public void SetText(string text) { if (IsDiff(_toolTipText, text)) { _toolTipText = text; if (_toolTipText == null) { _toolTip.RemoveAll(); } else if (_toolTipText.Length == 0) { _toolTip.RemoveAll(); } else { /* update the hover text and rearm the delay so we * hover as long as the API will allow */ _toolTip.SetToolTip(_control, _toolTipText); _toolTip.AutoPopDelay = 32767; } } else { /* nothing to do */ } }
private void button1_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e) { ToolTip tt = new ToolTip(); if (this.project.is_bid_added) { tt.SetToolTip(this.button1, "¬ы уже добавили ставку к этому проекту"); } else { tt.RemoveAll(); } }
public void RemoveToolTipTest () { ToolTip myToolTip = new ToolTip (); Button myButton = new Button (); myToolTip.ShowAlways = true; myToolTip.SetToolTip (myButton, "My Button"); myToolTip.RemoveAll (); Assert.AreEqual ("", myToolTip.GetToolTip (myButton), "#Mtd2"); }
void TemplateDocTemplate_DocAdded(Document doc) { TemplateDoc tmpd = (TemplateDoc)doc; tmpd.ModifiedChanged += new TemplateDoc.ModifiedChangedHandler(TemplateDoc_ModifiedChanged); tmpd.NameChanged += new TemplateDoc.NameChangedHandler(TemplateDoc_NameChanged); ComboItem ci = new ComboItem(tmpd); comboDocs.SelectedIndex = comboDocs.Items.Add(ci); Template[] atmpl = tmpd.GetTemplates(); ArrayList alsNames = new ArrayList(); foreach (Template tmpl in atmpl) { alsNames.Add(tmpl.Name); } toolTip.RemoveAll(); TemplateDocTemplate_TemplatesAdded(tmpd, (string[])alsNames.ToArray(typeof(string))); }
/// <summary> /// Clears all errors /// </summary> public void ClearErrors() { foreach (KeyValuePair <Control, Color> pair in _originalColors) { pair.Key.BackColor = pair.Value; } _errorTexts.Clear(); _toolTip.RemoveAll(); _erroredControls.Clear(); }
private void FillDescription() { if (editorID.Text != string.Empty) { labelDescription.Text = GetDescription(editorID.Text); SetToolTip(GetToolTipString()); } else { toolTip.RemoveAll(); } }
private void FillDescription() { if (editorID.Text != string.Empty) { //if(_description == null ) _description = GetDescription(editorID.Text); labelDescription.Text = _description; if (_description == "") { editorID.Text = ""; //Nuevo German 01/09/2005 ********************************************* _selectedItems.Clear(); _selectedRow = null; //********************************************************************* } else { SetToolTip(GetToolTipString()); } } else { toolTip.RemoveAll(); labelDescription.Text = ""; //Nuevo German 01/09/2005 ********************************************* _selectedItems.Clear(); _selectedRow = null; //********************************************************************* } if (ValueChanged != null) { ValueChanged(this, new System.EventArgs()); } if (DataValueChanged != null) { DataValueChanged(this, new EventArgs()); } }
private void buttonStart_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { TurnOffAllMouseHandle(); toolTip1.RemoveAll(); if (((Button)sender).Text == "Start") { buttonPause.Text = "Pause"; buttonPause.Enabled = true; buttonStart.Text = "Stop"; timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick); timer.Start(); } else if (((Button)sender).Text == "Stop") { buttonPause.Text = "Pause"; buttonPause.Enabled = true; buttonStart.Text = "Reset"; timer.Tick -= new EventHandler(timer_Tick); } else if (((Button)sender).Text == "Reset") { string aboutballs = "Press left button and hold it to moving the ball." + "\r\n" + "Press right button to changing the ball's properties."; toolTip1.SetToolTip(pictureBox1, aboutballs); buttonPause.Text = "Pause"; buttonPause.Enabled = false; buttonStart.Text = "Start"; for (int i = 0; i < balls.Length; i++) { if (tempBalls[i] != null) { balls[i] = new Ball(tempBalls[i].X, tempBalls[i].Y, tempBalls[i].Radius, tempBalls[i].Theta, tempBalls[i].V, tempBalls[i].MueG, tempBalls[i].Color, tempBalls[i].GetSetTable); } } TurnOnAllMouseHandle(); } pictureBox1.Invalidate(); }
private void linkLblFromUrl_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!controlToolTip && toolTipFromUrl != null && toolTipFromUrl.GetHandleCreated()) { toolTipFromUrl.RemoveAll(); IntSecurity.AllWindows.Assert(); try { toolTipFromUrl.Hide(this); } finally { System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.RevertAssert(); } } }
public LabelTextBox() { textToolTip.IsBalloon = true; textToolTip.ShowAlways = true; this.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(LabelTextBox_MouseDown); this.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(LabelTextBox_MouseLeave); this.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(LabelTextBox_KeyDown); this.KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler(LabelTextBox_KeyUp); this.Leave += new EventHandler(LabelTextBox_Leave); this.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(LabelTextBox_KeyPress); if (lblText != string.Empty) { this.ForeColor = lblColor; this.Text = lblText; } textToolTip.RemoveAll(); textToolTip.SetToolTip(this, lblText); }
