public void PageLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args) { // Create Image element. Image rotated90 = new Image(); rotated90.Width = 150; // Create the TransformedBitmap to use as the Image source. TransformedBitmap tb = new TransformedBitmap(); // Create the source to use as the tb source. BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage(); bi.BeginInit(); bi.UriSource = new Uri(@"sampleImages/watermelon.jpg", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); bi.EndInit(); // Properties must be set between BeginInit and EndInit calls. tb.BeginInit(); tb.Source = bi; // Set image rotation. RotateTransform transform = new RotateTransform(90); tb.Transform = transform; tb.EndInit(); // Set the Image source. rotated90.Source = tb; //Add Image to the UI Grid.SetColumn(rotated90, 1); Grid.SetRow(rotated90, 1); transformedGrid.Children.Add(rotated90); }
private void buttonRotate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { TransformedBitmap tb = new TransformedBitmap(); tb.BeginInit(); tb.Transform = new RotateTransform(90); tb.Source = this.imageViewModel.LoadedBitmap; tb.EndInit(); this.imageViewModel.LoadedBitmap = tb; this.imageViewModel.ClearPositions(); }
public ShowMyFace() { Title = "Show My Face"; ///****************************************************************** // 3���� ShowMyFace ���� //******************************************************************/ Uri uri = new Uri(""); //BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage(uri); //Image img = new Image(); //img.Source = bitmap; //Content = img; ///****************************************************************** // p1245 BitmapImage �ڵ� //******************************************************************/ Image rotated90 = new Image(); TransformedBitmap tb = new TransformedBitmap(); FormatConvertedBitmap fb = new FormatConvertedBitmap(); CroppedBitmap cb = new CroppedBitmap(); // Create the source to use as the tb source. BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage(); bi.BeginInit(); bi.UriSource = uri; bi.EndInit(); //cb.BeginInit(); //cb.Source = bi; //Int32Rect rect = new Int32Rect(); //rect.X = 220; //rect.Y = 200; //rect.Width = 120; //rect.Height = 80; //cb.SourceRect = rect; //cb.EndInit(); fb.BeginInit(); fb.Source = bi; fb.DestinationFormat = PixelFormats.Gray2; fb.EndInit(); // Properties must be set between BeginInit and EndInit calls. tb.BeginInit(); tb.Source = fb; // Set image rotation. tb.Transform = new RotateTransform(90); tb.EndInit(); // Set the Image source. rotated90.Source = tb; Content = rotated90; }
public ScannedImagesModel RotateImage( int rotate ) { var bitmap = GetBitmapImage(); var rotated = new TransformedBitmap(); rotated.BeginInit(); rotated.Source = bitmap; var transform = new RotateTransform( rotate ); rotated.Transform = transform; rotated.EndInit(); // get temporary file var filename = PathUtility.GetTempFileName(); var landscape = ( rotate == 90 || rotate == 270 ) ? !Landscape : Landscape; SaveImage( rotated, filename ); return new ScannedImagesModel( filename, landscape ); }
private void handleFrameFn(object sender, FrameReadyEventArgs e) { // Int32Rect cropRect = new Int32Rect(400, 380, 300, 200); // BitmapSource croppedImage = new CroppedBitmap(e.BitmapImage, cropRect); // image4.Source = croppedImage; if (_rotationAngle != 0) { TransformedBitmap tmpImage = new TransformedBitmap(); tmpImage.BeginInit(); tmpImage.Source = e.BitmapImage; // of type BitmapImage RotateTransform transform = new RotateTransform(_rotationAngle); tmpImage.Transform = transform; tmpImage.EndInit(); _dispImage.Source = tmpImage; } else { _dispImage.Source = e.BitmapImage; } }
/// <summary> /// Resize BitmapSource and reflect Exif orientation to BitmapSource. /// </summary> /// <param name="bitmapSource">Source BitmapSource</param> /// <param name="outerSize">Target outer size</param> /// <param name="orientation">Exif orientation</param> /// <returns>Outcome BitmapSource</returns> private static BitmapSource ResizeAndReflectExifOrientation(BitmapSource bitmapSource, Size outerSize, int orientation) { var transform = new TransformGroup(); var centerX = bitmapSource.Width / 2D; var centerY = bitmapSource.Height / 2D; bool isRotatedRightAngle = false; // Reflect Exif orientation. switch (orientation) { case 0: // Invalid case 1: // Horizontal (normal) break; case 2: // Mirror horizontal transform.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform(-1, 1, centerX, centerY)); break; case 3: // Rotate 180 clockwise transform.Children.Add(new RotateTransform(180D, centerX, centerY)); break; case 4: // Mirror vertical transform.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform(1, -1, centerX, centerY)); break; case 5: // Mirror horizontal and rotate 270 clockwise transform.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform(-1, 1, centerX, centerY)); transform.Children.Add(new RotateTransform(270D, centerX, centerY)); isRotatedRightAngle = true; break; case 6: // Rotate 90 clockwise transform.Children.Add(new RotateTransform(90D, centerX, centerY)); isRotatedRightAngle = true; break; case 7: // Mirror horizontal and rotate 90 clockwise transform.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform(-1, 1, centerX, centerY)); transform.Children.Add(new RotateTransform(90D, centerX, centerY)); isRotatedRightAngle = true; break; case 8: // Rotate 270 clockwise transform.Children.Add(new RotateTransform(270D, centerX, centerY)); isRotatedRightAngle = true; break; } // Resize. if ((0 < bitmapSource.Width) && (0 < bitmapSource.Height)) // For just in case { var factor = new[] { (outerSize.Width / (isRotatedRightAngle ? bitmapSource.Height : bitmapSource.Width)), // Scale factor of X (outerSize.Height / (isRotatedRightAngle ? bitmapSource.Width : bitmapSource.Height)) // Scale factor of Y } .Where(x => 0 < x) .DefaultIfEmpty(1D) .Min(); transform.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform(factor, factor, centerX, centerY)); } var bitmapTransformed = new TransformedBitmap(); bitmapTransformed.BeginInit(); bitmapTransformed.Transform = transform; bitmapTransformed.Source = bitmapSource; bitmapTransformed.EndInit(); return bitmapTransformed; }
/// <summary> /// Scales down and rotates a Wpf bitmap. /// </summary> /// <param name="sourceWpf">Original Wpf bitmap</param> /// <param name="scale">Uniform scaling factor</param> /// <param name="angle">Rotation angle</param> /// <returns>Scaled and rotated Wpf bitmap</returns> private static BitmapSource ScaleDownRotateBitmap(BitmapSource sourceWpf, double scale, int angle) { if (angle % 90 != 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Rotation angle should be a multiple of 90 degrees.", "angle"); } // Do not upscale and no rotation. if ((float)scale >= 1.0f && angle == 0) { return sourceWpf; } // Set up the transformed thumbnail TransformedBitmap thumbWpf = new TransformedBitmap(); thumbWpf.BeginInit(); thumbWpf.Source = sourceWpf; TransformGroup transform = new TransformGroup(); // Rotation if (Math.Abs(angle) % 360 != 0) transform.Children.Add(new RotateTransform(Math.Abs(angle))); // Scale if ((float)scale < 1.0f || angle < 0) // Only downscale { double xScale = Math.Min(1.0, Math.Max(1.0 / (double)sourceWpf.PixelWidth, scale)); double yScale = Math.Min(1.0, Math.Max(1.0 / (double)sourceWpf.PixelHeight, scale)); if (angle < 0) xScale = -xScale; transform.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform(xScale, yScale)); } // Apply the tranformation thumbWpf.Transform = transform; thumbWpf.EndInit(); return thumbWpf; }
private static TransformedBitmap CreateTransformedBitmap(BitmapSource source, VCProfile profile) { var transformedBitmap = new TransformedBitmap(); transformedBitmap.BeginInit(); transformedBitmap.Source = source; var transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); transformGroup.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform(profile.FlipHorizontal ? -1 : 1, profile.FlipVertical ? -1 : 1)); transformGroup.Children.Add(new RotateTransform(ConvertRotationToDegrees(profile.Rotation))); transformedBitmap.Transform = transformGroup; transformedBitmap.EndInit(); transformedBitmap.Freeze(); return transformedBitmap; }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { if ( value == null || !(value is string) || (value as string).Substring (0, 7) == @"Images\" || File.Exists (value as string) || (value as string).Substring (0, 4).ToLower () == "http" || (value as string).Substring (0, 3).ToLower () == "ftp" ) return (value) ; string [] sts =(value as string).Split (':') ; if ( sts.Length == 3 ) { sts [1] =sts [0] + ":" + sts [1] ; sts =sts.Where (w => w != sts [0]).ToArray () ; } BitmapImage bitmap =null ; if ( File.Exists (sts [0]) ) { FileStream zipStream =File.OpenRead (sts [0]) ; //using ( ZipArchive zip =new ZipArchive (zipStream) ) { // ZipArchiveEntry icon =zip.GetEntry (sts [1]) ; // Stream imgStream =icon.Open () ; // Byte [] buffer =new Byte [icon.Length] ; // imgStream.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length) ; // var byteStream =new System.IO.MemoryStream (buffer) ; // bitmap =new BitmapImage () ; // bitmap.BeginInit () ; // bitmap.CacheOption =BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad ; // bitmap.StreamSource =byteStream ; // bitmap.EndInit () ; //} } BitmapSource source =bitmap ; if ( bitmap.Format == PixelFormats.Bgra32 || bitmap.Format == PixelFormats.Prgba64 || bitmap.Format == PixelFormats.Rgba128Float || bitmap.Format == PixelFormats.Rgba64 ) source =AutoCropBitmap (bitmap) as BitmapSource ; TransformedBitmap scaledBitmap =new TransformedBitmap () ; scaledBitmap.BeginInit () ; scaledBitmap.Source =source ; double scale =100 / source.Width ; scaledBitmap.Transform =new ScaleTransform (scale, scale, source.Width / 2, source.Height / 2) ; scaledBitmap.EndInit () ; return (scaledBitmap) ; }
