true; else return false; }
/** When the socket reader receives a property update from runtime, it decodes object ID * property ID and the new value of the property. It then calls this method of * the target object, to update the new value in property cache. After updating the cache, * this method then fires appropriate event in to notify the UI of what has happened. * DispatchPropertyUpdate is executed in the socket reader thread. */ internal override void DispatchPropertyUpdate(uint propId, object value, bool hasValue) { switch (propId) { case 202: /* Contact.P_TYPE */ cache[0] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_type = (SktContact.TYPE)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_TYPE = " + cache_type.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_TYPE - update without value");, cache_type); break; case 4: /* Contact.P_SKYPENAME */ cache[1] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_skypename = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_SKYPENAME = " + cache_skypename.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_SKYPENAME - update without value");, cache_skypename); break; case 6: /* Contact.P_PSTNNUMBER */ cache[2] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_pstnnumber = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_PSTNNUMBER = " + cache_pstnnumber.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_PSTNNUMBER - update without value");, cache_pstnnumber); break; case 5: /* Contact.P_FULLNAME */ cache[3] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_fullname = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_FULLNAME = " + cache_fullname.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_FULLNAME - update without value");, cache_fullname); break; case 7: /* Contact.P_BIRTHDAY */ cache[4] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_birthday = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_BIRTHDAY = " + cache_birthday.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_BIRTHDAY - update without value");, cache_birthday); break; case 8: /* Contact.P_GENDER */ cache[5] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_gender = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_GENDER = " + cache_gender.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_GENDER - update without value");, cache_gender); break; case 9: /* Contact.P_LANGUAGES */ cache[6] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_languages = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_LANGUAGES = " + cache_languages.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_LANGUAGES - update without value");, cache_languages); break; case 10: /* Contact.P_COUNTRY */ cache[7] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_country = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_COUNTRY = " + cache_country.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_COUNTRY - update without value");, cache_country); break; case 11: /* Contact.P_PROVINCE */ cache[8] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_province = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_PROVINCE = " + cache_province.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_PROVINCE - update without value");, cache_province); break; case 12: /* Contact.P_CITY */ cache[9] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_city = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_CITY = " + cache_city.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_CITY - update without value");, cache_city); break; case 13: /* Contact.P_PHONE_HOME */ cache[10] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_phone_home = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_PHONE_HOME = " + cache_phone_home.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_PHONE_HOME - update without value");, cache_phone_home); break; case 14: /* Contact.P_PHONE_OFFICE */ cache[11] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_phone_office = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_PHONE_OFFICE = " + cache_phone_office.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_PHONE_OFFICE - update without value");, cache_phone_office); break; case 15: /* Contact.P_PHONE_MOBILE */ cache[12] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_phone_mobile = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_PHONE_MOBILE = " + cache_phone_mobile.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_PHONE_MOBILE - update without value");, cache_phone_mobile); break; case 16: /* Contact.P_EMAILS */ cache[13] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_emails = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_EMAILS = " + cache_emails.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_EMAILS - update without value");, cache_emails); break; case 17: /* Contact.P_HOMEPAGE */ cache[14] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_homepage = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_HOMEPAGE = " + cache_homepage.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_HOMEPAGE - update without value");, cache_homepage); break; case 18: /* Contact.P_ABOUT */ cache[15] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_about = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_ABOUT = " + cache_about.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_ABOUT - update without value");, cache_about); break; case 37: /* Contact.P_AVATAR_IMAGE */ cache[16] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_avatar_image = (byte[])value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_AVATAR_IMAGE = binary size " + cache_avatar_image.Length.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_AVATAR_IMAGE - update without value");, cache_avatar_image); break; case 26: /* Contact.P_MOOD_TEXT */ cache[17] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_mood_text = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_MOOD_TEXT = " + cache_mood_text.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_MOOD_TEXT - update without value");, cache_mood_text); break; case 205: /* Contact.P_RICH_MOOD_TEXT */ cache[18] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_rich_mood_text = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_RICH_MOOD_TEXT = " + cache_rich_mood_text.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_RICH_MOOD_TEXT - update without value");, cache_rich_mood_text); break; case 27: /* Contact.P_TIMEZONE */ cache[19] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_timezone = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_TIMEZONE = " + cache_timezone.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_TIMEZONE - update without value");, cache_timezone); break; case 36: /* Contact.P_CAPABILITIES */ cache[20] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_capabilities = (byte[])value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_CAPABILITIES = binary size " + cache_capabilities.Length.