public static void tooltip_graph_display(System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip t, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e, Chart c, System.Drawing.Point?p) { t.RemoveAll(); System.Drawing.Point pos = e.Location; if (p.HasValue && pos == p.Value) { return; } System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.HitTestResult[] results = new System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.HitTestResult[4]; try { results = c.HitTest(pos.X, pos.Y, false, ChartElementType.DataPoint); foreach (System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.HitTestResult result in results) { if (result.ChartElementType == ChartElementType.DataPoint) { DataPoint prop = result.Object as DataPoint; if (prop != null) { double pointXPixel = result.ChartArea.AxisX.ValueToPixelPosition(prop.XValue); double pointYPixel = result.ChartArea.AxisY.ValueToPixelPosition(prop.YValues[0]); // check if the cursor is really close to the point (2 pixels around the point) if (Math.Abs(pos.X - pointXPixel) < 2) //&& Math.Abs(pos.Y - pointYPixel) < 2) { t.Show("X=" + prop.XValue + ", Y=" + prop.YValues[0], c, pos.X, pos.Y - 15); } } } } } catch { } }
private void removeExpenseCategoryToolTip(ToolTip expenseCategoriesTip, TextBox autoText) { expenseCategoriesTip.RemoveAll(); //Creates a blank autocomplete collection autoText.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest; autoText.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; AutoCompleteStringCollection dataCollection = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); //Associates it with the textbox to remove any autocorrect fields autoCompleteItems(dataCollection, false); autoText.AutoCompleteCustomSource = dataCollection; }
public void Initialize() { this.ClientSize = new Size(600, 600); this.MinimumSize = new Size(600, 530); this.BackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke; this.Text = null; ResourceManager resourcemanager = new ResourceManager("MyMap.Properties.Resources" , Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); this.Icon = (Icon)resourcemanager.GetObject("F_icon"); MainFormText(); //this.DoubleBuffered = true; // Hide the form so it seems like it closes faster this.Closing += (sender, e) => { this.Hide(); }; // Sends the scroll event to the map. this.MouseWheel += (object o, MouseEventArgs mea) => { map.OnMouseScroll(o, new MouseEventArgs(mea.Button, mea.Clicks, mea.X - map.Location.X, mea.Y - map.Location.Y, mea.Delta)); }; #region UI Elements StreetSelectBox fromBox, toBox, viaBox; Label fromLabel, toLabel, viaLabel, checkLabel; MapDragButton startButton, endButton, viaButton, myBike, myCar; GroupBox radioBox; RadioButton fastButton, shortButton; ToolTip toolTipStart = new ToolTip(), toolTipEnd = new ToolTip(), toolTipVia = new ToolTip(), toolTipBike = new ToolTip(), toolTipCar = new ToolTip(), toolTipCheckBike = new ToolTip(), toolTipCheckCar = new ToolTip(), toolTipCheckPT = new ToolTip(), toolTipStartBox = new ToolTip(), toolTipViaBox = new ToolTip(), toolTipEndBox = new ToolTip(); map = new MapDisplay(10, 110, this.ClientSize.Width - 20, this.ClientSize.Height - 120, loadingThread); map.Anchor = (AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom); this.Controls.Add(map); fromLabel = new Label(); toLabel = new Label(); viaLabel = new Label(); ptCheck = new CheckBox(); carCheck = new CheckBox(); bikeCheck = new CheckBox(); checkLabel = new Label(); radioBox = new GroupBox(); fastButton = new RadioButton(); shortButton = new RadioButton(); startButton = new MapDragButton(map, (Bitmap)resourcemanager.GetObject("start"), ButtonMode.From, this, true); endButton = new MapDragButton(map, (Bitmap)resourcemanager.GetObject("end"), ButtonMode.To, this, true); viaButton = new MapDragButton(map, (Bitmap)resourcemanager.GetObject("via"), ButtonMode.Via, this, false); myBike = new MapDragButton(map, (Bitmap)resourcemanager.GetObject("bike"), ButtonMode.NewBike, this, false); myCar = new MapDragButton(map, (Bitmap)resourcemanager.GetObject("car"), ButtonMode.NewCar, this, false); fromBox = new StreetSelectBox(map, loadingThread, IconType.Start, startButton, this); toBox = new StreetSelectBox(map, loadingThread, IconType.End, endButton, this); viaBox = new StreetSelectBox(map, loadingThread, IconType.Via, viaButton, this); fromBox.Location = new Point(100, 8); fromBox.Size = new Size(200, 30); toolTipStartBox.SetToolTip(fromBox, "Search for streets, press Enter to place from icon."); this.Controls.Add(fromBox); viaBox.Location = new Point(100, 38); viaBox.Size = new Size(200, 30); toolTipStartBox.SetToolTip(fromBox, "Search for streets, press Enter to place via icon."); this.Controls.Add(viaBox); toBox.Location = new Point(100, 68); toBox.Size = new Size(200, 30); toolTipStartBox.SetToolTip(fromBox, "Search for streets, press Enter to place to icon."); this.Controls.Add(toBox); fromLabel.Text = "From:"; fromLabel.