        public void SetDataBlock(DataBlock db)
            m_db = new DataBlock();

             int time = 0;

             bool oldBit = false;
             for (int i = 0; i < m_db.GetChannelLength(); i++)
            bool bit = m_db.GetVoltage(0,i)>10;

            if ( oldBit == false && bit == true )
               Process(false, time);
            else if (oldBit == true && bit == false)
               Process(true, time);
               time = 0;

            oldBit = bit;

             textBox1.Text += "histo\r\n";

             List<int> keys = new List<int>();
             foreach (int i in m_histo.Keys)


             foreach (int i in keys)
            int v = m_histo[i];
            textBox1.Text += string.Format("{0:000} {1:000} ", i, v) + "\r\n";
        public void SetDataBlock(DataBlock db)
            m_db = db;

             int lastValue=0;
             int run = 0;

             int average = m_db.GetAverage( 0 );

             textBox1.Text += string.Format("Average {0}\r\n", average);

             textBox1.Text += string.Format("Sample Rate {0}\r\n", db.m_sampleRate);

             textBox1.Text += string.Format("\r\nFreq from zeroes:\r\n", db.m_sampleRate);

             for (int i = 0; i < db.GetChannelLength(); i++)
            int value = db.GetVoltage(0, i);;

            if (value > average && lastValue < average)
               textBox1.Text += string.Format("{0} {1} {2}\r\n", i, run, 1.0/((float)run/(float)db.m_sampleRate) );
               run = 0;


            lastValue = value;

             textBox1.Text += string.Format("\r\nFreq from self correlation:\r\n", db.m_sampleRate);

             double old = 10;
             for (int i = 0; i < db.GetChannelLength() / 2; i++)
            double c = Correlate(db, i);
            if (c > old)
               double waveLength = 2* (double)i / (double)db.m_sampleRate;
               textBox1.Text += string.Format("{0}\r\n", 1 / waveLength);
            old = c;
        private double Correlate(DataBlock db, int offset)
            int length = db.GetChannelLength();

             int res = 0;
             int n1 = 0;
             int n2 = 0;

             for (int i = 0; i < length - offset; i++)
            int v1 = db.GetVoltage(0, i);
            int v2 = db.GetVoltage(0, i + offset);

            n1 += v1 * v1;
            n2 += v2 * v2;

            res += v1 * v2;

             return (double)res / (double)(Math.Sqrt(n1) * Math.Sqrt(n2));
        private void DrawGraph(Graphics g, Pen p, DataBlock db, int channel)
            float yy = 0;
             float xx = 0;
             int i = 0;
             int i0 = (int)Math.Floor( lerp(0, db.GetChannelLength(), 0, db.GetTotalTime(), MinXD) );
             int i1 = (int)Math.Ceiling( lerp(0, db.GetChannelLength(), 0, db.GetTotalTime(), MaxXD) )+1;
             if (i1 > db.GetChannelLength())
            i1 = db.GetChannelLength();

             if (db.m_Annotations != null)
             for (int an = 0; an < db.m_Annotations.Length; an++)
                 float time = db.GetTime(db.m_Annotations[an]);
                 float x = ValueXToRect(time);
                 g.DrawLine(Pens.Green, x, 0, x, ValueYToRect(5));

            for (i = i0; i < i1; i++)
               int rawvolt = db.GetVoltage(channel, i);

               float time = db.GetTime(i);

               float x = ValueXToRect(time);
               float y = ValueYToRect(rawvolt);

               if (i > 0)
                  g.DrawLine(p, xx, yy, x, y);

                  if (showValueTicks)
                     g.DrawLine(p, x, y-2, x, y+2);
                     g.DrawLine(p, x - 2, y, x + 2, y);


               yy = y;
               xx = x;
            #if DEBUG
            Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", db, m_Bounds, i);

             if (m_mouse != null)
            DrawCross(g, Pens.Blue, m_mouse.X, m_mouse.Y);

            float t = (db.m_triggerPos * db.GetTotalTime()) / (float)db.GetChannelLength();
            float x = ValueXToRect(t);
            g.DrawLine(Pens.Green, x, m_Bounds.Y, x, m_Bounds.Y + m_Bounds.Height);

