public BezierSegment AssignTo(BezierSegment segment) { segment.Point1 = P1; segment.Point2 = P2; segment.Point3 = P3; return segment; }
internal static PathGeometry GetPathGeometry(ConnectorInfo source, ConnectorInfo sink) { var rectSource = GetRectWithMargin(source, 0); var rectSink = GetRectWithMargin(sink, 13); var startPoint = GetOffsetPoint(source, rectSource); var endPoint = GetOffsetPoint(sink, rectSink); var midpoint = CalculateMidpoint(startPoint, new Point(endPoint.X, startPoint.Y)); var distance = CalculateDistance(startPoint, midpoint); var p1 = CalculateEndpoint(startPoint, distance, GetAngel(source.Orientation)); var p2 = CalculateEndpoint(endPoint, distance, GetAngel(sink.Orientation)); var p3 = endPoint; var geometry = new PathGeometry(); var pathFigure = new PathFigure(); pathFigure.StartPoint = startPoint; geometry.Figures.Add(pathFigure); var bs = new BezierSegment(p1, p2, p3, true); pathFigure.Segments.Add(bs); return geometry; }
void System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector.Connect(int connectionId, object target) { switch (connectionId) { case 1: this.canvas1 = ((System.Windows.Controls.Canvas)(target)); return; case 2: this.bezierSegment = ((System.Windows.Media.BezierSegment)(target)); return; case 3: this.path1 = ((System.Windows.Shapes.Path)(target)); return; case 4: this.line1 = ((System.Windows.Media.LineGeometry)(target)); return; case 5: this.ellipse1 = ((System.Windows.Media.EllipseGeometry)(target)); return; case 6: this.line2 = ((System.Windows.Media.LineGeometry)(target)); return; case 7: this.ellipse2 = ((System.Windows.Media.EllipseGeometry)(target)); return; } this._contentLoaded = true; }
internal void DrawBezier(double thickness, Color color, Point startPoint, Point controlPoint, Point endPoint) { PathFigure myPathFigure = new PathFigure(); myPathFigure.StartPoint = startPoint; BezierSegment myBezierSegment = new BezierSegment(startPoint, endPoint, controlPoint, true); PathSegmentCollection myPathSegmentCollection = new PathSegmentCollection(); myPathSegmentCollection.Add(myBezierSegment); myPathFigure.Segments = myPathSegmentCollection; PathFigureCollection myPathFigureCollection = new PathFigureCollection(); myPathFigureCollection.Add(myPathFigure); PathGeometry myPathGeometry = new PathGeometry(); myPathGeometry.Figures = myPathFigureCollection; DrawingContext drawingContext = drawingVisual.RenderOpen(); mySolidColorBrush.Color = color; //ApplyColortool(color.A); pen.Brush = mySolidColorBrush; pen.Thickness = thickness; drawingContext.DrawGeometry(null, pen, myPathGeometry); drawingContext.Close(); image.Render(drawingVisual); }
public dynConnector(dynPort port, Canvas workBench, Point mousePt) { //don't allow connections to start at an input port if (port.PortType != PortType.INPUT) { //get start point //this.workBench = workBench; pStart = port; pStart.Connect(this); //Create a Bezier; connector = new Path(); connector.Stroke = Brushes.Black; connector.StrokeThickness = STROKE_THICKNESS; connector.Opacity = .8; DoubleCollection dashArray = new DoubleCollection(); dashArray.Add(5); dashArray.Add(2); connector.StrokeDashArray = dashArray; PathGeometry connectorGeometry = new PathGeometry(); connectorPoints = new PathFigure(); connectorCurve = new BezierSegment(); connectorPoints.StartPoint = new Point(pStart.Center.X, pStart.Center.Y); connectorCurve.Point1 = connectorPoints.StartPoint; connectorCurve.Point2 = connectorPoints.StartPoint; connectorCurve.Point3 = connectorPoints.StartPoint; connectorPoints.Segments.Add(connectorCurve); connectorGeometry.Figures.Add(connectorPoints); connector.Data = connectorGeometry; workBench.Children.Add(connector); isDrawing = true; //set this to not draggable Dynamo.Controls.DragCanvas.SetCanBeDragged(this, false); Dynamo.Controls.DragCanvas.SetCanBeDragged(connector, false); //set the z order to the front Canvas.SetZIndex(this, 300); //register an event listener for the start port update //this will tell the connector to set the elements at either //end to be equal if pStart and pEnd are not null //pStart.Owner.Outputs[pStart.Index].dynElementUpdated += new Dynamo.Elements.dynElementUpdatedHandler(StartPortUpdated); } else { throw new InvalidPortException(); } }
public void DrawSelf(Canvas c, bool IsFirstdraw = false) { double rightY = RightOvLine.lnNumber * OvCollection.divHeight; //leftPointY = LeftTvLine.Top; //switch (this.tblType) //{ // case TriBezierLines.Bot: // leftPointY = LeftTvLine.Bottom; // break; // case TriBezierLines.Mid: // leftPointY = LeftTvLine.Bottom - LeftTvLine.Height / 2.0; // break; // case TriBezierLines.Top: // leftPointY = LeftTvLine.Top; // break; // default: // break; //} Point LeftPoint = new Point(0.0, leftPointY); Point RightPoint = new Point(RightOvLine._bzCurvArea, rightY); Point CtrlPoint1 = new Point(RightOvLine._bzCurvArea / 2.0, leftPointY); Point CtrlPoint2 = new Point(RightOvLine._bzCurvArea / 2.0, rightY); PathFigure pf = new PathFigure(); pf.StartPoint = LeftPoint; BezierSegment bs1 = new BezierSegment(CtrlPoint1, CtrlPoint2, RightPoint, true); //BezierSegment bs2 = new BezierSegment(MidPoint, CtrlPoint2, RightPoint, true); pf.Segments.Add(bs1); //pf.Segments.Add(bs2); PathGeometry pg = new PathGeometry(); pg.Figures.Add(pf); //myPath = new Path(); if (this.tblType == TriBezierLines.Hover) { myPath.Stroke = Brushes.DarkGray; } else myPath.Stroke = Brushes.CornflowerBlue; myPath.StrokeThickness = OvLine.lnStrokeTh; myPath.Data = pg; if (/*IsFirstdraw && */!c.Children.Contains(myPath)) c.Children.Add(myPath); }
void System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector.Connect(int connectionId, object target) { switch (connectionId) { case 1: this.wave_control = ((WaveProgress.UserControl.WaveProgressControl)(target)); return; case 2: this.bs_Water = ((System.Windows.Media.BezierSegment)(target)); return; } this._contentLoaded = true; }
public Wire() { InitializeComponent(); flow = new LinearGradientBrush(Colors.White, Colors.Red, 0); flow.MappingMode = BrushMappingMode.Absolute; flow.SpreadMethod = GradientSpreadMethod.Repeat; pf = new PathFigure(); bz = new BezierSegment(); pf.Segments.Add(bz); PathGeometry pg = new PathGeometry(new PathFigure[]{pf}); Inner.Data = pg; Outer.Data = pg; Inner.Stroke = Brushes.White; }
protected override Geometry getGeometry(double left = 0.0f, double top = 0.0f) { Point p = new Point(left, top); Point p1 = _addpoint(p, Point1); Point p2 = _addpoint(p, Point2); Point p3 = _addpoint(p, Point3); Point p0 = _addpoint(p, Point0); PathSegment ps = new BezierSegment(p1, p2, p3, true); List<PathSegment> l = new List<PathSegment>(); l.Clear(); l.Add(ps); PathFigure pf = new PathFigure(p0, l, false); pf.Segments.Add(ps); PathGeometry pg = new PathGeometry(); pg.Figures.Add(pf); return pg; }
