public DynamicMenu(ToolStripItemCollection tsicHost) { Debug.Assert(tsicHost != null); if(tsicHost == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("tsicHost"); m_tsicHost = tsicHost; }
/// <summary> /// Recherche une suite de séparateurs consécutifs /// </summary> /// <param name="items">collection d'éléments de menus où s'effectue la recherche</param> /// <param name="from">index du premier élément à considérer</param> /// <param name="start">index du premier séparateur de la suite</param> /// <param name="end">index du dernier séparateur de la suite</param> /// <returns>true si au moins un séparateur a été trouvé</returns> private static bool DoHasSeparators( ToolStripItemCollection items, int from, ref int start, ref int end ) { start = from; end = start - 1; bool found = false; // rechercher le premier séparateur for (int ix = from ; ix < items.Count ; ix++) { if (!(items[ ix ] is ToolStripSeparator)) continue; start = ix; found = true; break; } // pas de séparateur trouvé if (!found) return false; // rechercher le dernier séparateur de la suite end = start; for (int ix = start + 1 ; ix < items.Count ; ix++) { if (!(items[ ix ] is ToolStripSeparator)) break; end = ix; } return true; }
public void Initialize(IMyGenerationMDI mdi, ToolStripItemCollection menuItems) { this.scintilla.AddShortcuts(menuItems); this._fileId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); _mdi = mdi; RefreshConnectionInfo(); }
// Constructor required by plugins public DynamicMenu(ToolStripDropDownItem tsmiHost) { Debug.Assert(tsmiHost != null); if(tsmiHost == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("tsmiHost"); m_tsicHost = tsmiHost.DropDownItems; }
/// <summary> /// Assert that the strip has no menu item with the specified text. /// </summary> /// <param name="items"></param> /// <param name="text"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static void AssertHasNoMenuWithText(ToolStripItemCollection items, string text) { if (items.Cast<ToolStripItem>().Any(item => item is ToolStripMenuItem && (item as ToolStripMenuItem).Text == text)) { Assert.Fail("item " + text + " was unexpectedly found in a context menu"); } }
private static void PopulateItems(ToolStripItemCollection items, IEnumerable<CommandMenuGroup> groups, CommandRegistry registry) { List<CommandMenuGroup> groupList = groups as List<CommandMenuGroup>; if (groupList == null) groupList = new List<CommandMenuGroup>(groups); foreach (CommandMenuGroup group in groupList) { if (group != groupList[0]) items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); foreach (CommandMenuEntry entry in group) { if (entry.SubMenu != null) items.Add(BuildToolStripMenu(entry.SubMenu, registry)); else { CommandRecord record = registry.Lookup(entry.Key); if (record != null) { ToolStripMenuItem menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem() { Tag = new CommandMenuTag(entry.Key, entry.Param), Text = record.DisplayName, Image = record.Image, ShortcutKeys = record.Shortcut, ShortcutKeyDisplayString = record.ShortcutDisplay, ToolTipText = record.Description, }; if (entry.Default) menuItem.Font = new Font(menuItem.Font, menuItem.Font.Style | FontStyle.Bold); items.Add(menuItem); } } } } }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void SetToolStripState(ToolStripItemCollection Items) { foreach(ToolStripItem Item in Items) { string ActName = Item.Tag as string; if (ActName != null) { Action.State St = ActContext.GetState(ActName); Item.Enabled = ((St & Action.State.Disabled) != Action.State.Disabled); Item.Visible = ((St & Action.State.Hidden) != Action.State.Hidden); if (Item is ToolStripButton) ((ToolStripButton)Item).Checked = ((St & Action.State.Checked) == Action.State.Checked); else if (Item is ToolStripMenuItem) ((ToolStripMenuItem)Item).Checked = ((St & Action.State.Checked) == Action.State.Checked); } if(Item is ToolStripDropDownItem) { SetToolStripState(((ToolStripDropDownItem)Item).DropDownItems); } } }
