void ICyclicBrush.RenderForCyclicBrush(DUCE.Channel channel, bool skipChannelCheck)
            Visual vVisual = Visual;

            // The Visual may have been registered for an asynchronous render, but may have been
            // disconnected from the VisualBrush since then.  If so, don't bother to render here, if
            // the Visual is visible it will be rendered elsewhere.
            if (vVisual != null && vVisual.CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeIsCyclicBrushRoot))
                // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                // 1) Prepare the visual for rendering.
                // Updates bounding boxes.


                // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                // 2) Prepare the render context.

                RenderContext rc = new RenderContext();

                rc.Initialize(channel, DUCE.ResourceHandle.Null);

                // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                // 3) Compile the scene.

                if (channel.IsConnected)
                    vVisual.Render(rc, 0);
                    // We can issue the release here instead of putting it in queue
                    // since we are already in Render walk.

            _isAsyncRenderRegistered = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Propagates the flags up to the root.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The walk stops on a node with all of the required flags set.
        /// </remarks>
        internal static void PropagateFlags(
            Visual e,
            VisualFlags flags,
            VisualProxyFlags proxyFlags)
            while ((e != null) &&
                   (!e.CheckFlagsAnd(flags) || !e.CheckFlagsOnAllChannels(proxyFlags)))
                if (e.CheckFlagsOr(VisualFlags.ShouldPostRender))
                    MediaContext mctx = MediaContext.From(e.Dispatcher);

                    if (mctx.Channel != null)
                else if (e.CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeIsCyclicBrushRoot))
                    // For visuals that are root nodes in visual brushes we
                    // need to fire OnChanged on the owning brushes.

                    Dictionary<ICyclicBrush, int> cyclicBrushToChannelsMap =

                    Debug.Assert(cyclicBrushToChannelsMap != null, "Visual brush roots need to have the visual brush to channels map!");

                    // Iterate over the visual brushes and fire the OnChanged event.

                    foreach (ICyclicBrush cyclicBrush in cyclicBrushToChannelsMap.Keys)

                e.SetFlags(true, flags);
                e.SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, proxyFlags);

                if (e._parent == null)
                    // Stop propagating.  We are at the root of the 2D subtree.

                Visual parentAsVisual = e._parent as Visual;
                if (parentAsVisual == null)
                    // if the parent is not null (saw this with earlier null check) and is not a Visual
                    // it must be a Visual3D - continue the propagation
                    Visual3D.PropagateFlags((Visual3D)e._parent, flags, proxyFlags);     

                e = parentAsVisual;                
        /// <summary>
        /// DisconnectChild
        ///    Derived classes must call this method to notify the Visual layer that a
        ///    child was removed from the children collection. The Visual layer will then call
        ///    GetChildren to find out which child has been removed.
        /// </summary>
        protected void RemoveVisualChild(Visual child)
            if (child == null || child._parent == null)

            if (child._parent != this)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Visual_NotChild));

            if(InternalVisual2DOr3DChildrenCount == 0)
                SetFlags(false, VisualFlags.HasChildren);

            // Remove the child on all channels its current parent is marshalled to.

            for (int i = 0; i < _proxy.Count; i++)
                DUCE.Channel channel = _proxy.GetChannel(i);

                if (child.CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent))
                    child.SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent);
                    DUCE.IResource childResource = (DUCE.IResource)child;
                    childResource.RemoveChildFromParent(this, channel);

            // Set the parent pointer to null.

            child._parent = null;



            // Fire notifications
            OnVisualChildrenChanged(null /* no child added */, child);
        private void markTreeDirtyHelper(Visual v) 
            //now walk down and mark all UIElements dirty 
            if(v != null) 
                    UIElement uie = ((UIElement)v);
                //walk children doing the same, don't stop if they are already dirty since there can 
                //be insulated dirty islands below
                int cnt = v.InternalVisualChildrenCount; 

                for(int i=0; i<cnt; i++)
                    Visual child = v.InternalGetVisualChild(i); 
                    if (child != null) markTreeDirtyHelper(child);
        private static IntPtr CriticalHandleWMGetobject(IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam, Visual root, IntPtr handle)
                if (root == null)
                    // Valid case, but need to handle separately. For now, return 0 to avoid exceptions
                    // in referencing this later on. Real solution is more complex, see WindowsClient#873800.
                    return IntPtr.Zero;

