public EditDrinksPage() { InitializeComponent(); DataContext = App.ViewModel; Drink TapToAdd = new Drink() { Name = "Tap to add a drink", Size = 0, mg = 0, drinkId = 1, IsActive = false }; Drink AddedDrinks = new Drink() { Name = "------ Added Drinks ------", Size = 0, mg = 0 }; var drinkList = new List<Drink>(App.ViewModel.drinkList); int i; for (i = 0; i < drinkList.Count; i++) { if ((drinkList[i] as Drink).Name == "Tap to add a drink") { var drink = (drinkList[i] as Drink); if (drinkList.Contains(drink)) drinkList.Remove(drink); } else if ((drinkList[i] as Drink).Name == "------ Added Drinks ------") { var drink = (drinkList[i] as Drink); if (drinkList.Contains(drink)) drinkList.Remove(drink); } } drinkList.Remove(TapToAdd); if (drinkList.Contains(AddedDrinks)) drinkList.Remove(AddedDrinks); drinksListBox.ItemsSource = drinkList; }
private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { t = Utils.Utils.GetTscDataByApplicationCurrentProperties(); if (t == null) { return; } //t.ListPlan; List<Schedule> ls = t.ListSchedule; List<int> li = new List<int>(); foreach (Schedule s in ls) { if (!li.Contains(s.ucId) && s.ucId != 0) li.Add(s.ucId); } cbxScheduleId.ItemsSource = li; List<Plan> lp = t.ListPlan; foreach (Plan p in lp) { if (p.ucId >= 1 && p.ucId <= 20) { sldPlanId.Value = p.ucId; cbxScheduleId.SelectedItem = Convert.ToInt32(p.ucScheduleId); ushort month = p.usMonthFlag; uint day = p.ulDayFlag; DateTime datetime = DateTime.Now; //for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) //{ // if (((month >> i) & 0x01) == 0x01) // { // for (int j = 1; j <= 31; j++) // { // if (((day >> j) & 0x01) == 0x01) // { // try // { // calendar.SelectedDates.Add(new DateTime(datetime.Year, i, j)); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // continue; // } // } // } // } //} //break; } } } catch(Exception ex ) { } }
private void ComboBox_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List<string> maat = new List<string>(); try { //maat comboboxiin, ei lisätä duplikaatteja foreach (XElement maa in xe.Descendants("maa")) { if (!maat.Contains(maa.Value)) { maat.Add(maa.Value); } } // ... Get the ComboBox reference. var comboBoxMaa = sender as ComboBox; // ... Assign the ItemsSource to the List. comboBoxMaa.ItemsSource = maat; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void convert(int i) { List<int> listy = new List<int>(); int t = 0; while (t < i) { int a = f(); if (listy.Contains(a)) { a = f(); listy.Add(a); } else { listy.Add(a); } t++; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (int list in listy) { builder.Append(list).Append(" "); } string result = builder.ToString(); label.Content = result; }
private void InitMyStuff() { try { cities = new List<string>(); /*cities.Add("Jyväskylä"); cities.Add("Helsinki"); cities.Add("New York");*/ string kaupunki = ""; foreach (DataRow item in table.Rows) { kaupunki = item[3].ToString(); if (!cities.Contains(kaupunki)) { cities.Add(kaupunki); } } // VE3 LINQ:lla voi tehdä kyselyn tyypitettyyn datatableen, huom ei kaikille datatablella // var result = (from c in table select c.City).Distinct(); // databindaus cbCities.ItemsSource = cities; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public string CreateMeasurementsJson(string fileName, string resourceid) { XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(fileName); var str = new StringBuilder(); var res2 = (from measure in doc.Root.Elements("resource").Elements("measurements").Elements("measurement") where measure.Attribute("resource_id").Value.Equals(resourceid, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) select measure).ToList(); str.Append("["); var elemsList = new List<string>(); foreach (var el in res2) { var basicInfo = new List<string> { "resource_id", "resource_name", "measurement_id", "measurement_time" }; var tmp = new StringBuilder(); tmp.Append("{"); tmp.Append(string.Format("\"{0}\":\"{1}\"", "measurement_id", el.Attribute("measurement_id").Value)); tmp.Append(","); tmp.Append(string.Join(",", (from att in el.Attributes() where !basicInfo.Contains(att.Name.ToString()) select string.Format("\"{0}\":\"{1}\"", "measurement_name", att.Name)).ToArray())); tmp.Append("}"); elemsList.Add(tmp.ToString()); } str.Append(string.Join(",", elemsList)); str.Append("]"); return (!str.ToString().Equals("[]")) ? str.ToString() : string.Empty; }
