public iAlarm() { InitializeComponent(); if (!DesignMode) { _almList = AlarmManager.Instance.Alarms.FindAll(delegate(IAlarm alarm) { return alarm.TimeStampAck == null && Convert.ToDateTime(alarm.TimeStamp) > DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0));}); _bs=new BindingSource(); _bs.DataSource = _almList; dgvAlarms.DataSource = _bs; dgvAlarms.Columns["DataType"].Visible = false; _refreshTmr = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); _refreshTmr.Interval = 1000; _refreshTmr.Tick += delegate { dataThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.ThreadProcSafe)); dataThread.Start(); _bs.ResetBindings(false); }; _refreshTmr.Start(); } }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); source = new BindingSource(); using (var ctx = new Model1Container()) { var ads = from carAds in ctx.BargainAdsSet select new { carAds.Id, carAds.Brand, carAds.Model, carAds.Engine, carAds.Year, carAds.Price, carAds.City, carAds.FromDate, carAds.ToDate }; source.ResetBindings(true); source.DataSource = ads.ToList(); try { dataGridView1.DataSource = source; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); } } }
public void SetConfig(IDMEEditor pDMEEditor, IDMLogger plogger, IUtil putil, string[] args, PassedArgs obj, IErrorsInfo per) { Passedarg = obj; Logger = plogger; this.Width = 430; ErrorObject = per; DMEEditor = pDMEEditor; Visutil = (IVisUtil)obj.Objects.Where(c => c.Name == "VISUTIL").FirstOrDefault().obj; SourceConnection = Passedarg.DataSource; if (SourceConnection.Category == DatasourceCategory.RDBMS) { rdb = (RDBSource)SourceConnection; string schemaname = rdb.GetSchemaName(); } switch (obj.ObjectType) { case "RDBMSTABLE": EntityName = obj.CurrentEntity; t = (DataTable)rdb.GetEntity(EntityName, null); break; case "CRUDENTITY": EntityName = obj.CurrentEntity; t = (DataTable)rdb.GetEntity(EntityName, null); break; default: break; } bindingSource1.DataSource = t; bindingSource1.ResetBindings(true); Visutil.controlEditor.GenerateTableViewOnControl(EntityName, ref panel1, t, ref bindingSource1, 200, SourceConnection.DatasourceName); this.Controls.Add(panel1); panel1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; panel1.AutoScroll = true; //Form a = (Form)Parent; //a.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow; EntityNameLabel.Text = EntityName; bindingNavigator1.BindingSource = bindingSource1; bindingNavigator1.SendToBack(); // Savebutton.SendToBack(); this.SavetoolStripButton.Click += Savebutton_Click; }
private void reOrderAnnotations() { anns.Sort((x, y) => x.sortOrder().CompareTo(y.sortOrder())); // renumber the list... for (int idx = 0; idx < anns.Count; ++idx) { anns[idx].Number = (idx + 1); } bs.ResetBindings(false); ChartControl.ChartPanel.Invalidate(false); }
/// <summary> /// Rebinds the binding source. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">The source.</param> /// <param name="data">The data.</param> /// <param name="metadataChanged">if set to <c>true</c> then metadata (ovject/list type) was changed.</param> public static void RebindBindingSource(BindingSource source, object data, bool metadataChanged) { if (data != null) { source.DataSource = data; } // set Raise list changed to True source.RaiseListChangedEvents = true; // tell currency manager to resume binding source.ResumeBinding(); // Notify UI controls that the dataobject/list was reset - and if metadata was changed source.ResetBindings(metadataChanged); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public DynamicTeComponentControl(DynamicTeComponent component) :base(component) { InitializeComponent(); _component = component; _bindingSource = new BindingSource(); _bindingSource.DataSource = _component; _probabilityMapVisible.DataBindings.Clear(); _probabilityMapVisible.DataBindings.Add("Enabled", _bindingSource, "ProbabilityMapEnabled", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged); _probabilityMapVisible.DataBindings.Add("Checked", _bindingSource, "ProbabilityMapVisible", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged); _opacityControl.TrackBarIncrements = 100; _thresholdControl.TrackBarIncrements = 500; _opacityControl.DataBindings.Clear(); _opacityControl.DataBindings.Add("Enabled", _bindingSource, "OpacityEnabled", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged); _opacityControl.DataBindings.Add("Minimum", _bindingSource, "OpacityMinimum", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged); _opacityControl.DataBindings.Add("Maximum", _bindingSource, "OpacityMaximum", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged); _opacityControl.DataBindings.Add("Value", _bindingSource, "Opacity", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged); _thresholdControl.DataBindings.Clear(); _thresholdControl.DataBindings.Add("Enabled", _bindingSource, "ThresholdEnabled", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged); _thresholdControl.DataBindings.Add("Minimum", _bindingSource, "ThresholdMinimum", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged); _thresholdControl.DataBindings.Add("Maximum", _bindingSource, "ThresholdMaximum", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged); _thresholdControl.DataBindings.Add("Value", _bindingSource, "Threshold", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged); _createDynamicTeButton.DataBindings.Clear(); _createDynamicTeButton.DataBindings.Add("Enabled", _bindingSource, "CreateDynamicTeSeriesEnabled", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged); _createDynamicTeButton.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _component.CreateDynamicTeSeries(); }; _component.AllPropertiesChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _bindingSource.ResetBindings(false); }; }
