public void Init(HashTableSettings gSettings, Ribbon mainRibbon) { ribbon = mainRibbon; devSettings = (bool)gSettings["DeveloperMode"]; appDir = Application.StartupPath + "\\"; globalSettings = gSettings; // load recent files if (File.Exists(appDir + "recentFiles.xml")) { recentFiles = RecentFiles.LoadFromFile(appDir + "recentFiles.xml"); recentFiles.ClearDeadEntires(); } else recentFiles = new RecentFiles(); RebuildRecentFilesMenu(); baseDir = /*(string)gSettings["Base.Path"];*/Path.GetFullPath(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[(devSettings ? "dev@" : "") + "Base.Path.Relative"].Replace("%STARTUP%", Application.StartupPath)); if (!Directory.Exists(baseDir)) throw new ApplicationException("Base directory does not exist! : " + baseDir); cdi = ICommonDeviceInterface.NewInterface((byte)globalSettings["CDI.Adapter"], baseDir); cdi.ResourceLoader.RegisterContentLoader(new LayerContentLoader()); cdi.ResourceLoader.RegisterContentLoader(new BooScriptContentLoader()); ShowHideGroups(false); }
internal RibbonDropDown( RibbonItem parentItem, IEnumerable<RibbonItem> items, Ribbon ownerRibbon) : this(parentItem, items, ownerRibbon, RibbonElementSizeMode.DropDown) { }
public RibbonTabGlyph(BehaviorService behaviorService, RibbonDesigner designer, Ribbon ribbon) : base(new RibbonTabGlyphBehavior(designer, ribbon)) { _behaviorService = behaviorService; _componentDesigner = designer; _ribbon = ribbon; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Sensor for specified objects /// </summary> /// <param name="control">Control to listen mouse events</param> /// <param name="ribbon">Ribbon that will be affected</param> /// <param name="tabs">Tabs that will be sensed</param> /// <param name="panels">Panels that will be sensed</param> /// <param name="items">Items that will be sensed</param> public RibbonMouseSensor(Control control, Ribbon ribbon, IEnumerable<RibbonTab> tabs, IEnumerable<RibbonPanel> panels, IEnumerable<RibbonItem> items) : this(control, ribbon) { if (tabs != null) Tabs.AddRange(tabs); if (panels != null) Panels.AddRange(panels); if (items != null) Items.AddRange(items); }
internal RibbonOrbDropDown(Ribbon ribbon) : base() { DoubleBuffered = true; _ribbon = ribbon; _menuItems = new RibbonItemCollection(); _recentItems = new RibbonItemCollection(); _optionItems = new RibbonItemCollection(); _menuItems.SetOwner(Ribbon); _recentItems.SetOwner(Ribbon); _optionItems.SetOwner(Ribbon); _optionsPadding = 6; Size = new System.Drawing.Size(527, 447); BorderRoundness = 8; AutoSizeContentButtons = DefaultAutoSizeContentButtons; ContentButtonsMinWidth = DefaultContentButtonsMinWidth; ContentRecentItemsMinWidth = DefaultContentRecentItemsMinWidth; //if (!(Site != null && Site.DesignMode)) //{ // _keyboardHook = new GlobalHook(GlobalHook.HookTypes.Keyboard); // _keyboardHook.KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler(_keyboardHook_KeyUp); //} }
public RibbonQuickAccessToolbarGlyph(BehaviorService behaviorService, RibbonDesigner designer, Ribbon ribbon) : base(new RibbonQuickAccessGlyphBehavior(designer, ribbon)) { _behaviorService = behaviorService; _componentDesigner = designer; _ribbon = ribbon; }
/// <summary> /// Find Ribbon Item /// </summary> /// <param name="ribbon">express Ribbon</param> /// <param name="ribbonTabText">express Ribbon Tab Text</param> /// <param name="ribbonItemName">express Ribbon Item Name</param> /// <returns>RibbonItem</returns> public static RibbonItem FindRibbonItem(Ribbon ribbon, string ribbonTabText, string ribbonItemName) { if (ribbon == null || ribbon.Tabs == null || ribbon.Tabs.Count.Equals(0) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ribbonTabText) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ribbonItemName)) { return null; } foreach (RibbonTab tab in ribbon.Tabs) { if (ribbonTabText.Trim().Equals(tab.Text.Trim())) { foreach (RibbonPanel panel in tab.Panels) { foreach (RibbonItem item in panel.Items) { if (ribbonItemName.Equals(item.Name)) { return item; } } } } } return null; }
