        void RemoveTablet(uint index)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(index < Count && Count > 0);

            TabletDevice removeTablet = _tablets[index];

            TabletDevice[] tablets = new TabletDevice[_tablets.Length - 1];

            uint preCopyCount  = index;
            uint postCopyCount = (uint)_tablets.Length - index - 1;

            Array.Copy(_tablets, 0, tablets, 0, preCopyCount);
            Array.Copy(_tablets, index + 1, tablets, index, postCopyCount);

            _tablets = tablets;

            // DevDiv:1078091
            // Dispose the tablet unless there is input waiting

            // This is now a deferred disposal, move it to the deferred list
            if (removeTablet.IsDisposalPending)
        void RemoveTablet(uint index)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(index < Count && Count > 0);

            TabletDevice removeTablet = _tablets[index];

            TabletDevice[] tablets = new TabletDevice[_tablets.Length - 1];

            uint preCopyCount  = index;
            uint postCopyCount = (uint)_tablets.Length - index - 1;

            Array.Copy(_tablets, 0, tablets, 0, preCopyCount);
            Array.Copy(_tablets, index + 1, tablets, index, postCopyCount);

            _tablets = tablets;

            // Make sure we release any references to a stylus device that may
            // have been removed
            if (Tablet.CurrentTabletDevice == removeTablet)
                StylusLogic.CurrentStylusLogic.SelectStylusDevice(null, null, true);

        protected TabletDeviceBase(TabletDeviceInfo info)
            // Generate a wrapper for public use
            TabletDevice = new TabletDevice(this);

            _tabletInfo = info;

            if (_tabletInfo.DeviceType == TabletDeviceType.Touch)
                // A touch device requires multi-touch logic
                _multiTouchSystemGestureLogic = new MultiTouchSystemGestureLogic();
        void AddTablet(uint index, TabletDevice tabletDevice)
            Debug.Assert(index <= Count);
            Debug.Assert(tabletDevice.Type != (TabletDeviceType)(-1)); // make sure not the mouse tablet device!

            TabletDevice[] newTablets = new TabletDevice[Count + 1];

            uint preCopyCount  = index;
            uint postCopyCount = (uint)_tablets.Length - index;

            Array.Copy(_tablets, 0, newTablets, 0, preCopyCount);
            newTablets[index] = tabletDevice;
            Array.Copy(_tablets, index, newTablets, index + 1, postCopyCount);
            _tablets = newTablets;
        internal StylusDevice UpdateStylusDevices(int tabletId, int stylusId)
            if (_tablets == null)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("TabletDeviceCollection");

            for (int iTablet = 0, cTablets = _tablets.Length; iTablet < cTablets; iTablet++)
                TabletDevice tablet = _tablets[iTablet];
                if (tablet.Id == tabletId)
        internal StylusDevice(TabletDevice tabletDevice, string sName, int id, bool fInverted, StylusButtonCollection stylusButtonCollection)
            _tabletDevice       = tabletDevice;
            _sName              = sName;
            _id                 = id;
            _fInverted          = fInverted;
            // For tablet devices that can go out of range default them to
            // being out of range until we see some events from it.
            _fInRange      = false; // All tablets out of range by default.
            _stylusButtonCollection   = stylusButtonCollection;

            _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnOverIsEnabledChanged);
            _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnOverIsVisibleChanged);
            _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnOverIsHitTestVisibleChanged);
            _reevaluateStylusOverDelegate = new DispatcherOperationCallback(ReevaluateStylusOverAsync);
            _reevaluateStylusOverOperation = null;

            _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnCaptureIsEnabledChanged);
            _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnCaptureIsVisibleChanged);
            _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnCaptureIsHitTestVisibleChanged);
            _reevaluateCaptureDelegate = new DispatcherOperationCallback(ReevaluateCaptureAsync);
            _reevaluateCaptureOperation = null;

            if (_stylusButtonCollection != null)
                foreach (StylusButton button in _stylusButtonCollection)