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_CAPABILITIES - update without value");, cache_capabilities); break; case 19: /* Contact.P_PROFILE_TIMESTAMP */ cache[21] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_profile_timestamp = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_PROFILE_TIMESTAMP = " + cache_profile_timestamp.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_PROFILE_TIMESTAMP - update without value");, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_profile_timestamp)); break; case 28: /* Contact.P_NROF_AUTHED_BUDDIES */ cache[22] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_nrof_authed_buddies = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_NROF_AUTHED_BUDDIES = " + cache_nrof_authed_buddies.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_NROF_AUTHED_BUDDIES - update without value");, cache_nrof_authed_buddies); break; case 29: /* Contact.P_IPCOUNTRY */ cache[23] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_ipcountry = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_IPCOUNTRY = " + cache_ipcountry.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_IPCOUNTRY - update without value");, cache_ipcountry); break; case 182: /* Contact.P_AVATAR_TIMESTAMP */ cache[24] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_avatar_timestamp = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_AVATAR_TIMESTAMP = " + cache_avatar_timestamp.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_AVATAR_TIMESTAMP - update without value");, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_avatar_timestamp)); break; case 183: /* Contact.P_MOOD_TIMESTAMP */ cache[25] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_mood_timestamp = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_MOOD_TIMESTAMP = " + cache_mood_timestamp.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_MOOD_TIMESTAMP - update without value");, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_mood_timestamp)); break; case 20: /* Contact.P_RECEIVED_AUTHREQUEST */ cache[26] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_received_authrequest = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_RECEIVED_AUTHREQUEST = " + cache_received_authrequest.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_RECEIVED_AUTHREQUEST - update without value");, cache_received_authrequest); break; case 25: /* Contact.P_AUTHREQ_TIMESTAMP */ cache[27] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_authreq_timestamp = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_AUTHREQ_TIMESTAMP = " + cache_authreq_timestamp.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_AUTHREQ_TIMESTAMP - update without value");, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_authreq_timestamp)); break; case 35: /* Contact.P_LASTONLINE_TIMESTAMP */ cache[28] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_lastonline_timestamp = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_LASTONLINE_TIMESTAMP = " + cache_lastonline_timestamp.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_LASTONLINE_TIMESTAMP - update without value");, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_lastonline_timestamp)); break; case 34: /* Contact.P_AVAILABILITY */ cache[29] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_availability = (SktContact.AVAILABILITY)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_AVAILABILITY = " + cache_availability.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_AVAILABILITY - update without value");, cache_availability); break; case 21: /* Contact.P_DISPLAYNAME */ cache[30] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_displayname = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_DISPLAYNAME = " + cache_displayname.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_DISPLAYNAME - update without value");, cache_displayname); break; case 22: /* Contact.P_REFRESHING */ cache[31] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_refreshing = (Boolean)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_REFRESHING = " + cache_refreshing.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_REFRESHING - update without value");, cache_refreshing); break; case 23: /* Contact.P_GIVEN_AUTHLEVEL */ cache[32] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_given_authlevel = (SktContact.AUTHLEVEL)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_GIVEN_AUTHLEVEL = " + cache_given_authlevel.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_GIVEN_AUTHLEVEL - update without value");, cache_given_authlevel); break; case 33: /* Contact.P_GIVEN_DISPLAYNAME */ cache[33] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_given_displayname = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_GIVEN_DISPLAYNAME = " + cache_given_displayname.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_GIVEN_DISPLAYNAME - update without value");, cache_given_displayname); break; case 180: /* Contact.P_ASSIGNED_COMMENT */ cache[34] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_assigned_comment = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_ASSIGNED_COMMENT = " + cache_assigned_comment.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_ASSIGNED_COMMENT - update without value");, cache_assigned_comment); break; case 39: /* Contact.P_LASTUSED_TIMESTAMP */ cache[35] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_lastused_timestamp = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_LASTUSED_TIMESTAMP = " + cache_lastused_timestamp.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_LASTUSED_TIMESTAMP - update without value");, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_lastused_timestamp)); break; case 41: /* Contact.P_AUTHREQUEST_COUNT */ cache[36] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_authrequest_count = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_AUTHREQUEST_COUNT = " + cache_authrequest_count.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_AUTHREQUEST_COUNT - update without value");, cache_authrequest_count); break; case 184: /* Contact.P_ASSIGNED_PHONE1 */ cache[37] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_assigned_phone1 = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_ASSIGNED_PHONE1 = " + cache_assigned_phone1.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_ASSIGNED_PHONE1 - update without value");, cache_assigned_phone1); break; case 185: /* Contact.P_ASSIGNED_PHONE1_LABEL */ cache[38] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_assigned_phone1_label = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_ASSIGNED_PHONE1_LABEL = " + cache_assigned_phone1_label.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_ASSIGNED_PHONE1_LABEL - update without value");, cache_assigned_phone1_label); break; case 186: /* Contact.P_ASSIGNED_PHONE2 */ cache[39] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_assigned_phone2 = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_ASSIGNED_PHONE2 = " + cache_assigned_phone2.