public RibbonTextEventArgs(Ribbon owner, Graphics g, Rectangle clip, RibbonItem item, Rectangle bounds, string text, FontStyle style) : base(owner, g, clip, item, bounds) { Text = text; Style = style; Format = new StringFormat(); Color = Color.Empty; }
public RibbonTextEventArgs(Ribbon owner, Graphics g, Rectangle clip, RibbonItem item, Rectangle bounds, string text, StringFormat format) : base(owner, g, clip, item, bounds) { Text = text; Style = FontStyle.Regular; Format = format; Color = Color.Empty; }
public RibbonTextEventArgs(Ribbon owner, Graphics g, Rectangle clip, RibbonItem item, Rectangle bounds, string text, Color color, FontStyle style, StringFormat format) : base(owner, g, clip, item, bounds) { Text = text; Style = style; Format = format; Color = color; }
public RibbonToolTipRenderEventArgs(Ribbon owner, Graphics g, Rectangle clip, string Text, Image tipImage, Color color, FontStyle style, StringFormat format, Font font) : base(owner, g, clip) { _text = Text; _color = Color; _style = style; _format = format; _image = tipImage; _font = font; }
public RibbonCanvasEventArgs( Ribbon owner, Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, Control canvas, object relatedObject ) { Owner = owner; Graphics = g; Bounds = bounds; Canvas = canvas; RelatedObject = relatedObject; }
/// <summary> /// Find Ribbon Item /// </summary> /// <param name="ribbon">Ribbon</param> /// <param name="ribbonItemName">Ribbon Item Name</param> /// <returns>RibbonItem</returns> public static RibbonItem FindRibbonItem(Ribbon ribbon, string ribbonItemName) { if (ribbon == null || ((ribbon.Tabs == null || ribbon.Tabs.Count.Equals(0)) && (ribbon.QuickAcessToolbar == null || ribbon.QuickAcessToolbar.Items.Count.Equals(0)) && (ribbon.OrbDropDown == null || ribbon.OrbDropDown.MenuItems.Count.Equals(0))) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ribbonItemName)) { return null; } if (ribbon.OrbDropDown != null && ribbon.OrbDropDown.MenuItems != null) { foreach (RibbonItem item in ribbon.OrbDropDown.MenuItems) { if (ribbonItemName.Equals(item.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return item; } } } if (ribbon.QuickAcessToolbar != null && ribbon.QuickAcessToolbar.Items != null) { foreach (RibbonItem item in ribbon.QuickAcessToolbar.Items) { if (ribbonItemName.Equals(item.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return item; } } } foreach (RibbonTab tab in ribbon.Tabs) { foreach (RibbonPanel panel in tab.Panels) { foreach (RibbonItem item in panel.Items) { if (ribbonItemName.Equals(item.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return item; } } } } return null; }
public RibbonSensor(Control control, Ribbon ribbon, RibbonTab tabToSense) { _ribbon = ribbon; _control = control; _tab = tabToSense; _control.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(_control_MouseMove); _control.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(_control_MouseDown); _control.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(_control_MouseUp); _control.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(_control_MouseLeave); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Sensor for the specified RibbonTab /// </summary> /// <param name="control">Control to listen to mouse events</param> /// <param name="ribbon">Ribbon that will be affected</param> /// <param name="tab">Tab that will be sensed, from which all panels and items will be extracted to sensing also.