        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a red rectangle on the bitmap
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bitmap">The bitmap to draw on</param>
        /// <param name="rect">The position of the rectangle to draw</param>
        public static void DrawRectangle( WriteableBitmap bitmap, Rect rect )
            int stride = ( bitmap.PixelWidth * bitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7 ) / 8;

             byte[] pixelByteArray = new byte[bitmap.PixelHeight * stride];
             bitmap.CopyPixels( pixelByteArray, stride, 0 );

             for ( int column = 0; column < bitmap.PixelWidth; column++ )
            for ( int row = 0; row < bitmap.PixelHeight; row++ )
               if ( ( column == rect.X && row >= rect.Y && row <= rect.Y + rect.Height ) ||
                    ( row == rect.Y && column >= rect.X && column <= rect.X + rect.Width ) ||
                    ( column == rect.X + rect.Width && row >= rect.Y && row <= rect.Y + rect.Height ) ||
                    ( row == rect.Y + rect.Height && column >= rect.X && column <= rect.X + rect.Width ) )
                  int index = row * stride + 4 * column;
                  pixelByteArray[index] = 0;
                  pixelByteArray[index + 1] = 0;
                  pixelByteArray[index + 2] = 255;
             bitmap.WritePixels( new Int32Rect( 0, 0, bitmap.PixelWidth, bitmap.PixelHeight ), pixelByteArray, stride, 0 );
        public WriteableBitmapWrapper(WriteableBitmap source)
            _inner = source;
            _width = source.PixelWidth;

            int width = _inner.PixelWidth;
            int height = _inner.PixelHeight;
            _pixels = new int[width * height];
            _inner.CopyPixels(_pixels, width * 4, 0);
        public static Mat<byte> BitmapSourceToMat(BitmapSource source)
            WriteableBitmap writeableBmp = new WriteableBitmap(source);
            byte[] rawData = new byte[writeableBmp.PixelWidth * writeableBmp.PixelHeight];
            writeableBmp.CopyPixels(rawData, writeableBmp.PixelWidth, 0);

            Mat<byte> image = new Mat<byte>(writeableBmp.PixelHeight, writeableBmp.PixelWidth);
            for (int i = 0; i < writeableBmp.PixelHeight; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < writeableBmp.PixelWidth; j++)
                    image[i, j] = rawData[i * writeableBmp.PixelWidth + j];

            return image;
    /// <summary>
    /// Obtains the image data once it is loaded
    /// </summary>
    protected void Image_ImageOpened(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
      if (bitmap == null)
        bitmap = new WriteableBitmap((BitmapImage)image.Source);
        image.Source = bitmap;
#if WPF
        int w = bitmap.PixelWidth;
        int h = bitmap.PixelHeight;
        pixelData = new int[w * h];
        int widthInBytes = 4 * w;
        bitmap.CopyPixels(pixelData, widthInBytes, 0);
        pixelData = bitmap.Pixels;
		public TileSet(System.Drawing.Bitmap source, int tileWidth, int tileHeight)
			_source = new WriteableBitmap(Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap(
				source.GetHbitmap(), IntPtr.Zero, Int32Rect.Empty,
				BitmapSizeOptions.FromWidthAndHeight(source.Width, source.Height)));

			TileWidth = tileWidth;
			TileHeight = tileHeight;
			_tilesPerRow = (int)_source.Width / TileWidth;

			_bytesPerPixel = _source.Format.BitsPerPixel / BITS_PER_BYTE;
			_stride = _source.PixelWidth * _bytesPerPixel;
			_originalPixels = new byte[_stride * _source.PixelHeight];
			_source.CopyPixels(_originalPixels, _stride, 0);

			_tiles = new List<CroppedBitmap>();
        public void execute()
            if (Path != null)
                origin = LoadBitmap(Path);

                if (origin != null)

                    origin = origin.Resize(68, 42, WriteableBitmapExtensions.Interpolation.NearestNeighbor);
                    origin.CopyPixels(new Int32Rect(0,0,origin.PixelWidth,origin.PixelHeight), monitor.BackBuffer,
                                    monitor.BackBufferStride * monitor.PixelHeight, monitor.BackBufferStride);
            catch (AccessViolationException e)
        /// <summary>
        /// Colors the connected objects in the bitmap. Note this function assumes the image is thresholded
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bitmap">The bitmap to color</param>
        /// <returns>A list of final colors in the image, one for each object</returns>
        public static List<Color> ColorBitmap( WriteableBitmap bitmap )
            int stride = ( bitmap.PixelWidth * bitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7 ) / 8;

             byte[] pixelArray = new byte[bitmap.PixelHeight * stride];
             bitmap.CopyPixels( pixelArray, stride, 0 );

             var colorMergeDictionary = new Dictionary<int, int>();
             var colors = new List<Color>();
             var random = new Random();
             for ( int i = 0; i < bitmap.PixelHeight; i++ )
            for ( int j = 0; j < bitmap.PixelWidth; j++ )
               int index = i * stride + 4 * j;

               // Check if it is a foreground object and has not been colored
               if ( GetPixelColor( pixelArray, index ) == Colors.Black )
                  var color = GetPixelColoring( pixelArray, index, stride, colors, random, colorMergeDictionary );
                  pixelArray[index] = color.B;
                  pixelArray[index + 1] = color.G;
                  pixelArray[index + 2] = color.R;