/// <summary> /// 画像を拡大する /// </summary> /// <param name="scaleX"></param> /// <param name="scaleY"></param> /// <returns></returns> public TransformedBitmap scaleImage(double scaleX, double scaleY) { transimg = null; if (transimg == null) { transimg = new TransformedBitmap(); transimg.BeginInit(); transimg.Source = image; transimg.EndInit(); } //transimg.BeginInit(); if (scalex >= 0) { scalex += scaleX; scaley += scaleY; } else { scalex = 1.0; scaley = 1.0; } scale.ScaleX = scalex; scale.ScaleY = scaley; //transimg.Source = image; transimg.Transform = transgroup; //transimg.EndInit(); Debug.WriteLine("x:" + scale.ScaleX); Debug.WriteLine("y:" + scale.ScaleY); Debug.WriteLine("pixel width after:" + transimg.PixelWidth); return transimg; }
private byte[] Resize(byte[] bytes, int? width, int? height, int qualityLevel) { if (bytes == null) throw new Exception("Bytes parameter is null."); var image = new BitmapImage(); image.BeginInit(); if (width.HasValue) image.DecodePixelWidth = width.Value; if (height.HasValue) image.DecodePixelHeight = height.Value; image.StreamSource = new MemoryStream(bytes); image.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreColorProfile; image.EndInit(); var transform = new TransformedBitmap(); transform.BeginInit(); transform.Source = image; transform.EndInit(); return ToJpegBytes(transform, qualityLevel); }
private void RotateButton_OnClick (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { TransformedBitmap RotatedSource = new TransformedBitmap(); RotatedSource.BeginInit (); RotatedSource.Source = Source; RotatedSource.Transform = new RotateTransform (90); RotatedSource.EndInit (); Source = RotatedSource; advancedContentPresenter.Background = new ImageBrush(Source); advancedContentPresenter.FitToBackgroundImage (); }
public static bool ReCreateThumbnail(string thumbnailImageSource, string thumbnailImageDest, int aThumbWidth, int aThumbHeight, int iRotate, bool aFastMode, bool autocreateLargeThumbs, bool fallBack, bool needOverride) { if (!needOverride && File.Exists(thumbnailImageDest) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(thumbnailImageSource) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(thumbnailImageDest)) || (aThumbHeight <= 0 || aThumbWidth <= 0)) return false; BitmapSource bitmapSource = (BitmapSource)null; Bitmap bitmap1 = (Bitmap)null; Bitmap bitmap2 = (Bitmap)null; BitmapFrame bitmapFrame = (BitmapFrame)null; Image aDrawingImage = (Image)null; TransformedBitmap transformedBitmap = (TransformedBitmap)null; TransformGroup transformGroup = (TransformGroup)null; bool flag = false; int num1 = (int)Thumbs.Quality; int num2 = aThumbWidth; Picture.MediaUrl = thumbnailImageSource; try { bitmapFrame = !fallBack ? BitmapFrame.Create(new Uri(Picture.MediaUrl), BitmapCreateOptions.DelayCreation, BitmapCacheOption.None) : BitmapFrame.Create(new Uri(Picture.MediaUrl), BitmapCreateOptions.None, BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad); if (bitmapFrame.Thumbnail == null) { using (ShellObject shellObject = ShellObject.FromParsingName(thumbnailImageSource)) { shellObject.get_Thumbnail().set_RetrievalOption((ShellThumbnailRetrievalOption)0); shellObject.get_Thumbnail().set_FormatOption((ShellThumbnailFormatOption)8); switch (num1) { case 0: bitmap1 = shellObject.get_Thumbnail().get_MediumBitmap(); break; case 1: bitmap1 = shellObject.get_Thumbnail().get_LargeBitmap(); break; case 2: bitmap1 = shellObject.get_Thumbnail().get_LargeBitmap(); break; case 3: bitmap1 = shellObject.get_Thumbnail().get_ExtraLargeBitmap(); break; case 4: bitmap1 = shellObject.get_Thumbnail().get_ExtraLargeBitmap(); break; } if (!OSInfo.Win8OrLater()) { switch (iRotate) { case 1: bitmap1.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone); break; case 2: bitmap1.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipNone); break; case 3: bitmap1.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate270FlipNone); break; } } if (bitmap1 != null && !autocreateLargeThumbs) { int width = aThumbWidth; int height = aThumbHeight; double num3 = (double)bitmap1.Width / (double)bitmap1.Height; if (bitmap1.Width > bitmap1.Height) height = (int)Math.Floor((double)width / num3); else width = (int)Math.Floor(num3 * (double)height); try { GrabUtil.FileDelete(thumbnailImageDest); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Picture: Error deleting old thumbnail - {0}", (object)ex.Message); } bitmap2 = new Bitmap((Image)bitmap1, width, height); bitmap2.Save(thumbnailImageDest, Thumbs.ThumbCodecInfo, Thumbs.ThumbEncoderParams); File.SetAttributes(thumbnailImageDest, File.GetAttributes(thumbnailImageDest) | FileAttributes.Hidden); flag = true; } else { int width = aThumbWidth; int height = aThumbHeight; double num3 = (double)bitmap1.Width / (double)bitmap1.Height; if (bitmap1.Width > bitmap1.Height) height = (int)Math.Floor((double)width / num3); else width = (int)Math.Floor(num3 * (double)height); try { GrabUtil.FileDelete(thumbnailImageDest); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Picture: Error deleting old thumbnail - {0}", (object)ex.Message); } bitmap2 = new Bitmap((Image)bitmap1, width, height); bitmap2.Save(thumbnailImageDest, Thumbs.ThumbCodecInfo, Thumbs.ThumbEncoderParams); File.SetAttributes(thumbnailImageDest, File.GetAttributes(thumbnailImageDest) | FileAttributes.Hidden); flag = true; } } } else { BitmapMetadata meta = bitmapFrame.Metadata as BitmapMetadata; bitmapSource = bitmapFrame.Thumbnail; if (autocreateLargeThumbs) { if (bitmapSource != null) { transformedBitmap = new TransformedBitmap(); transformedBitmap.BeginInit(); transformedBitmap.Source = (BitmapSource)bitmapFrame; int pixelHeight = bitmapFrame.PixelHeight; int pixelWidth = bitmapFrame.PixelWidth; int num3 = bitmapFrame.PixelHeight * num2 / pixelWidth; double scaleX = (double)num2 / (double)pixelWidth; double scaleY = (double)num3 / (double)pixelHeight; transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); transformGroup.Children.Add((Transform)new ScaleTransform(scaleX, scaleY)); transformedBitmap.Transform = (Transform)transformGroup; transformedBitmap.EndInit(); bitmapSource = (BitmapSource)transformedBitmap; bitmapSource = Picture.MetaOrientation(meta, bitmapSource); flag = Picture.BitmapFromSource(bitmapSource, thumbnailImageDest); } } else if (bitmapSource != null) { bitmapSource = Picture.MetaOrientation(meta, bitmapSource); flag = Picture.BitmapFromSource(bitmapSource, thumbnailImageDest); } } } catch (Exception ex1) { try { try { using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(thumbnailImageSource, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { using (aDrawingImage = Image.FromStream((Stream)fileStream, true, false)) flag = Picture.CreateThumbnail(aDrawingImage, thumbnailImageDest, aThumbWidth, aThumbHeight, iRotate, aFastMode); } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex2) { flag = false; } } catch (Exception ex2) { Log.Warn("Picture: Fast loading of thumbnail {0} failed - trying safe fallback now", (object)thumbnailImageDest); try { try { using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(thumbnailImageDest, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { using (aDrawingImage = Image.FromStream((Stream)fileStream, true, false)) flag = Picture.CreateThumbnail(aDrawingImage, thumbnailImageDest, aThumbWidth, aThumbHeight, iRotate, aFastMode); } } catch (Exception ex3) { } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex3) { flag = false; } catch (OutOfMemoryException ex3) { Log.Warn("Picture: Creating thumbnail failed - image format is not supported of {0}", (object)thumbnailImageSource); flag = false; } catch (Exception ex3) { Log.Info("Pictures: No thumbnail created for -- {0}", (object)thumbnailImageSource); flag = false; } } } finally { if (bitmap1 != null) ObjectMethods.SafeDispose((object)bitmap1); if (bitmapSource != null) ObjectMethods.SafeDispose((object)bitmapSource); if (transformedBitmap != null) ObjectMethods.SafeDispose((object)transformedBitmap); if (transformGroup != null) ObjectMethods.SafeDispose((object)transformGroup); if (bitmap2 != null) ObjectMethods.SafeDispose((object)bitmap2); if (Picture.MediaUrl != null) ObjectMethods.SafeDispose((object)Picture.MediaUrl); if (bitmapFrame != null) ObjectMethods.SafeDispose((object)bitmapFrame); if (aDrawingImage != null) ObjectMethods.SafeDispose((object)aDrawingImage); } return flag; }