</param> public RibbonMouseSensor(Control control, Ribbon ribbon, RibbonTab tab) : this(control, ribbon) { Tabs.Add(tab); Panels.AddRange(tab.Panels); foreach (RibbonPanel panel in tab.Panels) { Items.AddRange(panel.Items); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Empty Sensor /// </summary> /// <param name="control">Control to listen mouse events</param> /// <param name="ribbon">Ribbon that will be affected</param> public RibbonMouseSensor(Control control, Ribbon ribbon) : this() { if (control == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("control"); if (ribbon == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("ribbon"); _control = control; _ribbon = ribbon; AddHandlers(); }
public RibbonSensor(Control control, Ribbon ribbon, IEnumerable<RibbonItem> itemsToSense) { _ribbon = ribbon; _control = control; _itemsToSense = itemsToSense; SenseOnlyItems = true; _control.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(_control_MouseMove); _control.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(_control_MouseDown); _control.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(_control_MouseUp); _control.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(_control_MouseLeave); }
internal RibbonQuickAccessToolbar(Ribbon ownerRibbon) { if (ownerRibbon == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("ownerRibbon"); SetOwner(ownerRibbon); _dropDownButton = new RibbonButton(); _dropDownButton.SetOwner(ownerRibbon); _dropDownButton.SmallImage = CreateDropDownButtonImage(); _margin = new Padding(9); _padding = new Padding(3, 0, 0, 0); _items = new RibbonQuickAccessToolbarItemCollection(this); _sensor = new RibbonMouseSensor(ownerRibbon, ownerRibbon, Items); _DropDownButtonVisible = true; }
public static void AddRibbonButton(Ribbon ribbon, string tabText, string buttonName, string text, Image image, string tooltip, bool enable, bool isChecked, RibbonButtonAlignment alignment, EventHandler clickHandler) { if (ribbon == null) { return; } RibbonItem ribbonItem = null; if (RibbonModulePluginProvider.Ribbon_Separator.Equals(buttonName)) { ribbonItem = new RibbonSeparator(); } else { ribbonItem = new RibbonButton(); ribbonItem.Text = text; ribbonItem.Image = image; ribbonItem.ToolTip = tooltip; ribbonItem.Enabled = enable; ribbonItem.Checked = isChecked; ribbonItem.Click += new EventHandler(clickHandler); } ribbonItem.Name = buttonName; RibbonTab ribbonTab = RibbonHelper.FindRibbonTab(ribbon, tabText); if (ribbonTab == null) { return; } int panelIndex = alignment == RibbonButtonAlignment.Right ? 1 : 0; ribbonTab.Panels[panelIndex].Items.Add(ribbonItem); }
internal RibbonOrbDropDown(Ribbon ribbon) : base() { DoubleBuffered = true; _ribbon = ribbon; _menuItems = new RibbonItemCollection(); _recentItems = new RibbonItemCollection(); _optionItems = new RibbonItemCollection(); _menuItems.SetOwner(Ribbon); _recentItems.SetOwner(Ribbon); _optionItems.SetOwner(Ribbon); _optionsPadding = 6; Size = new System.Drawing.Size(527, 447); BorderRoundness = 8; }
internal RibbonDropDown(RibbonItem parentItem, IEnumerable<RibbonItem> items, Ribbon ownerRibbon, RibbonElementSizeMode measuringSize) : this() { _items = items; _ownerRibbon = ownerRibbon; _sizingGripHeight = 12; _parentItem = parentItem; _sensor = new RibbonMouseSensor(this, OwnerRibbon, items); _MeasuringSize = measuringSize; if (Items != null) foreach (RibbonItem item in Items) { item.SetSizeMode(RibbonElementSizeMode.DropDown); item.SetCanvas(this); } UpdateSize(); }