             Point pp = new Point();
             pp.X = 0;
             pp.Y = 32;

            if (m_mouse != null)
            float time = RectToValueX(m_mouse.X);
            float voltage = RectToValueY(m_mouse.Y);

            float voltageI = (voltage > 255 ? 255 : (voltage < 0 ? 0 : (int)voltage));
            float voltageV = voltageI * 5 / 255;

            string info = string.Format("{0} ({1}, {2}/255, {3:0.###}v)", db.m_sample, ToEngineeringNotation(time), (int)voltageI, voltageV);
            g.DrawString(info, parent.Font, Brushes.White, pp);
            pp.Y += 16;

            info = string.Format("({0}s/div, {1}Ks/s)", ToEngineeringNotation(DivX), db.m_sampleRate / 1000);
            g.DrawString(info, parent.Font, Brushes.White, pp);
            pp.Y += 16;

             if (Selected())
            if ((m_selectT0 < db.GetTotalTime()) && (m_selectT1 < db.GetTotalTime()))
               g.DrawString(string.Format("({0}, {1}) - ({2}, {3})", ToEngineeringNotation(m_selectT0), db.GetVoltage(0, m_selectT0), ToEngineeringNotation(m_selectT1), db.GetVoltage(0, m_selectT1)), parent.Font, Brushes.White, pp);
               pp.Y += 16;

               g.DrawString(string.Format("ΔVoltage = {0}", db.GetVoltage(0, m_selectT1) - db.GetVoltage(0, m_selectT0)), parent.Font, Brushes.White, pp);
               pp.Y += 16;

            string time = string.Format("ΔTime = {0}", ToEngineeringNotation(m_selectT1 - m_selectT0));
            if (m_selectT1 - m_selectT0 > 0)
               time += string.Format(", {0} Hz", (int)(1.0f / (m_selectT1 - m_selectT0)));
            g.DrawString(time, parent.Font, Brushes.White, pp);
            pp.Y += 16;
        public override void Draw(Graphics g, DataBlock db)
            Rectangle r = new Rectangle();

             r = m_Bounds;

             if (f == null)
            f = new FFT(1024);

             if (db.m_result != DataBlock.RESULT.OK)
             pp.X = 0;
             pp.Y = 0;
             g.DrawString(string.Format("Waiting for a chunk of data to analyze"), parent.Font, Brushes.White, pp);

             if (db.GetChannelLength() < f.GetNumOfSamples())
            pp.X = 0;
            pp.Y = 0;
            g.DrawString(string.Format("FFT needs at least 1024 samples to work, got only {0}, try increasing the measurement time",db.GetChannelLength()) , parent.Font, Brushes.White, pp);

             for (int i = 0; i < f.GetNumOfSamples(); i++)
             f.x[i] = db.GetVoltage(0, i);
             f.y[i] = 0;

             int maxFreq = db.m_sampleRate / 2;
             int minFreq = 0;

             //margin at the bottom
             r.Height -= 20;
             r.Width = 1024;

             r.X -= (int)MinXD;

             if (drawSlidingFFT)
            DrawSlidingFFT(g, r, db);

            r.Y -= 256;
            DrawFFTBars(g, r);
            r.Y += 256;
            DrawFFTBars(g, r);

             int freqStep;

             for (freqStep = 500; freqStep < maxFreq; freqStep += 500)
             int ft = lerp(0, f.GetNumOfSamples() / 2, minFreq, maxFreq, freqStep);
            if (ft > 30)

             //draw legend
             for (int i = 0; i < (int)maxFreq; i += freqStep)
            int x = lerp(0, 512, minFreq, maxFreq, i);

            pp.X = r.X + 2 * x;
            pp.Y = r.Bottom;

            g.DrawLine(Pens.Gray, pp.X, 0, pp.X, pp.Y);
            g.DrawString(string.Format("{0}", i), parent.Font, Brushes.White, pp);

             if (m_mouse != null)
             DrawCross(g, Pens.Blue, m_mouse.X, m_mouse.Y);

             pp.X = r.X ;
             pp.Y = r.Y + 40;

             g.DrawString(string.Format("Freq: {0} Hz", ((m_mouse.X / 2) * maxFreq) / f.GetNumOfSamples() / 2), parent.Font, Brushes.White, pp);