This structure holds components of an Xsd Duration. It is used internally to support Xsd durations without loss of fidelity. XsdDuration structures are immutable once they've been created.
        internal override Exception TryParseValue(string s, XmlNameTable nameTable, IXmlNamespaceResolver nsmgr, out object typedValue)
            typedValue = null;
            if ((s == null) || (s.Length == 0))
                return(new XmlSchemaException("Sch_EmptyAttributeValue", string.Empty));
            Exception exception = DatatypeImplementation.durationFacetsChecker.CheckLexicalFacets(ref s, this);

            if (exception == null)
                XsdDuration duration;
                exception = XsdDuration.TryParse(s, XsdDuration.DurationType.DayTimeDuration, out duration);
                if (exception == null)
                    TimeSpan span;
                    exception = duration.TryToTimeSpan(XsdDuration.DurationType.DayTimeDuration, out span);
                    if (exception == null)
                        exception = DatatypeImplementation.durationFacetsChecker.CheckValueFacets(span, this);
                        if (exception == null)
                            typedValue = span;
        public XsdDuration(TimeSpan timeSpan, DurationType durationType)
            long  ticks = timeSpan.Ticks;
            ulong ticksPos;
            bool  isNegative;

            if (ticks < 0)
                // Note that (ulong) -Int64.MinValue = Int64.MaxValue + 1, which is what we want for that special case
                isNegative = true;
                ticksPos   = unchecked ((ulong)-ticks);
                isNegative = false;
                ticksPos   = (ulong)ticks;

            if (durationType == DurationType.YearMonthDuration)
                int years  = (int)(ticksPos / ((ulong)TimeSpan.TicksPerDay * 365));
                int months = (int)((ticksPos % ((ulong)TimeSpan.TicksPerDay * 365)) / ((ulong)TimeSpan.TicksPerDay * 30));

                if (months == 12)
                    // If remaining days >= 360 and < 365, then round off to year
                    months = 0;

                this = new XsdDuration(isNegative, years, months, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                Debug.Assert(durationType == DurationType.Duration || durationType == DurationType.DayTimeDuration);

                // Tick count is expressed in 100 nanosecond intervals
                _nanoseconds = (uint)(ticksPos % 10000000) * 100;
                if (isNegative)
                    _nanoseconds |= NegativeBit;

                _years   = 0;
                _months  = 0;
                _days    = (int)(ticksPos / (ulong)TimeSpan.TicksPerDay);
                _hours   = (int)((ticksPos / (ulong)TimeSpan.TicksPerHour) % 24);
                _minutes = (int)((ticksPos / (ulong)TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute) % 60);
                _seconds = (int)((ticksPos / (ulong)TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond) % 60);
        public XsdDuration(TimeSpan timeSpan, DurationType durationType)
            ulong num2;
            bool  flag;
            long  ticks = timeSpan.Ticks;

            if (ticks < 0L)
                flag = true;
                num2 = (ulong)-ticks;
                flag = false;
                num2 = (ulong)ticks;
            if (durationType == DurationType.YearMonthDuration)
                int years  = (int)(num2 / ((ulong)0x11ed178c6c000L));
                int months = (int)((num2 % ((ulong)0x11ed178c6c000L)) / ((ulong)0x1792f8648000L));
                if (months == 12)
                    months = 0;
                this = new XsdDuration(flag, years, months, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                this.nanoseconds = ((uint)(num2 % ((ulong)0x989680L))) * 100;
                if (flag)
                    this.nanoseconds |= 0x80000000;
                this.years   = 0;
                this.months  = 0;
                this.days    = (int)(num2 / ((ulong)0xc92a69c000L));
                this.hours   = (int)((num2 / ((ulong)0x861c46800L)) % ((ulong)0x18L));
                this.minutes = (int)((num2 / ((ulong)0x23c34600L)) % ((ulong)60L));
                this.seconds = (int)((num2 / ((ulong)0x989680L)) % ((ulong)60L));
        ///<include file='doc\XmlConvert.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="XmlConvert.ToTimeSpan"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        public static TimeSpan ToTimeSpan(string s)
            XsdDuration duration;
            TimeSpan timeSpan;