public static BitmapSource Transform(BitmapSource source, Transform transform) { if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); if (transform == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("transform"); TransformedBitmap target = new TransformedBitmap(); target.BeginInit(); target.Source = source; target.Transform = transform; target.EndInit(); target.Freeze(); return CloneImage(target); }
private TransformedBitmap getTransformedBitmap(BitmapImage bi, double angle) { TransformedBitmap tb = new TransformedBitmap(); tb.BeginInit(); tb.Source = bi; tb.Transform = new RotateTransform(angle); tb.EndInit(); return tb; }
/// <summary> /// 画像を回転させる /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public TransformedBitmap rotateImage(bool isLeft) { transimg = new TransformedBitmap(); transimg.BeginInit(); if (isLeft) { rotate.Angle -= 90; } else { rotate.Angle += 90; } if (rotate.Angle == 360 || rotate.Angle == -360) { rotate.Angle = 0; } transimg.Source = image; transimg.Transform = transgroup; transimg.EndInit(); Debug.WriteLine("rotate"+ rotate.Angle); return transimg; }
private Image initializeProjectileImage(Uri spriteUri, bool rotate = false) { Image newImage = new Image(); newImage.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Top; newImage.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left; newImage.Margin = getRandomEdge(); TransformedBitmap temp = new TransformedBitmap(); BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage(); bi.BeginInit(); bi.UriSource = spriteUri; bi.EndInit(); temp.BeginInit(); temp.Source = bi; RotateTransform transform; if (rotate) { transform = new RotateTransform(rand.Next(0, 3) * 90); } else { transform = new RotateTransform(0); } temp.Transform = transform; temp.EndInit(); newImage.Source = temp; return newImage; }
private ImageSource GetBitmapSource(LoadImageRequest loadTask, DisplayOptions loadType) { DisplayOptions lt = loadType; Image image = loadTask.Image; string source = loadTask.Source; string nSource = source; string cacheFile = Path.Combine(AppStateSettings.CacheFolder, "Media", nSource.GetSHA1Hash().ToString() + "s" + loadTask.CachHeight + ".png"); // REVIEW TODO: Used Path instead of String concat. if (File.Exists(cacheFile)) { nSource = cacheFile; lt = DisplayOptions.FullResolution; //return new BitmapImage(new Uri("file://" + cacheFile)); } ImageSource imageSource = null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nSource)) { Stream imageStream = null; SourceType sourceType = SourceType.LocalDisk; image.Dispatcher.Invoke(new ThreadStart(delegate { sourceType = Loader.GetSourceType(image); })); try { if (loadTask.Stream == null) { ILoader loader = LoaderFactory.CreateLoader(sourceType, nSource); imageStream = loader.Load(nSource); loadTask.Stream = imageStream; } else { imageStream = new MemoryStream(); loadTask.Stream.Position = 0; loadTask.Stream.CopyTo(imageStream); imageStream.Position = 0; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } if (imageStream != null) { try { if (lt == DisplayOptions.Preview) { BitmapFrame bitmapFrame = BitmapFrame.Create(imageStream); imageSource = bitmapFrame.Thumbnail; if (imageSource == null) // Preview it is not embedded into the file { // we'll make a thumbnail image then ... (too bad as the pre-created one is FAST!) TransformedBitmap thumbnail = new TransformedBitmap(); thumbnail.BeginInit(); thumbnail.Source = bitmapFrame as BitmapSource; // we'll make a reasonable sized thumnbail with a height of 240 int pixelH = bitmapFrame.PixelHeight; int pixelW = bitmapFrame.PixelWidth; int decodeH = (int)loadTask.CachHeight; int decodeW = (bitmapFrame.PixelWidth * decodeH) / pixelH; double scaleX = decodeW / (double)pixelW; double scaleY = decodeH / (double)pixelH; TransformGroup transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); transformGroup.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform(scaleX, scaleY)); thumbnail.Transform = transformGroup; thumbnail.EndInit(); // this will disconnect the stream from the image completely ... WriteableBitmap writable = new WriteableBitmap(thumbnail); BitmapFrame frame = BitmapFrame.Create(writable); var encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder(); encoder.Frames.Add(frame); using (var stream = File.Create(cacheFile)) { encoder.Save(stream); } writable.Freeze(); imageSource = writable; } } else if (lt == DisplayOptions.FullResolution) { BitmapImage bitmapImage = new BitmapImage(); bitmapImage.BeginInit(); bitmapImage.StreamSource = imageStream; bitmapImage.EndInit(); imageSource = bitmapImage; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } if (imageSource == null) { image.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new ThreadStart(delegate { Loader.SetErrorDetected(image, true); })); } else { imageSource.Freeze(); image.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new ThreadStart(delegate { Loader.SetErrorDetected(image, false); })); } } else { image.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new ThreadStart(delegate { Loader.SetErrorDetected(image, false); })); } return imageSource; }
private ImageSource GetBitmapSource(LoadImageRequest loadTask, DisplayOptions loadType) { Image image = loadTask.Image; object source = loadTask.Source; ImageSource imageSource = null; if (source != null) { Stream imageStream = null; SourceType sourceType = SourceType.LocalDisk; image.Dispatcher.Invoke(new ThreadStart(delegate { sourceType = Loader.GetSourceType(image); })); try { if (loadType != DisplayOptions.VideoPreview) { if (loadTask.Stream == null) { ILoader loader = LoaderFactory.CreateLoader(sourceType); imageStream = loader.Load(source); loadTask.Stream = imageStream; } else { imageStream = new MemoryStream(); loadTask.Stream.Position = 0; loadTask.Stream.CopyTo(imageStream); imageStream.Position = 0; } } else if (sourceType == SourceType.ZipFile) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't load video preview from zip file."); } } catch (Exception) { } if (imageStream != null || loadType == DisplayOptions.VideoPreview) { try { if (loadType == DisplayOptions.Preview) { BitmapFrame bitmapFrame = BitmapFrame.Create(imageStream); int rotation = GetRotation(bitmapFrame.Metadata as BitmapMetadata); if (bitmapFrame.Thumbnail != null) { BitmapSource src = bitmapFrame.Thumbnail; // crop black bars if necessary double ratio = (double)bitmapFrame.PixelWidth / bitmapFrame.PixelHeight; double thumbRatio = (double)src.PixelWidth / src.PixelHeight; if (Math.Abs(ratio - thumbRatio) >= 0.01) { if (ratio > thumbRatio) // crop top/bottom { int newHeight = (int)(src.PixelWidth / ratio); int top = (src.PixelHeight - newHeight) / 2; src = new CroppedBitmap(src, new Int32Rect(0, top, src.PixelWidth, newHeight)); } else // crop left/right { int newWidth = (int)(src.PixelHeight * ratio); int left = (src.PixelWidth - newWidth) / 2; src = new CroppedBitmap(src, new Int32Rect(left, 0, newWidth, src.PixelHeight)); } } TransformedBitmap thumbnail = new TransformedBitmap(); thumbnail.BeginInit(); thumbnail.Source = src; TransformGroup transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); // rotate according to metadata transformGroup.Children.Add(new RotateTransform(rotation)); thumbnail.Transform = transformGroup; thumbnail.EndInit(); imageSource = thumbnail; } else // Preview it is not embedded into the file { // we'll make a thumbnail image then ... (too bad as the pre-created one is FAST!) TransformedBitmap thumbnail = new TransformedBitmap(); thumbnail.BeginInit(); thumbnail.Source = bitmapFrame as BitmapSource; // we'll make a reasonable sized thumnbail with a height of 240 int pixelH = bitmapFrame.PixelHeight; int pixelW = bitmapFrame.PixelWidth; int decodeH = 240; int decodeW = (pixelW * decodeH) / pixelH; double scaleX = decodeW / (double)pixelW; double scaleY = decodeH / (double)pixelH; TransformGroup transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); transformGroup.