private void IniMyStuff() { cities = new List<string>(); //cities.Add("Jyväskylä"); //cities.Add("Helsinki"); //cities.Add("New York"); // VE2 käydään loopilla DataTable läpi string kaupunki = ""; foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows) { kaupunki = item[3].ToString(); if (!cities.Contains(kaupunki)) { cities.Add(kaupunki); } } // VE3 LINQ:lla voi tehdä kyselyn tyypitettyyn DataTableen, huom ei kaikille DataTableille // joten ei toimi tässä // databindaus // var result = (from c in dt select c.City).Distinct(); // databindaus cbCities.ItemsSource = cities; }
private void HaeMaat() { List<string> maalista = new List<string>(); // Loading from a file, you can also load from a stream // Z:\Github\IIO13200_NET_15S\Tehtävä4\Viinit1.xml var xml = XDocument.Load(@"Z:\Github\IIO13200_NET_15S\Tehtävä4\Viinit1.xml"); var result = from r in xml.Descendants("wine") select new { Maa = r.Element("maa").Value }; foreach (var r in result) { string uusi = r.Maa; if (!maalista.Contains(uusi)) { maalista.Add(uusi); } } cbMaat.ItemsSource = maalista; cbMaat.SelectedIndex = 0; }
private void IniMyStuff() { // Asetetaan kaupunkien nimet ComboBoxiin. cities = new List<string>(); // VE1 kaupungin nimet "kovakoodattuna". //cities.Add("Jyväskylä"); //cities.Add("Helsinki"); //cities.Add("New York"); // VE2 käydään loopittamalla DataTable läpi. string kaupunki = ""; foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows) { kaupunki = item[3].ToString(); // Lisätään kaupunki vain kerran listaan. if(!cities.Contains(kaupunki)) cities.Add(item[3].ToString()); } // VE3 LINQ:lla voi tehdä kyselyn tyypitettyyn DataTableen, huom. ei kaikille DataTableille. // var result = (from c in dt select c.City).Distinct(); // Databindaus. cbCities.ItemsSource = cities; }
private bool CheckRoomFree() { bool check = false; ClassSchedule = new List<string>(); ClassSchedule = database.getAllweekPlan(); tempSplitArray = new string[6]; roomClassSetup.Clear(); List<string> tempList = new List<string>(); foreach (var item in ClassSchedule) { tempSplitArray = item.Split(';'); if (!roomClassSetup.Contains(tempSplitArray[3])) roomClassSetup.Add(tempSplitArray[3]); if (dayOfWeekID.ToString() == tempSplitArray[0] && periodID.ToString() == tempSplitArray[1]) { if (tempSplitArray[3] != null && !tempList.Contains(tempSplitArray[3])) { tempList.Add(tempSplitArray[3]); check = true; } } } roomClassSetup = roomClassSetup.Except(tempList).ToList(); return check; }
private void AllProductProvinceGroupings_Loaded(LoadOperation<ProductProvinceGrouping> result) { List<int> alreadySetProducts = new List<int>(); if (Utils.LoadOperation_Error_Handled(result.Error, "SmartMap")) foreach (ProductProvinceGrouping ppg in result.Entities) alreadySetProducts.Add(ppg.ProductMapID); List<string> productNames = new List<string>(); foreach (ProductMap pm in DBUtils.GetAllProducts()) { if (productNames.Contains(pm.CD_BrandDIName) || pm.CD_BrandDIName == null || pm.CD_BrandDIName.Trim() == "") continue; productNames.Add(pm.CD_BrandDIName); SolidColorBrush foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); if (alreadySetProducts.Contains(pm.ProductMapID)) foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray); if (_selectedProductMapIds != null && _selectedProductMapIds.Contains(pm.ProductMapID)) SelectedProductsList.Items.Add(new ListBoxItem() { Content = pm.CD_BrandDIName, Tag = pm.ProductMapID, Foreground = foreground }); else ProductsList.Items.Add(new ListBoxItem() { Content = pm.CD_BrandDIName, Tag = pm.ProductMapID, Foreground = foreground }); } if (ProductsLoading != null) ProductsLoading.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; else _hideLoading = true; }