                  // Keep track of all the colors in the image so
                  // we can merge them later
                  if ( !colors.Contains( color ) )
                     colors.Add( color );
                     colorMergeDictionary[colors.Count - 1] = colors.Count - 1;

             var trueColors = MergeConnectedColors( pixelArray, colors, colorMergeDictionary );

             bitmap.WritePixels( new Int32Rect( 0, 0, bitmap.PixelWidth, bitmap.PixelHeight ), pixelArray, stride, 0 );

             return trueColors;
        public unsafe override void Draw(WriteableBitmap desktop)
            // Avoid exception if window is dragged bottom of screen
            if (rectangle.Top + rectangle.Height >= framebuffer.Height)
                rectangle.Height = framebuffer.Height - rectangle.Top - 1;

            if ((rectangle.Y * desktop.PixelWidth + rectangle.X) < (source.Y * desktop.PixelWidth + source.X))
                Int32Rect srcRect = new Int32Rect(source.X, source.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height);
                desktop.WritePixels(srcRect, desktop.BackBuffer, desktop.BackBufferStride * desktop.PixelHeight, desktop.PixelWidth * 4, rectangle.X, rectangle.Y);
                Int32[] pixelBuf = new Int32[rectangle.Width * rectangle.Height];

                desktop.CopyPixels(new Int32Rect(source.X, source.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height), pixelBuf, rectangle.Width * 4, 0);
                desktop.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height), pixelBuf, rectangle.Width * 4, rectangle.X, rectangle.Y);
        public static void ApplyBlobMaskToOtherBitmaps(WriteableBitmap bitmap, WriteableBitmap gradientBitmapRef, 
           WriteableBitmap realBitmapRef, System.Windows.Media.Color blobColor)
            int stride = (bitmap.PixelWidth * bitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;

               byte[] pixelByteArray = new byte[bitmap.PixelHeight * stride];
               byte[] gradientByteArray = new byte[gradientBitmapRef.PixelHeight * stride];
               byte[] realByteArray = new byte[realBitmapRef.PixelHeight * stride];

               bitmap.CopyPixels(pixelByteArray, stride, 0);
               gradientBitmapRef.CopyPixels(gradientByteArray, stride, 0);
               realBitmapRef.CopyPixels(realByteArray, stride, 0);

               for (int column = 0; column < bitmap.PixelWidth; column++)
               for (int row = 0; row < bitmap.PixelHeight; row++)
                   int index = row * stride + 4 * column;

                   var pixelColor = new System.Windows.Media.Color();

                   pixelColor = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(pixelByteArray[index + 2],
                       pixelByteArray[index + 1], pixelByteArray[index]);

                   if (pixelColor != blobColor)
                       gradientByteArray[index] = 0;
                       gradientByteArray[index + 1] = 0;
                       gradientByteArray[index + 2] = 0;

                       realByteArray[index] = 0;
                       realByteArray[index + 1] = 0;
                       realByteArray[index + 2] = 0;

               gradientBitmapRef.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, gradientBitmapRef.PixelWidth, gradientBitmapRef.PixelHeight), gradientByteArray, stride, 0);
               realBitmapRef.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, realBitmapRef.PixelWidth, realBitmapRef.PixelHeight), realByteArray, stride, 0);
        public void Can_Create_Color_Image()
            var imageFactory = new RgbImageSourceFactory();

            var pointerFactory = new ArrayToPointerFactory();
            var data = new ushort[20 * 10 * 2];
            for (int index = data.Length / 2; index < data.Length; index++)
                data[index] = ushort.MaxValue;

            var bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(20, 10, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgr24, null);
            var pointer = pointerFactory.CreatePointer(data);
                 imageFactory.CreateImage(bitmap, pointer);

            int height = bitmap.PixelHeight;
            int width = bitmap.PixelWidth;
            int stride = bitmap.PixelWidth * 3;
            byte[] pixelByteArray = new byte[bitmap.PixelHeight * stride];
            bitmap.CopyPixels(pixelByteArray, stride, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, pixelByteArray[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, pixelByteArray[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, pixelByteArray[2]);

            Assert.AreEqual(255, pixelByteArray[10 * 3 + 9 * stride]);
            Assert.AreEqual(255, pixelByteArray[10 * 3 + 9 * stride + 1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(255, pixelByteArray[10 * 3 + 9 * stride + 2]);
        public Image Create(BitmapSource bitmapSource)
            if (bitmapSource == null)
                return Image.Empty;
                var width = bitmapSource.PixelWidth;
                var height = bitmapSource.PixelHeight;
                var format = bitmapSource.Format;

                var bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(bitmapSource);
                var bytesPerPixel = (bitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7)/8;
                var stride = 4*((bitmapSource.PixelWidth*bytesPerPixel + 3)/4);
                var length = stride*bitmapSource.PixelHeight;
                var pixels = new byte[length];
                bitmap.CopyPixels(pixels, stride, 0);

                return new Image(format.BitsPerPixel, width, height, pixels, format.ToString());
            catch (Exception)
                return Image.Empty;
        public static BitmapSource ColorizeBitmap(BitmapSource bmp, Color tint)
            var wbmp = new WriteableBitmap(bmp);
            var arr = new uint[wbmp.PixelWidth * wbmp.PixelHeight];

            wbmp.CopyPixels(arr, wbmp.PixelWidth * 4, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; ++i)
                byte a = (byte)((arr[i] >> 24) & 0xff);
                byte r = (byte)((arr[i] >> 16) & 0xff);
                byte g = (byte)((arr[i] >> 8) & 0xff);
                byte b = (byte)((arr[i] >> 0) & 0xff);

                var c = Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b);
                c = TileSetHelpers.TintColor(c, tint);

                arr[i] = (uint)((c.A << 24) | (c.R << 16) | (c.G << 8) | (c.B << 0));

            wbmp.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, wbmp.PixelWidth, wbmp.PixelHeight), arr, wbmp.PixelWidth * 4, 0);

            return wbmp;
        public static System.Windows.Media.Color PixelColorOfCentralBlob(WriteableBitmap bitmap)
            int stride = (bitmap.PixelWidth * bitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;

              ConcurrentDictionary<System.Windows.Media.Color, int > colorDict =
              new ConcurrentDictionary<System.Windows.Media.Color, int>();

              byte[] pixelByteArray = new byte[bitmap.PixelHeight * stride];
              bitmap.CopyPixels(pixelByteArray, stride, 0);