private static void FillMenuItems(List<MySQL.Base.MenuItem> itemsBE, ToolStripItemCollection itemsFE) { foreach (MySQL.Base.MenuItem itemBE in itemsBE) { switch (itemBE.get_type()) { case MySQL.Base.MenuItemType.MenuSeparator: { itemsFE.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); } break; default: { ToolStripMenuItem itemFE = new ToolStripMenuItem(); itemFE.Tag = itemBE.get_name(); itemFE.Text = itemBE.get_caption(); itemFE.Enabled = itemBE.get_enabled(); if (MySQL.Base.MenuItemType.MenuCascade == itemBE.get_type()) { FillMenuItems(itemBE.get_subitems(), itemFE.DropDownItems); } else { itemFE.Click += new EventHandler(OnMenuItemClick); } itemsFE.Add(itemFE); } break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Read a streams file adding submenus and items to a context menu. /// </summary> /// <param name="filepath">Path to the streams file to read lines from.</param> /// <param name="menu">Target context menu.</param> /// <param name="onClick">Click event to attach to menu items.</param> public void Read(String filepath, ContextMenuStrip menu, EventHandler onClick) { this.filepath = filepath; = menu; this.onClick = onClick; try { // start at the menu root: currentMenuItemCollection = menu.Items; foreach (String line in File.ReadLines(filepath)) { currentLineNumber++; currentLine = line; ReadLine(line); } // add pending items for the last submenu: AddCurrentMenuItems(); } finally { ResetState(); } }
public ToolController(ToolStripItemCollection collection, Viewport viewport, Project project) { Tools = collection; Viewport = viewport; Viewport.Input.MouseClick += ViewportClick; Project = project; }
public static void BuildMenu(ToolStripItemCollection items, IEnumerable<IEditorScript> scripts, Action<IEditorScript> callback) { foreach (var script in scripts) { if (script.Name.StartsWith("----")) { items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); } else if (script.Children.Any()) { var item = new ToolStripMenuItem(script.Name); BuildMenu(item.DropDownItems, script.Children, callback); items.Add(item); } else { items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem(script.Name, null, (s, ev) => { var query = script.Script; // Trigger execution if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query)) { callback(script); } })); } } }
private static int BuildMenuContentsForGroup(int index, ICommandTarget target, ToolStripItemCollection children, IPoderosaMenuGroup grp) { int count = 0; foreach (IPoderosaMenu m in grp.ChildMenus) { ToolStripMenuItem mi = new ToolStripMenuItem(); children.Insert(index++, mi); //途中挿入のことも mi.DropDownOpening += new EventHandler(OnPopupMenu); mi.Enabled = m.IsEnabled(target); mi.Checked = mi.Enabled ? m.IsChecked(target) : false; mi.Text = m.Text; //Enabledを先に mi.Tag = new MenuItemTag(grp, m, target); IPoderosaMenuFolder folder; IPoderosaMenuItem leaf; if ((folder = m as IPoderosaMenuFolder) != null) { BuildMenuContents(mi, folder); } else if ((leaf = m as IPoderosaMenuItem) != null) { mi.Click += new EventHandler(OnClickMenu); IGeneralCommand gc = leaf.AssociatedCommand as IGeneralCommand; if (gc != null) mi.ShortcutKeyDisplayString = WinFormsUtil.FormatShortcut(CommandManagerPlugin.Instance.CurrentKeyBinds.GetKey(gc)); } count++; } return count; }
public static void BuildMenu(ToolStripItemCollection items, IEnumerable<IEditorScript> scripts, Func<IEditorScript, Task> callback) { foreach (var script in scripts) { if (script.Name.StartsWith("----")) { items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); } else if (script.Children.Any()) { var item = new ToolStripMenuItem(script.Name); BuildMenu(item.DropDownItems, script.Children, callback); items.Add(item); } else { items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem(script.Name, null, async (s, ev) => { var text = await script.GetScript(); // Trigger execution if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { await callback(script); } })); } } }
public void AddMenuItem(ToolStripItemCollection collection, int index, String fileName, EventHandler handler) { ToolStripMenuItem item = new ToolStripMenuItem (); item.Text = fileName; item.Click += new EventHandler (handler); collection.Insert (index, item); }
