private SoapServerMessage Invoke(HttpContext ctx, SoapServerMessage requestMessage)
            SoapMethodStubInfo methodInfo = requestMessage.MethodStubInfo;

            // Assign header values to web service members

            requestMessage.UpdateHeaderValues(requestMessage.Server, methodInfo.Headers);

            // Fill an array with the input parameters at the right position

            object[]        parameters = new object[methodInfo.MethodInfo.Parameters.Length];
            ParameterInfo[] inParams   = methodInfo.MethodInfo.InParameters;
            for (int n = 0; n < inParams.Length; n++)
                parameters [inParams[n].Position] = requestMessage.InParameters [n];

            // Invoke the method

                object[] results = methodInfo.MethodInfo.Invoke(requestMessage.Server, parameters);
                requestMessage.OutParameters = results;
            catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
                throw ex.InnerException;

            // Check that headers with MustUnderstand flag have been understood

            foreach (SoapHeader header in requestMessage.Headers)
                if (header.MustUnderstand && !header.DidUnderstand)
                    throw new SoapHeaderException("Header not understood: " + header.GetType(), WebServiceHelper.MustUnderstandFaultCode(requestMessage.IsSoap12));

            // Collect headers that must be sent to the client
            requestMessage.CollectHeaders(requestMessage.Server, methodInfo.Headers, SoapHeaderDirection.Out);

		private SoapServerMessage Invoke (HttpContext ctx, SoapServerMessage requestMessage)
			SoapMethodStubInfo methodInfo = requestMessage.MethodStubInfo;

			// Assign header values to web service members

			requestMessage.UpdateHeaderValues (requestMessage.Server, methodInfo.Headers);

			// Fill an array with the input parameters at the right position

			object[] parameters = new object[methodInfo.MethodInfo.Parameters.Length];
			ParameterInfo[] inParams = methodInfo.MethodInfo.InParameters;
			for (int n=0; n<inParams.Length; n++)
				parameters [inParams[n].Position] = requestMessage.InParameters [n];

			// Invoke the method

				object[] results = methodInfo.MethodInfo.Invoke (requestMessage.Server, parameters);
				requestMessage.OutParameters = results;
			catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
				throw ex.InnerException;

			// Check that headers with MustUnderstand flag have been understood
			foreach (SoapHeader header in requestMessage.Headers)
				if (header.MustUnderstand && !header.DidUnderstand)
					throw new SoapHeaderException ("Header not understood: " + header.GetType(), SoapException.MustUnderstandFaultCode);

			// Collect headers that must be sent to the client
			requestMessage.CollectHeaders (requestMessage.Server, methodInfo.Headers, SoapHeaderDirection.Out);

			return requestMessage;