public ArrowControl() { endPt1 = new BezierSegment(); endPt2 = new LineSegment(); arrowPt1 = new LineSegment(); arrowPt2 = new LineSegment(); headPt = new LineSegment(); startPt2 = new BezierSegment(); startPt1 = new PathFigure() { Segments = new PathSegmentCollection() { endPt1, arrowPt1, headPt, arrowPt2, endPt2, startPt2 }, IsClosed = true }; Shape = new Path() { Data = new PathGeometry() { Figures = new PathFigureCollection() { startPt1 } } }; Shape.Stroke = Brushes.Red; Shape.Fill = fillBrush; }
public BezierSegmentFrame(UIElement child, PathFigure fig, BezierSegment bez) : base(child) { bezier = bez; figure = fig; previous = null; foreach (PathSegment segment in figure.Segments) { BezierSegment bs = segment as BezierSegment; if (segment == bezier) break; previous = segment; } point1_line = CreateLine(); point2_line = CreateLine(); }
private void CreateAutoShape(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { PathGeometry sendingPath = new PathGeometry(); PathFigure pathFigure = new PathFigure(); pathFigure.StartPoint = new Point(47.7778, 48.6667); pathFigure.IsClosed = true; LineSegment lineSegment1 = new LineSegment(); lineSegment1.Point = new Point(198, 48.6667); pathFigure.Segments.Add(lineSegment1); LineSegment lineSegment2 = new LineSegment(); lineSegment2.Point = new Point(198, 102); pathFigure.Segments.Add(lineSegment2); BezierSegment bezierSegment1 = new BezierSegment(); bezierSegment1.Point1 = new Point(174.889, 91.3334); bezierSegment1.Point2 = new Point(157.111, 79.7778); bezierSegment1.Point3 = new Point(110.889, 114.444); pathFigure.Segments.Add(bezierSegment1); BezierSegment bezierSegment2 = new BezierSegment(); bezierSegment2.Point1 = new Point(64.667, 149.111); bezierSegment2.Point2 = new Point(58.4444, 130.444); bezierSegment2.Point3 = new Point(47.7778, 118.889); pathFigure.Segments.Add(bezierSegment2); sendingPath.Figures.Add(pathFigure); PathGeometry pathGeometry = new PathGeometry(); if (sendingPath.FillRule != null) pathGeometry.FillRule = sendingPath.FillRule; else pathGeometry.FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero; pathGeometry.Figures = sendingPath.Figures; var newThumb = new SandRibbonInterop.AutoShape(); var safePathGeometry = (Geometry)(new GeometryConverter().ConvertFromString(pathGeometry.ToString())); var safePathData = new PathGeometry(); safePathData.AddGeometry(safePathGeometry); newThumb.PathData = safePathData; newThumb.Background = Brushes.LightGreen; newThumb.Foreground = Brushes.Green; newThumb.StrokeThickness = 5; newThumb.Height = 100; newThumb.Width = 100; Commands.AddAutoShape.Execute(newThumb); }
public ArrowControl() { _endPt1 = new BezierSegment(); _endPt2 = new LineSegment(); _arrowPt1 = new LineSegment(); _arrowPt2 = new LineSegment(); _headPt = new LineSegment(); _startPt2 = new BezierSegment(); _startPt1 = new PathFigure { Segments = new PathSegmentCollection {_endPt1, _arrowPt1, _headPt, _arrowPt2, _endPt2, _startPt2}, IsClosed = true }; Shape = new Path { Data = new PathGeometry {Figures = new PathFigureCollection {_startPt1}}, Stroke = Brushes.Red, Fill = FillBrush }; }
/// <summary> /// Transforms the specified path segment and returns the result. /// </summary> /// <param name="pathSegment">The path segment.</param> /// <param name="transform">The transform.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static PathSegment Transform(this PathSegment pathSegment, TransformGroup transform) { PathSegment ret; if (pathSegment is LineSegment) ret = new LineSegment { Point = ((LineSegment)pathSegment).Point.Transform(transform) }; else if (pathSegment is ArcSegment) { var arcSegment = (ArcSegment) pathSegment; var scaleTransform = transform.Children.OfType<ScaleTransform>().FirstOrDefault(); var rotateTransform = transform.Children.OfType<RotateTransform>().FirstOrDefault(); var size = new Size { Height = arcSegment.Size.Height * scaleTransform.ScaleY, Width = arcSegment.Size.Width * scaleTransform.ScaleX }; ret = new ArcSegment { Point = arcSegment.Point.Transform(transform), Size = size, IsLargeArc = arcSegment.IsLargeArc, RotationAngle = rotateTransform.Angle }; } else if (pathSegment is BezierSegment) { var bezierSegment = (BezierSegment)pathSegment; ret = new BezierSegment { Point1 = bezierSegment.Point1.Transform(transform), Point2 = bezierSegment.Point2.Transform(transform), Point3 = bezierSegment.Point3.Transform(transform), }; } else if (pathSegment is QuadraticBezierSegment) { var bezierSegment = (QuadraticBezierSegment)pathSegment; ret = new QuadraticBezierSegment { Point1 = bezierSegment.Point1.Transform(transform), Point2 = bezierSegment.Point2.Transform(transform), }; } else throw new Exception("Transform To implement"); return ret; }
/// <summary> /// Returns a Windows Media Bezier Spline Path Geometry from a Rhinocommon Curve /// </summary> /// <param name="input">Rhinocommon Curve</param> /// <returns>System Windows Media Bezier Curve Path Geometry </returns> public static Sm.PathGeometry ToGeometry(this Rg.Curve input) { Rg.NurbsCurve nurbsCurve = input.ToNurbsCurve(); nurbsCurve.MakePiecewiseBezier(true); Rg.BezierCurve[] bezier = Rg.BezierCurve.CreateCubicBeziers(nurbsCurve, 0, 0); Sm.PathFigure figure = new Sm.PathFigure(); Sm.PathGeometry geometry = new Sm.PathGeometry(); Sm.PathFigureCollection figureCollection = new Sm.PathFigureCollection(); Sm.PathSegmentCollection segmentCollection = new Sm.PathSegmentCollection(); figure.StartPoint = bezier[0].GetControlVertex3d(0).ToWindowsPoint(); for (int i = 0; i < bezier.Count(); i++) { Sm.BezierSegment segment = new Sm.BezierSegment(bezier[i].GetControlVertex3d(1).ToWindowsPoint(), bezier[i].GetControlVertex3d(2).ToWindowsPoint(), bezier[i].GetControlVertex3d(3).ToWindowsPoint(), true); segmentCollection.Add(segment); } figure.Segments = segmentCollection; figureCollection.Add(figure); geometry.Figures = figureCollection; return(geometry); }
/// <summary> /// FinishSegment - called to completed any outstanding Segment which may be present. /// </summary> private void FinishSegment() { if (_currentSegmentPoints != null) { Debug.Assert(_currentFigure != null); int count = _currentSegmentPoints.Count; Debug.Assert(count > 0); // Is this the first segment? if (_segments == null) { // While we could always just retrieve _currentFigure.Segments (which would auto-promote) // it's more efficient to create the collection ourselves and set it explicitly. _segments = new PathSegmentCollection(); _currentFigure.Segments = _segments; } PathSegment segment; switch (_currentSegmentType) { case MIL_SEGMENT_TYPE.MilSegmentPolyLine: if (count == 1) { LineSegment lSegment = new LineSegment(); lSegment.Point = _currentSegmentPoints[0]; segment = lSegment; } else { PolyLineSegment pSegment = new PolyLineSegment(); pSegment.Points = _currentSegmentPoints; segment = pSegment; } break; case MIL_SEGMENT_TYPE.MilSegmentPolyBezier: if (count == 3) { BezierSegment bSegment = new BezierSegment(); bSegment.Point1 = _currentSegmentPoints[0]; bSegment.Point2 = _currentSegmentPoints[1]; bSegment.Point3 = _currentSegmentPoints[2]; segment = bSegment; } else { Debug.Assert(count % 3 == 0); PolyBezierSegment pSegment = new PolyBezierSegment(); pSegment.Points = _currentSegmentPoints; segment = pSegment; } break; case MIL_SEGMENT_TYPE.MilSegmentPolyQuadraticBezier: if (count == 2) { QuadraticBezierSegment qSegment = new QuadraticBezierSegment(); qSegment.Point1 = _currentSegmentPoints[0]; qSegment.Point2 = _currentSegmentPoints[1]; segment = qSegment; } else { Debug.Assert(count % 2 == 0); PolyQuadraticBezierSegment pSegment = new PolyQuadraticBezierSegment(); pSegment.Points = _currentSegmentPoints; segment = pSegment; } break; default: segment = null; Debug.Assert(false); break; } // Handle common PathSegment properties. if (_currentSegmentIsStroked != s_defaultValueForPathSegmentIsStroked) { segment.IsStroked = _currentSegmentIsStroked; } if (_currentSegmentIsSmoothJoin != s_defaultValueForPathSegmentIsSmoothJoin) { segment.IsSmoothJoin = _currentSegmentIsSmoothJoin; } _segments.Add(segment); _currentSegmentPoints = null; _currentSegmentType = MIL_SEGMENT_TYPE.MilSegmentNone; } }
