private void CreateSimpletypeLength(string length, string minLength, string maxLength, bool expected) { passed = true; XmlSchema schema = new XmlSchema(); XmlSchemaSimpleType testType = new XmlSchemaSimpleType(); testType.Name = "TestType"; XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction testTypeRestriction = new XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction(); testTypeRestriction.BaseTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName("string", ""); if (length != "-") { XmlSchemaLengthFacet _length = new XmlSchemaLengthFacet(); _length.Value = length; testTypeRestriction.Facets.Add(_length); } if (minLength != "-") { XmlSchemaMinLengthFacet _minLength = new XmlSchemaMinLengthFacet(); _minLength.Value = minLength; testTypeRestriction.Facets.Add(_minLength); } if (maxLength != "-") { XmlSchemaMaxLengthFacet _maxLength = new XmlSchemaMaxLengthFacet(); _maxLength.Value = maxLength; testTypeRestriction.Facets.Add(_maxLength); } testType.Content = testTypeRestriction; schema.Items.Add(testType); schema.Compile(new ValidationEventHandler(ValidationCallbackOne)); Assert.IsTrue (expected == passed, (passed ? "Test passed, should have failed" : "Test failed, should have passed") + ": " + length + " " + minLength + " " + maxLength); }
//<length // fixed = boolean : false // id = ID // value = nonNegativeInteger // {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}> // Content: (annotation?) //</length> internal static XmlSchemaLengthFacet Read(XmlSchemaReader reader, ValidationEventHandler h) { XmlSchemaLengthFacet length = new XmlSchemaLengthFacet(); reader.MoveToElement(); if (reader.NamespaceURI != XmlSchema.Namespace || reader.LocalName != xmlname) { error(h, "Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaLengthFacet.Read, name=" + reader.Name, null); reader.Skip(); return(null); } length.LineNumber = reader.LineNumber; length.LinePosition = reader.LinePosition; length.SourceUri = reader.BaseURI; while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { if (reader.Name == "id") { length.Id = reader.Value; } else if (reader.Name == "fixed") { Exception innerex; length.IsFixed = XmlSchemaUtil.ReadBoolAttribute(reader, out innerex); if (innerex != null) { error(h, reader.Value + " is not a valid value for fixed attribute", innerex); } } else if (reader.Name == "value") { length.Value = reader.Value; } else if ((reader.NamespaceURI == "" && reader.Name != "xmlns") || reader.NamespaceURI == XmlSchema.Namespace) { error(h, reader.Name + " is not a valid attribute for group", null); } else { XmlSchemaUtil.ReadUnhandledAttribute(reader, length); } } reader.MoveToElement(); if (reader.IsEmptyElement) { return(length); } // Content: (annotation?) int level = 1; while (reader.ReadNextElement()) { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) { if (reader.LocalName != xmlname) { error(h, "Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaLengthFacet.Read, name=" + reader.Name, null); } break; } if (level <= 1 && reader.LocalName == "annotation") { level = 2; //Only one annotation XmlSchemaAnnotation annotation = XmlSchemaAnnotation.Read(reader, h); if (annotation != null) { length.Annotation = annotation; } continue; } reader.RaiseInvalidElementError(); } return(length); }
internal static XmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction Read(XmlSchemaReader reader, ValidationEventHandler h) { XmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction = new XmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction(); reader.MoveToElement(); if (reader.NamespaceURI != "" || reader.LocalName != "restriction") { XmlSchemaObject.error(h, "Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaComplexContentRestriction.Read, name=" + reader.Name, null); reader.SkipToEnd(); return(null); } xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.LineNumber = reader.LineNumber; xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.LinePosition = reader.LinePosition; xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.SourceUri = reader.BaseURI; while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { if (reader.Name == "base") { Exception ex; xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.baseTypeName = XmlSchemaUtil.ReadQNameAttribute(reader, out ex); if (ex != null) { XmlSchemaObject.error(h, reader.Value + " is not a valid value for base attribute", ex); } } else if (reader.Name == "id") { xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.Id = reader.Value; } else if ((reader.NamespaceURI == string.Empty && reader.Name != "xmlns") || reader.NamespaceURI == "") { XmlSchemaObject.error(h, reader.Name + " is not a valid attribute for restriction", null); } else { XmlSchemaUtil.ReadUnhandledAttribute(reader, xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction); } } reader.MoveToElement(); if (reader.IsEmptyElement) { return(xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction); } int num = 1; while (reader.ReadNextElement()) { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) { if (reader.LocalName != "restriction") { XmlSchemaObject.error(h, "Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.Read, name=" + reader.Name, null); } break; } if (num <= 1 && reader.LocalName == "annotation") { num = 2; XmlSchemaAnnotation xmlSchemaAnnotation = XmlSchemaAnnotation.Read(reader, h); if (xmlSchemaAnnotation != null) { xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.Annotation = xmlSchemaAnnotation; } } else if (num <= 2 && reader.LocalName == "simpleType") { num = 3; XmlSchemaSimpleType xmlSchemaSimpleType = XmlSchemaSimpleType.Read(reader, h); if (xmlSchemaSimpleType != null) { xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.baseType = xmlSchemaSimpleType; } } else { if (num <= 3) { if (reader.LocalName == "minExclusive") { num = 3; XmlSchemaMinExclusiveFacet xmlSchemaMinExclusiveFacet = XmlSchemaMinExclusiveFacet.Read(reader, h); if (xmlSchemaMinExclusiveFacet != null) { xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.facets.Add(xmlSchemaMinExclusiveFacet); } continue; } if (reader.LocalName == "minInclusive") { num = 3; XmlSchemaMinInclusiveFacet xmlSchemaMinInclusiveFacet = XmlSchemaMinInclusiveFacet.Read(reader, h); if (xmlSchemaMinInclusiveFacet != null) { xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.facets.Add(xmlSchemaMinInclusiveFacet); } continue; } if (reader.LocalName == "maxExclusive") { num = 3; XmlSchemaMaxExclusiveFacet xmlSchemaMaxExclusiveFacet = XmlSchemaMaxExclusiveFacet.Read(reader, h); if (xmlSchemaMaxExclusiveFacet != null) { xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.facets.Add(xmlSchemaMaxExclusiveFacet); } continue; } if (reader.LocalName == "maxInclusive") { num = 3; XmlSchemaMaxInclusiveFacet xmlSchemaMaxInclusiveFacet = XmlSchemaMaxInclusiveFacet.Read(reader, h); if (xmlSchemaMaxInclusiveFacet != null) { xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.facets.Add(xmlSchemaMaxInclusiveFacet); } continue; } if (reader.LocalName == "totalDigits") { num = 3; XmlSchemaTotalDigitsFacet xmlSchemaTotalDigitsFacet = XmlSchemaTotalDigitsFacet.Read(reader, h); if (xmlSchemaTotalDigitsFacet != null) { xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.facets.Add(xmlSchemaTotalDigitsFacet); } continue; } if (reader.LocalName == "fractionDigits") { num = 3; XmlSchemaFractionDigitsFacet xmlSchemaFractionDigitsFacet = XmlSchemaFractionDigitsFacet.Read(reader, h); if (xmlSchemaFractionDigitsFacet != null) { xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.facets.Add(xmlSchemaFractionDigitsFacet); } continue; } if (reader.LocalName == "length") { num = 3; XmlSchemaLengthFacet xmlSchemaLengthFacet = XmlSchemaLengthFacet.Read(reader, h); if (xmlSchemaLengthFacet != null) { xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.facets.Add(xmlSchemaLengthFacet); } continue; } if (reader.LocalName == "minLength") { num = 3; XmlSchemaMinLengthFacet xmlSchemaMinLengthFacet = XmlSchemaMinLengthFacet.Read(reader, h); if (xmlSchemaMinLengthFacet != null) { xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.facets.Add(xmlSchemaMinLengthFacet); } continue; } if (reader.LocalName == "maxLength") { num = 3; XmlSchemaMaxLengthFacet xmlSchemaMaxLengthFacet = XmlSchemaMaxLengthFacet.Read(reader, h); if (xmlSchemaMaxLengthFacet != null) { xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.facets.Add(xmlSchemaMaxLengthFacet); } continue; } if (reader.LocalName == "enumeration") { num = 3; XmlSchemaEnumerationFacet xmlSchemaEnumerationFacet = XmlSchemaEnumerationFacet.Read(reader, h); if (xmlSchemaEnumerationFacet != null) { xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.facets.Add(xmlSchemaEnumerationFacet); } continue; } if (reader.LocalName == "whiteSpace") { num = 3; XmlSchemaWhiteSpaceFacet xmlSchemaWhiteSpaceFacet = XmlSchemaWhiteSpaceFacet.Read(reader, h); if (xmlSchemaWhiteSpaceFacet != null) { xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.facets.Add(xmlSchemaWhiteSpaceFacet); } continue; } if (reader.LocalName == "pattern") { num = 3; XmlSchemaPatternFacet xmlSchemaPatternFacet = XmlSchemaPatternFacet.Read(reader, h); if (xmlSchemaPatternFacet != null) { xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.facets.Add(xmlSchemaPatternFacet); } continue; } } if (num <= 4) { if (reader.LocalName == "attribute") { num = 4; XmlSchemaAttribute xmlSchemaAttribute = XmlSchemaAttribute.Read(reader, h); if (xmlSchemaAttribute != null) { xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.Attributes.Add(xmlSchemaAttribute); } continue; } if (reader.LocalName == "attributeGroup") { num = 4; XmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef xmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef = XmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef.Read(reader, h); if (xmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef != null) { xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.attributes.Add(xmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef); } continue; } } if (num <= 5 && reader.LocalName == "anyAttribute") { num = 6; XmlSchemaAnyAttribute xmlSchemaAnyAttribute = XmlSchemaAnyAttribute.Read(reader, h); if (xmlSchemaAnyAttribute != null) { xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.AnyAttribute = xmlSchemaAnyAttribute; } } else { reader.RaiseInvalidElementError(); } } } return(xmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction); }
//<length // fixed = boolean : false // id = ID // value = nonNegativeInteger // {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}> // Content: (annotation?) //</length> internal static XmlSchemaLengthFacet Read(XmlSchemaReader reader, ValidationEventHandler h) { XmlSchemaLengthFacet length = new XmlSchemaLengthFacet(); reader.MoveToElement(); if(reader.NamespaceURI != XmlSchema.Namespace || reader.LocalName != xmlname) { error(h,"Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaLengthFacet.Read, name="+reader.Name,null); reader.Skip(); return null; } length.LineNumber = reader.LineNumber; length.LinePosition = reader.LinePosition; length.SourceUri = reader.BaseURI; while(reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { if(reader.Name == "id") { length.Id = reader.Value; } else if(reader.Name == "fixed") { Exception innerex; length.IsFixed = XmlSchemaUtil.ReadBoolAttribute(reader,out innerex); if(innerex != null) error(h, reader.Value + " is not a valid value for fixed attribute",innerex); } else if(reader.Name == "value") { length.Value = reader.Value; } else if((reader.NamespaceURI == "" && reader.Name != "xmlns") || reader.NamespaceURI == XmlSchema.Namespace) { error(h,reader.Name + " is not a valid attribute for group",null); } else { XmlSchemaUtil.ReadUnhandledAttribute(reader,length); } } reader.MoveToElement(); if(reader.IsEmptyElement) return length; // Content: (annotation?) int level = 1; while(reader.ReadNextElement()) { if(reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) { if(reader.LocalName != xmlname) error(h,"Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaLengthFacet.Read, name="+reader.Name,null); break; } if(level <= 1 && reader.LocalName == "annotation") { level = 2; //Only one annotation XmlSchemaAnnotation annotation = XmlSchemaAnnotation.Read(reader,h); if(annotation != null) length.Annotation = annotation; continue; } reader.RaiseInvalidElementError(); } return length; }