public void GetPluginMenuItems(System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemCollection menu) { ICollection <System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem> _items = new List <System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem>(); Server.GetPluginMenuItems(_items); menu.AddRange(_items.ToArray <ToolStripItem>()); }
private static void CreateButton(ToolStripItemCollection items, string title, EventHandler handler, Workitem item) { var button = new ToolStripMenuItem(title, null, handler); items.Add(button); button.Tag = item; }
internal void WireItems(ToolStripItemCollection collection) { foreach (System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem item in collection) { ItemAdded(null, new ToolStripItemEventArgs(item)); } }
internal static void UpdateControlsForLanguage(ToolStripItemCollection toolStripItems) { foreach (ToolStripItem i in toolStripItems) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Lang.ResourceManager.GetString(i.Name, Lang.Culture))) i.Text = Lang.ResourceManager.GetString(i.Name, Lang.Culture); } }
protected ToolStripDropDownItem() : base() { _dropDownItems = new ToolStripItemCollection(Parent, null); ArrowColor = Color.Black; ArrowImage = ApplicationBehaviour.Resources.Images.DropDownRightArrow; }
private void AssignPayPalMenuItems(ToolStripItemCollection dropDownItems) { dropDownItems.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] { donateInUSDollarsToolStripMenuItem, donateInEuroToolStripMenuItem, donateInGBPToolStripMenuItem }); }
public static void ApplyResources(this ComponentResourceManager rm, ToolStripItemCollection items) { foreach (ToolStripItem item in items) { rm.ApplyResources(item, item.Name); if (item is ToolStripMenuItem) ApplyResources(rm, (item as ToolStripMenuItem).DropDownItems); } }
public static void Sort(ToolStripItemCollection collection, IComparer comparer) { ArrayList items = new ArrayList(collection); items.Sort(comparer); collection.Clear(); foreach (object itm in items) collection.Add(itm as ToolStripItem); }
public void ApplyTo(ToolStripItemCollection tsic) { if(tsic == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("tsic"); Dictionary<string, string> dict = this.ToDictionary(); if(dict.Count == 0) return; this.ApplyTo(tsic, dict); }
public HistoryMenu(TSItems root, string text) { this.root = root; root.AddRange(new TSItem[] { index = new TSLabel(text), clearMenu = new TSMenuItem(Language.ClearHistory, null, HandleClearClick) { Enabled = false, }, }); }
public ToolStrip() { _items = new ToolStripItemCollection(this, null); p_args = new PaintEventArgs(); BackColor = Color.FromArgb(246, 246, 246); BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(204, 206, 219); Orientation = Forms.Orientation.Vertical; Owner.UpClick += Application_UpClick; }
public ToolStrip(ToolStripItem[] items) { _items = new ToolStripItemCollection(this, items); _items.AddRange(items); BackColor = Color.FromArgb(246, 246, 246); BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(204, 206, 219); Orientation = Forms.Orientation.Vertical; Owner.UpClick += Application_UpClick; }
private bool findItem(ToolStripMenuItem item, ToolStripItemCollection items) { foreach (ToolStripItem i in items) if (i == item) return true; else if (i is ToolStripMenuItem) { ToolStripMenuItem mi = i as ToolStripMenuItem; if (mi.DropDown.Items.Count > 0 && findItem(item, mi.DropDown.Items)) return true; } return false; }
ToolStripMenuItem GetNamedChild(ToolStripItemCollection container, string name) { foreach (ToolStripMenuItem item in container) if (name == item.Text) return item as ToolStripMenuItem; ToolStripMenuItem newItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(name); container.Add(newItem); return newItem; }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void AddToolStrip(ActionStripItem Root, ToolStripItemCollection Items, bool AsMenu) { foreach(ManagedToolStrip Strip in ManagedStrips) { if(Strip.Items==Items) { ManagedStrips.Remove(Strip); break; } } ManagedStrips.Add(new ManagedToolStrip(Root, Items, AsMenu)); }