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform(scaleX, scaleY)); transformGroup.Children.Add(new RotateTransform(rotation)); thumbnail.Transform = transformGroup; thumbnail.EndInit(); // this will disconnect the stream from the image completely ... WriteableBitmap writable = new WriteableBitmap(thumbnail); writable.Freeze(); imageSource = writable; } } else if (loadType == DisplayOptions.Combined || loadType == DisplayOptions.FullResolution) { BitmapFrame bitmapFrame = BitmapFrame.Create(imageStream); int rotation = GetRotation(bitmapFrame.Metadata as BitmapMetadata); TransformedBitmap bitmapImage = new TransformedBitmap(); bitmapImage.BeginInit(); bitmapImage.Source = bitmapFrame as BitmapSource; TransformGroup transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); transformGroup.Children.Add(new RotateTransform(rotation)); bitmapImage.Transform = transformGroup; bitmapImage.EndInit(); WriteableBitmap writable = new WriteableBitmap(bitmapImage); writable.Freeze(); imageSource = writable; } else if (loadType == DisplayOptions.VideoPreview) { var player = new MediaPlayer { Volume = 0, ScrubbingEnabled = true }; Uri uri; if (loadTask.Source is string) uri = new Uri(loadTask.Source as string); else if (loadTask.Source is Uri) uri = loadTask.Source as Uri; else throw new InvalidOperationException(); player.Open(uri); player.Pause(); player.Position = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 20); // go to 20 seconds (if the video is shorter, a black image will be captured) Thread.Sleep(1000); int i = 0; while (i < 10 && (player.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.TotalSeconds* player.BufferingProgress) <= 20) { Thread.Sleep(100); i++; } var pixelW = player.NaturalVideoWidth; var pixelH = player.NaturalVideoHeight; int decodeH = 240; int decodeW = (pixelW * decodeH) / pixelH; var rtb = new RenderTargetBitmap(decodeW, decodeH, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Pbgra32); DrawingVisual dv = new DrawingVisual(); using (DrawingContext dc = dv.RenderOpen()) dc.DrawVideo(player, new Rect(0, 0, decodeW, decodeH)); rtb.Render(dv); imageSource = (ImageSource)BitmapFrame.Create(rtb).GetCurrentValueAsFrozen(); player.Close(); } } catch (Exception) { } } if (imageSource == null) { image.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new ThreadStart(delegate { Loader.SetErrorDetected(image, true); })); } else { imageSource.Freeze(); image.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new ThreadStart(delegate { Loader.SetErrorDetected(image, false); })); } } else { image.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new ThreadStart(delegate { Loader.SetErrorDetected(image, false); })); } return imageSource; }
internal override void FinalizeCreation() { _bitmapInit.EnsureInitializedComplete(); Uri uri = UriSource; if (_baseUri != null) { uri = new Uri(_baseUri, UriSource); } if ((CreateOptions & BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreImageCache) != 0) { ImagingCache.RemoveFromImageCache(uri); } BitmapImage bitmapImage = CheckCache(uri); if (bitmapImage != null && bitmapImage.CheckAccess() && bitmapImage.SourceRect.Equals(SourceRect) && bitmapImage.DecodePixelWidth == DecodePixelWidth && bitmapImage.DecodePixelHeight == DecodePixelHeight && bitmapImage.Rotation == Rotation && (bitmapImage.CreateOptions & BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreColorProfile) == (CreateOptions & BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreColorProfile) ) { _syncObject = bitmapImage.SyncObject; lock (_syncObject) { WicSourceHandle = bitmapImage.WicSourceHandle; IsSourceCached = bitmapImage.IsSourceCached; _convertedDUCEPtr = bitmapImage._convertedDUCEPtr; // // We nee d to keep the strong reference to the cached image for a few reasons: // // The application may release the original cached image and then keep a // reference to this image only, in which case, the cache can be collected. // This will cause a few undesirable results: // 1. The application may choose to decode the same URI again in which case // we will not retrieve it from the cache even though we have a copy already // decoded. // 2. The original cached image holds onto the file stream indirectly which if // collected can cause bad behavior if the entire image is not loaded into // memory. // _cachedBitmapImage = bitmapImage; } UpdateCachedSettings(); return; } BitmapDecoder decoder = null; if (_decoder == null) { // Note: We do not want to insert in the cache if there is a chance that // the decode pixel width/height may cause the decoder LOD to change decoder = BitmapDecoder.CreateFromUriOrStream( _baseUri, UriSource, StreamSource, CreateOptions & ~BitmapCreateOptions.DelayCreation, BitmapCacheOption.None, // do not cache the frames since we will do that here _uriCachePolicy, false ); if (decoder.IsDownloading) { _isDownloading = true; _decoder = decoder; decoder.DownloadProgress += OnDownloadProgress; decoder.DownloadCompleted += OnDownloadCompleted; decoder.DownloadFailed += OnDownloadFailed; } else { Debug.Assert(decoder.SyncObject != null); } } else { // We already had a decoder, meaning we were downloading Debug.Assert(!_decoder.IsDownloading); decoder = _decoder; _decoder = null; } if (decoder.Frames.Count == 0) { throw new System.ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Image_NoDecodeFrames)); } BitmapFrame frame = decoder.Frames[0]; BitmapSource source = frame; Int32Rect sourceRect = SourceRect; if (sourceRect.X == 0 && sourceRect.Y == 0 && sourceRect.Width == source.PixelWidth && sourceRect.Height == source.PixelHeight) { sourceRect = Int32Rect.Empty; } if (!sourceRect.IsEmpty) { CroppedBitmap croppedSource = new CroppedBitmap(); croppedSource.BeginInit(); croppedSource.Source = source; croppedSource.SourceRect = sourceRect; croppedSource.EndInit(); source = croppedSource; if (_isDownloading) { // Unregister the download events because this is a dummy image. See comment below. source.UnregisterDownloadEventSource(); } } int finalWidth = DecodePixelWidth; int finalHeight = DecodePixelHeight; if (finalWidth == 0 && finalHeight == 0) { finalWidth = source.PixelWidth; finalHeight = source.PixelHeight; } else if (finalWidth == 0) { finalWidth = (source.PixelWidth * finalHeight) / source.PixelHeight; } else if (finalHeight == 0) { finalHeight = (source.PixelHeight * finalWidth) / source.PixelWidth; } if (finalWidth != source.PixelWidth || finalHeight != source.PixelHeight || Rotation != Rotation.Rotate0) { TransformedBitmap transformedSource = new TransformedBitmap(); transformedSource.BeginInit(); transformedSource.Source = source; TransformGroup transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); if (finalWidth != source.PixelWidth || finalHeight != source.PixelHeight) { int oldWidth = source.PixelWidth; int oldHeight = source.PixelHeight; Debug.Assert(oldWidth > 0 && oldHeight > 0); transformGroup.Children.Add( new ScaleTransform( (1.0 * finalWidth) / oldWidth, (1.0 * finalHeight) / oldHeight)); } if (Rotation != Rotation.Rotate0) { double rotation = 0.0; switch (Rotation) { case Rotation.Rotate0: rotation = 0.0; break; case Rotation.Rotate90: rotation = 90.0; break; case Rotation.Rotate180: rotation = 180.0; break; case Rotation.Rotate270: rotation = 270.0; break; default: Debug.Assert(false); break; } transformGroup.Children.Add(new RotateTransform(rotation)); } transformedSource.Transform = transformGroup; transformedSource.EndInit(); source = transformedSource; if (_isDownloading) { // // If we're currently downloading, then the BitmapFrameDecode isn't actually // the image, it's just a 1x1 placeholder. The chain we're currently building // will be replaced with another chain once download completes, so there's no // need to have this chain handle DownloadCompleted. // // Having this chain handle DownloadCompleted is actually a bad thing. Because // the dummy is just 1x1, the TransformedBitmap we're building here will have // a large scaling factor (to scale the image from 1x1 up to whatever // DecodePixelWidth/Height specifies). When the TransformedBitmap receives // DownloadCompleted from the BFD, it will call into WIC to create a new // bitmap scaler using the same large scaling factor, which can produce a huge // bitmap (since the BFD is now no longer 1x1). This problem is made worse if // this BitmapImage has BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad, since that will put a // CachedBitmap after the TransformedBitmap. When DownloadCompleted propagates // from the TransformedBitmap down to the CachedBitmap, the CachedBitmap will // call CreateBitmapFromSource using the TransformedBitmap, which calls // CopyPixels on the huge TransformedBitmap. We want to avoid chewing up the // CPU and the memory, so we unregister the download event handlers here. // source.UnregisterDownloadEventSource(); } } // // If the original image has a color profile and IgnoreColorProfile is not one of the create options, // apply the profile so bits are color-corrected. // if ((CreateOptions & BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreColorProfile) == 0 && frame.ColorContexts != null && frame.ColorContexts[0] != null && frame.ColorContexts[0].IsValid && source.Format.Format != PixelFormatEnum.Extended ) { // NOTE: Never do this for a non-MIL pixel format, because the format converter has // special knowledge to deal with the profile PixelFormat duceFormat = BitmapSource.GetClosestDUCEFormat(source.Format, source.Palette); bool changeFormat = (source.Format != duceFormat); ColorContext destinationColorContext; // We need to make sure, we can actually create the ColorContext for the destination duceFormat // If the duceFormat is gray or scRGB, the following is not supported, so we cannot // create the ColorConvertedBitmap