//<restriction //base = QName //id = ID //{any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}> //Content: (annotation?, (simpleType?, (minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive | totalDigits | fractionDigits | length | minLength | maxLength | enumeration | whiteSpace | pattern)*)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?)) //</restriction> internal static XmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction Read(XmlSchemaReader reader, ValidationEventHandler h) { XmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction restriction = new XmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction(); reader.MoveToElement(); if (reader.NamespaceURI != XmlSchema.Namespace || reader.LocalName != xmlname) { error(h, "Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaComplexContentRestriction.Read, name=" + reader.Name, null); reader.SkipToEnd(); return(null); } restriction.LineNumber = reader.LineNumber; restriction.LinePosition = reader.LinePosition; restriction.SourceUri = reader.BaseURI; while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { if (reader.Name == "base") { Exception innerex; restriction.baseTypeName = XmlSchemaUtil.ReadQNameAttribute(reader, out innerex); if (innerex != null) { error(h, reader.Value + " is not a valid value for base attribute", innerex); } } else if (reader.Name == "id") { restriction.Id = reader.Value; } else if ((reader.NamespaceURI == "" && reader.Name != "xmlns") || reader.NamespaceURI == XmlSchema.Namespace) { error(h, reader.Name + " is not a valid attribute for restriction", null); } else { XmlSchemaUtil.ReadUnhandledAttribute(reader, restriction); } } reader.MoveToElement(); if (reader.IsEmptyElement) { return(restriction); } //Content: 1.annotation?, // 2.simpleType?, // 3.(minExclusive |...| enumeration | whiteSpace | pattern)*, // 4.(attribute | attributeGroup)*, // 5.anyAttribute? int level = 1; while (reader.ReadNextElement()) { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) { if (reader.LocalName != xmlname) { error(h, "Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.Read, name=" + reader.Name, null); } break; } if (level <= 1 && reader.LocalName == "annotation") { level = 2; //Only one annotation XmlSchemaAnnotation annotation = XmlSchemaAnnotation.Read(reader, h); if (annotation != null) { restriction.Annotation = annotation; } continue; } if (level <= 2 && reader.LocalName == "simpleType") { level = 3; XmlSchemaSimpleType stype = XmlSchemaSimpleType.Read(reader, h); if (stype != null) { restriction.baseType = stype; } continue; } if (level <= 3) { if (reader.LocalName == "minExclusive") { level = 3; XmlSchemaMinExclusiveFacet minex = XmlSchemaMinExclusiveFacet.Read(reader, h); if (minex != null) { restriction.facets.Add(minex); } continue; } else if (reader.LocalName == "minInclusive") { level = 3; XmlSchemaMinInclusiveFacet mini = XmlSchemaMinInclusiveFacet.Read(reader, h); if (mini != null) { restriction.facets.Add(mini); } continue; } else if (reader.LocalName == "maxExclusive") { level = 3; XmlSchemaMaxExclusiveFacet maxex = XmlSchemaMaxExclusiveFacet.Read(reader, h); if (maxex != null) { restriction.facets.Add(maxex); } continue; } else if (reader.LocalName == "maxInclusive") { level = 3; XmlSchemaMaxInclusiveFacet maxi = XmlSchemaMaxInclusiveFacet.Read(reader, h); if (maxi != null) { restriction.facets.Add(maxi); } continue; } else if (reader.LocalName == "totalDigits") { level = 3; XmlSchemaTotalDigitsFacet total = XmlSchemaTotalDigitsFacet.Read(reader, h); if (total != null) { restriction.facets.Add(total); } continue; } else