/// <summary> /// Draws a series of Bézier splines from an array of points. /// </summary> public void DrawBeziers(XPen pen, XPoint[] points) { if (pen == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("pen"); int count = points.Length; if (count == 0) return; if ((count - 1) % 3 != 0) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid number of points for bezier curves. Number must fulfil 4+3n.", "points"); if (this.drawGraphics) { #if GDI if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.GDI) this.gfx.DrawBeziers(pen.RealizeGdiPen(), MakePointFArray(points)); #endif #if WPF if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.WPF) { #if !SILVERLIGHT PathFigure figure = new PathFigure(); figure.StartPoint = new System.Windows.Point(points[0].x, points[0].y); for (int idx = 1; idx < count; idx += 3) { BezierSegment seg = new BezierSegment( new System.Windows.Point(points[idx].x, points[idx].y), new System.Windows.Point(points[idx + 1].x, points[idx + 1].y), new System.Windows.Point(points[idx + 2].x, points[idx + 2].y), true); figure.Segments.Add(seg); } PathGeometry geo = new PathGeometry(); geo.Figures.Add(figure); this.dc.DrawGeometry(null, pen.RealizeWpfPen(), geo); #else // AGHACK #endif } #endif } if (this.renderer != null) this.renderer.DrawBeziers(pen, points); }
/// <summary> /// Draws a Bézier spline defined by four points. /// </summary> public void DrawBezier(XPen pen, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4) { if (pen == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("pen"); if (this.drawGraphics) { #if GDI if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.GDI) this.gfx.DrawBezier(pen.RealizeGdiPen(), (float)x1, (float)y1, (float)x2, (float)y2, (float)x3, (float)y3, (float)x4, (float)y4); #endif #if WPF if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.WPF) { #if !SILVERLIGHT BezierSegment seg = new BezierSegment(new System.Windows.Point(x2, y2), new System.Windows.Point(x3, y3), new System.Windows.Point(x4, y4), true); PathFigure figure = new PathFigure(); figure.StartPoint = new System.Windows.Point(x1, y1); figure.Segments.Add(seg); PathGeometry geo = new PathGeometry(); geo.Figures.Add(figure); this.dc.DrawGeometry(null, pen.RealizeWpfPen(), geo); #else // AGHACK #endif } #endif } if (this.renderer != null) this.renderer.DrawBeziers(pen, new XPoint[4]{new XPoint(x1, y1), new XPoint(x2, y2), new XPoint(x3, y3), new XPoint(x4, y4)}); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public override void Draw(object dc, XCubicBezier cubicBezier, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray<XProperty> db, XRecord r) { var _dc = dc as DrawingContext; var style = cubicBezier.Style; if (style == null) return; double thickness = style.Thickness / _state.ZoomX; double half = thickness / 2.0; Tuple<Brush, Pen> styleCached = _styleCache.Get(style); Brush fill; Pen stroke; if (styleCached != null) { fill = styleCached.Item1; stroke = styleCached.Item2; } else { fill = CreateBrush(style.Fill); stroke = CreatePen(style, thickness); _styleCache.Set(style, Tuple.Create(fill, stroke)); } PathGeometry pg = _cubicBezierCache.Get(cubicBezier); if (pg != null) { var pf = pg.Figures[0]; pf.StartPoint = new Point(cubicBezier.Point1.X + dx, cubicBezier.Point1.Y + dy); pf.IsFilled = cubicBezier.IsFilled; var bs = pf.Segments[0] as BezierSegment; bs.Point1 = new Point(cubicBezier.Point2.X + dx, cubicBezier.Point2.Y + dy); bs.Point2 = new Point(cubicBezier.Point3.X + dx, cubicBezier.Point3.Y + dy); bs.Point3 = new Point(cubicBezier.Point4.X + dx, cubicBezier.Point4.Y + dy); bs.IsStroked = cubicBezier.IsStroked; } else { var pf = new PathFigure() { StartPoint = new Point(cubicBezier.Point1.X + dx, cubicBezier.Point1.Y + dy), IsFilled = cubicBezier.IsFilled }; var bs = new BezierSegment( new Point(cubicBezier.Point2.X + dx, cubicBezier.Point2.Y + dy), new Point(cubicBezier.Point3.X + dx, cubicBezier.Point3.Y + dy), new Point(cubicBezier.Point4.X + dx, cubicBezier.Point4.Y + dy), cubicBezier.IsStroked); //bs.Freeze(); pf.Segments.Add(bs); //pf.Freeze(); pg = new PathGeometry(); pg.Figures.Add(pf); //pg.Freeze(); _cubicBezierCache.Set(cubicBezier, pg); } DrawPathGeometryInternal(_dc, half, fill, stroke, cubicBezier.IsStroked, cubicBezier.IsFilled, pg); }
private void DrawLineCurveInternal(DrawingContext dc, double half, Pen pen, XLine line, ref Point pt1, ref Point pt2, double dx, double dy) { double p1x = pt1.X; double p1y = pt1.Y; double p2x = pt2.X; double p2y = pt2.Y; XLineExtensions.GetCurvedLineBezierControlPoints( line.Style.LineStyle.CurveOrientation, line.Style.LineStyle.Curvature, line.Start.Alignment, line.End.Alignment, ref p1x, ref p1y, ref p2x, ref p2y); PathGeometry pg = _curvedLineCache.Get(line); if (pg != null) { var pf = pg.Figures[0]; pf.StartPoint = new Point(pt1.X + dx, pt1.Y + dy); pf.IsFilled = false; var bs = pf.Segments[0] as BezierSegment; bs.Point1 = new Point(p1x + dx, p1y + dy); bs.Point2 = new Point(p2x + dx, p2y + dy); bs.Point3 = new Point(pt2.X + dx, pt2.Y + dy); bs.IsStroked = line.IsStroked; } else { var pf = new PathFigure() { StartPoint = new Point(pt1.X + dx, pt1.Y + dy), IsFilled = false }; var bs = new BezierSegment( new Point(p1x + dx, p1y + dy), new Point(p2x + dx, p2y + dy), new Point(pt2.X + dx, pt2.Y + dy), line.IsStroked); //bs.Freeze(); pf.Segments.Add(bs); //pf.Freeze(); pg = new PathGeometry(); pg.Figures.Add(pf); //pg.Freeze(); _curvedLineCache.Set(line, pg); } DrawPathGeometryInternal(dc, half, null, pen, line.IsStroked, false, pg); }
