        /// <summary>
        /// Convert debug variable into a readable string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="array"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string DebugVariableToString(Array array, string floatFomat = "{0:0.0000}")
            string[] titles = null;
            if (array.Rank == 3)
                titles = new[] { "Depth {0}\n" };

            // is the element type a floating point type
            var arrayType = array.GetType().GetElementType();
            var isFloat = arrayType == typeof(float) || arrayType == typeof(double);

            // convert array to string array
            var strArray = array.ToStringArray(isFloat ? floatFomat : "{0}");
            var max = strArray.ToEnumerable().Select(x => ((string)x).Length).Max();

            // recursively convert each dimension of the array into a string
            var str = new StringBuilder((max + 5) * array.Length);
            DebugVariableToString(str, max + 4, strArray, new int[array.Rank], titles);
            return str.ToString();