void SettingsPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (!buffer.Dispatcher.CheckAccess()) { buffer.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new SettingsChangedDelegate(SettingsPropertyChanged), sender, new object[] { e }); return; } switch (e.PropertyName) { case "ShowInTaskbar": { this.ShowInTaskbar = Properties.Settings.Default.ShowInTaskbar; } break; //case "ToolbarVisibility": // { // this.Toolbar.Visibility = Properties.Settings.Default.ToolbarVisibility; // //switch (Properties.Settings.Default.ToolbarVisibility) // //{ // // case Visibility.Hidden: // // case Visibility.Collapsed: // // this.TryExtendFrameIntoClientArea(new Thickness(0.0)); // // break; // // case Visibility.Visible: // // this.TryExtendFrameIntoClientArea(new Thickness(0.0, Toolbar.ActualHeight, 0.0, 0.0)); // // break; // //} // } break; // TODO: let the new top-toolbars be hidden //case "StatusBar": // { // status.Visibility = Properties.Settings.Default.StatusBar ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; // } break; case "WindowHeight": { // do nothing, this setting is set when height changes, so we don't want to get into a loop. //this.Height = Properties.Settings.Default.WindowHeight; } break; case "WindowLeft": { this.Left = Properties.Settings.Default.WindowLeft; } break; case "WindowWidth": { // do nothing, this setting is set when width changes, so we don't want to get into a loop. //this.Width = Properties.Settings.Default.WindowWidth; } break; case "WindowTop": { this.Top = Properties.Settings.Default.WindowTop; } break; case "Animate": { // do nothing, this setting is checked for each animation. } break; case "AutoHide": { // do nothing, this setting is checked for each hide event. } break; case "SnapToScreenEdge": { // do nothing, this setting is checked for each move } break; case "SnapDistance": { // do nothing, this setting is checked for each move } break; case "AlwaysOnTop": { this.Topmost = Settings.Default.AlwaysOnTop; } break; case "Opacity": { this.Opacity = Settings.Default.Opacity; } break; case "WindowStyle": { //((IPSConsole)buffer).WriteWarningLine("Window Style change requires a restart to take effect"); //this.WindowStyle = Properties.Settings.Default.WindowStyle; //this.Hide(); //this.AllowsTransparency = (Properties.Settings.Default.WindowStyle == WindowStyle.None); //this.Show(); } break; //case "BorderColorTopLeft": // { // if (BorderBrush is LinearGradientBrush) // { // ((LinearGradientBrush)BorderBrush).GradientStops[0].Color = Properties.Settings.Default.BorderColorTopLeft; // } // } break; //case "BorderColorBottomRight": // { // if (BorderBrush is LinearGradientBrush) // { // ((LinearGradientBrush)BorderBrush).GradientStops[1].Color = Properties.Settings.Default.BorderColorBottomRight; // } // } break; //case "BorderThickness": // { // BorderThickness = Properties.Settings.Default.BorderThickness; // } break; case "FocusKeyGesture": case "FocusKey": { KeyBinding focusKey = null; foreach (var hk in _Hotkeys.Hotkeys) { if(hk.Command is GlobalCommands.ActivateCommand) { focusKey = hk; } } var kv = new KeyValueSerializer(); var km = new ModifierKeysValueSerializer(); KeyGesture newGesture = null; try { var modifiers = Settings.Default.FocusKey.Split(new[] {'+'}).ToList(); var character = modifiers.Last(); modifiers.Remove(character); newGesture = new KeyGesture((Key) kv.ConvertFromString(character, null), (ModifierKeys) km.ConvertFromString(string.Join("+", modifiers), null)); } catch (Exception) { if (focusKey != null) Settings.Default.FocusKey = focusKey.Modifiers.ToString().Replace(", ","+") + "+" + focusKey.Key; } if (focusKey != null && newGesture != null) { _Hotkeys.Hotkeys.Remove(focusKey); _Hotkeys.Hotkeys.Add(new KeyBinding(GlobalCommands.ActivateWindow, newGesture)); } } break; case "FontSize": { buffer.FontSize = Properties.Settings.Default.FontSize; } break; case "FontFamily": { buffer.FontFamily = Properties.Settings.Default.FontFamily; } break; default: break; } }
