        public Ellipse getEllipse()
            Ellipse ellipse = new Ellipse();
            ellipse.Fill = Brushes.Red;
            ellipse.Stroke = Brushes.Black;

            Binding ellipseXBinding = new Binding("X");
            ellipseXBinding.Source = this;
            ellipse.SetBinding(Canvas.LeftProperty, ellipseXBinding);

            Binding ellipseYBinding = new Binding("Y");
            ellipseYBinding.Source = this;
            ellipse.SetBinding(Canvas.TopProperty, ellipseYBinding);

            ellipse.Width = 50;
            ellipse.Height = 50;

            return ellipse;
        internal void BindEllipse(Ellipse ellipse, PlotPointViewRenderer point)
            Binding topBinding = new Binding();
            topBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("Y");
            topBinding.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay;
            topBinding.Source = point;
            ellipse.SetBinding(Canvas.TopProperty, topBinding);

            Binding leftBinding = new Binding();
            leftBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("X");
            leftBinding.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay;
            leftBinding.Source = point;
            ellipse.SetBinding(Canvas.LeftProperty, leftBinding);

            Binding colorBinding = new Binding();
            colorBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("InnerColor");
            colorBinding.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay;
            colorBinding.Source = point;
            colorBinding.Converter = ColorBrushConverter.Instance;
            ellipse.SetBinding(Ellipse.FillProperty, colorBinding);

            Binding strokeBinding = new Binding();
            strokeBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("OuterColor");
            strokeBinding.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay;
            strokeBinding.Source = point;
            strokeBinding.Converter = ColorBrushConverter.Instance;
            ellipse.SetBinding(Ellipse.StrokeProperty, strokeBinding);

            Binding widthBinding = new Binding();
            widthBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("Width");
            widthBinding.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay;
            widthBinding.Source = point;
            ellipse.SetBinding(Ellipse.WidthProperty, widthBinding);

            Binding heightBinding = new Binding();
            heightBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("Height");
            heightBinding.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay;
            heightBinding.Source = point;
            ellipse.SetBinding(Ellipse.HeightProperty, heightBinding);
        public Ellipse build( Random random )
            Ellipse ellipse = new Ellipse();
            ellipse.Width = DIAMETER;
            ellipse.Height = DIAMETER;

            ellipse.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(createRandomColor(random));
            ellipse.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
            ellipse.StrokeThickness = 1;

            Binding ellipseXBinding = new Binding("X");
            ellipseXBinding.Source = this;
            ellipse.SetBinding(Canvas.LeftProperty, ellipseXBinding);

            Binding ellipseYBinding = new Binding("Y");
            ellipseYBinding.Source = this;
            ellipse.SetBinding(Canvas.TopProperty, ellipseYBinding);

            return ellipse;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Loaded event of the Window control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="RoutedEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            newGameViewModel = new NewGameViewModel(canvas.ActualWidth, canvas.ActualHeight);
            optionsViewModel = new OptionsViewModel();
            this.DataContext = newGameViewModel;

            foreach (var item in newGameViewModel.BallList)
                Ball ujlabda = item;

                Ellipse ujLabdaEllipse = new Ellipse();
                ImageBrush myBrush = new ImageBrush();
                myBrush.ImageSource =
                    new BitmapImage(new Uri(item.ImagePath,UriKind.Relative));
                ujLabdaEllipse.Fill = myBrush;

                Binding widthBinding = new Binding("Area.Width");
                widthBinding.Source = ujlabda;
                ujLabdaEllipse.SetBinding(Ellipse.WidthProperty, widthBinding);

                Binding heightBinding = new Binding("Area.Height");
                heightBinding.Source = ujlabda;
                ujLabdaEllipse.SetBinding(Ellipse.HeightProperty, heightBinding);

                Binding xBinding = new Binding("Area.X");
                xBinding.Source = ujlabda;
                ujLabdaEllipse.SetBinding(Canvas.LeftProperty, xBinding);

                Binding yBinding = new Binding("Area.Y");
                yBinding.Source = ujlabda;
                ujLabdaEllipse.SetBinding(Canvas.TopProperty, yBinding);
            foreach (var item in newGameViewModel.BrickList)
                Brick ujbrick = item;