private void ProvincesList_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ProvincesList = (sender as ListBox); List<string> names = new List<string>(); foreach (RegionMap rm in DBUtils.GetAllDatRegions()) { if (!Utils.String_Trim_ToLower_Equals(rm.GroupName, C.PROVINCE_DB_REGIONGROUP)) continue; if (_groupRegionMapIds != null) { bool var = false; foreach (ProvinceGroupRegionMap pgrm in _groupRegionMapIds) if (pgrm.RegionMapID == rm.RegionMapID) { var = true; break; } if (var) continue; } if (names.Contains(rm.DAT_EnREGIONNAME.Trim().ToLower())) continue; names.Add(rm.DAT_EnREGIONNAME.Trim().ToLower()); ProvincesList.Items.Add(rm); } if (_groups != null) { } }
public Behaviors(World world) { = world; BehaviorList = new Dictionary<int, string>(); ranGen = new Random(); moveMod = 1; turnMod = 0.04; energyMod = 0.5; blacklistMethods = new List<String>(); createMethodBlacklist(); int index = 0; //Constructing the dictionary of possible actions foreach (var method in GetType().GetMethods()) { //Ignore operations that aren't related to an organism. if (!blacklistMethods.Contains(method.Name)) { BehaviorList.Add(index, method.Name); index++; } } }
private void IniMyStuff() { //asetetaan kaupunkien nimet ComboBoxiin cities = new List<string>(); //VE1 kaupungin nimet "kovakoodattu" //cities.Add("Jyväskylä"); //cities.Add("Helsinki"); //cities.Add("New York"); //VE2 käydään loopittamalla DataTable läpi string kaupunki = ""; foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows) { kaupunki = item["City"].ToString(); //tai kaupunki = item[3].ToString(); //lisätään kukin kaupunki vain kerran listaan if (!cities.Contains(kaupunki)) cities.Add(kaupunki); } //VE3 LINQ:lla voi tehdä kyselyn tyypitettyyn DataTableen, huom ei kaikille DataTablella //joten ei toimi tässä //var result = (from c in dt // select c.City).Distinct(); //databindaus cbCities.ItemsSource = cities; }
public int[] Started() { List<int> ar; List<int> buf_ar; do { ar = new List<int>(); Random rand = new Random(); int buf = rand.Next(0, 16); buf_ar = new List<int>(new int[16] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 }); while (buf_ar.Count != 0) { if (!buf_ar.Contains(buf)) { buf = rand.Next(0, 16); } else { ar.Add(buf); buf_ar.Remove(buf); } } } while (!IDA.DoHaveResolve(ar.ToArray())); return ar.ToArray(); }
public void Test() { Thread t = new Thread(() => { List<int> nums = new List<int>(); Random random = new Random(); int num = -1; string[] colorStr = new string[] { "0","1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f" }; for (int i = 0; i < DownloadViewModel.GetInstance().PointCount; i++) { while (num == -1 || nums.Contains(num)) { num = random.Next(0, DownloadViewModel.GetInstance().PointCount); } string color = "#"; for (int n = 0; n < 6; n++) { color += colorStr[random.Next(0, colorStr.Count())]; } DownloadViewModel.GetInstance().UpdatePointByIndex(num, color); Thread.Sleep(50); nums.Add(num); } }); t.IsBackground = true; t.Start(); }
internal void SetModeInvestigationView() { var hiddenColumns = new List<string> {"When", "Total Credit", "My Profit", "My Profit %", "Sell Price", "Station"}; foreach (var dataGridColumn in dataGridTransactions.Columns) { if(hiddenColumns.Contains((string)dataGridColumn.Header)) dataGridColumn.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } }
private void AddToSearchHistory(ref List<string> history, string newSearch) { if (history.Contains(newSearch)) history.Remove(newSearch); if (history.Count == 100) history.RemoveAt(99); history.Insert(0, newSearch); }
protected override void OnInitialized(EventArgs e) { base.OnInitialized(e); // Query the registry to find out where sample photos are stored. const string shellKey = @"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\Shell Folders"; string imagesPath = (string)Microsoft.Win32.Registry.GetValue(shellKey, "CommonPictures", null) + @"\Sample Pictures"; try { // Get a list of all .jpg files. string[] imageNames = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(imagesPath, "*.jpg"); // Make sure that there are some images to select. if (imageNames.Length > 0) { Random randomIndex = new Random(); // This list tracks which images have been added to buttons // so that no two buttons have the same image. List<int> selected = new List<int>(); foreach (UIElement element in MainGrid.Children) { SurfaceButton button = element as SurfaceButton; if (button != null) { // Track the number of tries. // This item is to prevent an endless loop if there // are fewer images to choose from than buttons. int tryCount = 0; int index = randomIndex.Next(imageNames.Length); while (selected.Contains(index) && tryCount < 8) { index = randomIndex.Next(imageNames.Length); tryCount++; } // Create the image and assign it to the button content. BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri(imageNames[index])); Image image = new Image(); image.Source = bitmap; button.Content = image; // Track that this index has been used. selected.Add(index); } } } } catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException) { // Handle exceptions as needed. } }
public LogTypeSelection(List<Core.Data.LogType> available, List<Core.Data.LogType> selection) { InitializeComponent(); _availableTypes = new ObservableCollection<CheckedListItem<Core.Data.LogType>>(); foreach (var c in available) { _availableTypes.Add(new CheckedListItem<Core.Data.LogType>(c, selection != null && selection.Contains(c))); } DataContext = this; }
private bool isKeyOk(Key key) { List<Key> keys = new List<Key>(); if (forbiddenKeys.Contains(key)) return false; if (state != "Up") keys.Add(Profiles.Current.KeyUp); if (state != "Left") keys.Add(Profiles.Current.KeyLeft); if (state != "Right") keys.Add(Profiles.Current.KeyRight); if (state != "Stop") keys.Add(Profiles.Current.KeyStop); return !keys.Contains(key); }
public GeocacheContainerSelection(List<Core.Data.GeocacheContainer> available, List<Core.Data.GeocacheContainer> selection) { InitializeComponent(); _availableTypes = new List<CheckedListItem<Core.Data.GeocacheContainer>>(); foreach (var c in available) { _availableTypes.Add(new CheckedListItem<Core.Data.GeocacheContainer>(c, selection != null && selection.Contains(c))); } DataContext = this; }
private void ButtonImport_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List<int> SelectedGroups = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < AvailableGroups.Count; i++) { foreach (var selectedItem in ListGroups.SelectedItems) if ((string)selectedItem == AvailableGroups[i]) SelectedGroups.Add(i); } using (Stream SessionStream = File.OpenRead(SessionPath)) { XPathDocument Doc = new XPathDocument(SessionStream); XPathNavigator Reader = Doc.CreateNavigator(); Reader.MoveToRoot(); int iGroup = 0; foreach (XPathNavigator groupNav in Reader.Select("//PointGroups/Group")) { if (SelectedGroups.Contains(iGroup)) { PointGroup NewGroup = new PointGroup { Name = XMLHelper.LoadAttribute(groupNav, "Name", "Group " + (MainWindow.Options.Membrane.PointGroups.Count + 1)), Size = XMLHelper.LoadAttribute(groupNav, "Size", 10), Color = ColorHelper.LoadAttribute(groupNav, "Color", ColorHelper.SpectrumColor(MainWindow.Options.Membrane.PointGroups.Count, 0.3f)) }; NewGroup.PointCloud.GLContext = MainWindow.Options.Viewport.GetControl(); foreach (XPathNavigator pointNav in groupNav.SelectChildren("Point", "")) { int TriangleID = XMLHelper.LoadAttribute(pointNav, "ID", 0); SurfacePoint NewPoint = new SurfacePoint(OpenGLHelper.LoadAttribute(pointNav, "Position", new Vector3(0)), MainWindow.Options.Membrane.SurfaceMesh.Triangles[TriangleID < MainWindow.Options.Membrane.SurfaceMesh.Triangles.Count ? TriangleID : 0], OpenGLHelper.LoadAttribute(pointNav, "Barycentric", new Vector3(0)), XMLHelper.LoadAttribute(pointNav, "Offset", 0f), OpenGLHelper.LoadAttribute(pointNav, "Orientation", new Vector3(0)).X); NewGroup.Points.Add(NewPoint); } MainWindow.Options.Membrane.PointGroups.Add(NewGroup); NewGroup.IsVisible = XMLHelper.LoadAttribute(groupNav, "IsVisible", true); } iGroup++; } } if (SelectedGroups.Count > 0) MainWindow.Options.Viewport.Redraw(); Close(); }
public SelectMediaTypeForm(List<MediaType> mediaTypes) { InitializeComponent(); // Display the provided media types foreach (MediaType item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(MediaType))) if (mediaTypes.Contains(item)) this.cbMediaType.Items.Add(item); if (this.cbMediaType.Items.Count > 0) this.cbMediaType.SelectedIndex = 0; }
// Constructor public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); this.Loaded += delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (runUnitTests) { UnitTestSettings settings = UnitTestSystem.CreateDefaultSettings(); if (null != Deployment.Current) { var parts = Deployment.Current.Parts; var assembliesToLoad = new List<string> { "UnitTest_S3", "UnitTest_SimpleDB", "UnitTest_SQS" }; //ADD THE NAME OF THE ASSEMBLY TO TEST HERE AND LOAD IT. int count = 0; //Clear all the test-assemblies. settings.TestAssemblies.Clear(); //Algorithm. //0.NOTE: ADD THE NAME OF THE ASSEMBLIES TO TEST MANUALLY. //1.Assembly.Load() cannot load assemblies as it would do in a normal .NET applications. //Hence, the only way to do is to make a explicit reference to them from this main executing assembly(.exe, a Windows Phone Application). //Reason, to enable loading assemblies dynamically, they need to be signed by Windows Market. //2. Specify the assemblies that need to be tested explicitly to the testing runtime=> UnitTestSettings.TestAssemblies() method. foreach (var part in parts) { var assemblyName = part.Source.Replace(".dll", string.Empty); if (!assembliesToLoad.Contains(assemblyName)) continue; var assembly = Assembly.Load(assemblyName); count++; settings.TestAssemblies.Add(assembly); if (count >= assembliesToLoad.Count) break; } UserControl content = UnitTestSystem.CreateTestPage(settings) as UserControl; (Application.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame).Content = content; (Application.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame).Padding = new Thickness(-50); IMobileTestPage imtp = (Application.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame).Content as IMobileTestPage; if (imtp != null) { BackKeyPress += (x, xe) => xe.Cancel = imtp.NavigateBack(); } } } }; }
/// <summary> /// Returns the list of unique source ui-elements from the specified touch points /// </summary> /// <param name="self"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static List<UIElement> GetUIElements(this List<TouchPoint2> self) { List<UIElement> list = new List<UIElement>(); foreach (var touchPoint in self) { if (!list.Contains(touchPoint.Source)) { list.Add(touchPoint.Source); } } return list; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="active">whether or not the effects are active</param> /// <param name="effects">effect list</param> public AttributeSet(string prefix, List<IEffect> effects) { // Get