            // Because the stylus device gets a steady stream of input events when it is in range,
            // we don't have to be so careful about responding to layout changes as we have to be
            // with the mouse.
            // InputManager.Current.HitTestInvalidatedAsync += new EventHandler(OnHitTestInvalidatedAsync);

            InputManager inputManager = (InputManager)Dispatcher.InputManager;
            _stylusLogic = inputManager.StylusLogic;
        internal void DisposeTablets()
            if (_tablets != null)
                for (int iTablet = 0, cTablets = _tablets.Length; iTablet < cTablets; iTablet++)
                    if (_tablets[iTablet] != null)
                        TabletDevice removedTablet = _tablets[iTablet];

                        // DevDiv:1078091
                        // Dispose the tablet unless there is input waiting

                        // This is now a deferred disposal, move it to the deferred list
                        if (removedTablet.IsDisposalPending)
                _tablets = null;
        void UpdateTabletsImpl()
            // REENTRANCY NOTE: Let a PenThread do this work to avoid reentrancy!
            //                  On return you get entire list of tablet and info needed to
            //                  create all the tablet devices (and stylus device info gets
            //                  cached too in penimc which avoids calls to wisptis.exe).

            // Use existing penthread if we have one otherwise grab an available one.
            PenThread penThread = _tablets.Length > 0 ? _tablets[0].PenThread :

            TabletDeviceInfo [] tabletdevices = penThread.WorkerGetTabletsInfo();

            // First find out the index of the mouse device (usually the first at index 0)
            uint indexMouseTablet = UInt32.MaxValue;

            for (uint i = 0; i < tabletdevices.Length; i++)
                // See if this is a bogus entry first.
                if (tabletdevices[i].PimcTablet == null)

                // If it is the mouse tablet device we want to ignore it.
                if (tabletdevices[i].DeviceType == (TabletDeviceType)(-1))
                    indexMouseTablet            = i;
                    tabletdevices[i].PimcTablet = null; // ignore this one!

            // Now figure out count of valid tablet devices left
            uint count = 0;

            for (uint k = 0; k < tabletdevices.Length; k++)
                if (tabletdevices[k].PimcTablet != null)

            TabletDevice[] tablets = new TabletDevice[count];

            uint tabletsIndex         = 0;
            uint unchangedTabletCount = 0;

            for (uint iTablet = 0; iTablet < tabletdevices.Length; iTablet++)
                if (tabletdevices[iTablet].PimcTablet == null)
                    continue; // Skip looking at this index (mouse and bogus tablets are ignored).

                int id = tabletdevices[iTablet].Id;

                // First see if same index has not changed (typical case)
                if (tabletsIndex < _tablets.Length && _tablets[tabletsIndex] != null && _tablets[tabletsIndex].Id == id)
                    tablets[tabletsIndex]  = _tablets[tabletsIndex];
                    _tablets[tabletsIndex] = null; // clear to ignore on cleanup pass.
                    // Look up and see if we have this tabletdevice created already...
                    TabletDevice tablet = null;
                    for (uint i = 0; i < _tablets.Length; i++)
                        if (_tablets[i] != null && _tablets[i].Id == id)
                            tablet      = _tablets[i];
                            _tablets[i] = null; // clear it so we don't dispose it.
                    // Not found so create it.
                    if (tablet == null)
                            tablet = new TabletDevice(tabletdevices[iTablet], penThread);
                        catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                            // This is caused by the Stylus ID not being unique when trying
                            // to register it in the StylusLogic.__stylusDeviceMap.  If we
                            // come across a dup then just ignore registering this tablet device.
                            // There seems to be an issue in wisptis where different tablet IDs get
                            // duplicate Stylus Ids when installing the VHID test devices.
                            if (ex.Data.Contains("System.Windows.Input.StylusLogic"))
                                continue; // Just go to next without adding this one.
                                throw; // not an expected exception, rethrow it.
                    tablets[tabletsIndex] = tablet;


