AddDocumentToCache(Uri documentUri)
            // Retrieve the requested part from the package
            PackagePart documentPart = CurrentXpsManager.GetPart(documentUri);

            if (documentPart == null)
                throw new XpsPackagingException(SR.Get(SRID.ReachPackaging_PartNotFound));

            // If the part is not a fixed document then throw an exception
            if (!documentPart.ValidatedContentType().AreTypeAndSubTypeEqual(XpsS0Markup.FixedDocumentContentType))
                throw new XpsPackagingException(SR.Get(SRID.ReachPackaging_NotAFixedDocument));

            // Create the reader/writer for the part
            IXpsFixedDocumentReader fixedDocument = new XpsFixedDocumentReaderWriter(CurrentXpsManager, null, documentPart, _documentCache.Count + 1);

            // Cache the new reader/writer for later
            // Create the part and coresponding writer
            PackagePart metroPart = CurrentXpsManager.GenerateUniquePart(XpsS0Markup.FixedDocumentContentType);
            XpsFixedDocumentReaderWriter fixedDocument = new XpsFixedDocumentReaderWriter(CurrentXpsManager, this, metroPart, _documentsWritten + 1);

            //Here we used to add the fixed document to _documentCache, but _documentCache is never accessed if this object was created as an IXpsFixedDocumentSequenceWriter.
            //So instead keep a separate documentsWritten count and forget about the cache when using this method.

            // Write out FixedDocument markup