                AutomationPeer peer = null;

                if (root.CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.IsUIElement))
                    UIElement uiroot = (UIElement)root;

                    peer = UIElementAutomationPeer.CreatePeerForElement(uiroot);

                    //there si no specific peer for this UIElement, create a generic root
                    if(peer == null)
                        peer = uiroot.CreateGenericRootAutomationPeer();

                    if(peer != null)
                        peer.Hwnd = handle;

                // This can happen if the root visual is not UIElement. In this case,
                // attempt to find one in the visual tree.
                if (peer == null)
                    peer = UIElementAutomationPeer.GetRootAutomationPeer(root, handle);

                if (peer == null)
                    return IntPtr.Zero;

                // get the element proxy
                // it's ok to pass the same peer as reference connected peer here because
                // it's guaranteed to be a connected one (it's initialized as root already)
                IRawElementProviderSimple el = ElementProxy.StaticWrap(peer, peer);


                // The assert here is considered OK
                // as we're assuming the WM_GETOBJECT is coming only from a PostMessage of an Hwnd.
                // to do the post message - you needed to have Unmanaged code permission

                PermissionSet unpackPermissionSet = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None);
                // below permissions needed to unpack an object.
                unpackPermissionSet.AddPermission(new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter | SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode | SecurityPermissionFlag.RemotingConfiguration));
                unpackPermissionSet.AddPermission(new System.Net.DnsPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted));
                unpackPermissionSet.AddPermission(new System.Net.SocketPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted));

                    return AutomationInteropProvider.ReturnRawElementProvider(handle, wparam, lparam, el);
#pragma warning disable 56500
            catch (Exception e)

                return new IntPtr(Marshal.GetHRForException(e));
#pragma warning restore 56500
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively resets IsLayoutSuspended flag on all visuals of the whole v's sub tree.
        /// For UIElements also re-inserts the UIElement into Measure and / or Arrange update queues
        /// if necessary.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void PropagateResumeLayout(Visual parent, Visual v)
            if(v.CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.IsLayoutIslandRoot)) return;

            //the subtree is already active - happens when new elements are added to the active tree
            //elements are created layout-active so they don't need to be specifically unsuspended
            //no need to walk down in this case
            //if(!v.CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.IsLayoutSuspended)) return;

            //that can be true only on top of recursion, if suspended v is being connected to suspended parent.
            bool parentIsSuspended = parent == null ? false : parent.CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.IsLayoutSuspended);
            uint parentTreeLevel   = parent == null ? 0     : parent.TreeLevel;

            if(parentIsSuspended) return;

            v.SetFlags(false, VisualFlags.IsLayoutSuspended);
            v.TreeLevel = parentTreeLevel + 1;

            if (v.CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.IsUIElement))
                //  re-insert UIElement into the update queues
                UIElement e = (UIElement)v;

                Invariant.Assert(!e.MeasureInProgress && !e.ArrangeInProgress);

                bool requireMeasureUpdate = e.MeasureDirty && !e.NeverMeasured && (e.MeasureRequest == null);
                bool requireArrangeUpdate = e.ArrangeDirty && !e.NeverArranged && (e.ArrangeRequest == null);
                ContextLayoutManager contextLayoutManager = (requireMeasureUpdate || requireArrangeUpdate)
                    ? ContextLayoutManager.From(e.Dispatcher)
                    : null;

                if (requireMeasureUpdate)

                if (requireArrangeUpdate)

            int count = v.InternalVisualChildrenCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Visual cv = v.InternalGetVisualChild(i);
                if (cv != null)
                    PropagateResumeLayout(v, cv);
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively propagates IsLayoutSuspended flag down to the whole v's sub tree.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void PropagateSuspendLayout(Visual v)
            if(v.CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.IsLayoutIslandRoot)) return;

            //the subtree is already suspended - happens when already suspended tree is further disassembled
            //no need to walk down in this case
            if(v.CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.IsLayoutSuspended)) return;

            //  (bug # 1623922) assert that a UIElement has not being
            //  removed from the visual tree while updating layout.
            if (    Invariant.Strict
                &&  v.CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.IsUIElement)    )
                UIElement e = (UIElement)v;
                Invariant.Assert(!e.MeasureInProgress && !e.ArrangeInProgress);

            v.SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.IsLayoutSuspended);
            v.TreeLevel = 0;

            int count = v.InternalVisualChildrenCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Visual cv = v.InternalGetVisualChild(i);
                if (cv != null)