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10); fromLabel.Location = new Point(10, 8); fromLabel.Size = new Size(45, 20); this.Controls.Add(fromLabel); viaLabel.Text = "Via:"; viaLabel.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10); viaLabel.Location = new Point(10, 38); viaLabel.Size = new Size(45, 20); this.Controls.Add(viaLabel); toLabel.Text = "To:"; toLabel.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10); toLabel.Location = new Point(10, 68); toLabel.Size = new Size(45, 20); this.Controls.Add(toLabel); startButton.Location = new Point(55, 3); startButton.Size = new Size(40, 32); //startButton.Click += (object o, EventArgs ea) => { map.BMode = ButtonMode.From; }; startButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; startButton.BackgroundImage = (Bitmap)resourcemanager.GetObject("start"); startButton.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = backColor; startButton.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = backColor; startButton.FlatAppearance.MouseDownBackColor = backColor; toolTipStart.SetToolTip(startButton, "Drag icon to map to set your start location"); this.Controls.Add(startButton); viaButton.Location = new Point(55, 33); viaButton.Size = new Size(40, 32); //viaButton.Click += (object o, EventArgs ea) => { map.BMode = ButtonMode.Via; }; viaButton.BackgroundImage = (Bitmap)resourcemanager.GetObject("via"); viaButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; viaButton.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = backColor; viaButton.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = backColor; viaButton.FlatAppearance.MouseDownBackColor = backColor; toolTipVia.SetToolTip(viaButton, "Drag icon to map to add a through location"); this.Controls.Add(viaButton); endButton.Location = new Point(55, 63); endButton.Size = new Size(40, 32); //endButton.Click += (object o, EventArgs ea) => { map.BMode = ButtonMode.To;}; endButton.BackgroundImage = (Bitmap)resourcemanager.GetObject("end"); endButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; endButton.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = backColor; endButton.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = backColor; endButton.FlatAppearance.MouseDownBackColor = backColor; toolTipEnd.SetToolTip(endButton, "Drag icon to map to set your end location"); this.Controls.Add(endButton); checkLabel.Location = new Point(309, 8); checkLabel.Text = "Enable/Disable"; checkLabel.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10); checkLabel.Size = new Size(130, 20); this.Controls.Add(checkLabel); bikeCheck.Location = new Point(309, 29); bikeCheck.Size = new Size(34, 34); bikeCheck.Appearance = Appearance.Button; bikeCheck.BackgroundImage = (Bitmap)resourcemanager.GetObject("bike_check"); bikeCheck.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; bikeCheck.FlatAppearance.CheckedBackColor = Color.FromArgb(224, 224, 224); bikeCheck.Checked = true; bikeCheck.FlatAppearance.CheckedBackColor = Color.LightGreen; bikeCheck.BackColor = Color.Red; bikeCheck.CheckedChanged += (object o, EventArgs ea) => { map.UpdateRoute(); }; toolTipCheckBike.SetToolTip(bikeCheck, "Disable Bicycles"); bikeCheck.CheckedChanged += (object o, EventArgs ea) => { toolTipCheckBike.RemoveAll(); if (bikeCheck.Checked) toolTipCheckBike.SetToolTip(bikeCheck, "Disable Bicycles"); else toolTipCheckBike.SetToolTip(bikeCheck, "Enable Bicycles"); }; this.Controls.Add(bikeCheck); carCheck.Location = new Point(354, 29); carCheck.Size = new Size(34, 34); carCheck.Appearance = Appearance.Button; carCheck.BackgroundImage = (Bitmap)resourcemanager.GetObject("car_check"); carCheck.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; carCheck.FlatAppearance.CheckedBackColor = Color.FromArgb(224, 224, 224); carCheck.Checked = true; carCheck.FlatAppearance.CheckedBackColor = Color.LightGreen; carCheck.BackColor = Color.Red; carCheck.CheckedChanged += (object o, EventArgs ea) => { map.UpdateRoute(); }; toolTipCheckCar.SetToolTip(carCheck, "Disable Cars"); carCheck.CheckedChanged += (object o, EventArgs ea) => { toolTipCheckCar.RemoveAll(); if (carCheck.Checked) toolTipCheckCar.SetToolTip(carCheck, "Disable Cars"); else toolTipCheckCar.SetToolTip(carCheck, "Enable Cars"); }; this.Controls.Add(carCheck); ptCheck.Location = new Point(399, 29); ptCheck.Size = new Size(34, 34); ptCheck.Appearance = Appearance.Button; ptCheck.BackgroundImage = (Bitmap)resourcemanager.GetObject("ov"); ptCheck.