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_ASSIGNED_PHONE2 - update without value");, cache_assigned_phone2); break; case 187: /* Contact.P_ASSIGNED_PHONE2_LABEL */ cache[40] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_assigned_phone2_label = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_ASSIGNED_PHONE2_LABEL = " + cache_assigned_phone2_label.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_ASSIGNED_PHONE2_LABEL - update without value");, cache_assigned_phone2_label); break; case 188: /* Contact.P_ASSIGNED_PHONE3 */ cache[41] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_assigned_phone3 = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_ASSIGNED_PHONE3 = " + cache_assigned_phone3.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_ASSIGNED_PHONE3 - update without value");, cache_assigned_phone3); break; case 189: /* Contact.P_ASSIGNED_PHONE3_LABEL */ cache[42] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_assigned_phone3_label = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_ASSIGNED_PHONE3_LABEL = " + cache_assigned_phone3_label.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_ASSIGNED_PHONE3_LABEL - update without value");, cache_assigned_phone3_label); break; case 42: /* Contact.P_POPULARITY_ORD */ cache[43] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_popularity_ord = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_POPULARITY_ORD = " + cache_popularity_ord.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Contact.P_POPULARITY_ORD - update without value");, cache_popularity_ord); break; default: skypeRef.Error(String.Format("Invalid Contact class property ID ({0})received from socket.", propId)); break; } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("组件", cs.comp, typeof(UnityEngine.Object)); if (cs.propList.Count != propValList.Count) { SyncPropVal(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < cs.propList.Count; ++i) { if (cs.propList[i].Value.Count != propValList[i].Value.Count) { SyncPropVal(); break; } } } EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("helpbox"); extraCompName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("额外组件类型(类名)", extraCompName); EditorGUILayout.SelectableLabel(string.IsNullOrEmpty(finalCompName)?"没有此类型!":finalCompName); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); if (GUILayout.Button("GetComponents")) { if (preExtra != extraCompName || string.IsNullOrEmpty(finalCompName)) { finalCompName = getQualifiedName(extraCompName); } preExtra = extraCompName; List <string> compTypeList = new List <string>(defaultCompTypeList); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(finalCompName) && !compTypeList.Contains(finalCompName)) { compTypeList.Add(finalCompName); } RemoteGameObjectControl.RemoteGetComponent(cs.gameObject, compTypeList); } for (int i = 0; i < cs.propList.Count; ++i) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("helpbox"); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(cs.propList[i].Key); for (int j = 0; j < cs.propList[i].Value.Count; ++j) { KeyValuePair <string, KeyValuePair <string, KeyValuePair <string, string> > > kvp = cs.propList[i].Value[j]; bool bCanWrite = false; bool.TryParse(kvp.Value.Value.Key, out bCanWrite); string propType = kvp.Value.Key; if (notSupportEditTypeList.Contains(propType)) { bCanWrite = false; } EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!bCanWrite); string val = propValList[i].Value[j]; if ("UnityEngine.Color" == propType) { Color cVal = Color.clear; if (TypeOpe.ColorTryParse(val, out cVal)) { cVal = EditorGUILayout.ColorField(kvp.Key, cVal); propValList[i].Value[j] = TypeOpe.TypeToString(propType, (object)cVal); } else { propValList[i].Value[j] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(kvp.Key + "(" + kvp.Value.Key + ")", val); } } else if ("UnityEngine.Vector2" == propType) { Vector2 vVal =; if (TypeOpe.Vector2TryParse(val, out vVal)) { vVal = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field(kvp.Key, vVal); propValList[i].Value[j] = TypeOpe.TypeToString(propType, (object)vVal); } else { propValList[i].Value[j] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(kvp.Key + "(" + kvp.Value.Key + ")", val); } } else if ("UnityEngine.Vector3" == propType) { Vector3 vVal =; if (TypeOpe.Vector3TryParse(val, out vVal)) { vVal = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field(kvp.Key, vVal); propValList[i].Value[j] = TypeOpe.TypeToString(propType, (object)vVal); } else { propValList[i].Value[j] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(kvp.Key + "(" + kvp.Value.Key + ")", val); } } else if ("UnityEngine.Vector4" == propType) { Vector4 vVal =; if (TypeOpe.Vector4TryParse(val, out vVal)) { vVal = EditorGUILayout.Vector4Field(kvp.Key, vVal); propValList[i].Value[j] = TypeOpe.TypeToString(propType, (object)vVal); } else { propValList[i].Value[j] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(kvp.Key + "(" + kvp.Value.Key + ")", val); } } else if ("UnityEngine.Rect" == propType) { Rect vVal = new Rect(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f); if (TypeOpe.RectTryParse(val, out vVal)) { vVal = EditorGUILayout.RectField(kvp.Key, vVal); propValList[i].Value[j] = TypeOpe.TypeToString(propType, (object)vVal); } else { propValList[i].Value[j] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(kvp.Key + "(" + kvp.Value.Key + ")", val); } } else if ("System.Boolean" == propType) { System.Boolean bVal = false; if (System.Boolean.TryParse(val, out bVal)) { bVal = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(kvp.Key, bVal); propValList[i].Value[j] = bVal.ToString(); } else { propValList[i].Value[j] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(kvp.Key + "(" + kvp.Value.Key + ")", val); } } else if ("System.Single" == propType) { System.Single fVal = 0f; if (System.Single.TryParse(val, out fVal)) { fVal = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(kvp.Key, fVal); propValList[i].Value[j] = fVal.ToString(); } else { propValList[i].Value[j] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(kvp.Key + "(" + kvp.Value.Key + ")", val); } } else if ("System.Int32" == propType || "System.UInt32" == propType) { System.Int32 iVal = 0; if (System.Int32.TryParse(val, out iVal)) { iVal = EditorGUILayout.IntField(kvp.Key, iVal); propValList[i].Value[j] = iVal.ToString(); } else { propValList[i].Value[j] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(kvp.Key + "(" + kvp.Value.Key + ")", val); } } else { propValList[i].Value[j] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(kvp.Key + "(" + kvp.Value.Key + ")", val); } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } if (GUILayout.Button("submit")) { string compStr = ""; ComponentSimulator.encode(out compStr, cs.propList, propValList); RemoteGameObjectControl.RemoteSetComponent(cs.gameObject, compStr); } /* * if (GUILayout.Button("submit0")) * { * string compStr = ""; * ComponentSimulator.encode(out compStr,, cs.propList, propValList); * List<KeyValuePair<string, KeyValuePair<string, string>>> propList = null; * ComponentSimulator.decode(ref propList, compStr); * * Type type = Type.GetType("UnityEngine.ParticleSystem, UnityEngine"); * if (null == type) * { * return; * } * PropertyInfo[] pis = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); * for (int j = 0; j < pis.Length; ++j) * { * if (!pis[j].CanWrite || !pis[j].CanRead) * continue; * * int idx = propList.FindIndex(p => p.Key == pis[j].Name); * if (-1 == idx) * continue; * * MethodInfo mi = pis[j].GetSetMethod(); * Type propType = pis[j].PropertyType; * object[] val = null; * if (typeof(System.Single) == propType) * { * System.Single tmp; * if (System.Single.TryParse(propList[idx].Value.Value, out tmp)) * val = new object[] { tmp }; * else * continue; * } * else if (typeof(System.Boolean) == propType) * { * System.Boolean tmp; * if (System.Boolean.TryParse(propList[idx].Value.Value, out tmp)) * val = new object[] { tmp }; * else * continue; * } * else if (typeof(System.Int32) == propType) * { * System.Int32 tmp; * if (System.Int32.TryParse(propList[idx].Value.Value, out tmp)) * val = new object[] { tmp }; * else * continue; * } * else if (typeof(System.UInt32) == propType) * { * System.UInt32 tmp; * if (System.UInt32.TryParse(propList[idx].Value.Value, out tmp)) * val = new object[] { tmp }; * else * continue; * } * else if (typeof(System.String) == propType) * { * val = new object[] { propList[idx].Value.Value }; * } * else * continue; * * try * { * mi.Invoke(cs.comp, val); * } * catch (Exception e) * { * Debug.Log(e.ToString()); * } * } * } */ }
public conditionals_example() { bool boolTest = false; bool g = boolTest; g = true; // pretty simple stuff. // bool binaryTest = 0; //bool binaryTestTwo = 1; //you cannot do this. It does not recognize it as a binary digit. true or false only. Boolean geo = new Boolean(); geo = false; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (i > 3) { geo = true; } else { geo = false; } Console.WriteLine("geo is currently " + geo.ToString()); } Person pOne = new Person("Bob", "Baslow"); Person pTwo = new Person("Allan", "Smith"); //conditionals bool result = 6 < 5;//false result = 6 > 5;//true result = 6 >= 5;//true result = 6 <= 5;//false result = 6 == 5;//false result = 6 != 5;//true. Logical NOT operator. result = (pOne.FirstName == pTwo.FirstName) && (pOne.LastName == pTwo.LastName);// can use the && operator. Both conditions must be true. result = (pOne.FirstName == pTwo.FirstName) || (pOne.LastName == pTwo.LastName);// can use OR operator as well. //if statements if (result == true) { Console.WriteLine("This is true."); } else { Console.WriteLine("This is False"); } //switch-case statement - only useful if you are comparing two values that are equal. Cannot do less than or greater than. string str = "Hello, World"; switch (str) { case "Hello": Console.WriteLine(@"The value is ""test"""); break; case "world": Console.WriteLine(@"The value is ""test"""); break; case "Hello,": Console.WriteLine(@"The value is ""test"""); break; case "Hello, World": Console.WriteLine(@"The value is ""test"""); break; default: Console.WriteLine("No match found."); break; } }
public Boolean deleteSld(String styleName, Boolean purge) { int result = sendRESTint(METHOD_DELETE, "/styles/" + styleName + ".sld?purge=" + purge.ToString(), null); // + "&name=" + styleName return result == 200; }
private Dictionary<int, string> BuildPropertyList(int displaylevels = 20, Boolean showHidden = false, Boolean showArchived = false, int parentid = 0, String catreflist = "", String prefix = "", bool displayCount = false, bool showEmpty = true, string groupref = "", string breadcrumbseparator = ">", string lang = "") { if (lang == "") lang = Utils.GetCurrentCulture(); var rtnDic = new Dictionary<int, string>(); var strCacheKey = "NBrightBuy_BuildPropertyList" + PortalSettings.Current.PortalId + "*" + displaylevels + "*" + showHidden.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "*" + showArchived.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "*" + parentid + "*" + catreflist + "*" + prefix + "*" + Utils.GetCurrentCulture() + "*" + showEmpty + "*" + displayCount + "*" + groupref + "*" + lang; var objCache = NBrightBuyUtils.GetModCache(strCacheKey); if (objCache == null | StoreSettings.Current.DebugMode) { var grpCatCtrl = new GrpCatController(lang); var d = new Dictionary<int, string>(); var rtnList = new List<GroupCategoryData>(); rtnList = grpCatCtrl.GetTreePropertyList(breadcrumbseparator); var strCount = ""; foreach (var grpcat in rtnList) { if (displayCount) strCount = " (" + grpcat.entrycount.ToString("") + ")"; if (grpcat.depth < displaylevels) { if (showEmpty || grpcat.entrycount > 0) { if (grpcat.ishidden == false || showHidden) { if (!rtnDic.ContainsKey(grpcat.categoryid)) { var addprefix = new String(' ', grpcat.depth).Replace(" ", prefix); if (catreflist == "") rtnDic.Add(grpcat.categoryid, addprefix + grpcat.categoryname + strCount); else { if (grpcat.categoryref != "" && (catreflist + ",").Contains(grpcat.categoryref + ",")) { rtnDic.Add(grpcat.categoryid, addprefix + grpcat.categoryname + strCount); } } } } } } } NBrightBuyUtils.SetModCache(-1, strCacheKey, rtnDic); } else { rtnDic = (Dictionary<int, string>)objCache; } return rtnDic; }
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { if (m.Msg == 0x312) { switch ((int)m.WParam) { case 0: if (this.Settings != null && this.Settings.Visible) { this.Settings.Close(); break; } this.Settings = new Settings(); this.Settings.Show(); this.Settings.Location = new Point(this.GameWindowRect.Right - this.Settings.Width - 20, this.GameWindowRect.Top + 200); Native.SetForegroundWindow(this.GameMemory.Process.MainWindowHandle); break; case 1: ShowRadar = !ShowRadar; Main.Ini.IniWriteValue("Radar", "Show", ShowRadar.ToString()); break; case 2: ShowMap = !ShowMap; break; case 3: ShowMapLarge = !ShowMapLarge; Main.Ini.IniWriteValue("Map", "LargeMap", Main.ShowMapLarge.ToString()); break; case 4: Main.IsRunning = false; break; } } base.WndProc(ref m); }