which effects to use aliases for List<String> keys = new List<String>(); List<String> ids = new List<String>(); foreach (IEffect effect in effects) { string id = effect.GetKey() + ";" + effect.GetTarget(); if (ids.Contains(id)) continue; else ids.Add(id); if (keys.Contains(effect.GetKey())) { aliasedKeys.Add(effect.GetKey()); } else keys.Add(effect.GetKey()); } // Get the list of attributes List<Attribute> unaliased = new List<Attribute>(); keys.Clear(); foreach (IEffect effect in effects) { effect.GetAttributes(unaliased); // Apply prefixes and aliases foreach (Attribute attribute in unaliased) { string key = attribute.Key; if (aliasedKeys.Contains(effect.GetKey())) { key = effect.GetTarget() + " " + key; } key = prefix + key; // Prevent duplicates if (keys.Contains(key)) continue; else keys.Add(key); attributes.Add(new Attribute(key, attribute.Initial, attribute.Scale)); } unaliased.Clear(); } }
private void Login_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string s = ""; //string fn = @"C:\Windows\Temp\user.txt"; string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); string file = path + @"account.txt"; List<string> user = new List<string>(); List<string> pass = new List<string>(); try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file, true)) { while (sr.EndOfStream == false) { s = sr.ReadLine(); string[] ss = s.Split(','); user.Add(ss[0]); pass.Add(ss[1]); } } } catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException ex) { File.Create(file); } if(user.Contains(Username.Text)) { for (int i = 0; i < user.Count; i++) { if (Username.Text == user.ElementAt(i)) { if (Password.Text == pass.ElementAt(i)) { this.Hide(); Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Login Successful"); this.Show(); } else { MessageBlock.Text = "Sorry wrong Password"; } } } } else { MessageBlock.Text = "Sorry wrong Username"; } }
public NewRelationWindow(List<int> instrumentIds,string code, Action<AdjustRelationViewModel> editSuccess) { InitializeComponent(); this.SourceInstrument.ItemsSource = VmQuotationManager.Instance.Instruments; this._AddNewSuccess = editSuccess; this.RelationCode.Text = code; foreach (VmInstrument item in VmQuotationManager.Instance.Instruments) { if (instrumentIds.Contains(item.Id)) { this.SourceInstrument.SelectedItems.Add(item); } } }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e) { base.OnNavigatedTo(e); newItem = GlobalVars.item; GlobalVars.item = null; Item item = Database_Functions.GetItem(newItem.Item_ID); this.item_name.Text = item.Title; this.textBlock_description.Text = item.Description; textBlock_total.Text = Database_Functions.GetItemCost(item.ID).ToString("c"); IList<Transaction> transactions = Database_Functions.GetItemTransactions(item.ID); IList<TextBlock> names = new List<TextBlock>(); IList<TextBlock> amounts = new List<TextBlock>(); IList<string> names_only = new List<string>(); IList<Decimal> amounts_only = new List<Decimal>(); int index = -1; foreach (Transaction t in transactions) { TextBlock name = new TextBlock(); name.FontSize = 20; name.Margin = new Thickness(9, 64, 0, 0); name.Text = Database_Functions.GetMember((int)t.MemberID).Name; TextBlock amount = new TextBlock(); amount.FontSize = 28; amount.Margin = new Thickness(9, 0, 0, 0); amounts_only.Add(t.Amount); if (t.Amount < 0) amount.Text = "-" + (t.Amount * -1).ToString("c"); else amount.Text = t.Amount.ToString("c"); if (!names_only.Contains(name.Text)) { names_only.Add(name.Text); names.Add(name); ContentPanel.Children.Add(name); amounts.Add(amount); ContentPanel.Children.Add(amount); } else { index = names_only.IndexOf(name.Text); Decimal temp = amounts_only[index] + t.Amount; if (temp < 0) amounts[index].Text = "-" + (temp * -1).ToString("c"); else amounts[index].Text = temp.ToString("c"); } } }