public static void Invoke( string AppSource ) { Console.WriteLine("enter TheServerWithAppWindow.Invoke"); if (!(Native.window.opener == null && Native.window.parent == Native.window.self)) { Console.WriteLine(", is that you?"); #region __WebBrowser.InitializeInternalElement __WebBrowser.InitializeInternalElement = that => { var webview = Native.document.createElement("webview"); // You do not have permission to use <webview> tag. Be sure to declare 'webview' permission in your manifest. webview.setAttribute("partition", "p1"); webview.setAttribute("allowtransparency", "true"); // wont work? // webview.setAttribute("allowfullscreen", "true"); = 0.0; // 2012 for web faults.. // 2012 for desktop faults.. // 2013 for web works. roslynctp 0.5 webview.addEventListener("loadstop", async e => { Console.WriteLine("loadstop"); // prevent showing white while loading... // IWindow contentWindow = (webview as dynamic).contentWindow; //!topic/chromium-apps/gOKDKDk99pQ // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\WebGL\WebGLTiltShift\WebGLTiltShift\Application.cs // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\ChromeWebviewFullscreen\ChromeWebviewFullscreen\Application.cs // this will break the async even for roslyn ctp 0.5 new { }.With( async delegate { retry: { Console.WriteLine("awaiting to go fullscreen"); await contentWindow.postMessageAsync("virtual webview.requestFullscreen"); Console.WriteLine("awaiting to go fullscreen. go!"); // this makes webview reload. thats bad. //that.FindForm().FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; //; //webview.requestFullscreen(); goto retry; } } ); await Task.Delay(100); // = IStyle.DisplayEnum.block; = 1.0; } ); #region permissionrequest // // permissionrequest // webview.addEventListener("permissionrequest", (e) => { // //% c9:176376ms permissionrequest { { permission = pointerLock } } //Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'allow' of undefined //< webview >: The permission request for "pointerLock" has been denied. // X:\jsc.internal.git\market\chrome\ChromeMyJscSolutionsNet\ChromeMyJscSolutionsNet\Application.cs // // // // // The permission request for "pointerLock" has been denied. // //;a=commitdiff;h=e1d226c0ea739adaed36cc4b617f7a387d44eca0 string permission = (e as dynamic).permission; xwebviewPointerLockPermissionRequest e_request = (e as dynamic).request; Console.WriteLine("permissionrequest " + new { permission, e, e_request }); //% c9:167409ms permissionrequest { { permission = pointerLock } } //Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'allow' of undefined e.preventDefault(); //9:122010ms permissionrequest { { permission = pointerLock, e = [object Event], e_request = [object Object] } } //9:122028ms delay permissionrequest { { permission = pointerLock, e = [object Event], delay_e_request = [object Object] } } //Uncaught Error: < webview >: Permission has already been decided for this "permissionrequest" event. //Expando. if (e_request != null) e_request.allow(); //Task.Delay(1).ContinueWith( // delegate //{ // xPointerLockPermissionRequest delay_e_request = (e as dynamic).request; // Console.WriteLine("delay permissionrequest " + new { permission, e, delay_e_request }); // if (delay_e_request != null) // delay_e_request.allow(); //} //); } ); #endregion that.InternalElement = (IHTMLIFrame)(object)webview; // src was not copied for some reason. force it. that.Size = that.Size; that.Refresh(); }; #endregion var css = Native.css[typeof(Form)][" .caption"]; ( as dynamic).webkitAppRegion = "drag"; // FormStyler.AtFormCreated = FormStylerLikeFloat.LikeFloat; // only if the host does alpha? var ShadowRightBottom = 8; #region Form var f = new Form { ShowIcon = false, Text = Native.document.title, //Text = Native.document.location.hash, StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual }; f.MoveTo(0, 0).SizeTo( Native.window.Width - ShadowRightBottom, Native.window.Height - ShadowRightBottom ); //f.Opacity = 0.5; f.Show(); #endregion var w = new WebBrowser { // this wont work? //Dock = DockStyle.Fill }.AttachTo(f); w.Navigate( Native.document.title ); f.FormClosing += (sender, e) => { // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\ChromeWebviewFullscreen\ChromeWebviewFullscreen\Application.cs if ( { e.Cancel = true;; return; } }; f.FormClosed += delegate { // close the appwindow // DWM animates the close. Native.window.close(); }; { var cs = f.ClientSize; w.SizeTo( cs.Width, cs.Height ); } f.SizeChanged += delegate { var cs = f.ClientSize; w.SizeTo( cs.Width, cs.Height ); Native.window.resizeTo( f.Width + ShadowRightBottom, f.Height + ShadowRightBottom ); }; Native.window.onresize += delegate { if ( { f.SizeGripStyle = SizeGripStyle.Hide; f.SizeTo( Native.window.Width, Native.window.Height ); return; } f.SizeGripStyle = SizeGripStyle.Auto; // outer frame is resized f.SizeTo( Native.window.Width - ShadowRightBottom, Native.window.Height - ShadowRightBottom ); }; return; } // looks like alpha is still not available for chrome, nor is it available if aero is disabled, red. // Unchecked runtime.lastError while running app.window.create: The alphaEnabled option requires dev channel or newer var alphaEnabled = true; //chrome.AppWindow Console.WriteLine("before invoke ChromeTCPServer.TheServer.InvokeAsync " + new { alphaEnabled }); ChromeTCPServer.TheServer.InvokeAsync(AppSource, async uri => { var o = new object(); var hidden = o == o; var alwaysOnTop = o == o; var options = new { //allow webkitAppRegion frame = "none", //hidden, alphaEnabled, alwaysOnTop }; // The URL used for window creation must be local for security reasons. Console.WriteLine("before app.window.create"); // 24950ms before app.window.create //view - source:51336 25004ms { { socketId = 21, port = 19866, xmessage = < string reason = "" c = "1" preview = "" n = "Audi Visualization" > Visit me at </ string > } } // view - source:51336 25045ms after app.window.create { { xappwindow = null } } var xappwindow = await Native.document.location.pathname, options ); Console.WriteLine("after app.window.create " + new { xappwindow }); // 20265ms after app.window.create {{ xappwindow = null }} // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\WebGL\ChromeAudi\Application.cs // why the ef is it null? if (xappwindow == null) return; //xappwindow.set // can we prevent the white page from appearing? await xappwindow.contentWindow.async.onload; //xappwindow.contentWindow.document.title = ""; xappwindow.contentWindow.document.title = uri; await Task.Delay(100); //await Task.Delay(200);; } ); }