                duration = new XsdDuration(s);
            catch (Exception)
                // Remap exception for v1 compatibility
                throw new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.XmlConvert_BadFormat, s, "TimeSpan"));

            timeSpan = duration.ToTimeSpan();

            return timeSpan;
        internal static Exception?TryParse(string s, DurationType durationType, out XsdDuration result)
            int    length;
            int    value, pos, numDigits;
            Parts  parts = Parts.HasNone;

            result = default;

            s      = s.Trim();
            length = s.Length;

            pos       = 0;
            numDigits = 0;

            if (pos >= length)
                goto InvalidFormat;

            if (s[pos] == '-')
                result._nanoseconds = NegativeBit;
                result._nanoseconds = 0;

            if (pos >= length)
                goto InvalidFormat;

            if (s[pos++] != 'P')
                goto InvalidFormat;

            errorCode = TryParseDigits(s, ref pos, false, out value, out numDigits);
            if (errorCode != null)
                goto Error;

            if (pos >= length)
                goto InvalidFormat;

            if (s[pos] == 'Y')
                if (numDigits == 0)
                    goto InvalidFormat;

                parts        |= Parts.HasYears;
                result._years = value;
                if (++pos == length)
                    goto Done;

                errorCode = TryParseDigits(s, ref pos, false, out value, out numDigits);
                if (errorCode != null)
                    goto Error;

                if (pos >= length)
                    goto InvalidFormat;

            if (s[pos] == 'M')
                if (numDigits == 0)
                    goto InvalidFormat;

                parts         |= Parts.HasMonths;
                result._months = value;
                if (++pos == length)
                    goto Done;

                errorCode = TryParseDigits(s, ref pos, false, out value, out numDigits);
                if (errorCode != null)
                    goto Error;

                if (pos >= length)
                    goto InvalidFormat;

            if (s[pos] == 'D')
                if (numDigits == 0)
                    goto InvalidFormat;

                parts       |= Parts.HasDays;
                result._days = value;
                if (++pos == length)
                    goto Done;

                errorCode = TryParseDigits(s, ref pos, false, out value, out numDigits);
                if (errorCode != null)
                    goto Error;

                if (pos >= length)
                    goto InvalidFormat;

            if (s[pos] == 'T')
                if (numDigits != 0)
                    goto InvalidFormat;

                errorCode = TryParseDigits(s, ref pos, false, out value, out numDigits);
                if (errorCode != null)
                    goto Error;

                if (pos >= length)
                    goto InvalidFormat;

                if (s[pos] == 'H')
                    if (numDigits == 0)
                        goto InvalidFormat;

                    parts        |= Parts.HasHours;
                    result._hours = value;
                    if (++pos == length)
                        goto Done;

                    errorCode = TryParseDigits(s, ref pos, false, out value, out numDigits);
                    if (errorCode != null)
                        goto Error;

                    if (pos >= length)
                        goto InvalidFormat;

                if (s[pos] == 'M')
                    if (numDigits == 0)
                        goto InvalidFormat;

                    parts          |= Parts.HasMinutes;
                    result._minutes = value;
                    if (++pos == length)
                        goto Done;

                    errorCode = TryParseDigits(s, ref pos, false, out value, out numDigits);
                    if (errorCode != null)
                        goto Error;

                    if (pos >= length)
                        goto InvalidFormat;

                if (s[pos] == '.')