public MenuToolPanel(MainMDIForm parent) { mParent = parent; Text = "Menu"; mRibbon = new Ribbon(); mRibbon.Location = new Point(0, 0); mRibbon.Width = this.Width; mRibbon.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top; Controls.Add(mRibbon); InitRibbon(); InitShortcuts(); UpdateRecentPackFiles(); Height = mRibbon.Height; }
/// <summary> /// Creates an item of the specified type and adds it to the specified collection /// </summary> /// <param name="ribbon"></param> /// <param name="collection"></param> /// <param name="t"></param> protected virtual void CreateItem(Ribbon ribbon, RibbonItemCollection collection, Type t) { IDesignerHost host = GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost; if (host != null && collection != null && ribbon != null) { DesignerTransaction transaction = host.CreateTransaction("AddRibbonItem_" + Component.Site.Name); MemberDescriptor member = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Component)["Items"]; base.RaiseComponentChanging(member); RibbonItem item = host.CreateComponent(t) as RibbonItem; if (!(item is RibbonSeparator)) item.Text = item.Site.Name; collection.Add(item); ribbon.OnRegionsChanged(); base.RaiseComponentChanged(member, null, null); transaction.Commit(); } }
public static void AddRibbonButton(Ribbon ribbon, RibbonModulePluginItem modulePluginItem, EventHandler clickHandler) { if (ribbon == null || modulePluginItem == null) { return; } Image buttonImage = EAppRuntime.Instance.CurrentApp.ResourceManagers["Common"].GetImage(modulePluginItem.IconResourceName) ; AddRibbonButton(ribbon, modulePluginItem.Navigation.Text, modulePluginItem.Name, modulePluginItem.Text, buttonImage, modulePluginItem.Tooltip, modulePluginItem.Enabled, modulePluginItem.Checked, modulePluginItem.Alignment, clickHandler); }
/// <summary> /// When an item is removed from the RibbonItemCollection remove all its references. /// </summary> internal virtual void ClearOwner() { _owner = null; OnOwnerChanged(EventArgs.Empty); }
public RibbonToolTipRenderEventArgs(Ribbon owner, Graphics g, Rectangle clip, string Text, Image tipImage) : base(owner, g, clip) { this.Text = Text; TipImage = tipImage; }
public RibbonTab(Ribbon owner, string text) : this(text) { }
public RibbonRenderEventArgs(Ribbon owner, Graphics g, Rectangle clip) { Ribbon = owner; Graphics = g; ClipRectangle = clip; }
/// <summary> /// Sets the value of the Owner Property /// </summary> internal void SetOwner(Ribbon owner) { _owner = owner; Items.SetOwner(owner); }
public RibbonTabRenderEventArgs(Ribbon owner, Graphics g, Rectangle clip, RibbonTab tab) : base(owner, g, clip) { Tab = tab; }
public RibbonToolTipRenderEventArgs(Ribbon owner, Graphics g, Rectangle clip, string text) : base(owner, g, clip) { Text = text; }
/// <summary> /// Processes the WndProc for a form with a Ribbbon. Returns true if message has been handled /// </summary> /// <param name="m">Message to process</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> if message has been handled. <c>false</c> otherwise</returns> public virtual bool WndProc(ref Message m) { if (DesignMode) { return(false); } bool handled = false; if (WinApi.IsVista) { #region Checks if DWM processes the message IntPtr result; int dwmHandled = WinApi.DwmDefWindowProc(m.HWnd, m.Msg, m.WParam, m.LParam, out result); if (dwmHandled == 1) { m.Result = result; handled = true; } #endregion } //if (m.Msg == WinApi.WM_NCLBUTTONUP) //{ // UpdateRibbonConditions(); //} if (!handled) { if (m.Msg == WinApi.WM_NCCALCSIZE && (int)m.WParam == 1) //0x83 { #region Catch the margins of what the client area would be WinApi.NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS nccsp = (WinApi.NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS)Marshal.PtrToStructure(m.LParam, typeof(WinApi.NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS)); if (!MarginsChecked) { //Set