if (reader.LocalName == "fractionDigits") { level = 3; XmlSchemaFractionDigitsFacet fraction = XmlSchemaFractionDigitsFacet.Read(reader, h); if (fraction != null) { restriction.facets.Add(fraction); } continue; } else if (reader.LocalName == "length") { level = 3; XmlSchemaLengthFacet length = XmlSchemaLengthFacet.Read(reader, h); if (length != null) { restriction.facets.Add(length); } continue; } else if (reader.LocalName == "minLength") { level = 3; XmlSchemaMinLengthFacet minlen = XmlSchemaMinLengthFacet.Read(reader, h); if (minlen != null) { restriction.facets.Add(minlen); } continue; } else if (reader.LocalName == "maxLength") { level = 3; XmlSchemaMaxLengthFacet maxlen = XmlSchemaMaxLengthFacet.Read(reader, h); if (maxlen != null) { restriction.facets.Add(maxlen); } continue; } else if (reader.LocalName == "enumeration") { level = 3; XmlSchemaEnumerationFacet enumeration = XmlSchemaEnumerationFacet.Read(reader, h); if (enumeration != null) { restriction.facets.Add(enumeration); } continue; } else if (reader.LocalName == "whiteSpace") { level = 3; XmlSchemaWhiteSpaceFacet ws = XmlSchemaWhiteSpaceFacet.Read(reader, h); if (ws != null) { restriction.facets.Add(ws); } continue; } else if (reader.LocalName == "pattern") { level = 3; XmlSchemaPatternFacet pattern = XmlSchemaPatternFacet.Read(reader, h); if (pattern != null) { restriction.facets.Add(pattern); } continue; } } if (level <= 4) { if (reader.LocalName == "attribute") { level = 4; XmlSchemaAttribute attr = XmlSchemaAttribute.Read(reader, h); if (attr != null) { restriction.Attributes.Add(attr); } continue; } if (reader.LocalName == "attributeGroup") { level = 4; XmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef attr = XmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef.Read(reader, h); if (attr != null) { restriction.attributes.Add(attr); } continue; } } if (level <= 5 && reader.LocalName == "anyAttribute") { level = 6; XmlSchemaAnyAttribute anyattr = XmlSchemaAnyAttribute.Read(reader, h); if (anyattr != null) { restriction.AnyAttribute = anyattr; } continue; } reader.RaiseInvalidElementError(); } return(restriction); }
protected override void Visit(XmlSchemaLengthFacet facet) { AddLeaf(SimpleTypeStructureNodeType.FacetLength, facet); }
private void checkLengthFacet(XmlSchemaLengthFacet lf, XmlSchemaFacet.Facet facetsDefined, ValidationEventHandler h) { if (lf != null) { try { if ((facetsDefined & (XmlSchemaFacet.Facet.minLength | XmlSchemaFacet.Facet.maxLength)) != 0) lf.error(h, "It is an error for both length and minLength or maxLength to be present."); else { lengthFacet = decimal.Parse (lf.Value.Trim (), lengthStyle, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); /* TODO: Check that it is between inherited max/min lengths */ if (lengthFacet < 0) lf.error(h, "The value '" + lengthFacet + "' is an invalid length"); } } catch (FormatException) { // FIXME: better catch ;-( lf.error (h, "The value '" + lf.Value + "' is an invalid length facet specification"); } } }
protected virtual void Visit(XmlSchemaLengthFacet facet) { }
public XsdSimpleRestrictionType (RelaxngDatatype primitive, RelaxngParamList parameters) { type = new XmlSchemaSimpleType (); XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction r = new XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction (); type.Content = r; string ns = primitive.NamespaceURI; // Remap XML Schema datatypes namespace -> XML Schema namespace. if (ns == "") ns = XSchema.Namespace; r.BaseTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName (primitive.Name, ns); foreach (RelaxngParam p in parameters) { XmlSchemaFacet f = null; string value = p.Value; switch (p.Name) { case "maxExclusive": f = new XmlSchemaMaxExclusiveFacet (); break; case "maxInclusive": f = new XmlSchemaMaxInclusiveFacet (); break; case "minExclusive": f = new XmlSchemaMinExclusiveFacet (); break; case "minInclusive": f = new XmlSchemaMinInclusiveFacet (); break; case "pattern": f = new