                    parts          |= Parts.HasSeconds;
                    result._seconds = value;

                    errorCode = TryParseDigits(s, ref pos, true, out value, out numDigits);
                    if (errorCode != null)
                        goto Error;

                    if (numDigits == 0)
                    { //If there are no digits after the decimal point, assume 0
                        value = 0;
                    // Normalize to nanosecond intervals
                    for (; numDigits > 9; numDigits--)
                        value /= 10;

                    for (; numDigits < 9; numDigits++)
                        value *= 10;

                    result._nanoseconds |= (uint)value;

                    if (pos >= length)
                        goto InvalidFormat;

                    if (s[pos] != 'S')
                        goto InvalidFormat;
                    if (++pos == length)
                        goto Done;
                else if (s[pos] == 'S')
                    if (numDigits == 0)
                        goto InvalidFormat;

                    parts          |= Parts.HasSeconds;
                    result._seconds = value;
                    if (++pos == length)
                        goto Done;

            // Duration cannot end with digits
            if (numDigits != 0)
                goto InvalidFormat;

            // No further characters are allowed
            if (pos != length)
                goto InvalidFormat;

            // At least one part must be defined
            if (parts == Parts.HasNone)
                goto InvalidFormat;

            if (durationType == DurationType.DayTimeDuration)
                if ((parts & (Parts.HasYears | Parts.HasMonths)) != 0)
                    goto InvalidFormat;
            else if (durationType == DurationType.YearMonthDuration)
                if ((parts & ~(XsdDuration.Parts.HasYears | XsdDuration.Parts.HasMonths)) != 0)
                    goto InvalidFormat;


            return(new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.XmlConvert_BadFormat, s, durationType)));

            return(new OverflowException(SR.Format(SR.XmlConvert_Overflow, s, durationType)));
 internal static Exception?TryParse(string s, out XsdDuration result)
     return(TryParse(s, DurationType.Duration, out result));
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct an XsdDuration from a TimeSpan value that represents an xsd:duration, an xdt:dayTimeDuration, or
        /// an xdt:yearMonthDuration.
        /// </summary>
        public XsdDuration(TimeSpan timeSpan, DurationType durationType) {
            long ticks = timeSpan.Ticks;
            ulong ticksPos;
            bool isNegative;

            if (ticks < 0) {
                // Note that (ulong) -Int64.MinValue = Int64.MaxValue + 1, which is what we want for that special case
                isNegative = true;
                ticksPos = (ulong) -ticks;
            else {
                isNegative = false;
                ticksPos = (ulong) ticks;

            if (durationType == DurationType.YearMonthDuration) {
                int years = (int) (ticksPos / ((ulong) TimeSpan.TicksPerDay * 365));
                int months = (int) ((ticksPos % ((ulong) TimeSpan.TicksPerDay * 365)) / ((ulong) TimeSpan.TicksPerDay * 30));

                if (months == 12) {
                    // If remaining days >= 360 and < 365, then round off to year
                    months = 0;

                this = new XsdDuration(isNegative, years, months, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            else {
                Debug.Assert(durationType == DurationType.Duration || durationType == DurationType.DayTimeDuration);

                // Tick count is expressed in 100 nanosecond intervals
                this.nanoseconds = (uint) (ticksPos % 10000000) * 100;
                if (isNegative)
                    this.nanoseconds |= NegativeBit;

                this.years = 0;
                this.months = 0;
                this.days = (int) (ticksPos / (ulong) TimeSpan.TicksPerDay);
                this.hours = (int) ((ticksPos / (ulong) TimeSpan.TicksPerHour) % 24);
                this.minutes = (int) ((ticksPos / (ulong) TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute) % 60);
                this.seconds = (int) ((ticksPos / (ulong) TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond) % 60);
        internal static Exception TryParse(string s, DurationType durationType, out XsdDuration result) {
            string errorCode; 
            int length;
            int value, pos, numDigits;
            Parts parts = Parts.HasNone;

            result = new XsdDuration();

            s = s.Trim();
            length = s.Length;

            pos = 0;
            numDigits = 0;

            if (pos >= length) goto InvalidFormat;

            if (s[pos] == '-') {
                result.nanoseconds = NegativeBit;
            else {
                result.nanoseconds = 0;

            if (pos >= length) goto InvalidFormat;

            if (s[pos++] != 'P') goto InvalidFormat;