public void OpenSCLFile(string filename, bool validate) { List <ErrorsManagement> list = new List <ErrorsManagement> (); if (modified && scl != null) { var res = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save your work?", "Openning a new SCL", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); if (res == DialogResult.Yes) { SaveSCLFile(true); } if (res == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } } string f = ""; if (filename == null) { openDialog dlg = new openDialog(); var res = dlg.ShowDialog(); if (res == DialogResult.OK) { f = dlg.FileName; } else { return; } } else { f = filename; } if (validate) { //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show ("OpenDialog: Validating"); ValidatingSCL val = new ValidatingSCL(); list = val.ValidateFile(f, xSDFiles); } this.PropertyGridAttributes.SelectedObject = null; this.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor; this.scl = null; // Creating an SCL object System.Console.WriteLine("Deserializating file to SCLObject:..."); System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); this.scl = new OpenSCL.Object(); this.scl.Deserialize(f); sw.Stop(); System.Console.WriteLine("Enlapsed Time:" + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms"); // Creating TreeView System.Console.WriteLine("Creating TreeView:..."); System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch swt = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); swt.Start(); string t = GetSclTitle(); this.sclviewertree.scl = this.scl.Configuration; this.sclviewertree.title = t; swt.Stop(); System.Console.WriteLine("Enlapsed Time:" + swt.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms"); modified = false; this.Text = this.AppName + " - " + this.File; Console.WriteLine("File: " + scl.FileName + "Openend Modif = " + modified.ToString()); this.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default; if (list.Count == 0) { EnablePanels(null); } else { EnablePanels(list); } }
/** When the socket reader receives a property update from runtime, it decodes object ID * property ID and the new value of the property. It then calls this method of * the target object, to update the new value in property cache. After updating the cache, * this method then fires appropriate event in to notify the UI of what has happened. * DispatchPropertyUpdate is executed in the socket reader thread. */ internal override void DispatchPropertyUpdate(uint propId, object value, bool hasValue) { switch (propId) { case 190: /* Sms.P_TYPE */ cache[0] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_type = (SktSms.TYPE)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_TYPE = " + cache_type.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_TYPE - update without value");, cache_type); break; case 1211: /* Sms.P_OUTGOING_REPLY_TYPE */ cache[1] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_outgoing_reply_type = (SktSms.OUTGOING_REPLY_TYPE)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_OUTGOING_REPLY_TYPE = " + cache_outgoing_reply_type.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_OUTGOING_REPLY_TYPE - update without value");, cache_outgoing_reply_type); break; case 191: /* Sms.P_STATUS */ cache[2] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_status = (SktSms.STATUS)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_STATUS = " + cache_status.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_STATUS - update without value");, cache_status); break; case 192: /* Sms.P_FAILUREREASON */ cache[3] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_failurereason = (SktSms.FAILUREREASON)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_FAILUREREASON = " + cache_failurereason.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_FAILUREREASON - update without value");, cache_failurereason); break; case 48: /* Sms.P_IS_FAILED_UNSEEN */ cache[4] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_is_failed_unseen = (Boolean)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_IS_FAILED_UNSEEN = " + cache_is_failed_unseen.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_IS_FAILED_UNSEEN - update without value");, cache_is_failed_unseen); break; case 198: /* Sms.P_TIMESTAMP */ cache[5] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_timestamp = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_TIMESTAMP = " + cache_timestamp.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_TIMESTAMP - update without value");, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_timestamp)); break; case 193: /* Sms.P_PRICE */ cache[6] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_price = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_PRICE = " + cache_price.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_PRICE - update without value");, cache_price); break; case 49: /* Sms.P_PRICE_PRECISION */ cache[7] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_price_precision = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_PRICE_PRECISION = " + cache_price_precision.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_PRICE_PRECISION - update without value");, cache_price_precision); break; case 194: /* Sms.P_PRICE_CURRENCY */ cache[8] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_price_currency = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_PRICE_CURRENCY = " + cache_price_currency.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_PRICE_CURRENCY - update without value");, cache_price_currency); break; case 199: /* Sms.P_REPLY_TO_NUMBER */ cache[9] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_reply_to_number = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_REPLY_TO_NUMBER = " + cache_reply_to_number.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_REPLY_TO_NUMBER - update without value");, cache_reply_to_number); break; case 195: /* Sms.P_TARGET_NUMBERS */ cache[10] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_target_numbers = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_TARGET_NUMBERS = " + cache_target_numbers.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_TARGET_NUMBERS - update without value");, cache_target_numbers); break; case 196: /* Sms.P_TARGET_STATUSES */ cache[11] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_target_statuses = (byte[])value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_TARGET_STATUSES = binary size " + cache_target_statuses.Length.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_TARGET_STATUSES - update without value");, cache_target_statuses); break; case 197: /* Sms.P_BODY */ cache[12] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_body = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_BODY = " + cache_body.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_BODY - update without value");, cache_body); break; case 840: /* Sms.P_CHATMSG_ID */ cache[13] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_chatmsg_id = (SktMessage)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_CHATMSG_ID = " + cache_chatmsg_id.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_CHATMSG_ID - update without value");, cache_chatmsg_id); break; default: skypeRef.Error(String.Format("Invalid Sms class property ID ({0})received from socket.", propId)); break; } }
// Simple Types // /// <summary>Converts the value from <c>Boolean</c> to an equivalent <c>SqlString</c> value.</summary> public static SqlString ToSqlString(Boolean p) { return p.ToString(); }