private void AgregarProducto_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var idSeleccionado = productosGrid.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Id"].Value.ToString(); bool existe = false; for (int i = 0; i < _lproductosPedido.Count && !existe; i++) { if (_lproductosPedido[i].Id.Equals(idSeleccionado)) { _lproductosPedido[i].Cantidad += 1; existe = true; } } if (!existe) { var productoSeleccionado = _lproductos.First(p => p.Id == idSeleccionado); _lproductosPedido.Add(new PedidoGV() { Id = productoSeleccionado.Id, Nombre = productoSeleccionado.Nombre, Cantidad = 1 }); } BindingSource source = new BindingSource(); source.DataSource = _lproductosPedido; pedidoGrid.DataSource = source; source.ResetBindings(false); if (_lproductosPedido.Count > 0) { eliminarButton.Enabled = true; crearButton.Enabled = true; } }
private void EliminarLinea_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var idSeleccionado = pedidoGrid.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Id"].Value.ToString(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(idSeleccionado); for (int i = 0; i < _lproductosPedido.Count; i++) { if (_lproductosPedido[i].Id.Equals(idSeleccionado)) { _lproductosPedido.RemoveAt(i); if (_lproductosPedido.Count == 0) { eliminarButton.Enabled = false; crearButton.Enabled = false; } } } BindingSource source = new BindingSource(); source.DataSource = _lproductosPedido; pedidoGrid.DataSource = source; source.ResetBindings(false); }
private void buttonSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!ValidateInput()) return; btnSendTimeFinder.Enabled = false; uint VCountMin = uint.Parse(textBoxVCountMin.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber); uint VCountMax = uint.Parse(textBoxVCountMax.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber); uint Timer0Min = uint.Parse(textBoxTimer0Min.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber); uint Timer0Max = uint.Parse(textBoxTimer0Max.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber); uint GxStatMin = uint.Parse(textBoxGxStatMin.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber); uint GxStatMax = uint.Parse(textBoxGxStatMax.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber); uint VFrameMin = uint.Parse(textBoxVFrameMin.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber); uint VFrameMax = uint.Parse(textBoxVFrameMax.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber); int secondsMin = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxSecondsMin.Text); int secondsMax = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxSecondsMax.Text); if (secondsMax < secondsMin) { secondsMax = secondsMax + 60; } bool minMaxGxStat = cbGxStat.Checked; dsParameters = new List<DSParameterCapture>(); var listBinding = new BindingSource {DataSource = dsParameters}; dataGridView1.DataSource = listBinding; cpus = Settings.Default.CPUs; if (cpus < 1) { cpus = 1; } var jobs = new Thread[cpus]; var progress = new Progress {Text = "DS Parameter Progress"}; progressTotal = (ulong) ((VCountMax - VCountMin + 1) *(Timer0Max - Timer0Min + 1) // if only min max gx stat search is 2 (or 1 if they're the same) else it's max-min *(minMaxGxStat ? (GxStatMax > GxStatMin ? 2u : 1) : (GxStatMax - GxStatMin + 1)) *(VFrameMax - VFrameMin + 1) *(secondsMax - secondsMin + 1)); progressSearched = 0; progressFound = 0; var testTime = new DateTime( datePicker.Value.Year, datePicker.Value.Month, datePicker.Value.Day, int.Parse(maskedTextBoxHour.Text), int.Parse(maskedTextBoxMinute.Text), secondsMin); var minIVs = new int[6]; var maxIVs = new int[6]; MAC_address = ulong.Parse(textBoxMACAddress.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber); if (textBoxMACAddress.Text.Length < 12) { MessageBox.Show("Your MAC address is missing some digits. Double-check your MAC address."); } if (textBoxDirectSeed.Text != "") { directSeed = ulong.Parse(textBoxDirectSeed.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber); findDirectSeed = true; } else { findDirectSeed = false; minIVs[0] = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxHPMin.Text); minIVs[1] = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxAtkMin.Text); minIVs[2] = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxDefMin.Text); minIVs[3] = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxSpAtkMin.Text); minIVs[4] = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxSpDefMin.Text); minIVs[5] = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxSpeedMin.Text); maxIVs[0] = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxHPMax.Text); maxIVs[1] = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxAtkMax.Text); maxIVs[2] = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxDefMax.Text); maxIVs[3] = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxSpAtkMax.Text); maxIVs[4] = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxSpDefMax.Text); maxIVs[5] = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxSpeedMax.Text); int combinations = (maxIVs[0] - minIVs[0] + 1) + (maxIVs[1] - minIVs[1] + 1) + (maxIVs[2] - minIVs[2] + 1) + (maxIVs[3] - minIVs[3] + 1) + (maxIVs[4] - minIVs[4] + 1) + (maxIVs[5] - minIVs[5] + 1); if (combinations > 200) { MessageBox.Show( "There were too many combinations of IV possibilities to accurately find your intitial seed (" + combinations + ") please try with a higher level Pokemon,", "Too many IV Combinations"); return; } } var version = (Version) comboBoxVersion.SelectedIndex; var language = (Language) comboBoxLanguage.SelectedIndex; var dstype = (DSType) comboBoxDSType.SelectedIndex; var interval = (uint) ((VCountMax - VCountMin)/(float) jobs.Length); uint VCountMinLower = VCountMin; uint VCountMinUpper = VCountMin + interval; var button = new int[3]; button[0] = comboBoxButton1.SelectedIndex; button[1] = comboBoxButton2.SelectedIndex; button[2] = comboBoxButton3.SelectedIndex; try { progress.SetupAndShow(this, 0, 0, false, true); for (int i = 0; i < jobs.Length; i++) { if (i < (jobs.Length - 1)) { uint lower = VCountMinLower; uint upper = VCountMinUpper; jobs[i] = new Thread( () => GenerateSearchJob(testTime, minIVs, maxIVs, lower, upper, Timer0Min, Timer0Max, GxStatMin, GxStatMax, VFrameMin, VFrameMax, secondsMin, secondsMax, version, language, dstype, button, checkBoxSoftReset.Checked, checkBoxRoamer.Checked, minMaxGxStat)); } else { uint lower = VCountMinLower; jobs[i] = new Thread( () => GenerateSearchJob(testTime, minIVs, maxIVs, lower, VCountMax, Timer0Min, Timer0Max, GxStatMin, GxStatMax, VFrameMin, VFrameMax, secondsMin, secondsMax, version, language, dstype, button, checkBoxSoftReset.Checked, checkBoxRoamer.Checked, minMaxGxStat)); } jobs[i].Start(); Thread.Sleep(100); VCountMinLower = VCountMinLower + interval + 1; VCountMinUpper = VCountMinUpper + interval + 1; } bool alive = true; while (alive) { progress.ShowProgress(progressSearched/(float) progressTotal, progressSearched, progressFound); if (refreshQueue) { listBinding.ResetBindings(false); refreshQueue = false; } foreach (Thread job in jobs) { if (job != null && job.IsAlive) { alive = true; break; } alive = false; } } } catch (Exception exception) { if (exception.Message != "Operation Cancelled") { throw; } } finally { progress.Finish(); if (dsParameters.Count > 0) { btnSendTimeFinder.Enabled = true; } for (int i = 0; i < jobs.Length; i++) { if (jobs[i] != null) { jobs[i].Abort(); } } } }
private void ResortGrid(BindingSource bindingSource, DoubleBufferedDataGridView dataGrid, FrameType frameType) { switch (frameType) { case FrameType.Method5Standard: case FrameType.Method5Natures: case FrameType.Wondercard5thGen: case FrameType.Wondercard5thGenFixed: var iframeCaptureComparer = new IFrameCaptureComparer {CompareType = "TimeDate"}; ((List<IFrameCapture>) bindingSource.DataSource).Sort(iframeCaptureComparer); CapDateTime.HeaderCell.SortGlyphDirection = SortOrder.Ascending; break; case FrameType.BWBred: case FrameType.BWBredInternational: iframeCaptureComparer = new IFrameCaptureComparer {CompareType = "TimeDate"}; ((List<IFrameCapture>) bindingSource.DataSource).Sort(iframeCaptureComparer); ColumnEggDate.HeaderCell.SortGlyphDirection = SortOrder.Ascending; break; } dataGrid.DataSource = bindingSource; bindingSource.ResetBindings(false); }
//, ref BindingSource bsPositions, ref BindingSource bsBadges public void Populate(ref DataGridView DataGridView, ref BindingSource bs) { noOfRec = 0; //dssx.Dispose(); lbl_NoRec.Text = " songs."; bs.DataSource = null; dssx.Dispose(); //MessageBox.Show("zero " + noOfRec.ToString() + SearchCmd); //DB_Path = "../../../../tmp\\Files.accdb;"; using (OleDbConnection cn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + DB_Path)) { OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter(SearchCmd, cn); //MessageBox.Show("pop" + noOfRec.ToString() + SearchCmd); dssx.Clear(); try { da.Fill(dssx, "Main"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, MESSAGEBOX_CAPTION, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); MessageBox.Show("-DB Open in Design Mode or Download Connectivity patch @"); ErrorWindow frm1 = new ErrorWindow("DB Open in Design Mode or Download Connectivity patch @ ", ""); return; } da.Dispose(); cn.Dispose(); noOfRec = dssx.Tables[0].Rows.Count; lbl_NoRec.Text = noOfRec.ToString() + " records."; //MessageBox.Show("pop" + noOfRec.ToString() + SearchCmd); //da = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT Identifier,ContactPosition FROM PositionType;", cn); //da.Fill(ds, "PositionType"); //da = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT Identifier, Badge FROM Badge", cn); //da.Fill(ds, "Badge"); } //MessageBox.Show("test"); DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ID = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "ID", HeaderText = "ID " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Song_Title = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Song_Title", HeaderText = "Song_Title " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Song_Title_Sort = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Song_Title_Sort", HeaderText = "Song_Title_Sort " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Album = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Album", HeaderText = "Album " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Artist = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Artist", HeaderText = "Artist " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Artist_Sort = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Artist_Sort", HeaderText = "Artist_Sort " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Album_Year = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Album_Year", HeaderText = "Album_Year " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn AverageTempo = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "AverageTempo", HeaderText = "AverageTempo " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Volume = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Volume", HeaderText = "Volume " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Preview_Volume = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Preview_Volume", HeaderText = "Preview_Volume " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn AlbumArtPath = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "AlbumArtPath", HeaderText = "AlbumArtPath " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn AudioPath = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "AudioPath", HeaderText = "AudioPath " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn audioPreviewPath = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "audioPreviewPath", HeaderText = "audioPreviewPath " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Track_No = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Track_No", HeaderText = "Track_No " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Author = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Author", HeaderText = "Author " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Version = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Version", HeaderText = "Version " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn DLC_Name = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "DLC_Name", HeaderText = "DLC_Name " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn DLC_AppID = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "DLC_AppID", HeaderText = "DLC_AppID " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Current_FileName = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Current_FileName", HeaderText = "Current_FileName " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Original_FileName = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Original_FileName", HeaderText = "Original_FileName " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Import_Path = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Import_Path", HeaderText = "Import_Path " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Import_Date = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Import_Date", HeaderText = "Import_Date " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Folder_Name = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Folder_Name", HeaderText = "Folder_Name " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn File_Size = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "File_Size", HeaderText = "File_Size " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn File_Hash = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "File_Hash", HeaderText = "File_Hash " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Original_File_Hash = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Original_File_Hash", HeaderText = "Original_File_Hash " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Is_Original = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Is_Original", HeaderText = "Is_Original " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Is_OLD = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Is_OLD", HeaderText = "Is_OLD " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Is_Beta = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Is_Beta", HeaderText = "Is_Beta " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Is_Alternate = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Is_Alternate", HeaderText = "Is_Alternate " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Is_Multitrack = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Is_Multitrack", HeaderText = "Is_Multitrack " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Is_Broken = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Is_Broken", HeaderText = "Is_Broken " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn MultiTrack_Version = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "MultiTrack_Version", HeaderText = "MultiTrack_Version " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Alternate_Version_No = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Alternate_Version_No", HeaderText = "Alternate_Version_No " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn DLC = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "DLC", HeaderText = "DLC " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Has_Bass = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Has_Bass", HeaderText = "Has_Bass " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Has_Guitar = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Has_Guitar", HeaderText = "Has_Guitar " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Has_Lead = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Has_Lead", HeaderText = "Has_Lead " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Has_Rhythm = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Has_Rhythm", HeaderText = "Has_Rhythm " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Has_Combo = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Has_Combo", HeaderText = "Has_Combo " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Has_Vocals = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Has_Vocals", HeaderText = "Has_Vocals " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Has_Sections = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Has_Sections", HeaderText = "Has_Sections " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Has_Cover = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Has_Cover", HeaderText = "Has_Cover " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Has_Preview = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Has_Preview", HeaderText = "Has_Preview " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Has_Custom_Tone = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Has_Custom_Tone", HeaderText = "Has_Custom_Tone " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Has_DD = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Has_DD", HeaderText = "Has_DD " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Has_Version = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Has_Version", HeaderText = "Has_Version " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Tunning = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Tunning", HeaderText = "Tunning " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Bass_Picking = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Bass_Picking", HeaderText = "Bass_Picking " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Tones = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Tones", HeaderText = "Tones " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Groups = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Groups", HeaderText = "Groups " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Rating = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Rating", HeaderText = "Rating " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Description = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Description", HeaderText = "Description " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Comments = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Comments", HeaderText = "Comments " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Has_Track_No = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Has_Track_No", HeaderText = "Has_Track_No " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Platform = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Platform", HeaderText = "Platform " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn PreviewTime = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "PreviewTime", HeaderText = "PreviewTime " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn PreviewLenght = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "PreviewLenght", HeaderText = "PreviewLenght " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Temp = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Temp", HeaderText = "Temp " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn CustomForge_Followers = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "CustomForge_Followers", HeaderText = "CustomForge_Followers " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn CustomForge_Version = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "CustomForge_Version", HeaderText = "CustomForge_Version " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Show_Available_Instruments = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Show_Available_Instruments", HeaderText = "Show_Available_Instruments " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Show_Alternate_Version = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Show_Alternate_Version", HeaderText = "Show_Alternate_Version " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Show_MultiTrack_Details = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Show_MultiTrack_Details", HeaderText = "Show_MultiTrack_Details " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Show_Group = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Show_Group", HeaderText = "Show_Group " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Show_Beta = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Show_Beta", HeaderText = "Show_Beta " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Show_Broken = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Show_Broken", HeaderText = "Show_Broken " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Show_DD = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Show_DD", HeaderText = "Show_DD " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Original = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Original", HeaderText = "Original " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Selected = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Selected", HeaderText = "Selected " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn YouTube_Link = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "YouTube_Link", HeaderText = "YouTube_Link " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn CustomsForge_Link = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "CustomsForge_Link", HeaderText = "CustomsForge_Link " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn CustomsForge_Like = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "CustomsForge_Like", HeaderText = "CustomsForge_Like " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn CustomsForge_ReleaseNotes = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "CustomsForge_ReleaseNotes", HeaderText = "CustomsForge_ReleaseNotes " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn SignatureType = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "SignatureType", HeaderText = "SignatureType " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ToolkitVersion = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "ToolkitVersion", HeaderText = "ToolkitVersion " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Has_Author = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Has_Author", HeaderText = "Has_Author " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn OggPath = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "OggPath", HeaderText = "OggPath " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn oggPreviewPath = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "oggPreviewPath", HeaderText = "oggPreviewPath " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn UniqueDLCName = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "UniqueDLCName", HeaderText = "UniqueDLCName " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn AlbumArt_Hash = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "AlbumArt_Hash", HeaderText = "AlbumArt_Hash " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Audio_Hash = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Audio_Hash", HeaderText = "Audio_Hash " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn audioPreview_Hash = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "audioPreview_Hash", HeaderText = "audioPreview_Hash " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Bass_Has_DD = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Bass_Has_DD", HeaderText = "Bass_Has_DD " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Has_Bonus_Arrangement = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Has_Bonus_Arrangement", HeaderText = "Has_Bonus_Arrangement " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Artist_ShortName = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Artist_ShortName", HeaderText = "Artist_ShortName " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Album_ShortName = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Album_ShortName", HeaderText = "Album_ShortName " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Available_Old = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Available_Old", HeaderText = "Available_Old " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Available_Duplicate = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Available_Duplicate", HeaderText = "Available_Duplicate " }; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Has_Been_Corrected = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { DataPropertyName = "Has_Been_Corrected", HeaderText = "Has_Been_Corrected " }; //bsPositions.DataSource = ds.Tables["Main"]; //bsBadges.DataSource = ds.Tables["Badge"]; //DataGridViewComboBoxColumn ContactPositionColumn = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn // { // DataPropertyName = "ContactPosition", // DataSource = bsPositions, // DisplayMember = "ContactPosition", // DisplayStyle = DataGridViewComboBoxDisplayStyle.Nothing, // Name = "ContactsColumn", // HeaderText = "Position", // SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Automatic, // ValueMember = "ContactPosition" // }; //DataGridViewComboBoxColumn BadgeColumn = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn // { // DataPropertyName = "Badge", // DataSource = bsBadges, // DisplayMember = "Badge", // DisplayStyle = DataGridViewComboBoxDisplayStyle.Nothing, // Name = "BadgeColumn", // HeaderText = "Badge", // SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Automatic, // ValueMember = "Badge" // }; DataGridView.AutoGenerateColumns = false; DataGridView.Columns.AddRange(new DataGridViewColumn[] { ID, Song_Title, Song_Title_Sort, Album, Artist, Artist_Sort, Album_Year, AverageTempo, Volume, Preview_Volume, AlbumArtPath, AudioPath, audioPreviewPath, Track_No, Author, Version, DLC_Name, DLC_AppID, Current_FileName, Original_FileName, Import_Path, Import_Date, Folder_Name, File_Size, File_Hash, Original_File_Hash, Is_Original, Is_OLD, Is_Beta, Is_Alternate, Is_Multitrack, Is_Broken, MultiTrack_Version, Alternate_Version_No, DLC, Has_Bass, Has_Guitar, Has_Lead, Has_Rhythm, Has_Combo, Has_Vocals, Has_Sections, Has_Cover, Has_Preview, Has_Custom_Tone, Has_DD, Has_Version, Tunning, Bass_Picking, Tones, Groups, Rating, Description, Comments, Has_Track_No, Platform, PreviewTime, PreviewLenght, Temp, CustomForge_Followers, CustomForge_Version, Show_Available_Instruments, Show_Alternate_Version, Show_MultiTrack_Details, Show_Group, Show_Beta, Show_Broken, Show_DD, Original, Selected, YouTube_Link, CustomsForge_Link, CustomsForge_Like, CustomsForge_ReleaseNotes, SignatureType, ToolkitVersion, Has_Author, OggPath, oggPreviewPath, UniqueDLCName, AlbumArt_Hash, Audio_Hash, audioPreview_Hash, Bass_Has_DD, Has_Bonus_Arrangement, Artist_ShortName, Album_ShortName, Available_Old, Available_Duplicate, Has_Been_Corrected } ); bs.ResetBindings(false); dssx.Tables["Main"].AcceptChanges(); bs.DataSource = dssx.Tables["Main"]; DataGridView.AutoGenerateColumns = false; DataGridView.DataSource = null; DataGridView.DataSource = bs; DataGridView.AutoGenerateColumns = false; DataGridView.Refresh(); //bs.Dispose(); dssx.Dispose(); //MessageBox.Show("-"); //DataGridView.ExpandColumns(); }
public static void refreshgrid(DataGridView _dg, BindingSource _bs, bool endstate) { if (_dg.InvokeRequired) { try { _dg.Invoke(new booldel(refreshgrid), new object[] { _dg,_bs,endstate }); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { } } else { // save screen position and selections List<int> sel = new List<int>(); int first = -1; try { lock (_dg) { first = _dg.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex; foreach (DataGridViewRow dr in _dg.SelectedRows) sel.Add(dr.Index); } // update screen _bs.RaiseListChangedEvents = true; _bs.ResetBindings(false); // diable updates again _bs.RaiseListChangedEvents = endstate; } catch (Exception ex) { } // restore screen position and selections lock (_dg) { try { if (first != -1) _dg.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = first; foreach (int r in sel) _dg.Rows[r].Selected = true; } catch { // in case this row was deleted in the middle of an update } } } }