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; ptCheck.FlatAppearance.CheckedBackColor = Color.FromArgb(224, 224, 224); ptCheck.Checked = true; ptCheck.FlatAppearance.CheckedBackColor = Color.LightGreen; ptCheck.BackColor = Color.Red; ptCheck.CheckedChanged += (object o, EventArgs ea) => { map.UpdateRoute(); }; toolTipCheckPT.SetToolTip(ptCheck, "Disable Public Transport"); ptCheck.CheckedChanged += (object o, EventArgs ea) => { toolTipCheckPT.RemoveAll(); if (ptCheck.Checked) toolTipCheckPT.SetToolTip(ptCheck, "Disable Public Transport"); else toolTipCheckPT.SetToolTip(ptCheck, "Enable Public Transport"); }; this.Controls.Add(ptCheck); myBike.Location = new Point(310, 74); myBike.Size = new Size(32, 32); myBike.BackgroundImage = (Bitmap)resourcemanager.GetObject("bike"); myBike.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; myBike.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = backColor; myBike.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = backColor; myBike.FlatAppearance.MouseDownBackColor = backColor; myBike.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0; toolTipBike.SetToolTip(myBike, "Drag icon to map to place a personal bycicle"); this.Controls.Add(myBike); myCar.Location = new Point(355, 74); myCar.Size = new Size(32, 32); myCar.BackgroundImage = (Bitmap)resourcemanager.GetObject("car"); myCar.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; myCar.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = backColor; myCar.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = backColor; myCar.FlatAppearance.MouseDownBackColor = backColor; myCar.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0; toolTipCar.SetToolTip(myCar, "Drag icon to map to place a personal car"); this.Controls.Add(myCar); radioBox.Location = new Point(445, 8); radioBox.Size = new Size(80, 65); radioBox.Text = "Route Options"; fastButton.Location = new Point(450, 23); fastButton.Size = new Size(67, 17); fastButton.Text = "Fastest"; fastButton.Checked = true; fastButton.CheckedChanged += (object o, EventArgs ea) => { if (fastButton.Checked) { map.RouteMode = RouteMode.Fastest; } }; this.Controls.Add(fastButton); shortButton.Location = new Point(450, 48); shortButton.Size = new Size(67, 17); shortButton.Text = "Shortest"; shortButton.CheckedChanged += (object o, EventArgs ea) => { if (shortButton.Checked) { map.RouteMode = RouteMode.Shortest; } }; this.Controls.Add(shortButton); this.Controls.Add(radioBox); System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); timer.Interval = 10; timer.Tick += (object o, EventArgs ea) => { if (loadingThread.Graph != null && User != -1) { GraphLoaded(loadingThread.Graph, new EventArgs()); timer.Dispose(); } }; timer.Start(); this.GraphLoaded += (object o, EventArgs ea) => { Addvehicle(); this.Save(); }; #endregion }
private void ClearErrorProvider(ErrorProvider activeErrorProvider, ToolTip activeToolTip) { activeErrorProvider.Clear(); activeToolTip.RemoveAll(); }
public static void Clear(ToolTip tp) { tp.RemoveAll(); }
public void toolTipReset(ToolTip tt) { tt.RemoveAll(); }
/// <summary> /// 通用右键 离开事件 /// </summary> /// <param name="p_objSender"></param> /// <param name="p_objArg"></param> private void m_mthHandleMouseLeaveControl(object p_objSender, EventArgs p_objArg) #endregion { m_ttpTextInfo.RemoveAll(); }
private void HideErrorBalloon(ToolTip toolTip, Label inputLabel) { toolTip.RemoveAll(); toolTip.Hide(this); inputLabel.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; }
//Pre: The DGV Control showing event arg. Provides access to the current textbox in the dgv expenses. //Post: Fills expense categorization textbox with autocomplete values. //Description: If the current textbox is in the fifth (exp. categorization) column, fills it up with autcomplete values. public void displayExpenseCategorizationInfo(DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs e) { //Creates a tool tip to allow the user to see all category options. ToolTip expenseCategoriesTip = new ToolTip(); //Casts the event args as a textbox. TextBox autoText = e.Control as TextBox; //Removes all existing tool tips. expenseCategoriesTip.RemoveAll(); //Ensures the box isn't null if (autoText != null) { associateToolTips(expenseCategoriesTip, autoText); } }