              //Draw a Horizontal Line accross the middle
              for (int column = 0; column < bitmap.PixelWidth; column++)
                  var color = new System.Windows.Media.Color();

                  int row = (int)(bitmap.PixelHeight/2.0);
                  int index = row * stride + 4 * column;

                  int R = Convert.ToInt32(pixelByteArray[index+2]);
                  int G = Convert.ToInt32(pixelByteArray[index+1]);
                  int B = Convert.ToInt32(pixelByteArray[index]);

                  color = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(pixelByteArray[index + 2],
                      pixelByteArray[index + 1], pixelByteArray[index]);

              if (!(R == 255 && B == 255 && G == 255) && !(R== 0 && B == 0 && G == 0))
                  colorDict.AddOrUpdate(color, 1, (id, count) => count + 1);

              int maxValue = 0;
              var colorKey  = new System.Windows.Media.Color();
              foreach (var item in colorDict)
              if (item.Value > maxValue)
                  colorKey = item.Key;
                  maxValue = item.Value;
              return colorKey;
        /// <summary>
        /// Méthode qui permet de générer la carte de chaleur ou de transparence de l'image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mode">Mode sélectionné</param>
        /// <param name="img">Image sur laquelle on appose le masque</param>
        private void GenerateMask(string mode, ImageExp img)
            ImageBmp = new WriteableBitmap(new BitmapImage(new Uri(img.Acces, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)));
            imgBackground.Source = ImageBmp;

            // Taille de l'image d'origine
            //int width = imageBitmap.PixelWidth;
            //int height = imageBitmap.PixelHeight;
            int width = 1680;
            int height = 900;

            // Creation du masque a partir du bitmap d'origine
            WriteableBitmap bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(ImageBmp);

            // Pixels Destination (r,g,b,a)
            byte[, ,] pixels = new byte[height, width, 4];

            // Pixels Source
            int strideSource = ImageBmp.PixelWidth * 4;
            int sizeSource = ImageBmp.PixelHeight * strideSource;
            byte[] pixelSource = new byte[sizeSource];
            bitmap.CopyPixels(pixelSource, strideSource, 0);

            double max = Data[AppData.ImagesExp[img.Numero-1]].Cast<double>().Max();

            for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
                    // le numéro de l'image à indiquer est un en dessous
                    double tps = Data[AppData.ImagesExp[img.Numero-1]][row, col];

                        // Pixel d'origine
                        int indexSource = row * strideSource + 4 * col;

                        double coef = tps / max;

                        // 0 : bleu, 1 : vert, 2 : rouge
                        // Cas où on demande le gris
                        if (mode == "gris")
                            pixels[row, col, 0] = (byte)(pixelSource[indexSource] * coef);
                            pixels[row, col, 1] = (byte)(pixelSource[indexSource + 1] * coef);
                            pixels[row, col, 2] = (byte)((pixelSource[indexSource + 2]) * coef);
                            // Cas où l'utilisateur demande de la couleur
                            int x = (int)Math.Floor((1000 / max) * (max-tps));

                            if (x >= 0 && x < 255)
                                pixels[row, col, 2] = (byte)(pixelSource[indexSource+2]/2 + (255)/2);
                                pixels[row, col, 1] = (byte)(pixelSource[indexSource+1]/2 + (x)/2);
                                pixels[row, col, 0] = (byte)( pixelSource[indexSource]/2 + (0)/2);
                            if (x >= 255 && x < 510)
                                pixels[row, col, 2] = (byte)(pixelSource[indexSource + 2] / 2 + (510 - x) / 2);
                                pixels[row, col, 1] = (byte)(pixelSource[indexSource + 1] / 2 + (255) / 2);
                                pixels[row, col, 0] = (byte)(pixelSource[indexSource] / 2 + (0) / 2);

                            if (x >= 510 && x < 765)
                                pixels[row, col, 2] = (byte)(pixelSource[indexSource + 2] / 2 + (0) / 2);
                                pixels[row, col, 1] = (byte)(pixelSource[indexSource + 1] / 2 + (255) / 2);
                                pixels[row, col, 0] = (byte)(pixelSource[indexSource] / 2 + (x-510) / 2);
                            if (x >= 765 && x < 1020)
                                pixels[row, col, 2] = (byte)(pixelSource[indexSource + 2] / 2 + (0) / 2);
                                pixels[row, col, 1] = (byte)(pixelSource[indexSource + 1] / 2 + (1020-x) / 2);
                                pixels[row, col, 0] = (byte)(pixelSource[indexSource] / 2 + (255) / 2);
                            if (x >= 1020 && x < 1275)
                                pixels[row, col, 2] = (byte)(pixelSource[indexSource + 2] / 2 + (x-1020) / 2);
                                pixels[row, col, 1] = (byte)(pixelSource[indexSource + 1] / 2 + (0) / 2);
                                pixels[row, col, 0] = (byte)(pixelSource[indexSource] / 2 + (255) / 2);
                            if (x >= 1275 && x <= 1530)
                                pixels[row, col, 2] = (byte)(pixelSource[indexSource + 2] / 2 + (255) / 2);
                                pixels[row, col, 1] = (byte)(pixelSource[indexSource + 1] / 2 + (0) / 2);
                                pixels[row, col, 0] = (byte)(pixelSource[indexSource] / 2 + (1530-x) / 2);


                    // Alpha
                    pixels[row, col, 3] = 255;

            // Flat le tableau
            byte[] pixels1d = new byte[height * width * 4];
            int index = 0;
            for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        pixels1d[index++] = pixels[row, col, i];

            Int32Rect rect = new Int32Rect(0, 0, width, height);
            int stride = 4 * width;
            bitmap.WritePixels(rect, pixels1d, stride, 0);

            imgMask.Source = bitmap;
        public static List<Rect> FindFaces( WriteableBitmap bitmap )
            int stride = ( bitmap.PixelWidth * bitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7 ) / 8;

             byte[] pixelArray = new byte[bitmap.PixelHeight * stride];
             bitmap.CopyPixels( pixelArray, stride, 0 );

             int bitmapWidth = bitmap.PixelWidth;
             int bitmapHeight = bitmap.PixelHeight;