            if (unchangedTabletCount == _tablets.Length &&
                unchangedTabletCount == tabletsIndex &&
                tabletsIndex == count)
                // Keep the _tablet reference when nothing changes.
                // The reason is that if this method gets called from within
                // CreateContexts while looping on _tablets, it could result in
                // a null ref exception since the original _tablets array has
                // been purged to nulls.
                // NOTE: There is still the case of changing the ref (else case below)
                // when tablet devices actually change. But such a case is rare
                // (if not improbable) from within CreateContexts.
                Array.Copy(tablets, 0, _tablets, 0, count);
                _indexMouseTablet = indexMouseTablet;
                // See if we need to re alloc the array due to invalid tabletdevice being seen.
                if (tabletsIndex != count)
                    TabletDevice[] updatedTablets = new TabletDevice[tabletsIndex];
                    Array.Copy(tablets, 0, updatedTablets, 0, tabletsIndex);
                    tablets = updatedTablets;

                DisposeTablets();            // Clean up any non null TabletDevice entries on old array.
                _tablets          = tablets; // set updated tabletdevice array
                _indexMouseTablet = indexMouseTablet;

            // DevDiv:1078091
            // Any deferred tablet should be properly disposed of when applicable and
            // removed from the list of deferred tablets.
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy the TabletDevice objects in the collection to another array
 /// of TabletDevices.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="array">destination array</param>
 /// <param name="index">position in destination array to begin copying</param>
 public void CopyTo(TabletDevice[] array, int index)
     ((ICollection)this).CopyTo(array, index);
        void RemoveTablet(uint index)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(index < Count && Count > 0);
            TabletDevice removeTablet = _tablets[index];

            TabletDevice[] tablets = new TabletDevice[_tablets.Length - 1];

            uint preCopyCount = index;
            uint postCopyCount = (uint)_tablets.Length - index - 1;

            Array.Copy(_tablets, 0, tablets, 0, preCopyCount);
            Array.Copy(_tablets, index+1, tablets, index, postCopyCount);
            _tablets = tablets;

            // Make sure we release any references to a stylus device that may
            // have been removed
            if (Tablet.CurrentTabletDevice == removeTablet)
                StylusLogic.CurrentStylusLogic.SelectStylusDevice(null, null, true);
        void AddTablet(uint index, TabletDevice tabletDevice)
            Debug.Assert(index <= Count);
            Debug.Assert(tabletDevice.Type != (TabletDeviceType)(-1)); // make sure not the mouse tablet device!

            TabletDevice[] newTablets = new TabletDevice[Count + 1];

            uint preCopyCount = index;
            uint postCopyCount = (uint)_tablets.Length - index;

            Array.Copy(_tablets, 0, newTablets, 0, preCopyCount);
            newTablets[index] = tabletDevice;
            Array.Copy(_tablets, index, newTablets, index+1, postCopyCount);
            _tablets = newTablets;
        internal void UpdateTablets()
            if (_tablets == null)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("TabletDeviceCollection");
            // REENTRANCY NOTE: Let a PenThread do this work to avoid reentrancy!
            //                  On return you get entire list of tablet and info needed to
            //                  create all the tablet devices (and stylus device info gets 
            //                  cached too in penimc which avoids calls to wisptis.exe).

            // Use existing penthread if we have one otherwise grab an available one.
            PenThread penThread = _tablets.Length > 0 ? _tablets[0].PenThread :
            TabletDeviceInfo [] tabletdevices = penThread.WorkerGetTabletsInfo();

            // First find out the index of the mouse device (usually the first at index 0)
            uint indexMouseTablet = UInt32.MaxValue;
            for (uint i = 0; i < tabletdevices.Length; i++)
                // See if this is a bogus entry first.
                if (tabletdevices[i].PimcTablet == null) continue;
                // If it is the mouse tablet device we want to ignore it.
                if (tabletdevices[i].DeviceType == (TabletDeviceType)(-1))
                    indexMouseTablet = i;
                    tabletdevices[i].PimcTablet = null; // ignore this one!

