文件: GridTestAuto.cs 项目: dfr0/moon
		public void ExpandStarsInBorder ()
			MyGrid grid = CreateGridWithChildren ();
			var parent = new Border ();
			parent.Child = grid;

			TestPanel.Width = 75;
			TestPanel.Height = 75;

			CreateAsyncTest (parent,
				() => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#1", 12, 25, 38);

					grid.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
					grid.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
					parent.InvalidateSubtree ();
				}, () => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#2", 12, 15, 15);
					grid.Width = 50;
					grid.Height = 50;
					parent.InvalidateSubtree ();
				}, () => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#3", 8, 17, 25);

					grid.ClearValue (Grid.HorizontalAlignmentProperty);
					grid.ClearValue (Grid.VerticalAlignmentProperty);
					parent.InvalidateSubtree ();
				}, () => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#4", 8, 17, 25);
文件: GridTestAuto.cs 项目: dfr0/moon
		public void ExpandInArrange_OutsideTree_BorderParent_FixedSize ()
			// We always expand star rows if we're not in the live tree
			var parent = new Border ();

			// Measure with infinity and check results.
			MyGrid grid = new MyGrid { Width = 200, Height = 200 };
			grid.AddRows (Star);
			grid.AddColumns (Star);
			grid.AddChild (ContentControlWithChild (), 0, 0, 1, 1);

			parent.Child = grid;
			parent.InvalidateSubtree ();

			parent.Measure (Infinity);
			grid.CheckMeasureArgs ("#1", new Size (200, 200));
			grid.CheckMeasureResult ("#2", new Size (50, 50));
			Assert.AreEqual (new Size (200, 200), grid.DesiredSize, "#3");

			// When we pass in the desired size as the arrange arg,
			// the rows/cols use that as their height/width
			parent.Arrange (new Rect (0, 0, 1000, 10000));
			grid.CheckArrangeArgs ("#4", grid.DesiredSize);
			grid.CheckArrangeResult ("#5", grid.DesiredSize);
			grid.CheckRowHeights ("#6", grid.DesiredSize.Height);
			grid.CheckColWidths ("#7", grid.DesiredSize.Width);

			// If we pass in twice the desired size, the rows/cols consume that too
			grid.Reset ();
			parent.Arrange (new Rect (0, 0, 5, 5));
			grid.CheckMeasureArgs ("#8"); // No re-measuring
			grid.CheckArrangeArgs ("#9"); // No re-arranging
			grid.CheckArrangeResult ("#10");
			grid.CheckRowHeights ("#11", 200);
			grid.CheckColWidths ("#12", 200);

			// If we measure with a finite size, the rows/cols still expand
			// to consume the available space
			grid.Reset ();
			parent.InvalidateSubtree ();
			parent.Measure (new Size (1000, 1000));
			grid.CheckMeasureArgs ("#13", new Size (200, 200));
			grid.CheckMeasureResult ("#14", new Size (50, 50));
			Assert.AreEqual (new Size (200, 200), grid.DesiredSize, "#15");

			// When we pass in the desired size as the arrange arg,
			// the rows/cols use that as their height/width
			parent.Arrange (new Rect (0, 0, grid.DesiredSize.Width, grid.DesiredSize.Height));
			grid.CheckArrangeArgs ("#16", grid.DesiredSize);
			grid.CheckArrangeResult ("#17", grid.DesiredSize);
			grid.CheckRowHeights ("#18", grid.DesiredSize.Height);
			grid.CheckColWidths ("#19", grid.DesiredSize.Width);