             var faceLock = new Object();
             var faces = new List<Rect>();
             for ( int width = bitmapWidth - 1; width > 15; width -= 15 )
            for ( int height = bitmapHeight - 1; height > 15; height -= 15 )
               Parallel.ForEach( ExtensionMethods.SteppedRange( 0, bitmapWidth - width, bitmapWidth / 45 ), column =>
                  Parallel.ForEach( ExtensionMethods.SteppedRange( 0, bitmapHeight - height, bitmapHeight / 45 ), row =>
                     var croppedPixelArray = pixelArray.CropPixelArray( column, row, width, height, stride );
                     var colorBins = GetColorBins( croppedPixelArray, true );

                     var distance = CalculateBinDistance( colorBins, FaceTemplate );

                     if ( distance <= 36 /*distance threshold*/ )
                        var rect = new Rect( new Point( column, row ), new Size( width, height ) );
                        lock ( faceLock )
                           if ( !faces.Any( x => x.Contains( rect ) ) )
                              faces.Add( rect );
                  } );
               } );

             var significantFaces = faces.Select( x => MergeSignificantIntersections( x, faces ) ).Distinct().ToList();
             while ( true )
            var oldCount = significantFaces.Count;
            significantFaces = significantFaces.Select( x => MergeSignificantIntersections( x, significantFaces ) ).Distinct().ToList();
            var newCount = significantFaces.Count;
            if ( oldCount == newCount )

             Console.WriteLine( "Found {0} possible face(s)", faces.Count );
             Console.WriteLine( "Found {0} possible significant face(s)", significantFaces.Count );
             Console.WriteLine( "Press any key to continue..." );

             return significantFaces;
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes a bitmap whites out all the pixels of a color not of the given color
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bitmap">The bitmap to start with</param>
        /// <param name="color">The color to keep</param>
        /// <returns>A bitmap that only has the given color remaining</returns>
        public static WriteableBitmap EraseAllButCertainColor( WriteableBitmap bitmap, Color color )
            int stride = ( bitmap.PixelWidth * bitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7 ) / 8;

             byte[] pixelByteArray = new byte[bitmap.PixelHeight * stride];
             byte[] newPixelByteArray = new byte[bitmap.PixelHeight * stride];
             bitmap.CopyPixels( pixelByteArray, stride, 0 );

             for ( int i = 0; i < bitmap.PixelWidth; i++ )
            for ( int j = 0; j < bitmap.PixelHeight; j++ )
               int index = j * stride + 4 * i;
               if ( GetPixelColor( pixelByteArray, index ) != color )
                  newPixelByteArray[index] = 255;
                  newPixelByteArray[index + 1] = 255;
                  newPixelByteArray[index + 2] = 255;
                  newPixelByteArray[index] = color.B;
                  newPixelByteArray[index + 1] = color.G;
                  newPixelByteArray[index + 2] = color.R;
             var newBitmap = bitmap.Clone();
             newBitmap.WritePixels( new Int32Rect( 0, 0, bitmap.PixelWidth, bitmap.PixelHeight ), newPixelByteArray, stride, 0 );

             return newBitmap;
        public static Rect GetBoundingBoxOfColor( WriteableBitmap bitmap, Color color )
            int stride = ( bitmap.PixelWidth * bitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7 ) / 8;

             byte[] pixelArray = new byte[bitmap.PixelHeight * stride];
             bitmap.CopyPixels( pixelArray, stride, 0 );

             var boundingBox = new Rect( int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, 0, 0 );
             for ( int column = 0; column < bitmap.PixelWidth; column++ )
            for ( int row = 0; row < bitmap.PixelHeight; row++ )
               int index = row * stride + 4 * column;
               if ( GetPixelColor( pixelArray, index ) == color )
                  boundingBox.X = Math.Min( boundingBox.X, column );
                  boundingBox.Y = Math.Min( boundingBox.Y, row );
                  boundingBox.Width = Math.Max( boundingBox.Width, column - boundingBox.X );
                  boundingBox.Height = Math.Max( boundingBox.Height, row - boundingBox.Y );

             return boundingBox;
        public static double[] GetColorBins( WriteableBitmap bitmap, bool normalize = false )
            int stride = ( bitmap.PixelWidth * bitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7 ) / 8;

             byte[] pixelArray = new byte[bitmap.PixelHeight * stride];
             bitmap.CopyPixels( pixelArray, stride, 0 );

             return GetColorBins( pixelArray, normalize );
 public WriteableBitmapWrapper(int width, int height)
     _inner = new WriteableBitmap(width, height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgra32, null);
     _pixels = new int[width * height];
     _inner.CopyPixels(_pixels, width * 4, 0);
        public static void EraseAllButCertainColorandWhite(WriteableBitmap bitmap, System.Windows.Media.Color color)
            int stride = (bitmap.PixelWidth * bitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;

              byte[] pixelByteArray = new byte[bitmap.PixelHeight * stride];
              bitmap.CopyPixels(pixelByteArray, stride, 0);

              for (int column = 0; column < bitmap.PixelWidth; column++)
              for (int row = 0; row < bitmap.PixelHeight; row++)
                  int index = row * stride + 4 * column;

                  if (GetPixelColor(pixelByteArray, index) != color && GetPixelColor(pixelByteArray, index) != Colors.White)
                      pixelByteArray[index] = 0;
                      pixelByteArray[index + 1] = 0;
                      pixelByteArray[index + 2] = 0;

              bitmap.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, bitmap.PixelWidth, bitmap.PixelHeight), pixelByteArray, stride, 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Metoda typu Coarse-grained, realizująca ważone nakładanie obrazów.
        /// </summary>
        public unsafe void BlendImages()
            #region Load Bitmap


            WriteableBitmap img1Bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(croppedBmpList[0]);
            WriteableBitmap img2Bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(croppedBmpList[1]);

            #region Initialization

            int linePadding; // liczba bajtów wyrównujacych wiersz do wielokrotności 4
            int moduloFromDivWidthByFour = ((int)Math.Round(croppedBmpList[0].Width) * 3) % 4;