            // Now figure out count of valid tablet devices left
            uint count = 0;
            for (uint k = 0; k < tabletdevices.Length; k++)
                if (tabletdevices[k].PimcTablet != null) count++;

            TabletDevice[] tablets = new TabletDevice[count];

            uint tabletsIndex = 0;
            uint unchangedTabletCount = 0;
            for (uint iTablet = 0; iTablet < tabletdevices.Length; iTablet++)
                if (tabletdevices[iTablet].PimcTablet == null)
                    continue; // Skip looking at this index (mouse and bogus tablets are ignored).
                int id = tabletdevices[iTablet].Id;
                // First see if same index has not changed (typical case)
                if (tabletsIndex < _tablets.Length && _tablets[tabletsIndex] != null && _tablets[tabletsIndex].Id == id)
                    tablets[tabletsIndex] = _tablets[tabletsIndex];
                    _tablets[tabletsIndex] = null; // clear to ignore on cleanup pass.
                    // Look up and see if we have this tabletdevice created already...
                    TabletDevice tablet = null;
                    for (uint i = 0; i < _tablets.Length; i++)
                        if (_tablets[i] != null && _tablets[i].Id == id)
                            tablet = _tablets[i];
                            _tablets[i] = null; // clear it so we don't dispose it.
                    // Not found so create it.
                    if (tablet == null)
                            tablet = new TabletDevice(tabletdevices[iTablet], penThread);
                        catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                            // This is caused by the Stylus ID not being unique when trying
                            // to register it in the StylusLogic.__stylusDeviceMap.  If we
                            // come across a dup then just ignore registering this tablet device.
                            // There seems to be an issue in wisptis where different tablet IDs get
                            // duplicate Stylus Ids when installing the VHID test devices.
                            if (ex.Data.Contains("System.Windows.Input.StylusLogic"))
                                continue; // Just go to next without adding this one.
                                throw; // not an expected exception, rethrow it.
                    tablets[tabletsIndex] = tablet;

            if (unchangedTabletCount == _tablets.Length &&
                unchangedTabletCount == tabletsIndex &&
                tabletsIndex == count)
                // Keep the _tablet reference when nothing changes.
                // The reason is that if this method gets called from within
                // CreateContexts while looping on _tablets, it could result in 
                // a null ref exception since the original _tablets array has
                // been purged to nulls.
                // NOTE: There is still the case of changing the ref (else case below)
                // when tablet devices actually change. But such a case is rare
                // (if not improbable) from within CreateContexts.
                Array.Copy(tablets, 0, _tablets, 0, count);
                _indexMouseTablet = indexMouseTablet;

                // See if we need to re alloc the array due to invalid tabletdevice being seen.
                if (tabletsIndex != count)
                    TabletDevice[] updatedTablets = new TabletDevice[tabletsIndex];
                    Array.Copy(tablets, 0, updatedTablets, 0, tabletsIndex);
                    tablets = updatedTablets;
                DisposeTablets(); // Clean up any non null TabletDevice entries on old array.
                _tablets = tablets; // set updated tabletdevice array
                _indexMouseTablet = indexMouseTablet;

 public void CopyTo(TabletDevice[] array, int index)

        internal Matrix GetTabletToViewTransform(TabletDevice tabletDevice)
            // NTRAID#Tablet_PC_Bug 26555-2004/11/3-xiaotu: Inking is offset under 120 DPI 
            // Changet the TabletToViewTransform matrix to take DPI into account. The default
            // value is 96 DPI in Avalon. The device DPI value is cached after the first call 
            // to this function. 

            Matrix matrix = _transformToDevice; 
            return matrix * tabletDevice.TabletToScreen;