try { destinationColorContext = new ColorContext(duceFormat); } catch (NotSupportedException) { destinationColorContext = null; } if (destinationColorContext != null) { bool conversionSuccess = false; bool badColorContext = false; // First try if the color converter can handle the source format directly // Its possible that the color converter does not support certain pixelformats, so put a try/catch here. try { ColorConvertedBitmap colorConvertedBitmap = new ColorConvertedBitmap( source, frame.ColorContexts[0], destinationColorContext, duceFormat ); source = colorConvertedBitmap; if (_isDownloading) { // Unregister the download events because this is a dummy image. See comment above. source.UnregisterDownloadEventSource(); } conversionSuccess = true; } catch (NotSupportedException) { } catch (FileFormatException) { // If the file contains a bad color context, we catch the exception here // and don't bother trying the color conversion below, since color transform isn't possible // with the given color context. badColorContext = true; } if (!conversionSuccess && !badColorContext && changeFormat) { // If the conversion failed, we first use // a FormatConvertedBitmap, and then Color Convert that one... FormatConvertedBitmap formatConvertedBitmap = new FormatConvertedBitmap(source, duceFormat, source.Palette, 0.0); ColorConvertedBitmap colorConvertedBitmap = new ColorConvertedBitmap( formatConvertedBitmap, frame.ColorContexts[0], destinationColorContext, duceFormat ); source = colorConvertedBitmap; if (_isDownloading) { // Unregister the download events because this is a dummy image. See comment above. source.UnregisterDownloadEventSource(); } } } } if (CacheOption != BitmapCacheOption.None) { try { // The bitmaps bits could be corrupt, and this will cause an exception if the CachedBitmap forces a decode. CachedBitmap cachedSource = new CachedBitmap(source, CreateOptions & ~BitmapCreateOptions.DelayCreation, CacheOption); source = cachedSource; if (_isDownloading) { // Unregister the download events because this is a dummy image. See comment above. source.UnregisterDownloadEventSource(); } } catch (Exception e) { RecoverFromDecodeFailure(e); CreationCompleted = true; // we're bailing out because the decode failed return; } } // If CacheOption == OnLoad, no need to keep the stream around if (decoder != null && CacheOption == BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad) { decoder.CloseStream(); } else if (CacheOption != BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad) { //ensure that we don't GC the source _finalSource = source; } WicSourceHandle = source.WicSourceHandle; IsSourceCached = source.IsSourceCached; CreationCompleted = true; UpdateCachedSettings(); // Only insert in the imaging cache if download is complete if (!IsDownloading) { InsertInCache(uri); } }
private static Ruban GenRuban(string str, FrameworkElement uc, Base.LibGroup tuple, bool gray) { Ruban rb = null; if (str == "C0") rb = new Ruban(uc.TryFindResource("tuxCard000") as Image, 0); else if (str.StartsWith("C")) { ushort ut = ushort.Parse(str.Substring(1)); Tux tux = tuple.TL.DecodeTux(ut); if (tux != null) { Image image = uc.TryFindResource("tuxCard" + tux.Code) as Image; if (image != null) rb = new Ruban(image, ut); else rb = new Ruban(uc.TryFindResource("tuxCard000") as Image, ut); } else rb = new Ruban(uc.TryFindResource("tuxCard000") as Image, ut); rb.ToolTip = Tips.IchiDisplay.GetTuxTip(tuple, ut); } else if (str.StartsWith("M")) { ushort ut = ushort.Parse(str.Substring(1)); NMB nmb = NMBLib.Decode(ut, tuple.ML, tuple.NL); if (nmb != null) { Image image = uc.TryFindResource("monCard" + nmb.Code) as Image; Image2Gray(ref image, gray); if (image != null) rb = new Ruban(image, ut); else rb = new Ruban(uc.TryFindResource("monCard000") as Image, ut); if (nmb.IsMonster()) rb.ToolTip = Tips.IchiDisplay.GetMonTip(tuple, NMBLib.OriginalMonster(ut)); else if (nmb.IsNPC()) rb.ToolTip = Tips.IchiDisplay.GetNPCTip(tuple, NMBLib.OriginalNPC(ut)); } else rb = new Ruban(uc.TryFindResource("monCard000") as Image, ut); } else if (str.StartsWith("H0")) rb = new Ruban(uc.TryFindResource("hroCard000") as Image, 0); else if (str.StartsWith("H")) { ushort ut = ushort.Parse(str.Substring("H".Length)); Hero hro = tuple.HL.InstanceHero(ut); if (hro != null) { Image image = uc.TryFindResource("hroCard" + hro.Ofcode) as Image; Image2Gray(ref image, gray); if (image != null) rb = new Ruban(image, ut); else rb = new Ruban(uc.TryFindResource("hroCard000") as Image, ut); } else rb = new Ruban(uc.TryFindResource("hroCard000") as Image, ut); rb.ToolTip = Tips.IchiDisplay.GetHeroTip(tuple, ut); } else if (str.StartsWith("D")) { ushort ut = ushort.Parse(str.Substring("D".Length)); Image image = uc.TryFindResource("diceImg" + ut) as Image; if (image != null) rb = new Ruban(image, ut); else rb = new Ruban(uc.TryFindResource("diceImg000") as Image, ut); rb.ToolTip = null; } else if (str.StartsWith("G")) { ushort dbSerial = ushort.Parse(str.Substring("G".Length)); Tux tux = tuple.TL.EncodeTuxDbSerial(dbSerial); if (tux != null) { Image image = uc.TryFindResource("tuxCard" + tux.Code) as Image; Image2Gray(ref image, gray); if (image != null) rb = new Ruban(image, dbSerial); else rb = new Ruban(uc.TryFindResource("tuxCard000") as Image, dbSerial); rb.ToolTip = Tips.IchiDisplay.GetTuxDbSerialTip(tuple, dbSerial); } else rb = new Ruban(uc.TryFindResource("tuxCard000") as Image, dbSerial); } else if (str.StartsWith("I")) { ushort ut = ushort.Parse(str.Substring("I".Length)); Image image = uc.TryFindResource("exspCard" + ut) as Image; if (image != null) rb = new Ruban(image, ut); else rb = new Ruban(uc.TryFindResource("diceImg000") as Image, ut); rb.ToolTip = Tips.IchiDisplay.GetExspTip(tuple, "I" + ut); } else if (str.StartsWith("E0")) { Image image = uc.TryFindResource("eveCard000") as Image; image.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform(90); rb = new Ruban(image, 0); } else if (str.StartsWith("E")) { ushort ut = ushort.Parse(str.Substring("E".Length)); Evenement eve = tuple.EL.DecodeEvenement(ut); Image image = uc.TryFindResource("eveCard" + eve.Code) as Image ?? uc.TryFindResource("eveCard000") as Image; FormatConvertedBitmap bp = new FormatConvertedBitmap(); bp.BeginInit(); bp.Source = image.Source as BitmapSource; bp.EndInit(); TransformedBitmap tb = new TransformedBitmap(); tb.BeginInit(); tb.Source = bp; tb.Transform = new RotateTransform(90); tb.EndInit(); image = new Image() { Source = tb }; Image2Gray(ref image, gray); rb = new Ruban(image, ut); rb.ToolTip = Tips.IchiDisplay.GetEveTip(tuple, ut); } else if (str.StartsWith("R")) { ushort ut = ushort.Parse(str.Substring("R".Length)); Image image = uc.TryFindResource("runeCard" + ut) as Image; if (image != null) rb = new Ruban(image, ut); else rb = new Ruban(uc.TryFindResource("runeCard000") as Image, ut); rb.ToolTip = Tips.IchiDisplay.GetRuneTip(tuple, ut); } else if (str.StartsWith("V")) { ushort ut = ushort.Parse(str.Substring("V".Length)); Image image = uc.TryFindResource("fiveImg" + ut) as Image; if (image != null) rb = new Ruban(image, ut); else rb = new Ruban(uc.TryFindResource("diceImg000") as Image, ut); rb.ToolTip = Tips.IchiDisplay.GetFiveTip(tuple, ut); } return rb; }
private ImageSource GetBitmapSource(LoadImageRequest loadTask, DisplayOptions loadType) { Image image = loadTask.Image; string source = loadTask.Source; ImageSource imageSource = null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source)) { Stream imageStream = null; SourceType sourceType = SourceType.LocalDisk; image.Dispatcher.Invoke(new ThreadStart(delegate { sourceType = Loader.GetSourceType(image); })); try { if (loadTask.Stream == null) { ILoader loader = LoaderFactory.CreateLoader(sourceType); imageStream = loader.Load(source); loadTask.Stream = imageStream; } else { imageStream = new MemoryStream(); loadTask.Stream.Position = 0; loadTask.Stream.CopyTo(imageStream); imageStream.Position = 0; } } catch (Exception) { } if (imageStream != null) { try { if (loadType == DisplayOptions.Preview) { BitmapFrame bitmapFrame = BitmapFrame.Create(imageStream); imageSource = bitmapFrame.Thumbnail; if (imageSource == null) // Preview it is not embedded into the file { // we'll make a thumbnail image then ... (too bad as the pre-created one is FAST!) TransformedBitmap thumbnail = new TransformedBitmap(); thumbnail.BeginInit(); thumbnail.Source = bitmapFrame as BitmapSource; // we'll make a reasonable sized thumnbail with a height of 240 int pixelH = bitmapFrame.PixelHeight; int pixelW = bitmapFrame.PixelWidth; int decodeH = 240; int decodeW = (bitmapFrame.PixelWidth * decodeH) / pixelH; double scaleX = decodeW / (double)pixelW; double scaleY = decodeH / (double)pixelH; TransformGroup transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); transformGroup.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform(scaleX, scaleY)); thumbnail.Transform = transformGroup; thumbnail.EndInit(); // this will disconnect the stream from the image completely ... WriteableBitmap writable = new WriteableBitmap(thumbnail); writable.Freeze(); imageSource = writable; } } else if (loadType == DisplayOptions.FullResolution) { BitmapImage bitmapImage = new BitmapImage(); bitmapImage.BeginInit(); bitmapImage.StreamSource = imageStream; bitmapImage.EndInit(); imageSource = bitmapImage; } } catch (Exception) { } } if (imageSource == null) { image.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new ThreadStart(delegate { Loader.SetErrorDetected(image, true); })); } else { imageSource.Freeze(); image.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new ThreadStart(delegate { Loader.SetErrorDetected(image, false); })); } } else { image.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new ThreadStart(delegate { Loader.SetErrorDetected(image, false); })); } return imageSource; }