/** When the socket reader receives a property update from runtime, it decodes object ID * property ID and the new value of the property. It then calls this method of * the target object, to update the new value in property cache. After updating the cache, * this method then fires appropriate event in to notify the UI of what has happened. * DispatchPropertyUpdate is executed in the socket reader thread. */ internal override void DispatchPropertyUpdate(uint propId, object value, bool hasValue) { switch (propId) { case 972: /* Conversation.P_IDENTITY */ cache[0] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_identity = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_IDENTITY = " + cache_identity.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_IDENTITY - update without value");, cache_identity); break; case 902: /* Conversation.P_TYPE */ cache[1] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_type = (SktConversation.TYPE)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_TYPE = " + cache_type.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_TYPE - update without value");, cache_type); break; case 918: /* Conversation.P_LIVE_HOST */ cache[2] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_live_host = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LIVE_HOST = " + cache_live_host.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LIVE_HOST - update without value");, cache_live_host); break; case 974: /* Conversation.P_LIVE_START_TIMESTAMP */ cache[3] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_live_start_timestamp = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LIVE_START_TIMESTAMP = " + cache_live_start_timestamp.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LIVE_START_TIMESTAMP - update without value");, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_live_start_timestamp)); break; case 996: /* Conversation.P_LIVE_IS_MUTED */ cache[4] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_live_is_muted = (Boolean)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LIVE_IS_MUTED = " + cache_live_is_muted.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LIVE_IS_MUTED - update without value");, cache_live_is_muted); break; case 920: /* Conversation.P_ALERT_STRING */ cache[5] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_alert_string = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_ALERT_STRING = " + cache_alert_string.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_ALERT_STRING - update without value");, cache_alert_string); break; case 921: /* Conversation.P_IS_BOOKMARKED */ cache[6] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_is_bookmarked = (Boolean)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_IS_BOOKMARKED = " + cache_is_bookmarked.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_IS_BOOKMARKED - update without value");, cache_is_bookmarked); break; case 925: /* Conversation.P_GIVEN_DISPLAYNAME */ cache[7] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_given_displayname = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_GIVEN_DISPLAYNAME = " + cache_given_displayname.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_GIVEN_DISPLAYNAME - update without value");, cache_given_displayname); break; case 924: /* Conversation.P_DISPLAYNAME */ cache[8] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_displayname = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_DISPLAYNAME = " + cache_displayname.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_DISPLAYNAME - update without value");, cache_displayname); break; case 927: /* Conversation.P_LOCAL_LIVESTATUS */ cache[9] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_local_livestatus = (SktConversation.LOCAL_LIVESTATUS)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LOCAL_LIVESTATUS = " + cache_local_livestatus.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LOCAL_LIVESTATUS - update without value");, cache_local_livestatus); break; case 928: /* Conversation.P_INBOX_TIMESTAMP */ cache[10] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_inbox_timestamp = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_INBOX_TIMESTAMP = " + cache_inbox_timestamp.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_INBOX_TIMESTAMP - update without value");, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_inbox_timestamp)); break; case 973: /* Conversation.P_INBOX_MESSAGE_ID */ cache[11] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_inbox_message_id = (SktMessage)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_INBOX_MESSAGE_ID = " + cache_inbox_message_id.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_INBOX_MESSAGE_ID - update without value");, cache_inbox_message_id); break; case 975: /* Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_SUPPRESSED_MESSAGES */ cache[12] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_unconsumed_suppressed_messages = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_SUPPRESSED_MESSAGES = " + cache_unconsumed_suppressed_messages.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_SUPPRESSED_MESSAGES - update without value");, cache_unconsumed_suppressed_messages); break; case 976: /* Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_NORMAL_MESSAGES */ cache[13] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_unconsumed_normal_messages = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_NORMAL_MESSAGES = " + cache_unconsumed_normal_messages.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_NORMAL_MESSAGES - update without value");, cache_unconsumed_normal_messages); break; case 977: /* Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_ELEVATED_MESSAGES */ cache[14] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_unconsumed_elevated_messages = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_ELEVATED_MESSAGES = " + cache_unconsumed_elevated_messages.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_ELEVATED_MESSAGES - update without value");, cache_unconsumed_elevated_messages); break; case 970: /* Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_MESSAGES_VOICE */ cache[15] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_unconsumed_messages_voice = (Boolean)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_MESSAGES_VOICE = " + cache_unconsumed_messages_voice.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_MESSAGES_VOICE - update without value");, cache_unconsumed_messages_voice); break; case 971: /* Conversation.P_ACTIVE_VM_ID */ cache[16] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_active_vm_id = (SktVoicemail)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_ACTIVE_VM_ID = " + cache_active_vm_id.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_ACTIVE_VM_ID - update without value");, cache_active_vm_id); break; case 979: /* Conversation.P_CONSUMPTION_HORIZON */ cache[17] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_consumption_horizon = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_CONSUMPTION_HORIZON = " + cache_consumption_horizon.