// This method performs the Point4D operations private void PerformOperation(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) { //RadioButton li = ((sender as RadioButtonList).SelectedItem as RadioButton); RadioButton li = (sender as RadioButton); // Strings used to display the results String syntaxString, resultType, operationString; // The local variables point1, point2, vector2, etc are defined in each // case block for readability reasons. Each variable is contained within // the scope of each case statement. switch (li.Name) { //begin switch case "rb1": { // Add a Point4D to a Point4D using the overloaded + operator. // Returns a Point4D. Point4D point1 = new Point4D(10, 5, 1, 4); Point4D point2 = new Point4D(15, 40, 60, 75); Point4D pointResult = new Point4D(); pointResult = point1 + point2; // pointResult is equal to (25, 45, 61, 79)) // Displaying Results syntaxString = "pointResult = point1 + point2;"; resultType = "Point4D"; operationString = "Adding a 3D Point and a 3D Vector"; ShowResults(pointResult.ToString(), syntaxString, resultType, operationString); break; } case "rb2": { // Add a Point4D to a Point4D using the static Add method. // Returns a Point4D. Point4D point1 = new Point4D(10, 5, 1, 4); Point4D point2 = new Point4D(15, 40, 60, 75); Point4D pointResult = new Point4D(); pointResult = Point4D.Add(point1, point2); // pointResult is equal to (25, 45, 61, 79) // Displaying Results syntaxString = "pointResult = Point4D.Add(point1, point2);"; resultType = "Point4D"; operationString = "Adding a 3D Point and a 3D Vector"; ShowResults(pointResult.ToString(), syntaxString, resultType, operationString); break; } case "rb3": { // Subtracts a Point4D from a Point4D using the overloaded - operator. // Returns a Point4D. Point4D point1 = new Point4D(10, 5, 1, 4); Point4D point2 = new Point4D(15, 40, 60, 75); Point4D pointResult = new Point4D(); pointResult = point1 - point2; // pointResult is equal to (-5, -35, -59, -71) // Displaying Results syntaxString = "pointResult = point1 - point2;"; resultType = "Point4D"; operationString = "Subtracting a Vector3D from a Point4D"; ShowResults(pointResult.ToString(), syntaxString, resultType, operationString); break; } case "rb4": { // Subtracts a Point3D from a Point4D using the static Subtract method. // Returns a Point4D. Point4D point1 = new Point4D(10, 5, 1, 4); Point4D point2 = new Point4D(15, 40, 60, 75); Point4D pointResult = new Point4D(); pointResult = Point4D.Subtract(point1, point2); // pointResult is equal to (-5, -35, -59, -71) // Displaying Results syntaxString = "pointResult = Point4D.Subtract(point1, point2);"; resultType = "Point4D"; operationString = "Subtracting a Vector3D from a Point4D"; ShowResults(pointResult.ToString(), syntaxString, resultType, operationString); break; } case "rb5": { // Offsets the X, Y, Z, and W values of a Point4D. Point4D point1 = new Point4D(10, 5, 1, 4); point1.Offset(20, 30, 40, 50); // point1 is equal to (30, 35, 41, 54) // Displaying Results syntaxString = "point1.Offset(20, 30, 41, 54);"; resultType = "Point4D"; operationString = "Offsetting a Point4D"; ShowResults(point1.ToString(), syntaxString, resultType, operationString); break; } case "rb6": { // Multiplies a Point4D by a Matrix. // Returns a Point4D. Point4D point1 = new Point4D(10, 5, 1, 4); Point4D pointResult = new Point4D(); Matrix3D matrix1 = new Matrix3D(10, 10, 10, 0, 20, 20, 20, 0, 30, 30, 30, 0, 5, 10, 15, 1); pointResult = point1 * matrix1; // pointResult is equal to (250, 270, 290, 4) // Displaying Results resultType = "Point4D"; syntaxString = "pointResult = point1 * matrix1;"; operationString = "Multiplying a Point4D by a Matrix3D"; ShowResults(pointResult.ToString(), syntaxString, resultType, operationString); break; } case "rb7": { // Multiplies a Point4D by a Matrix. // Returns a Point4D. Point4D point1 = new Point4D(10, 5, 1, 4); Point4D pointResult = new Point4D(); Matrix3D matrix1 = new Matrix3D(10, 10, 10, 0, 20, 20, 20, 0, 30, 30, 30, 0, 5, 10, 15, 1); pointResult = Point4D.Multiply(point1, matrix1); // pointResult is equal to (250, 270, 290, 4) // Displaying Results resultType = "Point4D"; syntaxString = "pointResult = Point4D.Multiply(point1, matrix1);"; operationString = "Multiplying a Point4D by a Matrix3D"; ShowResults(pointResult.ToString(), syntaxString, resultType, operationString); break; } case "rb8": { // Checks if two Point4D structures are equal using the overloaded equality operator. Point4D point1 = new Point4D(10, 5, 1, 4); Point4D point2 = new