             * Ustalenie odpowiedniego wyrównania, jeśli wiersz dzieli się przez 4 bez reszty, wtedy w zapisie dodatkowe bajty nie występują
             * w przeciwnym wypadku wyrównanie równa się liczbie brakujących bajtów aby wiersz był wielokrotnością 4.
            linePadding = (moduloFromDivWidthByFour == 0) ? 0 : (4 - moduloFromDivWidthByFour);

            int stride = ((int)Math.Round(croppedBmpList[0].Width) * 4) + linePadding; // rozmiar wiersza w bajtach

            int arraySize = stride * (int)Math.Round(croppedBmpList[0].Height);       // rozmiar tablicy pikseli (ilosc_bajtow_w_wierszu * liczba_wierszy)

            img1PixelsByte = new byte[arraySize];            // tablice pikseli
            img2PixelsByte = new byte[arraySize];

            img1Bitmap.CopyPixels(img1PixelsByte, stride, 0);  // kopiowanie tablicy pikseli z bitmapy do tablicy bajtów, z ustalonym krokiem, zaczynając od 0
            img2Bitmap.CopyPixels(img2PixelsByte, stride, 0);

             * Jeśli będzie używany algortym z biblioteki ASM należy
             * utworzyć tablicę pikseli, w postaci wskaźników.
            if (appSettings.LoadAsmLibrary == true)
                intBitmapsList = createIntArrayFromByte();
                byteBitmapsList = new byte[2][];

                byteBitmapsList[0] = img1PixelsByte;
                byteBitmapsList[1] = img2PixelsByte;
            #region Main Algorithm

            int bytesPerPixel =  img1Bitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel / 8;
            int pixelsNumber = arraySize / bytesPerPixel;  // liczba wszystkich pikseli

            threadPixelsStep = pixelsNumber / appSettings.ThreadNumber; // liczba pikseli dla pojedyńczego wątku

             * Jeśli nie można dokonać równego podziału to zostaje stworzonych n - 1 wątków
             * z regularnym krokiem, gdzie n - liczba wątków zadana przez użytkownika,
             * natomiast wątek n który wykonuje obliczenia dla pozostałej reszty pikseli.
             * W przeciwnym wypadku zostaje utworzonych n regularnych wątków.
            if ( threadPixelsStep * bytesPerPixel * appSettings.ThreadNumber != arraySize)
                int delta = pixelsNumber - ( threadPixelsStep * appSettings.ThreadNumber);

                createThreadList(appSettings.ThreadNumber-1);   // utworzenie n-1 wątków

                int start = threadPixelsStep * (appSettings.ThreadNumber - 1);
                int[] coords = { start, arraySize / bytesPerPixel };
                createNewThread(coords); // utworzenie n-tego wątku obliczającego pozostałe piksele


            Stopwatch clock = new Stopwatch();

            //uruchomienie wszystkich wątków
            foreach (Thread th in threadList)

            //oczekiwanie na zakończenie obliczeń przez wszystkie wątki
            foreach (Thread th in threadList)

            appSettings.ResultTime = "Czas wykonania " + clock.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + " ms.";


            #region Save Result Bitmap

            if (appSettings.LoadAsmLibrary == true)
            Int32Rect rect = new Int32Rect(0, 0, maxWidth, maxHeight);
            img1Bitmap.WritePixels(rect, img1PixelsByte, stride, 0); // zapisanie wyniku obliczeń do bitmapy

            SaveDialog(img1Bitmap); //zapisanie bitmapy na dysku
        private void RenderTile()
            if (_visual != null)
                    _visual = null;


                _visual = new DrawingVisual();
                Width = Source.Width * Scale;
                Height = Source.Height * Scale;
                var dc = _visual.RenderOpen();
                //BitmapImage test = (BitmapImage)Source;

                Width = Source.Width * Scale;
                Height = Source.Height * Scale;
                WriteableBitmap test = new WriteableBitmap((BitmapSource)Source);
                //BitmapImage test = (BitmapImage)Source;

                int w = (int)test.PixelWidth;
                int h = (int)test.PixelHeight;
                Int32Rect rect = new Int32Rect(0, 0, w, h);
                int b = test.Format.BitsPerPixel;

                Byte[] pixels = new Byte[w * h * b / 8];
                int stride = w * b / 8;
                test.CopyPixels(pixels, stride, 0);
                double sc = Scale;

                /*//if (Modified == true)
                    //Drawing DrawObj = new Drawing();
                    Byte[] output;// = pixels ;
                    //Thread MulThread = new Thread(delegate()
                    output = Drawing.DrawImage(pixels, w, h, b, value);
                    // MulThread.Start();

                    BitmapSource image = BitmapSource.Create(w, h, 96, 96, test.Format, null, output, stride);

                    /*MemoryStream mStream = new MemoryStream(output);
                    mStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    BitmapImage _bitmap = new BitmapImage();
                    _bitmap.StreamSource = mStream;
                    _bitmap.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;

                    Source = _bitmap;
                    test.WritePixels(rect, output, stride, 0);
                    //Source = test;
                    //Scale = sc;


                dc.DrawImage(Source, new Rect(0, 0, Width, Height));


               CacheMode = new BitmapCache(1 / Scale);
               // catch (Exception e)
            // Animate opacity
            Opacity = 0;
            BeginAnimation(OpacityProperty, _opacityAnimation);
        public void Webcam_execute()
            if (bitmap != null)
                using (memory = new MemoryStream())

                    bitmap.Save(memory, ImageFormat.Bmp);
                    memory.Position = 0;
                    bitmapImage = new BitmapImage();
                    bitmapImage.StreamSource = memory;
                    bitmapImage.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;



               if (bitmapImage != null)
               origin = BitmapFactory.ConvertToPbgra32Format(bitmapImage);
               origin = origin.Resize(68, 42, WriteableBitmapExtensions.Interpolation.NearestNeighbor);
               origin.CopyPixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, origin.PixelWidth, origin.PixelHeight), monitor.BackBuffer,
                                  monitor.BackBufferStride * monitor.PixelHeight, monitor.BackBufferStride);
        public void sendData(WriteableBitmap b, bool playerFound, int xStart, int xEnd, int yStart, int yEnd)
            if (!clientConnected)
                //Background has been sent and there is a player
                //in the image send a message to the client
                //with the size of the bounding box and the image
                //Send every sixth frame that we receive
                if (backgroundSent && playerFound && imageSendCounter%3 == 0)
                    //Send the client a flag
                    ASCIIEncoding encoder = new ASCIIEncoding();
                    byte[] buffer = encoder.GetBytes("playerimage");