            errorCode = TryParseDigits(s, ref pos, false, out value, out numDigits);
            if (errorCode != null) goto Error;

            if (pos >= length) goto InvalidFormat;

            if (s[pos] == 'Y') {
                if (numDigits == 0) goto InvalidFormat;

                parts |= Parts.HasYears;
                result.years = value;
                if (++pos == length) goto Done;

                errorCode = TryParseDigits(s, ref pos, false, out value, out numDigits);
                if (errorCode != null) goto Error;

                if (pos >= length) goto InvalidFormat;

            if (s[pos] == 'M') {
                if (numDigits == 0) goto InvalidFormat;

                parts |= Parts.HasMonths;
                result.months = value;
                if (++pos == length) goto Done;

                errorCode = TryParseDigits(s, ref pos, false, out value, out numDigits);
                if (errorCode != null) goto Error;

                if (pos >= length) goto InvalidFormat;

            if (s[pos] == 'D') {
                if (numDigits == 0) goto InvalidFormat;

                parts |= Parts.HasDays;
                result.days = value;
                if (++pos == length) goto Done;

                errorCode = TryParseDigits(s, ref pos, false, out value, out numDigits);
                if (errorCode != null) goto Error;

                if (pos >= length) goto InvalidFormat;

            if (s[pos] == 'T') {
                if (numDigits != 0) goto InvalidFormat;

                errorCode = TryParseDigits(s, ref pos, false, out value, out numDigits);
                if (errorCode != null) goto Error;

                if (pos >= length) goto InvalidFormat;

                if (s[pos] == 'H') {
                    if (numDigits == 0) goto InvalidFormat;

                    parts |= Parts.HasHours;
                    result.hours = value;
                    if (++pos == length) goto Done;

                    errorCode = TryParseDigits(s, ref pos, false, out value, out numDigits);
                    if (errorCode != null) goto Error;

                    if (pos >= length) goto InvalidFormat;

                if (s[pos] == 'M') {
                    if (numDigits == 0) goto InvalidFormat;

                    parts |= Parts.HasMinutes;
                    result.minutes = value;
                    if (++pos == length) goto Done;

                    errorCode = TryParseDigits(s, ref pos, false, out value, out numDigits);
                    if (errorCode != null) goto Error;

                    if (pos >= length) goto InvalidFormat;

                if (s[pos] == '.') {

                    parts |= Parts.HasSeconds;
                    result.seconds = value;

                    errorCode = TryParseDigits(s, ref pos, true, out value, out numDigits);
                    if (errorCode != null) goto Error;

                    if (numDigits == 0) { //If there are no digits after the decimal point, assume 0
                        value = 0;
                    // Normalize to nanosecond intervals
                    for (; numDigits > 9; numDigits--)
                        value /= 10;

                    for (; numDigits < 9; numDigits++)
                        value *= 10;

                    result.nanoseconds |= (uint) value;

                    if (pos >= length) goto InvalidFormat;

                    if (s[pos] != 'S') goto InvalidFormat;
                    if (++pos == length) goto Done;
                else if (s[pos] == 'S') {
                    if (numDigits == 0) goto InvalidFormat;

                    parts |= Parts.HasSeconds;
                    result.seconds = value;
                    if (++pos == length) goto Done;

            // Duration cannot end with digits
            if (numDigits != 0) goto InvalidFormat;

            // No further characters are allowed
            if (pos != length) goto InvalidFormat;