Point4D(15, 40, 60, 75); Boolean areEqual; areEqual = (point1 == point2); // areEqual is False // Displaying Results syntaxString = "areEqual = (point1 == point2);"; resultType = "Boolean"; operationString = "Checking if two 3D points are equal"; ShowResults(areEqual.ToString(), syntaxString, resultType, operationString); break; } case "rb9": { // Checks if two Point4D structures are equal using the static Equals method. // point1's x,y,z,w properties set when the structure is created Point4D point1 = new Point4D(10, 5, 1, 4); Point4D point2 = new Point4D(); Boolean areEqual; // settting point2's x,y,z,w properties point2.X = 15; point2.Y = 40; point2.Z = 60; point2.W = 75; areEqual = Point4D.Equals(point1, point2); // areEqual is False //Displaying Results syntaxString = "areEqual = Point4D.Equals(point1, point2);"; resultType = "Boolean"; operationString = "Checking if 3D two points are equal"; ShowResults(areEqual.ToString(), syntaxString, resultType, operationString); break; } case "rb10": { // Compares an Object and a Point4D for equality using the non-static Equals method. Point4D point1 = new Point4D(10, 5, 1, 4); Point4D point2 = new Point4D(15, 40, 60, 75); Boolean areEqual; areEqual = point1.Equals(point2); // areEqual is False. point2 is a Point4D structure, but it is not equal to point1. // Displaying Results syntaxString = "areEqual = point1.Equals(point2);"; resultType = "Boolean"; operationString = "Checking if two 3D points are equal"; ShowResults(areEqual.ToString(), syntaxString, resultType, operationString); break; } case "rb11": { // Converts a string representation of a 4D point into a Point4D structure. Point4D pointResult = new Point4D(); pointResult = Point4D.Parse("1,3,5,7"); // pointResult is equal to (1, 3, 5, 7) // Displaying Results syntaxString = "pointResult = Point4D.Parse(\"1,3,5,7\");"; resultType = "Point4D"; operationString = "Converts a string into a Point4D structure."; ShowResults(pointResult.ToString(), syntaxString, resultType, operationString); break; } case "rb12": { // Checks if two Point4Ds are not equal using the overloaded inequality operator. Point4D point1 = new Point4D(10, 5, 1, 4); Point4D point2 = new Point4D(15, 40, 60, 75); Boolean areNotEqual; areNotEqual = (point1 != point2); // areNotEqual is True // Displaying Results syntaxString = "areNotEqual = (point1 != point2);"; resultType = "Boolean"; operationString = "Checking if two 3D points are not equal"; ShowResults(areNotEqual.ToString(), syntaxString, resultType, operationString); break; } case "rb13": { // Gets a string representation of the structure Point4D point1 = new Point4D(10, 5, 1, 4); String pointString; pointString = point1.ToString(); // matrixString is equal to 10, 5, 1, 4 // Displaying Results syntaxString = "pointString = point1.ToString();"; resultType = "String"; operationString = "Getting the string representation of a Point4D"; ShowResults(pointString.ToString(), syntaxString, resultType, operationString); break; } case "rb14": { // Gets the hashcode of a Point4D structure Point4D point1 = new Point4D(10, 5, 1, 4); int pointHashCode; pointHashCode = point1.GetHashCode(); // Displaying Results syntaxString = "pointHashCode = point1.GetHashCode();"; resultType = "int"; operationString = "Getting the hashcode of Point4D"; ShowResults(pointHashCode.ToString(), syntaxString, resultType, operationString); break; } case "rb15": { // Point4D Equality and Inequality operations // instantiate variables Point4D point4D1 = new Point4D(); Point4D point4D2 = new Point4D(15, 40, 60, 75); Point3D point3D1 = new Point3D(15, 40, 60); // result variables Boolean areEqual; Boolean areNotEqual; String stringResult; // defining x,y,z of point1 point4D1.X = 10; point4D1.Y = 5; point4D1.Z = 1; point4D1.W = 4; // equality operations areEqual = point4D1 == point4D2; // areEqual is False areNotEqual = point4D1 != point4D2; // areNotEqual is True if(Point4D.Equals(point4D1, point3D1)) { // the if condition is not true, so this block will not execute stringResult = "Both objects are Point4D structures and they are equal"; } else { // the if condition is false, so this branch will execute stringResult = "parameters are not Point4D strucutres, or they are but are not equal"; } // Displaying Results syntaxString = "areNotEqual = (point1 != point2);"; resultType = "Boolean"; operationString = "Checking if two 3D points are not equal"; ShowResults(areNotEqual.ToString(), syntaxString, resultType, operationString); break; } default: break; } //end switch }