virtual public void WriteData(byte[] data, int stride) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); ZDeflaterOutputStream zip = new ZDeflaterOutputStream(stream, 5); int k; for (k = 0; k < data.Length - stride; k += stride) { zip.WriteByte(0); zip.Write(data, k, stride); } int remaining = data.Length - k; if (remaining > 0){ zip.WriteByte(0); zip.Write(data, k, remaining); } zip.Close(); WriteChunk(IDAT, stream.ToArray()); }
/** * Compresses the stream. * @param compressionLevel the compression level (0 = best speed, 9 = best compression, -1 is default) * @since 2.1.3 */ virtual public void FlateCompress(int compressionLevel) { if (!Document.Compress) return; // check if the flateCompress-method has already been used if (compressed) { return; } this.compressionLevel = compressionLevel; if (inputStream != null) { compressed = true; return; } // check if a filter already exists PdfObject filter = PdfReader.GetPdfObject(Get(PdfName.FILTER)); if (filter != null) { if (filter.IsName()) { if (PdfName.FLATEDECODE.Equals(filter)) return; } else if (filter.IsArray()) { if (((PdfArray) filter).Contains(PdfName.FLATEDECODE)) return; } else { throw new PdfException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } } // compress MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); ZDeflaterOutputStream zip = new ZDeflaterOutputStream(stream, compressionLevel); if (streamBytes != null) streamBytes.WriteTo(zip); else zip.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); //zip.Close(); zip.Finish(); // update the object streamBytes = stream; bytes = null; Put(PdfName.LENGTH, new PdfNumber(streamBytes.Length)); if (filter == null) { Put(PdfName.FILTER, PdfName.FLATEDECODE); } else { PdfArray filters = new PdfArray(filter); filters.Add(0, PdfName.FLATEDECODE); Put(PdfName.FILTER, filters); } compressed = true; }
virtual public void WriteIccProfile(byte[] data) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); stream.WriteByte((byte)'I'); stream.WriteByte((byte)'C'); stream.WriteByte((byte)'C'); stream.WriteByte(0); stream.WriteByte(0); ZDeflaterOutputStream zip = new ZDeflaterOutputStream(stream, 5); zip.Write(data, 0, data.Length); zip.Close(); WriteChunk(iCCP, stream.ToArray()); }
/** * Creates a new PDF stream object that will replace a stream * in a existing PDF file. * @param reader the reader that holds the existing PDF * @param conts the new content * @param compressionLevel the compression level for the content * @since 2.1.3 (replacing the existing constructor without param compressionLevel) */ public PRStream(PdfReader reader, byte[] conts, int compressionLevel) { this.reader = reader; this.offset = -1; if (Document.Compress) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); ZDeflaterOutputStream zip = new ZDeflaterOutputStream(stream, compressionLevel); zip.Write(conts, 0, conts.Length); zip.Close(); bytes = stream.ToArray(); Put(PdfName.FILTER, PdfName.FLATEDECODE); } else bytes = conts; Length = bytes.Length; }
/** * Sets the data associated with the stream, either compressed or * uncompressed. Note that the data will never be compressed if * Document.compress is set to false. * * @param data raw data, decrypted and uncompressed. * @param compress true if you want the stream to be compresssed. * @param compressionLevel a value between -1 and 9 (ignored if compress == false) * @since iText 2.1.3 */ virtual public void SetData(byte[] data, bool compress, int compressionLevel) { Remove(PdfName.FILTER); this.offset = -1; if (Document.Compress && compress) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); ZDeflaterOutputStream zip = new ZDeflaterOutputStream(stream, compressionLevel); zip.Write(data, 0, data.Length); zip.Close(); bytes = stream.ToArray(); this.compressionLevel = compressionLevel; Put(PdfName.FILTER, PdfName.FLATEDECODE); } else bytes = data; Length = bytes.Length; }
static Image ProcessExtraSamples(ZDeflaterOutputStream zip, ZDeflaterOutputStream mzip, byte[] outBuf, int samplePerPixel, int bitsPerSample, int width, int height) { if (bitsPerSample == 8) { byte[] mask = new byte[width * height]; int mptr = 0; int optr = 0; int total = width * height * samplePerPixel; for (int k = 0; k < total; k += samplePerPixel) { for (int s = 0; s < samplePerPixel - 1; ++s) { outBuf[optr++] = outBuf[k + s]; } mask[mptr++] = outBuf[k + samplePerPixel - 1]; } zip.Write(outBuf, 0, optr); mzip.Write(mask, 0, mptr); } else throw new ArgumentException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("extra.samples.are.not.supported")); return null; }
public void WriteData(byte[] data, int stride) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); ZDeflaterOutputStream zip = new ZDeflaterOutputStream(stream, 5); for (int k = 0; k < data.Length; k += stride) { zip.WriteByte(0); zip.Write(data, k, stride); } zip.Finish(); WriteChunk(IDAT, stream.ToArray()); }
// methods /** * Compresses the stream. * * @throws PdfException if a filter is allready defined */ public void FlateCompress() { if (!Document.Compress) return; // check if the flateCompress-method has allready been if (compressed) { return; } if (inputStream != null) { compressed = true; return; } // check if a filter allready exists PdfObject filter = PdfReader.GetPdfObject(Get(PdfName.FILTER)); if (filter != null) { if (filter.IsName()) { if (PdfName.FLATEDECODE.Equals(filter)) return; } else if (filter.IsArray()) { if (((PdfArray) filter).Contains(PdfName.FLATEDECODE)) return; } else { throw new PdfException("Stream could not be compressed: filter is not a name or array."); } } // compress MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); ZDeflaterOutputStream zip = new ZDeflaterOutputStream(stream); if (streamBytes != null) streamBytes.WriteTo(zip); else zip.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); //zip.Close(); zip.Finish(); // update the object streamBytes = stream; bytes = null; Put(PdfName.LENGTH, new PdfNumber(streamBytes.Length)); if (filter == null) { Put(PdfName.FILTER, PdfName.FLATEDECODE); } else { PdfArray filters = new PdfArray(filter); filters.Add(PdfName.FLATEDECODE); Put(PdfName.FILTER, filters); } compressed = true; }