            // At least one part must be defined
            if (parts == Parts.HasNone) goto InvalidFormat;

            if (durationType == DurationType.DayTimeDuration) {
                if ((parts & (Parts.HasYears | Parts.HasMonths)) != 0)
                    goto InvalidFormat;
            else if (durationType == DurationType.YearMonthDuration) {
                if ((parts & ~(XsdDuration.Parts.HasYears | XsdDuration.Parts.HasMonths)) != 0)
                    goto InvalidFormat;
            return null;

            return new FormatException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlConvert_BadFormat, s, durationType));

            return new OverflowException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlConvert_Overflow, s, durationType));
        protected static TimeSpan StringToYearMonthDuration(string value)
            XsdDuration duration = new XsdDuration(value, XsdDuration.DurationType.YearMonthDuration);

        protected static string DurationToString(TimeSpan value)
            XsdDuration duration = new XsdDuration(value, XsdDuration.DurationType.Duration);

 public XsdDuration(TimeSpan timeSpan, DurationType durationType)
     ulong num2;
     bool flag;
     long ticks = timeSpan.Ticks;
     if (ticks < 0L)
         flag = true;
         num2 = (ulong) -ticks;
         flag = false;
         num2 = (ulong) ticks;
     if (durationType == DurationType.YearMonthDuration)
         int years = (int) (num2 / ((ulong) 0x11ed178c6c000L));
         int months = (int) ((num2 % ((ulong) 0x11ed178c6c000L)) / ((ulong) 0x1792f8648000L));
         if (months == 12)
             months = 0;
         this = new XsdDuration(flag, years, months, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
         this.nanoseconds = ((uint) (num2 % ((ulong) 0x989680L))) * 100;
         if (flag)
             this.nanoseconds |= 0x80000000;
         this.years = 0;
         this.months = 0;
         this.days = (int) (num2 / ((ulong) 0xc92a69c000L));
         this.hours = (int) ((num2 / ((ulong) 0x861c46800L)) % ((ulong) 0x18L));
         this.minutes = (int) ((num2 / ((ulong) 0x23c34600L)) % ((ulong) 60L));
         this.seconds = (int) ((num2 / ((ulong) 0x989680L)) % ((ulong) 60L));
 internal static Exception TryParse(string s, DurationType durationType, out XsdDuration result)
     int num2;
     Parts hasNone = Parts.HasNone;
     result = new XsdDuration();
     s = s.Trim();
     int length = s.Length;
     int offset = 0;
     int numDigits = 0;
     if (offset >= length)
         goto Label_02D8;
     if (s[offset] == '-')
         result.nanoseconds = 0x80000000;
         result.nanoseconds = 0;
     if ((offset >= length) || (s[offset++] != 'P'))
         goto Label_02D8;
     if (TryParseDigits(s, ref offset, false, out num2, out numDigits) != null)
         goto Label_0301;
     if (offset >= length)
         goto Label_02D8;
     if (s[offset] == 'Y')
         if (numDigits == 0)
             goto Label_02D8;
         hasNone |= Parts.HasYears;
         result.years = num2;
         if (++offset == length)
             goto Label_02BB;
         if (TryParseDigits(s, ref offset, false, out num2, out numDigits) != null)
             goto Label_0301;
         if (offset >= length)
             goto Label_02D8;
     if (s[offset] == 'M')
         if (numDigits == 0)
             goto Label_02D8;
         hasNone |= Parts.HasMonths;
         result.months = num2;
         if (++offset == length)
             goto Label_02BB;
         if (TryParseDigits(s, ref offset, false, out num2, out numDigits) != null)
             goto Label_0301;
         if (offset >= length)
             goto Label_02D8;
     if (s[offset] == 'D')
         if (numDigits == 0)
             goto Label_02D8;
         hasNone |= Parts.HasDays;
         result.days = num2;
         if (++offset == length)
             goto Label_02BB;
         if (TryParseDigits(s, ref offset, false, out num2, out numDigits) != null)