/// <summary> /// binds the DER Group and DER Members to the group passed /// </summary> /// <param name="group"></param> private void bindDevices(DERMSInterface.CIMData.DERGroup group) { if (group == null) { dERGroupBindingSource.DataSource = null; DERView.DataSource = null; dERGroupBindingSource.Clear(); } else { if (group.Devices == null) group.Devices = new List<DERMSInterface.CIMData.device>(); dERGroupBindingSource = new BindingSource(); dERGroupBindingSource.DataSource = group.Devices; DERView.DataSource = dERGroupBindingSource; dERGroupBindingSource.ResetBindings(false); } }
private void buttonSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { uint VCountMin = uint.Parse(textBoxVCountMin.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber); uint VCountMax = uint.Parse(textBoxVCountMax.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber); uint Timer0Min = uint.Parse(textBoxTimer0Min.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber); uint Timer0Max = uint.Parse(textBoxTimer0Max.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber); uint GxStatMin = uint.Parse(textBoxGxStatMin.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber); uint GxStatMax = uint.Parse(textBoxGxStatMax.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber); uint VFrameMin = uint.Parse(textBoxVFrameMin.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber); uint VFrameMax = uint.Parse(textBoxVFrameMax.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber); int secondsMin = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxSecondsMin.Text); int secondsMax = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxSecondsMax.Text); if (secondsMax < secondsMin) { secondsMax = secondsMax + 60; } bool minMaxGxStat = cbGxStat.Checked; dsParameters = new List<DSParameterCapture>(); var listBinding = new BindingSource {DataSource = dsParameters}; dgvResults.DataSource = listBinding; cpus = Settings.Default.CPUs; if (cpus < 1) { cpus = 1; } var jobs = new Thread[cpus]; var progress = new Progress {Text = "DS Parameter Progress"}; // this is wrong progressTotal = (ulong) ((VCountMax - VCountMin + 1) *(Timer0Max - Timer0Min + 1) // if only min max gx stat search is 2 (or 1 if they're the same) else it's max-min *(minMaxGxStat ? (GxStatMax > GxStatMin ? 2u : 1) : (GxStatMax - GxStatMin + 1)) *(VFrameMax - VFrameMin + 1) *(secondsMax - secondsMin + 1)); progressSearched = 0; progressFound = 0; var testTime = new DateTime( datePicker.Value.Year, datePicker.Value.Month, datePicker.Value.Day, int.Parse(maskedTextBoxHour.Text), int.Parse(maskedTextBoxMinute.Text), secondsMin); MAC_address = ulong.Parse(textBoxMACAddress.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber); if (textBoxMACAddress.Text.Length < 12) { MessageBox.Show("Your MAC address is missing some digits. Double-check your MAC address."); } var version = (Version) (comboBoxVersion.SelectedIndex + 2); var language = (Language) comboBoxLanguage.SelectedIndex; var dstype = (DSType) comboBoxDSType.SelectedIndex; var interval = (uint) ((VCountMax - VCountMin)/(float) jobs.Length); uint VCountMinLower = VCountMin; uint VCountMinUpper = VCountMin + interval; var buttons = new int[3]; buttons[0] = comboBoxButton1.SelectedIndex; buttons[1] = comboBoxButton2.SelectedIndex; buttons[2] = comboBoxButton3.SelectedIndex; uint button = Functions.buttonMashed(buttons); String[] arrows = txtSpins.Text.Split(' '); var pattern = new uint[arrows.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < arrows.Length; ++i) { switch (arrows[i]) { case "↑": pattern[i] = 0; break; case "↗": pattern[i] = 1; break; case "→": pattern[i] = 2; break; case "↘": pattern[i] = 3; break; case "↓": pattern[i] = 4; break; case "↙": pattern[i] = 5; break; case "←": pattern[i] = 6; break; case "↖": pattern[i] = 7; break; } } try { progress.SetupAndShow(this, 0, 0, false, true); for (int i = 0; i < jobs.Length; i++) { uint lower = VCountMinLower; uint upper = (i < (jobs.Length - 1)) ? VCountMinUpper : VCountMax; jobs[i] = new Thread( () => Search(testTime, lower, upper, Timer0Min, Timer0Max, VFrameMin, VFrameMax, GxStatMin, GxStatMax, minMaxGxStat, secondsMin, secondsMax, checkBoxSoftReset.Checked, version, language, dstype, cbMemoryLink.Checked, MAC_address, button, pattern)); jobs[i].Start(); Thread.Sleep(100); VCountMinLower = VCountMinLower + interval + 1; VCountMinUpper = VCountMinUpper + interval + 1; } bool alive = true; while (alive) { progress.ShowProgress(progressSearched/(float) progressTotal, progressSearched, progressFound); if (refreshQueue) { listBinding.ResetBindings(false); refreshQueue = false; } foreach (Thread job in jobs) { if (job != null && job.IsAlive) { alive = true; break; } alive = false; } } } catch (Exception exception) { if (exception.Message != "Operation Cancelled") { throw; } } finally { progress.Finish(); if (dsParameters.Count > 0) { //btnSendProfile.Enabled = true; } for (int i = 0; i < jobs.Length; i++) { if (jobs[i] != null) { jobs[i].Abort(); } } } }