                    byte[] readyToReceive = encoder.GetBytes("rcomplete");
                    clientStream.Write(readyToReceive, 0, readyToReceive.Length);
                    byte[] completeMessage = new byte[65536];

                    int k = s.Receive(completeMessage);
                    while (k == 0)
                        k = s.Receive(completeMessage);
                    //Get the string from the first 9 bytes since
                    //rcomplete may have been appended to ensure there is no deadlock
                    string tempMessage = encoder.GetString(completeMessage, 0, 9);
                    if (!tempMessage.Equals("rcomplete"))
                        Console.WriteLine("Message received: " + encoder.GetString(completeMessage, 0, k));

                    clientImage = b.Resize(320, 240, RewritableBitmap.Interpolation.Bilinear);
                    double tmpXStart = (xStart / 2);
                    double tmpYStart = (yStart / 2);
                    double tmpXEnd = (xEnd / 2);
                    double tmpYEnd = (yEnd / 2);

                    xStart = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(tmpXStart));
                    xEnd = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(tmpXEnd));
                    yStart = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(tmpYStart));
                    yEnd = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(tmpYEnd));

                    int smallWidth = (xEnd - xStart);
                    int smallHeight = (yEnd - yStart);

                    int imgSize = smallWidth * smallHeight * 4;
                    //Console.WriteLine("Image size: " + imgSize);
                    byte[] transmitPlayerImage = new byte[imgSize];

                    clientImage.CopyPixels(new Int32Rect(xStart, yStart, smallWidth, smallHeight), transmitPlayerImage, (smallWidth * 4), 0);
                    //b.CopyPixels(new Int32Rect(xStart, yStart, (xEnd - xStart), (yEnd - yStart)), playerImage, ((xEnd - xStart) * 4), 0);

                    //Send the actual size of the bounding box
                    byte[] xS = BitConverter.GetBytes(xStart);
                    byte[] xE = BitConverter.GetBytes(xEnd);
                    byte[] yS = BitConverter.GetBytes(yStart);
                    byte[] yE = BitConverter.GetBytes(yEnd);
                    byte[] playerImageSize = BitConverter.GetBytes(transmitPlayerImage.Length);






                    imageSendCounter = 1;
                    //Console.WriteLine("Image sent, size of image: " + transmitPlayerImage.Length + "," + xStart + ", " + xEnd + ", " + yStart + ", " + yEnd);
                else if (!backgroundSent)
                    clientImage = b.Resize(320, 240, RewritableBitmap.Interpolation.Bilinear);
                    byte[] smallBackgroundImage = new byte[TRANSMIT_IMAGE_SIZE];
                    clientImage.CopyPixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, 320, 240), smallBackgroundImage, 320 * 4, 0);
                    backgroundSent = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("Background sent");

        private static object PseudoLocalizeObject(object obj)
            #if !SILVERLIGHT
            // "Translate" bitmaps by inverting every pixel
            var bitmap = obj as Bitmap;
            if (null != bitmap)
                for (var y = 0; y < bitmap.Height; y++)
                    for (var x = 0; x < bitmap.Width; x++)
                        var color = bitmap.GetPixel(x, y);
                        var inverseColor = Color.FromArgb(color.A, (byte)~color.R, (byte)~color.G, (byte)~color.B);
                        bitmap.SetPixel(x, y, inverseColor);

            // "Translate" encoded images by decoding, inverting every pixel, and re-encoding
            var byteArray = obj as byte[];
            if (null != byteArray)
                    using (var stream = new MemoryStream(byteArray))
                        var bitmapImage = new BitmapImage();
            #if SILVERLIGHT
                        bitmapImage.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
                        bitmapImage.StreamSource = stream;
                        var writeableBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(bitmapImage);
                        var width = writeableBitmap.PixelWidth;
                        var height = writeableBitmap.PixelHeight;
            #if SILVERLIGHT
                        var pixels = writeableBitmap.Pixels;
                        var pixels = new int[width * height];
                        var stride = width * 4;
                        writeableBitmap.CopyPixels(pixels, stride, 0);
                        for (var i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++)
                            uint pixel = (uint)pixels[i];
                            pixels[i] = (int)((~pixel & 0x00ffffff) | (pixel & 0xff000000));
            #if SILVERLIGHT
                        throw new NotSupportedException();
                        writeableBitmap.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, width, height), pixels, stride, 0);
                        var pngBitmapEncoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();
                        using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                            obj = memoryStream.GetBuffer();
                    // byte[] may not have been an encoded image; leave obj alone

            // Return the object
            return obj;
        private void OpenButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var fileDialog = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog();
            fileDialog.Filter = "Image Files (*.png)|*.png";
            fileDialog.FilterIndex = 1;
            var result = fileDialog.ShowDialog();

            if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)

                BitmapImage originalImage = new BitmapImage();

                originalImage.UriSource = new Uri(fileDialog.FileName);
                PngBitmapDecoder decoder = new PngBitmapDecoder(originalImage.UriSource, BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat, BitmapCacheOption.Default);

                BitmapSource bitmapSource = decoder.Frames[0];

                WriteableBitmap modifiedImage = new WriteableBitmap(bitmapSource);

                int stride = bitmapSource.PixelWidth * 4;
                int size = bitmapSource.PixelHeight * stride;
                byte[] pixelData = new byte[size];

                modifiedImage.CopyPixels(pixelData, stride, 0);

                pixelData = equalize(pixelData);

                modifiedImage.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, bitmapSource.PixelWidth, bitmapSource.PixelHeight), pixelData, stride, 0);

                ModifiedImage.Source = modifiedImage;