void UpdateCurve(ThumbPosition thumbPosition, Point currentPosition) { Point startBezierPoint, endBezierPoint; switch (thumbPosition) { case ThumbPosition.Top: startBezierPoint = new Point(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y - GridCanvas.BezierYOffset); endBezierPoint = new Point(currentPosition.X, currentPosition.Y - GridCanvas.BezierYOffset); break; default: case ThumbPosition.Bottom: startBezierPoint = new Point(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y + GridCanvas.BezierYOffset); endBezierPoint = new Point(currentPosition.X, currentPosition.Y - GridCanvas.BezierYOffset); break; case ThumbPosition.Right: startBezierPoint = new Point(startPoint.X + GridCanvas.BezierYOffset, startPoint.Y); endBezierPoint = new Point(currentPosition.X - GridCanvas.BezierYOffset, currentPosition.Y); break; case ThumbPosition.Left: startBezierPoint = new Point(startPoint.X - GridCanvas.BezierYOffset, startPoint.Y); endBezierPoint = new Point(currentPosition.X + GridCanvas.BezierYOffset, currentPosition.Y); break; } BezierSegment bezierSegment = new BezierSegment(startBezierPoint, endBezierPoint, currentPosition, true); Path[] curves = ownerCanvas.Curves.Values.Where( path => path.Name.StartsWith(ownerElement.GetLink(thumbPosition).From)).ToArray(); foreach (PathGeometry curveGeometry in curves.Select(curve => (PathGeometry)curve.Data)) { if (curveGeometry.Figures[0].Segments.Count == 0) curveGeometry.Figures[0].Segments.Add(bezierSegment); else curveGeometry.Figures[0].Segments[0] = bezierSegment; } }
private void BuildPath ( PdfContents Contents, PaintOp PaintOperator ) { // every figure is a separated subpath and contains some segments foreach (SysMedia.PathFigure SubPath in MediaPath.Figures) { // get start of sub-path point PointD CurPoint = PathToDrawing(SubPath.StartPoint); PointD StartPoint = CurPoint; Contents.MoveTo(CurPoint); // process all points of one sub-path foreach (SysMedia.PathSegment Seg in SubPath.Segments) { // line segment if (Seg.GetType() == typeof(SysMedia.LineSegment)) { CurPoint = PathToDrawing(((SysMedia.LineSegment)Seg).Point); Contents.LineTo(CurPoint); } // polygon else if (Seg.GetType() == typeof(SysMedia.PolyLineSegment)) { SysMedia.PolyLineSegment LineSegArray = (SysMedia.PolyLineSegment)Seg; foreach (SysWin.Point PolyPoint in LineSegArray.Points) { CurPoint = PathToDrawing(PolyPoint); Contents.LineTo(CurPoint); } } // cubic bezier segment else if (Seg.GetType() == typeof(SysMedia.BezierSegment)) { SysMedia.BezierSegment BezierSeg = (SysMedia.BezierSegment)Seg; CurPoint = PathToDrawing(BezierSeg.Point3); Contents.DrawBezier(PathToDrawing(BezierSeg.Point1), PathToDrawing(BezierSeg.Point2), CurPoint); } // cubic bezier multi segments else if (Seg.GetType() == typeof(SysMedia.PolyBezierSegment)) { SysMedia.PolyBezierSegment BezierSegArray = (SysMedia.PolyBezierSegment)Seg; int Count = BezierSegArray.Points.Count; for (int Index = 0; Index < Count; Index += 3) { CurPoint = PathToDrawing(BezierSegArray.Points[Index + 2]); Contents.DrawBezier(PathToDrawing(BezierSegArray.Points[Index]), PathToDrawing(BezierSegArray.Points[Index + 1]), CurPoint); } } // quadratic bezier segment else if (Seg.GetType() == typeof(SysMedia.QuadraticBezierSegment)) { SysMedia.QuadraticBezierSegment BezierSeg = (SysMedia.QuadraticBezierSegment)Seg; PointD NextPoint = PathToDrawing(BezierSeg.Point2); Contents.DrawBezier(new BezierD(CurPoint, PathToDrawing(BezierSeg.Point1), NextPoint), BezierPointOne.Ignore); CurPoint = NextPoint; } // quadratic bezier multi segments else if (Seg.GetType() == typeof(SysMedia.PolyQuadraticBezierSegment)) { SysMedia.PolyQuadraticBezierSegment BezierSegArray = (SysMedia.PolyQuadraticBezierSegment)Seg; int Count = BezierSegArray.Points.Count; for (int Index = 0; Index < Count; Index += 2) { PointD NextPoint = PathToDrawing(BezierSegArray.Points[Index + 1]); Contents.DrawBezier(new BezierD(CurPoint, PathToDrawing(BezierSegArray.Points[Index]), NextPoint), BezierPointOne.Ignore); CurPoint = NextPoint; } } // draw arc else if (Seg.GetType() == typeof(SysMedia.ArcSegment)) { SysMedia.ArcSegment Arc = (SysMedia.ArcSegment)Seg; PointD NextPoint = PathToDrawing(Arc.Point); ArcType ArcType; if (Arc.SweepDirection == (PathYAxis == YAxisDirection.Down ? SysMedia.SweepDirection.Counterclockwise : SysMedia.SweepDirection.Clockwise)) { ArcType = Arc.IsLargeArc ? ArcType.LargeCounterClockWise : ArcType.SmallCounterClockWise; } else { ArcType = Arc.IsLargeArc ? ArcType.LargeClockWise : ArcType.SmallClockWise; } Contents.DrawArc(CurPoint, NextPoint, SizeToDrawing(Arc.Size), Arc.RotationAngle, ArcType, BezierPointOne.Ignore); CurPoint = NextPoint; } // should no happen else { throw new ApplicationException("Windows Media path: unknown path segment."); } } // for stroke set paint operator for each sub-path if (SubPath.IsClosed) { Contents.SetPaintOp(PaintOp.CloseSubPath); } } // paint operator Contents.SetPaintOp(PaintOperator); return; }
public void AdaugCampie() { Campie = new Path() { StrokeThickness = 2, Fill=new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent), Cursor=Cursors.Hand }; PathFigure PathFigureCampie = new PathFigure() { StartPoint = new Point(0, 400) }; LineSegment l = new LineSegment() { Point = new Point(0, 505) }; PathFigureCampie.Segments.Add(l); l = new LineSegment() { Point = new Point(canv.Width-1, canv.Height) }; PathFigureCampie.Segments.Add(l); l = new LineSegment() { Point = new Point(canv.Width - 1, canv.Height-70) }; PathFigureCampie.Segments.Add(l); BezierSegment bs = new BezierSegment() { Point1 = new Point(canv.Width - 1, canv.Height - 70), Point2 = new Point(690, 470), Point3 = new Point(655, 420) }; PathFigureCampie.Segments.Add(bs); bs = new BezierSegment() { Point1 = new Point(655, 420), Point2 = new Point(655, 360), Point3 = new Point(565, 350) }; PathFigureCampie.Segments.Add(bs); bs = new BezierSegment() { Point1 = new Point(565, 350), Point2 = new Point(520, 350), Point3 = new Point(465, 320) }; PathFigureCampie.Segments.Add(bs); bs = new BezierSegment() { Point1 = new Point(465, 320), Point2 = new Point(380, 210), Point3 = new Point(320, 204) }; PathFigureCampie.Segments.Add(bs); bs = new BezierSegment() { Point1 = new Point(320, 204), Point2 = new Point(200, 224), Point3 = new Point(180, 238) }; PathFigureCampie.Segments.Add(bs); bs = new BezierSegment() { Point1 = new Point(180, 238), Point2 = new Point(100, 268), Point3 = new Point(97, 298) }; PathFigureCampie.Segments.Add(bs); bs = new BezierSegment() { Point1 = new Point(97, 298), Point2 = new Point(140, 328), Point3 = new Point(0, 400) }; PathFigureCampie.Segments.Add(bs); PathGeometry geometry = new PathGeometry(); geometry.Figures.Add(PathFigureCampie); Campie.Data = geometry; canv.Children.Add(Campie); Campie.MouseEnter += new MouseEventHandler(Campie_MouseEnter); Campie.MouseLeave += new MouseEventHandler(Campie_MouseLeave); Campie.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(Campie_MouseLeftButtonDown); }