XmlSchemaPatternFacet (); // .NET/Mono Regex has a bug that it does not support "IsLatin-1Supplement" // (it somehow breaks at '-'). value = value.Replace ("\\p{IsLatin-1Supplement}", "[\\x80-\\xFF]"); break; case "whiteSpace": f = new XmlSchemaWhiteSpaceFacet (); break; case "length": f = new XmlSchemaLengthFacet (); break; case "maxLength": f = new XmlSchemaMaxLengthFacet (); break; case "minLength": f = new XmlSchemaMinLengthFacet (); break; case "fractionDigits": f = new XmlSchemaFractionDigitsFacet (); break; case "totalDigits": f = new XmlSchemaTotalDigitsFacet (); break; default: throw new RelaxngException (String.Format ("XML Schema facet {0} is not recognized or not supported.", p.Name)); } f.Value = value; r.Facets.Add (f); } // Now we create XmlSchema to handle simple-type // based validation (since there is no other way, // because of sucky XmlSchemaSimpleType design). schema = new XSchema (); XmlSchemaElement el = new XmlSchemaElement (); el.Name = "root"; el.SchemaType = type; schema.Items.Add (el); schema.Compile (null); }
internal static XmlSchemaLengthFacet Read(XmlSchemaReader reader, ValidationEventHandler h) { XmlSchemaLengthFacet xmlSchemaLengthFacet = new XmlSchemaLengthFacet(); reader.MoveToElement(); if (reader.NamespaceURI != "" || reader.LocalName != "length") { XmlSchemaObject.error(h, "Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaLengthFacet.Read, name=" + reader.Name, null); reader.Skip(); return(null); } xmlSchemaLengthFacet.LineNumber = reader.LineNumber; xmlSchemaLengthFacet.LinePosition = reader.LinePosition; xmlSchemaLengthFacet.SourceUri = reader.BaseURI; while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { if (reader.Name == "id") { xmlSchemaLengthFacet.Id = reader.Value; } else if (reader.Name == "fixed") { Exception ex; xmlSchemaLengthFacet.IsFixed = XmlSchemaUtil.ReadBoolAttribute(reader, out ex); if (ex != null) { XmlSchemaObject.error(h, reader.Value + " is not a valid value for fixed attribute", ex); } } else if (reader.Name == "value") { xmlSchemaLengthFacet.Value = reader.Value; } else if ((reader.NamespaceURI == string.Empty && reader.Name != "xmlns") || reader.NamespaceURI == "") { XmlSchemaObject.error(h, reader.Name + " is not a valid attribute for group", null); } else { XmlSchemaUtil.ReadUnhandledAttribute(reader, xmlSchemaLengthFacet); } } reader.MoveToElement(); if (reader.IsEmptyElement) { return(xmlSchemaLengthFacet); } int num = 1; while (reader.ReadNextElement()) { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) { if (reader.LocalName != "length") { XmlSchemaObject.error(h, "Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaLengthFacet.Read, name=" + reader.Name, null); } break; } if (num <= 1 && reader.LocalName == "annotation") { num = 2; XmlSchemaAnnotation xmlSchemaAnnotation = XmlSchemaAnnotation.Read(reader, h); if (xmlSchemaAnnotation != null) { xmlSchemaLengthFacet.Annotation = xmlSchemaAnnotation; } } else { reader.RaiseInvalidElementError(); } } return(xmlSchemaLengthFacet); }
private void Write23_XmlSchemaLengthFacet(string n, string ns, XmlSchemaLengthFacet o, bool isNullable, bool needType) { if (o == null) { if (isNullable) { base.WriteNullTagLiteral(n, ns); } } else { if (!needType && !(o.GetType() == typeof(XmlSchemaLengthFacet))) { throw base.CreateUnknownTypeException(o); } base.EscapeName = false; base.WriteStartElement(n, ns, o, false, o.Namespaces); if (needType) { base.WriteXsiType("XmlSchemaLengthFacet", ""); } base.WriteAttribute("id", "", o.Id); XmlAttribute[] unhandledAttributes = o.UnhandledAttributes; if (unhandledAttributes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < unhandledAttributes.Length; i++) { XmlAttribute node = unhandledAttributes[i]; base.WriteXmlAttribute(node, o); } } base.WriteAttribute("value", "", o.Value); if (o.IsFixed) { base.WriteAttribute("fixed", "", XmlConvert.ToString(o.IsFixed)); } this.Write11_XmlSchemaAnnotation("annotation", "", o.Annotation, false, false); base.WriteEndElement(o); } }