/// <summary> /// Builds ands returns a context menu for branches /// </summary> public ToolStripItemCollection GetContextMenu(ToolStrip owner) { ToolStripMenuItem mNew = new ToolStripMenuItem("New...", null, MenuNewRepoClick); ToolStripMenuItem mScan = new ToolStripMenuItem("Scan...", null, MenuScanRepoClick); ToolStripMenuItem mEdit = new ToolStripMenuItem("Edit...", null, MenuRepoEditClick); ToolStripMenuItem mDelete = new ToolStripMenuItem("Delete...", null, MenuDeleteRepoClick); ToolStripMenuItem mClone = new ToolStripMenuItem("Clone...", null, MenuNewRepoClick); ToolStripMenuItem mSwitchTo = new ToolStripMenuItem("Switch to...", null, ListReposDoubleClick); ToolStripMenuItem mSetDefault = new ToolStripMenuItem("Set Default to...", null, MenuSetDefaultRepoToClick); ToolStripMenuItem mCommand = new ToolStripMenuItem("Command Prompt...", null, MenuViewCommandClick); ToolStripMenuItem mRefresh = new ToolStripMenuItem("Refresh", null, MenuRefreshClick, Keys.F5); ToolStripItemCollection menu = new ToolStripItemCollection(owner, new ToolStripItem[] { mNew, mScan, mEdit, mDelete, mClone, new ToolStripSeparator(), mSwitchTo, mSetDefault, mCommand, new ToolStripSeparator(), mRefresh }); // Disable some menus depending on few rules ClassRepo repo = GetSelectedRepo(); if (repo == null) mEdit.Enabled = mDelete.Enabled = mClone.Enabled = mSwitchTo.Enabled = mSetDefault.Enabled = mCommand.Enabled = false; else { mNew.Tag = String.Empty; if (repo == App.Repos.Current) mSwitchTo.Enabled = false; if (repo == App.Repos.Default) mSetDefault.Enabled = false; } // We can delete a number of repos if (listRepos.SelectedIndices.Count > 1) { mDelete.Enabled = true; mCommand.Enabled = false; mClone.Enabled = false; } // Add the specific singular repo name if (listRepos.SelectedIndices.Count == 1) { string repoName = listRepos.SelectedItems[0].Text.Replace('\\', '/').Split('/').Last(); mSwitchTo.Text = "Switch to " + repoName; mSetDefault.Text = "Set Default to " + repoName; mClone.Tag = App.Repos.Repos[listRepos.SelectedIndices[0]]; } return menu; }
/// <summary> /// Fills items to the specified tool strip item collection /// </summary> public static void FillToolItems(ToolStripItemCollection items, XmlNode node) { switch (node.Name) { case "separator": items.Add(GetSeparator(node)); break; case "button": items.Add(GetButtonItem(node)); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Assert that the strip has a menu item with the specified text, and return the menu item. /// </summary> /// <param name="items">Collection of menu items</param> /// <param name="text">Menu item under test</param> /// <param name="cSubMenuItems">Number of submenu items under the item under test</param> /// <returns></returns> private static ToolStripMenuItem AssertHasMenuWithText(ToolStripItemCollection items, string text, int cSubMenuItems) { foreach (ToolStripItem item1 in items) { var item = item1 as ToolStripMenuItem; if (item == null || item.Text != text) continue; Assert.AreEqual(cSubMenuItems, item.DropDownItems.Count, "item " + text + " has wrong number of items"); return item; } Assert.Fail("menu should contain item " + text); return null; }
public static void Update(System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemCollection toolStripItemCollection, ToolStripItemCodonCollection codonCollection) { if (codonCollection == null || toolStripItemCollection == null) { Debug.Assert(false, "ToolStripItemCollection 或 CodonCollection为null"); return; } toolStripItemCollection.Clear(); foreach (IToolStripItemCodon codon in codonCollection) { toolStripItemCollection.Add((ToolStripItem)codon.View); } }
private void ResizeMenuStripItems(System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemCollection ctrl, double multiplyer) { if (ctrl.Count > 0) { foreach (ToolStripMenuItem control in ctrl) { control.AutoSize = false; if (control.DropDownItems.Count > 0) { ResizeMenuStripItems(control.DropDownItems, multiplyer); } control.Height = (int)(control.Height * multiplyer); } } }