private void ConvertPart(PathThumb senderThumb, PathPartConvertType convertType) { if (senderThumb.PathPoint.ParentObject is PathFigure) { var pathFigure = senderThumb.PathPoint.ParentObject as PathFigure; var pathSegment = senderThumb.PathPoint.Object as PathSegment; var idx = pathFigure.Segments.IndexOf(pathSegment); var point = senderThumb.PathPoint.Point; if (pathSegment is PolyLineSegment) { var poly = pathSegment as PolyLineSegment; var lst = poly.Points.Take(senderThumb.PathPoint.PolyLineIndex); var lst2 = poly.Points.Skip(senderThumb.PathPoint.PolyLineIndex + 1); var p = poly.Points[senderThumb.PathPoint.PolyLineIndex]; pathFigure.Segments.RemoveAt(idx); var p1 = new PolyLineSegment(); p1.Points.AddRange(lst); pathFigure.Segments.Insert(idx, p1); pathSegment = new LineSegment() {Point = p}; pathFigure.Segments.Insert(idx+1, pathSegment); var p2 = new PolyLineSegment(); p2.Points.AddRange(lst2); pathFigure.Segments.Insert(idx+2, p2); idx++; } else if (pathSegment is PolyBezierSegment) { //TODO } else if (pathSegment is PolyQuadraticBezierSegment) { //TODO } pathFigure.Segments.RemoveAt(idx); var midp = senderThumb.PathPoint.ParentPathPoint.Point - ((senderThumb.PathPoint.ParentPathPoint.Point - point) / 2); PathSegment newSegment = null; switch (convertType) { case PathPartConvertType.ToBezierSegment: newSegment = new BezierSegment() { Point1 = midp - new Vector(40, 40), Point2 = midp + new Vector(-40, 40), Point3 = point }; break; case PathPartConvertType.ToQuadricBezierSegment: newSegment = new QuadraticBezierSegment() { Point1 = point - new Vector(40, 40), Point2 = point }; break; case PathPartConvertType.ToArcSegment: newSegment = new ArcSegment() { Point = point, Size = new Size(20, 20) }; break; case PathPartConvertType.insertPoint: pathFigure.Segments.Insert(idx, pathSegment); newSegment = new LineSegment() { Point = midp, }; break; default: newSegment = new LineSegment() { Point = point }; break; } pathFigure.Segments.Insert(idx, newSegment); } this.ExtendedItem.ReapplyAllExtensions(); }
private static System.Windows.Point BezierSegmentPoint(BezierSegment quadraticBezier, System.Windows.Point startPoint, double t) { double t1 = 1 - t; return new System.Windows.Point { X = t1*t1*t1*startPoint.X + 3*t1*t1*t*quadraticBezier.Point1.X + 3*t1*t*t*quadraticBezier.Point2.X + t*t*t*quadraticBezier.Point3.X, Y = t1*t1*t1*startPoint.Y + 3*t1*t1*t*quadraticBezier.Point1.Y + 3*t1*t*t*quadraticBezier.Point2.Y + t*t*t*quadraticBezier.Point3.Y }; }
public pesteHarta(Canvas can, PlaneProjection p,Image img, Canvas md,MapLayers mapLayer,Map map) { ServiceReference1.TranzactiiClient tc = new ServiceReference1.TranzactiiClient(bind, endpoint); tc.GetHistoryPadureCompleted += new EventHandler<ServiceReference1.GetHistoryPadureCompletedEventArgs>(tc_GetHistoryPadureCompleted); tc.GetHistoryPadureAsync(); // retine = md; this.mapLayer = mapLayer; = map; = md; this.p = p; this.img = img; // Alex code // Preia meniul de login din LoginForm // La intoarcerea din padure sau campie Meniu Dreapta contine MeniuAnimal sau MeniuPlanta // iar la intoarcere este necesar ca in Meniu Dreapta sa se afle PaginaUser // Nu mai e nevoie de toata partea asta /*UIElement[] array = LoginForm.getInstance().getMeniuDreapta(); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (array[i].GetType() == typeof(PaginaUser)) { Rember = (PaginaUser)array[i]; break; } }*/ md.Children.Clear(); // Preia instanta PaginaUser // Actualizeaza regiunea curenta Rember = PaginaUser.getInstance(); Rember.updateCurrentRegion(); // Adaug manual PaginaUser, altfel apare un bug in care nu am nici un // meniu in partea stanga // Verific daca are deja parinte sa nu dea eroare if (Rember.Parent == null) {; } // End of Alex code verifica = null; tmr.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 200); tmr.Tick += new EventHandler(tmr_Tick); tmr.Start(); #region Padure Padure = new Path() { StrokeThickness = 4, }; Padure.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(Padure_MouseLeftButtonDown); Padure.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; PathFigure PathFigurepadure = new PathFigure() { StartPoint = new Point(0, 2) }; LineSegment l = new LineSegment() { Point = new Point(2, 333) }; PathFigurepadure.Segments.Add(l); BezierSegment bs = new BezierSegment() { Point1 = new Point(14, 333), Point2 = new Point(30, 310), Point3 = new Point(30, 270) }; PathFigurepadure.Segments.Add(bs); bs = new BezierSegment() { Point1 = new Point(30, 270), Point2 = new Point(30, 250), Point3 = new Point(50, 245) }; PathFigurepadure.Segments.Add(bs); //bs = new BezierSegment() { Point1 = new Point(40, 250), Point2 = new Point(40, 254), Point3 = new Point(85, 235) }; //PathFigurepadure.Segments.Add(bs); l = new LineSegment() { Point = new Point(400, 115) }; PathFigurepadure.Segments.Add(l); bs = new BezierSegment() { Point1 = new Point(400, 115), Point2 = new Point(529, 65), Point3 = new Point(445, 2) }; PathFigurepadure.Segments.Add(bs); l = new LineSegment() { Point = new Point(0, 2) }; PathFigurepadure.Segments.Add(l); PathGeometry geometry = new PathGeometry(); geometry.Figures.Add(PathFigurepadure); Padure.Data = geometry; Padure.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent); // Padure.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF,0x00,0x00,0x00)); Padure.MouseEnter += new MouseEventHandler(Padure_MouseEnter); Padure.MouseLeave += new MouseEventHandler(Padure_MouseLeave); can.Children.Add(Padure); #endregion canv = can; #region Raul miscator #region Sus el = new Path(); BezierSegment b; PathFigure pf; PathGeometry j; el.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0x55, 0x0a, 0x76, 0xd1)); //el.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); el.Effect = hh; pf = new PathFigure() { StartPoint = new Point(500, 2) }; b = new BezierSegment() { Point1 = new Point(500, 2), Point2 = new Point(600, 70), Point3 = new Point(430, 140) }; pf.Segments.Add(b); LineSegment ls = new LineSegment() { Point = new Point(420, 130) }; pf.Segments.Add(ls); b = new BezierSegment() { Point1 = new Point(420, 130), Point2 = new Point(550, 70), Point3 = new Point(480, 2) }; pf.Segments.Add(b); j = new PathGeometry(); j.Figures.Add(pf); el.Data = j; canv.Children.Add(el); #endregion mijloc = new Path(); // mijloc.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0x55, 0x0a, 0x76, 0xd1)); mijloc.StrokeThickness = 3; mijloc.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); // mijloc.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0x99, 0x0d, 0x74, 0xd1)); // mijloc.Effect = hh; pf = new PathFigure() { StartPoint = new Point(370, 150) }; b = new BezierSegment() { Point1 = new Point(370, 150), Point2 = new Point(400, 190), Point3 = new Point(330, 185) }; pf.Segments.Add(b); ls = new LineSegment() { Point = new Point(320, 175) }; pf.Segments.Add(ls); b = new BezierSegment() { Point1 = new Point(320, 175), Point2 = new Point(260, 170), Point3 = new Point(380, 150) }; pf.Segments.Add(b); j = new PathGeometry(); j.Figures.Add(pf); mijloc.Data = j; canv.Children.Add(mijloc); #endregion AdaugCampie(); }