             goto Label_0301;
         if (offset >= length)
             goto Label_02D8;
     if (s[offset] == 'T')
         if (numDigits != 0)
             goto Label_02D8;
         if (TryParseDigits(s, ref offset, false, out num2, out numDigits) != null)
             goto Label_0301;
         if (offset >= length)
             goto Label_02D8;
         if (s[offset] == 'H')
             if (numDigits == 0)
                 goto Label_02D8;
             hasNone |= Parts.HasHours;
             result.hours = num2;
             if (++offset == length)
                 goto Label_02BB;
             if (TryParseDigits(s, ref offset, false, out num2, out numDigits) != null)
                 goto Label_0301;
             if (offset >= length)
                 goto Label_02D8;
         if (s[offset] == 'M')
             if (numDigits == 0)
                 goto Label_02D8;
             hasNone |= Parts.HasMinutes;
             result.minutes = num2;
             if (++offset == length)
                 goto Label_02BB;
             if (TryParseDigits(s, ref offset, false, out num2, out numDigits) != null)
                 goto Label_0301;
             if (offset >= length)
                 goto Label_02D8;
         if (s[offset] == '.')
             hasNone |= Parts.HasSeconds;
             result.seconds = num2;
             if (TryParseDigits(s, ref offset, true, out num2, out numDigits) != null)
                 goto Label_0301;
             if (numDigits == 0)
                 num2 = 0;
             while (numDigits > 9)
                 num2 /= 10;
             while (numDigits < 9)
                 num2 *= 10;
             result.nanoseconds |= (uint) num2;
             if ((offset >= length) || (s[offset] != 'S'))
                 goto Label_02D8;
             if (++offset != length)
                 goto Label_02B3;
             goto Label_02BB;
         if (s[offset] == 'S')
             if (numDigits == 0)
                 goto Label_02D8;
             hasNone |= Parts.HasSeconds;
             result.seconds = num2;
             if (++offset == length)
                 goto Label_02BB;
     if ((numDigits != 0) || (offset != length))
         goto Label_02D8;
     if (hasNone == Parts.HasNone)
         goto Label_02D8;
     if (durationType == DurationType.DayTimeDuration)
         if ((hasNone & (Parts.HasMonths | Parts.HasYears)) == Parts.HasNone)
             goto Label_02D6;
         goto Label_02D8;
     if ((durationType == DurationType.YearMonthDuration) && ((hasNone & ~(Parts.HasMonths | Parts.HasYears)) != Parts.HasNone))
         goto Label_02D8;
     return null;
     return new FormatException(Res.GetString("XmlConvert_BadFormat", new object[] { s, durationType }));
     return new OverflowException(Res.GetString("XmlConvert_Overflow", new object[] { s, durationType }));
 protected static TimeSpan StringToYearMonthDuration(string value)
     XsdDuration duration = new XsdDuration(value, XsdDuration.DurationType.YearMonthDuration);
     return duration.ToTimeSpan(XsdDuration.DurationType.YearMonthDuration);
 protected static string DurationToString(TimeSpan value)
     XsdDuration duration = new XsdDuration(value, XsdDuration.DurationType.Duration);
     return duration.ToString(XsdDuration.DurationType.Duration);
 public static string ToString(TimeSpan value)
     XsdDuration duration = new XsdDuration(value);
     return duration.ToString();
 internal static Exception TryParse(string s, out XsdDuration result) {
     return TryParse(s, DurationType.Duration, out result);
 public static TimeSpan ToTimeSpan(string s)
     XsdDuration duration;
         duration = new XsdDuration(s);
     catch (Exception)
         throw new FormatException(Res.GetString("XmlConvert_BadFormat", new object[] { s, "TimeSpan" }));
     return duration.ToTimeSpan();
        internal static Exception TryParse(string s, DurationType durationType, out XsdDuration result)
            int   num2;
            Parts hasNone = Parts.HasNone;