                OriginalImage.Source = originalImage;
        public static WriteableBitmap ResizeWritableBitmap(this WriteableBitmap wBitmap, int reqWidth, int reqHeight)
            int Stride    = wBitmap.PixelWidth * ((wBitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8);
            int NumPixels = Stride * wBitmap.PixelHeight;

            ushort[] ArrayOfPixels = new ushort[NumPixels];

            wBitmap.CopyPixels(ArrayOfPixels, Stride, 0);

            int OriWidth  = (int)wBitmap.PixelWidth;
            int OriHeight = (int)wBitmap.PixelHeight;

            double nXFactor = (double)OriWidth / (double)reqWidth;
            double nYFactor = (double)OriHeight / (double)reqHeight;

            double fraction_x, fraction_y, one_minus_x, one_minus_y;
            int    ceil_x, ceil_y, floor_x, floor_y;

            ushort pix1, pix2, pix3, pix4;
            int    nStride    = reqWidth * ((wBitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8);
            int    nNumPixels = reqWidth * reqHeight;

            ushort[] newArrayOfPixels = new ushort[nNumPixels];
            /*Core Part*/

            /* Code project article :
             * Image Processing for Dummies with C# and GDI+ Part 2 - Convolution Filters By Christian Graus</a>
             * href=<a href="http://www.codeproject.com/KB/GDI-plus/csharpfilters.aspx"></a>
            for (int y = 0; y < reqHeight; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < reqWidth; x++)
                    // Setup
                    floor_x = (int)Math.Floor(x * nXFactor);
                    floor_y = (int)Math.Floor(y * nYFactor);

                    ceil_x = floor_x + 1;
                    if (ceil_x >= OriWidth)
                        ceil_x = floor_x;

                    ceil_y = floor_y + 1;
                    if (ceil_y >= OriHeight)
                        ceil_y = floor_y;

                    fraction_x = x * nXFactor - floor_x;
                    fraction_y = y * nYFactor - floor_y;

                    one_minus_x = 1.0 - fraction_x;
                    one_minus_y = 1.0 - fraction_y;

                    pix1 = ArrayOfPixels[floor_x + floor_y * OriWidth];
                    pix2 = ArrayOfPixels[ceil_x + floor_y * OriWidth];
                    pix3 = ArrayOfPixels[floor_x + ceil_y * OriWidth];
                    pix4 = ArrayOfPixels[ceil_x + ceil_y * OriWidth];

                    ushort g1 = (ushort)(one_minus_x * pix1 + fraction_x * pix2);
                    ushort g2 = (ushort)(one_minus_x * pix3 + fraction_x * pix4);
                    ushort g  = (ushort)(one_minus_y * (double)(g1) + fraction_y * (double)(g2));
                    newArrayOfPixels[y * reqWidth + x] = g;
            /*End of Core Part*/
            WriteableBitmap newWBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(reqWidth, reqHeight, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Gray16, null);
            Int32Rect       Imagerect  = new Int32Rect(0, 0, reqWidth, reqHeight);
            int             newStride  = reqWidth * ((PixelFormats.Gray16.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8);

            newWBitmap.WritePixels(Imagerect, newArrayOfPixels, newStride, 0);
 private static BitmapSource AlphaBlending(BitmapSource bitmap, byte[] alphaData)
     var pixelCount = (uint)(bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height);
     var bmp = new WriteableBitmap(new FormatConvertedBitmap(bitmap, PixelFormats.Bgra32, null, 0));
     var bytes = new byte[pixelCount * 4];
     var rect = new Int32Rect(0, 0, (int)bmp.Width, (int)bmp.Height);
     bmp.CopyPixels(rect, bytes, bmp.BackBufferStride, 0);
     for (var i = 0; i < alphaData.Length; i++)
         bytes[i * 4 + 3] = alphaData[i];
     bmp.WritePixels(rect, bytes, bmp.BackBufferStride, 0);
     return bmp;
        // Sample --
        private void ModifyImage(string method)
            WriteableBitmap modifiedImage;
                BitmapSource bitmapSource = new FormatConvertedBitmap(originalImage,
                    null, 0);
                modifiedImage = new WriteableBitmap(bitmapSource);
            catch (ArgumentNullException)

            int height = modifiedImage.PixelHeight;
            int width = modifiedImage.PixelWidth;
            int[] pixelData = new int[width*height];
            int widthInByte = 4*width;

            modifiedImage.CopyPixels(pixelData, widthInByte, 0);

            // ----------- Extern call here --
            int[,] pixels;
            switch (method)
                case "D":
                    double gmin = 0;
                    Double.TryParse(GMin.Text, out gmin);
                    double gmax = 255;
                    Double.TryParse(GMax.Text, out gmax);

                    imageProcessing.TresholdD(ref pixelData, (int)gmin, (int)gmax);

                case "E":

                    double fmin = 0;
                    double fmax = 255;
                    Double.TryParse(FMin.Text, out fmin);
                    Double.TryParse(FMax.Text, out fmax);

                    imageProcessing.TresholdE(ref pixelData, (int)fmin, (int)fmax);

                case "MIN":
                    pixels = ArrayConverter.To2D(pixelData, modifiedImage.PixelWidth, modifiedImage.PixelHeight);
                    pixels = imageProcessing.MinFilter(pixels);
                    pixelData = ArrayConverter.ToLinear(pixels);

                case "MAX":
                    pixels = ArrayConverter.To2D(pixelData, modifiedImage.PixelWidth, modifiedImage.PixelHeight);
                    pixels = imageProcessing.MaxFilter(pixels);
                    pixelData = ArrayConverter.ToLinear(pixels);


                case "MINMAX":
                    pixels = ArrayConverter.To2D(pixelData, modifiedImage.PixelWidth, modifiedImage.PixelHeight);
                    pixels = imageProcessing.MinMaxFilter(pixels);
                    pixelData = ArrayConverter.ToLinear(pixels);


                case "BLUR":
                    pixels = ArrayConverter.To2D(pixelData, modifiedImage.PixelWidth, modifiedImage.PixelHeight);
                    pixels = imageProcessing.Blur(pixels);
                    pixelData = ArrayConverter.ToLinear(pixels);

            // --------------------------------

            modifiedImage.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, width, height), pixelData, widthInByte, 0);
            ModifiedImage.Source = modifiedImage;