public void Update() { double X1 = startPoint.X; double Y1 = startPoint.Y; double X2 = endPoint.X; double Y2 = endPoint.Y; double theta = Math.Atan2(Y1 - Y2, X1 - X2); double sint = Math.Sin(theta + 0.2); double cost = Math.Cos(theta + 0.2); Point pt1 = new Point(X1, Y1); Point pt2 = new Point(X2, Y2); Point pt3 = new Point( X2 + (HeadWidth * cost - HeadHeight * sint), Y2 + (HeadWidth * sint + HeadHeight * cost)); Point pt4 = new Point( X2 + (HeadWidth * cost + HeadHeight * sint), Y2 - (HeadHeight * cost - HeadWidth * sint)); double midLength = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(X2 - X1, 2) + Math.Pow(Y2 - Y1, 2)) / 2; Point ptx = new Point(pt1.X - midLength * Math.Cos(theta - 0.2), pt1.Y - midLength * Math.Sin(theta - 0.2)); this.Connector.X1 = pt1.X; this.Connector.Y1 = pt1.Y; this.Connector.X2 = pt2.X; this.Connector.Y2 = pt2.Y; this.Cap1.X1 = pt2.X; this.Cap1.Y1 = pt2.Y; this.Cap1.X2 = pt3.X; this.Cap1.Y2 = pt3.Y; this.Cap2.X1 = pt2.X; this.Cap2.Y1 = pt2.Y; this.Cap2.X2 = pt4.X; this.Cap2.Y2 = pt4.Y; BezierSegment bs = new BezierSegment(); bs.Point1 = pt1; bs.Point2 = ptx; bs.Point3 = pt2; PathFigure pf = new PathFigure(); pf.StartPoint = pt1; pf.Segments.Add(bs); PathGeometry pg = new PathGeometry(); pg.Figures.Add(pf); this.bezier.Data = pg; this.bezier.StrokeThickness = this.StrokeThickness; this.bezier.Stroke = this.Stroke; Cap1.StrokeThickness = this.StrokeThickness; Cap1.Stroke = this.Stroke; Cap2.StrokeThickness = this.StrokeThickness; Cap2.Stroke = this.Stroke; }
/// <summary> /// Returns new BezierSegment by easing startValue to endValue using a time percentage 0 -> 1. /// </summary> /// <example>XAML: Data="M 10,100 C 100,0 200,200 300,100"</example> /// <seealso cref=""/> public static BezierSegment EaseValue(BezierSegment startValue, BezierSegment endValue, double percent) { return new BezierSegment { Point1 = EaseValue(startValue.Point1, endValue.Point1, percent), Point2 = EaseValue(startValue.Point2, endValue.Point2, percent), Point3 = EaseValue(startValue.Point3, endValue.Point3, percent) }; }
public void AutoTurnPage(CornerOrigin fromCorner, int duration) { if (Status != PageStatus.None) return; Status = PageStatus.TurnAnimation; UIElement source = this as UIElement; this.BeginAnimation(BookPage.CornerPointProperty, null); Point startPoint = OriginToPoint(this, fromCorner); Point endPoint = OriginToOppositePoint(this, fromCorner); CornerPoint = startPoint; origin = fromCorner; BezierSegment bs = new BezierSegment(startPoint, new Point(endPoint.X + (startPoint.X - endPoint.X) / 3, 250), endPoint, true); PathGeometry path = new PathGeometry(); PathFigure figure = new PathFigure(); figure.StartPoint = startPoint; figure.Segments.Add(bs); figure.IsClosed = false; path.Figures.Add(figure); PointAnimationUsingPath anim = new PointAnimationUsingPath(); anim.PathGeometry = path; anim.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(duration)); anim.AccelerationRatio = 0.6; anim.CurrentTimeInvalidated += new EventHandler(anim_CurrentTimeInvalidated); anim.Completed += new EventHandler(anim_Completed); this.BeginAnimation(BookPage.CornerPointProperty, anim); }
void System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector.Connect(int connectionId, object target) { switch (connectionId) { case 1: this.ExampleBeginStoryboard = ((System.Windows.Media.Animation.BeginStoryboard)(target)); return; case 2: this.ExampleStoryboard = ((System.Windows.Media.Animation.Storyboard)(target)); return; case 3: this.mySplineKeyFrame = ((System.Windows.Media.Animation.SplineDoubleKeyFrame)(target)); return; case 4: this.myVector3DSplineKeyFrame = ((System.Windows.Media.Animation.SplineDoubleKeyFrame)(target)); return; case 5: this.thePanel = ((System.Windows.Controls.StackPanel)(target)); return; case 6: this.SliderControlPoint1X = ((System.Windows.Controls.Slider)(target)); #line 404 "..\..\..\..\Examples\BezierTimeExample\BezierTimeExample.xaml" this.SliderControlPoint1X.ValueChanged += new System.Windows.RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <double>(this.OnSliderChanged); #line default #line hidden return; case 7: this.SliderControlPoint1Y = ((System.Windows.Controls.Slider)(target)); #line 408 "..\..\..\..\Examples\BezierTimeExample\BezierTimeExample.xaml" this.SliderControlPoint1Y.ValueChanged += new System.Windows.RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <double>(this.OnSliderChanged); #line default #line hidden return; case 8: this.SliderControlPoint2X = ((System.Windows.Controls.Slider)(target)); #line 412 "..\..\..\..\Examples\BezierTimeExample\BezierTimeExample.xaml" this.SliderControlPoint2X.ValueChanged += new System.Windows.RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <double>(this.OnSliderChanged); #line default #line hidden return; case 9: this.SliderControlPoint2Y = ((System.Windows.Controls.Slider)(target)); #line 417 "..\..\..\..\Examples\BezierTimeExample\BezierTimeExample.xaml" this.SliderControlPoint2Y.ValueChanged += new System.Windows.RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <double>(this.OnSliderChanged); #line default #line hidden return; case 10: this.keySplineText = ((System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock)(target)); return; case 11: this.SplineIllustrationSegment = ((System.Windows.Media.BezierSegment)(target)); return; case 12: this.SplineControlPoint1Marker = ((System.Windows.Media.EllipseGeometry)(target)); return; case 13: this.SplineControlPoint2Marker = ((System.Windows.Media.EllipseGeometry)(target)); return; case 14: this.SplineProgressTransform = ((System.Windows.Media.TranslateTransform)(target)); return; case 15: this.TimeProgressTransform = ((System.Windows.Media.TranslateTransform)(target)); return; case 16: this.myPerspectiveCamera = ((System.Windows.Media.Media3D.PerspectiveCamera)(target)); return; case 17: this.myHorizontalRotation = ((System.Windows.Media.Media3D.AxisAngleRotation3D)(target)); return; case 18: this.myVerticalRotation = ((System.Windows.Media.Media3D.AxisAngleRotation3D)(target)); return; case 19: this.myTranslateTransform3D = ((System.Windows.Media.Media3D.TranslateTransform3D)(target)); return; } this._contentLoaded = true; }
public static WMedia.Geometry ToWindows(this Geometry geometry) { WMedia.Geometry wGeometry = null; if (geometry is LineGeometry) { LineGeometry lineGeometry = geometry as LineGeometry; wGeometry = new WMedia.LineGeometry { StartPoint = lineGeometry.StartPoint.ToWindows(), EndPoint = lineGeometry.EndPoint.ToWindows() }; } else if (geometry is RectangleGeometry) { var rect = (geometry as RectangleGeometry).Rect; wGeometry = new WMedia.RectangleGeometry { Rect = new WFoundation.Rect(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height) }; } else if (geometry is EllipseGeometry) { EllipseGeometry ellipseGeometry = geometry as EllipseGeometry; wGeometry = new WMedia.EllipseGeometry { Center = ellipseGeometry.Center.ToWindows(), RadiusX = ellipseGeometry.RadiusX, RadiusY = ellipseGeometry.RadiusY }; } else if (geometry is GeometryGroup) { GeometryGroup geometryGroup = geometry as GeometryGroup; wGeometry = new WMedia.GeometryGroup { FillRule = ConvertFillRule(geometryGroup.FillRule) }; foreach (Geometry children in geometryGroup.Children) { WMedia.Geometry winChild = children.ToWindows(); (wGeometry as WMedia.GeometryGroup).Children.Add(winChild); } } else if (geometry is PathGeometry) { PathGeometry