            result = new XsdDuration();
            s      = s.Trim();
            int length    = s.Length;
            int offset    = 0;
            int numDigits = 0;

            if (offset >= length)
                goto Label_02D8;
            if (s[offset] == '-')
                result.nanoseconds = 0x80000000;
                result.nanoseconds = 0;
            if ((offset >= length) || (s[offset++] != 'P'))
                goto Label_02D8;
            if (TryParseDigits(s, ref offset, false, out num2, out numDigits) != null)
                goto Label_0301;
            if (offset >= length)
                goto Label_02D8;
            if (s[offset] == 'Y')
                if (numDigits == 0)
                    goto Label_02D8;
                hasNone     |= Parts.HasYears;
                result.years = num2;
                if (++offset == length)
                    goto Label_02BB;
                if (TryParseDigits(s, ref offset, false, out num2, out numDigits) != null)
                    goto Label_0301;
                if (offset >= length)
                    goto Label_02D8;
            if (s[offset] == 'M')
                if (numDigits == 0)
                    goto Label_02D8;
                hasNone      |= Parts.HasMonths;
                result.months = num2;
                if (++offset == length)
                    goto Label_02BB;
                if (TryParseDigits(s, ref offset, false, out num2, out numDigits) != null)
                    goto Label_0301;
                if (offset >= length)
                    goto Label_02D8;
            if (s[offset] == 'D')
                if (numDigits == 0)
                    goto Label_02D8;
                hasNone    |= Parts.HasDays;
                result.days = num2;
                if (++offset == length)
                    goto Label_02BB;
                if (TryParseDigits(s, ref offset, false, out num2, out numDigits) != null)
                    goto Label_0301;
                if (offset >= length)
                    goto Label_02D8;
            if (s[offset] == 'T')
                if (numDigits != 0)
                    goto Label_02D8;
                if (TryParseDigits(s, ref offset, false, out num2, out numDigits) != null)
                    goto Label_0301;
                if (offset >= length)
                    goto Label_02D8;
                if (s[offset] == 'H')
                    if (numDigits == 0)
                        goto Label_02D8;
                    hasNone     |= Parts.HasHours;
                    result.hours = num2;
                    if (++offset == length)
                        goto Label_02BB;
                    if (TryParseDigits(s, ref offset, false, out num2, out numDigits) != null)
                        goto Label_0301;
                    if (offset >= length)
                        goto Label_02D8;
                if (s[offset] == 'M')
                    if (numDigits == 0)
                        goto Label_02D8;
                    hasNone       |= Parts.HasMinutes;
                    result.minutes = num2;
                    if (++offset == length)
                        goto Label_02BB;
                    if (TryParseDigits(s, ref offset, false, out num2, out numDigits) != null)
                        goto Label_0301;
                    if (offset >= length)
                        goto Label_02D8;
                if (s[offset] == '.')
                    hasNone       |= Parts.HasSeconds;
                    result.seconds = num2;
                    if (TryParseDigits(s, ref offset, true, out num2, out numDigits) != null)
                        goto Label_0301;
                    if (numDigits == 0)
                        num2 = 0;
                    while (numDigits > 9)
                        num2 /= 10;
                    while (numDigits < 9)
                        num2 *= 10;
                    result.nanoseconds |= (uint)num2;
                    if ((offset >= length) || (s[offset] != 'S'))
                        goto Label_02D8;
                    if (++offset != length)
                        goto Label_02B3;
                    goto Label_02BB;
                if (s[offset] == 'S')
                    if (numDigits == 0)
                        goto Label_02D8;
                    hasNone       |= Parts.HasSeconds;
                    result.seconds = num2;
                    if (++offset == length)
                        goto Label_02BB;
            if ((numDigits != 0) || (offset != length))
                goto Label_02D8;
            if (hasNone == Parts.HasNone)
                goto Label_02D8;
            if (durationType == DurationType.DayTimeDuration)
                if ((hasNone & (Parts.HasMonths | Parts.HasYears)) == Parts.HasNone)
                    goto Label_02D6;
                goto Label_02D8;
            if ((durationType == DurationType.YearMonthDuration) && ((hasNone & ~(Parts.HasMonths | Parts.HasYears)) != Parts.HasNone))
                goto Label_02D8;

            Label_02D8 :;
            return(new FormatException(Res.GetString("XmlConvert_BadFormat", new object[] { s, durationType })));

            Label_0301 :;
            return(new OverflowException(Res.GetString("XmlConvert_Overflow", new object[] { s, durationType })));