                Rectangle ujBrickRect = new Rectangle();
                ImageBrush myBrush = new ImageBrush();
                myBrush.ImageSource =
                    new BitmapImage(new Uri(item.ImagePath, UriKind.Relative));
                ujBrickRect.Fill = myBrush;

                Binding widthBinding = new Binding("Area.Height");
                widthBinding.Source = ujbrick;
                ujBrickRect.SetBinding(Rectangle.WidthProperty, widthBinding);

                Binding heightBinding = new Binding("Area.Width");
                heightBinding.Source = ujbrick;
                ujBrickRect.SetBinding(Rectangle.HeightProperty, heightBinding);

                Binding xBinding = new Binding("Area.X");
                xBinding.Source = ujbrick;
                ujBrickRect.SetBinding(Canvas.LeftProperty, xBinding);

                Binding yBinding = new Binding("Area.Y");
                yBinding.Source = ujbrick;
                ujBrickRect.SetBinding(Canvas.TopProperty, yBinding);


            foreach (var item in newGameViewModel.RacketList)
                Racket racket = item;

                Rectangle ujracket = new Rectangle();
                ImageBrush myBrush = new ImageBrush();
                myBrush.ImageSource =
                    new BitmapImage(new Uri(item.ImagePath, UriKind.Relative));
                ujracket.Fill = myBrush;

                Binding widthBinding = new Binding("Area.Width");
                widthBinding.Source = racket;
                ujracket.SetBinding(Rectangle.WidthProperty, widthBinding);

                Binding heightBinding = new Binding("Area.Height");
                heightBinding.Source = racket;
                ujracket.SetBinding(Rectangle.HeightProperty, heightBinding);

                Binding xBinding = new Binding("Area.X");
                xBinding.Source = racket;
                ujracket.SetBinding(Canvas.LeftProperty, xBinding);

                Binding yBinding = new Binding("Area.Y");
                yBinding.Source = racket;
                ujracket.SetBinding(Canvas.TopProperty, yBinding);
文件: BindingTest.cs 项目: shana/moon
		public void DataContext_Applied3 ()
			// Create an ellipse which will bind to the parent datacontext
			Ellipse e = new Ellipse ();
			e.SetBinding (Ellipse.HeightProperty, new Binding ());

			// Check to see if the binding is applied correctly after the FE is loaded
			Canvas c = new Canvas { DataContext = 100.0 };
			c.Children.Add (e);
			Assert.IsTrue (double.IsNaN (e.Height), "#1");

			CreateAsyncTest (c,
				() => Assert.AreEqual (100, e.Height, "#2")
        private void InitLights(int amount)
            movingHeads = new Ellipse[amount];

            for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
                // Ellipse representing a moving-head
                Binding bDataContext = new Binding("MovingHeads[" + i + "]");
                Binding bTop = new Binding("Pos.Y");
                Binding bLeft = new Binding("Pos.X");
                bTop.Converter = new HeightConverter();
                bLeft.Converter = new WidthConverter();

                Ellipse e = new Ellipse();
                e.Name = "mh" + i;
                e.Height = Const.MH_RADIUS * 2;
                e.Width = Const.MH_RADIUS * 2;
                e.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(255, 153, 51));
                e.SetBinding(Ellipse.DataContextProperty, bDataContext);
                e.SetBinding(Canvas.TopProperty, bTop);
                e.SetBinding(Canvas.LeftProperty, bLeft);

                // Data of moving-head
                Binding bMH = new Binding("MovingHeads[" + i + "]");

                MovingHeadData mhDataView = new MovingHeadData();
                mhDataView.SetBinding(MovingHeadData.MovingHeadProperty, bMH);
        /// <summary>
        /// Shape of the ball.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>ballEllipse</returns>
        public Ellipse GetEllipse()
            ImageBrush imgBrush = new ImageBrush();
            imgBrush.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri(ballImage, UriKind.Relative));

            Ellipse ballEllipse = new Ellipse();
            ballEllipse.Fill = imgBrush;
            ballEllipse.Width = radius * 2;
            ballEllipse.Height = radius * 2;