/// <summary> /// initializes the form, loads the on screen widgets with data /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void FormLoad(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { DERMSInterface.CIMData.header header = _cim.CreateDERHeader; // header info this.endPointText.Text = header.EndPoint; this.messageTypeText.Text = "Create DER"; this.replyAddressText.Text = header.ReplyAddress; this.userIDText.Text = header.UserID; this.organizationText.Text = header.UserOrganization; this.contextText.Text = header.Context; this.verbText.Text = header.Verb; this.ackRequiredCheck.Checked = header.AckRequired; this.commentText.Text = header.Comment; // group widgets DERMSInterface.CIMData.DERGroup group = _group; DERGroupNameText.Text = group.GroupName; DERGroupMRIDText.Text = group.Mrid; DERGroupRevisionText.Text = group.Revision; DERGroupSubText.Text = group.Substation; DERGroupFeederText.Text = group.Feeder; DERGroupSegmentText.Text = group.Segment; // TODO : we do not set count, reactive and total power values, they are derived int deviceCount = 0; double realPower = 0.0; double reactivePower = 0.0; // bind datasource to the currently selected DER group row bs = new BindingSource(); bs.DataSource = group.Devices; DERView.DataSource = bs; bs.ResetBindings(false); // we allow editing/adding to DER members DERView.CellValueChanged += new DataGridViewCellEventHandler(DERCellValue_Updated); DERView.CellValidating += new DataGridViewCellValidatingEventHandler(DERCell_Validating); // first time, set the read-only sum/count vars for DERGRoup based // on the DER members group.Devices.ForEach(x => { deviceCount++; realPower += x.WattCapacity; reactivePower += x.VarCapacity; }); // editing for DER members, no edit on derived DER Group fields DERView.ReadOnly = false; DERGroupDeviceCountText.Enabled = false; DERGroupRealText.Enabled = false; DERGroupReactiveText.Enabled = false; // intialize readonly vars DERGroupDeviceCountText.Text = group.Devices.Count.ToString(); DERGroupReactiveText.Text = group.getVarCapacity().ToString(); DERGroupRealText.Text = group.getWattCapacity().ToString(); // if (_editDER == true) // DERView.CellValueChanged += new DataGridViewCellEventHandler(CellValue_Changed); }
protected override void ResortGrid(BindingSource bindingSource, DoubleBufferedDataGridView dataGrid, FrameType frameType) { dataGrid.DataSource = bindingSource; bindingSource.ResetBindings(false); }
private void ResortGrid(BindingSource bindingSource, DoubleBufferedDataGridView dataGrid, FrameType frameType) { switch (frameType) { case FrameType.EBredPID: var iframeComparer = new IFrameEEggPIDComparer {CompareType = "Frame"}; ((List<IFrameEEggPID>) bindingSource.DataSource).Sort(iframeComparer); EPIDFrame.HeaderCell.SortGlyphDirection = SortOrder.Ascending; break; } dataGrid.DataSource = bindingSource; bindingSource.ResetBindings(false); }
private void SeedToTime_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { dataGridViewValues.AutoGenerateColumns = false; dataGridViewAdjacents.AutoGenerateColumns = false; AdjacentSeed.DefaultCellStyle.Format = "X8"; ColumnCGearAdjust.DefaultCellStyle.Format = "X8"; textBoxSeed.Text = Seed.ToString("x"); maskedTextBoxYear.Text = Year.ToString(); // Grab our items from the registry RegistryKey registrySoftware = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software", true); if (registrySoftware != null) { RegistryKey registryRngReporter = registrySoftware.CreateSubKey("RNGReporter"); if (Settings.Default.LastVersion < MainForm.VersionNumber && registryRngReporter != null) { maskedTextBoxSeconds.Text = (string) registryRngReporter.GetValue("stt_seconds", "0"); checkBoxLockSeconds.Checked = false; if ((string) registryRngReporter.GetValue("stt_secondslocked", "0") == "1") { checkBoxLockSeconds.Checked = true; } maskedTextBoxMDelay.Text = (string) registryRngReporter.GetValue("stt_mdelay", "10"); maskedTextBoxPDelay.Text = (string) registryRngReporter.GetValue("stt_pdelay", "10"); maskedTextBoxMSecond.Text = (string) registryRngReporter.GetValue("stt_msecond", "1"); maskedTextBoxPSecond.Text = (string) registryRngReporter.GetValue("stt_psecond", "1"); } else { maskedTextBoxSeconds.Text = Settings.Default.sttSeconds; checkBoxLockSeconds.Checked = Settings.Default.sttSecondsLocked; maskedTextBoxMDelay.Text = Settings.Default.sttMDelay; maskedTextBoxPDelay.Text = Settings.Default.sttPDelay; maskedTextBoxMSecond.Text = Settings.Default.sttMSecond; maskedTextBoxPSecond.Text = Settings.Default.sttPSecond; } } //check and error otherwise if (Profiles.List != null || Profiles.List.Count > 0) { profilesSource = new BindingSource {DataSource = Profiles.List}; comboBoxProfiles.DataSource = profilesSource; profilesSource.ResetBindings(false); } SetHgSsItems(); if (AutoGenerate) { Generate(); } if (ShowMap) { HgSsRoamerSW.Window.Show(); } }
private void ResortGrid(BindingSource bindingSource, DoubleBufferedDataGridView dataGrid, FrameType frameType) { switch (frameType) { case FrameType.MethodJ: case FrameType.MethodK: var iframeCaptureComparer = new IFrameCaptureComparer {CompareType = "Seed"}; ((List<IFrameCapture>) bindingSource.DataSource).Sort(iframeCaptureComparer); CapSeed.HeaderCell.SortGlyphDirection = SortOrder.Ascending; break; } dataGrid.DataSource = bindingSource; bindingSource.ResetBindings(false); }
// Methods we'll use when we roll up the above functions private void UpdateGrid(BindingSource bindingSource) { bindingSource.ResetBindings(false); }
protected override void ResortGrid(BindingSource bindingSource, DoubleBufferedDataGridView dataGrid, FrameType frameType) { // note: there should be a safer way to do this switch (frameType) { case FrameType.Method1: case FrameType.Method2: case FrameType.Method4: dataGrid.Columns["Offset"].Visible = false; dataGrid.Columns["EncounterSlot"].Visible = false; break; case FrameType.MethodH1: case FrameType.MethodH2: case FrameType.MethodH4: dataGrid.Columns["Offset"].Visible = true; dataGrid.Columns["EncounterSlot"].Visible = true; break; } dataGrid.DataSource = bindingSource; bindingSource.ResetBindings(false); }