private void Window_KeyDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs e) { KeyValueSerializer keyValue = new KeyValueSerializer(); string sKey = keyValue.ConvertToString(e.Key, null); Int32 input; bool parseResult=Int32.TryParse(sKey,out input); if(parseResult && (input<=9 && input>=0)) { textBox.Text += sKey; CheckText(); } switch (e.Key) { case Key.Escape: Close(); break; case Key.OemPlus: calc.number1 = GetNumber(); mathOp = calc.Add; textBox.Text = "0"; break; case Key.OemMinus: calc.number1 = GetNumber(); mathOp = calc.Subtract; textBox.Text = "0"; break; case Key.OemQuestion: calc.number1 = GetNumber(); mathOp = calc.Multiply; textBox.Text = "0"; break; case Key.D7: if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LeftShift) || Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.RightShift)) { calc.number1 = GetNumber(); mathOp = calc.Divide; textBox.Text = "0"; } break; case Key.Enter: if (mathOp != null) { calc.number2 = GetNumber(); textBox.Text = mathOp().ToString(); } break; } }
void SettingsPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (!buffer.Dispatcher.CheckAccess()) { buffer.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new SettingsChangedDelegate(SettingsPropertyChanged), sender, new object[] { e }); return; } switch (e.PropertyName) { case "ShowInTaskbar": { ShowInTaskbar = Settings.Default.ShowInTaskbar; } break; case "WindowHeight": { // do nothing, this setting is set when height changes, so we don't want to get into a loop. this.Height = Properties.Settings.Default.WindowHeight; } break; case "WindowLeft": { Left = Settings.Default.WindowLeft; } break; case "WindowWidth": { // do nothing, this setting is set when width changes, so we don't want to get into a loop. this.Width = Properties.Settings.Default.WindowWidth; } break; case "WindowTop": { Top = Settings.Default.WindowTop; } break; case "Animate": { // do nothing, this setting is checked for each animation. } break; case "AutoHide": { // do nothing, this setting is checked for each hide event. } break; case "SnapToScreenEdge": { // do nothing, this setting is checked for each move } break; case "SnapDistance": { // do nothing, this setting is checked for each move } break; case "AlwaysOnTop": { Topmost = Settings.Default.AlwaysOnTop; } break; case "QuakeMode": { var snapTo = Interaction.GetBehaviors(this).OfType<SnapToBehavior>().Single(); snapTo.DockAgainst = Settings.Default.QuakeMode; } break; case "QuakeModeSize": { var snapTo = Interaction.GetBehaviors(this).OfType<SnapToBehavior>().Single(); if (snapTo.WindowState == AdvancedWindowState.DockedTop) { Height = Settings.Default.QuakeModeSize; } } break; case "Opacity": { // stop any animation before we try to apply the setting var op = new DoubleAnimation(Settings.Default.Opacity, new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5))); BeginAnimation(OpacityProperty, op); } break; case "FocusKeyGesture": case "FocusKey": { KeyBinding focusKey = null; foreach (var hk in _hotkeys.Hotkeys) { if (hk.Command is GlobalCommands.ActivateCommand) { focusKey = hk; } } var kv = new KeyValueSerializer(); var km = new ModifierKeysValueSerializer(); KeyGesture newGesture = null; try { var modifiers = Settings.Default.FocusKey.Split(new[] { '+' }).ToList(); var character = modifiers.Last(); modifiers.Remove(character); // ReSharper disable AssignNullToNotNullAttribute // ReSharper disable PossibleNullReferenceException newGesture = new KeyGesture((Key)kv.ConvertFromString(character, null), (ModifierKeys)km.ConvertFromString(string.Join("+", modifiers), null)); // ReSharper restore PossibleNullReferenceException // ReSharper restore AssignNullToNotNullAttribute } catch (Exception) { if (focusKey != null) Settings.Default.FocusKey = focusKey.Modifiers.ToString().Replace(", ", "+") + "+" + focusKey.Key; } if (focusKey != null && newGesture != null) { _hotkeys.Hotkeys.Remove(focusKey); _hotkeys.Hotkeys.Add(new KeyBinding(GlobalCommands.ActivateWindow, newGesture)); } } break; case "FontSize": { buffer.FontSize = Settings.Default.FontSize; } break; case "FontFamily": { // Fonts that are not embedded cannot be resolved from this base Uri // FontFamily = new FontFamily(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/PoshConsole;component/poshconsole.xaml"), Properties.Settings.Default.FontFamily.Source + ",/FontLibrary;Component/#Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,Global Monospace"); buffer.FontFamily = Settings.Default.FontFamily; } break; default: break; } Settings.Default.Save(); }