BitmapSource GetBitmapSourceFromFile (String FileName, double PictureWidth, double PictureHeight) { BitmapImage InputBitmapImage = new BitmapImage (); InputBitmapImage.BeginInit (); InputBitmapImage.UriSource = new Uri (FileName); InputBitmapImage.EndInit (); double Width = InputBitmapImage.PixelWidth; double Height = InputBitmapImage.PixelHeight; double InputAspectRatio = Width / Height; double FrameAspectRatio = (double) PictureWidth / (double) PictureHeight; double ScalingX = PictureWidth / Width; double ScalingY = PictureHeight / Height; //if (InputAspectRatio >= FrameAspectRatio) // Scaling = PictureWidth / Width; //else // Scaling = PictureHeight / Height; TransformedBitmap ResultBitmapImage = new TransformedBitmap (); ResultBitmapImage.BeginInit (); ResultBitmapImage.Source = InputBitmapImage; ResultBitmapImage.Transform = new ScaleTransform (ScalingX, ScalingY, Width / 2, Height / 2); ResultBitmapImage.EndInit (); return ResultBitmapImage; }
private BitmapSource GetBildBitmapSourceFromContentRow (DataRow FrameContentRow, DataRow FrameRow, Rect DrawingRect) { if (m_Pkg == null) return null; List<String> AvailablePictures = m_Pkg.GetOriginalDocumentNamesInPackage (); String PictureName = String.Empty; if (FrameRow ["Typ"].ToString () == "Bild") PictureName = FrameContentRow ["NameID"].ToString (); if (FrameRow ["Typ"].ToString () == "Logo") PictureName = FrameContentRow ["PictureName"].ToString (); if (FrameRow ["Typ"].ToString () == "Video") { PictureName = "VideoDesignPattern"; AvailablePictures.Add ("\\VideoDesignPattern.png"); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (PictureName)) return null; foreach (String AvailablePicture in AvailablePictures) { try { if (AvailablePicture.IndexOf ("\\" + PictureName + ".", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1) continue; String Extension = Path.GetExtension (AvailablePicture.ToUpper ()); BitmapImage InputBitmapImage = new BitmapImage (); if (PictureName == "VideoDesignPattern") { InputBitmapImage.BeginInit (); InputBitmapImage.UriSource = new Uri ("pack://application:,,,/CVM;Component/Resources/VideoDesignPattern.png"); InputBitmapImage.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad; InputBitmapImage.EndInit (); } else { Stream BitmapSourceStream = m_Pkg.GetStreamFromOriginalDocumentName (AvailablePicture); InputBitmapImage.BeginInit (); InputBitmapImage.StreamSource = BitmapSourceStream; InputBitmapImage.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad; InputBitmapImage.EndInit (); BitmapSourceStream.Close (); BitmapSourceStream.Dispose (); } double Width = InputBitmapImage.PixelWidth; double Height = InputBitmapImage.PixelHeight; double InputAspectRatio = Width / Height; double FrameAspectRatio = (double) DrawingRect.Width / (double) DrawingRect.Height; double Scaling = 1; if (InputAspectRatio >= FrameAspectRatio) Scaling = DrawingRect.Width / Width; else Scaling = DrawingRect.Height / Height; try { TransformedBitmap ResultBitmapImage = new TransformedBitmap(); ResultBitmapImage.BeginInit(); ResultBitmapImage.Source = InputBitmapImage; ResultBitmapImage.Transform = new ScaleTransform(Scaling, Scaling); ResultBitmapImage.EndInit(); InputBitmapImage.Freeze(); return ResultBitmapImage; } catch (Exception Excp) { String MemoryMessage = "PackageName = \"" + PackageName + "\""; Basics.ShowUsedMemory(MemoryMessage); Basics.ReportErrorToEventViewer("Beim PackageName = \"" + PackageName + "\"\r\n" + "bei FrameContentRow.ID \"" + FrameContentRow["ID"].ToString() + "\"\r\nund FrameRow.ID \"" + FrameRow["ID"].ToString() + "\"\r\nund AvailablePicture \"" + AvailablePicture + "\"\r\nund Scaling \"" + Convert.ToString(Scaling) + "\"\r\nund InputBitmapImage.PixelWidth \"" + Convert.ToString (InputBitmapImage.PixelWidth) + "\"\r\nund InputBitmapImage.PixelHeight \"" + Convert.ToString (InputBitmapImage.PixelHeight) + "\"\r\nund DrawingRect.Width \"" + Convert.ToString(DrawingRect.Width) + "\"\r\nund DrawingRect.Height \"" + Convert.ToString(DrawingRect.Height) + "\"\r\nist wahrscheinlich die Farbtiefe < \"32 Bit" + "\"\r\ntrat folgendes Problem auf\r\n\"" + Excp.ToString() + "\""); return null; } } catch (Exception Excp) { String MemoryMessage = "PackageName = \"" + PackageName + "\""; Basics.ShowUsedMemory(MemoryMessage); Basics.ReportErrorToEventViewer("Beim PackageName = \"" + PackageName + "\"\r\n" + "bei FrameContentRow.ID \"" + FrameContentRow ["ID"].ToString () + "\"\r\nund FrameRow.ID \"" + FrameRow["ID"].ToString() + "\"\r\nund AvailablePicture \"" + AvailablePicture + "\"\r\ntrat folgendes Problem auf\r\n\"" + Excp.ToString() + "\""); continue; } } return null; }
private TransformedBitmap RotateImg(BitmapImage bi) { // Properties must be set between BeginInit and EndInit calls. TransformedBitmap tb = new TransformedBitmap(); tb.BeginInit(); tb.Source = bi; // Set image rotation. RotateTransform transform = new RotateTransform(270); tb.Transform = transform; tb.EndInit(); return tb; }
private static bool Report(int hwnd, int lParam) { IntPtr ptr = new IntPtr(hwnd); tagWINDOWINFO info = new tagWINDOWINFO(); GetWindowInfo(ptr, ref info); if (IsWindowVisible(ptr) && !IsIconic(ptr) && info.cxWindowBorders > 0 && info.cyWindowBorders > 0) { string title = GetText(new IntPtr(hwnd)); if (title != "") { WindowSpec spec = new WindowSpec(); spec.Caption = title; spec.Hwnd = ptr; spec.Info = info; Bitmap bm = GetWindowPreview(spec); BitmapImage bi = ConvertBitmapToBitmapImage(bm); TransformedBitmap tb = new TransformedBitmap(); tb.BeginInit(); tb.Source = bi; double ratio = bi.Height / bi.Width; double newHeight = 150 * ratio; double scaleX = 150 / bi.Width; double scaleY = newHeight / bi.Height; ScaleTransform transform = new ScaleTransform(scaleX, scaleY); tb.Transform = transform; tb.EndInit(); spec.Preview = tb; WindowNames.Add(spec); } } return true; }
public static void Rotate(int angle,ref BitmapSource img) { if (img != null) { var tb = new TransformedBitmap(); tb.BeginInit(); tb.Source = img; var transform = new RotateTransform(angle); tb.Transform = transform; tb.EndInit(); img = BitmapSourceToBitmapImage(tb); } }
internal override void FinalizeCreation() { _bitmapInit.EnsureInitializedComplete(); Uri uri = UriSource; if (_baseUri != null) uri = new Uri(_baseUri, UriSource); if ((CreateOptions & BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreImageCache) != 0) { ImagingCache.RemoveFromImageCache(uri); } BitmapImage bitmapImage = CheckCache(uri); if (bitmapImage != null && bitmapImage.CheckAccess() && bitmapImage.SourceRect.Equals(SourceRect) && bitmapImage.DecodePixelWidth == DecodePixelWidth && bitmapImage.DecodePixelHeight == DecodePixelHeight && bitmapImage.Rotation == Rotation && (bitmapImage.CreateOptions & BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreColorProfile) == (CreateOptions & BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreColorProfile) ) { _syncObject = bitmapImage.SyncObject; lock (_syncObject) { WicSourceHandle = bitmapImage.WicSourceHandle; IsSourceCached = bitmapImage.IsSourceCached; _convertedDUCEPtr = bitmapImage._convertedDUCEPtr; // // We nee d to keep the strong reference to the cached image for a few reasons: // // The application may release the original cached image and then keep a // reference to this image only, in which case, the cache can be collected. // This will cause a few undesirable results: // 1. The application may choose to decode the same URI again in which case // we will not retrieve it from the cache even though we have a copy already // decoded. // 2. The original cached image holds onto the file stream indirectly which if // collected can cause bad behavior if the entire image is not loaded into // memory. // _cachedBitmapImage = bitmapImage; } UpdateCachedSettings(); return; } BitmapDecoder decoder = null; if (_decoder == null) { // Note: We do not want to insert in the cache if there is a chance that // the decode pixel width/height may cause the decoder LOD to change decoder = BitmapDecoder.CreateFromUriOrStream( _baseUri, UriSource, StreamSource, CreateOptions & ~BitmapCreateOptions.DelayCreation, BitmapCacheOption.None, // do not cache the frames since we will do that here _uriCachePolicy, false ); if (decoder.IsDownloading) { _isDownloading = true; _decoder = decoder; decoder.DownloadProgress += OnDownloadProgress; decoder.DownloadCompleted += OnDownloadCompleted; decoder.DownloadFailed += OnDownloadFailed; } else { Debug.Assert(decoder.SyncObject != null); } } else { // We already had a decoder, meaning we were downloading Debug.Assert(!