            Binding ellipseXBinding = new Binding("PositionX");
            ellipseXBinding.Source = this;
            ballEllipse.SetBinding(Canvas.LeftProperty, ellipseXBinding);

            Binding ellipseYBinding = new Binding("PositionY");
            ellipseYBinding.Source = this;
            ballEllipse.SetBinding(Canvas.TopProperty, ellipseYBinding);

            return ballEllipse;
        public Ellipse buildPlanet()
            Ellipse ellipse = new Ellipse();
            ellipse.Width = this.Radius * 2;
            ellipse.Height = this.Radius * 2;
            ellipse.Fill = this.brush;

            Binding xBinding = new Binding("PlanetRectLeft");
            xBinding.Source = this;
            ellipse.SetBinding(Canvas.LeftProperty, xBinding);

            Binding yBinding = new Binding("PlanetRectTop");
            yBinding.Source = this;
            ellipse.SetBinding(Canvas.TopProperty, yBinding);

            ellipse.MouseDown += ellipse_MouseDown;
            return ellipse;
        /// <summary>
        /// Shape of the ball.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The ball's ellipse.</returns>
        public Ellipse GetEllipse()
            // Set the ball's image as the set image.
            ImageBrush imgBrush = new ImageBrush();
            imgBrush.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri(ImagePath, UriKind.Relative));

            // Create the ellipse.
            Ellipse ballEllipse = new Ellipse();
            ballEllipse.Fill = imgBrush;
            ballEllipse.Width = Area.Width;
            ballEllipse.Height = Area.Height;

            // Bind the X position of the ball ellipse to the canvas.
            Binding ellipseXBinding = new Binding("Area.X");
            ellipseXBinding.Source = this;
            ballEllipse.SetBinding(Canvas.LeftProperty, ellipseXBinding);

            // Bind the Y position of the ball ellipse to the canvas.
            Binding ellipseYBinding = new Binding("Area.Y");
            ellipseYBinding.Source = this;
            ballEllipse.SetBinding(Canvas.TopProperty, ellipseYBinding);

            // Bind the width of the ball ellipse to the canvas.
            Binding ellipseWidthBinding = new Binding("Area.Width");
            ellipseWidthBinding.Source = this;
            ballEllipse.SetBinding(Canvas.WidthProperty, ellipseWidthBinding);

            // Bind the height of the ball ellipse to the canvas.
            Binding ellipseHeightBinding = new Binding("Area.Height");
            ellipseHeightBinding.Source = this;
            ballEllipse.SetBinding(Canvas.HeightProperty, ellipseHeightBinding);

            return ballEllipse;
        public void Reset()
            ConvertToColor ctc = new ConvertToColor();
            Board = new Tile[7, 7];
            BoardState = BoardStateEnum.Normal;
            RowPicked = ColPicked = -1;


            for (int r = 0; r < 7; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < 7; c++)
                    Board[r, c] = new Tile(r, c);

                    Shape rect = new Ellipse();
                    rect.Margin = new Thickness(5);
                    Grid.SetRow(rect, r);
                    Grid.SetColumn(rect, c);

                    Binding bb = new Binding();
                    bb.Source = Board[r, c];
                    bb.Converter = ctc;
                    bb.Path = new PropertyPath("State");
                    rect.SetBinding(Ellipse.FillProperty, bb);

                    if (Board[r, c].State != TileStateEnum.Blocked)
                        rect.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
                        rect.StrokeThickness = 1;

                    rect.MouseDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(rect_MouseDown);
        public Ellipse getEllipse()
            Ellipse ellipse = new Ellipse();
            ellipse.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(this.color);
            ellipse.Stroke = Brushes.Black;

            Binding ellipseXBinding = new Binding("X");
            ellipseXBinding.Source = this;
            ellipse.SetBinding(Canvas.LeftProperty, ellipseXBinding);

            Binding ellipseYBinding = new Binding("Y");
            ellipseYBinding.Source = this;
            ellipse.SetBinding(Canvas.TopProperty, ellipseYBinding);

            ellipse.Width = this.Diameter;
            ellipse.Height = this.Diameter;

            return ellipse;