what client area would be for passing to DwmExtendIntoClientArea SetMargins(new Padding( nccsp.rect2.Left - nccsp.rect1.Left, nccsp.rect2.Top - nccsp.rect1.Top, nccsp.rect1.Right - nccsp.rect2.Right, nccsp.rect1.Bottom - nccsp.rect2.Bottom)); MarginsChecked = true; } Marshal.StructureToPtr(nccsp, m.LParam, false); m.Result = IntPtr.Zero; handled = true; #endregion } else if (m.Msg == WinApi.WM_NCACTIVATE && Ribbon != null && Ribbon.ActualBorderMode == RibbonWindowMode.NonClientAreaCustomDrawn) { Ribbon.Invalidate(); handled = true; if (m.WParam == IntPtr.Zero) // if could be removed because result is ignored if WParam is TRUE { m.Result = (IntPtr)1; } } else if ((m.Msg == WinApi.WM_ACTIVATE || m.Msg == WinApi.WM_PAINT) && WinApi.IsVista) //0x06 - 0x000F { m.Result = (IntPtr)1; handled = false; } else if (m.Msg == WinApi.WM_NCHITTEST && (int)m.Result == 0) //0x84 { #region Check the Non-client area hit test m.Result = new IntPtr(Convert.ToInt32(NonClientHitTest(new Point(WinApi.LoWord((int)m.LParam), WinApi.HiWord((int)m.LParam))))); handled = true; if (Ribbon != null && Ribbon.ActualBorderMode == RibbonWindowMode.NonClientAreaCustomDrawn) { //Kevin Carbis - this refresh call caused severe cpu usage while moving the mouse over the //caption bar. I have been trying to find a way to make a less demanding call to paint. //Form.Refresh(); //WinApi.InvalidateWindow(Form.Handle); //Form.Invalidate(); //Ribbon.Invalidate(); Ribbon.RedrawArea(Ribbon.ClientRectangle); } //Console.WriteLine("Msg " + m.Msg.ToString() + " " + m.Msg.ToString("X")); #endregion } else if ( (Ribbon != null && Ribbon.ActualBorderMode != RibbonWindowMode.NonClientAreaCustomDrawn) && (m.Msg == WinApi.WM_SYSCOMMAND || m.Msg == WinApi.WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING || m.Msg == WinApi.WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED)) { Ribbon.Invalidate(); } else if (m.Msg == WinApi.WM_NCMOUSELEAVE) { } } return(handled); }
internal RibbonDropDown(RibbonItem parentItem, IEnumerable <RibbonItem> items, Ribbon ownerRibbon, RibbonElementSizeMode measuringSize) : this() { Items = items; OwnerRibbon = ownerRibbon; SizingGripHeight = 12; ParentItem = parentItem; Sensor = new RibbonMouseSensor(this, OwnerRibbon, items); MeasuringSize = measuringSize; ScrollBarSize = 16; if (Items != null) { foreach (RibbonItem item in Items) { item.SetSizeMode(RibbonElementSizeMode.DropDown); item.SetCanvas(this); //If item is a RibbonHost, the MouseSensor will not detect the mouse move event, so manually hook into the event. if (item is RibbonHost) { ((RibbonHost)item).ClientMouseMove += OnRibbonHostMouseMove; } } } UpdateSize(); }
internal override void SetOwner(Ribbon owner) { base.SetOwner(owner); DropDownItems.SetOwner(owner); }
public RibbonPanelRenderEventArgs(Ribbon owner, Graphics g, Rectangle clip, RibbonPanel panel, Control canvas) : base(owner, g, clip) { Panel = panel; Canvas = canvas; }
/// <summary> /// Call to draw the scrollbar on the Control /// </summary> /// <param name="e"></param> public virtual void OnRenderScrollbar(Graphics g, Control item, Ribbon ribbon) { }
/// <summary> /// Sets the value of the Owner Property /// </summary> internal void SetOwner(Ribbon owner) { _owner = owner; _tabs.SetOwner(owner); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the Ribbon that owns this item /// </summary> /// <param name="owner">Ribbon that owns this item</param> internal virtual void SetOwner(Ribbon owner) { _owner = owner; OnOwnerChanged(EventArgs.Empty); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the value of the Owner Property /// </summary> internal void SetOwner(Ribbon owner) { _owner = owner; }