_decoder.IsDownloading); decoder = _decoder; _decoder = null; } if (decoder.Frames.Count == 0) { throw new System.ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Image_NoDecodeFrames)); } BitmapFrame frame = decoder.Frames[0]; BitmapSource source = frame; Int32Rect sourceRect = SourceRect; if (sourceRect.X == 0 && sourceRect.Y == 0 && sourceRect.Width == source.PixelWidth && sourceRect.Height == source.PixelHeight) { sourceRect = Int32Rect.Empty; } if (!sourceRect.IsEmpty) { CroppedBitmap croppedSource = new CroppedBitmap(); croppedSource.BeginInit(); croppedSource.Source = source; croppedSource.SourceRect = sourceRect; croppedSource.EndInit(); source = croppedSource; if (_isDownloading) { // Unregister the download events because this is a dummy image. See comment below. source.UnregisterDownloadEventSource(); } } int finalWidth = DecodePixelWidth; int finalHeight = DecodePixelHeight; if (finalWidth == 0 && finalHeight == 0) { finalWidth = source.PixelWidth; finalHeight = source.PixelHeight; } else if (finalWidth == 0) { finalWidth = (source.PixelWidth * finalHeight) / source.PixelHeight; } else if (finalHeight == 0) { finalHeight = (source.PixelHeight * finalWidth) / source.PixelWidth; } if (finalWidth != source.PixelWidth || finalHeight != source.PixelHeight || Rotation != Rotation.Rotate0) { TransformedBitmap transformedSource = new TransformedBitmap(); transformedSource.BeginInit(); transformedSource.Source = source; TransformGroup transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); if (finalWidth != source.PixelWidth || finalHeight != source.PixelHeight) { int oldWidth = source.PixelWidth; int oldHeight = source.PixelHeight; Debug.Assert(oldWidth > 0 && oldHeight > 0); transformGroup.Children.Add( new ScaleTransform( (1.0*finalWidth)/ oldWidth, (1.0*finalHeight)/oldHeight)); } if (Rotation != Rotation.Rotate0) { double rotation = 0.0; switch (Rotation) { case Rotation.Rotate0: rotation = 0.0; break; case Rotation.Rotate90: rotation = 90.0; break; case Rotation.Rotate180: rotation = 180.0; break; case Rotation.Rotate270: rotation = 270.0; break; default: Debug.Assert(false); break; } transformGroup.Children.Add(new RotateTransform(rotation)); } transformedSource.Transform = transformGroup; transformedSource.EndInit(); source = transformedSource; if (_isDownloading) { // // If we're currently downloading, then the BitmapFrameDecode isn't actually // the image, it's just a 1x1 placeholder. The chain we're currently building // will be replaced with another chain once download completes, so there's no // need to have this chain handle DownloadCompleted. // // Having this chain handle DownloadCompleted is actually a bad thing. Because // the dummy is just 1x1, the TransformedBitmap we're building here will have // a large scaling factor (to scale the image from 1x1 up to whatever // DecodePixelWidth/Height specifies). When the TransformedBitmap receives // DownloadCompleted from the BFD, it will call into WIC to create a new // bitmap scaler using the same large scaling factor, which can produce a huge // bitmap (since the BFD is now no longer 1x1). This problem is made worse if // this BitmapImage has BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad, since that will put a // CachedBitmap after the TransformedBitmap. When DownloadCompleted propagates // from the TransformedBitmap down to the CachedBitmap, the CachedBitmap will // call CreateBitmapFromSource using the TransformedBitmap, which calls // CopyPixels on the huge TransformedBitmap. We want to avoid chewing up the // CPU and the memory, so we unregister the download event handlers here. // source.UnregisterDownloadEventSource(); } } // // If the original image has a color profile and IgnoreColorProfile is not one of the create options, // apply the profile so bits are color-corrected. // if ((CreateOptions & BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreColorProfile) == 0 && frame.ColorContexts != null && frame.ColorContexts[0] != null && frame.ColorContexts[0].IsValid && source.Format.Format != PixelFormatEnum.Extended ) { // NOTE: Never do this for a non-MIL pixel format, because the format converter has // special knowledge to deal with the profile PixelFormat duceFormat = BitmapSource.GetClosestDUCEFormat(source.Format, source.Palette); bool changeFormat = (source.Format != duceFormat); ColorContext destinationColorContext; // We need to make sure, we can actually create the ColorContext for the destination duceFormat // If the duceFormat is gray or scRGB, the following is not supported, so we cannot // create the ColorConvertedBitmap try { destinationColorContext= new ColorContext(duceFormat); } catch (NotSupportedException) { destinationColorContext = null; } if (destinationColorContext != null) { bool conversionSuccess = false; bool badColorContext = false; // First try if the color converter can handle the source format directly // Its possible that the color converter does not support certain pixelformats, so put a try/catch here. try { ColorConvertedBitmap colorConvertedBitmap = new ColorConvertedBitmap( source, frame.ColorContexts[0], destinationColorContext, duceFormat ); source = colorConvertedBitmap; if (_isDownloading) { // Unregister the download events because this is a dummy image. See comment above. source.UnregisterDownloadEventSource(); } conversionSuccess = true; } catch (NotSupportedException) { } catch (FileFormatException) { // If the file contains a bad color context, we catch the exception here // and don't bother trying the color conversion below, since color transform isn't possible // with the given color context. badColorContext = true; } if (!conversionSuccess && !badColorContext && changeFormat) { // If the conversion failed, we first use // a FormatConvertedBitmap, and then Color Convert that one... FormatConvertedBitmap formatConvertedBitmap = new FormatConvertedBitmap(source, duceFormat, source.Palette, 0.0); ColorConvertedBitmap colorConvertedBitmap = new ColorConvertedBitmap( formatConvertedBitmap, frame.ColorContexts[0], destinationColorContext, duceFormat ); source = colorConvertedBitmap; if (_isDownloading) { // Unregister the download events because this is a dummy image. See comment above. source.UnregisterDownloadEventSource(); } } } } if (CacheOption != BitmapCacheOption.None) { try { // The bitmaps bits could be corrupt, and this will cause an exception if the CachedBitmap forces a decode. CachedBitmap cachedSource = new CachedBitmap(source, CreateOptions & ~BitmapCreateOptions.DelayCreation, CacheOption); source = cachedSource; if (_isDownloading) { // Unregister the download events because this is a dummy image. See comment above. source.UnregisterDownloadEventSource(); } } catch (Exception e) { RecoverFromDecodeFailure(e); CreationCompleted = true; // we're bailing out because the decode failed return; } } // If CacheOption == OnLoad, no need to keep the stream around if (decoder != null && CacheOption == BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad) { decoder.CloseStream(); } else if (CacheOption != BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad) { //ensure that we don't GC the source _finalSource = source; } WicSourceHandle = source.WicSourceHandle; IsSourceCached = source.IsSourceCached; CreationCompleted = true; UpdateCachedSettings(); // Only insert in the imaging cache if download is complete if (!IsDownloading) { InsertInCache(uri); } }