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_CONSUMPTION_HORIZON - update without value");, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_consumption_horizon)); break; case 981: /* Conversation.P_LAST_ACTIVITY_TIMESTAMP */ cache[18] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_last_activity_timestamp = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LAST_ACTIVITY_TIMESTAMP = " + cache_last_activity_timestamp.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LAST_ACTIVITY_TIMESTAMP - update without value");, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_last_activity_timestamp)); break; case 915: /* Conversation.P_SPAWNED_FROM_CONVO_ID */ cache[19] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_spawned_from_convo_id = (SktConversation)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_SPAWNED_FROM_CONVO_ID = " + cache_spawned_from_convo_id.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_SPAWNED_FROM_CONVO_ID - update without value");, cache_spawned_from_convo_id); break; case 903: /* Conversation.P_CREATOR */ cache[20] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_creator = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_CREATOR = " + cache_creator.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_CREATOR - update without value");, cache_creator); break; case 904: /* Conversation.P_CREATION_TIMESTAMP */ cache[21] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_creation_timestamp = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_CREATION_TIMESTAMP = " + cache_creation_timestamp.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_CREATION_TIMESTAMP - update without value");, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_creation_timestamp)); break; case 919: /* Conversation.P_MY_STATUS */ cache[22] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_my_status = (SktConversation.MY_STATUS)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_MY_STATUS = " + cache_my_status.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_MY_STATUS - update without value");, cache_my_status); break; case 922: /* Conversation.P_OPT_JOINING_ENABLED */ cache[23] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_opt_joining_enabled = (Boolean)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_JOINING_ENABLED = " + cache_opt_joining_enabled.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_JOINING_ENABLED - update without value");, cache_opt_joining_enabled); break; case 906: /* Conversation.P_OPT_ENTRY_LEVEL_RANK */ cache[24] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_opt_entry_level_rank = (SktParticipant.RANK)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_ENTRY_LEVEL_RANK = " + cache_opt_entry_level_rank.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_ENTRY_LEVEL_RANK - update without value");, cache_opt_entry_level_rank); break; case 907: /* Conversation.P_OPT_DISCLOSE_HISTORY */ cache[25] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_opt_disclose_history = (Boolean)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_DISCLOSE_HISTORY = " + cache_opt_disclose_history.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_DISCLOSE_HISTORY - update without value");, cache_opt_disclose_history); break; case 909: /* Conversation.P_OPT_ADMIN_ONLY_ACTIVITIES */ cache[26] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_opt_admin_only_activities = (SktConversation.ALLOWED_ACTIVITY)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_ADMIN_ONLY_ACTIVITIES = " + cache_opt_admin_only_activities.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_ADMIN_ONLY_ACTIVITIES - update without value");, cache_opt_admin_only_activities); break; case 980: /* Conversation.P_PASSWORDHINT */ cache[27] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_passwordhint = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_PASSWORDHINT = " + cache_passwordhint.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_PASSWORDHINT - update without value");, cache_passwordhint); break; case 910: /* Conversation.P_META_NAME */ cache[28] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_meta_name = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_NAME = " + cache_meta_name.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_NAME - update without value");, cache_meta_name); break; case 911: /* Conversation.P_META_TOPIC */ cache[29] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_meta_topic = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_TOPIC = " + cache_meta_topic.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_TOPIC - update without value");, cache_meta_topic); break; case 913: /* Conversation.P_META_GUIDELINES */ cache[30] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_meta_guidelines = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_GUIDELINES = " + cache_meta_guidelines.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_GUIDELINES - update without value");, cache_meta_guidelines); break; case 914: /* Conversation.P_META_PICTURE */ cache[31] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_meta_picture = (byte[])value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_PICTURE = binary size " + cache_meta_picture.Length.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_PICTURE - update without value");, cache_meta_picture); break; default: skypeRef.Error(String.Format("Invalid Conversation class property ID ({0})received from socket.", propId)); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Converts the value of the specified nullable Boolean to the equivalent SqlChars representation. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">A nullable Boolean.</param> /// <returns>The equivalent SqlChars.</returns> public static SqlChars ToSqlChars(Boolean? value) { return value.HasValue ? new SqlChars(value.ToString().ToCharArray()) : SqlChars.Null; }
public void SetConfig(String configName, Boolean configValue) { SetConfig(configName, configValue.ToString()); }
public static void UpdateVisualForYValue4StackedColumnChart(RenderAs chartType, Chart chart, DataPoint dataPoint, Boolean isAxisChanged) { if (dataPoint.Faces == null) return; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Animate--YValue" + dataPoint.YValue.ToString() + " IsAxisChange=" + isAxisChanged.ToString()); Boolean animationEnabled = chart.AnimatedUpdate; // Whether the animation for the DataPoint is enabled DataSeries dataSeries = dataPoint.Parent; // parent of the current DataPoint Canvas dataPointVisual = dataPoint.Faces.Visual as Canvas; // Old visual for the column Canvas labelCanvas = dataPoint.Faces.LabelCanvas;// (columnCanvas.Parent as Canvas).Children[0] as Canvas; // Parent canvas of Datapoint label Canvas columnCanvas = (labelCanvas.Parent as Canvas).Children[1] as Canvas; //dataSeries.Faces.Visual as Canvas;// dataPointVisual.Parent as Canvas; // Existing parent canvas of column UpdateParentVisualCanvasSize(chart, columnCanvas); UpdateParentVisualCanvasSize(chart, labelCanvas); Double height = labelCanvas.Height; Double width = labelCanvas.Width; PlotGroup plotGroup = dataSeries.PlotGroup; // PlotGroup reference // Calculate 3d depth for the DataPoints Double depth3d = chart.ChartArea.PLANK_DEPTH / chart.PlotDetails.Layer3DCount * (chart.View3D ? 