public override void InitializeBackend(object frontend, ApplicationContext context) { base.InitializeBackend(frontend, context); Menu = new SWF.MenuStrip(); ItemsCollection = Menu.Items; _items.CollectionChanged += (sender, args) => { var backend = args.NewItems.Cast <MenuItemBackend> ().FirstOrDefault(); if (args.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add) { ItemsCollection.Insert(args.NewStartingIndex, backend.MenuItem); } if (args.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove) { ItemsCollection.Remove(backend.MenuItem); } }; }
internal AccessibleObject?GetChildFragment(int fragmentIndex, UiaCore.NavigateDirection direction, bool getOverflowItem = false) { if (fragmentIndex < 0) { return(null); } ToolStripItemCollection items = getOverflowItem ? _owningToolStrip.OverflowItems : _owningToolStrip.DisplayedItems; if (!getOverflowItem && _owningToolStrip.CanOverflow && _owningToolStrip.OverflowButton.Visible && fragmentIndex == items.Count - 1) { return(_owningToolStrip.OverflowButton.AccessibilityObject); } if (fragmentIndex < items.Count) { ToolStripItem item = items[fragmentIndex]; if (item.Available && item.Alignment == ToolStripItemAlignment.Left) { return(GetItemAccessibleObject(item)); } } List <ToolStripItem> orderedItems = new(); for (int i = 0, current = 0; i < _owningToolStrip.Items.Count; i++) { ToolStripItem item = _owningToolStrip.Items[i]; orderedItems.Insert(current, item); if (item.Alignment == ToolStripItemAlignment.Left) { current++; } } if (fragmentIndex < orderedItems.Count) { ToolStripItem item = orderedItems[fragmentIndex]; if (item.Available && item.Alignment == ToolStripItemAlignment.Right) { return(GetItemAccessibleObject(item)); } } return(null); AccessibleObject?GetItemAccessibleObject(ToolStripItem item) { if (item is ToolStripControlHost controlHostItem) { if (ShouldItemBeSkipped(controlHostItem.Control)) { return(GetFollowingChildFragment(fragmentIndex, items, direction)); } return(controlHostItem.ControlAccessibilityObject); } return(item.AccessibilityObject); } }
public ClipboardApplication() { clipboardNotifier.ClipboardChanged += HandleClipboard; if (settings.autoCleanInterval > 0) { cleanupTimer.Interval = settings.autoCleanInterval * 1000; } cleanupTimer.Tick += HandleCleanUpClicked; notifyIcon.DoubleClick += HandleCleanUpClicked; NumericUpDown intervalItemBox = new NumericUpDown { Minimum = 0, Maximum = int.MaxValue, Value = settings.autoCleanInterval, }; intervalItemBox.ValueChanged += HandleIntervalChange; NumericUpDown historyCountBox = new NumericUpDown { Minimum = 0, Maximum = int.MaxValue, Value = settings.maxHistoryObjects, }; historyCountBox.ValueChanged += HandleHistoryCountChange; TSItems children = notifyIcon.ContextMenuStrip.Items; children.AddRange(new TSItem[] { new TSLabel(string.Format(Language.Caption, Application.ProductName, Application.ProductVersion)), new TSSeparator(), new TSLabel(Language.ExistsDataCaption), dataDisplay, imageDataDisplay, new TSMenuItem(Language.ClearNow, null, HandleCleanUpClicked), new TSMenuItem(Language.Pin, null, HandlePinClick), new TSSeparator(), }); pinned = new HistoryMenu(children, Language.PinnedMenu); children.Add(new TSSeparator()); history = new HistoryMenu(children, Language.HistoryMenu) { removeOnUse = true }; children.AddRange(new TSItem[] { new TSSeparator(), new TSLabel(Language.AutoCleanAt), new ToolStripControlHost(intervalItemBox), new TSLabel(Language.EnableHistory), new ToolStripControlHost(historyCountBox), new TSMenuItem(Language.NotifyChanges, null, HandleNotifyToggle) { Checked = settings.notifyEnabled, }, new TSMenuItem(Language.RunAtStartup, null, RunAtStartupClick) { Checked = RunAtStartup }, new TSSeparator(), new TSMenuItem(Language.Exit, null, HandleExitClick), }); HandleClipboard(false, Clipboard.GetDataObject()); Application.ApplicationExit += HandleApplicationExit; }