/// <summary>Exports Slide to an image using a Canvas definition.</summary> /// <param name="surface">Canvas to draw into.</param> public BitmapImage Export(Canvas surface) { // Save current canvas transform Transform lyTransform =surface.LayoutTransform ; // Reset current transform (in case it is scaled or rotated) surface.LayoutTransform =null ; // Get the size of canvas Size size =new Size (surface.Width, surface.Height) ; // Measure and arrange the surface surface.Measure (size) ; surface.Arrange (new Rect (size)) ; // Create a render bitmap and push the surface to it RenderTargetBitmap renderBitmap = new RenderTargetBitmap ( (int)size.Width, (int)size.Height, 96d, 96d, PixelFormats.Pbgra32) ; renderBitmap.Render (surface) ; // Restore previously saved layout surface.LayoutTransform =lyTransform ; // Use png encoder for our data PngBitmapEncoder encoder =new PngBitmapEncoder () ; //// Push the rendered bitmap to it //encoder.Frames.Add (BitmapFrame.Create (renderBitmap)) ; //BitmapImage bitmapImage =new BitmapImage () ; //using ( var stream = new MemoryStream () ) { // encoder.Save (stream) ; // stream.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin) ; // bitmapImage.BeginInit () ; // bitmapImage.CacheOption =BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad ; // bitmapImage.StreamSource =stream ; // bitmapImage.EndInit () ; //} var tb =new TransformedBitmap () ; tb.BeginInit () ; tb.Source =renderBitmap ; var transform =new ScaleTransform (1, -1, 0, 0) ; tb.Transform =transform ; tb.EndInit () ; BitmapImage bitmapImage =new BitmapImage () ; encoder =new PngBitmapEncoder () ; encoder.Frames.Add (BitmapFrame.Create (tb)) ; MemoryStream memoryStream =new MemoryStream () ; encoder.Save (memoryStream) ; bitmapImage.BeginInit () ; bitmapImage.StreamSource =new MemoryStream (memoryStream.ToArray ()) ; bitmapImage.EndInit () ; memoryStream.Close () ; return (bitmapImage) ; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a thumbnail of the specified image /// </summary> /// <param name="thumbnailImageSource">The source filename to load a System.Drawing.Image from</param> /// <param name="thumbnailImageDest">Filename of the thumbnail to create</param> /// <param name="aThumbWidth">Maximum width of the thumbnail</param> /// <param name="aThumbHeight">Maximum height of the thumbnail</param> /// <param name="autocreateLargeThumbs">Auto create large thumbnail</param> /// <param name="iRotate"> /// 0 = no rotate /// 1 = rotate 90 degrees /// 2 = rotate 180 degrees /// 3 = rotate 270 degrees /// <param name="fallBack">Needed if generated file need to be delete (for ex in temp folder)</param> /// </param> /// <returns>Whether the thumb has been successfully created</returns> public static bool CreateThumbnail(string thumbnailImageSource, string thumbnailImageDest, int aThumbWidth, int aThumbHeight, int iRotate, bool aFastMode, bool autocreateLargeThumbs, bool fallBack) { if (File.Exists(thumbnailImageDest)) { return false; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(thumbnailImageSource) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(thumbnailImageDest) || aThumbHeight <= 0 || aThumbHeight <= 0) { return false; } BitmapSource ret = null; BitmapMetadata meta = null; Bitmap shellThumb = null; Bitmap myTargetThumb = null; BitmapFrame frame = null; Image myImage = null; TransformedBitmap thumbnail = null; TransformGroup transformGroup = null; double angle = 0; bool result = false; int iQuality = (int) Thumbs.Quality; int decodeW = aThumbWidth; MediaUrl = thumbnailImageSource; try { if (fallBack) { frame = BitmapFrame.Create(new Uri(MediaUrl), BitmapCreateOptions.None, BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad); } else { //Try generate Bitmap frame : speedy and low memory ! frame = BitmapFrame.Create(new Uri(MediaUrl), BitmapCreateOptions.DelayCreation, BitmapCacheOption.None); } if (frame.Thumbnail == null) //If it failed try second method (slower and use more memory) { using (ShellObject shellFile = ShellObject.FromParsingName(thumbnailImageSource)) { shellFile.Thumbnail.RetrievalOption = ShellThumbnailRetrievalOption.Default; shellFile.Thumbnail.FormatOption = ShellThumbnailFormatOption.ThumbnailOnly; switch (iQuality) { case 0: shellThumb = shellFile.Thumbnail.MediumBitmap; break; case 1: shellThumb = shellFile.Thumbnail.LargeBitmap; break; case 2: shellThumb = shellFile.Thumbnail.LargeBitmap; break; case 3: shellThumb = shellFile.Thumbnail.ExtraLargeBitmap; break; case 4: shellThumb = shellFile.Thumbnail.ExtraLargeBitmap; break; default: break; } switch (iRotate) { case 1: shellThumb.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone); break; case 2: shellThumb.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipNone); break; case 3: shellThumb.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate270FlipNone); break; default: break; } if (shellThumb != null && !autocreateLargeThumbs) { int iWidth = aThumbWidth; int iHeight = aThumbHeight; double fAR = (shellThumb.Width)/((float) shellThumb.Height); if (shellThumb.Width > shellThumb.Height) iHeight = (int) Math.Floor((((float) iWidth)/fAR)); else iWidth = (int) Math.Floor((fAR*((float) iHeight))); try { Util.Utils.FileDelete(thumbnailImageDest); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Picture: Error deleting old thumbnail - {0}", ex.Message); } // Write small thumbnail myTargetThumb = new Bitmap(shellThumb, iWidth, iHeight); myTargetThumb.Save(thumbnailImageDest, Thumbs.ThumbCodecInfo, Thumbs.ThumbEncoderParams); File.SetAttributes(thumbnailImageDest, File.GetAttributes(thumbnailImageDest) | FileAttributes.Hidden); result = true; } else { int iWidth = aThumbWidth; int iHeight = aThumbHeight; double fAR = (shellThumb.Width)/((float) shellThumb.Height); if (shellThumb.Width > shellThumb.Height) iHeight = (int) Math.Floor((((float) iWidth)/fAR)); else iWidth = (int) Math.Floor((fAR*((float) iHeight))); try { Util.Utils.FileDelete(thumbnailImageDest); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Picture: Error deleting old thumbnail - {0}", ex.Message); } // Write Large thumbnail myTargetThumb = new Bitmap(shellThumb, iWidth, iHeight); myTargetThumb.Save(thumbnailImageDest, Thumbs.ThumbCodecInfo, Thumbs.ThumbEncoderParams); File.SetAttributes(thumbnailImageDest, File.GetAttributes(thumbnailImageDest) | FileAttributes.Hidden); result = true; } } } else { //Detect metas image meta = frame.Metadata as BitmapMetadata; ret = frame.Thumbnail; //if ((meta != null) && (ret != null)) //si on a des meta, tentative de récupération de l'orientation //{ // if (meta.GetQuery("/app1/ifd/{ushort=274}") != null) // { // orientation = // (ExifOrientations) // Enum.Parse(typeof (ExifOrientations), meta.GetQuery("/app1/ifd/{ushort=274}").ToString()); // } // switch (orientation) // { // case ExifOrientations.Rotate90: // angle = -90; // break; // case ExifOrientations.Rotate180: // angle = 180; // break; // case ExifOrientations.Rotate270: // angle = 90; // break; // } // if (angle != 0) //on doit effectuer une rotation de l'image // { // ret = new TransformedBitmap(ret.Clone(), new RotateTransform(angle)); // ret.Freeze(); // } //} if (autocreateLargeThumbs) { if (ret != null) { // we'll make a thumbnail image then ... (too bad as the pre-created one is FAST!) thumbnail = new TransformedBitmap(); thumbnail.BeginInit(); thumbnail.Source = frame as BitmapSource; // we'll make a reasonable sized thumnbail int pixelH = frame.PixelHeight; int pixelW = frame.PixelWidth; int decodeH = (frame.PixelHeight*decodeW)/pixelW; double scaleX = decodeW/(double) pixelW; double scaleY = decodeH/(double) pixelH; transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); transformGroup.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform(scaleX, scaleY)); thumbnail.Transform = transformGroup; thumbnail.EndInit(); ret = thumbnail; // Write Large thumbnail result = BitmapFromSource(ret, thumbnailImageDest); } } else { if (ret != null) { // Write small thumbnail result = BitmapFromSource(ret, thumbnailImageDest); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { try { try { myImage = ImageFast.FromFile(thumbnailImageSource); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { result = false; } result = CreateThumbnail(myImage, thumbnailImageDest, aThumbWidth, aThumbHeight, iRotate, aFastMode); } catch (Exception) { Log.Warn("Picture: Fast loading of thumbnail {0} failed - trying safe fallback now", thumbnailImageDest); try { try { myImage = ImageFast.FromFile(thumbnailImageDest); result = CreateThumbnail(myImage, thumbnailImageDest, aThumbWidth, aThumbHeight, iRotate, aFastMode); } catch (Exception) { myImage = Image.FromFile(thumbnailImageDest, true); result = CreateThumbnail(myImage, thumbnailImageDest, aThumbWidth, aThumbHeight, iRotate, aFastMode); } } catch (FileNotFoundException) { result = false; } catch (OutOfMemoryException) { Log.Warn("Picture: Creating thumbnail failed - image format is not supported of {0}", thumbnailImageSource); result = false; } catch (Exception) { Log.Info("Pictures: No thumbnail created for -- {0}", thumbnailImageSource); result = false; } } } finally { if (shellThumb != null) shellThumb.SafeDispose(); if (ret != null) ret.SafeDispose(); if (thumbnail != null) thumbnail.SafeDispose(); if (transformGroup != null) transformGroup.SafeDispose(); if (myTargetThumb != null) myTargetThumb.SafeDispose(); if (MediaUrl != null) MediaUrl.SafeDispose(); if (frame != null) frame.SafeDispose(); if (myImage != null) myImage.SafeDispose(); } if (result && Util.Utils.IsFileExistsCacheEnabled()) { Log.Debug("CreateThumbnail : FileExistsInCache updated with new file: {0}", thumbnailImageDest); Util.Utils.DoInsertExistingFileIntoCache(thumbnailImageDest); } return result; }
private static BitmapSource FlipBitmap(BitmapSource flipped, bool flipX, bool flipY) { System.Windows.Media.Transform tr = new System.Windows.Media.ScaleTransform((flipX ? -1 : 1), (flipY ? -1 : 1)); TransformedBitmap transformedBmp = new TransformedBitmap(); transformedBmp.BeginInit(); transformedBmp.Source = flipped; transformedBmp.Transform = tr; transformedBmp.EndInit(); return transformedBmp; }