1 : 0); // Calculate required parameters for Creating new Stacked Columns Double minDiff, widthPerColumn, maxColumnWidth; widthPerColumn = CalculateWidthOfEachStackedColumn(chart, plotGroup, width, out minDiff, out maxColumnWidth); // List of effected DataPoints for the current update of YValue property of the DataPoint XWiseStackedData effectedDataPoints = plotGroup.XWiseStackedDataList[dataPoint.InternalXValue]; // Marging all DataPoints in to single a single list of DataPoint List<DataPoint> positiveList = effectedDataPoints.Positive.ToList(); List<DataPoint> negativeList = effectedDataPoints.Negative.ToList(); List<DataPoint> listOfDataPoint = new List<DataPoint>(); listOfDataPoint.AddRange(positiveList); listOfDataPoint.AddRange(negativeList); // Storing reference of old Visual foreach(DataPoint dp in listOfDataPoint) { if (dp.Marker != null && dp.Marker.Visual != null) dp._oldMarkerPosition = new Point((Double)dp.Marker.Visual.GetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty), (Double)dp.Marker.Visual.GetValue(Canvas.TopProperty)); if (dp.LabelVisual != null) dp._oldLabelPosition = new Point((Double)dp.LabelVisual.GetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty), (Double)dp.LabelVisual.GetValue(Canvas.TopProperty)); if (dp.Faces != null) { dp._oldVisual = dp.Faces.Visual; columnCanvas.Children.Remove(dp._oldVisual); } } // Calculate limiting value Double limitingYValue = (plotGroup.AxisY.InternalAxisMinimum > 0)? plotGroup.AxisY.InternalAxisMinimum : (plotGroup.AxisY.InternalAxisMaximum < 0)? plotGroup.AxisY.InternalAxisMaximum : 0; // Create new Column with new YValue DrawStackedColumnsAtXValue(chartType, dataPoint.InternalXValue, plotGroup, columnCanvas, labelCanvas, plotGroup.DrawingIndex, dataPointVisual.Width, maxColumnWidth, limitingYValue, depth3d, false); Boolean isPositive; if (animationEnabled) { // Create new Storyboard for animation if (dataPoint.Storyboard != null) { dataPoint.Storyboard.Stop(); dataPoint.Storyboard = null; } dataPoint.Storyboard = new Storyboard(); // Whether to animate the top of DataPoint Visual Boolean isAnimateTop = false; // Loop through all Datapoints under the PlotGroup of the current DataPoint and apply animation foreach (DataPoint dp in listOfDataPoint) { if (dp.Faces == null || dp._oldVisual == null) continue; FrameworkElement newVisual = dp.Faces.Visual; // New StackedColumn visual reference of DataPoint Double oldTop = (Double)dp._oldVisual.GetValue(Canvas.TopProperty); // Top of the old visual of the DataPoint Double newTop = (Double)newVisual.GetValue(Canvas.TopProperty); // Top of the new visual of the DataPoint Double oldHeight = dp._oldVisual.Height; // Height of the old visual of the DataPoint Double newHeight = newVisual.Height; // Height of the new visual of the DataPoint Double oldScale = oldHeight / newHeight; // Scale value for the old DataPoint System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("DataPoint--oldTop =" + oldTop.ToString() + " newTop=" + newTop.ToString() + "oldYValue=" + dp._oldYValue.ToString() + " newYValue=" + dp.InternalYValue.ToString()); if (dp == dataPoint) { isPositive = (dataPoint._oldYValue < 0 && dataPoint.InternalYValue > 0) ? true : (dataPoint._oldYValue > 0 && dataPoint.InternalYValue < 0) ? false : dp._oldYValue >= 0 ? true : false; } else isPositive = dp.InternalYValue >= 0 ? true : false; if (isPositive) newVisual.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0.5, 1); else newVisual.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0); // Apply new RenderTransform to the DataPoint Visual newVisual.RenderTransform = new ScaleTransform(); if(Double.IsInfinity(oldScale) || Double.IsNaN(oldScale)) oldScale = 0; // if (oldScale > 1) // oldScale = 1.1; if (oldScale != 1) dataPoint.Storyboard = AnimationHelper.ApplyPropertyAnimation(newVisual, "(UIElement.RenderTransform).(ScaleTransform.ScaleY)", dataPoint, dataPoint.Storyboard, 0, new Double[] { 0, 1 }, new Double[] { oldScale, 1 }, null); if ((isAnimateTop && oldTop != newTop) || (dp._oldYValue == dp.InternalYValue && oldTop != newTop)) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Animate Top ----"); newVisual.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, oldTop); dataPoint.Storyboard = AnimationHelper.ApplyPropertyAnimation(newVisual, "(Canvas.Top)", dataPoint, dataPoint.Storyboard, 0, new Double[] { 0, 1 }, new Double[] { oldTop, newTop }, null); } if (dp == dataPoint) isAnimateTop = true; // Apply animation to markers if marker exists if (dp.Marker != null && dp.Marker.Visual != null) { Double markerNewTop = (Double)dp.Marker.Visual.GetValue(Canvas.TopProperty); dataPoint.Storyboard = AnimationHelper.ApplyPropertyAnimation(dp.Marker.Visual, "(Canvas.Top)", dataPoint, dataPoint.Storyboard, 0, new Double[] { 0, 1 }, new Double[] { dp._oldMarkerPosition.Y, markerNewTop }, null); dp.Marker.Visual.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, dp._oldMarkerPosition.Y); } if (dp.LabelVisual != null) { Double labelNewTop = (Double)dp.LabelVisual.GetValue(Canvas.TopProperty); dataPoint.Storyboard = AnimationHelper.ApplyPropertyAnimation(dp.LabelVisual, "(Canvas.Top)", dataPoint, dataPoint.Storyboard, 0, new Double[] { 0, 1 }, new Double[] { dp._oldLabelPosition.Y, labelNewTop }, null); dp.LabelVisual.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, dp._oldLabelPosition.Y); } dataPoint.Storyboard.SpeedRatio = 2; // Remove old visual of the DataPoint from the columncanvas dp._oldVisual = null; } dataPoint.Storyboard.SpeedRatio = 2; // Begin storyboard animation #if WPF dataPoint.Storyboard.Begin(dataPoint.Chart._rootElement, true); #else dataPoint.Storyboard.Begin(); #endif } if (columnCanvas.Parent != null) { width = chart.ChartArea.ChartVisualCanvas.Width; height = chart.ChartArea.ChartVisualCanvas.Height; RectangleGeometry clipRectangle = new RectangleGeometry(); clipRectangle.Rect = new Rect(0, -chart.ChartArea.PLANK_DEPTH - (chart.View3D ? 0 : 5), width + chart.ChartArea.PLANK_DEPTH, height + chart.ChartArea.PLANK_DEPTH + chart.ChartArea.PLANK_THICKNESS + (chart.View3D ? 0 : 10)); (columnCanvas.Parent as Canvas).Clip = clipRectangle; } if (dataPoint.Parent.SelectionEnabled && dataPoint.Selected) dataPoint.Select(true); }
/// <summary>Converts the value from <c>Boolean?</c> to an equivalent <c>SqlChars</c> value.</summary> public static SqlChars ToSqlChars(Boolean? p) { return p.HasValue? new SqlChars(p.ToString().ToCharArray()): SqlChars.Null; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Boolean"/> class. /// </summary> public Boolean(System.Boolean initialValue) { Name = Header = "Boolean"; CreateOutputs(1); SetOutput(0, initialValue.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), initialValue); }