pathGeometry = geometry as PathGeometry; WMedia.PathGeometry wPathGeometry = new WMedia.PathGeometry { FillRule = ConvertFillRule(pathGeometry.FillRule) }; foreach (PathFigure xamPathFigure in pathGeometry.Figures) { WMedia.PathFigure wPathFigure = new WMedia.PathFigure { StartPoint = xamPathFigure.StartPoint.ToWindows(), IsFilled = xamPathFigure.IsFilled, IsClosed = xamPathFigure.IsClosed }; wPathGeometry.Figures.Add(wPathFigure); foreach (PathSegment pathSegment in xamPathFigure.Segments) { // LineSegment if (pathSegment is LineSegment) { LineSegment lineSegment = pathSegment as LineSegment; WMedia.LineSegment winSegment = new WMedia.LineSegment { Point = lineSegment.Point.ToWindows() }; wPathFigure.Segments.Add(winSegment); } // PolylineSegment if (pathSegment is PolyLineSegment) { PolyLineSegment polyLineSegment = pathSegment as PolyLineSegment; WMedia.PolyLineSegment wSegment = new WMedia.PolyLineSegment(); foreach (var point in polyLineSegment.Points) { wSegment.Points.Add(point.ToWindows()); } wPathFigure.Segments.Add(wSegment); } // BezierSegment if (pathSegment is BezierSegment) { BezierSegment bezierSegment = pathSegment as BezierSegment; WMedia.BezierSegment wSegment = new WMedia.BezierSegment { Point1 = bezierSegment.Point1.ToWindows(), Point2 = bezierSegment.Point2.ToWindows(), Point3 = bezierSegment.Point3.ToWindows() }; wPathFigure.Segments.Add(wSegment); } // PolyBezierSegment else if (pathSegment is PolyBezierSegment) { PolyBezierSegment polyBezierSegment = pathSegment as PolyBezierSegment; WMedia.PolyBezierSegment wSegment = new WMedia.PolyBezierSegment(); foreach (var point in polyBezierSegment.Points) { wSegment.Points.Add(point.ToWindows()); } wPathFigure.Segments.Add(wSegment); } // QuadraticBezierSegment if (pathSegment is QuadraticBezierSegment) { QuadraticBezierSegment quadraticBezierSegment = pathSegment as QuadraticBezierSegment; WMedia.QuadraticBezierSegment wSegment = new WMedia.QuadraticBezierSegment { Point1 = quadraticBezierSegment.Point1.ToWindows(), Point2 = quadraticBezierSegment.Point2.ToWindows() }; wPathFigure.Segments.Add(wSegment); } // PolyQuadraticBezierSegment else if (pathSegment is PolyQuadraticBezierSegment) { PolyQuadraticBezierSegment polyQuadraticBezierSegment = pathSegment as PolyQuadraticBezierSegment; WMedia.PolyQuadraticBezierSegment wSegment = new WMedia.PolyQuadraticBezierSegment(); foreach (var point in polyQuadraticBezierSegment.Points) { wSegment.Points.Add(point.ToWindows()); } wPathFigure.Segments.Add(wSegment); } // ArcSegment else if (pathSegment is ArcSegment) { ArcSegment arcSegment = pathSegment as ArcSegment; WMedia.ArcSegment wSegment = new WMedia.ArcSegment { Size = new WFoundation.Size(arcSegment.Size.Width, arcSegment.Size.Height), RotationAngle = arcSegment.RotationAngle, IsLargeArc = arcSegment.IsLargeArc, SweepDirection = arcSegment.SweepDirection == SweepDirection.Clockwise ? WMedia.SweepDirection.Clockwise : WMedia.SweepDirection.Counterclockwise, Point = arcSegment.Point.ToWindows() }; wPathFigure.Segments.Add(wSegment); } } } wGeometry = wPathGeometry; } return(wGeometry); }
private void AnimateToRightSheet() { DoubleAnimation translateAnimation = new DoubleAnimation(-Width / 4, new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500))); BezierSegment bs = new BezierSegment(new Point(0, 1), new Point(1, 0.5), new Point(2, 1), true); PathGeometry path = new PathGeometry(); PathFigure figure = new PathFigure(); figure.StartPoint = new Point(0, 1); figure.Segments.Add(bs); figure.IsClosed = false; path.Figures.Add(figure); DoubleAnimationUsingPath scaleAnimation = new DoubleAnimationUsingPath(); scaleAnimation.PathGeometry = path; scaleAnimation.Source = PathAnimationSource.Y; scaleAnimation.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)); translate.BeginAnimation(TranslateTransform.XProperty, translateAnimation); scale.BeginAnimation(ScaleTransform.ScaleXProperty, scaleAnimation); scale.BeginAnimation(ScaleTransform.ScaleYProperty, scaleAnimation); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="dc"></param> /// <param name="bezier"></param> /// <param name="dx"></param> /// <param name="dy"></param> /// <param name="db"></param> /// <param name="r"></param> public void Draw(object dc, XBezier bezier, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray<ShapeProperty> db, Record r) { var _dc = dc as DrawingContext; var style = bezier.Style; if (style == null) return; double thickness = style.Thickness / _state.Zoom; double half = thickness / 2.0; Tuple<Brush, Pen> cache = null; Brush fill; Pen stroke; if (_enableStyleCache && _styleCache.TryGetValue(style, out cache)) { fill = cache.Item1; stroke = cache.Item2; } else { fill = CreateBrush(style.Fill); stroke = CreatePen(style, thickness); if (_enableStyleCache) _styleCache.Add(style, Tuple.Create(fill, stroke)); } PathGeometry pg = null; if (_enableBezierCache && _bezierCache.TryGetValue(bezier, out pg)) { var pf = pg.Figures[0]; pf.StartPoint = new Point(bezier.Point1.X + dx, bezier.Point1.Y + dy); pf.IsFilled = bezier.IsFilled; var bs = pf.Segments[0] as BezierSegment; bs.Point1 = new Point(bezier.Point2.X + dx, bezier.Point2.Y + dy); bs.Point2 = new Point(bezier.Point3.X + dx, bezier.Point3.Y + dy); bs.Point3 = new Point(bezier.Point4.X + dx, bezier.Point4.Y + dy); bs.IsStroked = bezier.IsStroked; } else { var pf = new PathFigure() { StartPoint = new Point(bezier.Point1.X + dx, bezier.Point1.Y + dy), IsFilled = bezier.IsFilled }; var bs = new BezierSegment( new Point(bezier.Point2.X + dx, bezier.Point2.Y + dy), new Point(bezier.Point3.X + dx, bezier.Point3.Y + dy), new Point(bezier.Point4.X + dx, bezier.Point4.Y + dy), bezier.IsStroked); //bs.Freeze(); pf.Segments.Add(bs); //pf.Freeze(); pg = new PathGeometry(); pg.Figures.Add(pf); //pg.Freeze(); if (_enableBezierCache) _bezierCache.Add(bezier, pg); } DrawPathGeometryInternal(_dc, half, fill, stroke, bezier.IsStroked, bezier.IsFilled, pg); }