public RibbonQuickAccessGlyphBehavior(RibbonDesigner designer, Ribbon ribbon) { _designer = designer; _ribbon = ribbon; }
private void HitOn(int x, int y) { if (Ribbon.Tabs.Count == 0 || Ribbon.ActiveTab == null) { SelectRibbon(); return; } if (Ribbon != null) { if (Ribbon.TabHitTest(x, y)) { SelectedElement = Ribbon.ActiveTab; } else { #region Tab ScrollTest if (Ribbon.ActiveTab.TabContentBounds.Contains(x, y)) { if (Ribbon.ActiveTab.ScrollLeftBounds.Contains(x, y) && Ribbon.ActiveTab.ScrollLeftVisible) { Ribbon.ActiveTab.ScrollLeft(); SelectedElement = Ribbon.ActiveTab; return; } if (Ribbon.ActiveTab.ScrollRightBounds.Contains(x, y) && Ribbon.ActiveTab.ScrollRightVisible) { Ribbon.ActiveTab.ScrollRight(); SelectedElement = Ribbon.ActiveTab; return; } } #endregion //Check Panel if (Ribbon.ActiveTab.TabContentBounds.Contains(x, y)) { RibbonPanel hittedPanel = null; foreach (RibbonPanel panel in Ribbon.ActiveTab.Panels) { if (panel.Bounds.Contains(x, y)) { hittedPanel = panel; break; } } if (hittedPanel != null) { //Check item RibbonItem hittedItem = null; foreach (RibbonItem item in hittedPanel.Items) { if (item.Bounds.Contains(x, y)) { hittedItem = item; break; } } if (hittedItem != null && hittedItem is IContainsSelectableRibbonItems) { //Check subitem RibbonItem hittedSubItem = null; foreach (RibbonItem subItem in (hittedItem as IContainsSelectableRibbonItems).GetItems()) { if (subItem.Bounds.Contains(x, y)) { hittedSubItem = subItem; break; } } if (hittedSubItem != null) { SelectedElement = hittedSubItem; } else { SelectedElement = hittedItem; } } else if (hittedItem != null) { SelectedElement = hittedItem; } else { SelectedElement = hittedPanel; } } else { SelectedElement = Ribbon.ActiveTab; } } else if (Ribbon.QuickAcessToolbar.SuperBounds.Contains(x, y)) { bool itemHitted = false; foreach (RibbonItem item in Ribbon.QuickAcessToolbar.Items) { if (item.Bounds.Contains(x, y)) { itemHitted = true; SelectedElement = item; break; } } if (!itemHitted) { SelectedElement = Ribbon.QuickAcessToolbar; } } else if (Ribbon.OrbBounds.Contains(x, y)) { Ribbon.OrbMouseDown(); } else { SelectRibbon(); Ribbon.ForceOrbMenu = false; if (Ribbon.OrbDropDown.Visible) { Ribbon.OrbDropDown.Close(); } } } } }
public LayoutHelper(Ribbon ribbon) { _ribbon = ribbon; }
internal RibbonDropDown(RibbonItem parentItem, IEnumerable <RibbonItem> items, Ribbon ownerRibbon, RibbonElementSizeMode measuringSize) : this() { _items = items; _ownerRibbon = ownerRibbon; _sizingGripHeight = 12; _parentItem = parentItem; _sensor = new RibbonMouseSensor(this, OwnerRibbon, items); _MeasuringSize = measuringSize; if (Items != null) { foreach (RibbonItem item in Items) { item.SetSizeMode(RibbonElementSizeMode.DropDown); item.SetCanvas(this); } } UpdateSize(); }
internal override void SetOwner(Ribbon owner) { base.SetOwner(owner); if (_dropDownItems != null) _dropDownItems.SetOwner(owner); }
internal RibbonDropDown(RibbonItem parentItem, IEnumerable <RibbonItem> items, Ribbon ownerRibbon) : this(parentItem, items, ownerRibbon, RibbonElementSizeMode.DropDown) { }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new RibbonTabContext /// </summary> /// <param name="Ribbon">Ribbon that owns the context</param> public RibbonContext(Ribbon owner) { _tabs = new RibbonTabCollection(owner); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new RibbonTab /// </summary> public RibbonTab(Ribbon owner, string text) { _panels = new RibbonPanelCollection(owner, this); _text = text; }
internal override void SetOwner(Ribbon owner) { base.SetOwner(owner); _buttons.SetOwner(owner); _dropDownItems.SetOwner(owner); }
public RibbonItemRenderEventArgs(Ribbon owner, Graphics g, Rectangle clip, RibbonItem item) : base(owner, g, clip) { Item = item; }