        /// <summary>
        /// Check if series is indexed. IsXValueIndexed flag is set or all X values are zeros.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="series">Data series to test.</param>
        /// <returns>True if series is indexed.</returns>
        static internal bool IndexedSeries(Series series)
            // X value indexed flag set
            if (series.IsXValueIndexed)

            if (Utilities.CustomPropertyRegistry.IsXAxisQuantitativeChartTypes.Contains(series.ChartType) &&
                string attribValue = series[Utilities.CustomPropertyName.IsXAxisQuantitative];
                if (String.Compare(attribValue, "True", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)

            // Check if series has all X values set to zero
 protected void RemoveCustomPropertyIfExists(Series series, string property) {
   if (series.IsCustomPropertySet(property)) series.DeleteCustomProperty(property);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a mini-chart in the data points of the original Point or Bubble chart.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chart">Chart object.</param>
        /// <param name="series">Original data series.</param>
        /// <param name="chartType">Mini-chart type.</param>
        public void CreateChartInSeriesPoints(Chart chart, Series series, string chartType)
            //** Check if series uses X values or they all set
            //** to zeros (in this case use point index as X value)
            bool	zeroXValues = true;
            foreach(DataPoint point in series.Points)
                if(point.XValue != 0.0)
                    zeroXValues = false;

            //** Calculate bubble scaling variables required to
            //** for the bubble size calculations.
            bool	bubbleChart = false;

            // Minimum/Maximum bubble size
            double	maxPossibleBubbleSize = 15F;
            double	minPossibleBubbleSize = 3F;
            float	maxBubleSize = 0f;
            float	minBubleSize = 0f;

            // Current min/max size of the bubble size
            double	minAll = double.MaxValue;
            double	maxAll = double.MinValue;

            // Bubble size difference value
            double	valueDiff = 0;
            double	valueScale = 1;

            // Check for the Bubble chart type
            if( series.ChartType == SeriesChartType.Bubble )
                bubbleChart = true;

                // Check if custom attributes are set to specify scale
                    minAll = Math.Min(minAll, Double.Parse(series["BubbleScaleMin"]));
                    maxAll = Math.Max(maxAll, Double.Parse(series["BubbleScaleMax"]));

                // Calculate bubble scale
                double	minSer = double.MaxValue;
                double	maxSer = double.MinValue;
                foreach( Series ser in chart.Series )
                    if( ser.ChartType == SeriesChartType.Bubble && ser.ChartArea == series.ChartArea )
                        foreach(DataPoint point in ser.Points)
                            minSer = Math.Min(minSer, point.YValues[1]);
                            maxSer = Math.Max(maxSer, point.YValues[1]);
                if(minAll == double.MaxValue)
                    minAll = minSer;
                if(maxAll == double.MinValue)
                    maxAll = maxSer;

                // Calculate maximum bubble size
                SizeF areaSize = chart.ChartAreas[series.ChartArea].Position.Size;

                // Convert relative coordinates to absolute coordinates
                areaSize.Width = areaSize.Width * (chart.Width - 1) / 100F;
                areaSize.Height = areaSize.Height * (chart.Height - 1) / 100F;
                maxBubleSize = (float)(Math.Min(areaSize.Width, areaSize.Height) / (100.0/maxPossibleBubbleSize));
                minBubleSize = (float)(Math.Min(areaSize.Width, areaSize.Height) / (100.0/minPossibleBubbleSize));

                // Calculate scaling variables depending on the Min/Max values
                if(maxAll == minAll)
                    valueScale = 1;
                    valueDiff = minAll - (maxBubleSize - minBubleSize)/2f;
                    valueScale = (maxBubleSize - minBubleSize) / (maxAll - minAll);
                    valueDiff = minAll;

            //** Create chart area for each data point
            int	pointIndex = 0;
            Random	random = new Random();
            foreach(DataPoint point in series.Points)
                //** Create chart area and set visual attributes
                ChartArea areaPoint = chart.ChartAreas.Add(series.Name + "_" + pointIndex.ToString());
                areaPoint.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
                areaPoint.BorderWidth = 0;
                areaPoint.AxisX.LineWidth = 0;
                areaPoint.AxisY.LineWidth = 0;
                areaPoint.AxisX.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
                areaPoint.AxisX.MajorTickMark.Enabled = false;
                areaPoint.AxisX.LabelStyle.Enabled = false;
                areaPoint.AxisY.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
                areaPoint.AxisY.MajorTickMark.Enabled = false;
                areaPoint.AxisY.LabelStyle.Enabled = false;

                //** Create data series in the chart area
                Series seriesPoint = chart.Series.Add(series.Name + "_" + pointIndex.ToString());
                seriesPoint.ChartArea = areaPoint.Name;
                seriesPoint.ChartType = (SeriesChartType) Enum.Parse( typeof(SeriesChartType), chartType, true );
                seriesPoint.IsVisibleInLegend = false;
                seriesPoint.BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(64,64,64);
                seriesPoint.ShadowOffset = 2;
                seriesPoint.Palette = ChartColorPalette.Pastel;

                //** Populate data series.
                //** TODO: For this sample each series is populated
                //** with random data. Do your own series population
                //** here.
                for(int sliceIndex = 0; sliceIndex < 5; sliceIndex++)

                //** Set chart area position and inner plot position

                // Set chart area inner plot position
                areaPoint.InnerPlotPosition = new ElementPosition(3, 3, 94, 94);

                // Position chart area over the data point
                PointF position = PointF.Empty;
                position.X = (float)chart.ChartAreas[series.ChartArea].AxisX.GetPosition(zeroXValues ? (pointIndex + 1) : point.XValue);
                position.Y = (float)chart.ChartAreas[series.ChartArea].AxisY.GetPosition(point.YValues[0]);

                float pieSize = (point.MarkerSize < 15) ? 15 : point.MarkerSize;;
                    pieSize = (float)((point.YValues[1] - valueDiff) * valueScale) + minBubleSize;
                pieSize = pieSize * 100F / ((float)(chart.Width - 1));
                areaPoint.Position = new ElementPosition(position.X - pieSize/2f, position.Y - pieSize/2f, pieSize, pieSize);

                // Increase point index