public dynConnector(dynNodeUI start, dynNodeUI end, int startIndex, int endIndex, int portType, bool visible) { //don't try to create a connector with a bad start, //end, or if we're trying to connector the same //port to itself. if (start == null || end == null || start == end) { throw new Exception("Attempting to create connector with invalid start or end nodes."); } pStart = start.OutPorts[startIndex]; dynPort endPort = null; if (portType == 0) endPort = end.InPorts[endIndex]; //connect the two ports //get start point pStart.Connect(this); BrushConverter bc = new BrushConverter(); strokeBrush = (Brush)bc.ConvertFrom("#313131"); #region bezier creation connector = new Path(); connector.Stroke = strokeBrush; connector.StrokeThickness = STROKE_THICKNESS; connector.Opacity = STROKE_OPACITY; connector.DataContext = this; Binding strokeBinding = new Binding("StrokeBrush"); connector.SetBinding(Path.StrokeProperty, strokeBinding); DoubleCollection dashArray = new DoubleCollection(); dashArray.Add(5); dashArray.Add(2); connector.StrokeDashArray = dashArray; PathGeometry connectorGeometry = new PathGeometry(); connectorPoints = new PathFigure(); connectorCurve = new BezierSegment(); connectorPoints.StartPoint = new Point(pStart.Center.X, pStart.Center.Y); connectorCurve.Point1 = connectorPoints.StartPoint; connectorCurve.Point2 = connectorPoints.StartPoint; connectorCurve.Point3 = connectorPoints.StartPoint; connectorPoints.Segments.Add(connectorCurve); connectorGeometry.Figures.Add(connectorPoints); connector.Data = connectorGeometry; dynSettings.Workbench.Children.Add(connector); #endregion #region polyline creation plineConnector = new Path(); plineConnector.Stroke = strokeBrush; plineConnector.StrokeThickness = STROKE_THICKNESS; plineConnector.Opacity = STROKE_OPACITY; plineConnector.StrokeDashArray = dashArray; PathGeometry plineGeometry = new PathGeometry(); // plineFigure = new PathFigure(); plineFigure.StartPoint = new Point(pStart.Center.X, pStart.Center.Y); Point[] polyLinePointArray = new Point[] { connectorPoints.StartPoint, connectorPoints.StartPoint, connectorPoints.StartPoint}; pline = new PolyLineSegment(polyLinePointArray, true); pline.Points = new PointCollection(polyLinePointArray); plineFigure.Segments.Add(pline); plineGeometry.Figures.Add(plineFigure); plineConnector.Data = plineGeometry; dynSettings.Workbench.Children.Add(plineConnector); #endregion endDot = new Ellipse(); endDot.Height = 6; endDot.Width = 6; endDot.Fill = Brushes.Black; endDot.StrokeThickness = 2; endDot.Stroke = Brushes.Black; endDot.IsHitTestVisible = false; endDot.MouseDown +=new System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventHandler(endDot_MouseDown); Canvas.SetTop(endDot, connectorCurve.Point3.Y - END_DOT_SIZE / 2); Canvas.SetLeft(endDot, connectorCurve.Point3.X - END_DOT_SIZE / 2); dynSettings.Workbench.Children.Add(endDot); endDot.Opacity = STROKE_OPACITY; endDot.IsHitTestVisible = false; endDot.MouseDown += new System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventHandler(endDot_MouseDown); this.Visible = visible; connector.MouseEnter += delegate { if (pEnd != null) Highlight(); }; connector.MouseLeave += delegate { Unhighlight(); }; plineConnector.MouseEnter += delegate { if (pEnd != null) Highlight(); }; plineConnector.MouseLeave += delegate { Unhighlight(); }; isDrawing = true; //set this to not draggable Dynamo.Controls.DragCanvas.SetCanBeDragged(this, false); Dynamo.Controls.DragCanvas.SetCanBeDragged(connector, false); //set the z order to the front //Canvas.SetZIndex(this, 300); Canvas.SetZIndex(this, 1); this.Connect(endPort); ConnectorType = dynSettings.Bench.ConnectorType; }
public dynConnector(dynPort port, Canvas workBench, Point mousePt) { //don't allow connections to start at an input port if (port.PortType != PortType.INPUT) { //get start point //this.workBench = workBench; pStart = port; pStart.Connect(this); BrushConverter bc = new BrushConverter(); strokeBrush = (Brush)bc.ConvertFrom("#313131"); #region bezier creation connector = new Path(); connector.Stroke = strokeBrush; connector.StrokeThickness = STROKE_THICKNESS; connector.Opacity = STROKE_OPACITY; connector.DataContext = this; Binding strokeBinding = new Binding("StrokeBrush"); connector.SetBinding(Path.StrokeProperty, strokeBinding); DoubleCollection dashArray = new DoubleCollection(); dashArray.Add(5); dashArray.Add(2); connector.StrokeDashArray = dashArray; PathGeometry connectorGeometry = new PathGeometry(); connectorPoints = new PathFigure(); connectorCurve = new BezierSegment(); connectorPoints.StartPoint = new Point(pStart.Center.X, pStart.Center.Y); connectorCurve.Point1 = connectorPoints.StartPoint; connectorCurve.Point2 = connectorPoints.StartPoint; connectorCurve.Point3 = connectorPoints.StartPoint; connectorPoints.Segments.Add(connectorCurve); connectorGeometry.Figures.Add(connectorPoints); connector.Data = connectorGeometry; workBench.Children.Add(connector); #endregion #region polyline creation plineConnector = new Path(); plineConnector.Stroke = strokeBrush; plineConnector.StrokeThickness = STROKE_THICKNESS; plineConnector.Opacity = STROKE_OPACITY; plineConnector.StrokeDashArray = dashArray; PathGeometry plineGeometry = new PathGeometry(); // plineFigure = new PathFigure(); plineFigure.StartPoint = connectorPoints.StartPoint; Point[] polyLinePointArray = new Point[] { connectorPoints.StartPoint, connectorPoints.StartPoint, connectorPoints.StartPoint}; pline = new PolyLineSegment(polyLinePointArray, true); pline.Points = new PointCollection(polyLinePointArray); plineFigure.Segments.Add(pline); plineGeometry.Figures.Add(plineFigure); plineConnector.Data = plineGeometry; dynSettings.Workbench.Children.Add(plineConnector); #endregion endDot = new Ellipse(); endDot.Height = 6; endDot.Width = 6; endDot.Fill = Brushes.Black; endDot.StrokeThickness = 2; endDot.Stroke = Brushes.Black; endDot.IsHitTestVisible = false; endDot.MouseDown += new System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventHandler(endDot_MouseDown); Canvas.SetTop(endDot, connectorCurve.Point3.Y - END_DOT_SIZE / 2); Canvas.SetLeft(endDot, connectorCurve.Point3.X - END_DOT_SIZE / 2); dynSettings.Workbench.Children.Add(endDot); endDot.Opacity = STROKE_OPACITY; connector.MouseEnter += delegate { if (pEnd != null) Highlight(); }; connector.MouseLeave += delegate { Unhighlight(); }; plineConnector.MouseEnter += delegate { if (pEnd != null) Highlight(); }; plineConnector.MouseLeave += delegate { Unhighlight(); }; isDrawing = true; //set this to not draggable Dynamo.Controls.DragCanvas.SetCanBeDragged(this, false); Dynamo.Controls.DragCanvas.SetCanBeDragged(connector, false); //set the z order to the front Canvas.SetZIndex(connector, 0); Canvas.SetZIndex(endDot, 1); ConnectorType = dynSettings.Bench.ConnectorType; } else { throw new InvalidPortException(); } }
void System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector.Connect(int connectionId, object target) { switch (connectionId) { case 1: this.path = ((System.Windows.Shapes.Path)(target)); #line 11 "..\..\..\..\..\Interface\Designer\Connection.xaml" this.path.MouseEnter += new System.Windows.Input.MouseEventHandler(this.MouseEnter); #line default #line hidden #line 11 "..\..\..\..\..\Interface\Designer\Connection.xaml" this.path.MouseLeave += new System.Windows.Input.MouseEventHandler(this.MouseLeave); #line default #line hidden #line 11 "..\..\..\..\..\Interface\Designer\Connection.xaml" this.path.MouseUp += new System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventHandler(this.MouseUp); #line default #line hidden return; case 2: this.start = ((System.Windows.Media.EllipseGeometry)(target)); return; case 3: this.end = ((System.Windows.Media.EllipseGeometry)(target)); return; case 4: this.line = ((System.Windows.Media.PathFigure)(target)); return; case 5: this.bezier = ((System.Windows.Media.BezierSegment)(target)); return; case 6: this.PreviewWindow = ((ShaderComposer.Interface.Designer.PreviewWindow)(target)); return; } this._contentLoaded = true; }