            DrawHistogram(pixelData, "MODIFIED");
        private static List<bool> ClassifyBitmap( WriteableBitmap bitmap, Image<Gray, byte> cvImage )
            // Let's pick 7 items to classify
             var classifications = new List<bool>
            false, // banana 0
            false, // strawberry 1
            false, // cookie 2
            false, // hotdog 3
            false, // broccoli 4
            false, // french fries 5
            false  // egg 6

             int stride = ( bitmap.PixelWidth*bitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7 )/8;

             byte[] pixelArray = new byte[bitmap.PixelHeight*stride];
             bitmap.CopyPixels( pixelArray, stride, 0 );

             int bitmapWidth = bitmap.PixelWidth;
             int bitmapHeight = bitmap.PixelHeight;

             // Lets limit the number of "distant" colors we classify
             var colorDistances = new List<double>
            0, // banana 0
            0, // strawberry 1
            0, // cookie 2
            0, // hotdog 3
            0, // broccoli 4
            0, // french fries 5
            0  // egg 6

             // Get the color distances
             Parallel.For( 0, classifications.Count(), i =>
            colorDistances[i] = GetColorDistance( pixelArray, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight, stride, ClassificationColorBins.FoodColors[i] );
            if ( colorDistances[i] < 50 )
               // Always classify objects with this close a color
               classifications[i] = ClassifyByTexture( pixelArray ) && ClassifyWithSurf( (FoodType)i, cvImage );
             } );

             // If we didn't have enough close color distances, classify some farther ones
             var closeDistanceCount = colorDistances.Count( x => x < 50 );
             if ( closeDistanceCount < 2 )
            colorDistances.ForEach( x =>
               if ( x < 50 )
                  x = double.PositiveInfinity;

            // Classify the closest color
            var minValue = colorDistances.Min();
            if ( minValue < 105 )
               var indexOfMinValue = colorDistances.IndexOf( minValue );
               classifications[indexOfMinValue] = ClassifyByTexture( pixelArray ) && ClassifyWithSurf( (FoodType)indexOfMinValue, cvImage );

            if ( closeDistanceCount == 0 )
               // Classify the second closest color
               var secondMin = double.PositiveInfinity;
               foreach ( var colorDistance in colorDistances )
                  if ( colorDistance != minValue && colorDistance < secondMin )
                     secondMin = colorDistance;
               if ( secondMin < 105 )
                  var indexOfSecondValue = colorDistances.IndexOf( secondMin );
                  classifications[indexOfSecondValue] = ClassifyByTexture( pixelArray ) && ClassifyWithSurf( (FoodType)indexOfSecondValue, cvImage );

             for ( int i = 0; i < classifications.Count(); i++ )
            if ( classifications[i] )
                  MessageBox.Show( ( (FoodType)i ).ToString() );

             return classifications;
        // Create rainbow Text Effect in Aquarion EVOL anime
        public MainWindow()

            // Create the outline strategy which is used later on for measuring
            // the size of text in order to generate a correct sized gradient image
            var strategyOutline2 = TextDesignerWpf.Canvas.TextOutline(MaskColor.Blue, MaskColor.Blue, 6);

            WriteableBitmap canvas = TextDesignerWpf.Canvas.GenImage((int)(image1.Width), (int)(image1.Height));

            // Text context to store string and font info to be sent as parameter to Canvas methods
            TextContext context = new TextContext();

            // Load a font from its resource,
            // instead of from system font collection
            FontFamily fontFamily = new FontFamily(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/resources/"), "./#Ruzicka Freehand LT Std");
            context.fontFamily = fontFamily;
            context.fontStyle = FontStyles.Normal;
            context.fontWeight = FontWeights.Regular;
            context.nfontSize = 46;

            context.pszText = "I cross over the deep blue void";
            context.ptDraw = new Point(0, 0);

            // Generate the mask image for measuring the size of the text image required
            WriteableBitmap maskOutline2 = TextDesignerWpf.Canvas.GenMask(strategyOutline2, (int)(image1.Width), (int)(image1.Height), new Point(0, 0), context);

            uint top = 0;
            uint bottom = 0;
            uint left = 0;
            uint right = 0;
            TextDesignerWpf.Canvas.MeasureMaskLength(maskOutline2, MaskColor.Blue, ref top, ref left, ref bottom, ref right);
            bottom += 2;
            right += 2;

            // Generate the gradient image
            WriteableBitmap bmpGrad = new WriteableBitmap((int)(right - left), (int)(bottom - top), 96.0, 96.0, PixelFormats.Pbgra32, null);
            List<Color> list = new List<Color>();
            list.Add(Color.FromRgb(255, 0, 0));
            list.Add(Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 255));
            list.Add(Color.FromRgb(0, 255, 0));
            DrawGradient.Draw(ref bmpGrad, list, true);

            // Because Canvas::ApplyImageToMask requires the all images to have equal dimension,
            // we need to blit our new gradient image onto a larger image to be same size as canvas image
            WriteableBitmap bmpGrad2 = new WriteableBitmap((int)(image1.Width), (int)(image1.Height), 96.0, 96.0, PixelFormats.Pbgra32, null);
            byte[] pixels = new byte[bmpGrad.PixelHeight * bmpGrad.PixelWidth * bmpGrad.Format.BitsPerPixel / 8];
            bmpGrad.CopyPixels(pixels, bmpGrad.BackBufferStride, 0);
            bmpGrad2.WritePixels(new Int32Rect((int)left, (int)top, (int)(right - left), (int)(bottom - top)), pixels, bmpGrad.BackBufferStride, 0);

            // Apply the rainbow text against the blue mask onto the canvas
            TextDesignerWpf.Canvas.ApplyImageToMask(bmpGrad2, maskOutline2, canvas, MaskColor.Blue, false);

            // Draw the (white body and black outline) text onto the canvas
            ITextStrategy strategyOutline1 = TextDesignerWpf.Canvas.TextOutline(Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255), Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 0), 1);
            TextDesignerWpf.Canvas.DrawTextImage(strategyOutline1, ref canvas, new Point(0, 0), context);

            // Finally blit the rendered image onto the window by assigning canvas to the image control
            image1.Source = canvas;